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Is sodomy natural?

tabby said:
Prisma said:
I guess this is the best time to say it, I have no hard feelings towards you, mate. You seem to be making good progress for yourself at your own pace, and in the end, that's all that matters.

I have some regrets about things towards you of my own. Out of confusion and my own trauma, I lashed out sometimes, when instead, you didn't need anything else other than help in a difficult time. As the saying goes, we fear what we don't understand... Nonetheless, I hope you continue to grow and advance.

Many, whether they'll admit it or not or know it or not, need help to some extent. Everyone's been deeply affected by what has happened to this world, and whether we like it or not... we've all been in the position of the sleepwalker before coming to Father Satan. No one here has come from somewhere perfect. We're going to make mistakes, and say stupid shit, lie to ourselves, and fuck up... but someday, these get less and less as we learn and grow. Yet we shame each other for our mistakes and shortcomings, for our flaws and imperfectness, for our differences, for what we don't understand about each other, and our own lives.

The past is there to learn from it. There's no good future if we don't learn and grow from the past.
jrvan said:
Prisma said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There is no use in dwelling on the past, nor feeling ashamed now over what I was like in the past. What matters is whether or not I've learned from my experiences. I can gladly say that I'm proud of how much I've improved.

Therefore, your disgust is as irrelevant to me as mine is to you. But I will judge you for your errors in the present nonetheless, idiot.

I was thinking of saying along the same thing to him last night, that bringing up your past doesn't invalidate what you said in the present, nor does it make him less of a retard. However, I decided to refrain in order to give you the opportunity to stand up for yourself because I believed you were strong enough to do so. Looks like I was right. Good job.
Thank you, both of you.

To be honest, I held hard feelings towards both of you. I resented Jrvan as I thought him to be arrogant and overly hostile, and felt sorrowful regarding Tabby, as I was hurt by her words but couldn't bring myself to resent her while knowing her own issues weighed on her too. But the past week or so, my feelings have begun to change.

I recently started a working to free myself from unhealthy social behaviour, and it brought to mind memories from my first lifetime. In that life, I only did what I believed to be right, and yet I suffered terrible consequences for my actions at the hands of others. I always believed that I did nothing wrong, and that everyone else was unfair. But as I reflected on those memories, I realised what a limiting mindset that is. Even if it's out of principle, I was refusing to learn from a situation in which my actions led to negative consequences.
I realised how antisocial my behaviour really was, and that I've made the same mistakes again in this life.

I did what I believed to be right, and so did you. What were we supposed to do, something we believe is wrong? That's outrageous. But if I had been more considerate of how others might feel, all the hurt feelings could've been avoided. Perhaps others could've too, but there's no point in dwelling on that anymore. I understand now that I was as much to blame as the people I considered unfair.

There's so much I'd love to talk about, if I could. All the things I misunderstood, all the things I understood correctly, and often a combination, where I was right for the wrong reasons, or wrong for the right reasons. I think perhaps you'd be disappointed in me, shocked, and happy for me all at the same time, if you knew all the details of my situation now. But unlike before, I find myself unable to talk about it so openly anymore. Back then I was detached from reality, and from my own body; but now, it just feels so personal. But perhaps that's for the best; there's really no need for everyone to know everything.

Anyway, I appreciate the kind words from both of you. As much as I tried to close it off, it warms my heart.
Asides from the fact that a lot of gays/LGBT people are pedos,

The reason sexuality here is celebrated and not reviled is because it has creative energy, or the energy to "create".

And sex can only create when it's penis and vagina. You can't give birth by other methods.

This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.
NakedPluto said:

You are going on irrelevant tangents...
I know that I have become a sort of celebrity here, but you need to stop being bothered about me. This thread is not about me. It is about someone else. (It's also not about Meteor/Prisma and being or not being trans and whatever.) Whatever your obsession with me is, is your business, but it is irrelevant to this thread and the the OP. You keep ignoring that and you keep going on and on and on. Apparently, I'm not the only one who needs to get over some obsessions. Maybe all members of the forum should do that working. It would be a huge benefit, regardless - but I know most will not do it.

It seems that CaspianTheDreamer has ignored my reply to him. My guess is because my reply has been polluted with irrelevant replies about me. Good job. (If not; if he disagrees or is considering my reply, I still don't know either way.)

CTD: I have a problem. I think gay is unnatural. Help me.
FM: Gay is not unnatural. Chill out. Try it.
OAL: FM, You're being emotional. Stop it.
FM: I'm not being emotional. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.
FM: I'm not posting irrelevant things. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.

Yep. I'm living in "clown world" as it is being called by everyone. Good job.

I'm going on irrelevant tangents? Yeah, this thread is about me, not about someone and something else. This thread is about CaspianTheDreamer seeking help with something, this thread is not about me. (Take time to realise when I am being sarcastic just now...) I don't know if you are ignoring, trolling or just being stupid and a retard, so in case I am wrong I will say all three - stop ignoring, stop trolling and stop being stupid and a retard. Bye.
FancyMancy said:
NakedPluto said:

You are going on irrelevant tangents...
I know that I have become a sort of celebrity here, but you need to stop being bothered about me. This thread is not about me. It is about someone else. (It's also not about Meteor/Prisma and being or not being trans and whatever.) Whatever your obsession with me is, is your business, but it is irrelevant to this thread and the the OP. You keep ignoring that and you keep going on and on and on. Apparently, I'm not the only one who needs to get over some obsessions. Maybe all members of the forum should do that working. It would be a huge benefit, regardless - but I know most will not do it.

It seems that CaspianTheDreamer has ignored my reply to him. My guess is because my reply has been polluted with irrelevant replies about me. Good job. (If not; if he disagrees or is considering my reply, I still don't know either way.)

CTD: I have a problem. I think gay is unnatural. Help me.
FM: Gay is not unnatural. Chill out. Try it.
OAL: FM, You're being emotional. Stop it.
FM: I'm not being emotional. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.
FM: I'm not posting irrelevant things. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.

Yep. I'm living in "clown world" as it is being called by everyone. Good job.

I'm going on irrelevant tangents? Yeah, this thread is about me, not about someone and something else. This thread is about CaspianTheDreamer seeking help with something, this thread is not about me. (Take time to realise when I am being sarcastic just now...) I don't know if you are ignoring, trolling or just being stupid and a retard, so in case I am wrong I will say all three - stop ignoring, stop trolling and stop being stupid and a retard. Bye.

