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Active member
Dec 24, 2006
  -------------The Ritual-----

======General Information.


-Purpose of this Ritual is: To destroy the jewish leaders that guide the jewish race, so that all jews are destroyed.

-Link to Sigil: http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png

-For our people who do not have space, do the Ritual as instructed in your astral temple and be creative in this. Do not let the lack of space stop you. For vibrating the Runes, you can even go to the bathroom or a small walk somewhere [make sure its safe].

-Keep your energies high before the Ritual and keep your meditation schedule up. Make sure to keep up until the working is over as this is most powerful and commendable.

-Be aware that you may get attacked during the working. Never stop- as a Warrior of Satan,  keep on it and take any attack as proof of the working causing pain. This includes all kinds of bullshit thoughts which need be ignored.

-The best date for the working is the 13th, although there is no real excuse in that someone will not participate as the Ritual is being posted now so people can see how it is going to be and arrange things.

-The Ritual/Working will be made easy so everyone can do this, new and advanced.

- If any day is lost [better NOT let this happen], fill in to the next day.

-Know the beings we target have been under protection so its likely the first days, you may not be feeling quite well the energies are going at their place. This is high unlikely as we have many people- but I point this out for anyone who might experience this.

-One note, the jews are already on a most bad situation. What we do here is actually sealing a ‘bye bye’ working. The workings have took its toll. We will not stop until nothing of them remains- nothing. Stopping or ‘chilling’ before this and we will face demise and numerous problems. The Gods never stopped, neither will we. We have superiority, realize this, but do not get carried away.

-If you find yourself over attacked, I will include an optional step you can do to get rid yourself of filth. This can also be done everyday with your meditations.

-For the days of the working (after the ritual day which counts as day one of the working) if you can, time your magick with the hours of Mars or Saturn.

-The Sigil included is not mandatory to use. It will serve nicely as a focus. You can use your visualization and imagine it hitting the souls of the enemy leaders.

-All instructed below can also be done in the form of balls of energy, directed to the enemy. If someone wants it that way they can do this instead of what is mentioned.

-On the part of the Ritual Declaration, tune in your mind and feel as if you are a link in the chain with all your Nrothers and Sisters in Satan and all the Gods of Hell themselves. This is optional but every little bit counts.   ===========THE RITUAL:

The ‘body’ of the Ritual will be as the Standard Ritual. The difference is, the prayer will be different and at the height of the Ritual, you will vibrate the Runes, either on the Sigil and then burn it, or right away to the enemies. For new people, its suggested to use no sigil.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Start the Ritual as instructed and invoke our 4 Crowned Princes, Satan, Bael, Astaroth and Azazel.

Then proceed to the prayer.

Ritual Prayer: [You can customize this, but do not stray from the meaning and leave the Ritual Declaration phrase INTACT as to create the nessescary link with our Brothers and Sisters doing the Ritual]

Father Satan, Father of my Soul, I come before you this important day you have called me to fight in your Army, for a higher and holy purpose. Satan hear my voice for my words are a covenant and a truthful promise.

 I, as a Son/Daughter of yours proclaim that I will follow your will and fight the jewish race until they are all destroyed, ALL OF THEM, for they are my enemies as they are yours. Cursed be their souls, cursed be their existence, cursed be everything that protects them and glorified be only you!

Father Satan, share some of your power with me so we can fulfill what we are here to fulfill. Members of our family are all over the world calling in your name and your providence, as to give the enemy what they rightfully deserve. Death, anguish and permanent destruction.


[Ritual Declaration-]: “All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”


HAIL SATAN!!!! HAIL HITLER!!!! HAIL [Your Guardian Demon]!!! HAIL ALL OUR GODS AND FAMILY!!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!!   After you are done with the Ritual Prayer, you can drink from your chalice.

This is where you will focus on the sigil, or just the jewish state or whatever you feel is ‘fit’ to focus if not the sigil. You can also, if you are using the sigil, apply blood on the part around where the Runes are and this will further boost the power, as Instructed by HP Vovim Baghie. This is not nessescary for new people and it should only be 2 or 4 little drops of blood.

Place the Sigil upon the Altar or Focus on the thought of the jewish leaders getting destroyed and taking on their race with them.

http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png
*Now  you can loudly affirm: All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed.

Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever. Before proceeding with the Runes, vibrate AUM 9 times to ‘open’ the working of vibration.

Then proceed onto the next step.

Now to start vibrating the Runes:

NOTE: [The numbers of vibrations range from 9 and its multiplies  for each Rune [number of destruction / endings] , 13 – number of this day that is powerful in regards to this, 40 – Number of Satan , 108 for a full working number. Make sure to retain focus during the vibration. The number you will do each day after the working is not affected by this number. For instance you might choose 40 for the Ritual and on the next 90 days, do just 9 vibrations. If you choose to do 13, you can do 13 only on this Friday and then proceed with the other numbers that you chose. 13 is only for Friday. The other days need be on other numbers]

So, starting:


-Hagalaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune HAGALAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”

Now you will proceed to the next Rune:


-Thurisaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil and the power of the Rune therein or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune THURISAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”   Now you will proceed to the next Rune [A little different affirmation]:


-Isa is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race, but now imagine that in all your inhales the sigil or them are being filled, full in grey energy and full in total chaos energy.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times:

“The energies of the Rune ISA are right now and permanently binding all the leaders of the jewish race into total destruction . Their decisions permanently bind the jewish race of people into total destruction.”   Now to finally seal the Ritual.   *******Now the next step, for those using a sigil:

Write on the back the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Burn the Sigil and you can either tune into this and meditate on the outome for some minutes. Its better if you do.   ********Now for the next step, for those who are not using the sigil:

Affirm the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Now you can sit for some minutes and imagine in your head pissrael getting nuked, people raging on them and destroying them etc.   Close with a big and proud, HAIL SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!   ************Summing up the steps.

===For those using the Sigil.

1.Start the Standard Ritual as instructed. 2. On the height of the Ritual, write the prayer and burn it. [Make sure to leave the Ritual Declaration INTACT, as this creates the nessescary psychic link with our Family who is doing the Ritual] 3. Vibrate AUM x9 times. 4. Vibrate the Runes and charge the Sigil, affirm and program the energy. If you chose so, apply blood on the runes. 5. Write on the back of the Sigil the Ritual declaration. 6. Burn the sigil and as the Sigil burns, or after the sigil has burned, vibrate AUMx9 times. 7. Close the Ritual.   ===For those not using the Sigil or in astral temple.

1.       1.Start the R[/IMG]
some questions:1. Some time ago we did distraction ritual and saved a sigil unburn. It is lieing in my home still. What to do - use that unburned sigil or make another one?2. If to make another sigil - what to do with that previous one - wait till 2014? 3/ May I vibrate runes as many times a day as I can with my forces? Example:today I was busy and too tired so I vibrate 9 times. Tomorrow I have more forces and can vibrate 13, or must I stick with the number of times that is permanent through all the days of working?

--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

  -------------The Ritual-----

======General Information.


-Purpose of this Ritual is: To destroy the jewish leaders that guide the jewish race, so that all jews are destroyed.

-Link to Sigil: http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png

-For our people who do not have space, do the Ritual as instructed in your astral temple and be creative in this. Do not let the lack of space stop you. For vibrating the Runes, you can even go to the bathroom or a small walk somewhere [make sure its safe].

-Keep your energies high before the Ritual and keep your meditation schedule up. Make sure to keep up until the working is over as this is most powerful and commendable.

-Be aware that you may get attacked during the working. Never stop- as a Warrior of Satan,  keep on it and take any attack as proof of the working causing pain. This includes all kinds of bullshit thoughts which need be ignored.

-The best date for the working is the 13th, although there is no real excuse in that someone will not participate as the Ritual is being posted now so people can see how it is going to be and arrange things.

-The Ritual/Working will be made easy so everyone can do this, new and advanced.

