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Knowledge versus Religion


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This is my own opinion. They are my own thoughts. Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong. This post is also too long for most people.

I posted this green text earlier, here.

I can't speak for others, but I prefer to not believe beliefs; instead, I prefer to know things, have knowledge, be able to refer to facts and - if possible and safe to do - refer to actual demonstrations (which is not safe to do in this World at this time). Of course, there is some overlap for some people, having faith in one's own abilities or believing what you are told, but having beliefs in beings in the sky who tell us how to live (or guide us for positive existence) without actual tangible results is pointless - and more so, the Siddhis, our own learned abilities which we can actually do our actual selves... actually, not praying to anyone or anything and getting no results.

I would also argue that we don't dedicate ourselves to a religion; rather, we dedicate ourselves to a cause. "Religion" is just what it's know as, because that's a term that people understand. Pronounce "religion" backwards, and it sounds a bit like "knowledge", maybe 'knowledger' one who has knowledge, gnosis, a Mage, a Wise One... Maybe the word "religion" is a magic word used to reverse knowledge - "god" hates you for having knowledge of good and evil, after all... and not forgetting "woe unto those for putting evil for good and good for evil" - religion instead of knowledge and knowledge instead of religion.

These things are just my thoughts. I might be right, I might be wrong.

Very briefly, from merely a couple of minutes of research, a possible source for the word "religion" is from the Latin "religio" meaning "to bind" or "to tie fast"; or from the Latin "relegere" meaning "to read again" or "to go over again", maybe implying careful consideration or a conscientious approach to worship and moral conduct (according to the authours of said religion) in a deity or divine power. "Knowledge" basically comes from Proto-Germanic and Old High German meaning "to know". So when I said Maybe the word "religion" is a magic word used to reverse knowledge just above, I wasn't far off. I wonder if "religion" is also connected to "relegate", and "ligate" or" religate" (which is old for "relegate") meaning to bind with a ligature... a bandage... because (the jew reckons) we need to suckle on the jew's dirty teet, mothering by the jew...


For the sake of clarity, I wondered if "religion" was connected to "relegate" i.e. to reduce, to lower; then I meant to search for "relegate" but mistyped it as "religate" (even though I know the spelling!; probably with the spelling of "religion" in there!) and I found that "religare" means "to bind fast", as below; and "religate" is connected to "ligature" (to ligate again) and "bandage";



and as we know, religion binds, and as we learn below if we didn't know already, it repeats things, repeatedly; so religion = bandaging and relegating, i.e. binding and reducing. See also "tithe" later in the thread - and christians have to pay tithe repeatedly to be told the same things repeatedly...


Regarding The Analogy of Religion [1740] by Joseph Butler,
...for its having so long interrupted the pleasures of the World.

christianity, "god" - i.e. the jew - has had to continue to create "christian revivals" throughout history. (If "god" was so powerful, why does it keep losing power and needing revivals, not able to prevent them?!) I said this previously, ages ago, about christian revivals needing to be done, before I saw this here which I saw only today. I said it ages ago based on various snippets of information that I have gathered over the years. Other than burning people alive for practicing witchcraft, i.e. using their Brains to make things happen, one big way xianity has survived is through Children being born into xian families and being brought-up in the religion throughout the centuries. When xianity is losing, it - I expect - quietens down in one sense, maybe protesting at Gay Pride 1535 shouting "jesus" shit, "jesus" shat (i.e. "jesus" this, "jesus" that), and getting nowhere, so keeping a low profile until the jew manages to redirect society back to communism and promote xianity again by maybe the year 1599 or something...

One I refer to is at a time in history where people wore what we would consider costumes today, for clothes, (which is a very broad period of time, I apologise!) there were very 'naughty' things happening in society, a very naughty, perhaps what weaklings and sensitives today would call perverse time. "Perverse" basically means "different", or as we might say "contrary to the prescribed doctrine/political correctness BS". Religion lost too much power, so politics has to politick in its place - not that jew religion wasn't politicking all along.