I'm tired and done with your bullshit, sincerely. I have treated you well, tried to help you, tried to give you context, to make you understand. But now of course it is a schedule and we need to cause drama.

In return I've been called a spammer and a troll giving you proper reply with pure logic. In return JoS has been called toxic and a cult. In return after time has passed again, you stir things up, again, mainly due to your tendency to cause drama and lack of activity in life.

Now as my duty to give help and actually try to help a possible SS in confusion has passed and has been trashed away by extreme stupidity, let me communicate to you in English the reality.

You are not a celebrity, I have actually called you a worm. Nobody but yourself is obsessed with you and your presence here. When someone doesn't laugh at your dry "jokes" you call them stupid people.

You also mentioning the other deranged worm, Meteor (who has slandered me as well, all members and HPHC in extracurricular autistic activities) does you no favor but create the perfect viewpoint of you and others who suddenly woke up with only great hate, drama and false expectations.

The case up to this point was that you were put under the category of "naive". Yet you are not naive, you are fully aware and on an agenda of hate towards all of us here. You have failed every handout of help, you have failed to overcome yourself, to control your urges and you lackings.

I know what is this about fully, and others too. I am glad that this is a self exposure of character, and nobody has to deal with you on a personal level here.
Guys stop fighting so much its pointless.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Guys stop fighting so much its pointless.

I definitely do not fight anyone, my presence here has been with the purpose of help.

The only problem here is the audacity of this individual to call me a troll, retard, spammer, clown. To directly attack other SS, call them stupid, act in the most childish way after the proven fact and record of a disgusting behavior against JoS and HPHC and then still hold a claim in my face.

The level of principle, honor, well intent here is null. Only self absorbed emotional drives of tantrums, hate.

If it were any other member I'd not even reply, but this individual still holds the liberty of posting freely, on which I have no say onto whatsoever, but it can count in my judgement to defend, not me, but what I hold as a matter of truth.

This isn't a place where you can act so inferior and directly attack repeatedly without consequence. The consequence being my reply to this.

Regardless, it is not pointless for the jews. Everytime on schedule date an individual like this is possessed by such drives, to create drama, discord and time waste.

Only destruction, not creation. No hope, no balance no capacity of logic. Only bickering and name calling without essence, without purpose, without anything but inner conflict.
DerHochsterasse666 said:
This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.
Sex is not only for procreation. That is only one of the reasons/uses for having sex.
NakedPluto said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Guys stop fighting so much its pointless.

I definitely do not fight anyone, my presence here has been with the purpose of help.

The only problem here is the audacity of this individual to call me a troll, retard, spammer, clown. To directly attack other SS, call them stupid, act in the most childish way after the proven fact and record of a disgusting behavior against JoS and HPHC and then still hold a claim in my face.

The level of principle, honor, well intent here is null. Only self absorbed emotional drives of tantrums, hate.

If it were any other member I'd not even reply, but this individual still holds the liberty of posting freely, on which I have no say onto whatsoever, but it can count in my judgement to defend, not me, but what I hold as a matter of truth.

This isn't a place where you can act so inferior and directly attack repeatedly without consequence. The consequence being my reply to this.

Regardless, it is not pointless for the jews. Everytime on schedule date an individual like this is possessed by such drives, to create drama, discord and time waste.

Only destruction, not creation. No hope, no balance no capacity of logic. Only bickering and name calling without essence, without purpose, without anything but inner conflict.

I understand...
Its just that i personally cant handle drama well.
i try to avoid it.

But of course by all means do what you think is best. I was just trying to maaaybe soothe the situation a little bit.
FancyMancy said:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.
Sex is not only for procreation. That is only one of the reasons/uses for having sex.

Yeah but it's the most important, because compared to the Kundalini stuff, procreation helps even the most spiritually lacking create a next generation.
FancyMancy said:
NakedPluto said:

You are going on irrelevant tangents...
I know that I have become a sort of celebrity here, but you need to stop being bothered about me. This thread is not about me. It is about someone else. (It's also not about Meteor/Prisma and being or not being trans and whatever.) Whatever your obsession with me is, is your business, but it is irrelevant to this thread and the the OP. You keep ignoring that and you keep going on and on and on. Apparently, I'm not the only one who needs to get over some obsessions. Maybe all members of the forum should do that working. It would be a huge benefit, regardless - but I know most will not do it.

It seems that CaspianTheDreamer has ignored my reply to him. My guess is because my reply has been polluted with irrelevant replies about me. Good job. (If not; if he disagrees or is considering my reply, I still don't know either way.)

CTD: I have a problem. I think gay is unnatural. Help me.
FM: Gay is not unnatural. Chill out. Try it.
OAL: FM, You're being emotional. Stop it.
FM: I'm not being emotional. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.
FM: I'm not posting irrelevant things. This thread is not about me. Stop posting irrelevant things.
NP: FM, You're posting irrelevant things.

Yep. I'm living in "clown world" as it is being called by everyone. Good job.

I'm going on irrelevant tangents? Yeah, this thread is about me, not about someone and something else. This thread is about CaspianTheDreamer seeking help with something, this thread is not about me. (Take time to realise when I am being sarcastic just now...) I don't know if you are ignoring, trolling or just being stupid and a retard, so in case I am wrong I will say all three - stop ignoring, stop trolling and stop being stupid and a retard. Bye.

The only reason I initially logged in again to speak here was to try to help you (I'm starting to wish that I hadn't). But you refuse to see the obvious point that I'm making, and that NakedPluto made. You're using your drama with Ol as a shield, and ironically proving him right. And I'm the last person who would ever want to say that Ol is right about anything. Most times I'd rather bite my tongue off. But that's how stupid you're being. Now you're taking your shit out on NakedPluto when he only tried to help you, and he doesn't deserve that at all. How many times does it have to be pointed out to you before you get it? It's not about your stupid drama! It's only about you bringing the JoS as a whole into it. If you're going to mention some cliche-y type assholes on the forum then leave the JoS out of it. You don't know what a real cult is so stop calling the JoS a cult. Just stop. That's the whole reason why Ol Argedco and others are so mad at you and started having suspicions about you - because you ran your mouth about the JoS itself. Open your mind already.
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Asides from the fact that a lot of gays/LGBT people are pedos,

The reason sexuality here is celebrated and not reviled is because it has creative energy, or the energy to "create".

And sex can only create when it's penis and vagina. You can't give birth by other methods.

This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.

Another jewish crap.

Posts like these are the reason we are doing good work with spiritual warfare.
jrvan said:
FancyMancy said:

Thank you for saying this.

