Meditation for programming your subconscious.
Many of us might be struggling to take control over our emotions, to feel & understand those emotions. To understand them you need to analyze why / how / what is going on inside of you, to change & take control over them you must program your mind & subconscious.
Feelings come from your subconscious, your subconscious tells you what you believe & what you have reaffirmed to yourself many times over, even if this is not something you desire. In other words you become what you think about. Below is an exercise / mediation that I have personally used with great success to change how I see myself on a subconscious level.
Before starting know what it is that you want to change, for example: I get angry for XX reason, this needs to change. (When affirming always speak to yourself as if this is already how you see or feel about things, for example: I am not angry when XX happens)
Exercise / Meditation:
1. Go somewhere where you feel at ease, this can be at home, your bedroom or outside when taking a walk.
2. Clear your mind (void).
3. Go into a light trance.
4. Affirm to yourself in a serious but fair tone that you are now going into program mode (or however you want to call it).
5. In the same tone as above affirm what it is that you want changed, this can be done in as many words as need! (If you need 5 minutes for this, that's fine) Make sure that you speak as if that what you want to change is already as you desire it be.
6. Affirm that the programming has ended.
In my experience the above can change you on a fundamental level, so be mindful of your words & intentions. In most cases only one round of the above was enough to make a difference in my experience, this might not be the case for you, so do the above as many times as you need. I also want to state that feelings can have different causes, for example picking up feelings from a spiritual connection of a loved one, in most cases what I wrote above is the main culprit & should be worked on.