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Is sodomy natural?

CaspianTheDreamer said:
When i said well animals can have homosexual sex as well he did mention that its for asserting dominance....hes right though..

Homosexual sex in the animal kingdom is not just asserting dominance. Lifelong homosexuality is observed in more than 100 different animal species. Gay animals that are: homosexual throughout their entire lifespan, pair bond with other gay members, and even attempt rearing offspring.

What's more natural than nature?

Listen to your gut. Your primal nature. It will tell you how you actually feel about your sexuality. Without other people's ignorance and hate.
I feel afraid to share my opinions and I don't know why :roll:

CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

I personally believe that everything that exists or happens in nature is natural. Even the most grossest, disgusting and perverted thing happening has it's root cause in nature.

Homosexuality is NATURAL. If you observe the nature you'll see that no two things are totally same. Diversity is found in nature. Then Why do you think there would be only one form of sexuality?
Different forms of relationships exist, different forms of love and different forms of emotional bondings exist. In same way different forms of sexual orientations exist.

It is true that Penis were meant to go inside vagina, not the rectum. Because penis ejaculate sperms which are meant to go inside vagina. Penis and vagina were designed for each-other by nature.


SEX is one of the ways to show your love and affection to your partner.
You having sex with someone doesn't mean you love them, or you not having sex with your partner doesn't mean you don't love them.
Anal sex is not necessary to show love to your person, people do it to fullfill their and their partner's sexual desire. You can love your partner/s without having Anal sex with them.

Penis were designed to put inside a hole i.e. Vagina. When you have sex with someone, your basic instinct takes lead and you want to stick your penis inside a hole. So gay men found a place to put their dicks into and that is rectum. Actually gay men have got the most diverse ways to physically pleasure their partners about which I won't say more. Just know, Anal sex is not the only way to have sex with your partner/s.

Homosexual love is natural, it's just Anus was not designed to be poked through outside in anyway. But it's also a fact that it gives pleasure, so most gay couples are into Anal sex. It also gives a distinct feeling of intimacy.

Many Gay men are perverted and pedophile.
Unfortunately it is the truth, but is it the only truth? Are there not heterosexual men who are also perverted and pedophile?
Most of the heterosexual men are not perverted or pedophile, because they cannot be. They have got lots of natural and healthy sex, they also get social acceptance. Many heterosexual people start having sex from teenage. How and why would they get perverted or become pedophile?
And about gay men, Are they socially accepted by all people as natural and healthy? Would everyone accept a homosexual relationship as natural and healthy ? Can they have have normal relationships or sex as other heterosexual people ?

Any normal person, either straight or homosexual, if deprived of natural and healthy sex will go perverted and or will try to fullfill their basic needs through unacceptable and degenerate means. Those means can be rape, incest(forced/concenting), bestiality, cheating in a relationship, interracial relationships, pedophilia etc.

There are also people who knowingly do these things because it's in their religion and culture. But some other people do these things because they like to and want to do such things. And I don't understand those people.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
When i said well animals can have homosexual sex as well he did mention that its for asserting dominance....hes right though..

I dunno....i dont know what to do at all.. its like i always believed these to be true... and now im lost

What dominance 😂. Animals fight and kill for dominance. I have heard that Lions kill other Lions to get their females and hunting area. Gorilla kills other Gorilla, Bull fights other Bull etc. I have never heard that they f*ck other males to assert their dominance. I maybe wrong here because I don't know much about animal sexuality.
I remember watching a video of two male squirrels have anal 🙄sex with each-other on a tree trunk. It was unedited and taken from a normal phone camera. They took turns f*cking each-other. They did it for multiple times. I don't think they were asserting any kind of dominance. Homosexuality has been observed among dogs and my knowledge is that dogs are social creatures who live in groups and unlike wolves, they don't have a leader. Why would they need to show dominance?
And I have also heard about homosexual Rabbits. And I don't understand why would they need to dominate another rabbits.
According to an experiment done on rats (or mice I forgot), when their birth rate was 100% and there bacame too many rats(or mice), homosexuality was observed among male rats (or mice). They f*cked other males instead of their females.

My understanding is homosexuality among animals can possibly be a way to show dominance but It doesn't looks so. But it does prove that homosexuality is a natural phenomena which happens naturally in animals and humans.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up..
I cant talk about stuff like this for more than 10 minutes with anyone or I'll just leave the place right away.
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you. Many times i wanted to end it all... ive never been in any relationship. And everytime i tried to get into one it always went south.

Now i think that maybe being gay IS unnatural.... because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from.... or maybe gays can never have fulfilling relationships because only a man and a woman can truly spiritually fulfill each other...but ive never liked girls..ever.

I dont know what to do. Please dont tell me what runes to use or whatever im currently not in the headspace for that i just wanna know the truth..i actually havent moved an inch since waking up.. i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.

You feel shame? For what ? Did you decide that you are going to be gay or that you are going to be more feminine?

You DON'T have to feel SHAME for not getting to choose. The best thing you must do
now is know and accept how you are and what you are, like a tough guy 💪.

You don't have to be like anyone else. You are what you are, accept yourself.
It feel like you are having difficulty in accepting yourself, you need to come in terms with yourself.

