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  1. 2

    need advice and opinion in regards of black magick please

    thanks for your response friend , I've unfortunately dwelled upon it a bit slightly on and off, does that completely fuck off my workings? even thinking about it the slightest bit.i hope not, but if soo ill  restart ... .. peace and divine blessings be with you!   Hail Satan!
  2. 2

    need advice and opinion in regards of black magick please

    I apologies , for I am extremely ancy, and want this accomplished as instant as possible, would truly be lovely..  am I right when I figure it has to do with how much time and energy I manifest and phocus towards the death. correct me if im wrong please. let me know please if if im following the...
  3. 2

    need advice and opinion in regards of black magick please

    I need a honest opinion from a fellow dedicated Satanist in regards of wich method would be the quickest and most instant , in cursing somebody's whom is my enemy's death...I performed a death spell with the self made poppet and photo of face on the head of puppet that turned out looking pretty...
  4. 2

    Is this true? Brothers and sisters?

    In general it's a horrible fucking name , it's like the name fucking Christian but worse . So fucken what if a couple of people have been pitifully named that.. Fuck Jesus! HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!
  5. 2

    Is this true? Brothers and sisters?

    Well fuck them all!! :/
  6. 2

    Is this true? Brothers and sisters?

    That is a fucking dirty kike name . And a name of a filth vile skum false prophet . Destruction and death to the Christ illusion and its thought forms and puppet masters ! Hail FATHER SATAN!!!!! Hail Hells ARMY!!!!!!!!! <<< 666
  7. 2

    wierd problem...

    Your not the only one.. Thanks forshareing.. Cause I can relate a ton! I thought It was do to me being a horney bastard. And the stimulation of my kundalini... Stay strong Conrad!! and go find yourself a bad chick to hold you down sum..
  8. 2

    Best material for black magic Mala?

     im aware of useing specific colored candles during ritual workings to amplify the energys power.. but for now i hav no candles
  9. 2

    Ouija Boards

      The s[/IMG]</var>. ---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote: might i please ask what are the simbols of the attachment and where i could find their meaning?
  10. 2

    Best material for black magic Mala?

      [/IMG]</var>KEEP IT UP It really dosnt matter. What's important is your spiritual power, this is what will make the difference in your magick. As well as timing with the planets. However you can look through the Herbs page of the JoS, in either the Meditations or Satanic Witchraft section...
  11. 2

    Youtube seriously attacking SS and nature Survival channels

      Thanks for share[/IMG]</var>
  12. 2

    Very very Important !! november 13th and 14th blackout!

    thanks brotheren! Thank you all whom are open minded and are aware! peace and love family! !  
  13. 2

    Very very Important !! november 13th and 14th blackout!

    For me the Destruction working, spiritual warfare by all meens is a Daily Priority, vibrating each rune 109 or more times each,  as far as all this crazy bullshit that is happening, i am sharing in regards of individuals whom may not no wtf is going on. Im shareing so that individuals may be...
  14. 2

    Hail Father Satan!

     an easy and effective way to help you keep track of how many times you vibrate the runes each, wich i recomend to every one whom is performing the destruction working. write out on a peice of paper.. [doesnt have to be very big at all]  write the numbers 1 all the way to- 109 or even more for...
  15. 2

    Very very Important !! november 13th and 14th blackout!

    im in a huge hurry and did not have time to include more detail, and information, my bad... i must go..  BLessings to all!! Peace and Love!!!   
  16. 2

    Ouija Boards

    originally i was going to use the regular common color that is found on the background of the hasbro sold ouiji boards. but i ended up getting very very creative with color....  i hope yall like it. and i hope i did a decent job.. ; ]  unfortunately also the camera that i used to take a picture...
  17. 2

    Very very Important !! november 13th and 14th blackout!

    all apologies magus for ive been unable to use the internet for  periods of time to respond ..  here are some links that ive stumbled across. one of them is through the blasphemous jackass aleks jones... he is a idiot, but he does report oppressed information that is going on behind the scenes...
  18. 2

    Ouija Boards

    Attachments : <ol>Pride.png</ol> Hail Hells ARMY!! DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES !!!
  19. 2

    Comet ison

     stay tuned comrad, ill shall be shareing more. i recomend you too look this up. also a reliable informative rescource - please checkout.. - Unscensoredtv.net- also if able i recomend to everyone share and  spread this resource, the more people who learn the truth the better , for the sake of...
  20. 2

    The working today was interesting. I have a question.

    Keep up the good work! as shall i . Death to our enemies!!  
  21. 2

    Parakeet died

    im sorry to hear for your losses.. the enemy are cowards, and pick on those most vulnerable. may your pets be avenged.. ! Death to OUR ENEMIES CURSE they're souls relentlessly 
  22. 2

    Comet ison

    Write a message... has any body heard about this..? this is huge! aparently there is going to be a comet that is going to pass through our solar system Passing right by our planet, come november its going to be visible in the sky, its 10times brighter than the  sun. theres infromation out there...
  23. 2

    Comet ison

      has any body heard about this..? this is huge! aparently there is going to be a comet that is going to pass through our solar system Passing right by our planet, come november its going to be visible in the sky, its 10times brighter than the  sun. theres infromation out there to support that...
  24. 2

    Very very Important !! november 13th and 14th blackout!

    this is in regards to a very important warning to all my fellow brothers and sisters in satan, ive done in depth research from reliable rescources of information and  inteligences recently and have been meaning to share a few things  with every one in theses groups. basicly  this comeing...
  25. 2


    i need important help from a fellow brotheren or sister that may hav the chronos planetary time downloaded already, for i do not possess my own computer to download the app. if one may be able to assist me it would be truthly apreciated. i need to know for certain the specific hours of mars and...
  26. 2

    An easy addition to the Ritual

     i was curious and wanted 2 ask if adding a fourth rune to the working would be reasonable to add more power.. like the rune Tiwaz or another rune.?
  27. 2

