Cannabis legalisation in Germany, "German"-Jewish government/state legalises drug use: A Commentary
Right at the height of colossal economic, social, political and geopolitical problems and the catastrophic aftermath of the Covid-19 policy, which has injured, killed and destroyed millions of people and right at the height of the rise and victory of the German alternative party AfD, which promises to stop all this madness
- the Jewish government and state of Germany wants to legalise cannabis for the population and engage in it's "safe" production and sale to the public.
Many of the same names that were responsible for pushing the covid vaccines, which injured and killed many people, are again responsible for this push for "safe" cannabis use.
And again, celebrations are taking place for these suicidal policies by stooges together with mainstream media stooges in Berlin right at the front of the Brandenburg Gate and the statue of the Quadriga, which symbolises the Goddess Victoria or the Greek Goddess Nike/Niki/Νίκη.
Blasphemously and ironically trying to symbolise victory over their enemies once more (quoting a mainstream media article: "Smoke over the Brandenburg Gate").
Basically, they are trying to drug the population, particularly the youth, to make them more "peaceful" and less of a "potentially dangerous Nazi" that would vote for the AfD.
They are probably mixing the Cannabis with other unknown substances, labeling it as "safe" because the state has control over it. As they did with the "safe" COVID vaccines.
Trying to open people up to nasty negative entities to take control of them and destroy them.
I wrote before that most negative and anti-human entities known and unknown, are probably all in cahoots and work together for various reasons, against their common enemy which is the human being.
I remember once I was in close proximity to hippies who were drugged out and were singing and celebrating with their fake smiles and fake peace.
They didn't look healthy at all, and the singer in particular had a nasty negative entity, probably a grey, attached to him.