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  1. S

    Friday 13ths Ritual - Important

    Yeah they have been trying to fuck with me big time the past couple of days, not just thoughts series of horrible events my dogs had a bad fight, bad injuries, big bills then our new hot water heater died at the same time and all the phones at the company went down so we couldn't even get...
  2. S


    Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't...
  3. S

    Don't let them stop you!

    Yeah that sounds familiar. I am glad Azazel helped you! Hail Satan!
  4. S

    Don't let them stop you!

    Iv'e never heard that kind of screaming I know what your talking about though but in trance sometimes people would appear vividly rushing towards me and shouting things startling me as if the person was actually there. I also hear voices, not in my head but actually hear like talking as if...
  5. S

    Don't let them stop you!

    I hope you are doing better now, sorry I have not been around much lately we all have our battles to face. Remind yourself everyday how far you have come and how strong you are you are still here! They have not beat you. If negative self defeating thoughts come up counter them with something...
  6. S

    Don't let them stop you!

    I read a study done on lucid dreaming. It was a scientific type study monitoring the brainwave patterns of people who said they could lucid dream and they discovered the brainwaves sort of split so they are in 2 different states of sleep at the same time the pattern for light sleep and the...
  7. S

    Don't let them stop you!

    If anyone is feeling more negative energy or having more problems or concerns of any kind than usual, bad dreams, feelings you are not any good to Satan or anything of that nature. If you have any kind of attacks worse than normal do not stop whatever you are doing do your best to keep fighting...
  8. S

    did groups change?

    the kikes pulled a shifty putting pictures up on some egroups after HP Maxine's last Sermon exposing their jewish witchcraft in the bible. Read her latest Sermon and complain to yahoo. Which E groups are you seeing the pictures on? I only see it on Hellsarmy but I want to know for my letter to...
  9. S

    This is also Amusing...

    CURSE the filthy fucking bitch! It's a kike dosn't matter it's enemy it's got to go! You can see for yourself what it does it will get worse. Hail Satan!!!
  10. S

    Apologies for being away

    Your more than welcome to email me anytime if you want to talk or discuss anything of interest. One thing I have noticed over the past 20 years, people are having more UFO sightings and people or people are admiting to it and discussing it more openly. At least where I live I have noticed it...
  11. S

    Apologies for being away

    I might have mentioned it but funny thing is there was an actual ufo sighting reported in my area around the time shit hit the fan for me, coincidence much? lol According to the man who reported it it was headed up the coast my way I know which way they go, been trying to work out for years what...
  12. S

    Apologies for being away

    I havn't been on for a while, I have had some shit to deal with. If I am to be any use to Satan in the future I have to put myself first right now. I will try to come in more as I am feeling able to, Ive had a lot of attacks above the average and have been very busy and tired. I hope everyone...
  13. S

    is witchcraft frowned apon by father satan?

    I aggree with HP Mac Friday on this, I had a history in witchcraft before Satanism. They claim the circle is to contain the energy, this is bullshit. Another point to make is they also say the circle will keep out everything, and keep in everything so how then when They invoke/evoke The Gods do...
  14. S

    Vamprie bibles ?

    To the best of my knowledge She is Lilith. Her alias as Hekate (Hecate in some spellings I read) was The witches Goddess of the cross roads, helping one choose the best path. She was also known as Goddess of the underworld ( to me this also symbolises the hidden side of the Soul) and a patron of...
  15. S

    Vamprie bibles ?

    I am very happy for you and relieved to hear that Satan showed you this I had a hunch this subject would come up one day on the boards I am not on much lately so I am glad I saw it. I am not sure if you meant me (firebird) or firestarter666) Stay strong in Satan. Those freaks may still...
  16. S

    Vamprie bibles ?

    Hecate is an alias for our lovely Lilith. I would be very concerned with who you believe is giving you infomation, considering what you are involved with. Even in years before when I was into other forms of witchcraft the 2 main Goddesses I was close to was Astaroth (As Diana, and as Isis) and...
  17. S

    Unholy Trinity hunt for a pedo priest

    http://www.allenandunwin.com/minisites/ ... k.facebook One policemen's desperate and moving account of how he tried for decades to bring a paedophile priest to justice - but was blocked by not only the Catholic church, but by his own Police Force. Description One policeman's desperate and...
  18. S


    I have no interest in starting a fight in the group but damned if I will stay quiet while someone makes excuses for rapists! I have been raped also, Satanism is POSITIVE and life affirming. With Satan we are to feel good about ourselves, raise the level of our Souls and awareness NATURALLY and...
  19. S

    another example of lovely 'xian' values...$$$

    What a wonderfull example of warm friendly xian love this is (sarcasm) http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/ne ... -asks\ -for-half-of-value/ When Clyde and Lesley Bevan were told the $6500 gold and diamond bracelet they had lost months ago had been found, they were delighted and...
  20. S


    You are sick and disgusting maybe you need to find out what rape feels like! I bet you won't fucking like it much. So we lower ourselves to lesser evolved animals because 'it's just natural? Do you want to go and have people shit in the street too? some animals also fuck their dead should...
  21. S

    another example of lovely 'xian' values...$$$

    What a wonderfull example of warm friendly xian love this is (sarcasm) http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/ne ... -asks\ -for-half-of-value/ When Clyde and Lesley Bevan were told the $6500 gold and diamond bracelet they had lost months ago had been found, they were delighted and...
  22. S

    another example of lovely 'xian' values...$$$

    What a wonderfull example of warm friendly xian love this is (sarcasm) http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/ne ... -of-value/ When Clyde and Lesley Bevan were told the $6500 gold and diamond bracelet they had lost months ago had been found, they were delighted and grateful to the person...
  23. S

    Vamprie bibles ?

    If you mean the books created by the TOV (temple of the vampire) I have read most of them years ago and without going into personal details I needed Satan's help to get that shit out of my life after a long time. The entities behind that group are real and are NOT ON OUR SIDE in anyway...
  24. S

    Resonance Frequencies [videos]

    Some people may experience this differently I'm just sharing what I have found, good that you are looking into it. I recomend looking into research being done into the accoustics of ancient sites around the world including the Pyramids. You mention F sharp and the heart, and the heart being a...
  25. S

    Are members selfish or just wicked?

