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Christians: Professional Hypocrites

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
hahahahaha nothing better than bashing these christ cucks and their hypocrisy. In all seriousness fuck them, and they all are just like you say. screw and fuck everything up like a brainless ape.

but who gives a shit, just get into a big wooden box with some mentally fucked up pedo, “confess” your “sins” and good to go, to (((heaven))) you go, just like an oil change in a car.

fuckin lmao. to think I used to believe in this shit as a child gives me nausea
The XTIANS 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the retards of the world. And they know what they are. And yet ? they are so proud of themselves... always looking for an excuse to bully somebody? To build themselves up for some sense of false pride..
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks a lot High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for pure detailed points well explained. Very saddening reality but they seem comfortable and will always point fingers at us but certainly come back to us in secret to seek intelligent redress in times of trouble and dilemma. Very funny slaves at that. Thanks to our Gods and Goddesses of hell for enlightening us. We're walking this part unto Godhead.
Hail father Satan forever
Hail Mama Astarte forever
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of hell forever
Theres a song called "lead me to the cross" by hillsong united....i remember during my christian days someone recommeding it to me, needless to say i couldn't be anymore disgusted, upon hearing the lyrics as it basically praises self-suicide and suffering. it was one of the few "red flags" i started noticing with the stupid garbage xian religion but of course being the fearful stupid xian that i was, "didn't wanna anger jewhova".

Part of the song goes something like this,

Everything I once held dear
I count it all as loss

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

i cringed even as i typed that....
90% don't actually follow these programs, they only pretend for social indulgences and to be able to be counted among a large and socially influential group. They have not read or opened these books, they have not delved into the essence, they just don't care.

And in the case of islam, they have no choice, it is simply dangerous to live in some Iran and not be a muslim, it is impossible, they are forced.
I love it when you pick them apart like an orange man. Everything, right on the nose...the things I wish I could say to some of my family sometimes, point out their fucking insufferable contradictory bullshit. They wonder why I've estranged myself, well...some people you just can't save, and it's too emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually painful to even be in the presence of their willful stupidity. And that pain just contributes to the enemy's power...your own family can become agents of chaos in your life. I don't think I could make it sometimes if I wasn't as tough as I've become.

Great sermon Commander...another reminder that I'm not fucking crazy...
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So who do we blame for this Christianity, Jews of course it is their bible, it is they Rabbis who wrote the bible to fool the gentiles turn them in to blind sheep and for their own condemnations, Jews always behind every lie you can think of, Jews recite their Torah, Talmud and who knows what ever more books the have on witchcraft spell binding, Yahweh their God who is either a Reptilian or Grey who would have give his dna creating the Jew, so he and his people Jews can take over this planet that Father Satan discovered first, and they have taken over since the last 1000 years, and continue to control us gentiles, we gentiles are naive and gullible and really we are not evil to the point where we would sacrifice another nations children, no gentiles have a heart and a conscience and are naturally good people, but Rabbis are wicked and they will sacrifice children, people and animals without remorse, we are as SS are the only ones who can save humanity, are job is huge teaching our gentile races to come and see the true creator God Satan and importantly to continue doing a RTR’s because this is the only way we can counteract their Torah rituals with our reverse Torah rituals, and put their rituals to nothing, this is a very important job for us, so family let’s try at least do one FRTR’s a week or more if you can and we will be doing the best work ever, of course we need to do our other jobs too like helping others come to see the truth Spirtual Satanism and translating the sermons and everything here on Jos site

Hail Satan
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Christians: Professional Hypocrites​

in action:

Kissing the cross. Always solves everything. :LOL:
Yes, that's what was on my mind as well. You see many of those gangsta rappers and mafiosos, literal organized crime people with the crosses around their necks, tattooed on their arms and in their cars and houses. It is particularly appealing to this scum, because they get away with their crimes and hedonistic lifestyle, knowing that they just say a prayer, go to a confession and all is well, no punishment, straight to heaven. What a sense of responsibility and depth of character.
But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book
This is so true. Now and then I see christians that aren't pedophiles, terrorists or violent to animals, don't celebrate their holidays and don't pray to lord jeebo, and I ask them, how are you even a Christian? Judging by their "religious requirements", these people, albeit of a, let's say "good" character, as in bare minimum of a sensible human being, have no chance in reaching their imaginary heaven. But they are too afraid to let this hoax go and admit they're not actually following what it preaches. While there are so much better things out there.
hahahahaha nothing better than bashing these christ cucks and their hypocrisy. In all seriousness fuck them, and they all are just like you say. screw and fuck everything up like a brainless ape.

