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Clown World - Will We Save Everyone?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Germany is an extremely advanced country not only financially but in many other ways. I will leave this on the side as anyone who wants to make the appropriate research will find the necessary things to understand the importance of Germany, let alone it's past.

But what does "Advanced" mean when you have jews and you are literally experiencing Clown World in your literal midst? Nothing.

We have only degenerated, we did not advance. What has advanced is only externalizes such as computers, and even these, are not to the point that humans pretend that we are.

The situation is our enemy is there and rules it with the tightest and most insane grip. I write this to make this some of you understand, that some people and some excrement on this planet are beyond any saving, and this includes many White people. While these are less than other cases with species, every species on this planet has it's own share of terrible idiots, who threaten it's existence, and who have to be dealt with if a people wants to live. Likewise, people have to self-improve on a constant basis to avoid calamity, and this is not a joke, but how existence operates. Nowdays these rules are forsaken completely, and we are working against them, as such experiencing all the perils that we do.

We do what we do to awake those who are useful and will remain useful to their species and this world, and not monkeys and the worthless individuals who are traitorous and will in the end as per usual do nothing.

The belief that one is to "Save" every disgusting person on this planet, and all these sleeping mammals that pretend to be "human", while having less intelligence than most of the animals of earth, are absurd. One must move away from if they suffer or not. This is given, all beings suffer or can possibly suffer. Also, any being can invite suffering onto themselves, either through ignorance, weakness, or inability.

In the case of humans however this becomes even worse: the stupidity and weakness of another (or the people of an era for that liking) can invite the catastrophe of whole civilizations, it's literal flattening either by another civilization or due to circumstance. This also includes natural misfortunes or calamities, such as diseases. Humans also do create on their own due to stupidity, their own calamities and diseases, which in turn come to destroy them later at a given time where things cannot be properly dealt with.

The above also has a social dimension. Certain social norms for example can backfire severely and ruin a civilization, all while it may start with the best of 'intentions'.

It doesn't take a big brain for anyone to understand that sexual promiscuity at insane levels, plus race mixing, plus low IQ, plus overuse of anti-biotics, is creating things now like Super Gonorrhea and other infections that cannot go away with any use of any known medications. What is written here is not a conspiracy, it is a reality. The demographics of people who create these the most also have to say intelligent things like "We are very natural in what we do, we are fine with whatever we do" and other clever modern meme replies, while essentially their mere existence becomes a bio-hazard that can potentially take down everyone else.

For those that do not know, if present day infections move past the power of the anti-biotic [Created by yet another "Cursed" White Man who saved the world for a few centuries with this] we will simply perish by these diseases in large numbers, and do not expect Rife or Tesla to be close around to this planet block to help, they aren't here. These things have happened before in history, and they have happened also when least expected.

The above is only one example, of the many. Social perils such as forced mass migration, where nobody is even 'asked' in the otherwise "Democratic" system, are also said perils that can backfire. Only with far more less certainty than the above.

Instating democracy has made the stupid and the worthless, all have the same "Value", the same "Vote" and the same "Opinion". Why change will never come out of this system is simple, in that how one erects governments is through mass brainwashing of the masses, which are guided to elect whatever their own stupidity reflects. This is the definition of the mob rule and it will come to more and more resemble communism especially as the racial and intellectual level of people sink.

What we hear very frequently from people is that they whine about how they want to be "Saved" (they are lazy after all, cannot save themselves, too taxing to their little shitty brain to think a little bit) and how they want "Change" to come. Meanwhile, they support systems which essentially are generated directly from the "People themselves", ie, the large mass of the careless and the cesspool, which only creates societies based on it's own putrid reflection.

The only "Change" they do on themselves during democracy is to change the position they sit on the couch, while effectively another big change they do is change the type of weed they smoke, or the channel of their netflix. This is all one is "Changing" during democracies, and this is because, there is really no necessity to change, just to degenerate.

"Changing" as in waking up during the current system is not only punishable both by mob and related retards, but can have one meeting with imprisonment or worse.

I will relate an articles here from Germany so you can understand that some people are too far gone and too far boozed out cattle, and for you to cut sympathies to the generalizations of "All of them will be saved" because they will not.

They are not going to be "Saved" as a whole.

Nobody can also save someone from them having chosen personal damnation and to become a meme of the Clown World of 2019.