    90 Day Destruction Working Results! Jewish Kabbalah Leader DEAD

    absolutley good to know. May our united  Manifestated energy ,render our enemys Slayed . Destroyed Totally And completely !! HAIL OUR MIGHTY FAMILY !!!HAIL HELLS ARMY !! DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES CURSE THEIR SOULS RELENTLESSLEY!!!!!
  28. 2

    Nordic enemies?

    oh - they are in my experience. the enemy nordics are much more powerful angelic entities then the greys.
  29. 2


    thanks for your input brotheren, may united our manifestated energies render our targets Slayed for eternity. More power to US ALL. Destruction and death to our enemies curse their souls relentlessly! ~HAIL FATHER!! ~HAIL HELLS ARMY!!
  30. 2


    Great job HoodedCobra. thank you Brotheren for putting this working together. i cant wait to participate. the kikes are in for a surprise. may i add that a great way for our people to harm theyre leaders. is simply go to google and look up images of high positioned kike leaders that we could...
  31. 2


    I can feel it .. we are all going to devistate them LITERALLY we are gona pack a fucking lethal blow soo fatal, they wont know wtf fuck hit them until they are all fucking squashed like the fucking pests that they are! . it shall be an absolute honor in doing so, side by side with our Satanic...
  32. 2

    South Africa might soon be completely fucked

    that does sound very terribly rough indeed. Stay strong in soul comrad , and always work on growing stronger. i wish the upmost best of blessings and luck to you. stay close to Father and the Gods , i hope the rotten skumbaggs over there fall flat on there fucking faces continueously until they...
  33. 2


    what speccfic group destruction ritual working shoul i be performing on the 13th. should i just continue the destruction of the vatican skumm , as i would normally as a daily priority , only put extra extra extra time and energy into the working.or is there gonna be another destruction working...
  34. 2


  35. 2

    West Coast of North America To Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation &

    i agree as far as the filthy skum fucking kikes infesting being behind it all to, when i speak of the shadow government im refering to the secret treatie and orginization of the enemy etz and the hybrid enemy humans working with high ranking secrative u.s goverment, officials. wich is an...
  36. 2

    West Coast of North America To Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation &

    this is soo horrible. i could imagine how many people really dont know about this , for not even the Bullshit mainstreem news media misinformation broadcasting doesnt even mention this. and the fda refuses to test sea food for nuclear radiation contamination. if anything they would just the...
  37. 2

    American rights and enslavement .

    thanks for shareing, if your interested in reading, there is a book out the called CHAOS IN AMERICA. a great book and great author, similirin regards to the topic.
  38. 2

    Trouble keeping track.

    For every breath you take, write down on a piece of paper the number of how many times you breathed it, i have a difficult time remembering aswell when vibrateing the runes or sumtimes breathing in invokeing elements
  39. 2


    Great idea, id love to see it sounds good, dont forget in the begining of ancient sumaria.
  40. 2

    meaning of the eye in the triangle

    the satanic symbols section off the jos it explains the spiritual symboligy and definition of it. it symbolic to godhead , if i may be correct , the bitchass illuminati and kikes use it as a symbol to a secret society. FUCK THEM ALL! Hail SATAN!
  41. 2

    I must unerstand it - question about greys, jews and reptiles

    thanks for informing me, for i originally was misinformed to belive the igigi are the greys. - foolish of me..
  42. 2

    Tall greys trying to program your mind while you sleep: how to preve

    Hell yeah keep itgoing you just got to keep aware of your inner vibes and surrounding vibes , keep up the good work comrad.
  43. 2


    is Gibil spirit of the fire , on Enkis side.. ?
  44. 2

    Tall greys trying to program your mind while you sleep: how to preve

    that would be the best in my opinion. from what ive read hear thick blue satanicflames wards them away. i dont think they like fire in general honestly be that blue or regular.
  45. 2

    "organic portals"

    what are the igigi then? What is they're species[ race]?
  46. 2

    "organic portals"

    really.? thanks for shareing, are you 100% positive i had been informed that they are the greys. correct me if i am wrong and thank you. ive read off them in the necronomicon, and from what i have been informed befor is that the igigi are the greys and celestially the angelics..
  47. 2

    Enemy greys.

    this is a lot i must share ,ive in the past phocused tons of destructive hatefull energy at those fuckers , mostley out of revenge and vengance against them, those fuckerz have attacked me relentlessly throughout my life, leaching of my soul stealing my energy , wreaking havock and misfortune...
  48. 2

    Tall greys trying to program your mind while you sleep: how to preve

    invoke and evoke fire directed at them- go all out rage phocused upon them to scare them away, or call upon our Gods- they are cowardly and do flee away,they try to get you when your gaurd is down. i HATE those fuckers - they are the celestial pestilance - Stay strong comrad and you are...
  49. 2

    Iran vows "immediate destruction" of Israel if Syria Attac

    i remember a couple years back when iran was getting into it with the u.s goverment that the iraian president declared that there is not one spot in isreal that iranian missles could not reach- funny those fuckers in isreal are all cowardly and are prepareing numerouse ways for deffense...
  50. 2

    New here

    you shoold perform the commitment dedication ritual first thing to help protect your soul from enemy celestial entities , the dedication is very nesicary and important. then i recomend you should begin opening the soul meditations, and begin a daily meditation program- aswell you should begin...
  51. 2

    Iran vows "immediate destruction" of Israel if Syria Attac

    good. that would be sooo fucking awsome if they did- that would call for a total celebrateion- hurray
  52. 2

    I must unerstand it - question about greys, jews and reptiles

    This site can help reveal more to you Luciferianliberation.com - the igigi [greys] are enslaved by the draconians , the most high ranking of the igigi are the zeta riticule , and the enemy draconians accomplished genetic engenearing manipulation of humanity , by puting they're reptilian gene...
  53. 2


    thats such BS ! i love these egroups . how dare they, why do they got to fuck with us, probally sum Skum kikes and sum Bitchazz coward bible thumper - they need to seriously leave us alone, DONT TREAD ON US! what Bastards, curse them may they continue.- thingz work in mysterious ways..
  54. 2