    We are not 'recruiting' anyone can come and go as they please. This is not xianity for sheep. Satanism is not for everyone. We are not politically correct, we are ALL still learning on this path many even ADVANCED members get attacked often and have a lot to deal with. We get nutcases and...
  26. S

    Resonance Frequencies [videos]

    I was told one night by a Demon one octave above F sharp, this was surrounded in a blue light I believed it was for the 6th Chakra or unblocking the crown (blocks at the crown also block the Chakra below I believe this was what one octave above F sharp meant) I have found personally F sharp to...
  27. S

    Does the enemy can manipulate and control some animals?

    No the enemy has never in my experience been able to manipulate animals against Satanists and I am around a lot of animals both my own and wild all the time if anything they often warn and protect me from attacks. The animals of the Earth I believe are under SATAN's hand and not the enemy...
  28. S


    A google search should find plenty more as the days go on, I think this is fairly new still. Hail Satan
  29. S


    Awsome... this is just... awsome. Good news for a change HAIL SATAN and may more yet be found! http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/0 ...
  30. S


    I'm dumbstruck... this is awsome, just awsome HAIL SATAN!!!! http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/0 ...
  31. S

    THIS IS SERIOUS! Please read!

    http://worldtruth.tv/cia-admits-full-mo ... l-net\ works/ CIA admits Full Monitoring of Facebook and other Social Networks (BE CAREFULL WHO YOU TALK TO THERE ARE INFILTRAITORS IN THESE GROUPS. I see so often people giving personal infomation even phone numbers out on the boards and...
  32. S

    THIS IS SERIOUS! Please read!

    http://worldtruth.tv/cia-admits-full-mo ... l-net\ works/ CIA admits Full Monitoring of Facebook and other Social Networks (BE CAREFULL WHO YOU TALK TO THERE ARE INFILTRAITORS IN THESE GROUPS. I see so often people giving personal infomation even phone numbers out on the boards and...
  33. S

    THIS IS SERIOUS! Please read!

    http://worldtruth.tv/cia-admits-full-mo ... l-net\ works/ CIA admits Full Monitoring of Facebook and other Social Networks (BE CAREFULL WHO YOU TALK TO THERE ARE INFILTRAITORS IN THESE GROUPS. I see so often people giving personal infomation even phone numbers out on the boards and...
  34. S

    is being overly sexual bad?

    NO! More jewish BULLSHIT. Sexual energy is crucial for raising the SERPENT which is the core of Satanism! Any restrictions on sexual desire and release, any blocks, phobias or insecurities BLOCK the Serpent and can make it damn dangerous if it does start to Rise. HP Maxine has spoken of This...
  35. S

    THIS IS SERIOUS, please read!

    http://worldtruth.tv/cia-admits-full-mo ... -networks/ CIA admits Full Monitoring of Facebook and other Social Networks (BE CAREFULL WHO YOU TALK TO THERE ARE INFILTRAITORS IN THESE GROUPS. I see so often people giving personal infomation even phone numbers out on the boards and asking to...
  36. S

    Re: Can animals like Cats place curses on people?

    What I know is my animals love being around me when I am meditating one of my cats also likes to sit on my altar. Horses respond much better to me than other people with more experience and stand close around me if I sit outside meditating even putting their heads or noses on me sometimes...
  37. S

    For those in Oklahoma

    I hope all our members there are Ok and Satan has kept you safe from harm. I have seen the storms on our news in Aus and it looks like one big mess. I heard that many children died in a school? I hope all your children are safe and not among them. May Satan's aura protect and shield you. May...
  38. S


    Energy does what it is instructed to do. Our minds are programed to respond deeply to certain words we hear and use on ourselves. Victim is a very powerfull word and has a deep effect on the soul. If you keep thinking of yourself this way this is how you will remain. It's up to you to become...
  39. S

    agitation after meditation

    Pressure in the head and solar area can indicate you still have blocks. Pressure builds in the Chakra below and cause a range of symptoms. The 3 main blocks are according to my experience and that of others at the SACRAL, THROAT and CROWN but other Chakras can still have blocks that require more...
  40. S


    I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big...
  41. S


    I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar...
  42. S

    Child sex abuse coverup!

    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/ ... 762025.htm Transcript EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry has been told that a police investigation into alleged concealment of child sexual assault by senior clergy in the Hunter was very thorough. Ian Lloyd QC...
  43. S

    Australian child sex abuse coverup!

    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/ ... 762025.htm Transcript EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry has been told that a police investigation into alleged concealment of child sexual assault by senior clergy in the Hunter was very thorough. Ian Lloyd QC...
  44. S

    Australian child sex abuse coverup!

    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/ ... 762025.htm Transcript EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry has been told that a police investigation into alleged concealment of child sexual assault by senior clergy in the Hunter was very thorough. Ian Lloyd QC was...
  45. S

    mayan pyramid in belize torn down for road gravel

    This is another step in the destruction of our history, I think you are correct they keep taking steps, will anyone stop it? that sort of thing... the statues of Enki that were smashed, other monuments damaged, the roads and mcdonalds built right near Giza with trucks going past causing the...
  46. S

    Demon lover and fantasizing

    You need to confirm He is deffinately of Satan, emotions aside you must be sure because angels and enemy Nordics DO play games. I am not trying to scare or upset you just to warn you. Perhaps you should do a Ritual to Satan asking for confirmation of His identity, name is he known to Satan...
  47. S

    My Altar :)

    I discovered she was one of My Gaurdians recently my cat sort of 'told me' lol I got another cat and on his first night here exploring he jumped up on my altar and looked at everything and a week before I had found a statue of her by accident (or not by accident!) and put it on my altar. My cat...
  48. S


    No absolutely NOT! http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/ABOUT.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FAQ.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html Satan has been lied about so much what people are telling you is what they were told and so on...
  49. S


    It is likely your astral senses are already working and your temple Chakras could be open already, I have found them connected to astral hearing as soon as I opened mine I heard talking but not in my head... it sounded distant and muffled a bit and I could not make out what was being said but...
  50. S

    Making a dedication gone wrong!