Asylum Seeker Convicted of Attempted Murder After Stabbing German Host Family's Child


I will recap the story here real quick. So a German guy and his wife, who had an 11 year old, took the meme of "TAKE THE MIGRANTS IN YOUR OWN HOME IF YOU NEED THEM STUPID!" and took an Eritrean into their house.

After what appears to be some sort of insane love triangle between the couple and the Eritrean homeboi, as, let's be honest with ourselves, except of some sexual dysfunction, it's hard to accept reasonably that they literally did this, they went into a beef with the real advanced specimen savage, which was housed there, fed there, and probably also the cuck man gave him his own wife for a round every so often, to make sure she would contract or exchange some Super Gonorrhea.

What happened effectively was from what I can assume they filmed the Muslim or the Muslim filmed himself, and then the Muslim went into monkey mode, and took a knife and stabbed their 11 year old son with intend to kill him. Being that weak and shitty of a monkey, he even failed to kill someone by stabbing them on the throat, and the poor kid remained mentally disabled for life.

The life of this child is now permanently ruined because his mother was a dumb whore, and his father a worthless amassment of cuck genetics, so this child now will have to live a life of ruin as a result of their parents getting to affected by Frau Merkelstein and Television, on how good the migrants are.

The "Brave BBC" and the "Masculine Muslim Man" didn't also take the rage out on the cuck white father, but on the child, of course. Didn't even pick up someone on his own size, he had to attack the kid.

His lower than the low mother, with her uncontrolled affections and pussy thirst, went into court and just said that they are "Sad" and "offended" by the behavior of her brown monkey boyfriend, who effectively LITERALLY KILLED HER OWN KID, but just failed out of a coincidence.

The Germany of 2019 gave the brown savage only 7 years in prison. Stealing a car gets you around 15, while questioning the holohoax on Twitter can give as many as 5. However, assault and rape against children in Germany takes around from 6 months to a couple years, that is, if you are not bailed out by the jewish justice system because "Poor invading boy didn't know and dindu nuffin", and this monkey also said the typical line of "The Devil Made Me Do it" and got away with it.

"It is not possible for a woman to see a Muslim naked, this must be punished with death," Abdulrahman said, asserting that 'the devil' had ordered him to carry the knife.

The child now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has reportedly not been able to attend school.

"We always helped Abdulrahman," said the victim's mother. "We do not understand why he did this to us."

The worthless spec of shit mother's court appeal may have been something like this. "We always helped Abulrahman, like good motherfucking slave cuck goyims of the jews. We tried to put this savage goyim to live with us since we are all goyim. We helped him like his slaves cause Muh Leftism. We became a living MEME for jews to laugh at, and then he killed our boy almost, but my real question because I care more about the monkey savage than my own son is, "Why did he do this to us?" - I as a the slut mother feel no sadness or grief, as I am too hormonally castrated to feel any form of hatred, plus unless my TV tells me it is OK to hate because my child was almost killed by a monkey, I will not hate him. Hate is for idiots. We are advanced people of 2019 so we cannot hate. We eagerly wait for Abdulaman to come fuck us in the butt when he comes out of prison, Amen to that Rabbi Jesus Christ and his forgiveness. Our son now without vocal chords and permanent PTSD at 11 years old, wishes Abdulrahman well. Please mommy Merkel bring more brown sausage migrants in so we can stuff our holes with small brown penises of Ubermensch that attack our children when they are angry at us. Keep evil Hitler away from us, praise the jews, and also please Mega-Jew-State of Merkel, do not worry, we will never seek any vegeance or wake up even after we literally LIVED through the damnation and saw it manifest in our own household, as we take all our benzos and drugs, and we will never reply to this. Hatred is not the solution".

It should be clear when one gets their head out of their "Save everyone" asses, that some members of humanity are too far gone, and that even saving them would be a waste of energy. One cannot waste their energies to reverse all the decadence of everyone, as this is too much of energetic expenditure.

The same morals of 'saving everyone' have led us here, coming straight from Christianity. If the above is not the most direct incarnation of being a total slave of christianity, then one fails to understand what is. This mother should be now in disciplinary or in prison for her actions, but she is not 'liable' for bringing a wild animal inside her house. If you bring a dangerous ape into your house and you put it sleep with your toddler, and crushes it's neck, then that it is your own fault. The migrant should get at least 20 years in the lowest grade prison, but he will take instead 7 in a country where prison, compared to his native land, is like living in a 5 star hotel.