    Ouija Boards

    thanks! it is neat;], i cant wait to post it, i just need to use a damn camera so i can eventually upload it and post it! - peace and love - Hail Satan
  55. 2

    "organic portals"

    Another great rescourcewthere your aware of it or not is -Luciferianliberation.com
  56. 2

    "organic portals"

    the igigi [greys] and draconians are multi dimensional beings capable of astral projection they're soul leaving they're physicle from they're dimension and entering in to ours , ive never heard of the term oganic portal , but it does make sence in witch the enemy celestialy can intune upon...
  57. 2

    Help for a newcomer

    The best positive thing you can and Should do befor anything is the dedication comitment ritual, for this shall not only liberate yor soul more free away from the grasp of celestial enemys, but this shall be the first step aiding you to your and through your spiritual journey and destiny. ...
  58. 2

    what is Abyss ?

    When i think abyss , it makes me think of it as a definition for an astral plain, of the forth dimension or another dimension.
  59. 2


    that is offensive and disrespectfull, watch what you say you Little PRICK~ pissoff or get overyourself. fucking Noob~
  60. 2

    Enemy greys.

    a visualzation target , for destruction against the greys we could visualize theyre pale lifeless faces and visualize and evoke destruction in numerouse ways upon them after vibrateing the the rune Thurisaz, and the rune Hagl a number of times each daily and affirming the destructive energys...
  61. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    it is so fucking horrible, makes me furiouse every time see it- today is about near the thirtyieth day in a row non stop that mutherfuckinSkum hav been spraying chemtrail poison over the autmesphere in my region. biochemicle warfare and total human rights violations , while the brain washing...
  62. 2

    Ouija Boards

    Thanks for your input, the plastic ones in my opinion are the best, besides wooden. -thats neat ,i have never heard of useing a coin;] does that work well.? never thought of that... i perfer a actual plenchette but have not thought of what i should specifically use to make it with.
  63. 2

    Enemy greys.

    i feel for your concern, could say the same about the draconians and the hybrids, but ive also been informed in the past that our Gods and godesses handle all those fuckes and put them in check, while we handle the skum vatacin and kikes. i personally feel that the fuckers globalists behind the...
  64. 2

    Be Careful if you visit CHINA ***READ WARNING***

    I wish and afirm DEATH to each and every one of the sick skum canabalistic communist piece of literal shit, may they all fucking die!!- that is literal human rights violation. The enemy draconians and others feast on children , - Philscnieder even also acknowledged that over the thousands...
  65. 2

    Ouija Boards

    what material would be the -Best - material in makeing a planchete for a ouiji board~ ??? I just this morning got done Finishing my First self crafted ouiji board - its a Total Satanic ouji board - im very proud of it. its pretty large decent size above average size of hasbro soled ouiji...
  66. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    thanks for shareing . and you can find the group destruction working by entering vatacin destruction ritual in the search bar.
  67. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    - right~ Totally enjoy the best indulgences of life while we still can- by all meens live it up while we still can.... dont give up on any of the group workings . - im still putting in energy towrds the vatacin skum destruction ritual- although distractions try to trick me i Still do my part no...
  68. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    i found the information about the guillotines off of youtube when looking up info viral video about fema activity and camps.. the video info about the 30,000 guillotines was reported by some dude, in regards of the guillotenes and fema coffins and concentration camps . it was stated that...
  69. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    VERY very informative for any one another Great video , that puts tons of information on blast about the disturbing reality of bitchass fema and the notorious agenda 21 is on youtube called- agenda 21 codex - fema camps -80% depopulation= New world order. this is a 2 hour long video...
  70. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    All apoliges for my mis typeing and i f this is sumbit difficult to read clearly my bad , e just hav a lot in my mind to spit out all at once when typeing and it may not come out as smoothly as i intended! - Much love and eternal peace family! stay safe always~
  71. 2

    extremely distubing War against humanity

    ive been following up on a lot of offstream media information sources, and have discovered the following, also i would like to share a good video off of youtube called , Nasa: The end of humankind leaked document 2013. PLEASE check this out - Very informative and cocerningly important . it...
  72. 2


    i agree 666%! May all infiltrators relentlessly fall flat on there fucking face ~ u all dezerve to get spit on pissedon and then nailed to a fucking upside downcross in your own christ illusion and the fuckers out there that work for the enemy and the enemy etz .. Do us all a favor and KILL...
  73. 2


    explain to him that True satanism is not of laveyn satanism , but is in acknowledgment and truely descende from Ancient sumaria wich is 6,000 years predateing mainstreem religion. True spiritual satanism is of empowering The human souls aura, bioelectricity From natural rescources of energy...
  74. 2

    UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History - Crystalinks

    nice link ! :)thanks for shareing.
  75. 2


    I have a quick question regarding my location an the hours of Saturn and mars. on the Chronos example the time tone is exampled for the area for los angelas California. exampleing the hour for satrun is 3:15 and the hour for mars is set at 5:38. k forgive me if this is a basic or obvious...
  76. 2

    Satanic warrior Armour =]

  77. 2

    Satanic warrior Armour =]

    my mistake for a typo. i ment to type Scarred for life not scared for life.. - my bad, i typo when i least epect it at times! Love and peace be unto all of our sacred existances! ;]
  78. 2

    Satanic warrior Armour =]

    i never mentioned you have to tell a soul your a satanist. no matter what the Universe is hostile , its always best to be prepared , better safe then sorry, truely , there are many ways of personel self Deffences one can use, it all depends on the individual and what one may perfer. these might...
  79. 2