    Like others said this is very common, not burning down ones house but having things 'go wrong'. But your house did not burn down and you are fine...right? :) It went perfect. I have even wondered after reading so many posts from new members, myself included I also made mistakes if it is not a...
  51. S

    DNS hijacking, Xians new attack

    It actually makes it more obvious the true nature of the enemy and their xianity when they do things like this to someone like yourself. It proves everything we say. It proves Satan is NOT the bad guy because they say they fight for a god of love and peace and they fight with violence in a sick...
  52. S

    DNS hijacking, Xians new attack

    Iv'e had different kind of attacks, non physical trying to break me, like you said once.... their wasting their time. It only makes my resolve stronger to keep getting back up, they can go fuck themselves I'm not going anywhere either! Stand STRONG for SATAN! Hail Satan
  53. S

    Would angels front/pretend to be Satan?

    Yes. I had one appear to me in my bathroom of all places while I was in the shower! As a Nordic staring at me and then did the outstretched arms jesus pose. Blonde hair, blue eyes bigger than a Humans eyes a bit I couldnt quite make out the edges of the eyes they were weird. Very blank...
  54. S

    Saved my ass again!

    This story didn't end when I posted this, things got more interesting. It turns out the wrong switch was turned off. We were at least now aware of the fire hazard. Later that night around 2.30am I was still up and went to the kitchen and heard all kinds of weird noise, banging and goings on...
  55. S

    Hitler speech: "they are not laughing anymore"

    Very well said! Hail Satan! Heil Hitler!
  56. S

    why call him satan and not lucifer?

    jews mix truth with fiction to slip their lies in and corrupt knowledge. Hail Satan
  57. S

    The factory disasters in India

    I started making clothes, I can crotchet scarves and jumpers it just takes a lot of time I havn't had much of. I just bought an overlocker sewing machine last month and havn't used it yet, I am used to sewing by hand and find the machine a bit confusing but once I figure it out it will mean I...
  58. S

    why call him satan and not lucifer?

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Satan.html Hail Satan!
  59. S

    Hi, I'm new here, I love Father Lucifer with all my sincere heart ho

    Black people are very welcome, only jews are not welcome. To understand why you need to do further study into who and what they are. they are the creators of xianity, islam, judaism and many more corruptions of Spiritual and historical truth. This automatically makes them the enemies of Satan...
  60. S

    The factory disasters in India

    I went to the only big store in town to get some jumpers and stuff for winter, I havn't had time to make any myself. I walked out with nothing, why? Every item of clothing for sale in there (Kmart) made in China or Bangladesh. I picked up a top nevermind the shitty quality I had a nasty vibe...
  61. S

    Money for jos

    The material world is just as important as the spiritual in Satanism. Through various corruptions to teachings over time it has been taught people should not want or focus on material comeforts, wants and wealth. This is rubbish, wanting material things is natural. There is nothing wrong with...
  62. S

    A Christian mocking all satanists?????

    I don't see any need for argument, personally being a Satanist means thinking for yourself making your own choices and making up your own mind of what you do or don't do. You have read Satan's warnings and know the history and are informed and mature enough to make your own desicions then be...
  63. S

    Saved my ass again!

    When HP maxine said Satan watches over us she sure wasn't kidding. Here I was thinking it was just inconvinient our hot water heater broke down (electric) Ive been bitching and joking about it. meanwhile I never even knew I had a timebomb sitting right under my room, almost under my bed...
  64. S

    The vatican curse

    We are going after the people inside the vatican, the ones behind it all, who run it, control it and use it against everybody. Until they fall anything they have hidden in vaults is being kept from the world anyway. Hail Satan
  65. S

    Isreal bombings on Syria

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD42edC9rQ4 Must watch and please share this. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/05 ... green\ -light/ The foreign ministry accused Israel of coordinating with "terrorist groups", including the Al-Nusra Front rebel group that has pledged allegiance to...
  66. S

    isreal bombings on Syria

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD42edC9rQ4 Must watch and please share this. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/05 ... green\ -light/ The foreign ministry accused Israel of coordinating with "terrorist groups", including the Al-Nusra Front rebel group that has pledged allegiance to...
  67. S

    Isreal bombings on Syria

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD42edC9rQ4 Must watch and please share this. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/05 ... green\ -light/ The foreign ministry accused Israel of coordinating with "terrorist groups", including the Al-Nusra Front rebel group that has pledged allegiance to...
  68. S

    Isreal bombings on Syria

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD42edC9rQ4 Must watch and please share this. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/05 ... green\ -light/ The foreign ministry accused Israel of coordinating with "terrorist groups", including the Al-Nusra Front rebel group that has pledged allegiance to...
  69. S

    Isreal bombings on Syria

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD42edC9rQ4 Must watch and please share this. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/05 ... een-light/ The foreign ministry accused Israel of coordinating with "terrorist groups", including the Al-Nusra Front rebel group that has pledged allegiance to Al...
  70. S

    I dreamt of Poseidon.

    From the God's of Hell book from the JOS LEVIATHAN Leviathan traditionally appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female (representing the seven chakras), and rules over the element of water; the link to the subconscious, dreams and imagination, and...
  71. S

    Personal Fulfillment

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... cubus.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nergy.html Sexual energy especially combined with meditation can stimulate the Kundilini, especially when a Demon is involved. You may not yet be ready for this and your Demon may take things...
  72. S

    what does the seal of Lucifer do?

    Seals were used to bind and abuse Our Gods they are not beautifull. If you see a Sigil for any of the Gods inside circles do not use it. If their are symbols or words you do not know it is best to avoid it. Hail Satan
  73. S

    DMT hallucinogen???

    If you use things like this your own ability to create natural chemicals in the brain is weakened even further than it already is. Your Pineal Gland will produce DMT and other chemicals naturally as it is strengthened through meditation. And the Astral energy aspect will also produce highs that...
  74. S

    How to know if you have a Demon Husband?