What does not want to save itself should be allowed to take the free fall into it's own damnation, as helping one's self begins within.

Energy devoted could go to people who actually want to be helped, and propel them to help themselves.

As for the lost cases, let them burn. Nobody needs this mudshark leftist retard and her cuck husband to survive, who sacrificed their own kid to the Eritrean orangutan, and hardly shed tears or wanted revenge. All these people are fit for is the gutter of existence and it should be looked at by people with a brain that the existence of these people is alarming to our safety as a species, if anything else.

Shame, curses, and calamities should follow these people who abet the jews and incarnate their jewtrix, is what should follow them. Unironically, this is what they are also manifesting for themselves. This situation is also beyond any "saving".

We are combating the jewtrix to help people who have some actual value, and yes, there are absolutes on which this value can be counted, while others have no value as proven by their actions.

While the Nazarene praises those who help the world's heap of trash, expand it and increase it, we have came into this world for the opposite - to limit and decrease the influence of this livid trash, it's jewish master, and to escape this world from annihilation, for the future proper and healthier, saner generations, with the bigger aim to create a more blessed and powerful humanity.

The Nazarene and jews need slaves like the above, to house their migrants, to ruin their homelands, to keep us back in our evolution. They thrive on human misery, as their pastors thrive and live by human suffering and pain. They desire damnation for humanity to justify their jewish moral dogma. Every time humanity is closing in to the worm, they experience euphoria, and everytime retardation hits harder on humanity, they proclaim to themselves the sermon on the mount, and how the retards, the meek, the idiotic, and the trash of the earth shall inherit earth. Then when this manifests, they hide behind huge walls in the Vatican, and increase the mass damnation until nothing on this planet remains.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
txg said:
poor kid deserves a hug

because a hug makes everything better. who needs justice when you can have a HUG!!!!
Catz666 said:
txg said:
poor kid deserves a hug

because a hug makes everything better. who needs justice when you can have a HUG!!!!

A hug solves all, praise clown world 2019.
I hope the system will collapse soon, so that people will release their own stupidity...
Is it possible that white people act like this because of some Jewish curse? if yes then do RTRs can wake up parents like in the article?(I'm new to satanism btw.)
Louis Cyphre said:
I hope the system will collapse soon, so that people will release their own stupidity...
Is it possible that white people act like this because of some Jewish curse? if yes then do RTRs can wake up parents like in the article?(I'm new to satanism btw.)

There is one thing when it comes to magick, and then there is the failure on life itself.

Magick can help accelerate things of natural order, but no, there is no 'magickal' way to instill a brain into people who habitually keep their IQ at 85.

While a lot of problems are accelerated by curses, or empowered, this doesn't mean anything negative has it's source into a curse. Nature is nature.
GG Allin said:
txg said:
poor kid deserves a hug

He deserves a new family.

Nothing I believe can potentially fix the problems that this kid has now.

This clown world believes that whatever happens to humans can go away with drugs or just mass ignorance. Well it can't. This person thanks to their dumb ass parents will now be scarred for life, the poor kid's life was saved by the dog.

The dog was superior and nobler than both of his worthless parents. His parents will probably be busy now to take care of more migrants and promote their useless NPC memes on facebook about how all of this is fine and dandy to appease Mama Merkelstein.

I wrote my vitriol on this post for people to understand that those who just want to watch the world burn like these retards in the news article, are not only extremely selfish, corrupted, and worthless, but will also destroy the world in the end. And yet somehow, everyone gives them a hearing as if they are some sort of caring or good lifeform.

They sacrificed their child to the Multicultural God, so they can get some dicking exactly how they saw on some porn website. This is the intelligence of these people, it's always muh dick, muh feels, muh shit, at the expense of the whole globe if needed.

The saddest thing about this incident is that the most innocent of all subjects paid for this, the child. They walked away and will probably now continue in the same putrid shit they were before.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
I hope the system will collapse soon, so that people will release their own stupidity...
Is it possible that white people act like this because of some Jewish curse? if yes then do RTRs can wake up parents like in the article?(I'm new to satanism btw.)

There is one thing when it comes to magick, and then there is the failure on life itself.

Magick can help accelerate things of natural order, but no, there is no 'magickal' way to instill a brain into people who habitually keep their IQ at 85.