but who gives a shit, just get into a big wooden box with some mentally fucked up pedo, “confess” your “sins” and good to go, to (((heaven))) you go, just like an oil change in a car.

fuckin lmao. to think I used to believe in this shit as a child gives me nausea
Sometimes I regret why I was in a Christian hom
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6

One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Abrahamic religion is the world biggest mindfuck. Stolen beliefs. People are soo much in love with this fairy tale.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Gods, how much do they care about the souls of fucked up Christians?

I only ask because one of my companions and I were talking to Satan in the context of an Invocation, and he said that they don't care about everyone who doesn't ask for them, they leave them alone.

They don't do forced reincarnation.

Although I don't know if they destroy the souls that have done a lot of harm to humanity, because I haven't asked, but I have an opinion that they can.

By the way, I would like to tell you Cobra, that I wrote you a private e-mail.
My e-mail address is: [email protected]

I don't know if you didn't get the message or if you didn't have time to reply, but I'm curious to hear your opinion.:)

Hail Satan!
One can debunk the entire Bible in a moment. Either through basic science, or history, or logic, or by finding one of the thousands of contradictions. And yet, the world has over a billion Christians. It's a sorry state of affairs.

The problem I've encountered, in trying to find a "good Christian" is this. By the nature of their belief system, there can really be no such thing. To be a Christian is to passively accept the idea that nearly everyone around you is due for eternal hellfire. Imagine being in that mindset, eating dinner with your own children, thinking at the back of your mind "I love my children, but, because they haven't accepted Rabbi Christ, they will burn forever, but I won't." Jesus outright says he'll turn families against each other. And this is what happened. So much for the claim that Christianity is necessary for the nuclear family unit. It demolishes it, more often than not.

Sure, you'll find the occasional kindly, little old lady who goes to Church every Sunday and hands over a few dollars to the collection plate. But how much are these people really Christian? Do they read the book? Do they follow the doctrine? 99% of the time, no. Imagine if that kindly little old lady flipped the book open and saw the line about giant swollen donkey balls (no, I'm not making that up). She'd have a heart attack.

The actual reality of Christianity and what it does to people's brains is proof enough. Look at what the Evangelical "awakening" has done to the American South and Midwest in the wake of the Civil War. Rampant teen pregnancy, meth, illiteracy, incest, abuse. People on Twitter can claim Christianity creates morality all they like, and that society would be immoral without it. To that I say, judge the tree by its fruit. Nothing of worth ever blossoms from Christianity.

Ask one of these idiots what this "Jesus" looked like, and they'll paste you an image of a muscled, bearded white person in a robe and a crown of thorns holding an assault rifle. This self-deception about the nature of things cannot last forever. Christianity dies more every day in Europe, but it clings to its fetid life in America and much of the third world. It's a lack of education and quality of life, nothing more.

Having experienced enough door knocking Mormons and other idiots in my day, they all have something in common. Ever notice how sickly, pale and weird they look? Fake smiles, tight suits. HPS Maxine once described these people as "plastic", and it stuck with me ever since. At the latter stages of this brain disease, I've seen people only capable of freaking out at everything around them and repeating their favourite Bible verses.

My dislike of these people is as such, that I truly do hope I live to see their faith crash down around them. After the infinite crimes perpetuated on humanity by organized Christianity, I can only hope and pray for the most absolute of justices.

NPC after scrolling all the way to the bottom without even reading because their attention span doesn't allow them to read more than a sentence full of abbreviations: "That's deep, bro"
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sometimes it bothers me a lot that I can't help good people, because they believe that their God will save them and take them to heaven. Because as you said, people don't want to see the bad and the majority don't see themselves in hell. From my point of view it is better that the people who follow that path realize it for themselves. Trying to change someone who doesn't want to change will only make them cling more to their "God" and invent a thousand reasons why the other position is wrong.
Oh, the most unsettling thing is seeing people who cope with Christianity, that are among your close family.

