I feel afraid to share my opinions and I don't know why :roll:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.
They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.
Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you
I personally believe that everything that exists or happens in nature is natural. Even the most grossest, disgusting and perverted thing happening has it's root cause in nature.
Homosexuality is NATURAL. If you observe the nature you'll see that no two things are totally same. Diversity is found in nature. Then Why do you think there would be only one form of sexuality?
Different forms of relationships exist, different forms of love and different forms of emotional bondings exist. In same way different forms of sexual orientations exist.
It is true that Penis were meant to go inside vagina, not the rectum. Because penis ejaculate sperms which are meant to go inside vagina. Penis and vagina were designed for each-other by nature.
SEX is one of the ways to show your love and affection to your partner.
You having sex with someone doesn't mean you love them, or you not having sex with your partner doesn't mean you don't love them.
Anal sex is not necessary to show love to your person, people do it to fullfill their and their partner's sexual desire. You can love your partner/s without having Anal sex with them.
Penis were designed to put inside a hole i.e. Vagina. When you have sex with someone, your basic instinct takes lead and you want to stick your penis inside a hole. So gay men found a place to put their dicks into and that is rectum. Actually gay men have got the most diverse ways to physically pleasure their partners about which I won't say more. Just know, Anal sex is not the only way to have sex with your partner/s.
Homosexual love is natural, it's just Anus was not designed to be poked through outside in anyway. But it's also a fact that it gives pleasure, so most gay couples are into Anal sex. It also gives a distinct feeling of intimacy.
Many Gay men are perverted and pedophile.
Unfortunately it is the truth, but is it the only truth? Are there not heterosexual men who are also perverted and pedophile?
Most of the heterosexual men are not perverted or pedophile, because they cannot be. They have got lots of natural and healthy sex, they also get social acceptance. Many heterosexual people start having sex from teenage. How and why would they get perverted or become pedophile?
And about gay men, Are they socially accepted by all people as natural and healthy? Would everyone accept a homosexual relationship as natural and healthy ? Can they have have normal relationships or sex as other heterosexual people ?
Any normal person, either straight or homosexual, if deprived of natural and healthy sex will go perverted and or will try to fullfill their basic needs through unacceptable and degenerate means. Those means can be rape, incest(forced/concenting), bestiality, cheating in a relationship, interracial relationships, pedophilia etc.
There are also people who knowingly do these things because it's in their religion and culture. But some other people do these things because they like to and want to do such things. And I don't understand those people.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
When i said well animals can have homosexual sex as well he did mention that its for asserting dominance....hes right though..
I dunno....i dont know what to do at all.. its like i always believed these to be true... and now im lost
What dominance

. Animals fight and kill for dominance. I have heard that Lions kill other Lions to get their females and hunting area. Gorilla kills other Gorilla, Bull fights other Bull etc. I have never heard that they f*ck other males to assert their dominance. I maybe wrong here because I don't know much about animal sexuality.
I remember watching a video of two male squirrels have anal

sex with each-other on a tree trunk. It was unedited and taken from a normal phone camera. They took turns f*cking each-other. They did it for multiple times. I don't think they were asserting any kind of dominance. Homosexuality has been observed among dogs and my knowledge is that dogs are social creatures who live in groups and unlike wolves, they don't have a leader. Why would they need to show dominance?
And I have also heard about homosexual Rabbits. And I don't understand why would they need to dominate another rabbits.
According to an experiment done on rats (or mice I forgot), when their birth rate was 100% and there bacame too many rats(or mice), homosexuality was observed among male rats (or mice). They f*cked other males instead of their females.
My understanding is homosexuality among animals can possibly be a way to show dominance but It doesn't looks so. But it does prove that homosexuality is a natural phenomena which happens naturally in animals and humans.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up..
I cant talk about stuff like this for more than 10 minutes with anyone or I'll just leave the place right away.
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you. Many times i wanted to end it all... ive never been in any relationship. And everytime i tried to get into one it always went south.
Now i think that maybe being gay IS unnatural.... because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from.... or maybe gays can never have fulfilling relationships because only a man and a woman can truly spiritually fulfill each other...but ive never liked girls..ever.
I dont know what to do. Please dont tell me what runes to use or whatever im currently not in the headspace for that i just wanna know the truth..i actually havent moved an inch since waking up.. i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.
You feel shame? For what ? Did you decide that you are going to be gay or that you are going to be more feminine?
You DON'T have to feel SHAME for not getting to choose. The best thing you must do
now is know and accept how you are and what you are, like a tough guy

You don't have to be like anyone else. You are what you are, accept yourself.
It feel like you are having difficulty in accepting yourself, you need to come in terms with yourself.
If you don't accept yourself, then what are you fighting for? What are you living for if you don't even like yourself?
What is the meaning of meditating and empowering yourself if you don't love yourself ?
If you want to love yourself then you need to know yourself and accept yourself.
No one can have a fullfilling relationship unless they get a partner who is perfect for them in every way. It goes both ways, you must be perfect for your partner and your partner must be perfect for you.
No man or woman can spiritually fullfill each -other. Your partner fullfills your emotional and physical needs. Your spiritual needs you have to fullfill yourself, your partner can only help you to a limit and only if they have knowledge and power to do so.