    Satanic warrior Armour =]

    i highly recommend to every body this gear, for it is very individually reliable protection for anyone in regards of self defense circumstances . this body armor , can and shall help in situations and scenarios of physicle combat , and protection against any body. . Hail OUR MIGHTY FAMILY...
  80. 2

    I've finished the Awakening working

    Congradulations Comrad, Eternal blessings to you, well done! stay strong and Keep up the Great work. i also want to share that i look forward to know you shall begining the Destruction working against the Vatacan Skum! As Shall i, And All of every other Truely Dedicated Warriors of OUR Father...
  81. 2

    Satanic warrior Armour =]

    i wanted to share this cheap easily creative, effective, way of makeing reliable combat body armour, that can be used in defensive ,offensive even agressive situations of combat and self Deffense. i used to make these all the time when i was younger, im talking full arm length covering gauntlets...
  82. 2

    Re: Alien Grey Bases?

    phil schnider is exactly whom that is .. he was a true patriot. and a threat to the shadow government , wich is why he was assasinated, may his soul tread safely., he has a few viral videos still out, like on youtube, that reveal important informations , phil scnieder revealed much reliable...
  83. 2

    Fighting back

    thats something i hav been pondering about, for ive been wanting to come up with a good Destruction ritual [ Group] working, targeting the individual shadow government , specifically the enemy hybrid human alien fuckers, because i hav a feeling they are behind a Lot of the working upon...
  84. 2

    Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've r

    by designeded , that meens and acknowledges that Enki was in control of the genetic engineering and creation of mankind, humanity was intended to be nothing more than a slave race. And our Mighty Father and other gods and godesses of the Anunaki felt that an inteligent existance should be in...
  85. 2

    Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've r

    This website , can explain more to you about the enemy igigi [Greys] - Luciferianliberation.com- hope this helps answer a bit more of your curiosity. By all meens friend- Jump right into the truth and thank you for being open minded to study the JOS , embrace the truth and may the truth...
  86. 2

    Jewish Trained Death Squads

    fuck all Kikes! May they rest in piss.. eternally. - Thankyou for shareing!
  87. 2

    Animals with jew owners?

    i always hav people stareing at me , wether it be at a distance or up close, subconsciousley they sence ones increased bioelectricity, and they dont know what to think about it, they just kinda give you that dumb look, Hah ;), its wierd but im used to it . sumtimes people are literally drawn to...
  88. 2

    Devil Worship and the Right and Left Hand Path

    Thank you for shareing, for if this was just right off the top of your mind then , i must say, you hold knowledge of the old deeper then i can even comprehend off the top of my mind, upon spiritual alchemy definition oforiginfrom ancient divinity. thanks for shareing the references aswell...
  89. 2

    Strange sky's , strange days

    i would love to check out whatever source you had researched that from, for knowledge is absolute power, and its good to be aware of every potential threat in this reality that the enemy poses capable at throwing at me.. Also for those who may not know of or know what the haarp program is. it...
  90. 2

    Strange sky's , strange days

    Blessings to you Brotheren Anakin thank you truely for your input and knowledgable perspective, aswell ThankX for clarifying that those rescources do exist! my brotheren , thats how my last two weeks have been like, Honored happy and stoked to live another sacred day, and to be able to take...
  91. 2

    Strange sky's , strange days

    wanted to share this for those whom dont no, it is literally disturbing, criminal , a violation of human rights , and bio chemicle warfare that the infiltrated united states government , supports all day evereyday, . Thetempleofenki.com has many links to informative information. one link World...
  92. 2


    I wanted to share this cause it it concerns me pretty deeply. acknowledg how the fucking enemy infiltrated shadow government supports population control, one disturbing reality is of the Chemtrail plane [bio chemical warfare] on civilians and [everybody in the united states] the result is...
  93. 2

    lay line map.?

    thanks for you input! ;) stay strong And blessings too you. Hail lucifer!
  94. 2

    lay line map.?

    where would io be able to find . a accurat lay line map , to help me find one in my area. im aware of one but wouldlike to know more..? any advice would be apreciated.
  95. 2

    Best source availible of the communism crimes

    death to all the communist skum fucking jews. And fuck The shadow government of the united states. death to all the Skum! HAIL LUCIFER!
  96. 2


    does any one know the answer to these questions.? if not the question about Gibil Spirit of the fire.. My bad if these are stupid questions. but they are pretty deep, and i havent heard of Gibil only ever from a copy of a necronomicon, and i can guess the answer but would like to have someone...
  97. 2

    reliable viral source

    the source contains viral broadcasting of patriots criticizing wtf the crooked politicions and the shady government are up to, stuff that doesnt ever get question and critisized . this site is founded of patriots , people Who Want Change NOW!Questioning Authority And the system.unlike mainstreem...
  98. 2

    reliable viral source

    And yes i know the email adress name is lame. ;/ just referd to me az ' Dusk`. if theres a way to change your email adress name.. i would like to know. Hail Father Satan!! ^..^ -
  99. 2

    Vivid non-friendly dream

    maybe the boy in the dream was in some a bad omen of the enemy , maybe trying to apear to you through the kid. and maybe the people where the presence of gaurdians towards you there to support you in liberateing your soul away from the grasp of the celestial enemy. i am no dream expert but its...
  100. 2

    reliable viral source

    yeah well its rather dificult when you are useing a fucking glitched out cordless battery ran keyboard, u cant hit paragraphs as easy as you may perfer with out it fucking up the middle of your sentence.. and regardless if there is any bullshit , regarding the blasphemey of the enemy then just...
  101. 2

    Whats the most reliable and accurate method of finding answers/divin

    Ouiji boards can be very effective! make shur you have a aura of protection around it to filter away all negative energys, or just use a gaurdion for assistance and guidance through the board!!! Hail Father Satan!!!!
  102. 2

    reliable viral source

    i must restate because of a mere typo that they have purchased over 500million assault rifle hollow point tip amunition rounds, hollow point tips are ment to rip through human flesh and blast a chunk out the otherside of the target, These fuckers are prepareing to enforce martial law military...
  103. 2