One of the closest of mine has always been a strict and ruthless person, with that faith and traits implanted back in the day, by a tyrannical Christian fanatic mother (so much tyrannical, that it lead to suicide of certain person in his family). The bad characteristics are also result of that person's disability due to illness in the childhood. Perhaps the Soul is just going through natural and ruthless way of cleansing karma - by suffering.

Now, as this person got old, the individual in question spends much more time in utterly stupid things, like reading Bible or watching retarded Orthodox-Christianity channels. And following all the stupid Christian celebrations and fasts.
Hoping that Gods will be merciful towards that individual, as that one is rather close to me, and in general, lived a rather good life, despite personal flaws. Traits of the character weren't that positive, yes. Grumpy and cold, secluded, ruthless, rude, greedy yet loyal, reliable and kind to his kin.

What to do with those, who are following 10%, but later in life, in senile age, become more prone to engage in enemy's programs?
Most likely Gods shall still take care, as 99% are just ignorant and victim to jewish lies. But don't want this relative to pollute one's Soul with enemy's waste.
Christianity is a monstrosity and it's days are obviously numbered. Through the law of cause and effect ,the most sublime law ,we can accelerate it's demise. But either way it's days are numbered. A system in the Astral , Physical or mind ,body only lasts depending on how Centered it is. The Center (Swastika) being infinity ,the Center of Consciousness , gateway into the Absolute the male side of God. If the Astral and Physical bodies of anything in existence in Maya are strong and Centered then the Atma radiates through it, depending on the strength and how Centered these bodies are. This is the science of Stars,even temples to the Gods and the Gods themselves. Destruction is when Atma radiates through the Astral, physical at an intensity higher than the strength of the Astral, Physical bodies,then those bodies get consumed back into the Eternal. This is the science of the nuclear weapon. So Christianity doesn't center people,sure they are some moral teachings here and there nothing in the Universe is completely devoid of Truth. Truth is the foundation of Existence itself. It's Existence itself. So it's demise is guaranteed. Mark of Good Fortune ,and symbol of protection. A being a god whose astral , physical bodies is strong and highly centered ,you can even send a nuclear weapon against them and they would not be affected. Sort of ,like the Jedi in Star Wars. This is not fantasy,it's real science of the Eternal. Obviously such levels are very high ,very few can reach such in the current Yuga. Manifesting all the 8 major powers of Siva through them. Our mind ,bodies in this Yuga are pretty weak for such.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's just great 😃
A great sermon (y)
Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I wonder how they aren't ashamed of themselves, of the annulites that they are. I know that truth and sincerity are a little hard to accept but they are the only cure.
Yes, that's what was on my mind as well. You see many of those gangsta rappers and mafiosos, literal organized crime people with the crosses around their necks, tattooed on their arms and in their cars and houses. It is particularly appealing to this scum, because they get away with their crimes and hedonistic lifestyle, knowing that they just say a prayer, go to a confession and all is well, no punishment, straight to heaven. What a sense of responsibility and depth of character.

Most of these haven't even touched a gun or don't know how it loads, but they have to play tough Christian gangsta on video, because it sells to other stupid people. The real gangstas out there are not like this. But definitely, and they also promote this all to the youth, which also adopts the mentality of "yeah bruh we be killin and then prayin to jesus so we good boys".

I wonder how they aren't ashamed of themselves, of the annulites that they are. I know that truth and sincerity are a little hard to accept but they are the only cure.

If one pays close attention to the Xians who are really deep into this, they lose any notion of shame or anything related, they are on a schizo level where they feel anything they do is justified since they believe they have a "personal relationship with da lawd" who will forgive them all the time. They incarnate the exact opposite of their ideals. Late stages of Xianity is essentially when one has turned into a total borg.

Sometimes I regret why I was in a Christian hom

You should be proud that you grew up in this and actually learned firsthand about how it all goes, and escaped. Not only you should NOT regret it, you should be proud you left.