While a lot of problems are accelerated by curses, or empowered, this doesn't mean anything negative has it's source into a curse. Nature is nature.

Thanks for reply!

Does it mean that neutral people are exposed to be victims of any magic, or they are immune?
Both, that man and the woman have no rhyme nor reason. .
In a Satanic empire they’d be judged and tried for treason.
Any society that the jews touches only leads to corruption.
We are waiting for the jewish programs imminent destruction.

Final is our Satanic word and our sword.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will recap the story here real quick. So a German guy and his wife, who had an 11 year old, took the meme of "TAKE THE MIGRANTS IN YOUR OWN HOME IF YOU NEED THEM STUPID!" and took an Eritrean into their house.

What happened effectively was from what I can assume they filmed the Muslim or the Muslim filmed himself, and then the Muslim went into monkey mode, and took a knife and stabbed their 11 year old son with intend to kill him. Being that weak and shitty of a monkey, he even failed to kill someone by stabbing them on the throat, and the poor kid remained mentally disabled for life.

The life of this child is now permanently ruined because his mother was a dumb whore, and his father a worthless amassment of cuck genetics, so this child now will have to live a life of ruin as a result of their parents getting to affected by Frau Merkelstein and Television, on how good the migrants are.

The "Brave BBC" and the "Masculine Muslim Man" didn't also take the rage out on the cuck white father, but on the child, of course. Didn't even pick up someone on his own size, he had to attack the kid.

His lower than the low mother, with her uncontrolled affections and pussy thirst, went into court and just said that they are "Sad" and "offended" by the behavior of her brown monkey boyfriend, who effectively LITERALLY KILLED HER OWN KID, but just failed out of a coincidence.

The Germany of 2019 gave the brown savage only 7 years in prison. Stealing a car gets you around 15, while questioning the holohoax on Twitter can give as many as 5. However, assault and rape against children in Germany takes around from 6 months to a couple years, that is, if you are not bailed out by the jewish justice system because "Poor invading boy didn't know and dindu nuffin", and this monkey also said the typical line of "The Devil Made Me Do it" and got away with it.

The child now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has reportedly not been able to attend school.

"We always helped Abdulrahman," said the victim's mother. "We do not understand why he did this to us."[/i]

The same morals of 'saving everyone' have led us here, coming straight from Christianity. If the above is not the most direct incarnation of being a total slave of christianity, then one fails to understand what is. This mother should be now in disciplinary or in prison for her actions, but she is not 'liable' for bringing a wild animal inside her house. If you bring a dangerous ape into your house and you put it sleep with your toddler, and crushes it's neck, then that it is your own fault. The migrant should get at least 20 years in the lowest grade prison, but he will take instead 7 in a country where prison, compared to his native land, is like living in a 5 star hotel.

Whatever happened to the death penalty? "People" who stab an 11 year old in the throat with intent to kill should be executed. Everyone laughs at the AnCaps who say their Non Aggression Principle must be enforced at all costs and therefore we should all let corporations dominate and destroy the world for the sake of private property and 'nonaggression', but that AnCap mentality is quite literally what is being done right now with the abolished death penalty in many European countries. Everyone is supposed to support bombing a country like Iraq to level the whole place for oil, and making sanctions that kill millions of their people for the sake of Israeli bloodlust and religious war, but everyone has to stand against the evil idea of killing even one convicted pedophile/rapist/serialmurderer/etc. Meanwhile the same media says it's good to brainwash kids into self mutilation so they are transformed into permanently disfigured 'transgenders' who will likely just commit suicide as the statistics show. But that's not aggression so it doesn't count even if a 7 year old is far too young to even comprehend what reproduction is, the media might as well tell them all to do heroin, doesn't count as murder if it's not direct violence right? That is the Clown World mentality on 'violence' right now.

As for the race mixing, even those countries like Ireland which never even participated in colonialism a few 100 years ago are now supposed to make over a fifth of their population be brown migrants who would obviously racemix them into extinction if it is allowed to continue. It's just a race to the bottom, and the motto is "All recessive genes must be eliminated". You would think the European countries would have more natural opposition to race mixing, compared to let's say, America or Australia, where their racial history is somewhat more muddled in terms of having more mixture of different White races, but no. Just look at Sweden.