I just want to clarify I was never mad at Mancy and I never had any kind of bad suspicions about him. That was other people that said that. I always liked Mancy and I still like him, and I hope he can fix whatever problems he has been having in the last year. That is why I just said the part that I thought I needed to say and then didn't say anything else because I didn't want to make any problem. And I'm not trying to control anybody's lives either, I said many times everybody is gonna do whatever they want to do, but just please understand what risks and what damage is likely to be caused from it and try to prevent that damage from happening. And just don't lie and pretend that there is no risk because ignoring those problems is what causes them to happen.

The only problem I had is it is something I really don't like when people are creating lies about things. Or are using emotions as arguments instead of facts. And most of all when it is a situation or a topic where these lies could contribute to people getting hurt if they believe it. If I think somebody is doing this, I am going to say something about it. And I have said similar things to many other people for the same reason. But there is not any anger from me about any of this, and there is nothing personal. I disagree with an action that a person does, not with the person.

I don't have any anger or hatred for you either. I did have some anger and much more impatience a few months ago because of some bad problems that some of my family members were having. But I am back to my regular personality now and anger is very uncommon for me. But I definitely don't hate you or feel anger towards you because both of those things are a huge waste of time and energy. It isn't worth it. I dislike you very much but I am calm about it. Actually the one strong emotion I have towards you would be a good thing and it's that you make me laugh a lot. Your rants toward everyone on that other topic have been hilarious.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
FancyMancy said:

Thank you for saying this.

I just want to clarify I was never mad at Mancy and I never had any kind of bad suspicions about him. That was other people that said that. I always liked Mancy and I still like him, and I hope he can fix whatever problems he has been having in the last year. That is why I just said the part that I thought I needed to say and then didn't say anything else because I didn't want to make any problem. And I'm not trying to control anybody's lives either, I said many times everybody is gonna do whatever they want to do, but just please understand what risks and what damage is likely to be caused from it and try to prevent that damage from happening. And just don't lie and pretend that there is no risk because ignoring those problems is what causes them to happen.

The only problem I had is it is something I really don't like when people are creating lies about things. Or are using emotions as arguments instead of facts. And most of all when it is a situation or a topic where these lies could contribute to people getting hurt if they believe it. If I think somebody is doing this, I am going to say something about it. And I have said similar things to many other people for the same reason. But there is not any anger from me about any of this, and there is nothing personal. I disagree with an action that a person does, not with the person.

I don't have any anger or hatred for you either. I did have some anger and much more impatience a few months ago because of some bad problems that some of my family members were having. But I am back to my regular personality now and anger is very uncommon for me. But I definitely don't hate you or feel anger towards you because both of those things are a huge waste of time and energy. It isn't worth it. I dislike you very much but I am calm about it. Actually the one strong emotion I have towards you would be a good thing and it's that you make me laugh a lot. Your rants toward everyone on that other topic have been hilarious.
I will explain your hypocrisy to you in further detail. Whether or not you understand is up to you.

You're against anal sex, and you're also against modifying genitals. If both are unhealthy and unsafe, then how are men supposed to be penetrated near their Sacral Chakra? Only tantrically?

If that's what you think, then I can see where you're coming from. But I know from experience that this is in fact a misunderstanding. It's true that energetic stimulation feels way better than something purely physical, and for a time, I really believed that I didn't need anything else. But despite the intensity going far beyond anything I'd ever felt before, after a year or so, I began to feel a physical need. I tried to suppress that, as I didn't understand the reason behind it, and it seemed pointless to act on it since I'd never experienced anything even remotely as stimulating physically. But when my curiosity got the better of me, not only did I notice how much getting used to astral sex had increased the pleasure I get from any kind of physical stimulation, but I also realised that any physical sex act can be amplified and enhanced with tantric techniques to a degree that most people could not even imagine. Knowing that, I concluded that to stick to only one - physical or spiritual - is unnatural. They are meant to go hand in hand: together.

What I disagree with is your statement that it's impossible to eliminate the risks, and that it comes down only to luck. That statement is simply incorrect, and I called you an idiot for insisting on spreading this delusion (which is harmful as it'll lead to sexual repression), since it contradicts your intent to protect others. Even if this was truly necessary for their physical health as you say, it would still harm their mental and spiritual health instead by preventing them from actualising their sexuality, when in fact a compromise can be made.

I'm not currently acquainted with any homosexual people, but the ones I've talked to over the years were all healthy, and they had only had a few partners each. On the other hand, I did see some homosexual men online talking about issues such as monkey pox, AIDs and incontinence, and they all had something in common: they had all engaged in it in a particularly risky manner. That includes: frequent sex with strangers, sex without using lube, very rough sex to the point that they'd bleed (often as a form of consensual non-consent, and paired with other violence), and in a few cases things I find too extreme to type here.

That's why I think it's important for people to learn the dangers, and go about it carefully, so that they will be able to satisfy their needs while remaining safe and healthy. On the other hand, it seems like you want to dissuade people from it entirely. But that would lead to issues of sexual repression, which are extremely harmful and dangerous in their own right. Is that really what you wish upon your fellow Satanists? If you reconsider, I'll reconsider my judgement of your actions. But I doubt you will, so I consider you an idiot.

Your actions harm the people you wish to protect. As much as I pity you for this, that doesn't make it excusable.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
FancyMancy said:

Thank you for saying this.

I just want to clarify I was never mad at Mancy and I never had any kind of bad suspicions about him. That was other people that said that. I always liked Mancy and I still like him, and I hope he can fix whatever problems he has been having in the last year. That is why I just said the part that I thought I needed to say and then didn't say anything else because I didn't want to make any problem. And I'm not trying to control anybody's lives either, I said many times everybody is gonna do whatever they want to do, but just please understand what risks and what damage is likely to be caused from it and try to prevent that damage from happening. And just don't lie and pretend that there is no risk because ignoring those problems is what causes them to happen.

The only problem I had is it is something I really don't like when people are creating lies about things. Or are using emotions as arguments instead of facts. And most of all when it is a situation or a topic where these lies could contribute to people getting hurt if they believe it. If I think somebody is doing this, I am going to say something about it. And I have said similar things to many other people for the same reason. But there is not any anger from me about any of this, and there is nothing personal. I disagree with an action that a person does, not with the person.