- If any day is lost [better NOT let this happen], fill in to the next day.

-Know the beings we target have been under protection so its likely the first days, you may not be feeling quite well the energies are going at their place. This is high unlikely as we have many people- but I point this out for anyone who might experience this.

-One note, the jews are already on a most bad situation. What we do here is actually sealing a ‘bye bye’ working. The workings have took its toll. We will not stop until nothing of them remains- nothing. Stopping or ‘chilling’ before this and we will face demise and numerous problems. The Gods never stopped, neither will we. We have superiority, realize this, but do not get carried away.

-If you find yourself over attacked, I will include an optional step you can do to get rid yourself of filth. This can also be done everyday with your meditations.

-For the days of the working (after the ritual day which counts as day one of the working) if you can, time your magick with the hours of Mars or Saturn.

-The Sigil included is not mandatory to use. It will serve nicely as a focus. You can use your visualization and imagine it hitting the souls of the enemy leaders.

-All instructed below can also be done in the form of balls of energy, directed to the enemy. If someone wants it that way they can do this instead of what is mentioned.

-On the part of the Ritual Declaration, tune in your mind and feel as if you are a link in the chain with all your Nrothers and Sisters in Satan and all the Gods of Hell themselves. This is optional but every little bit counts.   ===========THE RITUAL:

The ‘body’ of the Ritual will be as the Standard Ritual. The difference is, the prayer will be different and at the height of the Ritual, you will vibrate the Runes, either on the Sigil and then burn it, or right away to the enemies. For new people, its suggested to use no sigil.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Start the Ritual as instructed and invoke our 4 Crowned Princes, Satan, Bael, Astaroth and Azazel.

Then proceed to the prayer.

Ritual Prayer: [You can customize this, but do not stray from the meaning and leave the Ritual Declaration phrase INTACT as to create the nessescary link with our Brothers and Sisters doing the Ritual]

Father Satan, Father of my Soul, I come before you this important day you have called me to fight in your Army, for a higher and holy purpose. Satan hear my voice for my words are a covenant and a truthful promise.

 I, as a Son/Daughter of yours proclaim that I will follow your will and fight the jewish race until they are all destroyed, ALL OF THEM, for they are my enemies as they are yours. Cursed be their souls, cursed be their existence, cursed be everything that protects them and glorified be only you!

Father Satan, share some of your power with me so we can fulfill what we are here to fulfill. Members of our family are all over the world calling in your name and your providence, as to give the enemy what they rightfully deserve. Death, anguish and permanent destruction.


[Ritual Declaration-]: “All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”


HAIL SATAN!!!! HAIL HITLER!!!! HAIL [Your Guardian Demon]!!! HAIL ALL OUR GODS AND FAMILY!!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!!   After you are done with the Ritual Prayer, you can drink from your chalice.

This is where you will focus on the sigil, or just the jewish state or whatever you feel is ‘fit’ to focus if not the sigil. You can also, if you are using the sigil, apply blood on the part around where the Runes are and this will further boost the power, as Instructed by HP Vovim Baghie. This is not nessescary for new people and it should only be 2 or 4 little drops of blood.

Place the Sigil upon the Altar or Focus on the thought of the jewish leaders getting destroyed and taking on their race with them.

http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png
*Now  you can loudly affirm: All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed.

Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever. Before proceeding with the Runes, vibrate AUM 9 times to ‘open’ the working of vibration.

Then proceed onto the next step.

Now to start vibrating the Runes:

NOTE: [The numbers of vibrations range from 9 and its multiplies  for each Rune [number of destruction / endings] , 13 – number of this day that is powerful in regards to this, 40 – Number of Satan , 108 for a full working number. Make sure to retain focus during the vibration. The number you will do each day after the working is not affected by this number. For instance you might choose 40 for the Ritual and on the next 90 days, do just 9 vibrations. If you choose to do 13, you can do 13 only on this Friday and then proceed with the other numbers that you chose. 13 is only for Friday. The other days need be on other numbers]

So, starting:


-Hagalaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune HAGALAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”

Now you will proceed to the next Rune:


-Thurisaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil and the power of the Rune therein or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune THURISAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”   Now you will proceed to the next Rune [A little different affirmation]:


-Isa is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race, but now imagine that in all your inhales the sigil or them are being filled, full in grey energy and full in total chaos energy.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times:

“The energies of the Rune ISA are right now and permanently binding all the leaders of the jewish race into total destruction . Their decisions permanently bind the jewish race of people into total destruction.”   Now to finally seal the Ritual.   *******Now the next step, for those using a sigil:

Write on the back the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Burn the Sigil and you can either tune into this and meditate on the outome for some minutes. Its better if you do.   ********Now for the next step, for those who are not using the sigil:

Affirm the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Now you can sit for some minutes and imagine in your head pissrael getting nuked, people raging on them and destroying them etc.   Close with a big and proud, HAIL SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!   ************Summing up the steps.

===For those using the Sigil.

1.Start the Standard Ritual as instructed. 2. On the height of the Ritual, write the prayer and burn it. [Make sure to leave the Ritual Declaration INTACT, as this creates the nessescary psychic link with our Family who is doing the Ritual] 3. Vibrate AUM x9 times. 4. Vibrate the Runes and charge the Sigil, affirm and program the energy. If you chose so, apply blood on the runes. 5. Write on the back of the Sigil the Ritual declaration. 6. Burn the sigil and as the Sigil burns, or after the sigil has burned, vibrate AUMx9 times. 7. Close the Ritual.   ===For those not using the Sigil or in astral temple.

1.       1.Start the R[/IMG]
Is there a way to go about destroying the means they go about attaining money? Destroy their communications ability (psychically as well as physically.) Electronic equipment, tv, radio, etc. These people are going to work in groups, and, since group energy is stronger than one person's energy, it is best to have as many people in your working as possible (THAT ARE IN AGREEMENT). Even the Christian sheep work in groups to support and protect the ravenous preaching wolves.
The televangelists that keep telling people to give to Israel, the jews, etc.
If you can find a weakness in these people, like a lust, desire to dominate others,(all of them), the white lie, and downright bullshit, then you have a door to destroy these crooks. You will have to neutralize their psychic sight, as they will be batching for this.
And again, those with integrity, and honesty will save themselves. They are actually helping all of us.
But the crooks, well,,,Satan, take them!
I have a question: we all were doing destruction ritual anti-jew lately and saved our sigils unburned. When I asked what to do with them further, they said we will use our sigils in another Ritual, that is comming soon. My sigil is still unburned and waiting for it. Is this the Ritual where I should use it or should I make a new sigil?Also is more times vibrating rune better then less and SS must do as many as he can spiritually?Also can I for example vibrate one day 108 if I feel strong anough, and the other day when tired - only 9, or I must be strict with number and follow one number?

--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

  -------------The Ritual-----

======General Information.


-Purpose of this Ritual is: To destroy the jewish leaders that guide the jewish race, so that all jews are destroyed.

-Link to Sigil: http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png

-For our people who do not have space, do the Ritual as instructed in your astral temple and be creative in this. Do not let the lack of space stop you. For vibrating the Runes, you can even go to the bathroom or a small walk somewhere [make sure its safe].

-Keep your energies high before the Ritual and keep your meditation schedule up. Make sure to keep up until the working is over as this is most powerful and commendable.

-Be aware that you may get attacked during the working. Never stop- as a Warrior of Satan,  keep on it and take any attack as proof of the working causing pain. This includes all kinds of bullshit thoughts which need be ignored.

-The best date for the working is the 13th, although there is no real excuse in that someone will not participate as the Ritual is being posted now so people can see how it is going to be and arrange things.

-The Ritual/Working will be made easy so everyone can do this, new and advanced.

- If any day is lost [better NOT let this happen], fill in to the next day.