As we know, xianity, "god" - i.e. the jew - is against Human Natural Sexuality. The jew cannot defeat it, only subdue it for a while. It still comes out, regardless. I also saw that even in "priests"'s books (I'm not 100% certain if it was in bibles, or other scholarly books) in the margins were questionable, naughty doodles.

I can only imagine just how many times in history xians have cried that the Devil is causing people to sin with sexuality and what might be called sexual liberation, which "god" could not prevent people from doing/sinning! Human Sexuality - which "god" cReAtEd, and then hated*; creating "privates" then being disgusted by its own creation so made Humans (or Adam and Eve, at least!) embarrassed and ashamed to be naked in their natural bodies so having to cover them up with leaves because christian adults are children (i.e. child-like faith) and immature and sensitive. I can also imagine how many times fake androgyny and forced-brainwashing into merging of sexes by mutilation, to try and make a communistic world of non-sex/non-gender Races and Species, happened in history. I don't know how many 1960s with being out of one's mind and head and less-than-preferable "free love" existed throughout the centuries, in one form or another. The Ancient Greeks, Romans, and presumably others had their own clear-headed, consenstual, and clean bathhouses, forums, areas for Natural behaviours and presumably Sex Magick. I presume also clean and legal prostitution, also. (The word "prostitution" in my mind has negative, dirty connotations, but that is the correct word, however.) Human Natural Sexuality comes out regardless, but of course it has to be stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted by the jew.

The jew is not very powerful, really. With all of these "revivals" and a lot of "naughty" or sexual liberation times in history, at least a percentage of which I have to presume were also made dirty by the jew, the jew cannot prevent them; the jew merely has to ride the waves for a while and then re-steer the boat back to its own shores... which lasts for only a time...

*hey, that could be a trend and a hashtag! #godCreatedThenHated (the G in "god" left lowercase on purpose!) Nah, not enough people would bother trying to figure out enough things for it to be worthwhile!


bindem, bidan? Biden? Perhaps bidden, forbidden?


no, surely not!





Yeah, Einstein was all-bright, autistic, making sense of all sorts of astronomical and cosmological things! Not to mention was wrong and apparently a plagiarist, but whatever!


My Conversation with an AI Chatbot - "religion" and "knowledge" etymologies -



Don't forget that in christianity you are a slave, especially if you tithe -

Occult principle of tithing

Because "god" created existence (except for its own...) and needs to slaughter Peoples and raze their cities and steal their gems and other precious materials and sometimes Animals if not having them burnt for a pleasant smell unto "god"... Oh, and it needs to murder, raze, and smell burning Animals, and steal these materials after it cReAtEd them. It could have cReAtEd many of them for itself, making its bed out of uncomfortable diamonds for it to sleep on. It's like "god" is a selfish brat who gives toys to others but then it doesn't want to share its toys and snatches them back. Dear "god" - did your daddy not love you?! Did your mummy abuse you?! Were you weaned too early?!

Re: "Evil"

Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"

For "god" So-Loved the World

Christian Evil Exposed (AKA Exposing Christianity)

Satan is God

Even "god" in its buybulls admits so, and lies at the very same time, the exact same time -

Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
~2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan... has blinded people from belief?! PMSFL, LOL! If one knows, then they don't need to believe! Satan said in "the garden" that if they ate of the tree (of knowledge of good and evil), then they wouldn't die! As with jewsus (it says "christ" rather than "the christ"...) being the exact likeness of "god", then,


Oh, and Satan is the bad one and "god" is the good one!

and also with jesus being the exact likeness of "god", then,

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
~Hebrews 13:8

For I am the Lord, I do not change.
~Malachi 3:6

yet "god" (the father part, which is also the same as the son part and the same as the holey-with-an-E spirit part, so xianity is polytheistic... but all 3 = 1...) changes its mind all the time... e.g. flooding the World because "it is good" but then changed its mind and decided "it is bad" - and let no man destroy what "god" hath created!