Then, people will call it anti-science to say white races are superior, when this is just clearly apparent. They have higher foreheads and thus larger frontal lobes, associated with more empathy and higher cognition, while a lot of Africans tend to have more forward sloped ones, and thus smaller brains, less in the critical regions like the frontal cortex especially. Their skull sutures close earlier, so their brains don't grow to the same size. What is your view on that particular topic? I don't see much about the details of it here, but it is important for convincing people of the issues of race mixing in terms of IQ loss. Besides, it is just obvious, if you compare the skull shape of Africans to chimpanzees and then whites, and there are many pics online of this comparison already, it is obvious they are closer to them in skull shape, the correlation is clear. This frontal brain development that causes high foreheads also seems correlated with whites having straight noses while blacks do not. There is most likely a connection there. Whatever the cause is for both of those things, it is probably the same thing that causes the skull sutures in White skulls to close later than in nonwhites. In addition, you see that in blacks, there is more often a protruding lower lip, and the cause is clear, the different angle of the skull, which probably is also the cause of the sloping head in blacks rather than a straight up and down one, along with the less developed frontal lobe. And the one common cause behind all of that is probably whatever influences the differing skull angle and thus causes whites to have a higher forehead, more developed frontal lobe, and so on. All the differing features between whites and nonwhites and the changes caused by racemixing could probably be tied together into a cohesive theory that explains everything if scientists actually got to research the subject seriously for once rather than deny science in the name of hurt feelings.

Instead, we get told that all brains are literally just the same in function regardless of how they are structured, even male and female brains, when that last part is just patent nonsense, and everyone knows it. The whole idea is transparent. The discussion among the Jews at the top probably goes like this:

"'Alright, we can't base our fake science on anything the Goyim can observe, so let's un-invent racial statistics and ban their creation, and say that intelligence must be determined by neural connections that nobody without a specific degree is allowed to inspect or even know the details of, with no exterior signs in skull shape or anything else, as anything like that would make it too easy to debunk our theory. Unless it's a difference between humans and chimpanzees, where everyone remembers that they have smaller brains, so we need to make the DoubleThink strongly reinforced for that part. And even those Goyim with physiology degrees or neurology degrees won't be allowed to compare different races on the basis of intelligence, as that research would be Evil Racism and so on that would get them fired immediately. Remember Goyim, just like the Bible tells you, Knowledge is evil, you cannot even think of knowing the truth or you're a sinner. "Meanwhile, the Jews test every immigrant to Israel to make sure they're genetically Jewish and require that they be Jewish by the mother's line so the parentage is always known.

Anyway, clearly this society based on the pursuit of nothingness needs to end, as this is what happens when a civilization seeks the destruction of its own race.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In the Pagan world the strong survived. We cut out the weak constantly. Time to Return to that, the idea of sharing Godhead with my enemies sickens me. I do not wish to hold hands and Dance with every loser I see. Nor do I wish to Dance with those not of the Highest Aryan Blood.

I understand Gentiles ruling in their own races, but thats little of my concern, or going out and making it for them. Good luck to them but if they perish oh well. My concern is the Aryan Race and making it as strong and unified as possible.

Not oh just throw some non whites in there. Whites will be slaughtered for being weak submissive cucks, an outside threat will be dealt with the same. As Hitler said it is little to my problem if one cannot or refuses to recognize a Border.

I will build my race up and the weak will perish. To those who cry in jealousy to our power, we treat our own genes with scrutiny and lack of Empathy, why would we overly care about outside of that.

I will dance around a Bonfire on Beltane with those of the Highest Aryan Blood and war within their spirit to protect and Advance it. How Beautiful it shall be.
These sjw retards are really a problem, i highly think that they will persist until the very end, so.... if they somehow resist even after the jew are ''neutralized'' how society will do with this bio hazard of people? Did they will exile them because i think that an reeducation system will not work because as they are they probably will refuse, i mean the ones wich are too far gone in the rabbit hole.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After what appears to be some sort of insane love triangle between the couple and the Eritrean homeboi, as, let's be honest with ourselves, except of some sexual dysfunction, it's hard to accept reasonably that they literally did this, they went into a beef with the real advanced specimen savage, which was housed there, fed there, and probably also the cuck man gave him his own wife for a round every so often, to make sure she would contract or exchange some Super Gonorrhea.
Thank You, HPHC. Written with passion, I can tell from a mile away. Sometimes, I still have hard time comprehending how cucked can people be. Absolute fucking muppets. At the end of the day, though, it is natural law that the stupid, sick and weak ones weed themselves out and the remaining gene pool will be clearer. Just like with wild animals. Now careful with that misplaced compassion, eh?
Louis Cyphre said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
I hope the system will collapse soon, so that people will release their own stupidity...
Is it possible that white people act like this because of some Jewish curse? if yes then do RTRs can wake up parents like in the article?(I'm new to satanism btw.)