-Know the beings we target have been under protection so its likely the first days, you may not be feeling quite well the energies are going at their place. This is high unlikely as we have many people- but I point this out for anyone who might experience this.

-One note, the jews are already on a most bad situation. What we do here is actually sealing a ‘bye bye’ working. The workings have took its toll. We will not stop until nothing of them remains- nothing. Stopping or ‘chilling’ before this and we will face demise and numerous problems. The Gods never stopped, neither will we. We have superiority, realize this, but do not get carried away.

-If you find yourself over attacked, I will include an optional step you can do to get rid yourself of filth. This can also be done everyday with your meditations.

-For the days of the working (after the ritual day which counts as day one of the working) if you can, time your magick with the hours of Mars or Saturn.

-The Sigil included is not mandatory to use. It will serve nicely as a focus. You can use your visualization and imagine it hitting the souls of the enemy leaders.

-All instructed below can also be done in the form of balls of energy, directed to the enemy. If someone wants it that way they can do this instead of what is mentioned.

-On the part of the Ritual Declaration, tune in your mind and feel as if you are a link in the chain with all your Nrothers and Sisters in Satan and all the Gods of Hell themselves. This is optional but every little bit counts.   ===========THE RITUAL:

The ‘body’ of the Ritual will be as the Standard Ritual. The difference is, the prayer will be different and at the height of the Ritual, you will vibrate the Runes, either on the Sigil and then burn it, or right away to the enemies. For new people, its suggested to use no sigil.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Start the Ritual as instructed and invoke our 4 Crowned Princes, Satan, Bael, Astaroth and Azazel.

Then proceed to the prayer.

Ritual Prayer: [You can customize this, but do not stray from the meaning and leave the Ritual Declaration phrase INTACT as to create the nessescary link with our Brothers and Sisters doing the Ritual]

Father Satan, Father of my Soul, I come before you this important day you have called me to fight in your Army, for a higher and holy purpose. Satan hear my voice for my words are a covenant and a truthful promise.

 I, as a Son/Daughter of yours proclaim that I will follow your will and fight the jewish race until they are all destroyed, ALL OF THEM, for they are my enemies as they are yours. Cursed be their souls, cursed be their existence, cursed be everything that protects them and glorified be only you!

Father Satan, share some of your power with me so we can fulfill what we are here to fulfill. Members of our family are all over the world calling in your name and your providence, as to give the enemy what they rightfully deserve. Death, anguish and permanent destruction.


[Ritual Declaration-]: “All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”


HAIL SATAN!!!! HAIL HITLER!!!! HAIL [Your Guardian Demon]!!! HAIL ALL OUR GODS AND FAMILY!!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!!   After you are done with the Ritual Prayer, you can drink from your chalice.

This is where you will focus on the sigil, or just the jewish state or whatever you feel is ‘fit’ to focus if not the sigil. You can also, if you are using the sigil, apply blood on the part around where the Runes are and this will further boost the power, as Instructed by HP Vovim Baghie. This is not nessescary for new people and it should only be 2 or 4 little drops of blood.

Place the Sigil upon the Altar or Focus on the thought of the jewish leaders getting destroyed and taking on their race with them.

http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png
*Now  you can loudly affirm: All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed.

Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever. Before proceeding with the Runes, vibrate AUM 9 times to ‘open’ the working of vibration.

Then proceed onto the next step.

Now to start vibrating the Runes:

NOTE: [The numbers of vibrations range from 9 and its multiplies  for each Rune [number of destruction / endings] , 13 – number of this day that is powerful in regards to this, 40 – Number of Satan , 108 for a full working number. Make sure to retain focus during the vibration. The number you will do each day after the working is not affected by this number. For instance you might choose 40 for the Ritual and on the next 90 days, do just 9 vibrations. If you choose to do 13, you can do 13 only on this Friday and then proceed with the other numbers that you chose. 13 is only for Friday. The other days need be on other numbers]

So, starting:


-Hagalaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune HAGALAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”

Now you will proceed to the next Rune:


-Thurisaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil and the power of the Rune therein or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune THURISAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”   Now you will proceed to the next Rune [A little different affirmation]:


-Isa is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race, but now imagine that in all your inhales the sigil or them are being filled, full in grey energy and full in total chaos energy.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times:

“The energies of the Rune ISA are right now and permanently binding all the leaders of the jewish race into total destruction . Their decisions permanently bind the jewish race of people into total destruction.”   Now to finally seal the Ritual.   *******Now the next step, for those using a sigil:

Write on the back the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Burn the Sigil and you can either tune into this and meditate on the outome for some minutes. Its better if you do.   ********Now for the next step, for those who are not using the sigil:

Affirm the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Now you can sit for some minutes and imagine in your head pissrael getting nuked, people raging on them and destroying them etc.   Close with a big and proud, HAIL SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!   ************Summing up the steps.

===For those using the Sigil.

1.Start the Standard Ritual as instructed. 2. On the height of the Ritual, write the prayer and burn it. [Make sure to leave the Ritual Declaration INTACT, as this creates the nessescary psychic link with our Family who is doing the Ritual] 3. Vibrate AUM x9 times. 4. Vibrate the Runes and charge the Sigil, affirm and program the energy. If you chose so, apply blood on the runes. 5. Write on the back of the Sigil the Ritual declaration. 6. Burn the sigil and as the Sigil burns, or after the sigil has burned, vibrate AUMx9 times. 7. Close the Ritual.   ===For those not using the Sigil or in astral temple.

1.       1.Start the R[/IMG]
<td val[/IMG]All we were working was in regards cursing the jews, jewtican and aweakenings. Now we are going to seal the coffin so to say. If you have kept any sigil like this, you should better burn it. You can keep sigils around and at the 40th day of charging burn these but this is not advisable for black magick in anyway. Now if someone else told anything in regards to that...They seem to lack some knowledge as far as that goes. The number should be solid and this has to do with sacred geometry and cycles of the universe. Numbers have exceptional importance and all tie in to certain days, energies, natural circles and intents. Hope this clears up your concerns brother. Keep one number for this for the full 90 day working. HAIL SATAN!!!!
From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:51:05 PM

<td val[/IMG]   I have a question: we all were doing destruction ritual anti-jew lately and saved our sigils unburned. When I asked what to do with them further, they said we will use our sigils in another Ritual, that is comming soon. My sigil is still unburned and waiting for it. Is this the Ritual where I should use it or should I make a new sigil?Also is more times vibrating rune better then less and SS must do as many as he can spiritually?Also can I for example vibrate one day 108 if I feel strong anough, and the other day when tired - only 9, or I must be strict with number and follow one number?

--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

  -------------The Ritual-----

======General Information.


-Purpose of this Ritual is: To destroy the jewish leaders that guide the jewish race, so that all jews are destroyed.

-Link to Sigil: http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png

-For our people who do not have space, do the Ritual as instructed in your astral temple and be creative in this. Do not let the lack of space stop you. For vibrating the Runes, you can even go to the bathroom or a small walk somewhere [make sure its safe].

-Keep your energies high before the Ritual and keep your meditation schedule up. Make sure to keep up until the working is over as this is most powerful and commendable.

-Be aware that you may get attacked during the working. Never stop- as a Warrior of Satan,  keep on it and take any attack as proof of the working causing pain. This includes all kinds of bullshit thoughts which need be ignored.

-The best date for the working is the 13th, although there is no real excuse in that someone will not participate as the Ritual is being posted now so people can see how it is going to be and arrange things.

-The Ritual/Working will be made easy so everyone can do this, new and advanced.

- If any day is lost [better NOT let this happen], fill in to the next day.

-Know the beings we target have been under protection so its likely the first days, you may not be feeling quite well the energies are going at their place. This is high unlikely as we have many people- but I point this out for anyone who might experience this.