I don't have any anger or hatred for you either. I did have some anger and much more impatience a few months ago because of some bad problems that some of my family members were having. But I am back to my regular personality now and anger is very uncommon for me. But I definitely don't hate you or feel anger towards you because both of those things are a huge waste of time and energy. It isn't worth it. I dislike you very much but I am calm about it. Actually the one strong emotion I have towards you would be a good thing and it's that you make me laugh a lot. Your rants toward everyone on that other topic have been hilarious.

Okay. And you don't have to like me. Glad I can bring some sort of joy to your life no matter the kind (I don't care if it's meant in a mocking way or anything). I'll say again what I said before, but in a more constructive way. I think it would be more helpful to both you and others if you didn't bring people's past into a discussion, and focused only on the present with what you're criticizing. Trying to discredit someone by bringing some mistake or past disgrace of theirs into it is not only irrelevant, but is also really hurtful and counterproductive to growth. If they're doing the same thing again then that's one thing, but keeping score like that is something I think you would be better off not doing. That's my advice. Remember that people can grow, and they're not necessarily bound to their past in every way. I think it's better to focus on the positive that someone brings to the table in the present. Our goal is for everyone to rise higher, and that won't happen if we beat people into the ground with their past faults every time they open their mouth. Whatever you think they are doing wrong in the present is what you should focus your comment on. You don't have to try so hard to discredit them as if they are a threat. I hope that's helpful.

I also think you should become more aware of logical fallacies, and try to get better at forming more clean arguments. The way you argue often seems dirty to me. Not to insult you, but it just seems really unfair the way you argue sometimes. I haven't been able to figure out if you're aware of your usage of logical fallacies or not, and when I lean towards the idea that you are aware (which would indicate someone being deliberately manipulative) I tend to see the worst in you because my faith that you're simply a good person who is unaware shatters. I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt on this for a long time, but I'm not perfect and it's not easy. So please research a bit about logical fallacies when you have time, and try to go over some of your past arguments and consider how they might apply to what you said. That will go a long way in me seeing you in a better light (which is what I want to do with everyone here). I really prefer to see the best in people, and I don't like condemning a person in my mind.
NovaEra 666 said:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Asides from the fact that a lot of gays/LGBT people are pedos,

The reason sexuality here is celebrated and not reviled is because it has creative energy, or the energy to "create".

And sex can only create when it's penis and vagina. You can't give birth by other methods.

This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.

Another jewish crap.

Posts like these are the reason we are doing good work with spiritual warfare.

The one who's jewish is the one who's promoting unnatural and unhealthy hedonism and pedophilia.
Prisma said:

You are ridiculous.

How many times do I have to say everybody is allowed to do whatever they want. And my only intention is that they understand all risks so that they can try to find a way to not have these problems.

Now it looks like you are saying the same thing as this, and you are acting like you are disagreeing with me. But I am pretty sure that I have written exactly this in every single comment that I wrote on this topic. But you have to pretend that I never said this and you have to pretend that we are disagreeing for no other purpose than you want to argue about something.

Part of the reason why I consider you as nothing better than a troll. And I do not believe that you have any good intentions. All you have ever done is spread confusion, advise people to destroy themselves, and tell everybody in extreme clear detail about all of your sexual actions that nobody wants to know about. There are many people who have been disgusted by you for these same reasons. I know you are not the same person, but I consider you as exactly the same thing as the jewish troll Fanboy / Bigcheese6million / Grandfitzpoobah666. The two of you have worked to harm our people in exactly the same way by constantly promoting exactly the same insanity and physical and mental damage.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

You are ridiculous.

How many times do I have to say everybody is allowed to do whatever they want. And my only intention is that they understand all risks so that they can try to find a way to not have these problems.

Now it looks like you are saying the same thing as this, and you are acting like you are disagreeing with me. But I am pretty sure that I have written exactly this in every single comment that I wrote on this topic. But you have to pretend that I never said this and you have to pretend that we are disagreeing for no other purpose than you want to argue about something.

Part of the reason why I consider you as nothing better than a troll. And I do not believe that you have any good intentions. All you have ever done is spread confusion, advise people to destroy themselves, and tell everybody in extreme clear detail about all of your sexual actions that nobody wants to know about. There are many people who have been disgusted by you for these same reasons. I know you are not the same person, but I consider you as exactly the same thing as the jewish troll Fanboy / Bigcheese6million / Grandfitzpoobah666. The two of you have worked to harm our people in exactly the same way by constantly promoting exactly the same insanity and physical and mental damage.
If you agree, then there's no issue. It's just that you worded things in a confusing manner.

Perhaps there's no need to state this, but just to be extra clear, my point is:
  1. It's better for people to engage in anal sex, than it is for them to repress their sexual needs or neglect those needs physically.
  2. In practice, the risks can be managed if one is careful. There are many reckless homosexual men who neglect this, which is what leads to the statistics that show high prevalence of diseases and other problems. They bring up the average, but individuals can do better, and it's important to focus on that when giving advice.
I understand that you were trying to help, but disagree with your choice of argument. There are better ways to encourage people to be careful, such as explaining good examples and bad examples. Instead, you lumped them all together based on statistics from studies, which is misleading and very unhelpful on an individual level, and possibly even harmful if it leads to excessive fear and hang-ups.

To give an example of how such hang-ups can be harmful: I used to be acquainted with a xian boy who wanted to inject female hormones, and undergo surgery to invert his penis, simply because he was afraid he would go to hell if had gay sex, and thought his sexual urges meant he had to become a girl. Fortunately I was able to convert him out of xianity, after which he overcame his fear of "hell" and lost interest in trying to change his gender. It goes to show how dangerous excessive warnings against relatively benign things can be, as in turn you might be encouraging people to make far more harmful decisions instead.

Most of this may seem like I'm reiterating points I made earlier. But since I'm prone to misunderstandings, I prefer to make things extra clear. If you confirm we are truly in agreement, I will think better of you.

As for my negative behaviour in the past, I recently started doing a working which may help me to improve on that. I'm unable to bring myself to leave permanently, the HP won't ban me either no matter how much incentive I tried to give him, and don't feel like apologising any more than I already have either, especially considering how much you've insulted me already. I guess the only option left then is to let go of the past, improve upon my mistakes, and try to be a net positive influence.
Prisma said:
If Oly is against anal sex, then that is his prerogative. As for modifying Nature, well... I've (apparently) caused enough drama here already, so... yeah...

Physicality should not be neglected for Spirituality. Similarly, Spirituality should not be neglected for Physicality. Similarly, Mentality should also not be neglected. All three are important to keep in balance.

