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Joy of Satan Poll For Enslaving Jews - Thoughts?

Should We Enslave 2800 Jews Per Spiritual Satanist To Pay For Our Mercedes Benz's?

  • Yes, Absolutely, and *** later

    Votes: 143 88.3%
  • Yes, But I hesitate, but I enjoy it

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Yes, But I don't care, but do it

    Votes: 11 6.8%
  • No, because I am still programmed / *** the matter

    Votes: 2 1.2%

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We could enslave the jew, but we would need some serious quality control employees since we can't trust schlomo shekelbergs to work competently.

Sending them to a harsher form of Tartarus sounds more appealing.

They go on and on about how gentiles should burn for all eternity, after all.
Oh... gold durn it, HPHC! You forgot to include my Mad-Hatter Berserker in Perpetuity role! I ain't polling; besides, I forgot to bring my polling card. goes off in a huff Screw you, guys, I'm going home.
Oy gevalt, I can't believe that! Antisemitist Cobra shown his true colors! Anuda 6666666666 quadrillion Jewish babies will be enslaved and forced to work for the goyim!! :evil: :evil:

Wait, I just turned a page in the Talmud and the Rabbi Yeshua's book now, this was a good thing all along? Because our rabbis say so about Gentile babies. :? :?
I don't want to enslave them this would be like enslaving roaches i exterminate roaches purge the rats from our world i would see them hanged burned and their guts torn and their end trails left to dangle in the sun have their existence so heavily cursed into oblivion from mass extermination via gulag style blood death rituals grabbing all jewish writings in existence their torahs everything and blotting out their letters with a mix of grave yard dirt, charcoal, excrement and a whole lot of jewish blood and burnt jewish flesh all the while we have hundreds of gentile witches in mass reciting the Reverse Torah.
I voted "Yes, But I hesitate, but I enjoy it" only because you used a Mercedes as an example.
You should have put Alfa Romeo instead! Look carefully at the snake in the first logo (1910, but also in some later ones, but not the recent ones that has been subverted, in my opinion on purpose), if it doesn't ring a bell, you should have voted for the last option :)


For more details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscione

[I know this topic is not serious, calm down]
No. Because any germ cell that survives will seek to kill you off. **HEHE** the Jews off 100 percent. Everyone !
benz, great option, vrummmmmmmm


imagine walking peacefully wherever you want, with all your pending spiritual advancements done, wishes fulfilled, absurdly financially well and with the (((problems))) in the place where they belong, your fight with what you didn't even start is over, you live the dream
Put them all in a big rocket or multiple rockets and shoot them off this world, job done.
You are alien souls? Okay have fun in space.
You know the cultivation of humans in the film Matrix?
Now that is more ideal.



An architectural complex as big as a city where an AI manages everything (reproduction, disposal, etc.).

In the astral instead something akin to 'xian hell', where they can exist waiting to be reincarnated in this giant factory, this can also be run by thought forms, or various employees.

They will be micro-chipped in the brain and have a tracker and a 360-degree monitoring system, in case they need to be relocated for X project.

In the meantime they can have digitally induced visions where they will experience their worst nightmares, again and again, until they die.
After death, another life.

Various useful materials can be extracted from this factory (many of which will be used to feed the next generation of slaves).

Once a year we can have Hunger Games, or we can also organise battles, like those in the coliseum.

Personally, I wouldn't mind investing time and resources in eternal punishment of the enemy.

Sending them to an asteroid or against a star is a total waste, as well as an insult to all the victims of the enemy.
We can have more fun this way.

Back to the main point, I am not a big fan of cars, I see them as old tools, like the wooden cart with the horse.
I see in the future a world where people will be able to move around without the use of roads (with vehicles similar to small flying saucers for 5-10 people).
The roads will be mainly pedestrian, with some exceptions, and outside of that there may be rails for super fast trains (more for goods/materials).