I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
~Isaiah 45:7

...therefore, what God has joined together, let no-one separate."
~Mark 10:9

so... Humans are stronger than "god", can manipulate "god" who is evil (in its hebrew, "jehova" means "god of evil") because "god" "created" the Earth with Humans and Animals (ignoring all other Planets with life on them, herp-derp...) and said "it is good", but then Humans did shit - i.e. used the free will "god" gave them - and then "god" - the same yesterday, today and forever "god"! - was un-the-same-yesterday-today-and-forever and now "it is not good"?! lool! lOOl! l00000000l!

and jesus said,

"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No-one is good - except God alone..."
~Mark 10:18

1) yeah, and that's why you had to be sent by your dadself to be tortured to death, and
2) except that - and here we start to be christian-like, going around in illogical circles -

...Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
2 Corinthians 4:4

Such schizophrenia, or what?!

and where is Corinth? In Greece? Greek, where the word "Daimon" (i.e. Daemon, Demon) comes from? Greek, where the meaning of "Eternal Truth" (or more specifically "Truth Eternal") (taken from the more-ancient Sanskrit) for "Satan" comes from?! Wow...


Yeah, have faith or have knowledge. Knowledge (plus action) equals power - the jew had knowledge and said, playing the character "god", that we're not "allowed" to have knowledge of good and evil; because with knowledge of good and evil... we... would know... what is good and what is evil... and the jew would lose tremendously and painfully... Faith or knowledge? With Satan and what He gives us, we don't need "faith" in seeing Satan after death; instead, we can learn to overcome death and see Satan and other Gods and Goddesses either Astrally or Physically one day without dying in the same sense as 'life after death' in mainstream religion. Depending on one's level of ability and advancement, they may need to reincarnate and eventually overcome reincarnation so as to not die anymore, but no 'life after death' in the christian sense. I am not referring to having faith in one's own abilities; that argument would be used by christians to try and prove and try to claim "faith in god" nonsense. I am referring to that there would not be any faith in wanting, hoping, wishing, praying for having more and more knowledge and overcoming reincarnation to happen, and other things, and doing other things, and having other things; we can actually do it in real-life by using the knowledge that He has given us, instead of faithing and getting nowhere.

Sooo... lastly, let's have a look-see at these -

a few years ago I did a tiny bit of research. According to Wikipaedia and InfoPlease, there are about 2.2 billion (2 200 000 000) christians in the World. If each of those 2.2 billion gave £€$¥10 for 52 weeks per year, then

[pretend these numbers line up!]
2 200 000 000
* 52
* 10
= 1 144 000 000 000 (1 trillion, 144 billion) per year... and "god" still "needs" more money, and Children are starving to death and can't afford medical treatment, etc.!

Are churches still tax-exempt?! Can you remember any of "the" popes having expensive gold crosses and expensive gold thrones and expensive vestments and expensive architectural buildings?



It's not a conspiracy anymore

Spiritual Satnaism is, of course, a religion in one sense. It might be categorised as a religion. We are, however, taking back things which were stolen from us. We don't have to have faith, to fantasise, about things and pray to nothing, talking to ourselves or to nothing; instead, we know things and we do things to make things happen. When the World realises, finally, that Nature and Natural things happen, and we can use these Natural things, then Spiritual Satanism will no longer be a "religion"; it will merely be life, existence, being. It wil be. I expect the term "religion" will die-out and be remembered only in historical texts and Akashic Records of this worst several thousand years of Earth History, and media/plays/reinactments, perhaps, of the past.

Some Truth Regarding 666
According to biblical teachings, God created the Universe and Biological Life. According to Science, we know about chemicals and tiny bits and pieces of things, and things that makes-up life.