There is a stigma and stereotype that homosexual Men are promiscuous. Some are, and that is promoted and encouraged in (((media))) and social groups which reinforce it for each other. There are some who might be promiscuous after having centuries of not just homosexual suppression but sexual suppression. My guess is a lot of these were christians in previous lives and in a sense didn't have a choice; thus, it comes out a lot now - in a perverse, i.e. jew, manner. Similarly to muslims.

I think Oly should try anal sex! Either with a Man or with some toys with a Woman! I would offer, but... the Internet is rather a difficult place to do things on Physically! (Oops. There's going the stereotype of promiscuity again! :oops:)

Me is listening to music at the moment. It is lollage. It is coinkydink.

Yeah! Yeah!
dude looks like a lady

l00l 'Tis funny. Meluffs coinkydinks.
FancyMancy said:
Prisma said:
If Oly is against anal sex, then that is his prerogative. As for modifying Nature, well... I've (apparently) caused enough drama here already, so... yeah...

Physicality should not be neglected for Spirituality. Similarly, Spirituality should not be neglected for Physicality. Similarly, Mentality should also not be neglected. All three are important to keep in balance.

There is a stigma and stereotype that homosexual Men are promiscuous. Some are, and that is promoted and encouraged in (((media))) and social groups which reinforce it for each other. There are some who might be promiscuous after having centuries of not just homosexual suppression but sexual suppression. My guess is a lot of these were christians in previous lives and in a sense didn't have a choice; thus, it comes out a lot now - in a perverse, i.e. jew, manner. Similarly to muslims.

I think Oly should try anal sex! Either with a Man or with some toys with a Woman! I would offer, but... the Internet is rather a difficult place to do things on Physically! (Oops. There's going the stereotype of promiscuity again! :oops:)
You made a good point regarding how forced repression in past lives might influence this, and this pendulum effect can also be explained in a societal manner. But there are also some other factors leading to this stereotype. Women tend to be more selective when it comes to choosing partners, men tend to be more focused on the physical parts of sex as opposed to the mental; those are just averages, and it might be offensive to apply such expectations to everyone, and such stereotypes tend to reinforce themselves. But averages matter when it comes to statistics. And when people who are (on average) less picky and (on average) more interested in the physical parts of relationships are attracted to each other, you can (on average) expect them to be more promiscuous.

You'd think there'd be some form of natural selection, where people would desist from harmful behaviours after suffering the consequences; but in fact, so many people died that there was hardly anyone left to learn from it. I recently saw this horrifying image:

Yet it seems like even to this day many homosexual men are still making all the same mistakes. With how fast monkey pox is spreading in gay communities lately, you can tell how much they relied on PrEP as a crutch, having learned nothing.

As I mentioned, this can be avoided by only dating like-minded people who are more mindful of such things. But for each gay man who just wants a sweet and gentle romance, there's one who thinks it's hot if his insides get destroyed by a strong and potentially sadistic stranger who isn't using protection. That is not to say there aren't some women like that too, but that doesn't mean it's safe. Although they are free to do what they want, I do hope that such stereotypes come to change, and people will handle each other (and themselves) with more care. Sexuality is supposed to enhance people's lives and well-being, not destroy it.

To be clear, I didn't mean to imply that nature should be modified, let alone for such an insane reason. Rather, I meant in a literal sense that if neither is an option, then there isn't any physical options left. As such, it may be better not to discourage people from having anal sex if they want to, lest one sets them on a far more questionable path, as I have seen a xian case of before. I considered this hypocritical on Ol's part, and it had me wondering if perhaps he thinks men shouldn't be penetrated to begin with. Trying it might be very eye-opening for him, but you shouldn't pressure people to engage in sexual activities they're not comfortable with.

Me is listening to music at the moment. It is lollage. It is coinkydink.

Yeah! Yeah!
dude looks like a lady

l00l 'Tis funny. Meluffs coinkydinks.
Haha! What a coinkydink indeed. My post came with a theme song? Well, I do have a great body anyway, and a pretty face too ;)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

Yes, it has been a very serious problem with blood donors not properly tested for AIDs, and an innocent sick person who needs a transfusion ends up getting AIDs from the blood. I think that sharing a needle is another possible way to spread it, but that it is also more affected by the actual drug damaging the person's immune system very deeply. And that either the damage from the drugs is what creates the AIDs symptoms, or else it lowers the immune system to a level that it is not able to defend against the disease anymore.

The rectum has more blood supply than almost anything else in the body, with an extremely large amount of very small blood vessels. Actions like this are certain to cause some amount of tearing to some small blood vessels, or also possibly a larger amount of damage. This is now opening the body's blood circulation directly into contact with feces, and all of the diseases contained in there. Depending how many blood vessels are torn and how large they are, there will be a different amount of contact of feces getting into the blood. In a very small amount it may be possible for the immune system to handle it and prevent any sickness from forming. But it is extremely easy and extremely common for the damage to be too much for the immune system and for diseases to form. And these diseases could be thousands of different things caused from pathogens and contaminations inside the feces. It is very common for it to cause rectal or colon cancers. And it is also so common to recieve AIDs from this that this is by far the single most common way to get it. Like the example of the drugs, it is possible that the AIDs is either caused or at least made extremely more likely by the immune system being extremely overworked and weakened by a long time of constant exposure to harmful things.

Contamination of the blood like that from poop would cause blood poisoning.
FancyMancy said:

Hi! I just wanted you to know that I did not ignore you. Actually, I wrote a reply 6 days ago, but I assume the moderators were busy and didn't have time to look yet, so I'm putting this here to bump the moderation queue, in case it was missed.

If this post is approved before the other one, I'll assume something went wrong and send it again. Anyway, sorry for the wait.
Prisma said:
FancyMancy said:

Hi! I just wanted you to know that I did not ignore you. Actually, I wrote a reply 6 days ago, but I assume the moderators were busy and didn't have time to look yet, so I'm putting this here to bump the moderation queue, in case it was missed.

If this post is approved before the other one, I'll assume something went wrong and send it again. Anyway, sorry for the wait.
I don't know about that. I still haven't gone through the notifications (which you might have seen me mention recently). I expect they include replies to me and notifications of threads I have bookmarked. I reply to you now!

Gay monkey sex
Trying to think about it Elementally, a lot of these (I expect) would share similar Element amounts in their Souls. It's just like anything, though - the in-group becomes cliquey, and the more others (e.g. christians, etc.) oppose and hate, etc., the in-group of gay Men, the more the in-group is intensified into what it does. The e.g. christians are directly or indirectly, albeit inadvertantly, fuelling the (((LGBT))) dirty crap. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...