    I think I know what you are refering too. 2 points. If you have made a commitment in a past life, as in I promise I will love you forever or something like this it stays on the Soul in this life. Human or God. It is what you did that causes the problem subconciously. That is talked about in...
  75. S

    I dreamt of Poseidon.

    LEVIATHAN Rank: GRAND ADMIRAL OF HELL Leviathan appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female, rules over the element of water; the link to the subconscious, dreams and imagination, and is also referred to as the "Chaos Dragon." Rules over all...
  76. S

    Australian Politics

    Not just for Aussies for any country being fucked over people grow a spine or watch all you hold dear get flushed away down the dunny. ...................................... Meanwhile In Australia. On the basis of this email, the day will come when the ANZAC Day Parade will be banned...
  77. S

    Question about people into angel magick.

    Andras pointed one out to me, if ever in doubt ask Him. the one he pointed to me had a name, I'm not saying it here but it's one that masks as a Demon and gives a lot of trouble to new Satanists. He is lower than pondslime but getting weaker ;) Hail Satan
  78. S

    Australian Politics

    I have not found one white doctor in my district with the books open. Half of them barely speak english, have to look treatements and disease up on a computer, I wonder if they didn't buy their degree off the fucking internet before they came here and fudged it. They stay 6 months if that then...
  79. S

    I dreamt of Poseidon.

    I lead to the straight path... without a book. - Satan. You say you were walking through gate or doorways on a path with 'tourists' and then found yourself indoors (Who's building? What does that mean to you?). There was a statue of 'Satan' with His symbols of the Magnum Opus His trishul and...
  80. S


    Healing damaged cells, illness etc would be a better use for it, each to their own though. But what a boring world if everyone looked perfect like a magazine, if everyone had blue eyes etc. Accepting and enjoying being who you are is a powerfull thing. I am not perfect but I wouldn't want to be...
  81. S

    Australian Politics

    Whoever we get in will still be playing the kikes tune. It might look like one side against the other but kikes create a problem then offer a solution. One party racks up a big debt the other gets in and fixes it by raising taxes and it goes back and forth like ping pong. So long as our land...
  82. S

    I dreamt of Poseidon.

    Poseidon is another Alias of Satan. Hail Satan
  83. S

    The Crazy Mind Of The Jew

    Shame he didn't seal the bag at both ends and end up in the cemetary. Imagine that falling from a plane lol Hail Satan
  84. S

    Exposing the Enemy 7/26/10

    A black magic 'wizard'? ok clue number one this is a nutcase, then strips and cuts himself up... wow yeah thats someone to listen to... NOT! It is fools like that who give REAL Satanists a bad name. Use some common sense here really. Hail Satan
  85. S

    much love too this site THANK YOU 666 SATAN

    In the East it is called the Karana Mudra and I have not deeply read about it but seems to also be a sign to ward off evil or negative energy. Hail Satan
  86. S


    I remember being 16 in a youth home with no money in a bad part of the city. Walking down the main road it was red light district. How often me or another girl were looked up and down by club managers and pimps they tried to coax us to come in and 'have a chat' tell you your beautifull and would...
  87. S


    I was thinking that as I have it too, but it's no excuse to act like an ass, too many use it as an excuse for being an ass. And Quicksilver I am NOT calling you an ass I am speaking in general terms, I don't even know if you have this I am only saying IF someone has it they need to practice...
  88. S

    Working with Crystals.

    The structures of the crystal may have something to do with how well it works in magic, how well it absorbs or outputs energy etc even the shape. Crystals with points direct energy from the point. To measure it you have to practice and become sensitive enough to energies. It also depends on who...
  89. S

    much love too this site THANK YOU 666 SATAN

    Actually he didn't invent it, it's use goes back to ancient Greece and the far East and in Itally especially southern Itally is a gesture believed to curse or ward off curses. In other cultures it is used to insult implying ones mate sleeps around. It has different meanings around the world it...
  90. S

    A Poem about Father

    That is beautifull Allison! Hail Satan!
  91. S

    In what ways is enochian magical?

    I thought to add a little more, If one goes back to ancient Egyptian writings we see there too back then emphasis on sound. On words of power, of the importance of this but comming forth from the desire of the 'heart' by the power of the will, spoken by the tongue creation is manifest. There...
  92. S

    In what ways is enochian magical?

    I'm still learning it myself but I will try to explain what I do know. My understanding is it is the language or a language of the Nordic Race, power is in the vibrations of sound, the way the vibrations are shaped and expressed through language, pitch etc effects the vibration of other things...
  93. S

    indigo children

    Perhaps they chose the term/colour as a mockery of the Magnum Opus also. Hail Satan
  94. S

    indigo children

    Innocent as opposed to... guilty? Of what? being Human as the kikes want us to believe we must always be ashamed and sorry for even daring to breath, we are bad because we were ever born is what is taught so everyone goes about feeling guilty for this and sorry for that. No other animal is...
  95. S

    Working with Crystals.

    Just another name for clear quartz. It can be used for anything just about. Personally I find some stones are more magnetic (drawing in, intuition, psychic work, drawing in and trapping energies) Others are more electric, output of energy, amplifying energy whatever they are programed with the...
  96. S

    Working with Crystals.

    I have a large collection from many years I work mostly with plain rock or quartz crystal but I have a lot of others. I work in my own way but not very often anymore I just never have time. If you want to message me about it your very welcome. Hail Satan
  97. S

    Savitri Devi

    That is so beautifull. Hail Satan
  98. S

    attack from christians need help from

    I have a massive kingdom hall of jehovies loonies a couple of doors down the road from me. They used to try and come in often but now they seem a bit scared and just leave their books in the mailbox. I have to endure their singing at least twice a week and the waves of sickening energy that come...
  99. S

    Diferences between Demons and Angels

    It isn't good vs evil it started as a difference of opinion long ago mostly over our creation and fate. Satan and the Gods who sided with Us had their own personal reason for doing so, love, loyalty and seeing us in a different way to those who oposed us. Nordics who were with Us, Nordics who...
  100. S

    Important...For All JoS Members; 4/09/13

    Thankyou for this and confirming my feelings on the matter. If I may add something I have found helpfull on bad days especially. If you possibly can turn off all electrical equipment around you especially mobile phones, wi fi and communications devices for even a few hours or even better...
  101. S

    Satan's five wives.