There is one thing when it comes to magick, and then there is the failure on life itself.

Magick can help accelerate things of natural order, but no, there is no 'magickal' way to instill a brain into people who habitually keep their IQ at 85.

While a lot of problems are accelerated by curses, or empowered, this doesn't mean anything negative has it's source into a curse. Nature is nature.

Thanks for reply!

Does it mean that neutral people are exposed to be victims of any magic, or they are immune?

Everyone is affected by the abrahamic curses/torah readings , we as dedicated satanist have a protection from the gods which does protect us from most enemy curses/problems , to be safe everybody should do dayly aop (aura of protection) + final rtr (return tora ritual) + returning cursers 1+2. Rtr does erase the curses and at the same time empower the person who does it.
To the majority of humanity, once they face undeniable truth the realization and facts will shock their system so hard they'd likely just collapse and die right then and there, that or kill themselves because their life of cuckery was a lie and the reality we know of is too much for their degenerated single-celled construct of 'existence' to comprehend. We'd be like the god damn lovecraftian elder gods where our normal just incites madness and insanity because Jim Cuckingson self-induces a stroke over exposure to real 'normal'.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After what appears to be some sort of insane love triangle between the couple and the Eritrean homeboi, as, let's be honest with ourselves, except of some sexual dysfunction, it's hard to accept reasonably that they literally did this, they went into a beef with the real advanced specimen savage, which was housed there, fed there, and probably also the cuck man gave him his own wife for a round every so often, to make sure she would contract or exchange some Super Gonorrhea.
Thank You, HPHC. Written with passion, I can tell from a mile away. Sometimes, I still have hard time comprehending how cucked can people be. Absolute fucking muppets. At the end of the day, though, it is natural law that the stupid, sick and weak ones weed themselves out and the remaining gene pool will be clearer. Just like with wild animals. Now careful with that misplaced compassion, eh?

There are two ways to look into this: These people were pieces of shit and they were as a result punished. This is true.

What is also true however is that these people under a different system, would probably not sink too low or this stupidity would be directed somewhere else where it would not be fatal.

It is okay to be a bit careless and silly, but this? This is the epitome of total abomination.

They housed a man on his prime randomly into their house with their wife, gave him living support etc, and he killed their kid. If I was not a man of justice I would just say oy vey poor Whitey or Germans...How come.

But because I like to say both sides of the coin, yes this has to be a love bbc-cuck-slutwife triangle, all paid by an innocent kid, and everyone involved is an abomination top to bottom.

A lot of white people need to get ruined for insolence and betrayal on the highest level. Being only white does not absolve them of how worthless they are.

Whites who are too open and accepting to all of this abuse and slavery will get to see the metal ball going onto their direction. They will not get saved from this.

I mean what the hell? Why not house a homeless German person instead if they are THAT friendly?

Well for reasons explained above. They probably housed this man for sex slavery or worse.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
I hope the system will collapse soon, so that people will release their own stupidity...
Is it possible that white people act like this because of some Jewish curse? if yes then do RTRs can wake up parents like in the article?(I'm new to satanism btw.)

There is one thing when it comes to magick, and then there is the failure on life itself.

Magick can help accelerate things of natural order, but no, there is no 'magickal' way to instill a brain into people who habitually keep their IQ at 85.

While a lot of problems are accelerated by curses, or empowered, this doesn't mean anything negative has it's source into a curse. Nature is nature.

Ha ha ha yes :D :D :D

Brilliant HPHC
LightAlgur said:
Any society that the jews touches only leads to corruption.
The jew has the Midas touch.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After what appears to be some sort of insane love triangle between the couple and the Eritrean homeboi, as, let's be honest with ourselves, except of some sexual dysfunction, it's hard to accept reasonably that they literally did this, they went into a beef with the real advanced specimen savage, which was housed there, fed there, and probably also the cuck man gave him his own wife for a round every so often, to make sure she would contract or exchange some Super Gonorrhea.
Thank You, HPHC. Written with passion, I can tell from a mile away. Sometimes, I still have hard time comprehending how cucked can people be. Absolute fucking muppets. At the end of the day, though, it is natural law that the stupid, sick and weak ones weed themselves out and the remaining gene pool will be clearer. Just like with wild animals. Now careful with that misplaced compassion, eh?