If you don't accept yourself, then what are you fighting for? What are you living for if you don't even like yourself?
What is the meaning of meditating and empowering yourself if you don't love yourself ?
If you want to love yourself then you need to know yourself and accept yourself.

No one can have a fullfilling relationship unless they get a partner who is perfect for them in every way. It goes both ways, you must be perfect for your partner and your partner must be perfect for you.

No man or woman can spiritually fullfill each -other. Your partner fullfills your emotional and physical needs. Your spiritual needs you have to fullfill yourself, your partner can only help you to a limit and only if they have knowledge and power to do so.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you.
It's like I can see myself.
Although I am a heterosexual man,but I was always somewhat out of the queue(wherever I went).

As my mother's blood brother used to say(my uncle):I have nothing against problem a homosexual man, as long as he doesn't want my asshole.
I fully agree with this.
This is a bad think to say. To think every gay men is a rapist that may want your asshole... Most gay men are not rapist, just like most straight men aren't. If someone fall in love with a straight guy then there is nothing to be mad about, just tell him you are not gay.
Sunny said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

It will never be possible. And if even there was a "proper" way no advanced SS would want to.
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.
Sunny said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

Just wait until men are allowed to express their full masculine natures in fully masculine roles again, and being a woman isn't about being a sex magnet.

No more oppressive office jobs. No more shunning of anger, rage, male tears, male excitement and joy, etc...

No more suppression of the male spirit. Being allowed to properly take care of your family with freedom in decisions, no threat of having your kids taken away.

No mandatory public school. No indoctrination. No swallowing your pride just to have a slave job to survive. Self employment making a comeback. Being the master of your own destiny with no one else telling you what to do.

Fighting being glorified again, and not illegal. Being able to challenge other men.

Never living in poverty because financial parasites have been destroyed.

Society respecting you and thanking you for what you do, and not spitting on your existence.

Having your own home, your own assets.

Being allowed to kill thieves who dare to steal from you. Including corrupt politicians, bankers, jews, etc...

Having your voice actually mean something in society instead of having your existence ignored and drowned out. Being known and admired.

Riding horses. Training with weapons. Adventuring to learn the world for yourself instead of being told what it is.

Engineering and building futuristic cities and townships that are perfect, and 100% Pagan. The world looking beautiful instead of a mecha industrial jewish wasteland that is oppressive to humanity. No more car centric design that forces you to have a car just to participate in society.

No more planned obsolescence of products. Buying something that is designed to last, and is worth your money.

When being a woman actually means something again rather than being just a pretty looking object, and men are allowed to be men and have the space in society to be men, transgender people suddenly won't want to be women anymore. It will lose its jewish appeal because women will be real women, and men will see a future for themselves again.

Transgenders are those who have given up on being men because being a man feels hopeless in this world right now.

Sometimes it's also because they feel ugly on many levels, and this is because it's subliminally programmed into the mass mind to highlight everything that makes women look beautiful while contrasting an ugly image of men.

To be able to feel loved and admired is then associated with being a woman, and thus the only way to receive love and warmth from other humans is to not be a man.

That's the perception which has been driven into the subconscious of many people.

If men knew how much women love and crave and appreciate them then this wouldn't be an issue, but men have been programmed to see themselves as a pile of feces while seeing a woman as an unreachable, greater being of exalted status that can't be touched.

The truth is that women are attracted to men just as much as men are attracted to them.

No matter what though, It's always an emotional root to this transgender problem.

They can lie to themselves about how it started when they were super young or whatever, and that they always felt this way, that they couldn't change themselves if they wanted to... echoing and stealing the legitimate lines of homosexuals.

If they meditate on their deep rooted feelings though, sometimes tracing back to past lives, it's just a suppression of their male spirit.

When society treats men and women better, this will go away. Both men and women are treated horribly because of judeochristian values creating a mass psychosis in human society. Remove the jewish disease from society, and everything gets healthier.

I like what Blitzkreig said one time about cross dressing. I think it's a good alternative if it satisfies the need well enough for now. I would rather transgender folk simply cross dress instead of mutilating their genitals. Cross dressing is a much healthier compromise. I'm concerned for the health of transgender people, and if cross dressing keeps them happy and satisfied enough until society is fixed, then that's a win in my mind.
luis said:
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.
This is the most stupid shit I've ever read...

Being gay is natural. There are a lot of SS here who are gay, myself included. Anal sex is something that can be done, it is pleasurable, if it wasn't nobody would do it. Being gay does not make you pedo, let's stop with this jewish stereotypes. And now we have worms??? Wtf???

I agree with you anyway,It's christards an filthy reptilian jews who try to lump pedophilia an homosexuals into the same category, like what the useful npc idiots are doing today, but the reptilian jews an those useless mindless npcs,will get the negative karma they rightfully deserve
Flowers of Adonis said:
Just wait until men are allowed to express their full masculine natures in fully masculine roles again, and being a woman isn't about being a sex magnet.

No more oppressive office jobs. No more shunning of anger, rage, male tears, male excitement and joy, etc...

No more suppression of the male spirit. Being allowed to properly take care of your family with freedom in decisions, no threat of having your kids taken away.

No mandatory public school. No indoctrination. No swallowing your pride just to have a slave job to survive. Self employment making a comeback. Being the master of your own destiny with no one else telling you what to do.

Fighting being glorified again, and not illegal. Being able to challenge other men.