We have Carbon, and specifically for the point I am making, Carbon-12. Carbon-12 is essential for Biological Life to exist. Some christians argue that Science is what God has given us, as in revealing things, secrets, understandings to us, so that we can learn. So if we put these two things together, we understand that -
  • God created the Universe,
  • God chose that Biological Life should exist,
  • God decided that Carbon should be abundant,
  • God wanted Carbon-12, specifically and inextricably, to be for Biological Life, and
  • God filled Carbon-12 with 666 - 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6 protons, without which, Biological Life cannot exist (as we know it);
then God proceeded to tell us that we are dirty and sinful and must die, and tell us that 666 is evil. God creates Universe, then calls Universe, Nature, Biological Life, YOU dirty, evil, wrong, on death row...

All of the arguments for christianity (and islam...), all of the preaches, all of the prayers, all of the "faith"... they are all irrelevant. Have faith, and have faith hard, that 666 is not for Biological Life to exist... or have faith, and have faith hard, that God was joking... or delusional... or an idiot... or trolling... or forgot... or made a mistake... or wanted to create something just to hate it and control it... If 666 is Satan's number, and God decided 666 must be in Biological Life, then... what?

christians are afraid of... Nature, biology (they hate Naturap nudity and Natural sex, they are more concerned with where you stick your parts or what gets stuck in your parts...). While christians are afraid of Nature, and christianity is jewish, Nature Herself is also anti-semitic -

  1. Nature
  2. is
  3. anti-semitic,
  4. no?
Surely not. PMSFL. The jew knows in its 6000-year plan that Nature has to take Her course, and the jew uses this deliberately as a means to the jew's own end. - End! Lol.


Catholic Encyclopaedia - Devil Worship


Satan, who is God of this World, has supposedly blinded People from believing... Herp-derp.


Lucifer* is more a title than a name, and it also referred to a Roman God, rather than to Satan. When catholics pray in their hymn Exsultet or Easter** Proclamation, mentioning "Lucifer", it regards the morning star or light-bringer, which in jewbiblical fiction seems to refer to jewsus, and no-one else.




christians end prayers with "amen", not knowing that they are saying "so mote it be" and speaking to Amon-Ra. So I end this thread with not with "amen"; rather with

Hail Satan, Illuminator, Truth Eternal, Bringer of Knowledge, so we can Know, so we can have Knowledge of actual Truth.
So who exactly created the real age of the world?
If you mean how old Earth is, then Nature created Earth billions of years ago. Nature also created Satan; Satan did not create the Universe.
I can't speak for others, but I prefer to not believe beliefs; instead, I prefer to know things, have knowledge, be able to refer to facts and - if possible and safe to do - refer to actual demonstrations (which is not safe to do in this World at this time).
True, but here's the other side to consider:

"I received a mail with a valid and also a very common questions:

“So i am so ready to take a side, but i just can’t see any difference between your beliefs and Christians or Muslims . I mean they say “Love your lord unconditionally and under any circumstances” and you say the exact same damn thing!
I am not a child, not a desperate human being but i just need ONE PROOF OF EXISTENCES OF SOMETHING! I don’t want to just “worship”, religious people say that you’ll be able to sense god only after doing whatever they tell you to do .
I mean if i try to summon a demon and i success you’ll say “i told you so, it’s real” and if i fail you’ll say “not enough psych power! not enough chakra! your candle’s color was wrong!! ” another form of the “Lord works in mysterious ways” sentence .
Thanks in advance “