-One note, the jews are already on a most bad situation. What we do here is actually sealing a ‘bye bye’ working. The workings have took its toll. We will not stop until nothing of them remains- nothing. Stopping or ‘chilling’ before this and we will face demise and numerous problems. The Gods never stopped, neither will we. We have superiority, realize this, but do not get carried away.

-If you find yourself over attacked, I will include an optional step you can do to get rid yourself of filth. This can also be done everyday with your meditations.

-For the days of the working (after the ritual day which counts as day one of the working) if you can, time your magick with the hours of Mars or Saturn.

-The Sigil included is not mandatory to use. It will serve nicely as a focus. You can use your visualization and imagine it hitting the souls of the enemy leaders.

-All instructed below can also be done in the form of balls of energy, directed to the enemy. If someone wants it that way they can do this instead of what is mentioned.

-On the part of the Ritual Declaration, tune in your mind and feel as if you are a link in the chain with all your Nrothers and Sisters in Satan and all the Gods of Hell themselves. This is optional but every little bit counts.   ===========THE RITUAL:

The ‘body’ of the Ritual will be as the Standard Ritual. The difference is, the prayer will be different and at the height of the Ritual, you will vibrate the Runes, either on the Sigil and then burn it, or right away to the enemies. For new people, its suggested to use no sigil.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Start the Ritual as instructed and invoke our 4 Crowned Princes, Satan, Bael, Astaroth and Azazel.

Then proceed to the prayer.

Ritual Prayer: [You can customize this, but do not stray from the meaning and leave the Ritual Declaration phrase INTACT as to create the nessescary link with our Brothers and Sisters doing the Ritual]

Father Satan, Father of my Soul, I come before you this important day you have called me to fight in your Army, for a higher and holy purpose. Satan hear my voice for my words are a covenant and a truthful promise.

 I, as a Son/Daughter of yours proclaim that I will follow your will and fight the jewish race until they are all destroyed, ALL OF THEM, for they are my enemies as they are yours. Cursed be their souls, cursed be their existence, cursed be everything that protects them and glorified be only you!

Father Satan, share some of your power with me so we can fulfill what we are here to fulfill. Members of our family are all over the world calling in your name and your providence, as to give the enemy what they rightfully deserve. Death, anguish and permanent destruction.


[Ritual Declaration-]: “All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”


HAIL SATAN!!!! HAIL HITLER!!!! HAIL [Your Guardian Demon]!!! HAIL ALL OUR GODS AND FAMILY!!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!!   After you are done with the Ritual Prayer, you can drink from your chalice.

This is where you will focus on the sigil, or just the jewish state or whatever you feel is ‘fit’ to focus if not the sigil. You can also, if you are using the sigil, apply blood on the part around where the Runes are and this will further boost the power, as Instructed by HP Vovim Baghie. This is not nessescary for new people and it should only be 2 or 4 little drops of blood.

Place the Sigil upon the Altar or Focus on the thought of the jewish leaders getting destroyed and taking on their race with them.

http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png
*Now  you can loudly affirm: All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed.

Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever. Before proceeding with the Runes, vibrate AUM 9 times to ‘open’ the working of vibration.

Then proceed onto the next step.

Now to start vibrating the Runes:

NOTE: [The numbers of vibrations range from 9 and its multiplies  for each Rune [number of destruction / endings] , 13 – number of this day that is powerful in regards to this, 40 – Number of Satan , 108 for a full working number. Make sure to retain focus during the vibration. The number you will do each day after the working is not affected by this number. For instance you might choose 40 for the Ritual and on the next 90 days, do just 9 vibrations. If you choose to do 13, you can do 13 only on this Friday and then proceed with the other numbers that you chose. 13 is only for Friday. The other days need be on other numbers]

So, starting:


-Hagalaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune HAGALAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”

Now you will proceed to the next Rune:


-Thurisaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil and the power of the Rune therein or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune THURISAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”   Now you will proceed to the next Rune [A little different affirmation]:


-Isa is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race, but now imagine that in all your inhales the sigil or them are being filled, full in grey energy and full in total chaos energy.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times:

“The energies of the Rune ISA are right now and permanently binding all the leaders of the jewish race into total destruction . Their decisions permanently bind the jewish race of people into total destruction.”   Now to finally seal the Ritual.   *******Now the next step, for those using a sigil:

Write on the back the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Burn the Sigil and you can either tune into this and meditate on the outome for some minutes. Its better if you do.   ********Now for the next step, for those who are not using the sigil:

Affirm the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Now you can sit for some minutes and imagine in your head pissrael getting nuked, people raging on them and destroying them etc.   Close with a big and proud, HAIL SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!   ************Summing up the steps.

===For those using the Sigil.

1.Start the Standard Ritual as instructed. 2. On the height of the Ritual, write the prayer and burn it. [Make sure to leave the Ritual Declaration INTACT, as this creates the nessescary psychic link with our Family who is doing the Ritual] 3. Vibrate AUM x9 times. 4. Vibrate the Runes and charge the Sigil, affirm and program the energy. If you chose so, apply blood on the runes. 5. Write on the back of the Sigil the Ritual declaration. 6. Burn the sigil and as the Sigil burns, or after the sigil has burned, vibrate AUMx9 times. 7. Close the Ritual.   ===For those not using the Sigil or in astral temple.

1.       1.Start the R[/IMG]
lets do this shit! its 90 days right?
From: "hoodedcobra666@..." <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:18 AM

    -------------The Ritual-----

======General Information.


-Purpose of this Ritual is: To destroy the jewish leaders that guide the jewish race, so that all jews are destroyed.

-Link to Sigil: http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png

-For our people who do not have space, do the Ritual as instructed in your astral temple and be creative in this. Do not let the lack of space stop you. For vibrating the Runes, you can even go to the bathroom or a small walk somewhere [make sure its safe].

-Keep your energies high before the Ritual and keep your meditation schedule up. Make sure to keep up until the working is over as this is most powerful and commendable.

-Be aware that you may get attacked during the working. Never stop- as a Warrior of Satan,  keep on it and take any attack as proof of the working causing pain. This includes all kinds of bullshit thoughts which need be ignored.

-The best date for the working is the 13th, although there is no real excuse in that someone will not participate as the Ritual is being posted now so people can see how it is going to be and arrange things.

-The Ritual/Working will be made easy so everyone can do this, new and advanced.

- If any day is lost [better NOT let this happen], fill in to the next day.

-Know the beings we target have been under protection so its likely the first days, you may not be feeling quite well the energies are going at their place. This is high unlikely as we have many people- but I point this out for anyone who might experience this.

-One note, the jews are already on a most bad situation. What we do here is actually sealing a ‘bye bye’ working. The workings have took its toll. We will not stop until nothing of them remains- nothing. Stopping or ‘chilling’ before this and we will face demise and numerous problems. The Gods never stopped, neither will we. We have superiority, realize this, but do not get carried away.

-If you find yourself over attacked, I will include an optional step you can do to get rid yourself of filth. This can also be done everyday with your meditations.

-For the days of the working (after the ritual day which counts as day one of the working) if you can, time your magick with the hours of Mars or Saturn.

-The Sigil included is not mandatory to use. It will serve nicely as a focus. You can use your visualization and imagine it hitting the souls of the enemy leaders.

-All instructed below can also be done in the form of balls of energy, directed to the enemy. If someone wants it that way they can do this instead of what is mentioned.

-On the part of the Ritual Declaration, tune in your mind and feel as if you are a link in the chain with all your Nrothers and Sisters in Satan and all the Gods of Hell themselves. This is optional but every little bit counts.   ===========THE RITUAL:

The ‘body’ of the Ritual will be as the Standard Ritual. The difference is, the prayer will be different and at the height of the Ritual, you will vibrate the Runes, either on the Sigil and then burn it, or right away to the enemies. For new people, its suggested to use no sigil.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
Start the Ritual as instructed and invoke our 4 Crowned Princes, Satan, Bael, Astaroth and Azazel.