I think there is, of course, the sexual Energies which needed to be burst out. They might be promiscuous and whatever because they believe it is liberating, and "YOLO, muthafucka!", so "Who cares? I'm not going to do things which cause me to miss out! I don't want to miss out! One Life, One Fun! I'll do what I want!", not knowing anything about reincarnation other than it being a religious bit of nonsense in Buddhism. It feels good, it is liberating, having only one life they are short-sighted to the extreme. Of course, also playing into it is peer pressure and events/clubs and media and things, all to reinforce it.

With modifying the Body - i.e. chopping one's bits off, i.e. trying to change Nature - that is literally retarded. I saw this film once of this paedo who wanted to go and cool down in a public swimming pool because it was hot, and he got escorted away by police. Blah, blah, blah, some people hounded him, as you'd expect, and his mum said he wouldn't do anything like what those people were doing. Blah, blah, blah, at the end of the film, he decided it would be a good idea to chop his bits off and "be a good Boy" now. Let me quote -



Trying it might be very eye-opening for him, but you shouldn't pressure people to engage in sexual activities they're not comfortable with.
No pressure. I was just teasing.

Haha! What a coinkydink indeed. My post came with a theme song? Well, I do have a great body anyway, and a pretty face too ;)
Erm... my... erm... real and genuine and not-at-all fake email address is great body and pretty face lover 123 @ prisma dot com. Sand dunes!!
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
luis said:
It has been practiced for many years, if it was so bad we would have known. As long as your careful and don't do stupid things nothing bad will happen.

And we do know. All of the different injuries caused by this have been studied in very clear detail for many years by many doctors. Hemorrhoids, blood clots, ripping, multiple types of cancer, AIDs, and many other things.

It is your choice to do whatever you want to do. But it is wrong to pretend that it is harmless. If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
How do we know that the enemy did not put their fingers in these studies? They always hated homosexuals, so I would not be surprised. Another thing penetration is a normal part of sex, I can't believe nature made some people homosexuals without being able to have penetration, it feels good too because men have a prostate that get stimulated with anal penetration, something that women do not have.

They definitely did. I asked the Gods about it and I was led to the idea that there are main causes behind this factually-incorrect opinion of anal sex but I want to focus on AIDS first.

AIDS was created by the enemy, which every old member including OAL seems to agree with. This disease is born from the systemic attack caused by anti-HIV medication.

1. HIV is not a real disease.
2. HIV is tested with PCR techniques, which we know thanks to the scamdemic how inaccurate it is in diagnosing ailments.
3. Most homosexual people test against it (and any STDs) on a regular basis, especially those affiliated to degenerate organisations such the GLBT+.
4. Regular testing with a fake test leads to corruption of the data by inflating statistics with false positives, which is something else we experience during the scamdemic.

This means that:

1. The majority of homosexuals gets tested
2. They receive a false positive.
3. They are put on medication for a disease that doesn't.
4. This medication gives them AIDS because it's not medication but a pathogen.

Conclusion: people get AIDS mainly from the healthcare system, then spread it around if they are careless, which most homosexuals nowadays are because of their immature YOLO mindset.

Other claims come mainly from xtard doctors who a vested interest (both from their beliefs and their sponsors) and pressure to prove that anal sex is mostly problematic when sensible people do not really have any issue with it and are fine their whole life without any of those problems in the list.

On the other hand, I think the "pleasure" dynamic is also a wrong supporting point that can be easily defeated. For example, when your skin itches, you have an urge to scratch it. Scratching it causes what is defined as a micro-orgasm. However, it also rips your skin and causes more persistent damage than simply ignoring the itch and getting no micro-orgasms. Go figure lol

It's hilarious how we have a new members with a deep-rooted xtard mindset non-xtard things "jooish". It makes me laugh. How wonder how long till they leave. Still, I can't believe I take an extended leave and nonsense about homosexual behaviour starts to be spread, together with acceptance of transgender rubbish. Unbelievable. :roll:
Stormblood said:
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And we do know. All of the different injuries caused by this have been studied in very clear detail for many years by many doctors. Hemorrhoids, blood clots, ripping, multiple types of cancer, AIDs, and many other things.

It is your choice to do whatever you want to do. But it is wrong to pretend that it is harmless. If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
How do we know that the enemy did not put their fingers in these studies? They always hated homosexuals, so I would not be surprised. Another thing penetration is a normal part of sex, I can't believe nature made some people homosexuals without being able to have penetration, it feels good too because men have a prostate that get stimulated with anal penetration, something that women do not have.

They definitely did. I asked the Gods about it and I was led to the idea that there are main causes behind this factually-incorrect opinion of anal sex but I want to focus on AIDS first.

AIDS was created by the enemy, which every old member including OAL seems to agree with. This disease is born from the systemic attack caused by anti-HIV medication.

1. HIV is not a real disease.
2. HIV is tested with PCR techniques, which we know thanks to the scamdemic how inaccurate it is in diagnosing ailments.
3. Most homosexual people test against it (and any STDs) on a regular basis, especially those affiliated to degenerate organisations such the GLBT+.
4. Regular testing with a fake test leads to corruption of the data by inflating statistics with false positives, which is something else we experience during the scamdemic.

This means that:

1. The majority of homosexuals gets tested
2. They receive a false positive.
3. They are put on medication for a disease that doesn't.
4. This medication gives them AIDS because it's not medication but a pathogen.

Conclusion: people get AIDS mainly from the healthcare system, then spread it around if they are careless, which most homosexuals nowadays are because of their immature YOLO mindset.

Other claims come mainly from xtard doctors who a vested interest (both from their beliefs and their sponsors) and pressure to prove that anal sex is mostly problematic when sensible people do not really have any issue with it and are fine their whole life without any of those problems in the list.

On the other hand, I think the "pleasure" dynamic is also a wrong supporting point that can be easily defeated. For example, when your skin itches, you have an urge to scratch it. Scratching it causes what is defined as a micro-orgasm. However, it also rips your skin and causes more persistent damage than simply ignoring the itch and getting no micro-orgasms. Go figure lol

It's hilarious how we have a new members with a deep-rooted xtard mindset non-xtard things "jooish". It makes me laugh. How wonder how long till they leave. Still, I can't believe I take an extended leave and nonsense about homosexual behaviour starts to be spread, together with acceptance of transgender rubbish. Unbelievable. :roll:

Nice to see you again Stormblood

so HIV and AIDS are completely manufactured?
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Asides from the fact that a lot of gays/LGBT people are pedos,

The reason sexuality here is celebrated and not reviled is because it has creative energy, or the energy to "create".