LOL, I get your frustration but the reality works that in a different way then you think. You first must believe then you experience it, especially when it comes to mystical things. With physical stuff it’s a bit different but when you forget about basic things like gravity and objects bumping and look on complex systems like social relationships, then you may notice the same rules applies as in religion. Different people believe in different things about life and they GET DIFFERENT THINGS as well. From afar you may think that because they already have it they believe that way but that’s not the way it works."
"There is a whole spiritual world out there but you simply don’t see it and you will never see it if you insist on “proof first” rule. The science paradigm doesn’t apply to mysticism. Religion is not and will never be a science but it can be incredibly useful and powerful. It works because reality is more complex and scientific paradigm cannot encompass it. That is why religion or any mysticism will still be there – our minds are more then simple neurons and electric potential waves. Reductionism was debunked in 80ies by many philosophers, because a) relationships on various levels are many to many and b) you cannot deduce features of a higher level compilation from features of its compilation. “Prove first” attitude is an obsolete child of reductionism approach. It cannot hold nowadays and even on universities people learn that scientific paradigm is very limited when it comes to researching complexity of the reality."
"Once again: once you let yourself believe that there may be something more and your curiosity takes over, with time you will find secondary proofs (in lifes of others), more and more. At some point (usually after years) those others become close friends or family members so the weight of that “proof” will be stronger. At some point you will start to experience things yourself. At first slowly and incidentally but after a decade or two you will be full of experiences that you cannot prove to anyone yet they are true to your life and you know you can relay on them. That is how it works and that is the way I went through. I was just curious and believed and it took me roughly years of study to realize how much my views have changed and how it transformed from belief to something real."
You first must believe then you experience it, especially when it comes to mystical things.
Seeing is believing? Herp. You don't need to believe when you can see. Derp. I prefer to know, not to believe.

Alternatively, "believing" here might refer to having been told X exists, Y happens when Z is performed. In the raising of Energies and doing the meditation correctly, then this might be classed as believing, perhaps. I wonder if I might be the only person to interpret "believe" in this way and in this context...

that’s not the way it works.
Yes... Indeed... It never is...

"There is a whole spiritual world out there but you simply don’t see it and you will never see it if you insist on “proof first” rule. The science paradigm doesn’t apply to mysticism.
I didn't mean I need proof first. I meant I need to know things instead of just think they exit, think are real, etc. I have experiences from meditations which I didn't have proof of beforehandl only either others' words/claims and the words/claims of HPS Maxine saying "do this for this; it works". Since I did that for that, it worked! I know it. Others have said very similar things in their results to what I have experienced, and I never told them before they shared their experiences. I, and others, on more than one occasion see a post/sermon about something very relevant and in very good timing for them. I know it is real, I know it exists; I don't believe it; I know about it. (I was going to end that with "I know it" but I don't know all of it; I know about it, and more and more is being learnt.)

you cannot deduce features of a higher level compilation from features of its compilation.
I don't know. Cells make up the Body; Bodies make up the People... Bits of ... well, depending on the type, brick make up bricks; bricks make up buildings; buildings make up a neighbourhood... Atoms make up bigger things, such as the aforementioned things... then we get to the very large - galaxies, etc... You take care of the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves; you do the daily meditations, and the Siddhis are developed, we achieve perfect health, we become immortal, we become Gods or Goddesses eventually. I expect a different explanation, though.

even on universities
I presume English is not their first language.

As for "proof" - some dislike that. They argue that "proof" is a mathematical term, and "demonstrate" is much preferred - which we should use, because of the "Demon" part of "demon-strate"!

"You can't prove a negative!"
2 replies -
  1. no, of course you can't, and
  2. yes, actually, you can
because I can prove that you are not in my home. Herp-derp. As for demonstrate - I can demonstrate things that are possible, if
  1. they are possible and
  2. I am capable of demonstrating them
and depending on where the goalposts are, and are shifted to, and depending on the definitions, the parameters of the experiment or attempt, then one both can, and cannot, prove "god" exists; one can demonstrate it both does and does not exist (I didn't mean to get into Schrödinger's cat!); rather, xians actually can't demonstrate that "god" does exist, though, so... My lack of demonstrating "god" existing or not existing, dearest christians, doesn't prove/demonstrate "god" exists; my lack of being able to answer or argue something, also, dearest christians, does not prove/demonstrate "god" exists.