Never living in poverty because financial parasites have been destroyed.

Society respecting you and thanking you for what you do, and not spitting on your existence.

Having your own home, your own assets.

Being allowed to kill thieves who dare to steal from you. Including corrupt politicians, bankers, jews, etc...

Having your voice actually mean something in society instead of having your existence ignored and drowned out. Being known and admired.

Riding horses. Training with weapons. Adventuring to learn the world for yourself instead of being told what it is.

Engineering and building futuristic cities and townships that are perfect, and 100% Pagan. The world looking beautiful instead of a mecha industrial jewish wasteland that is oppressive to humanity. No more car centric design that forces you to have a car just to participate in society.

No more planned obsolescence of products. Buying something that is designed to last, and is worth your money.

When being a woman actually means something again rather than being just a pretty looking object, and men are allowed to be men and have the space in society to be men, transgender people suddenly won't want to be women anymore. It will lose its jewish appeal because women will be real women, and men will see a future for themselves again.

Transgenders are those who have given up on being men because being a man feels hopeless in this world right now.

Sometimes it's also because they feel ugly on many levels, and this is because it's subliminally programmed into the mass mind to highlight everything that makes women look beautiful while contrasting an ugly image of men.

To be able to feel loved and admired is then associated with being a woman, and thus the only way to receive love and warmth from other humans is to not be a man.

That's the perception which has been driven into the subconscious of many people.

If men knew how much women love and crave and appreciate them then this wouldn't be an issue, but men have been programmed to see themselves as a pile of feces while seeing a woman as an unreachable, greater being of exalted status that can't be touched.

The truth is that women are attracted to men just as much as men are attracted to them.

No matter what though, It's always an emotional root to this transgender problem.

They can lie to themselves about how it started when they were super young or whatever, and that they always felt this way, that they couldn't change themselves if they wanted to... echoing and stealing the legitimate lines of homosexuals.

If they meditate on their deep rooted feelings though, sometimes tracing back to past lives, it's just a suppression of their male spirit.

When society treats men and women better, this will go away. Both men and women are treated horribly because of judeochristian values creating a mass psychosis in human society. Remove the jewish disease from society, and everything gets healthier.

I was avoiding this thread for obvious reasons (I simply don't want to read about gay sex), but randomly was drawn to your reply here. It is beautiful.

And so true about office work suppressing men. Men should not be forced to wear neckties either... "is it a noose or is it a leash?" I despise neckties.
Thank you for all of your replies it really gives me hope and makes me happy that we have a supportive community🔥🖤

Hail Satan
There are already many places in the world where men can "express" themselves by fighting and killing. Somalia, Liberia, areas occupied by the Islamic State, etc. I don't know why it's the tendency of some people to think that they would always be the one who wins the fight in this context. It seems to me that even if I was stronger than 90% of men I would run into someone stronger fairly quickly. With a bit of bad luck, a fit, eugenic guy with an IQ of 150 can be subdued by a couple of low-impulse control morons fairly quickly.
Yes, a agree that animals do it, some (like cats) only imitate this. Only for submis other. Nothing else
My opinion is unnatural. The "parasites" made it normal to eliminate and degrade us. They were doing this for thousands of years.
On the topic of whether things are natural or unnatural:

As humans, we cure all manner of illness. We cut down trees to make room to build a house. We change entire ecosystems to suit our needs. And people can even have sex safely and pleasurably in ways that animals could not even imagine.

None of that would be possible without people's deliberate efforts and intervention. That is the true nature of humans: we judge which parts of nature are wrong, and make it right. That's why notions of whether things are "natural" are ultimately subjective.

What are the frivolous preconceptions of others worth compared to the outcomes you yearn for, in the short term and the long term? If you insist on acting naturally nonetheless, then isn't the most "natural" thing you can do perhaps not simply to act on your whims?

As far as I can see, there's nothing "natural" about abstaining in shame because of opinions that aren't even your own. So rather than letting nature take its course and falling victim to the endless cruelty of this world, shape reality as you deem "right".
There is nothing more natural for a human than that.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Sunny said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

It will never be possible. And if even there was a "proper" way no advanced SS would want to.

Maybe it will be possible and maybe someone will do it out of curiosity.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Sunny said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

Just wait until men are allowed to express their full masculine natures in fully masculine roles again, and being a woman isn't about being a sex magnet.

No more oppressive office jobs. No more shunning of anger, rage, male tears, male excitement and joy, etc...

No more suppression of the male spirit. Being allowed to properly take care of your family with freedom in decisions, no threat of having your kids taken away.

No mandatory public school. No indoctrination. No swallowing your pride just to have a slave job to survive. Self employment making a comeback. Being the master of your own destiny with no one else telling you what to do.

Fighting being glorified again, and not illegal. Being able to challenge other men.

Never living in poverty because financial parasites have been destroyed.

Society respecting you and thanking you for what you do, and not spitting on your existence.

Having your own home, your own assets.

Being allowed to kill thieves who dare to steal from you. Including corrupt politicians, bankers, jews, etc...

Having your voice actually mean something in society instead of having your existence ignored and drowned out. Being known and admired.

Riding horses. Training with weapons. Adventuring to learn the world for yourself instead of being told what it is.