    Consider that some things are kept secret for a reason and sometimes this is for protection. Satan has many enemies that would gladly get to Him through those He loves. Remember that He is a Real Being a Man and Those He loves are also REAL BEINGS He loves you and me and all of Us too His...
  102. S


    Even if there is an astral library of some kind it is most likely corrupted with enemy bullshit to further fool anyone who goes looking there thinking they have found some amazing truth. Hail Satan
  103. S

    Our Creation by the gods.

    We have been significantly dumbed down as a species and taught not to question, if something stretches your brain it might hurt lol so people shy away from that and stay where it is comefortable. If you want to advance anything it requires pushing that comefort zone a little at a time not enough...
  104. S

    Our Creation by the gods.

    It is not only Humans that have suffered from this Soul decay and disruptions. The entire planet has been vampirised, suffocated, used, abused and it has lowered the overall vibration of the whole planet. Earth has a complex grid of energy lines similar to our own Nadis in fact ancient sites...
  105. S

    Kundalini spirit question Please Help

    It is not like an actual 'snake' that we have inside us the Serpent imagery is symbolic of the nature it behaves in when it rises it is snakelike in its flow and movement. The hood of the cobra is symbolic of the way the energy expands the concisnous out like a halo. It happens to much resemble...
  106. S

    Our Creation by the gods.

    I don't think anyone really knows the exact origins of 'life' The Soul etc but what I have come to personally think and feel is that 'nature' has an intellegence of it's own that is vastly complex and maybe made up of everything interacting, as beings evolve nature evolves perhaps maybe this...
  107. S

    I feel as if I've let Satan down.

    And I want to add this. Sitting there thinking of every disease and problem you could have or get is the worst thing you can do that plants the seeds you understand? Everyone 'knows' what can happen but dwelling on it is putting energy to the idea and a fear that lowers your energy and makes it...
  108. S

    I feel as if I've let Satan down.

    The more you worry and focus and feel guilt over an addiction the worst you make it in turn you feel more shame, more stress and end up doing it more. Continue with meditations and improving your life as you can increase your water intake and healthy foods and do things to keep busy so you think...
  109. S

    Words of Fire

    This is beautifull and perfect. Hail Satan!
  110. S

    Lord Andras

    For me no fear, but the word I think is 'intense' the energy it can be intense especially if you have never felt anything like it before and are not used to it at first it can be a bit of a suprise, or a shock not in a bad way but its a deep intense feeling. I have found some of The Gods to be...
  111. S

    Lord Andras

    Maybe they do come and we just havn't seen them sometimes if it is not what you expect you don't notice at first and then you remember things and go 'ahhhh' maybe thats who it was lol. Hail Satan
  112. S

    Lord Andras

    I havn't seen them but a way I imagine them and it might sound weird I have always loved the stone statues of the Gargoyles and things like that animals with wings I picture them comming to life and the eyes comming to life. Maybe its because I have the statues around the garden on fences and...
  113. S

    Prisoner X in Israel...

    This shits me off so bad I can't even express it. People are so so stupid and gullable oh we must not question isreal oh the poor little jews oh how horrible for them, oh bla bla bullshit poor nothing. Rolling in more cash than anyone from their dodgy bullshit bankers, movies and holohoax...
  114. S

    Prisoner X in Israel...

    On Hellsarmy666 I put up a post called Isreal's passport factory I think thats what I called it, if you search for that there is more about what isreal has been doing and trouble they got into for it. If you find it you can copy and paste it here if you want to, I need to go to bed Ive been up...
  115. S

    Lord Andras

    He showed me a vision of Himself once sitting in a forest on a log, He was sitting there in this big sort of trenchcoat surrounded by grey wolves they were all around Him there I don't know if He was talking to Them, or They were all just hanging out but I think He would like me to draw this for...
  116. S

    souls of animals

    Duat (Hell) is a place in the astral that Satan has for those He cares for. But The Gods also have real physical bodies and live real physical lives on other planets. They to my knowledge are on more than one planet, but most seem to aggree on the Orion System where many ancient sites point to...
  117. S

    Lord Andras

    I think I replied to you on another board maybe. He could come accross quite intimidating to some people remember the Gods can read our energy and where we are at, and know pretty well how we are likely to react to Their personality and energy. The other part is He has a lot to teach and you...
  118. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    LOL I like the description, I am still lacking in graces and a bit more than a shit to put up with in fact I think I am louder and more aggressive than I used to be, and it might be a good thing since I used to be a bit of a doormat when I was younger and avoid confrontations. I have a more this...
  119. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    I have been going through a stage, where I have started to feel extreme compassion and empathy for everything it sounds ridiculous but its with animals not so much people. I have a small farm and on a farm there are things that have to be done that are not so nice. When it comes to rodents, and...
  120. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    You know what Fuck em! I have always gone where I wanted to go and done what I wanted to do and if a bunch of new age hippy tarts with their fucking wicca angel nonsense don't like it they can kiss my ass. We shouldn't be scared of these people and stay away we should fucking show up and let...
  121. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    I will go for a look if theres one on, it dosnt get to me its more annoying personally its just people with me I worry about. I wonder if they would let me have a stall selling Satanic jewerly and stuff hahaha I bet they would find a reason not to let me. Hail Satan
  122. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    For comparrison here are some pictures of Australian female soldiers when searching female soldiers seems isreal is way over represented. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?start=2 ... =223&ty=94 http://www.google.com.au/imgres?hl=en&c ... =193&ty=96
  123. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    The first one looks like contact lenses with something evil and violent waiting to erupt from within at any second like predator or alien movies like if she opens her mouth you would want to grab the biggest flame thrower you could get. Hail Satan
  124. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    A few seem Gentile on the surface but living and breathing with kikes their energy becomes kike infested. Hail Satan
  125. S

    somthing Forgotten, or Overlooked

    The catholic church is the jewish brain. Don't doubt either that the jews are not behind mormonism and any other isms and so forth it all came from the jews islam is from the jews yet the muslims hate the jews not knowing the truth. Our efforts are on exposing the jews so the truth will come out...
  126. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    They play both sides against the middle. All the time the church says the body and sex is a dirty, nasty thing of shame and sin. So the other extreme the kike turns sex in the media and so on into something cheap easy and nasty to make the churches argument against it seem valid. Do I make sense...
  127. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    Cold dead eyes, like a grey. At first someone looks and it dosn't stand out, most people won't see it, or feel it in a way they can put their finger on what it is. Grey, brown murky energy, I look at blue eyes there and I see black empty pits. And I feel they would want to kill me and dance on...
  128. S

    Israeli Women Solders...