And sex can only create when it's penis and vagina. You can't give birth by other methods.

This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.

do you have any mental illnesses?

you think sex is only for procreation :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

wow and you think LGBT people are pedos, unbelievable this is the same kosher fecal matter regurgitated by street preachers, the average pedophile rabbi and many other freaks

perhaps you would do better going to a gay neighborhood and preach on a loud microphone to attract attention and maybe get arrested and start saying your "FiGhTiNg for the (((lord)))

so do you by any chance support this


the video shows the mentally ill criminal david lynn a retarded street preacher who never learns despite being attacked and arrested many times
DerHochsterasse666 said:
NovaEra 666 said:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Asides from the fact that a lot of gays/LGBT people are pedos,

The reason sexuality here is celebrated and not reviled is because it has creative energy, or the energy to "create".

And sex can only create when it's penis and vagina. You can't give birth by other methods.

This also makes non-penis/vagina sex or sex outside of reproduction quite unnatural, but you can at least get an answer for your question that way.

Another jewish crap.

Posts like these are the reason we are doing good work with spiritual warfare.

The one who's jewish is the one who's promoting unnatural and unhealthy hedonism and pedophilia.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you have it so backwards
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Stormblood said:
luis said:
How do we know that the enemy did not put their fingers in these studies? They always hated homosexuals, so I would not be surprised. Another thing penetration is a normal part of sex, I can't believe nature made some people homosexuals without being able to have penetration, it feels good too because men have a prostate that get stimulated with anal penetration, something that women do not have.

They definitely did. I asked the Gods about it and I was led to the idea that there are main causes behind this factually-incorrect opinion of anal sex but I want to focus on AIDS first.

AIDS was created by the enemy, which every old member including OAL seems to agree with. This disease is born from the systemic attack caused by anti-HIV medication.

1. HIV is not a real disease.
2. HIV is tested with PCR techniques, which we know thanks to the scamdemic how inaccurate it is in diagnosing ailments.
3. Most homosexual people test against it (and any STDs) on a regular basis, especially those affiliated to degenerate organisations such the GLBT+.
4. Regular testing with a fake test leads to corruption of the data by inflating statistics with false positives, which is something else we experience during the scamdemic.

This means that:

1. The majority of homosexuals gets tested
2. They receive a false positive.
3. They are put on medication for a disease that doesn't.
4. This medication gives them AIDS because it's not medication but a pathogen.

Conclusion: people get AIDS mainly from the healthcare system, then spread it around if they are careless, which most homosexuals nowadays are because of their immature YOLO mindset.

Other claims come mainly from xtard doctors who a vested interest (both from their beliefs and their sponsors) and pressure to prove that anal sex is mostly problematic when sensible people do not really have any issue with it and are fine their whole life without any of those problems in the list.

On the other hand, I think the "pleasure" dynamic is also a wrong supporting point that can be easily defeated. For example, when your skin itches, you have an urge to scratch it. Scratching it causes what is defined as a micro-orgasm. However, it also rips your skin and causes more persistent damage than simply ignoring the itch and getting no micro-orgasms. Go figure lol

It's hilarious how we have a new members with a deep-rooted xtard mindset non-xtard things "jooish". It makes me laugh. How wonder how long till they leave. Still, I can't believe I take an extended leave and nonsense about homosexual behaviour starts to be spread, together with acceptance of transgender rubbish. Unbelievable. :roll:

Nice to see you again Stormblood

so HIV and AIDS are completely manufactured?

Ex priest jake carlson has written extensively on the subject. Its in a pdf on the third sex website. Go to the links section on JoS main site and youll find the third sex Thule society website. The pdf is there somewhere
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Just be careful when you read things from Jake Carlson. There is a reason he is gone, there is a lot of nonsense.

True, he blasphemed our gods. There was an article saying he angered HPS Maxine by describing his delusion of having sex with one of our gods. Set or Anubis i believe. So members should at least take his words with a grain of salt.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What about monkeypox?

Hey. I don't know much about it. I didn't research it because it smells like scam. As far as I knew before this drama started, it was just a very rare illness transmitted by monkeys in Central Africa. The safety risk is low to the majority of central African population, let alone to the rest of the world. I'm having a laugh at the UN again.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
Nice to see you again Stormblood

so HIV and AIDS are completely manufactured?

To sum it up, HIV doesn't exist at all. AIDS is created in a lab.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Just be careful when you read things from Jake Carlson. There is a reason he is gone, there is a lot of nonsense.

True, he blasphemed our gods. There was an article saying he angered HPS Maxine by describing his delusion of having sex with one of our gods. Set or Anubis i believe. So members should at least take his words with a grain of salt.

He also claimed Lord Set is the patron of BDSM, just to justify a very common mental illness in LGBTQ+ circles. If he likes BDSM, that's his business. He doesn't need to pull the Gods into it, let alone of my GDs.
Pumpkin671 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Just be careful when you read things from Jake Carlson. There is a reason he is gone, there is a lot of nonsense.
I was wondering why he was gone.

From the post a while back. He wasn't doing much activities and wasn't active with the community in a prominent way. HP.Jake Carlson's website is linked into the deep web. Mutahar(Some Ordinary Gamer) spelunking the deep web found the website. So in essence Jake built a website and is connected to JoS. IF JoS wants to step away from Jake Carlson I figure making sure everyone knows he was removed is a good idea.

So he was removed from position. At least that was one reason I believe Maxine and Cobra came to the consensus.

The only other HP that is missing but has stated they aren't being active maybe they return is HP.Mylalimlal. No idea what happened or why they decided to abruptly stop coming. I think they are still HP. status for forums but other than a post a while back stating they are okay, nothing really.

Really for Jake the only thing I wanted to know is how did he get information on Maria Orsic. Jake mentions she took a vimana flew it 3 times past the speed of light and reached Aldebaran territory in 22 years though physics in space the trip must have taken a few weeks.

Other than reading his website and being like Okay then at least I'm studying JoS stuff back then before this issue occurred. I always wanted to know where he got that information. Same for stating he astral projected or was given a vision of a vessel hanging about out in outer space controlled by our side is housing a large chamber with vats of cloned people to repopulate the Earth.