Engineering and building futuristic cities and townships that are perfect, and 100% Pagan. The world looking beautiful instead of a mecha industrial jewish wasteland that is oppressive to humanity. No more car centric design that forces you to have a car just to participate in society.

No more planned obsolescence of products. Buying something that is designed to last, and is worth your money.

When being a woman actually means something again rather than being just a pretty looking object, and men are allowed to be men and have the space in society to be men, transgender people suddenly won't want to be women anymore. It will lose its jewish appeal because women will be real women, and men will see a future for themselves again.

Transgenders are those who have given up on being men because being a man feels hopeless in this world right now.

Sometimes it's also because they feel ugly on many levels, and this is because it's subliminally programmed into the mass mind to highlight everything that makes women look beautiful while contrasting an ugly image of men.

To be able to feel loved and admired is then associated with being a woman, and thus the only way to receive love and warmth from other humans is to not be a man.

That's the perception which has been driven into the subconscious of many people.

If men knew how much women love and crave and appreciate them then this wouldn't be an issue, but men have been programmed to see themselves as a pile of feces while seeing a woman as an unreachable, greater being of exalted status that can't be touched.

The truth is that women are attracted to men just as much as men are attracted to them.

No matter what though, It's always an emotional root to this transgender problem.

They can lie to themselves about how it started when they were super young or whatever, and that they always felt this way, that they couldn't change themselves if they wanted to... echoing and stealing the legitimate lines of homosexuals.

If they meditate on their deep rooted feelings though, sometimes tracing back to past lives, it's just a suppression of their male spirit.

When society treats men and women better, this will go away. Both men and women are treated horribly because of judeochristian values creating a mass psychosis in human society. Remove the jewish disease from society, and everything gets healthier.

I like what Blitzkreig said one time about cross dressing. I think it's a good alternative if it satisfies the need well enough for now. I would rather transgender folk simply cross dress instead of mutilating their genitals. Cross dressing is a much healthier compromise. I'm concerned for the health of transgender people, and if cross dressing keeps them happy and satisfied enough until society is fixed, then that's a win in my mind.

Well said, thank you. Obviously the jews made a lot of problems. There is no point in reasoning with them, it is like reasoning with fleas and telling them; why are you doing this etc etc, you could have been better and superior life forms and beings.
Prisma said:
On the topic of whether things are natural or unnatural:

As humans, we cure all manner of illness. We cut down trees to make room to build a house. We change entire ecosystems to suit our needs. And people can even have sex safely and pleasurably in ways that animals could not even imagine.

None of that would be possible without people's deliberate efforts and intervention. That is the true nature of humans: we judge which parts of nature are wrong, and make it right. That's why notions of whether things are "natural" are ultimately subjective.

What are the frivolous preconceptions of others worth compared to the outcomes you yearn for, in the short term and the long term? If you insist on acting naturally nonetheless, then isn't the most "natural" thing you can do perhaps not simply to act on your whims?

As far as I can see, there's nothing "natural" about abstaining in shame because of opinions that aren't even your own. So rather than letting nature take its course and falling victim to the endless cruelty of this world, shape reality as you deem "right".
There is nothing more natural for a human than that.

Perfect response. Thank you.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

It is difficult to filter out trolls and infiltrators, so it would be better if people did not behave badly.
If anything is natural, this does not mean that it is good, or safe, or healthy. You can find examples in nature of every possible action, every possible crime, every possible violent or damaging action. If you copy animals to determine what is a good thing to do, you will be seeing a lot of bad advice.

Same thing with plants or drugs. Just because they are natural doesn't mean they are safe. Some people eat hallucinogenic mushrooms because they are natural, and many people every year are dying from eating poisonous mushrooms. Even the most dangerous and most deadly poisonous plant is still 100% natural.

Yes, this action is natural if that means do any other animals ever do this. But copying animals, it is also natural to eat your own children, which millions of animals sometimes do. Actually eating your own children can be said to be millions of times more natural than sodomy is, it is done much more often and by a much larger number of species.

You are allowed to do what you want to do. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. But something you should do is read about the many different permanent health problems that are commonly caused by this action, especially for the person recieving it. And decide do you want to cause these kinds of permanent injuries to yourself? And do you want to cause them to somebody else? And is it worth it. If you decide you do not care about these injuries, and it is worth it, then you are allowed to do whatever you want to do. But remember being allowed to do something does not mean it is safe. You are also allowed to do surgery on yourself and start removing your own organs, but of course I think that is a bad idea.
Sunny said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Sunny said:
Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

It will never be possible. And if even there was a "proper" way no advanced SS would want to.

Maybe it will be possible and maybe someone will do it out of curiosity.
With surgeries and hormones you can look like the other gender but will not fix the deeper issues that made you want to switch gender. There are many MtF who did the bottom surgery and now lack any sex drive and feel horrible. This is because it's not natural, nature would not make a third gender that needs hormones and surgeries to feel better, the only logical explanation is that being trans is a mental illness that needs to be healed. Magic can do that.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If anything is natural, this does not mean that it is good, or safe, or healthy. You can find examples in nature of every possible action, every possible crime, every possible violent or damaging action. If you copy animals to determine what is a good thing to do, you will be seeing a lot of bad advice.

Same thing with plants or drugs. Just because they are natural doesn't mean they are safe. Some people eat hallucinogenic mushrooms because they are natural, and many people every year are dying from eating poisonous mushrooms. Even the most dangerous and most deadly poisonous plant is still 100% natural.