This is so true. Now and then I see christians that aren't pedophiles, terrorists or violent to animals, don't celebrate their holidays and don't pray to lord jeebo, and I ask them, how are you even a Christian? Judging by their "religious requirements", these people, albeit of a, let's say "good" character, as in bare minimum of a sensible human being, have no chance in reaching their imaginary heaven. But they are too afraid to let this hoax go and admit they're not actually following what it preaches. While there are so much better things out there.

The good people in Christianity cannot literally follow it. If Christianity is literally followed, it will turn them to a monster, and these people are as another SS mentioned above, just in it for social reasons or social acceptance, nothing else besides that.
Thanks for the post HPHC, I'd like to ask you a small question
It's about rebirth, I believed that continuous rebirth in the world was a victory because between being diluted in ether or being reborn and continuing to advance, it is much better to advance.

I say this because thinking about the magnum opus is far from the reality of most people and me too.
Thank you.

I saw a super xian a few days ago. He was dressed all in white. White suit, white pants, white leather shoes.
He came from the church. I wondered if he had canonized himself or what.
But it disappeared quickly, fortunately.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wait HP HoodCorba666, the lort thy gawdt is all powerful, all knowing, all good dont say that, he will save you, just put a tad bit of faith in him and he'll set you free. wait that guy don't believe in jesus chrit let's kill him. Hold on though, we'll repent later. All will be fine. Jesus chrit will come back we can do what we want no matter we can just repent about it and forget.

Let's just ignore everything we do. Because we can ask him to forgwize us for our sins, halleluyur. Down right disgusting. What, in the past that guy was Homosexual. Hey man you can't come in the holy church of the lort thy gawdt, get out. wait hold on, HP HoodCobra666 since you said that let's bring LGBT people in the house of the lort now who gives a damn we can change however we want the lort thy gawdt will forgive. Bad HP. Wait, we support science now because a pretzel has the trinity sign on it. Muh feelins hurt.
This was very useful and a truth that the world needs to understand.
Sorry for my bad English. I use translator.
Christianity really will tear your soul to pieces with an ax of your own making. I have terrible experiences with a Christian. He is my stepfather.
He is a Muslim but at the same time a Christian!!! It means that he reads the Quran and the next day he reads a Christian book and believes in both religions. It's like he wants to be a VIP member with God.
I was amazed to read everything you said above and it was very accurate.
Let me tell you about him. Throughout the day, he reminds the whole family to be with God so as not to be contaminated by sin. I don't treat him well and he doesn't treat me well. He has no value for his life. He doesn't value other people's lives and he just wants to live in an old and rotten house with a slogan like "God loves the poor".
He considers almost all things in the world as haram.
All I said was that they are complex and cowardly creatures who run away to escape the eternal suffering that their God has created for them.

In Satanism, I consider my life as a love and a gift. I consider the day I joined the Lord SATAN as a gift that improved my life with his love.
Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.
Three is an understatement. I know cases of those xian girls that have at least 10 men going. And then there are pornstars, who "repent" and "turn to jewsus" once they turn 40 and are no longer useful.
An Xtian from my old workplace was the vilest Xtian hypocrite. Lecturing about Cwist at work and end of the world whilst financial scamming, abusing other staff with foul language, deception and lying, sexualising women in a perverted manner and then claiming Cwist's forgiveness and kissing the bosses behind. Typical low life Xtian, they will get what comes to them with their wretched souls.
An Xtian from my old workplace was the vilest Xtian hypocrite. Lecturing about Cwist at work and end of the world whilst financial scamming, abusing other staff with foul language, deception and lying, sexualising women in a perverted manner and then claiming Cwist's forgiveness and kissing the bosses behind. Typical low life Xtian, they will get what comes to them with their wretched souls.

Hate to say, but that is typical of a Xian that is "much into Xianity".
When I was a child and teenager I had the misfortune to study in a school that was the typical of the Xian right wing and many teachers had that totally hypocritical and nauseating mentality.
That made me at the age of 12 or 13 to completely reject xianity and become an atheist.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I've been surrounded by these creatures, not unlike most people, all of my life. Virtually across the board, they have nearly zero clue as to what in actually contained within the book they thump. Once confronted about any number of disgusting actions found in that Jewish spell book such as their patriarch Abraham's pimping of his own wife Sarah (who was his half cousin) to the pharaoh in order to survive and gain favor in the court, the liars shut down and become hostile. There's not a shred of actual spirituality amongst them as they flee from ACTUAL spirituality while peddling materialistic nonsense about "streets of gold" and "pearly gates". Not one aspect about them is transcendental or metaphysical. They follow because they fear much like a battered housewife. In one instance they will renounce the notion of will-to-power as "cruel, evil, and sinful" while falling back upon "well, he's god and can do that" once one points out any disgusting behavior or hypocrisy engaged in by their "god". They have no problem lying to you or I because they lie to their very selves each and every day.