There are two ways to look into this: These people were pieces of shit and they were as a result punished. This is true.

What is also true however is that these people under a different system, would probably not sink too low or this stupidity would be directed somewhere else where it would not be fatal.

It is okay to be a bit careless and silly, but this? This is the epitome of total abomination.

They housed a man on his prime randomly into their house with their wife, gave him living support etc, and he killed their kid. If I was not a man of justice I would just say oy vey poor Whitey or Germans...How come.

But because I like to say both sides of the coin, yes this has to be a love bbc-cuck-slutwife triangle, all paid by an innocent kid, and everyone involved is an abomination top to bottom.

A lot of white people need to get ruined for insolence and betrayal on the highest level. Being only white does not absolve them of how worthless they are.

Whites who are too open and accepting to all of this abuse and slavery will get to see the metal ball going onto their direction. They will not get saved from this.

I mean what the hell? Why not house a homeless German person instead if they are THAT friendly?

Well for reasons explained above. They probably housed this man for sex slavery or worse.
I think even stupid people's have emotions and the fact that this women didn't even cared for his son shows that she doesn't have empaty and a mother instinct. Let's not talk about the Father that should protect the family instead of bringing a probabily pedophile, rapist and other shits in his family. I really think this is beyond stupidity. Maybe under another system even if not with a high I.Q they would have been different but this brainwashing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They probably housed this man for sex slavery or worse.
This is the case with almost every sad story: they never tell the full plot and especially the nasty minute details. This one at hand doesn't add up. The direction you took with bbc-craving-pawg may be more than likely. There is also something fishy about that white man. Because I'm a man of justice, too and I love my family, I just can't imagine how one can remain passive in such a situation involving your child and just call it in. I suspect their relationship was dysfunctional to begin with.
Retards will always suffer in one way or the other irrespective of political system. This is natural law.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They probably housed this man for sex slavery or worse.
This is the case with almost every sad story: they never tell the full plot and especially the nasty minute details. This one at hand doesn't add up. The direction you took with bbc-craving-pawg may be more than likely. There is also something fishy about that white man. Because I'm a man of justice, too and I love my family, I just can't imagine how one can remain passive in such a situation involving your child and just call it in. I suspect their relationship was dysfunctional to begin with.
Retards will always suffer in one way or the other irrespective of political system. This is natural law.

A father with normal acting testosterone or a mind of at least baseline sanity, would want revenge or would have at least tried to beat this person in a severe manner at the very least, or try to do something.

A man who was actually a man would have retaliated with way worse things.

And also, this excrement, I mean, even if he was a muslim cuck, he should go on the woman at the very least, if he was afraid of the man somehow. But of all he picked the kid, which is a total atrocity, as someone said above, capital punishment is to be discussed very seriously in these situations.

He also clearly tried to murder the poor kid, and this was verified, but because he FAILED, he was like also excused of the murder.

As for the kid, if it grows up, it will be either mentally crippled for life, or it will become some mass murderer like Freddie Krueger.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A man who was actually a man would have retaliated with way worse things.
Some rope, pair of pliers and a blow torch. Don't forget the shovel.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
as someone said above, capital punishment is to be discussed very seriously in these situations.
Agreed. There are deeds that can and should only be punished by death. In addition to keeping the society clean and children free of traumas, this also aids in cleaning the gene pool.
A comment under the original article in German mentioned that the German constitutional state has been disassembled by SPD and this party no longer protects its citizens. Such incidents indirectly also serve the purpose of waking at least some people up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The poor kid's life was saved by the dog.
Well apparently dogs (and animals in general) are much more racially aware than most humans nowadays. This dog tried to defend what he considers his own family, he recognizes that the Eritrean guy is not a natural part (member) of it.
The difference between animals and most humans here is that animals are not cut out off the 5th dimension, they are pretty much connected to the astral dimension, exactly how they (and humans as well) are supposed supposed to be
So, long story short: it's impossible to save the people who refuse to save themselves. Or those who refuse to try. Still, I can't help but feel bad for people like that.
The focus needs to be on building leadership which can politically take over the nations and then transform society according to spiritual values. That will take care of all the problems.
Exactly and this has been the work going on for years at least from my own work outlook.