Yes, this action is natural if that means do any other animals ever do this. But copying animals, it is also natural to eat your own children, which millions of animals sometimes do. Actually eating your own children can be said to be millions of times more natural than sodomy is, it is done much more often and by a much larger number of species.

You are allowed to do what you want to do. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. But something you should do is read about the many different permanent health problems that are commonly caused by this action, especially for the person recieving it. And decide do you want to cause these kinds of permanent injuries to yourself? And do you want to cause them to somebody else? And is it worth it. If you decide you do not care about these injuries, and it is worth it, then you are allowed to do whatever you want to do. But remember being allowed to do something does not mean it is safe. You are also allowed to do surgery on yourself and start removing your own organs, but of course I think that is a bad idea.
It has been practiced for many years, if it was so bad we would have known. As long as your careful and don't do stupid things nothing bad will happen.
luis said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you.
It's like I can see myself.
Although I am a heterosexual man,but I was always somewhat out of the queue(wherever I went).

As my mother's blood brother used to say(my uncle):I have nothing against problem a homosexual man, as long as he doesn't want my asshole.
I fully agree with this.
This is a bad think to say. To think every gay men is a rapist that may want your asshole... Most gay men are not rapist, just like most straight men aren't. If someone fall in love with a straight guy then there is nothing to be mad about, just tell him you are not gay.
I did not thought violence(And my uncle didn't mean violence).
Just don't let a homosexual man try to get me.But yes, if I told him (the homosexual man), he probably usually wouldn't try to have a homosexual man try to have me (he wouldn't want to conquer me).Or in a better case. :lol: :D

The problem I thought was,it would be that if he(homosexual man) pushed and pushed hard and wanted me anyway.
If you know what I mean.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=378189 time=1659249652 user_id=57]
Flowers of Adonis said:
Just wait until men are allowed to express their full masculine natures in fully masculine roles again, and being a woman isn't about being a sex magnet.

No more oppressive office jobs. No more shunning of anger, rage, male tears, male excitement and joy, etc...

No more suppression of the male spirit. Being allowed to properly take care of your family with freedom in decisions, no threat of having your kids taken away.

No mandatory public school. No indoctrination. No swallowing your pride just to have a slave job to survive. Self employment making a comeback. Being the master of your own destiny with no one else telling you what to do.

Fighting being glorified again, and not illegal. Being able to challenge other men.

Never living in poverty because financial parasites have been destroyed.

Society respecting you and thanking you for what you do, and not spitting on your existence.

Having your own home, your own assets.

Being allowed to kill thieves who dare to steal from you. Including corrupt politicians, bankers, jews, etc...

Having your voice actually mean something in society instead of having your existence ignored and drowned out. Being known and admired.

Riding horses. Training with weapons. Adventuring to learn the world for yourself instead of being told what it is.

Engineering and building futuristic cities and townships that are perfect, and 100% Pagan. The world looking beautiful instead of a mecha industrial jewish wasteland that is oppressive to humanity. No more car centric design that forces you to have a car just to participate in society.

No more planned obsolescence of products. Buying something that is designed to last, and is worth your money.

When being a woman actually means something again rather than being just a pretty looking object, and men are allowed to be men and have the space in society to be men, transgender people suddenly won't want to be women anymore. It will lose its jewish appeal because women will be real women, and men will see a future for themselves again.

Transgenders are those who have given up on being men because being a man feels hopeless in this world right now.

Sometimes it's also because they feel ugly on many levels, and this is because it's subliminally programmed into the mass mind to highlight everything that makes women look beautiful while contrasting an ugly image of men.

To be able to feel loved and admired is then associated with being a woman, and thus the only way to receive love and warmth from other humans is to not be a man.

That's the perception which has been driven into the subconscious of many people.

If men knew how much women love and crave and appreciate them then this wouldn't be an issue, but men have been programmed to see themselves as a pile of feces while seeing a woman as an unreachable, greater being of exalted status that can't be touched.

The truth is that women are attracted to men just as much as men are attracted to them.

No matter what though, It's always an emotional root to this transgender problem.

They can lie to themselves about how it started when they were super young or whatever, and that they always felt this way, that they couldn't change themselves if they wanted to... echoing and stealing the legitimate lines of homosexuals.

If they meditate on their deep rooted feelings though, sometimes tracing back to past lives, it's just a suppression of their male spirit.

When society treats men and women better, this will go away. Both men and women are treated horribly because of judeochristian values creating a mass psychosis in human society. Remove the jewish disease from society, and everything gets healthier.

I was avoiding this thread for obvious reasons (I simply don't want to read about gay sex), but randomly was drawn to your reply here. It is beautiful.

And so true about office work suppressing men. Men should not be forced to wear neckties either... "is it a noose or is it a leash?" I despise neckties.

Thank you Lydia-senpai! :D

Yes, I have always preferred the look of bow ties myself.