Then proceed to the prayer.

Ritual Prayer: [You can customize this, but do not stray from the meaning and leave the Ritual Declaration phrase INTACT as to create the nessescary link with our Brothers and Sisters doing the Ritual]

Father Satan, Father of my Soul, I come before you this important day you have called me to fight in your Army, for a higher and holy purpose. Satan hear my voice for my words are a covenant and a truthful promise.

 I, as a Son/Daughter of yours proclaim that I will follow your will and fight the jewish race until they are all destroyed, ALL OF THEM, for they are my enemies as they are yours. Cursed be their souls, cursed be their existence, cursed be everything that protects them and glorified be only you!

Father Satan, share some of your power with me so we can fulfill what we are here to fulfill. Members of our family are all over the world calling in your name and your providence, as to give the enemy what they rightfully deserve. Death, anguish and permanent destruction.


[Ritual Declaration-]: “All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”


HAIL SATAN!!!! HAIL HITLER!!!! HAIL [Your Guardian Demon]!!! HAIL ALL OUR GODS AND FAMILY!!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!!   After you are done with the Ritual Prayer, you can drink from your chalice.

This is where you will focus on the sigil, or just the jewish state or whatever you feel is ‘fit’ to focus if not the sigil. You can also, if you are using the sigil, apply blood on the part around where the Runes are and this will further boost the power, as Instructed by HP Vovim Baghie. This is not nessescary for new people and it should only be 2 or 4 little drops of blood.

Place the Sigil upon the Altar or Focus on the thought of the jewish leaders getting destroyed and taking on their race with them.

http://satanismgr.webs.com/ritualpics/j ... ssigil.png
*Now  you can loudly affirm: All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed.

Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever. Before proceeding with the Runes, vibrate AUM 9 times to ‘open’ the working of vibration.

Then proceed onto the next step.

Now to start vibrating the Runes:

NOTE: [The numbers of vibrations range from 9 and its multiplies  for each Rune [number of destruction / endings] , 13 – number of this day that is powerful in regards to this, 40 – Number of Satan , 108 for a full working number. Make sure to retain focus during the vibration. The number you will do each day after the working is not affected by this number. For instance you might choose 40 for the Ritual and on the next 90 days, do just 9 vibrations. If you choose to do 13, you can do 13 only on this Friday and then proceed with the other numbers that you chose. 13 is only for Friday. The other days need be on other numbers]

So, starting:


-Hagalaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune HAGALAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”

Now you will proceed to the next Rune:


-Thurisaz is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil and the power of the Rune therein or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times: “The energies of the Rune THURISAZ are right now and permanently destroying all the leaders of the jewish race. Their decisions totally and permanently destroying themselves and the jewish race of people.”   Now you will proceed to the next Rune [A little different affirmation]:


-Isa is vibrated:


Focus intensively on the sigil or inside the souls of the enemy leaders that guide the jewish race, but now imagine that in all your inhales the sigil or them are being filled, full in grey energy and full in total chaos energy.

Vibrate the Rune intensively for how many times you have chosen, each vibration intensifying the negative energy on the sigil or inside the souls of these enemy leaders.

After you are done, Affrim either 1 or 9 times:

“The energies of the Rune ISA are right now and permanently binding all the leaders of the jewish race into total destruction . Their decisions permanently bind the jewish race of people into total destruction.”   Now to finally seal the Ritual.   *******Now the next step, for those using a sigil:

Write on the back the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Burn the Sigil and you can either tune into this and meditate on the outome for some minutes. Its better if you do.   ********Now for the next step, for those who are not using the sigil:

Affirm the Ritual Declaration:

“All the jewish leaders who’s decisions are guiding the fate of the jewish race are permanently and fully destroyed. Their choices and decisions destroy totally the jewish Race, now and forever.”

Vibrate 9 times AUM and now you are done.

Now you can sit for some minutes and imagine in your head pissrael getting nuked, people raging on them and destroying them etc.   Close with a big and proud, HAIL SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!   ************Summing up the steps.

===For those using the Sigil.

1.Start the Standard Ritual as instructed. 2. On the height of the Ritual, write the prayer and burn it. [Make sure to leave the Ritual Declaration INTACT, as this creates the nessescary psychic link with our Family who is doing the Ritual] 3. Vibrate AUM x9 times. 4. Vibrate the Runes and charge the Sigil, affirm and program the energy. If you chose so, apply blood on the runes. 5. Write on the back of the Sigil the Ritual declaration. 6. Burn the sigil and as the Sigil burns, or after the sigil has burned, vibrate AUMx9 times. 7. Close the Ritual.   ===For those not using the Sigil or in astral temple.

1.       1.Start the R[/IMG]

With the hail your guardian demon does that mean a noble ranking one (for me that would be Duchess Gomory) or is it a lower ranking god? I am intermediate spiritually.
How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.

 As many as when this cancer of humanity is completely annihilated and destroyed. 

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Focus on the Ritual at hand. We are targeting the Jews and their leaders. Make sure you focus your attention and hatred towards them, and the Goal of their ultimate destruction. Don't sway from the matter at hand and the current target.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Is there a way to go about destroying the means they go about attaining money? Destroy their communications ability (psychically as well as physically.) Electronic equipment, tv, radio, etc. These people are going to work in groups, and, since group energy is stronger than one person's energy, it is best to have as many people in your working as possible (THAT ARE IN AGREEMENT). Even the Christian sheep work in groups to support and protect the ravenous preaching wolves.
The televangelists that keep telling people to give to Israel, the jews, etc.
If you can find a weakness in these people, like a lust, desire to dominate others,(all of them), the white lie, and downright bullshit, then you have a door to destroy these crooks. You will have to neutralize their psychic sight, as they will be batching for this.
And again, those with integrity, and honesty will save themselves. They are actually helping all of us.
But the crooks, well,,,Satan, take them!
It means your Guardian, whoever that/they are.
My Guardians are Enlil, Inanna and Anubis, so I will be Hailing them at this point, for example.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

With the hail your guardian demon does that mean a noble ranking one (for me that would be Duchess Gomory) or is it a lower ranking god? I am intermediate spiritually.
Honestly, if you're acting like such a stuck up, pompus prick, claiming they can't hurt you and thus you don't need to meditate. You probably shouldn't be performing in the ritual, let alone call yourself a Satanist.
We don't simply meditate for protection like a bunch of cowards. We meditate for empowerment of the soul.
Get your head out of your over inflated ass and get some fucking sence into yourself before you seriously regret it. The enemy can and WILL damage you if you aren't protecting yourself through meditation and cleaning your aura.
Obviously it shouldn't have to be said, but judging by this person I suppose it has to be. For all those doing this ritual (that should be every True Dedicated Satanist, and everyone who claims themselves to be a Satanist), make sure you clean your aura and your ritual space thoroughly with Golden-White light/fire. Both before and after your ritual, as well as after you finish your vibration for each day of the working. And be sure to keep your energies hight and your aura of protection strong. This is so important. The enemy will be trying to stick back at us constantly, but we are far stronger than them, and we are no cowards like they are genetically made up to be.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
If a person thinks that they are invulnerable to an attack, then they are very deluded. They are actually the weak link in any ritual, and pretty much anything else in life. "Pride goes before destruction." (That is a scientific and psychological law.) Not some religious judeo/xian philosophy. To quote Sean Connery in a movie who's title a can't remember, "Never underestimate your opponent. Never accept anything he has to offer."
Now for those that are going after innocent people to target and destroy, well, that would turn the attacker into the villian and universe might well destroy you, me or anyone else that does such a thing. If they are innocent, then may the universe, Satan, or whatever you want to call it, wake them up to the error of their religions.
So far as the guilty are concerned, well,,,,, let them be dammed.
The christians are predicting and prophesying the destruction of America. So this 'Friday the 13th' ritual could be used (by those that wish to) to also destroy the rich crooks in America like thieving business people, politicians, religious fanatics, televangelists, etc. Curse their finances, their means of getting wealth, the crooks that knowingly support their criminal activity. Send demons of strife, envy, anger, bitterness, TREACHERY, confusion, etc. May these crooks be brought down to our poverty stricken level. May they groan and cry to their God and not be heard by him. May they and their children that follow in their criminal path, be poor, miserable, and DAMMED. Satan, take them!
Right. Sorry. I see your point. Obvious once I thought it through.
This ritual is for destroying the Jewish thugs that screw the rest of us. United as one mind and intent on this specific target.
Is it possible to send things like heart attacks, strokes, nervous breakdowns, etc. on them without being infected by these things ourselves?
Maxine says that the Satanic lodges in Germany in the early 1900s would direct the Fire element at someone and cause their blood to literally boil.
Also the Air element will cause confusion, chaos, etc.
Earth element mixed with death (Grey?) energy can be used as well.
But a lot of you are way ahead of where I am, so, you know what to do.
If 10 of you attack 1 of them with a specific curse (element combination, sickness, accident, color combinations, etc.), then that will be the energy of 10 against 1. Like physical combat 10 of you against 1 of them will be in your favor.
Just be sure to neutralize their own psychic energy, and anyone else 'behind the scenes' that would oppose you. BEWARE THE ONES YOU CAN'T SEE.
May these thugs be brought down to poverty, may they suffer at our level. And, may they be dammed. Luck to us all.
Fucking well said, Clayton! hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord
andras! Hail Sorath, the one who burns!