    A few there might not be hard to tell on a few pics but its in the eyes, cold hard eyes, they give off a vibe. Hail Satan
  129. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    Thats the spirit! :) Hail Satan!
  130. S

    Sermon 3/20/13

    That explains my urges to bend myself upside down lately. But I have trouble doing handstands and getting my legs in the air will this still work if I can hang off a peice of furnature so my back is vertical to the floor and head upside down do my legs have to be straight up? Can I lean them...
  131. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    You get the same 'vibe' I do then, He is serious when He needs to be serious and a terror to His enemies for sure but He also has a big sense of humour if I am being too serious and worrying too much He has ways of letting me know, He can make you laugh and see things in a different way...
  132. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    You feel the difference with our Gods, the energy is very natural from them, it feels like a friend comming for a visit like one of your mates. Not like some stuck up spirit that has an artificial feeling of inportance you must tremble before or some fake feeling of love which is not real love...
  133. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    Ever notice the faces of the people working in there? Even if you can't feel energy you can see it in their eyes and face. I have found also they often have a cold energy, a cold touch (the woman who touched me felt cold and slimy I can't describe it any other way) Hail Satan
  134. S

    Delayed Energy 2 Day Group Ritual March 15th and 16th

    Just do the best you can, we are still stuck in the system but at least we are awake to it and make the best choices we can. Hail Satan
  135. S

    Delayed Energy 2 Day Group Ritual March 15th and 16th

    Just doing this ritual has caused a shift in my own awareness of this issue so strong I have really changed the way I see it all in just a few days. Before I was aware of it but it didn't really sink in, now it hits me. I found out the last few days also a big Australian car manufacturer...
  136. S

    Pretty sure I was attacked.

    This is war, real, serious it happens, the enemy tries to stop it but it won't work. They try to put thoughts in your head, fear or whatever crap. I went to a shop today with a friend to get some incense and stuff and it was one of those new age shops with everything in it. My friend is pretty...
  137. S

    Delayed Energy 2 Day Group Ritual March 15th and 16th

    So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While...
  138. S

    Francis - The Talking Mule

    I actually felt very emotional watching the Omen movies which must sound ridiculous they were just movies but it seemed to tug at something inside me even before I was a Satanist I was rooting for Damien. It wasn't the movie it was the idea it provoked within. It won't be an easy thing when...
  139. S

    Francis - The Talking Mule

    Another good reason to fight hard to keep your weapons, who knows how batshit crazy xians will react some will go into denial and find a way to convince themselves the lie is still real many will collapse into a depression some maybe quite a lot could snap and go crazy and dangerous. We know how...
  140. S

    Francis - The Talking Mule

    Lol thats an insult to mules poor things imagine having a fucking pope named after you. Hail Satan
  141. S

    Hatred and love advice please

    You see in ancient statues and paintings, even the mummies around the world the arms crossed over the chest there. Protect this Protect your heart from this intrusion of lies and guilt of the enemy. It has more meanings but this is one it reminds me of. Keep your gaurd strong. It is a tactic the...
  142. S


    What do you want to know? Personal experience with Him or what? Other than what is on the Joy Of Satan website you likely will find a lot of bullshit elsewhere as with all the Gods of Hell. It is best to get to know Them yourself. They may not show the same parts to Themselves to everyone. I...
  143. S

    The Supreme God

    Thankyou, this is one of the best Sermons I have read yet and answers many questions. Your work is greatly apreciated! Hail Satan!
  144. S

    Tuesday March 12th- Group Ritual- Incite Conflict Amongst jewish ran

    I am still learning the planets and timing. I only have a few hours between 1am and sunrise to do these when I am alone. Ok so if ritual is for a tuesday, should I do it after midnight when monday changes to tuesday in the am, or is it ok to do it after midnight on the tuesday (it has changed to...
  145. S

    Thousands of dead pigs in Chinese river

    People don't seem to realise it is kikes behind it. The Chinese Gentiles get the blame. Hail Satan
  146. S

    Thousands of dead pigs in Chinese river

    And the 'Chinese authorities claim water quality is not effected' This is so fucked up. http://www.examiner.com/article/more-th ... jor-c\ hinese-waterway?CID=SM-facebook-031113-10.00a-ThousandsDeadPigsChina Thousands of dead pigs have been found floating in a major Chinese waterway...
  147. S

    Thousands of dead pigs in Chinese river

    And the 'Chinese authorities claim water quality is not effected' This is so fucked up. http://www.examiner.com/article/more-th ... dPigsChina Thousands of dead pigs have been found floating in a major Chinese waterway, raising health and environmental concerns. South China Morning...
  148. S

    Tuesday March 12th- Group Ritual- Incite Conflict Amongst jewish ran

    Try the sterile insulin needles they come in a sterile pack super sharp if they don't perice the skin you have some weird skin lol Hail Satan
  149. S

    Sunday March 8th Group Ritual- Attack on Kosher Food/Production

    The more people talk, think and discuss the more ideas We can come up with to help Us and each other especially in these times. Hail Satan!
  150. S

    Sunday March 8th Group Ritual- Attack on Kosher Food/Production

    Interesting idea. I would always want my old fashioned style garden though but this would work for families without the time or experience and better than what We do now. The other thing I like are vertical gardens making use of small spaces by growing food up a wall or trelis tyoe structures...
  151. S