    Please be aware of radiation from Japanese imports.

    to my surprise . i checked out pakalertpress.com and there is a more updated picture tooken by satelite showing the entire Pacific down to south america and east coast of astralia, filled with nuclear radiation toxic substance.. its very disturbing , and upsets me to think how much our...
  104. 2

    I've found out my problem with the single serpent med

    thanks for shareing, ;) ive had similer experiences when power meditating, what you discribed i can relate to, chakra breathing for each 7, after cleansing them and then aura empowering meditation, then expanding my aura bioelectricity in and out as if its pulsating vibrant light, its very...
  105. 2

    Please be aware of radiation from Japanese imports.

    there is a websitye that posts a lot of informative off stream media world events, that most never reaches mainstream media. pakalertpress.com there was a post concerning just that, it showed a picture , tooken by a satelite with thermal heat censor capability , captureing a picture of the...
  106. 2


    my ba d for the typo for i ment to typre. is enki's brother gibil on our side.?, i have typoed amajority of my postes by mistakes only after reliseing, ivebeen for a long time now useing a ghetto cordless battery ran keyboard, and half the time it glyches or doesnt register when i hit a key...
  107. 2


    I Enki''s brother Gibil , spirit of the fire , on father Enki's side? i have only evr heard of him from a copy of one of the necronomicon, and would like to now if he is okay to call upon for inciteing detruction towards enemys!
  108. 2


    I Enki''s brother Gibil , spirit of the fire , on father Enki's side? i have only evr heard of him from a copy of one of the necronomicon, and would like to now if he is okay to call upon for inciteing detruction towards enemys!
  109. 2

    reliable viral source

    unsencoredTv.net for those who are interested in whats really going on that mainstreem media does not share, wtf is really going on in the united states, this is a great off streem media rescource, shareing what the government doesnt want us nor any one knowing. . i would also like to share...
  110. 2

    This is NOT AMUSING

    damn! Stay strong brother! i remember reading your post when you explained a while back that your brother had a kike gurlfriend and you said the bitch was Extremely kikeish and that she might have some connects with sum skum kikes ! Stay strong and your right , stay confident in increasing...
  111. 2


    i think maybe likeley that enemy priests within the vatacin may be , posiibly to this present day and the past worshipers , conjurors of the ancient ones and possibly the 7 plague gods {abominations}, since they hold much doctrines of the old and lost recordings of erased history and magic, they...
  112. 2


    i think maybe likeley that enemy priests within the vatacin may be , posiibly to this present day and the past worshipers , conjurors of the ancient ones and possibly the 7 plague gods {abominations}, since they hold much doctrines of the old and lost recordings of erased history and magic, they...
  113. 2

    Satanic Singles Website

    that sounds like a good idea, nice and every thing but , that would be a way the celestial enemys could find Satanic individuals.
  114. 2

    I believe i just screwed up things badly...

    He liberated us free , in control of our own power he blessed us and to be in control our own destiny its essential, Self Empowerment truely for only the strong survive and the weak perish , we must empower ourselves so that we may to control of our world and surrounding envirements to...
  115. 2


    out of curiosity i was wondering , is Gibil Spirit of the fire , on Father Enki and our side.? i know that Gibil is one of Enkis brother. but i was wondering because ive only heard of Gibil from the necronomicon and no where else. i would like to belive the answer is yes he is on our side ...
  116. 2

    A Question :"The Watchers" what are they?

    n the Necronomicon they are a raae of beings that are not human theyre celestial beings that assist in astral projection , into another dimension and help one return safely.
  117. 2

    For repentance.

    JEEZE Yep that s exactly what the fucking enemy wants for you to kill yourself. if you truely feel as if you offended any of the gods or goddeses , you should join in on the destruction ritual of the Vatican SKUM. make your self worthy of have ever claming a satanist, not by Calling...
  118. 2


    Study the links of information off the joyofsatan . com , every aspect is individually benificial for it is rare and oppressed information about the truth of this reality and of the origins and desendant of humanity on this planet acknowledgeing ancient sumaria , from Our True God Creator...
  119. 2

    About the Greys

    they are our literal Fucking enemys that have been at spiritual and physicle war against humanity.. look up thetempleofenki.com it has rliable info Aswell Luciferianliberation.com explains our celestial extraterestrial enemys. Hail Father Lucifer Enki!!! Destruction and Death to those that...
  120. 2


    Welcome Friend ! Blessings :) and HAIL Father Lucifer ENKI! ^ .. ^
  121. 2

    Spiritual satanism

    Try checking out the Necronomicon. there are many different ones.. the older the better and probally better authentic.. although they are kinda hard to come across . depending on the copy , sum do shed some light upon the time befor man and sum pretty deep powerful Acknowledgment , i...
  122. 2

    got attacked during meditation

    keep up on your aura of protection , if u can take a good amout of time absorbing programing the white gold reflective energy from the sun, empowering your aura of protection.. keep aware of how you feel , and keep snapping the enemy link if it re occurs. if those celestial pests try to fuck...
  123. 2

    I wish u answear this inportant question for me.