I never really thought much about neckties, but I wasn't gravitated to them at all. I have never worn one before so I don't even know what it's like. It seems like it would be annoying though unless it's pinned or something.
Sunny said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

It is difficult to filter out trolls and infiltrators, so it would be better if people did not behave badly.
Yes, it is indeed difficult.
I was surprised by that too.
If you look, you'll see that HP doesn't talk to him(fanboy) like a troll.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are allowed to do what you want to do. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. But something you should do is read about the many different permanent health problems that are commonly caused by this action, especially for the person recieving it. And decide do you want to cause these kinds of permanent injuries to yourself? And do you want to cause them to somebody else? And is it worth it. If you decide you do not care about these injuries, and it is worth it, then you are allowed to do whatever you want to do. But remember being allowed to do something does not mean it is safe. ...
Although it's safe if done in moderation, I've read that there are serious health risks for people who do it very frequently for decades. It's good to be mindful. For example, injury can be prevented by gently stretching and relaxing the muscles with foreplay beforehand.

Sex has many benefits for mental health (such as increased levels of serotonin and oxytocin: hormones which promote positive thinking and reduce stress), so it's important not to abstain. That's also something to consider when making a decision regarding this. However, one can certainly add variation with alternatives such as oral sex, intercrural sex, and tantric sex, in order to reduce the frequency of anal sex, and thereby minimise the health risks. It's important to let the body rest and recover when it needs to.

Overly reckless sexual behaviour is regrettably rather common, leading to the sort of things you mentioned. But this can be avoided.
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

Even that nonsense he said here on the anus is total bullshit.. "worming" if you want to have anal sex.. What stupid shit is that?
Come on, disagreeing with someone doesn't mean the person is infiltrator. I'm pretty sure Enigmatic_Rabbit is not, she has very positive tendencies. If these are correct or not, this is another story.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

I will give you my opinion on this, but don't fully take my word on it. I am saying this more on instinct and observation, I am not a researcher.

I think there may be a strong correlation between homosexuality and jewishness. By this I am not saying you are a jew, you wouldn't be an SS if you were. I am saying the jewish influences might lead to this. There are certain energies in nature that attract each other. Like male/female. This is why I think only certain organs are fully and naturally compatible. I keep reading about the prostate orgasm for men and how women also have anal sex. In my experience most women dislike anal and they can barely walk afterwards, plus other discomforts. Also there are sexually transmitted diseases that occur 90% in homosexual men. Like monkeypox, AIDS etc. This is because it is a blood transmitted disease and homosexual intercourse has more bleeding than heterosexual sex has. It is just that the organs are more compatible in heterosexual intercourse therefore the blood vessels damage is way lower. I also hear lots of arguments about ancient times homosexuals and homosexual Gods which I am a bit skeptical about. In modern times wherever the jew starts having enormous influence, homosexuality starts growing in numbers same as race mixed couples. Some say "but look at ancient Rome, Greece or Babylon". Yes I know, but I also know they were subverted and sabotaged as hell by the enemy. People talk about the Bible and especially the Old Testament being extremely anti gay. It is absolutely true, but I don't think the purpose was to attack homosexuality in gentiles, but to save the jews from this predisposition. Jews have many unnatural imbalances and diseases like sight problems, skin problems, psychological etc. They try to project those on the white populaces as well. I also don't know about the Gods' homosexuality. Mageson was an infiltrator and saying things like bisexuality is normal in 95% of people. Some interpreted the hieroglyphs and carvings of the 2 Egyptian Gods with an erection as a sign of their homosexuality, but I think it was explained at one point as simply one of the Gods helping the other one direct sexual energy trough different chakras.

The truth remains that before all this (((liberalism))) there were hardly and gays and I don't but the "they were afraid to come out of the closet". The only gays I know about are either jews or gay men who were once attracted to women and suffered too many rejections. Jews and their doctrines never come help the young people when they have problems with personal development and adaptation, they instead amplify those frustrations and prey on those points.

Maybe naturally some things occur by themselves, but this has debating points as well. Remember from the main Joy of Satan sites: Satan accepts you as you are, but will push you to improve yourself. We all come with minuses (me included) and Satan says basically: there is no problem, but try to grow and find yourself. Maybe I am wrong about what I said, maybe in time you will come to realize you were right. That you will see by yourself.

Speaking of natural occurences, there is a small analogy between homosexuality and racemixing. When the cases are few/exceptions it does not damage the society/country/RACE that much, but when it gets normalized, in our cases it did extreme damage on the white demographics. So I am skeptical about the natural part. Yes, in nature anomalies appear, mistakes appear, species go extinct and immunity fights pathogens and sometimes wins sometimes looses.

Also instinct and natural understanding play a role in all this. I am thinking about most people's reaction towards homosexuality. Even if some say they support it, when talking with them in private they are something like "I don't care as long as I don't see it". And again, I don't think this has to do with christianity, but just the natural reaction. Natural reaction is the real thing, not ideological reaction.

Remember nowadays, everything is about ideological reaction. How many times have I heard: jews hate christianity so we must be doing something good by being christians, jews attack homosexuality it must be something good for us gentiles, jews don't allow immigrants in Israel they are racist, but we are not.

Ultimately it's up to you to determine everything about yourself. You are an SS like everyone here and will get to the bottom of your questions.
Serbon said:
Come on, disagreeing with someone doesn't mean the person is infiltrator. I'm pretty sure Enigmatic_Rabbit is not, she has very positive tendencies. If these are correct or not, this is another story.