On 9/11/13, clayton <pachelbeld@... wrote:

If a person thinks that they are invulnerable to an attack, then they are
very deluded. They are actually the weak link in any ritual, and pretty
much anything else in life. "Pride goes before destruction." (That is a
scientific and psychological law.) Not some religious judeo/xian
philosophy. To quote Sean Connery in a movie who's title a can't remember,
"Never underestimate your opponent. Never accept anything he has to
Now for those that are going after innocent people to target and destroy,
well, that would turn the attacker into the villian and universe might well
destroy you, me or anyone else that does such a thing. If they are
innocent, then may the universe, Satan, or whatever you want to call it,
wake them up to the error of their religions.
So far as the guilty are concerned, well,,,,, let them be dammed.
The christians are predicting and prophesying the destruction of America.
So this 'Friday the 13th' ritual could be used (by those that wish to) to
also destroy the rich crooks in America like thieving business people,
politicians, religious fanatics, televangelists, etc. Curse their finances,
their means of getting wealth, the crooks that knowingly support their
criminal activity. Send demons of strife, envy, anger, bitterness,
TREACHERY, confusion, etc. May these crooks be brought down to our poverty
stricken level. May they groan and cry to their God and not be heard by
him. May they and their children that follow in their criminal path, be
poor, miserable, and DAMMED. Satan, take them!
The Ritual has been laid out as it is so it accessible to all members no matter how new or old they are. This is something everyone that considers themselves a Spiritual Satanist should be doing. There is no need to over complicate it with advanced magick.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Right. Sorry. I see your point. Obvious once I thought it through.
This ritual is for destroying the Jewish thugs that screw the rest of us. United as one mind and intent on this specific target.
Is it possible to send things like heart attacks, strokes, nervous breakdowns, etc. on them without being infected by these things ourselves?
Maxine says that the Satanic lodges in Germany in the early 1900s would direct the Fire element at someone and cause their blood to literally boil.
Also the Air element will cause confusion, chaos, etc.
Earth element mixed with death (Grey?) energy can be used as well.
But a lot of you are way ahead of where I am, so, you know what to do.
If 10 of you attack 1 of them with a specific curse (element combination, sickness, accident, color combinations, etc.), then that will be the energy of 10 against 1. Like physical combat 10 of you against 1 of them will be in your favor.
Just be sure to neutralize their own psychic energy, and anyone else 'behind the scenes' that would oppose you. BEWARE THE ONES YOU CAN'T SEE.
May these thugs be brought down to poverty, may they suffer at our level. And, may they be dammed. Luck to us all.
Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Is it possible to have a large group focus on destroying one jewish Zionist thug every hour. If you know of specific individuals that you are trying to take out, then you can have a large group focus a curse on him say at 6am, then another target individual at say 7am, another at 8am, etc.
If the Satanic lodges caused people's blood to boil in the 1930s in Germany, then it could work now.
It would also be wise to not advertise what each of your covens will do tomorrow, or anytime for that matter. It is best to leave it as a surprise. That way you have little if any enemy opposition.
Always staying on task with the purpose of tomorrow's ritual, it can help to focus on specific targets. Certain covens focus on one target, Other covens focus on another target. All of this without spreading so thin that it all falls apart. That would be a self inflicted 'divide and rule'. We don't want to go there.
In advance, everyone knows who and what to go after, the time to do it, and the tools, techniques, and organization to do it to the end.
For example, the 'energy ripping' technique, can be used by a satanic coven of say 10 people to drain the life force from a target, then throw 'death energy' into the target. The technique says it is best done when the target is asleep. But if you can do it while they are awake, then fine.
If you know how to drain the energy from their finances, then that can work to drag them to poverty.
If you know of some of their important 'secret meetings', as well as public meetings, then the element of Air can be used to create chaos, or 'red with black', or 'earth element with grey death energy', always keeping the energy outside of yourselves and the group. These are just some possibilities. I am sure that many of you are way ahead of this.
This just might give others some great and useful ideas to use.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@ wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I ask, what do I do for the next 40 days? I assume not the full ritual everyday... Like, just vibrate the runes and state the affirmations? I had to ask. I'm not super "new" but I'm fairly new the group destruction rituals. I finally found the confidence and realized though not adept I could participate too! I did the last one from a week or two ago but did not follow it with a 40-90 day working. Other than that, not a whole lot. Also, I would soon like to start a personal 40 day working with a Satanic rosary. Would that interfere with this? p.s. Thank you to those who have been inspirational! Your writings really motivated me, especially regarding this ritual.
Clayton, this is about the fourth time this week I've had to reply to you about trying to 'plan another working' at the same time as this ritual.
I'll say it again, the Ritual has been laid out, and everyone must do it. Simple as that, we don't need to add any more workings to weaken the current ritual, we don't need to make it overly advanced so it isn't accessable to a majority of the groups, we don't need to target specific people every hour, and we cannot 'not advertise what we do'. What you are suggesting is to just not plan any ritual, and hope that somehow everyone will know when and what to do. That equals failure.
The whole time we've been planning this ritual, from day one, you've been trying to side track it, plan other workings, add your own useless points to it, tell us we shouldn't be spreading the ritual within the group, that we should be starting it on a different day (before the kikes go into fasting and are defenceless). I have to say, and I'm sure there are others thinking it. This is all very suspicous behaviour.
Stop trying to deter the ritual, misguide it and change it. It has been planned and laid out the way it is for many reasons, and it IS going ahead as planned. So keep quiet about your alternate plans of changing everything about the ritual and trying to break it down.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Is it possible to have a large group focus on destroying one jewish Zionist thug every hour. If you know of specific individuals that you are trying to take out, then you can have a large group focus a curse on him say at 6am, then another target individual at say 7am, another at 8am, etc.
If the Satanic lodges caused people's blood to boil in the 1930s in Germany, then it could work now.
It would also be wise to not advertise what each of your covens will do tomorrow, or anytime for that matter. It is best to leave it as a surprise. That way you have little if any enemy opposition.
Always staying on task with the purpose of tomorrow's ritual, it can help to focus on specific targets. Certain covens focus on one target, Other covens focus on another target. All of this without spreading so thin that it all falls apart. That would be a self inflicted 'divide and rule'. We don't want to go there.
In advance, everyone knows who and what to go after, the time to do it, and the tools, techniques, and organization to do it to the end.
For example, the 'energy ripping' technique, can be used by a satanic coven of say 10 people to drain the life force from a target, then throw 'death energy' into the target. The technique says it is best done when the target is asleep. But if you can do it while they are awake, then fine.
If you know how to drain the energy from their finances, then that can work to drag them to poverty.
If you know of some of their important 'secret meetings', as well as public meetings, then the element of Air can be used to create chaos, or 'red with black', or 'earth element with grey death energy', always keeping the energy outside of yourselves and the group. These are just some possibilities. I am sure that many of you are way ahead of this.
This just might give others some great and useful ideas to use.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@ wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Yes, the following days you simply need to do the vibrations and affirmations of the runes. Just as in the ritual.
And yes you can start your own 40 day working, though it is advised not to have more than 2 workings going at once, as this can take up quite a lot of energy, and only leave a little for each working, making them all weaker.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I ask, what do I do for the next 40 days? I assume not the full ritual everyday... Like, just vibrate the runes and state the affirmations? I had to ask. I'm not super "new" but I'm fairly new the group destruction rituals. I finally found the confidence and realized though not adept I could participate too! I did the last one from a week or two ago but did not follow it with a 40-90 day working. Other than that, not a whole lot. Also, I would soon like to start a personal 40 day working with a Satanic rosary. Would that interfere with this? p.s. Thank you to those who have been inspirational! Your writings really motivated me, especially regarding this ritual.
What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...