    Fuck that Dumb Kike bitch , ..Diane Vera.? sounds like a misinformationist... a Dumb Fucking bitch .. who the fuck does she think she is!! talking jibberish about Our Gods and Godesses? claiming that absolute trash blasphemy. if theres one person i could Back hand in the fucking face...
  124. 2

    About the Greys

    they are enslaved by the Draconians, and serve them to carry out spiritual war for the reptilians. the grey are multidemensional beings in wich they are capable of astral projection ( they'rer soul leaving they're physicle body) from they're dimension entering into our dimensions , in wich they...
  125. 2

    About the Greys

    they are absolute Energy vampires in wich they leach drain the human soul kundalini and the Mass Energy that its capable of produceing, literaly they feed off this energy , and those who are servants to theyre blind faith of the christ illussion,invite these celestial angelics . the greys (...
  126. 2

    I need to understand energy

    it could be an enemy thought form or , enemy link, or just sum bad energy floating around. around maybe from any keep up on your aura of protection daily, also , when ever u hav bad thoughts like that work on your void meditation, and phocus on invokeing evokeing flames in and around your...
  127. 2

    United states government has been Demanding youtube to remove video

    This was the first time ive ever seen anything in regards of , that , and ive been following the Authentic ufo , uav unidentified ariel vehicle, video cam recordings, uploaded to youtube for a long time now for about the span of over 4 and a half years. there are some Fabulous video...
  128. 2

    United states government has been Demanding youtube to remove video

    just found this while watching a video on youtube about a Pacific ocean triangle, similar to the burmuda triangle, referd to as the dragons trangle, directly south below Japan.also acknowledging twice as many disaprearences than the burmuda triangle has claimed, also the reports of ufo...
  129. 2

    Aliens And The Vatican

    that they have desicrated so much stood for soo much bloodshed Greed. it makes me fucking sick .. they have so much ancient occult doctrines and archealogical cover uup , aswell as fossil evidence of many.. if any one has evr seen the pictures of the 14ft -20 ft human skeleton beings found...
  130. 2

    Aliens And The Vatican

    that they have desicrated so much stood for soo much bloodshed Greed. it makes me fucking sick .. they have so much ancient occult doctrines and archealogical cover uup , aswell as fossil evidence of many.. if any one has evr seen the pictures of the 14ft -20 ft human skeleton beings found...
  131. 2

    That group 'Anonymous'

  132. 2

    can someone explain attacks from greys

    that movie was kikeish and it acknowledged our enemy . and the tons upon tons of missing people that have been abducted and hell knows what happened to them,, i senced that the fucking spook owl in that movie that abductee victims witnessed every time befor they try ed to sleep causeing them...
  133. 2

    Satans language

    i am absolutley shure That Our Father speaks many languages and understands many! By the way Welcome to the family friend ! im glad to hear youve reserched the JOS and the Knolwedge within! more power to yah friend.. embrace the truth and by all meens , every aspect of information within...
  134. 2

    About energy vampires..

    naturally one can be a unknowing energy vampire becuse one can be lacking so much enrgy of there own will, they subconciouslley get energy from others, hints if experiance xian leached people, and when u in certain circumstances may shake ones hand , you can literaly fell the fuckr grip your...
  135. 2

    recognition of invasion

    if you are familiar with meditations, the meditations link off the Left Hand side of the screen of the JOS site has numerouse variety of meditations of opening the soul and opening chakras aswell opening sphycic centers for clairaudience and clairvoyance ,astral hearing and astral vision...
  136. 2

    can someone explain attacks from greys

    the effects of being attacked by them can be felleing of lack of energy, literally feeling like youve been drained of your energy, cause they are energy leaches they leach ones aura attaching at chakras where they can drain energy from your chi , they can attack one by attaching a link to...
  137. 2

    website on the pictures of the Gods and Goddesses

    i Love the site -Great job and the beautiful portaits of our Mighty Gods Godesses are Excellent!! <<Satanic ~ Pride
  138. 2

    Phil schnider

    much love my Brotheren Comrad. Power to you and blessings! Aswell blessings and more power to our brothers , sisters in satan Remember its Satanic Pride, and an absolute Honor! Death to our enemies ,curse theyre souls relentlessly, under Fathers Wing WE SHALL RISE!!!!!!!!!! forever HAIL LUCIFER!
  139. 2

    Food and products

    Toms toothpaste is the best cause theyre product is floride free , and dr bromer . Fuck floride ! HAIL SATANIC PRIDE!!
  140. 2

    Phil schnider

    yepp its bad news my Comrad.
  141. 2

    Phil schnider

    the enemy alien agenda is to kill off over half human population by 2030 and make the rest of mankind inslaved. We cant let that happen Never.
  142. 2

    Under water UFOs

    No Shit its the fucking celestial pestilances the greys and the cokrouch draconians. what the fuck would make you think they are our GODS! . death to our celestial extraterestrial enemyz, may our enemies suffer eternaly! for they are sinister evil to usand cowardly entities
  143. 2

    That group 'Anonymous'

    none of them if any, little know the satanic truth , i always heard that they had a few hackers that hacked the shit out of the system, and where behind or apart of the 99% attempt uh movment that resulted in tons an lots of viciouse law enforcement police brutality even Casulties on peaceful...
  144. 2

    Question about Spiritual Satanist.

    trust in your instinct , your first intuitive sensce , what u truely consciousley feel, from future vibes to come and even past vibes of energy youve experienced . and if necisary call upon Father or your gaurdian ..
  145. 2

    WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case

    damn! its sounds like to me that themight of russia is about to stomp isreal like the little cockroaches they are.. that would trigger the kike infiltrators in the united mistakes government to attempt to use u.s military and people to intervine... i wonder.?.at least we now our purpose and...
  146. 2

    Anyone Available

    What is your question.?
  147. 2

    Help ASAP

    keep up your research upon the JOS, Comrad every aspect of information is individually benifical, for every aspect is rare knowledge not revealed from any other source . keep intouch with the information shared on these groups, you may learn sumthing new every day.. i recomend you study...
  148. 2


    The greys where concored and enslaved by the draconians. the greys are under the order of the draconions!1 DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES CURSE THEYRE SOULS RELENTLESSLY!!! HAIL THE FORCES POWERS OF OUR GODS
  149. 2

    Distraction in thought

    breating techniques before meditation workings help relax comfort your body and mind allowing you to phocus more preciscley, a state of meditation this enhances is void meditation , stilling your mind, phocuseing on the here and now with no train of thought or distractions allowing you to...
  150. 2

    Fw: Can You Fucking Believe This?