I appreciate what you said here, truly, as taking in new information, or even contrary information, is difficult. Not one reply to what I said surprised me and that's okay. OP asked a question he didn't want the answer to or wasn't expecting an answer that was contrary to his own preconceived notions. Whether OP asked the question because he was in a "dark place" at that current moment or he was "attacked", I have no opinion on which was the case as it frankly, now, doesn't matter. What's done is done.

I answered OP to the best of *my* abilities. Although, I did accurately point out that what he was seeking wasn't actually "truth" but "faith" in my second post. People should be okay with themselves no matter what. Even if that means we all exist in our own "separate realities". If sodomy is "natural" TO YOU, then it is. If homosexuality is "natural" TO YOU, then it is. It really doesn't matter.

But I stand by my previous statements as I try and seek truth through wisdom, no matter the cost. Even if it hurts. Even if it goes against everything that I knew before and have to re-integrate and re-establish everything again. It's the only thing worth doing, other than training, in my eyes. Others may find it differently.

The "parasite" angle on health is what the kikes don't want anyone to know about. "Just be sick and miserable. Never try and understand what might be wrong with you, never try to cure yourself, never ask why you might be different just (((accept))) because it's harder to find the answer. Just give us a gorillion shekels and Roll Over And Die, Goy." If you have any health condition and have tried EVERYTHING, reading about parasites might be your answer. This is about health, not about bedroom politicks.


To answer "What about homo demons/ess", the answer is quite simple. Demons are energetic beings. They do not have bodies like we are used to. Sure, they can conjure one up to walk among our 3D world but they are not BOUND to biology unlike humans and all other life. They can be whatever the fuck they want, it doesn't Matter to them. Just like it shouldn't matter to *us*. But here's a nice thing to think about.

As Satan and the Gods, we humans are made to be like *them*, to become a deity, reach magnum opus, etc. When that happens, reality will behave very differently for you. You are no longer "bound" by "basic biology" as you are in touch with the ether itself. Meaning, we Too can be whatever we want and still be healthy (and no, I'm not talking about being a tranny). But until that happens, we Must take into consideration the body we were given. We eat, piss, shit, sweat, cry, bleed etc. because we are Not "purely energetic beings". We are a soul piloting a meat suit. Take Care Of IT. This is where de-worming comes in. No one thinks about the body.

If you de-worm, you now allow your body to run smoothly (imagine never cleaning your house and allowing rats to infest it.) and thus your energy centers run clear and flow freely and this allows for up-conversion of energy (Jing to Qi to Shen) to power-up your soul. Parasites, an infected body, is like shackles on this process. There is no (((original sin))) when it comes to the body, those are all kiked lies. Just like the kikes, parasites are opportunistic, will set up home where ever they see fit, and the goyim host pays for it all. You don't "just" become "sick", you don't "just" develop (((cancers))), you don't "just" like the opposite sex. It's all tied to biology. Macro or micro-parasites, inter and intra-cellular. Hetero, homo, male, female, tranny, black, white, etc. if you haven't de-wormed, you have parasites aka kikes inside your body. Pretending that biology doesn't exist is what kikes want everyone to do. Make the body okay and the spirit will follow.


The study of nutrition and my own hard fought experience had lead me to accept without a shadow of a doubt that everything I had said up to now is 100% factual. But please, if it bothers you, move on. This post, like all others, is to provide a different angle to view things from. Heal the body and you will have an easier time powering up the soul. It's that dead simple.

If you want to know more about this, you can look at my signature for proof of all of this and use your discretion. I just want people healthy and aware of a possible blind spot.
luis said:
It has been practiced for many years, if it was so bad we would have known. As long as your careful and don't do stupid things nothing bad will happen.

And we do know. All of the different injuries caused by this have been studied in very clear detail for many years by many doctors. Hemorrhoids, blood clots, ripping, multiple types of cancer, AIDs, and many other things.

It is your choice to do whatever you want to do. But it is wrong to pretend that it is harmless. If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
luis said:
It has been practiced for many years, if it was so bad we would have known. As long as your careful and don't do stupid things nothing bad will happen.

And we do know. All of the different injuries caused by this have been studied in very clear detail for many years by many doctors. Hemorrhoids, blood clots, ripping, multiple types of cancer, AIDs, and many other things.

It is your choice to do whatever you want to do. But it is wrong to pretend that it is harmless. If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
How do we know that the enemy did not put their fingers in these studies? They always hated homosexuals, so I would not be surprised. Another thing penetration is a normal part of sex, I can't believe nature made some people homosexuals without being able to have penetration, it feels good too because men have a prostate that get stimulated with anal penetration, something that women do not have.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum?
"Meant to"? Man does not need anyone's approval, nor anyone's permission minus the person whom he wishes to penetrate; nor the same for being bottom/receiving.

Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing
Perhaps you think all penis-to-vagina ratios includes urination at the same time? Recta can be cleaned before being enjoyed. You might not know about anal irrigation/the use of douches. One would hope the Girl would piss and clean herself before Boy enjoys her vagina, just like hoping Boy shits and cleans himself before Boy enjoys his anus.

and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims...
The top/giver (the one who penetrates) doesn't have trouble pooing. He is still gay (or bi). People can also exercise. Claims are used to brainwash ignorant people into being brainwashed ignorant people. If anus is for outing faeces and not to be penetrated, then vagina is for outing urine and not to be penetrated.

but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural
"Admitting"? You mean deciding.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.
Gay does not equal paedophilic. Gay equals gay. How does Boy-- well, Man (it is called Boy-friend and Girl-friend, instead of Man-friend and Woman-friend...) wanting to stick penis into Man hole = Man wanting to stick penis into Boy hole or into Girl hole?