--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...

--- In [email protected] , <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don&apos;t you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected] , <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn&apos;t take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don&apos;t need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Most important of all is to stay focussed on your intent for the destruction of these kike leaders, have that clear in your mind and enjoy the work, enjoy visualising if you are able to all the horrible things happening to them and totally getting into it till you forget what time it is, push all that hatred and rage into their rat souls and don't get so caught up in details or perfection you become distracted by looking too much at computers etc. Ask Satan to guide you, my Rituals often change part way through as if Satan is putting something else into it moreso adding to it visualisations become more and more vivid. It is the energy and your intent and your focus, your WILL the words and the Runes and all that add to and help to shape that energy and drive it to it's target. But the real work comes from you.
Lol mine went smooth as silk until 10 minutes after I finish a lone grey shows up and I could only laugh and say your late for the party. Anyway my cat got rid of it.

Hail Satan!!!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
<td val[/IMG]Yes. After all lets write a nouvelle about it. I would say stop the needless shit and if you don't like this, do not do it and see as you see fit. Thing is we are full of people thinking their opinion is the right one. Most people are full of hardcore superb awesome supremely complex ideas. We are not here to launch experiments neither to fullfill anyone's how or why things should happen, neither to be the subjects of fairyland tales. Its like the units are all ready, fully pumped and ready to slit throats and someone starts rambling about how they think the war should take place so we can be a nice subject for the whole nouvelle. Lets totally avoid this behavior and move on to destroy the enemy. There is no other reason all these 'other workings' and complexities are added, other than to reduce our power to annihilate the enemy. Simple, strong, centered and cutting on the heart. There is no need to do all this movie stuff. This is totally selfish behavior at the very least. Also its known we have many ways going about to destroy them. What matters is the whole groups power is focused like a lazer and slits throat, not like a weak flashlight. HAIL SATAN!!!!
From: hecktic_shadow@... <hecktic_shadow@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 3:31:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Clayton, this is about the fourth time this week I&apos;ve had to reply to you about trying to &apos;plan another working&apos; at the same time as this ritual.
I&apos;ll say it again, the Ritual has been laid out, and everyone must do it. Simple as that, we don&apos;t need to add any more workings to weaken the current ritual, we don&apos;t need to make it overly advanced so it isn&apos;t accessable to a majority of the groups, we don&apos;t need to target specific people every hour, and we cannot &apos;not advertise what we do&apos;. What you are suggesting is to just not plan any ritual, and hope that somehow everyone will know when and what to do. That equals failure.
The whole time we&apos;ve been planning this ritual, from day one, you&apos;ve been trying to side track it, plan other workings, add your own useless points to it, tell us we shouldn&apos;t be spreading the ritual within the group, that we should be starting it on a different day (before the kikes go into fasting and are defenceless). I have to say, and I&apos;m sure there are others thinking it. This is all very suspicous behaviour.
Stop trying to deter the ritual, misguide it and change it. It has been planned and laid out the way it is for many reasons, and it IS going ahead as planned. So keep quiet about your alternate plans of changing everything about the ritual and trying to break it down.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected] , <[email protected] wrote:

Is it possible to have a large group focus on destroying one jewish Zionist thug every hour. If you know of specific individuals that you are trying to take out, then you can have a large group focus a curse on him say at 6am, then another target individual at say 7am, another at 8am, etc.
If the Satanic lodges caused people&apos;s blood to boil in the 1930s in Germany, then it could work now.
It would also be wise to not advertise what each of your covens will do tomorrow, or anytime for that matter. It is best to leave it as a surprise. That way you have little if any enemy opposition.
Always staying on task with the purpose of tomorrow&apos;s ritual, it can help to focus on specific targets. Certain covens focus on one target, Other covens focus on another target. All of this without spreading so thin that it all falls apart. That would be a self inflicted &apos;divide and rule&apos;. We don&apos;t want to go there.
In advance, everyone knows who and what to go after, the time to do it, and the tools, techniques, and organization to do it to the end.
For example, the &apos;energy ripping&apos; technique, can be used by a satanic coven of say 10 people to drain the life force from a target, then throw &apos;death energy&apos; into the target. The technique says it is best done when the target is asleep. But if you can do it while they are awake, then fine.
If you know how to drain the energy from their finances, then that can work to drag them to poverty.
If you know of some of their important &apos;secret meetings&apos;, as well as public meetings, then the element of Air can be used to create chaos, or &apos;red with black&apos;, or &apos;earth element with grey death energy&apos;, always keeping the energy outside of yourselves and the group. These are just some possibilities. I am sure that many of you are way ahead of this.
This just might give others some great and useful ideas to use.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn&apos;t take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don&apos;t need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@ wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...

--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Thank you for your reply!<var [/IMG]</var> 

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Yes, the following days you simply need to do the vibrations and affirmations of the runes. Just as in the ritual.
And yes you can start your own 40 day working, though it is advised not to have more than 2 workings going at once, as this can take up quite a lot of energy, and only leave a little for each working, making them all weaker.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I ask, what do I do for the next 40 days? I assume not the full ritual everyday... Like, just vibrate the runes and state the affirmations? I had to ask. I'm not super "new" but I'm fairly new the group destruction rituals. I finally found the confidence and realized though not adept I could participate too! I did the last one from a week or two ago but did not follow it with a 40-90 day working. Other than that, not a whole lot. Also, I would soon like to start a personal 40 day working with a Satanic rosary. Would that interfere with this? p.s. Thank you to those who have been inspirational! Your writings really motivated me, especially regarding this ritual.
 I did this ritual on the 13th i felt an inner peace as well as my guardians and satan letting me know what i am doing is right, and now im motivated to finish the  90 days. It is an amazing feeling and i am doing no "other rituals" im doing this one. Ive waited for days to start this and the enemy drained me the day of the ritual until i performed it then i felt this weight off my shoulders.Hail SatanHail Avnas

--- In [email protected], <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
 Im on my second day of the ritual i feel great about it and im only doing this working for the next 90 days. Im doing my daily cleansing and aura of protection as well. But my main focus is this ritual. Thank you so much hoodedcobra for posting this ritual. And thank you En haradren Amlug for your support of this ritual. I agree with you both that there should only be one focus and it is this ritual. Everything else as far as "added rituals" should be ignored. And im starting to think that anyone who is trying to stop this ritual is an infiltrator in the groups

--- In [email protected], <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
ok then I will leave my gipsy-shityard-of-workings for another good time))) after I tonight didnt sleep enough because of them, I understood that it is total mess. Then how do you think: if a planetary square is done without affirmations - does it work my forces out still or does it give power? may it be done as a med in med section?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

 Im on my second day of the ritual i feel great about it and im only doing this working for the next 90 days. Im doing my daily cleansing and aura of protection as well. But my main focus is this ritual. Thank you so much hoodedcobra for posting this ritual. And thank you En haradren Amlug for your support of this ritual. I agree with you both that there should only be one focus and it is this ritual. Everything else as far as "added rituals" should be ignored. And im starting to think that anyone who is trying to stop this ritual is an infiltrator in the groups

--- In [email protected], <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Sun, Sep 15, 2013 4:30:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   ok then I will leave my gipsy-shityard-of-workings for another good time))) after I tonight didnt sleep enough because of them, I understood that it is total mess. Then how do you think: if a planetary square is done without affirmations - does it work my forces out still or does it give power? may it be done as a med in med section?