There is no "mass saving" at this point. It is impossible. Reformation of society by information and individuals is possible.
Religion, communism and idiot and foolish people have created this sick reality in which we are forced to live. unfortunately many people are blind to reality and for them I feel no pity but only disgust. They do not deserve this planet and do not deserve to share it with us who are struggling every day to bring balance again. They don't deserve our world ... neither now nor ever.
We have these stupid kinds of people everywhere this story doesnt deal with migrants but still it shows how dumb a certain segment of our population is https://news.yahoo.com/texas-mom-charged-homicide-running-152931004.html this is not the dumbest story I have ever heard either.

I dont know what will become of certain individuals such as this in the 4th reich. If it was my choice we would seperate them from the useful segments of society in some way then come up with something to direct their stupidity into that wouldnt harm anyone. I doubt they including the story Cobra talked about could comprehend anything too complex so as to be educated. I think a lot of these people are just on their first incarnation in the world too so they are way too impressionable they take in a full dose of what the Jews say and their own stupidity without thinking about it cause they have no subconscious or conscious memories of anything else. If it was a better society I am sure these people would have been useful in some way and could be pretty awesome but not in the society we have now.
I forgot to add I think this was the reason we had kind of a caste like system in the ancient world. Certain individuals with more maturity and spiritual ability are on top. Those with less are on the bottom and I assume this means they are seperated in some way. Makes sense just like the economic classes are seperated today in a certain sense. Except that idea is way better cause it would mean those that are totally dumb couldnt really harm anyone but yet I assume we are not totally savage to them either.

That is probably the best system to deal with this.
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
What will happen to these kinds of people whenever the Fourth Reich arrives?

It depends on the severity of stupidity, but normally, nothing. The context of society will change, and therefore, people, even those who are not as clever, will not fall into such dangerous holes simply because of how the system itself will be created.

For example if the said couple, assuming that their relation was sexual, had a native German instead (still off, but whatever, these things happen) I doubt they would be carrying their child with knife wounds into the neck, nor all of this criminal mess would have happened.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For example if the said couple, assuming that their relation was sexual, had a native German instead (still off, but whatever, these things happen) I doubt they would be carrying their child with knife wounds into the neck, nor all of this criminal mess would have happened.
Actually, a close friend remembered that this story was shared not long ago on Faecesbook in a bit more plausible form. Allegedly the german woman was a social care worker or smth for this vile eritrean gollum. The state decided to cut its welfare so it decided to waste the messenger (the woman handling its case). So it broke into the house but unfortunately didn't find the woman there, only the child...

I can see why the judenpresse would bend the facts on such cases.
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful sermon.

You find this wonderful? I am totally in rage mode!
The Boy deserves to become one of us, become strong, heal himself and avenge the man with endless curses who once tried to kill him and to torment his soul for all eternity while he is gone!
NinRick said:
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful sermon.

You find this wonderful? I am totally in rage mode!
The Boy deserves to become one of us, become strong, heal himself and kill the man with endless curses who once tried to kill him and to torment his soul for all eternity while he is dead!
The governments of nations must not leave them in the hands of the ignorant or worse in the hands of the Jews. For example, racial mixing must be prohibited. We must take the governments of our nations into our hands and direct things in the right direction. Jewish or ignorant gentile or puppets in the hands of the Jews must not be in government. We must govern.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For example if the said couple, assuming that their relation was sexual, had a native German instead (still off, but whatever, these things happen) I doubt they would be carrying their child with knife wounds into the neck, nor all of this criminal mess would have happened.
Actually, a close friend remembered that this story was shared not long ago on Faecesbook in a bit more plausible form. Allegedly the german woman was a social care worker or smth for this vile eritrean gollum. The state decided to cut its welfare so it decided to waste the messenger (the woman handling its case). So it broke into the house but unfortunately didn't find the woman there, only the child...

I can see why the judenpresse would bend the facts on such cases.

So the check that the gollum was never entitled to was stolen from it by the muh Gibs from whitey and he decided to kill anyone he found around in ape rage, because why even work in the foreign land when you can get it all for free.

I do believe that the story is not as simple but in both cases it is just one of these cases which should become universal news but is buried down. This atrocity was totally filthy, despite the background.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