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤
As I have said before - people should watch My Gay Dog and Other Animals and do research to find out how many species of Animal have non-straight members in their respective groups.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
I dunno....i dont know what to do at all.. its like i always believed these to be true... and now im lost
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up.
Meh. Get over it. Enjoy gay sex safely, consensually and cleanly.

Find someone of your Race who is decent and sexy and well-mannered and clean and trustworthy, and obviously who is open to having gay sex with you, and enjoy it with him. Stop defaulting to nonsense and bullshit. If you stay at home and cry, then you'll be staying at home and crying.

because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from
Explain "meant". The jew is "meant" to be our master for all eternity. Yes?

i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.
Then get up and move and be. Stop being in a rut. If you're unsexy, then become sexy. If this, then whatever, etc. Just go.

Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
Yes, it is unnatural.
Gay sex is not unnatural in the slightest. It is more Natural than the jew existing on this Planet.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
But what do you think about what enigmatic rabbit has written... down below...

Stop worrying and stop crying. Just be. Be a worrier and a crier, or be happy and enjoy life. I don't know if you like smegma; you might not like dick cheese, but I hope you like cheese - be a worrier or be a warrior. Only you choose. You have to make your own happiness. No-one else will. At the end of the day, and at the beginning of the day and at every other part of the day, you have to do things to do things. Cry or be happy. It's a choice - you either laugh or you cry. Get over it or continue under it. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts. Just go and just be. Be happy or be sad. Hold yourself back or let go, get over it, and be.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
...or Spiritually-immature. Gods and Goddesses help the bisexual/homosexual Daemons and Daemonesses!
FancyMancy said:
then vagina is for outing urine and not to be penetrated.

Absolutely wrong. A vagina and a urethra are two entirely different and seperate things. A human woman is not a bird, she does not have a cloaca. It is honestly shocking and ridiculous what a grown man does not know about basic biology.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is honestly shocking and ridiculous what a grown man does not know about basic biology.

Ol, stop abusing other members just because you miss me. It's unbecoming. Also, AIDS virus is not caused by anal sex, but rather by jews. Hoodedcobra said so. If you need to stomp on someone's pride to recover from your own shame and humiliation then take another cheap shot at me like you did before. Get it out of your system so you can stop abusing our brothers. Dick.
Im a straight man but i got nothing against gay people. I even got a few gay friends.

I don't know if it is natural but if we got Homsexual Gods(did not look into it), then its probbably normal.

The Problem here is that this is a jewish trap. The Xians are so against gays(they think the gays rule the world), they don't see the real problem, and that is racemixing.

That is another reason why i think that homosexuality is ok, because the jews use it as a distraction from the real problem. Because there are alot of gay people that are not really gay but are following a trend, and when this trend passes the ammount of gay people will fall off, but once the race is mixed there is no going back(atleast for now, can't speak about this but who knows what technology the Gods have).
luis said:
Sunny said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
It will never be possible. And if even there was a "proper" way no advanced SS would want to.

Maybe it will be possible and maybe someone will do it out of curiosity.
With surgeries and hormones you can look like the other gender but will not fix the deeper issues that made you want to switch gender. There are many MtF who did the bottom surgery and now lack any sex drive and feel horrible. This is because it's not natural, nature would not make a third gender that needs hormones and surgeries to feel better, the only logical explanation is that being trans is a mental illness that needs to be healed. Magic can do that.

I did not mean a trans case, but a homo or hetero case who would like to become the opposite sex out of pure curiosity and experience.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
then vagina is for outing urine and not to be penetrated.

Absolutely wrong. A vagina and a urethra are two entirely different and seperate things. A human woman is not a bird, she does not have a cloaca. It is honestly shocking and ridiculous what a grown man does not know about basic biology.
We be pedantic when we want to be. Fine - vulva, then.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:

It is difficult to filter out trolls and infiltrators, so it would be better if people did not behave badly.
Yes, it is indeed difficult.
I was surprised by that too.
If you look, you'll see that HP doesn't talk to him(fanboy) like a troll.

Don't waste your time with problematic and non-serious people.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
then vagina is for outing urine and not to be penetrated.

Absolutely wrong. A vagina and a urethra are two entirely different and seperate things. A human woman is not a bird, she does not have a cloaca. It is honestly shocking and ridiculous what a grown man does not know about basic biology.

I was to comment about that too. The urethra would end in the vulva, not the vagina. And even I might have worded that wrong.
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

Even that nonsense he said here on the anus is total bullshit.. "worming" if you want to have anal sex.. What stupid shit is that?

I agree with you.
+ it is a spammer with no respect and tries to enforce its views on others in a sneaky way,
purposefully mixing things up and only hearing what it wants to hear,
acting like it knows everything, is above everyone and even trying to lecture members
(about what the JoS stands for or is, for example).
And the way it writes and always long ass texts that look schizo-like.
Either a schizo or a jew, or both. And i don't say that often, this is my first time i think.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