    thats total BS . who are they to take action against ones profile over a simple question.. i dont understand the whole points deducted but , its sounds like hogwas BS to me. ithin thats being discriminateing , just because the question..wich isnt ok
  151. 2

    Re: Inspiring musics to the Awakening Ritual

    Arch enemy !! the singer is a chick and she absoletley kills vocals!! we will rise is a epic song . another few lambofgod-Walk with me in hell , Oldmanschild-black seeds in virgin soil , Oldmanschild-Demons of thorn castle [check out lyrics of these following songs they are truely deep...
  152. 2

    George zimmerman and the black community

    True that the kikesfuckingjewz are the ones behind it all from the begining till this very fucking day... as far as my opinon , being that my father was skin head while he was alive im a mutt itialian ,scotish ,french ,irish ,german, spanish, and in my blood ancestory Blackfoot native...
  153. 2

    Introducing somone to become satanist

    first find out wether or not the individual has any ties and relation to mainstreem religion, wether they do or they dont , (this is what i do) find out(ask) if the individual is interested in a educational knowledgable rescource of information that reveals opressed and very hidden information...
  154. 2

    Re: Final Verdict/New Beginning/ Joining fellow brothers and sisters

    wwas in a hurry ealier , what i ment to say is i already had a littltle scab s o after not being able to draw blood comfortably. i just picked a tiny scab and poked the soft flesh under the scab and drew perfect amount of blood to spell my first name middle and last name.. HaIL LUCIFER.
  155. 2

    Introducing somone to become satanist

    first find out wether or not the individual has any ties and relation to mainstreem religion, wether they do or they dont , (this is what i do) find out(ask) if the individual is interested in a educational knowledgable rescource of information that reveals opressed and very hidden information...
  156. 2

    gods who oppose satan?

    there are many.. the banished ancient ones the horrible 7plague gods and much more just Always Trust and Know That Father SATAN HAS TREMENDOUS POWER AND FORCE OVER ALL THOSE Cursed godswickedgodesses who oppose him,, and All Enemy who oppose him SHALL PERISH
  157. 2

    Re: Final Verdict/New Beginning/ Joining fellow brothers and sisters

    When first dedicated i was anxios to the point i was getting frusterated at myself because i couldent poke through my skin, for i was trying to just pierce through just gentl enough so that i wouldnt strike a larger blood vein , [bleedout mor than i neede]. so i finalyy just poke a tiny lil...
  158. 2

    Dedicated, but I don't feel much different

    what kind? ..of .... [[meditation ]] u say you have peRformed,,, what where u meditateing upon,./?
  159. 2

    You were all right!

  160. 2


    all apoligise ,this is pretty imature, but in regards of the topic messagein these groups i saw recently. . i found this slightly humorous when showed earlier ,animated freemonsterporn.com if yall got a slight sic sence of humor like me, this shits kinda funny.. for warning. some seens are...
  161. 2

    losing faith. need advise

    oi!i think the whole dedicated but dont feel much different message is a fraud piece of spam mail.. and bloody mrmathewburks is a kike wannabe infiltrator, i can just intuitivlly sence the stench of the scumm, please correct me if im mistaken..but that message is awful fishy... ;/
  162. 2

    nuclear wwiii - shits about to go down

    they fear us . they are fucking cowards . we are in a divine time and age of aquarius where we havv so much extra rescource of planetary and other energy to amplify our energy workings of destruction towards the enemy.. slay them all, spilll em all kill em all, i wish i could just endure...
  163. 2

    New Film: The Conjuring

    I hate that blasphemy. HAIL ENKI!
  164. 2

    Swollen Eyes

    Yes i hav now that i thank about it and i believe that it may be due in relation maybe to the intensity of our increased bioelectricity, we gain from power meditating..
  165. 2

    nuclear wwiii - shits about to go down

    i would love to participate. as i enjoy the endurance in all the ritual workings.. i feel our forces thriveing, strangleing the enemy, but our battle against the enemy is not over yet.. WE SHALL RISE!! AND CRUSH OUR KIKEROUCH PESTIALANT ENEMY!! ALLAS SISTERS &...
  166. 2

    Veganism, Vegetarianism And Reality

    very interesting . thank you for shareing.. makes perfect sence..
  167. 2

    Vamprie bibles ?

    i fucken hate vampireism, ive met few akahru but they definatly real... and r real cursed, sided with some nast celestial pestilant entiitys that are pretty fuckn dark evil beings. they use the phsycic energy vampirehost to feed off the souls of others.. relentlessly death and...
  168. 2

    Fuck Floride

    Thanks for shareing. unfortunatly im in the u.s .
  169. 2

    How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland .

    Great link u passed on... thankx for the info !! HAIL OUR FATHER LUCIFER AND GODS OF DUAT!!
  170. 2

    Fuck Floride

    [email protected] This message contains blocked images. Show ImagesOptions i posted this once before, but i wanted to repost this for those who dont know or for those whom may be new and might be interested in learning.. MUCH tremendouse LOve YALL...
  171. 2

    LESSON 1 : How to acquire wealth...

    wise words comrad..
  172. 2


    wise words brotheren this existance is sacred. eternal ..
  173. 2


    as much of the threat of our enemy is , Regardless the enemy iss WEAK they ARE FUCKIN COWARDS and they lose in the end of this !!!!!!!! the kikes the enemyigigianglics draconians shall fucking be destroyed ! those who pose a threat shall perish before father and our gods might . those who seek...
  174. 2


    im just acknowledging a realistic & possible scenario . im just saying if this happened to one truley dedicateted, then its a very possible chance that the predator enemy celestial spirtit completely possesd a weak physicle and soul by enemy celesctial spiritual vampireism or even just...
  175. 2