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    Element. What is the first one that comes to your mind? What element do you feel the strongest? Yes there is a reason I am asking. Hail Satan
  152. S

    Agnostic/Atheist wants to meditate, finde demon

    I should clarify, when buhdists, athiests and new agers are meditating they don't have Satan on their mind they are just going along with the corrupted versions believing what they are told and are of no threat to the enemy unless they go too far or start straying away looking for more. If...
  153. S

    Agnostic/Atheist wants to meditate, finde demon

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iders.html If you havn't I suggest you read the entire website before doing anything else. If you have any negative experiences remember not being a dedicated Satanist leaves you wide open to enemy attack when you meditate you open yourself up to...
  154. S

    Sunday March 8th Group Ritual- Attack on Kosher Food/Production

    and even if you die you reincarnate back to a world with no fucking kikes in it. Hail Satan!
  155. S

    Sunday March 8th Group Ritual- Attack on Kosher Food/Production

    I will testify from personal experience doing it all by yourself is very hard, many do but its lots of hardwork and if you get sick or cant do what you normally do things go to shit very fast. I have enough land to feed the whole town. I would love to fence a front paddock off, and say here is...
  156. S

    feng shui

    Controlling influencing and making the best use of the energy of your environment. I read having a waterfall facing your house is supposed to be good, bringing things in instead of washing them away. Well I can't see it doing any harm so I am facing my little one at my front door, if things go...
  157. S

    How old is Satanism?

    Satanism was not always called Satanism, before the RHP religions Satan had other names Satan is enemy in hebrew... the enemy of the jews. The jews created the fake new religions and replaced by force murder and torture the old religion of the Gentiles which is Satanism but they didn't call it...
  158. S

    feng shui

    I go by what feels good for me. Having a pleasing environment to live in that suits your own personal tastes is what really matters as what is calming and nice to one person may not be for everyone. When living with others we make compromises but we know things about certain colours and elements...
  159. S

    Sunday March 8th Group Ritual- Attack on Kosher Food/Production

    I can see both points of view on this, why there could be concern however kikes will only eat their 'safe' food and We could put some extra words into the affirmation or prayer maybe to protect Gentiles? Or at least yourself and take more notice of what your buying. If we only use the kikes...
  160. S

    isreal's passport factory

    Yes I know what you mean, a friend told me he remembers in old movies they used to cast jews as villains in some of them and he watched as that started changing people got more used to seeing them and they got more and more hold in hollywood they start playing the hero and traditionally Aryan...
  161. S

    isreal's passport factory

    I'm glad you are back :) What you said, about the greys that is what I see in the eyes of the jews. For anyone who has actually looked a grey in the face into the eyes the grey for me was stronger the effect through the eyes but the energy is the same. The kike eye, the greys eyes. The anger has...
  162. S

    isreal's passport factory

    they don't seem to have an energy or spark of their own, like as an individual the full blood full on kikes to me are the worst they effect me the worst even through pictures the hybrids vary more sometimes I see someone and feel like there is a war on inside them the soul still has that kike...
  163. S

    Consequences of suicide in Satanism? and reincarnation

    The Soul and DNA are linked all I know is to be reborn you need parents with a DNA match that supports your Soul this is based on racial herritage. Less people these days have pure racial DNA and your sex needs to match. Your Soul carries an astral imprint or map of your DNA and that is another...
  164. S

    isreal's passport factory

    I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does...
  165. S

    isreal's passport factory

    I forgot a link in the previous post appologies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh Hail Satan
  166. S

    isreal's passport factory

    This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake. My note in this...
  167. S

    After attacking the Vatican I think we should go after Israel and

    isreals dirty secrets are comming out bit by bit in mainstream news over here in Oz... they have been in trouble, isreal terror agents got busted here using forged Australian passports to carry out assasinations in the middle east. Our government has been questioning isreal over it not all of it...
  168. S

    kosher - The Negative Effects of

    There is an agenda going on and I see it and wish everyone else could see it. Many people cannot afford expensive food and items, jobs are going to china, unemployment is rising and food, housing and power etc are all becomming too expensive for a lot of ordinary people. I know I am one of them...
  169. S

    kosher - The Negative Effects of

    We have had farmers commiting suicide, with the last drought and the main supermarkets running the market ripping off the farmers and the customers many just could not make ends meet anymore. We had farmers walking off the land that was in their family generations. We export more food to other...
  170. S

    kosher - The Negative Effects of

    One trick I have noticed companies pull is mark a product made in Australia with local and imported ingredients. They don't tell you where from. I assume it is china since if I look at Itallian food products it says made or packaged or grown in Itally, same for some other countries but when it...
  171. S

    some videos

    This first one really got to me, this man talks about what the kikes did to his family and his village in Palestine he fought back against isreali's, there are more videos in this series. I put a link to the JOS but it was deleted very fast. Anyone with a youtube account try again to put more...
  172. S

    kosher - The Negative Effects of

    Unless I'm confused, the jews won't eat the same poison they want Gentiles to eat. So they would label safe food would it then be a good idea to be looking for the food the jews deam safe? Even though its for them, wouldn't it mean we would be safer? having asked that very few products in...
  173. S

    Spiritual Warfare

    We need more ideas for rituals in here, in addition to destruction, empowerment, group cleansings, group thanksgivings to Satan etc healing for the Earth and so on. Maybe also we could give more support to video makers here on youtube boosting ratings likes and promotion etc. We are almost to...
  174. S

    The influence of the church.