Hail Satan
Hail Focalor
Aside from the extreme amount of hypocrisity one thing that I despise about xians and xianity as a whole is their tendency to prey on vulnerable people, who might be open to their manipulation and games. Let it be brainwashing children from a young age, or trying to convince people who go through a crisis in their life. I can remember hearing a story about a few xians who visited an hospital uninvited and went for the terminally ill, cancer patients, promising them eternal life, heaven and other bullshits if they turn into a xian themselves. Also, requested some money as well, from patients who didn't had any family members. Absolutely disgusting behavior. Most people are afraid of dying, and for them it's an extremely tasking and difficult thing to process, wondering what will happen to them, etc. Taking advantage of vulnerable people who go through very hard times is extremely disgusting, revolting and completely unacceptable. It really shows how low the depths of evil and greed can truly go, or maybe even this is just scratching the very surface.
I've also seen some other similar instances, where xianity and their bs appeared unpromted. One of the people I'm close to is an ex-alcoholic, and he frequently visits a group of similar people, the goal would be for these people to share their experiences, request help and advice and uplift one-another. So, it's just like a support group for ex-alcoholics, which would be an actually great concept in itself. I've visited a few times out of curiosity and showing my own support, I kid you not the whole thing had unnececary xian undertones, mentioning 'god' an obnoxious amount of times, and even going as far as opening and closing the group sessions with a ring of a bell and a short prayer. I don't want to be seen as idiotic here, but for me it felt absolutely horrible to experience that, I got the exact same feelings I got when I was forced to attempt church as a kid. And because of the bell and prayer it highly reminded me of a corrupted and twisted version of a ritual, which this increased the feeling of disturbance in me. The whole concept of a support group is amazing, and highly positive, but I just can't understand why they need to drag that bullshit into it. Again, preying on vulnerable people. Another instance of this is when they tried to watch xian movies or read some stuffs from their cursed book in a "therapeutic" mind to a group of mentally disabled and ill people. There were some ex-drug abusers who caused irreversible damage to their brain, and people with severe conditions such as schizophrenia for example. Surprise surprise, the majority of those people couldn't sit through it, and like 4 or 5 of them had an almost mental breakdown, their symptoms got worse suddenly. Even patients who had an otherwise stable condition in everyday life experienced a sudden change for the worse. I just can't understand why the healthcare or support groups needs to be blended with xianity, they just really love to take advantage and prey on vulnerable people.
Uploaded this one to show an example of a Mudslime Hypocrite.
This is rapper "Haval".
He made a song called "Southside" where he brags about hiring the killing of the swedish rapper "Einar" (was very famous rapper in Sweden, dead at 19).

First bragging about his Mudslime faith, then bragging about killing a 19 year old:

One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Honestly, I am at my limit with Christians. I am to the point I cannot stand them AT ALL Because I have arrogantly never hid my beliefs When I should have, I've always went toe to toe with them for years. I am constantly bombarded with Christian prayer on a daily basis. I've had Multiple whole congregations. Single me out and pray for me an the amount of negativity I feel from them Constantly praying for me is unexplainable. It just makes me feel pure hate towards them even more, Yes, I . understand they are brainwashed and do not know any better, but still... I just do not care anymore, I am so tired of it, I view them All as no different than fuckin Jews.
They truly are lying, Cowardly, Hypocritical, Blind And retarded, There is no helping most of them They are a lost cause. And nothing but a huge pain in the ass i say fuck em let them be victims They seem happier that way, i just feel bad for my family members That believe in Christianity I've come to realization, there is no Waking them up.
And despite all the negativity I get from Christian morons. It just makes me feel evenvmore grateful and blessed to have Father Satan And his demons.

Hail satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