    Aweakening all the Gentile people 21 June 2013 [Ritual / 40 day work

    in acknoledgment of the spiritual war i hav always felt its necisary to pass the knowledge of the truth, ive succseeded in passing the enlightenment of father . its an absolute honor. i usually hav tryed converting xians and gentiles by mentioning the historic archeogical evidence recoverd ...
  176. 2

    the fucking floride epidemic

    Floride is horrible epidemic that has been thriveing for a long time now. floride is pumped and contaminated into water city even small community tap water every where in the us, floride is sprayed out alongwith other chemical toxins over our atmesphere by chem trail planes, floride is in...
  177. 2

    The Future is Shaping Up

    Death to the Enemy Skum , Death to the kikes &the celestial angelicPestilances and The vatican Filth, They Shal All Be anighlated Destroyed and from tat nothing more they hav scar this earth and our race for far to long,Our truth Shall Shine & perish the enemy.death to the christ illusion...
  178. 2

    New to JOS

    Stay close to the JOS website . every aspect of information is completely individually beneficial. stay strong in your faith to Father Enki For he can Guide you . Stay strong in soul , there are others that may guide you through questions on this JoS e group .. Forever Hail Lucifer!!!
  179. 2

    OK Tornadoes

    Was this destructive tornado directed from the h.a.r.p program..? i know its well capable of mass catastrophic natural disaters.. i also studyed that the harp program can specificlly manipulate and control contamination from Chemtrail planes.... .STRANGE DAYS STRANGE SKIES imageevent.com...
  180. 2

    OK Tornadoes

    The tornado was of the harp program. was it not.?
  181. 2

    WW3 is soon, save yourselves my fellow Satanists.

    ive been following for a long time now aswell. It is total fucking war against humanity. .. america and other world countrys hav been infiltarated for a long time now in wich population control is funded and supported to allow many epidemics to thrive to this day to phase every individuals...
  182. 2


    Thank you dearly for everything you hav done maxine for if it where not for you id still be a victim to this day. i swear i fucking Despise And disgust & Hate with all of my existance the lie of mainstreem programming, and the fucking kikes and cockroaches that support the blasphemey and...
  183. 2

    Spiritual Warfare: Take Pride

    I affirm curse death destruction to the enemy every day....
  184. 2

    Question about people into angel magick.

    AND FUCK THE JEWS !!!positioned over world control .. . DEATH TO ISREAL!!!--- In [email protected], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:
  185. 2

    Question about people into angel magick.

    Death and Destruction to those fucking cockroaches very existance, THEy Shall fucking perish . as long as my SOUL Thrives i honorably dedicate my soul to the spiritual warfare of the DEATH TO THOSE FUCKING SKUM... ALLAS COMRADS AND SHALL OUR CURSES PIERCE THERE SOULS and DEPLETE THEYRE...
  186. 2

    mermaids have just been proven real

    <<Death 2 the christ illusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAIL FATHER LUICFeR!!! ;]
  187. 2

    Contacting my guardian

    I must relate entirely. I seek to know my guardian individually so that a mutual strengthend friendship. .. ive sensed and met the presence of many in the past but not knowing name individually . I swear I want to know.. 100% for shure
  188. 2

    Enemy Attacks

    Its LUCIFERIAN PRIDE !! FOREVER HAIL FATHER LUCIFER ENKI!! <<DETH2 THe SKum christ illusion and Enemy entities the enemys shall perish.stay strong in soul and remember we all have madd more power than them. they our superior to humanity in regards of theyre technology and sphycic ability ...
  189. 2

    A few things on my mind

    in acknowledgement of this topic . i have long since been dedicated to the truth and in spiritual warfare . And i have share the knowledge of the truth to those who where once without, and our now with ... i in acknowledgable to spiritual warfare have pass on this knowledge just as this...
  190. 2

    Question of Magnum Opus

    <<<AN INFINITY OF TIMESHAIL FATHER ENKI !!! Forever SHALL HIS TRUTH OF LIFE SET SOULS FREE!!! AND <<<DEATH 2 the chr*st illusion AND <<<DEATH&DESTRUCTION 2 The enemyz of FATHER & us humanity - LUCIFERIAN PRiDE!! more power to us -
  191. 2

    October 27 Group Destruction Ritual

    more power to you all! and shall the succes of the working destroy them forever. the skum the enemy!
  192. 2

    Concerned and was wondering

    i was printing pages for personal study once again , and off the satanic witchcraft link the creating fire elemental information was blocked as the jos sites links had been blocked befor.is the site being attacked or what may hav happened to the specific source of information.. A TRILLION...
  193. 2

    playing with fire

    <td val[/IMG]  <center>Dabbling in Satanism</center> My purpose for writing this sermon is because I feel this issue is something important for people to be aware of. I do not believe in telling others how to think or what they should or how they should believe, this is up to the...
  194. 2

    Re: REBUKE!!!!! on ICKE!!!!

    <td val[/IMG]this shit pisses me off, WTF!!! [/TD]
  195. 2

    Re: [666_JoyofSatan] Re: Should we belive David Icke?

    <td val[/IMG]THOAS WILLIAM [/TD]
  196. 2

    concerning breathing exercises

    <td val[/IMG]fuck this ignorant fool!!!!!!!!!!! [/TD]
  197. 2

    The Importance of Dedicating To Satan.

    <td val[/IMG]Hi, This is a sermon from HP Maxine and should be taken seriously by beginners. HAIL SATAN!!! Very, very few, if any, progress in power unless they have a powerful protector. When one who is serious in developing the powers of the mind advances to any formidable level, or has...
  198. 2

    Dedication Ritual

    <td val[/IMG]Hi, No, but if you can do it fine. To dedicate with an open heart to Father Satan is what is most important. HAIL FATHER SATAN! [/TD]
  199. 2

    Single Serpent Meditation

    <td val[/IMG]hmm, have you done your dedication ritual to Satan because this is quite advanced? IT IS VERY POWERFUL that is why it feels different 88 This meditation, like the serpent meditation, is very powerful and should only be practiced by those who are advanced meditators and have strong...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