Do I want 2800 slaves supplying my Mercedes Benz?
Right now I say yes, but in the future they will just be a danger and a useless thing.
They may be slaves, but of a different category.
It is my thinking that all incurable criminals should be castrated then forced into heavy labor - pedos, drug dealers, serial killers etc. Jews should not feel they are entitled to special punishment, they are non-special goyim like every other psychopathic goyim. The damage they have done to individuals, families and society is immeasurable to just say it can be atoned with hours of hard work or physical punishment, so part of the injury should at least be paid back in the form of constructive work for society. The ones that fall dead should be made into dog food to feed the rest of them, so no decent food is wasted on them. The castration part besides more dog food is to avoid any sexual violence among the inmates (they'd consider it mutual gratification), as kikes are known incurable perverts - Balenciaga, podesta, epstein or polanski are just the tip of the tribe's iceberg.

Normal criminals that can be reformed back into society like petty thieves should still do compulsory average work to earn their food and living, and learn how gratifying it actually is, and respect the effort of the normal people they harmed.

To me it is insane that modern society considers inhumane to make prisoners work to earn their food, while the normal citizen has no choice but to either labor their sweat and blood out, or face homelessness and hunger - and they have to pay taxes to feed prison inmates. THAT is normal but everything I said above is "cruelty" and "bigotry". Literally clown world 🤡
I would put them in the fields to work the land with shovels, Russian agricultural fields are good for that. I had such a beautiful image on this. :twisted:
Oh yeeeeee, now we are talking the same Language, I can't wait is what they funking deserve
Every jew enslaved and put in its place means more assets for Gentiles, which are rightfully ours to begin with. So yes. I want our gold back. 2800 jews can work for me at the gold factory where they will never be allowed to touch the gold :twisted:
Cfecit said:


For more details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscione

[I know this topic is not serious, calm down]

This is real fuel cemetery... :D :) :roll:

Otherwise, it look nice and a good strong from the engines are doing(I spoke the usually Alfa-Romeo).

It could have been a Maserati at the vote.


It reminds me Poseidon of fork.

Korpi also wrote an article on this.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=82648
Haha, would be nice to give them a taste of their own medicine. Ideally we'd just get rid of the kikes for good though. No need to keep them any where near us.
Odiura465 said:
Their genetics are similar to ours, they could replace lab rats quite well, so we could make great medical and biochemical advances, so they could be good for something for once and for all. They could also be dissected like the typical frog in a high school.

Su genética es parecida a la nuestra, podrían sustituir bastante bien a las ratas de laboratorio, así podríamos hacer grandes avances médicos y bioquímicos, así podrían servir para algo de una maldita buena vez. También se podrían disecar como a la típica rana en una escuela secundaria.

yoooo this is the most logical thing to do :idea:

i wouldnt want them around me, or around any other gentile - even as slaves. theyre hideous.

only use they have in the universe is for medical research like you said. if it wasnt for that, the next best thing for them is to be extinct.

we already know how hitler ordered scientists to preform medical/biochemical research on jewish prisoners. our lad adolf was so clever. we must copy him.
Lol this gave me the laughs now, seriously.

Jews shall be enslaved, I like them to get my coffee and see them cleaning my rooms.

Perhaps some dust from the carpet would suffice for their food and maybe some chunks of the eating leftovers as they are celebrating their Qlipothic birthdays 24 / 7 lmao.

On a more serious tone, I would like to enslave the Jews as it would be a payback for what they have done, and they wouldn't move a finger.

Good job that our spiritual leader, HPHC posted this, I never saw a poll on this forum and I was kinda upset at first, but now, I got over it.
Good idea!

I will use all 2800 slaves to clean up hazardous chemical and radioactive waste. They can then clean the rubbish out of the seas and oceans. And then from space, around the planet.
Shemsu said:
I don't find the options in the poll satisfactory. Not having them around is definitely the way to go however disposing of them in the traditional ways is too good and not deserved. I'd suggest installing them in their new jerusalem borg cube to power something useful like the restoration of our fucked up planet. Fall into the hole you dug for me and fucking rot there filthy kike trash. There, said it. Feels good.

I do appreciate the good humor though. A very important element of life.
Make Lampshades Great Again

(I would opt to send them to the Sun with rockets)

I want them *hehe*

If a few good gentiles gave me some compensation for some of my goods or services over time, I'll go out and buy my own damn car.

My vision of the world does not *hehe*. Does not include their financial "strategies". Does not include *hehe*.