    A senior officer in NSW Australia came out on TV not long ago spilling the beans on what was going on and how he was removed from the child sex abuse cases he had an enormous body of evidence dating back many many years and claimed it went right to the vatican. He was visibly shaken by what he...
  175. S

    Hatred towards xtians

    Thats awsome I love hearing stories like this. It is an interesting thing that those who are not as the rest of the sheep out there are usually more interested by the 'things you are not supposed to know, see, question' etc and instead of flinching away go and look and wonder why not? What are...
  176. S

    Group Destruction Ritual - Saturday March 2

    Thats awsome work there... it looks good with the red and black actually very powerfull. My only suggestion and it isn't important just an idea is if you can even using a lead pencil or texta to do the star of david in grey, with the red really bold or in black so the Runes overpower the jewish...
  177. S

    read if u want

    This sounds highly suspicious The Joy Of Satan already has instructions for Real Black Magick that works and is trusted. As others said also We have hellsarmy666 set up by The Joy Of Satan Ministries that is moderated by Trusted High Priests and High Priestess's of Satan...
  178. S

    Increae your Magnetism/Flow of Energy

    In Old witchcraft this was the reason for male and female representation on the altar, and the Great Right the union of the Male and Female Chakras, the balance of energy in the Soul. It was a symbolic way of carrying on the knowledge but most modern Pagans don't get it. There is a lot in Old...
  179. S

    I am in need of help from a musician of hell.

    Making something for Satan and The Gods is like a personal gift to Them They don't often recieve from many so I think it would mean a lot to Them comming from one Who is Dedicated. Hail Satan
  180. S

    Message from Brian

    Thats what the jews did with the holohoax. Hail Satan
  181. S

    Message from Brian

    he was one of the first to welcome me when I joined and I guess I thought he was ok because people seemed to like him but I havn't been here long and did not think I should have an opinion on anyone yet. I did notice he seemed to post a lot of little short comments that would push other...
  182. S


    Its another mind trick to make you worried Satan won't want you, or will hurt you, trying to make you feel hatred and fear for yourself and confused. Hail Satan
  183. S


    Theres kike blood in lots of bloodlines you would know if you had it or not, if Satan has accepted you then don't worry. If you are worried it is probably a good sign your clean because kikes are proud of their kikieness. If you love Satan in your heart how can you be his enemy? Hail Satan
  184. S


    I was being sarcastic actually because this is a common attack on Satanists by the enemy. Sewing seeds of doubt and worry. But good you posted that all the same. I am sad to think Satanists would leave the groups over something like this Satan needs all of Us especially now. Hail Satan
  185. S


    I'm part cherokee does that make me a kike too? The only way to know 100% is a DNA test and I bet most people have never had one. If they havn't broken the group rules or caused harm to other Satanists then making such an accusation on the groups is not right. Anything else is between them and...
  186. S

    Some Things to be Aware of 2/20/13

    May I add to the nonstick cookware And I have been meaning to do an article on this for the pets group. Teflon when heated KILLS birds in minutes. It can vary on size of room, ventilation etc, some will get sick with respiritory symptoms and eye problems but a lot of damage is done internally...
  187. S

    Quick question

    Another side to it is, even people who do believe it or see it won't always think it is a good thing anyway. A job has been done to create fear of people with such powers, fear of Satan and the occult still exists. People do not know these abilities are natural for Us they think they are scary...
  188. S

    Quick question

    There are videos one up there isn't a Satanist it's a man who has developed Pyrokenisis on his own, it was a video I was shown when I was new. He showed off and was filmed the thing is he got attacked he thought it was a dead master scolding him for showing off and he hid away in shame. The...
  189. S


    Possibly chemical changes in the brain or body I am not sure but like everyone else said, see a dentist. Toothpain is some of the worst pain you can suffer I know it could be an abcess or compacted root, an exposed nerve only a dentist can help you with this. Of course keep using Satanic healing...
  190. S

    please help me. i am being threatend by a muslim on facebook

    Delete... block... curse! This is a reason why Satan says to not use His name as you do not know what those without may do. Most likely this dipshit is some pathetic pimple faced nerd in a basement somewhere with no life, no friends looking for people to fuck with. But its best not to tempt...
  191. S

    Be Confident!

    Be confident and proud of yourselves, all of you who have dedicated your souls to Satan and work on yourselves and fight for Him in any way you have done even if you think you havn't done much, or havn't got far or feel you should have done better and so on don't let your worries haunt you and...
  192. S

    40 DAYS OR BEYOND!!!! (Imminent destruction)

    There is another part to this lets not forget that the more accepted Satan's name becomes in the world, the less feared and the more people come to Him and leave the RHP lies the more power Satan gets, the more power WE ALL get to use. It compounds in strength. By opening the way for more and...
  193. S


    A problem I have encountered is people who hate the jews know they are evil and behind things but think they worship Satan. Theres a wall to hit at every turn they have it covered everywhere, people feel sorry for them and think those who hate jews are evil, people who have no clue or care about...
  194. S


    farida khan https://www.google.com.au/search?q=kahn ... 66&bih=677 Good work to all who have been cursing her see link on google how many people hate her and are hearing about this! Hail Satan!
  195. S

    Keep posting links

    Not everyone is going to jump for joy and go running to Satan just because you put a link on the internet somewhere. You will get comments back bashing the truth you will get banned, deleted, kicked off, censored and ridiculed. You may feel moments of doubt and so on Just post the links and move...
  196. S

    Self reliance and thinking for yourself

    On SBS world news the past week a rabbi was in trouble for making statements about victims of child sex abuse being 'complainers' I missed some of it but it was another case of their ugly tongues running away from them. Keep up the fight! Hail Satan
  197. S

    Self reliance and thinking for yourself

    Sometimes I hear Satan or a God speaking to me or communicating with me as I am waking up from sleep. I think this is because my conscious mind is still not fully awake but my subconcious the part that can hear them more clearly is still awake, And on waking rather than going to sleep as in...
  198. S

    Self reliance and thinking for yourself

    Sometimes I hear Satan or a God speaking to me or communicating with me as I am waking up from sleep. I think this is because my conscious mind is still not fully awake but my subconcious the part that can hear them more clearly is still awake, And on waking rather than going to sleep as in the...
  199. S

    A Gift From AMON RA

    Pay attention to what is going on around you aswell They find ways to let you know They are there. Something personal that you would especially notice. Not long after I dedicated I was a passenger in a car comming home and on the street corner a falcon landed it had a bird it had caught and it...
  200. S

    What was that?????

    When you are close to something new they worry about you finding or doing sometimes even if nothing happened for ages they try something to stop you. I figured this out so if I am working or going to work on something new and things go wrong once I realise what it is it stops because their...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