Belief is a bit dodgy

Then we can get on to different 'levels' or amounts or degrees or scales of belief. "You have to believe that you can pass your exams - positive mental attitude, and all that!". Yes, and (or but) me believing that I can pass my exams does not, in any way, shape or form, in whole, in part or any of the sort, at all, whatsoever... prove, demonstrate, show that "god" exists. If they reply, "It also doesn't prove that 'god' doesn't exist!", then, "So why mention it, then? To try and make me accept that me believing that I can pass my exams gives you an argument Brownie point to mean that "god" does exist; or that "god" actually exists?" (blah, blah, blah) :eyeroll:

I don't want to believe that it exists; I want to know that it does, or does not, exist. If I can see it, then I don't, and don't need to, believe it. Seeing is not believing; see is seeing and believing is believing (and believing is not seeing). I am convinced that Magick AKA Energy manipulation is real, and results happen and things can be done (when it is safe, which is not yet, then demonstrations would be done for others, and at that point they can neither believe it not deny it). It's important to define, explicitly, what type of "believe" we are referring to. One could also argue "believing is seeing" (but then that means seeing is believing, technically...) in that we have to have positive affirmations and positive thoughts for the acts of meditations and workings. If "seeing is believing"; therefore, "believing is seeing" - i.e. seeing = believing, believing = seeing - then both are the same; but what people actually mean (but don't say, and don't realise nor think to realise) is "believing then leads onto seeing"; seeing still does not lead onto believing. If I can see, i.e. if I can know - and if I see, i.e. if I know - then I don't, and don't need to, believe.

At this point, I'd might as well mention something else. "I think; therefore, I am", that being, I believe; therefore, I... am that thing that I believe; or I believe "jesus" exists; therefore, I am ignorant to the fact that it doesn't exist. With poetry and prose, it's difficult; thus, confusion and arguments, and ignorant emotional explosions, and possibly accidents/incidents, happen, and very little, if anything, gets resolved and hardly any, if any at all, results are drawn and conclusions understood. Just simply show me "god" exists! I don't want to believe its existent status; I want to know its existent status!
  • I believe - i.e. I think, I accept, I expect - that I can perform X Magickal abilities;
  • I believe - i.e. I have no idea, no knowledge, no 'proof' or demonstration of, but simply accept just because - that x Magick abilities exist;
but either way, believe or believe, I prefer to know that they do, or don't. Practice(ing meditations) makes perfect(ed Soul); going on make gnosis. (No, that won't catch on...) People do demand proof and a lot are too lazy to actually try, though; I tried xianity. I know it's fake the "god" it purports to exist is fake. Then I know that Magick AKA Energy manipulation exists, but then I believe the things I have not done exist and are possible. Perhaps another word should be used, or invented, because "believe" is too broad. It also means to accept (I accept I am typing this sentence now; I accept that "jesus" (in no way!) exists (Que?!), so it makes it a bit confusing.
  • xians believe AKA accept, ignorantly, and some having been brainwashed/mind-raped since birth, that "jesus" exists;
  • I believe AKA accept, from escaping from ignorance of being a christian, and then learning and realising many things, that it doesn't exist;
  • xians reckon they know it exists from being brought-up in it, having it drummed into them repeatedly, them being weak-minded, them being vulnerable, afraid, etc., etc., etc.;
  • I know that it doesn't exist from my experiences with it; rather, without it, as it was never there, never answered, never came round to mine after I went to its on Sundays, never rang me on the phone, never gave me any 'revelationable' insights like the characters in the bibles, etc., etc., etc.; and also after other things after leaving it
so "belief" is too broad. Simply, I prefer to know.

I can't see wind (unless I use powerful-enough scientific tools... just like people died of magic and evil spirits before we discovered germs and illnesses...) but I can see leaves moving on trees; I can't see "god", but it is allegedly more-powerful than I, so it could show itself but it doesn't, but I "can still see its effects, though"; xians claim, believe, accept that it is good and loving, but I know that it is not.

These are just my thoughts, understandings and ideas. Don't quote me as perfectly-correct.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