Wealth and assets, precious metals and stones, and actual asset backed currency is ok... not 2800 jews wasting my time with their bullshit.
I don't think they should be alowed to breath our air, eat our food and drink our water further more.
After months of being logged off JOS (I did follow though) I found this to be so good that I finally decided to log on so I can comment on this lol
Cfecit said:
I voted "Yes, But I hesitate, but I enjoy it" only because you used a Mercedes as an example.
You should have put Alfa Romeo instead! Look carefully at the snake in the first logo (1910, but also in some later ones, but not the recent ones that has been subverted, in my opinion on purpose), if it doesn't ring a bell, you should have voted for the last option :)


For more details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscione

[I know this topic is not serious, calm down]

I couldn't resist, they're so cute
Darkspirit said:
I would put them in the fields to work the land with shovels, Russian agricultural fields are good for that. I had such a beautiful image on this. :twisted:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Darkspirit said:
I would put them in the fields to work the land with shovels, Russian agricultural fields are good for that. I had such a beautiful image on this. :twisted:
But to be honest, I wouldn't want them around me, never.
My beautiful mercedes needs a routine service.
Those pieces of shit, owe of us all (humanity at large..for the free lunch and the rest).
I feel they should step upto the plate and cough up the reparations.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanist family which is a nightmare to the jews,

This poll is to check if everyone is up to date with the new mentality that is being instilled on everyone which is to be a master and above the jews instead of being a slave to them, and finally stopping to have a slave mindset that they are trying to infect you with.

Do jews try to kike you on the workplace? You go home and use these RTR's and cast the kike down.

Do jews try to harass you and force you to become unspiritual? Time for another RTR against the kike.

Do jews think you should not meditate? Time for another hour of meditation.

You get the idea here.

The Poll is based on what Jews readily state in regards to enslaving 2800 Gentiles per jew to slave for them on the Messianic Times. Therefore, as these times will never come, and likely our own times will arrive sooner, we must make a poll to decide.

Should We Enslave 2800 Jews Per Spiritual Satanist To Pay For Our Mercedes Benz's?

Yeah that sounds great. Give me some hebrew slaves on site too if ya'll can spare. I want some bitch rats to get my coffee , shine my steel toes, clean my tools, my welding hood and do all the bitch work. I will also use one as a foot stool. If it squeaks in a way that displeases me i will proceed to kick its buck teeth out. kkthx :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I bet you have all sorts of wonderful toys, perhaps I can borrow your blowtorch...I have some ideas since all my jew slaves will be in my dungeon chained up and unable to move.
I can see myself now--cutting up their ugly faces, chopping off body parts.."gotcher nose! Oh, now my dogs got it.."
This post is purely for kicks and irony for those suggesting no Jews at all, which I agree with.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
This is real fuel cemetery... :D :) :roll:

i don't get it, what do you mean with this?
It reminds me Poseidon of fork.

Holy shit i forgot Maserati :oops:
Actually you are right, the founder of Maserati, such Alfieri Maserati, took inspiration from the fountain of Neptune in Bologna (Modena is near there), this:
(Note: Neptune is from Roman, Poseidon is from Greek, they are the same person)

Extraordinary beauty. This is annuda shoah for jews.

More about this fountain.

[note: This type of fountain is very common in northern Italy]

Korpi also wrote an article on this.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=82648

Yes, as with the symbolism of the Maserati, the Alfa Romeo's Serpent also has trident on its crown.
Although Maserati is better (it has a different and completely different target of people) I still prefer Alfa Romeo, it has been the brand of Presidents, Heads of Government (including Mussolini who adored it) and respected and admired by notable personalities (both of current and past), if one reads a little bit of automotive history, Alfa Romeo is one of the few brands that exudes transcendental emotion and feeling, in my opinion, credit to the presence of the Serpent.
Of course as like with people, there are negative phases, because of transit and so on, Alfa Romeo has really gone through some dark times.
They are not worth it.
I just want them gone.
They have to leave our planet forever and if they refuse one coffin for each of them.
SleepingWolf said:
Where's the "enslaving them implies letting them stay on this planet, and I'd rather not" Option :lol:

Exactly😂This is the option I wanted.Kick them all out of this planet or give them graveyards to stay in😂⚰️
I just want peace, if I get 2800 I will do something different with them rather than have to hear or feed their kike mouths.
Trade them and gift them to wiser SS?
Blood Eagle? Black hole? Justice as they deserve...
Vira_ said:
It was also said that their evil plans for humanity would backfire on them.
And what I have listed above is part of the jewish plan for humanity.
And mine would be right.