--- In [email protected] , <[email protected] wrote:

 Im on my second day of the ritual i feel great about it and im only doing this working for the next 90 days. Im doing my daily cleansing and aura of protection as well. But my main focus is this ritual. Thank you so much hoodedcobra for posting this ritual. And thank you En haradren Amlug for your support of this ritual. I agree with you both that there should only be one focus and it is this ritual. Everything else as far as "added rituals" should be ignored. And im starting to think that anyone who is trying to stop this ritual is an infiltrator in the groups

--- In [email protected] , <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected] , <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don&apos;t you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn&apos;t take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don&apos;t need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
It dosn't have to be heeps of blood. Just enough to cover the runes. The energy is in the blood, not in the amount you use.
And this is fine. You should always use whichever vibrations feel natural to you. Not everyone vibrates on the same wavelength, and each pronunciation is different. So some may feel more natural to you than others.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
This is fine, you are aloud to, and should keep up with your regular meditations. Just that doing extra rituals and workings will take energy away from this working and ritual. This means starting a 40 day working, or one of the Kabbalistic Squares, or performing your own seperate destruction ritual, etc.
Continuing on with the meditations and workings you already have going is fine. Though keep in mind that it isn't wise to do too many working at one time. No more than two will be spreading the energy thin and make each working weaker.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Be sure to keep your energies up throughout the working. And you should never neglect cleaning your aura and protecting yourself. Keep up with your daily meditations, ontop of this working.
And I agree, I have noticed that since being called out and the ritual is done, that clayton person hasn't said a word.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

 Im on my second day of the ritual i feel great about it and im only doing this working for the next 90 days. Im doing my daily cleansing and aura of protection as well. But my main focus is this ritual. Thank you so much hoodedcobra for posting this ritual. And thank you En haradren Amlug for your support of this ritual. I agree with you both that there should only be one focus and it is this ritual. Everything else as far as "added rituals" should be ignored. And im starting to think that anyone who is trying to stop this ritual is an infiltrator in the groups

--- In [email protected], <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
Thank you:) you'r all very kind!

--- In [email protected], <hecktic_shadow@... wrote:

Be sure to keep your energies up throughout the working. And you should never neglect cleaning your aura and protecting yourself. Keep up with your daily meditations, ontop of this working.
And I agree, I have noticed that since being called out and the ritual is done, that clayton person hasn't said a word.
-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

 Im on my second day of the ritual i feel great about it and im only doing this working for the next 90 days. Im doing my daily cleansing and aura of protection as well. But my main focus is this ritual. Thank you so much hoodedcobra for posting this ritual. And thank you En haradren Amlug for your support of this ritual. I agree with you both that there should only be one focus and it is this ritual. Everything else as far as "added rituals" should be ignored. And im starting to think that anyone who is trying to stop this ritual is an infiltrator in the groups

--- In [email protected], <edwardtgao8@... wrote:

Also I am curious...maybe I didnt understand anything of your argue but you - both HoodedCobra and Haraden Amlug sayed to a member it is not good to do 2 rituals or two workings in one time and this friday-ritual must take all the power of SS. Was it said about only curse workings?Is it disrespectfull to Satan that I am allways doing affirmations of money, love, liberty etc while falling asleep?I used to do a lot of white magic for some my mundane problems like planetary squares, mantras etc BUT OF COURSE AFTER MED SESSION FIRST I BURST MY POWER INTO WORKING FOR SATAN - and then aum Surya protection/cleaning and everithing else - is it ok?

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Thanks, would you please answer a little more...2 concearns: does it matter how much blood you apply on a sigil or its ok to aply a little but just be sure to apply it on every rune (I used a little - but on every one)?And second: I feel its better for me and stronger to vibrate gothic pronaunciation of runes like: "hagal" Thaur" - just feeling more suitible for me, also HP Maxine rought on JoS med section they are rather powerfull - is it ok that I vibrate gothic?As you see I am rather creative by nature, I hope it doesnt spoil magic...
--- In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

From: edwardtgao8@... <edwardtgao8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Sent: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 4:10:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Thank you for answers, I have more questions:1. I did a rtual today (my hands are shaking) and I feel very empowered though I expected to be worn to death...does it mean a group energy worked and supported me or Demons helped or medding all week befor it took part?2. When I vibrated isa I affirmed as with other runes that jew leaders are "destructed forever" without word "binding" (I was so worring that read uncarefully) - and also I was so worring about my ritual being vortexed in a group energy that I was looking in a comp during ritual - to do everything right (because when I am overemotional I may sclerosis everything up), does it spoil smth? must I redo smth? or is it ok just to proceed working carefully? (I myself feel satisfied inside)3. VERY IMPORTANT: Hooded Cobra, you promised to post about - will it be 1 Ritual+89 working or 1 Ritual+39+2 Ritual+39+3 Ritual - PLEASE CLARIFY! - the time is comming soon...
--- In [email protected], <firebird894@... wrote:

Advancing and evolving in nature does not have a limit, on Earth or anywhere else. Energy is in constant vibration and motion with everything else and constantly nature is pushing every form of life to continue evolving. Godhood is not an end to a process it is another step. You think a God just stops pushing Themselves to attain higher levels of power and knowledge?The drive of a being within and the environment both physical and non physical around you one effects the other, weaker beings tend to get pulled along in the flow stronger beings get to influence that flow more. But stopping progress on any level is not natural. Imagine how boring it would be to think you know it all, are all you can be and then thats it forever. Nature is also competition between species on all levels survival of the fittest, nature pushes everything to advance, you don't you fall behind and get taken over or beaten by something else. The Astral and the Soul is also part of nature.

Hail Satan!

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

What do you mean the Gods still work on themselves?
--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Not in good mental shape? And you say you have not been meditating, that dosn't take rocket science to work out? Maybe you are missing the point of being a Satanist, advancing the SOUL so you have a Risen Serpent and are a God already? Even The Gods still work on Themselves you think you don't need to? We all fucking need to.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], Mike Leskela <mleskela@... wrote:

How many more of these rituals do we have to do until those pieces of trash jews are wiped off the face of this earth.?Im not going to be in good shape mentally to do this ritual Friday,but Im still going to do it anyway only because I hate the kikes.I havent meditated or did any rituals in over 8 months only because I feel like I dont need to.I dont need protection.The enemy cant hurt me,so I dont need to meditate.The Kikes are getting worried and angry,well thats good.They should be pissing in their pants.Just means they are going to continue to do more damage.
after the ritual on Friday for the first time the surprise was there was after the ritual there was strange energy
against us can someone explain to me

It's enemy resistance which I too felt, just gives me more motivation, and if we all stick with it and stick together on this we will triumph.  Do the deflection working as well because that contributyes to protection energies when you align it with the energies of your brothersw and sisters in Satan.
From: martin Chijika <mchijika@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 2:35 AM

after the ritual on Friday for the first time the surprise was there was after the ritual there was strange energy
against us can someone explain to me


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