Other than those two weird things except inasmuch as stated before the Set BDSM thing which was something that popped up ironically enough around Zola Novac(Zolaluckystar) time period. Funny I think Zola is either a guy or a women with man hands cause she took a smartphone photo of her monitor with her finger pointing on a yellow vest trucker during the 2019 Yellow Vest Trucker protests in Europe and particular in France and the hand of the picture looked like a dudes hand.

Unless Zola is a MMORPG player and pretends to be female while is a male to hide themselves better i.e. disguising further their account by making people believe they are female rather than male.

Other than Vimana x3 past the speed of light with Maria Orsic and the vision of the vessel holding vats. I don't know why Jake Carlson broke or become anti-JoS or something. I guess he wasn't Fanatical.

BTW is Hammeofthegods666 Jake or another person who sends email?

I have a few HOTG666 emails and they are the old school Yahoo email sends that represent this person stating some things to be posted on forum or sermons that are done by him.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aquarius said:
We males have a thing called prostate, you may have heard horror stories about it and how it gets inflamed or it gets tumours or whatever, but under those horror stories lies the truth which is that the prostate is something from which men can get blissful orgasms from which are often more satisfactory than penis orgasms, the kind of stuff that makes you unable to walk for a few minutes.

I mean yeah... thats correct.

But what do you think about what enigmatic rabbit has written... down below...

Am i gay because i have worms??? Tbh that sounds like a pile of BS to me. We do have homosexual gods, so does that mean they have worms too? Blasphemious .

I laught a lot with the worms theory 😛🤪😂
Actually I still laugh but I ll answer other time cause I need energy for rtrs

Worms 🪱 🪱 🪱 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.

Lmfao. I can't believe you are actually serious. Please just stop.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
When i said well animals can have homosexual sex as well he did mention that its for asserting dominance....hes right though..

I dunno....i dont know what to do at all.. its like i always believed these to be true... and now im lost

Hi there! I apologize for the previous answer, I hope it doesn't get accepted and you don't read it.

I'm not heterosexual, and the fact is most humans are by nature more or less bisexual, which is the most natural sexuality for us, humans, and it is divine. It is something to cherish, to use through orgasmic magic for self-empowerment or anything you wish to manifest.

Most of the sexual pleasure for men comes from the prostate which you can stimulate from the perineum or anus: it is called the one-million-dollar (or gold coin) spot, and was known by spiritual Sexual Chi Kung (Qi Gong) priests and practicers thousands of years ago in China. So, stimulating the prostate through perineum or anal massage or whatever means is natural for men because our bodies are obviously created in such beautiful wonder; given its anatomy, there is no doubt about its naturalness.

Whether other members agree or not, there are people who reached Godhead through meditation and so became Gods who are bisexual or homosexual, and do enjoy the natural prostate stimulation. I am reading right now a book called The Multi Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia and I'm learning lots of things such as the microcosmical channel or circuit which spans from the perineum to the philtrum above the lips then down to the testicles, this channel is where sexual energy circulates... I believe you can benefit from the exercises presented in that book and learn how to harness your sexual energy which, BELIEVE ME, is formidable. I used my orgasmic energy for self-empowerment and felt extremely empowered.

The exercise that I did included saying an affirmation before, during, and after masturbation; at the point of orgasm, I visualized sunlight leaving my penis then going into my heart chakra; from there I sent the light to all of my heavenly and infernal chakras, as it were, and let the orgasmic light fill my body, soul, and mind/spirit repeating the affirmations several times while shaking with energy. Try it.

I encourage you to accept yourself the way you are. Beauty and power come from self-acceptance. Homosexuality doesn't have to do anything with pedophilia. Sometimes the two might collide at one point, but they are still absolutely unrelated. Do not compare this sexuality to animals, it doesn't matter. What matters is to keep progressing, use your orgasmic energy for magick, and do not hurt others sexually which is all fine as long as you are NOT interested in neither pedophilia or bestiality.

Do not give a damn to members who project their subconscious judeo-christian indoctrination on you. Sexually transmitted diseases, to the large part, are a jewish hoax and they continue the same sexual demonization done by the catholic inquisition and which abound in the Abrahamic bibles in order to kill the sexual force of Gentiles which is super powerful. What's common between AIDS and Sodom and Gomorrah? One allegedly discovered and hypothesized by a Jew called Robert Gallo, the other written a thousand years ago by pedophile Jewish rabbis inspired by their reptilian creators.

In conclusion, I will repeat there are Gods who are bisexual and homosexual. It is natural. It is divine human sexuality. Harness and don't hate as the jews teach the Goyim through the squalid Abrahamic bibles.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.

The stupidest thing I've read. You sound like a person with a single digit IQ who has a carrot for a brain. I actually can't make up my mind if you are high on cocaine or just making fun in here.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aquarius said:
We males have a thing called prostate, you may have heard horror stories about it and how it gets inflamed or it gets tumours or whatever, but under those horror stories lies the truth which is that the prostate is something from which men can get blissful orgasms from which are often more satisfactory than penis orgasms, the kind of stuff that makes you unable to walk for a few minutes.

I mean yeah... thats correct.

But what do you think about what enigmatic rabbit has written... down below...

Am i gay because i have worms??? Tbh that sounds like a pile of BS to me. We do have homosexual gods, so does that mean they have worms too? Blasphemious .

Enigmatic Rabbit seems to have a rotten carrot for a brain. Being gay because of worms, hahahaahah... This is too funny 🤣
Darkpagan666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

Your sexuality is your own private business, and no one else's. Satan doesn't care whether you sleep with a man or a woman. If you have sex with a consenting adult or adults, this is totally fine.

The Jews have put curses against humanity's sexual nature through Xianity and Islam. Both on heterosexuals and homosexuals. This has to do with the suppression of the Kundalini, which is very sexual in nature. The sexual energy is of the Chi/Vril/Witchpower, aka, the life force. The Kundalini is of Satan. As this is a threat to the Jews, they perverted it, cursed us and bound us from liberty. Satanism is about being free.

The Jews are using the Bible, the Koran and the Torah to control humanity as nothing but sheep. This is done by removing our core power which lies in the Kundalini, the sexual energy, which then bleeds over to our chakras. This causes sexual hang-ups and many other emotional and psychological lingering issues. The Jews repressed humanity from our power, which is why they put so much oppression and a total compulsive behavior against others' sexuality.

Excerpt from Maxine's sermon on Sexual Freedom:
The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.
There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang- ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.



Thank you for reminding us of this. Yes, of course, one of the main reasons why the jews have scared the Gentiles from sexuality is to block their sacral chakra and prevent the ascension of the Kundalini.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