Sending them against a star is unacceptable, I might as well spit in the face of all the jewish victims.

What message gets through if you expel the jews from the planet?
"Go ahead and attack us, we'll just expel you from the planet anyway."

This is not the justice Satan has promised us.
We must create an exemplary punishment, and whoever is out there will think twice before attacking us or waging war against us.

We can be more evil than the reptilians, the difference is that we are righteous and observe higher laws of nature and harmony.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Spiritual Satanist family which is a nightmare to the jews,

This poll is to check if everyone is up to date with the new mentality that is being instilled on everyone which is to be a master and above the jews instead of being a slave to them, and finally stopping to have a slave mindset that they are trying to infect you with.

Do jews try to kike you on the workplace? You go home and use these RTR's and cast the kike down. Oh, too bad, we did Group Rituals again and the kike is in trouble.

Do jews try to harass you and force you to become unspiritual? Time for another RTR against the kike. Oh it looks like the cursing they do isn't working.

Do jews think you should not meditate? Time for another hour of meditation. Oops, the Joy of Satan has already distributed the knowledge, too bad.

You get the idea here.

The Poll is based on what Jews readily state in regards to enslaving 2800 Gentiles per jew to slave for them on the Messianic Times. Therefore, as these times will never come, and likely our own times will arrive sooner, we must make a poll to decide.

Should We Enslave 2800 Jews Per Spiritual Satanist To Pay For Our Mercedes Benz's?

Posh poll :D

How do you recommend using global RTR against individual Jews :?: (I need to destroy a Jew at my job in a short time :!: ).

In my opinion, the Jews should be completely destroyed (physically) :!: :!: :!: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :D :D :D

When all Jews are physically destroyed, no one will interfere with the side and JoS will be able to rebuild the political, social, religious world as JoS wants (I'm talking about the future) :!:

It annoys me that Jews in Europe in the Middle Ages (for many centuries) actually created the Inquisition - Catholic and Orthodox dictatorships. Scum and schmuck the pope (the head of the Vatican) could overthrow, execute kings, incite one kingdom against another :!:

In the future, I would like JoS to have the same real, political, religious, social power as our enemies had this power in the Middle Ages :!:

It will be cool if JoS will have its own armies (private military companies, or the Praetorian Guard as in Ancient Rome), its own Oxford, or own Yale University, or better yet, its own Wewelsburg Castle (own Hogwarts), in which it will be possible to place the Praetorian Guard, underground bunkers and air defense systems. The castle can be built with the money of Jews and gold, which they stole from pagans (for many centuries) and keep in synagogues :!:

The castle can be built on ley lines, points of power, as well as in places where energy flows, plus in accordance with astrology (as the three pyramids were built by the Egyptians) :!:

Ideally, there should be such castles in every region (continent, state, province, or less), there may be many of them (ideally), by the way, and it is from these castles that political, social and law enforcement control can be carried out within each region :!:
Forores said:
I don't think they should be alowed to breath our air, eat our food and drink our water further more.

Sounds like an environmental concern.

Jews themselves are telling us constantly on the environment and want to chip human beings to track carbon emissions, I do believe a campaign that they should be stopping to give births like they do to Europeans is very fitting to happen in Israel, because for environmental reasons. Also, we need to microchip them all immediately, to track their carbon emission. Klaus Schwab can start from Israel here. It should be the pilot state like the Co-Vid vaccine.

Then, communism must be instated in Israel because it's a Jewish System like Karl Marx.
Ik ik this is a satirical, but I would never want to have jews around me, even not if they are slaves.
I just want no jew left on earth to taint our bloodlines.
As for jewish slaves, I say I would not do that. Jews are not worthy to be slaves to a Satanic Soul. I would not even give them the air and the land, because I would not want to pollute the air with them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
