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Every SS here, should read this.


Active member
Apr 22, 2018
Penguin North, Antarctica, Earth
Jews after looking at the fight on this topic https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42225

Jokes aside, I am no expert on Hitler and the SS but when one talks about Hitler and the SS, one thing I do know is that THEY WOULD:

1. They would not use expletive words regularly as people are doing here on the forums nowadays but rather talk in a more professional manner.
2. They would not blindly disagree and spew their opinions but rather discuss the topic/problem in a polite and professional manner.
3. They would not act immature, the reason: there are always recruits who look up to you and copy you in one or the other way.
4. They would accept their own mistakes and learn from them and the same they would want from others.
5. They would accept others mistakes and give them several chances because that's how you learned from mistakes and made things better, by giving infinite chances to yourself. e.g. if you would behead a cook for bad food, how will the cook try to improve and cook food for you if you don't give him even a single chance? How can you guarantee that the other cooks are better than the one you just beheaded? what if the other cooks are worse than the one you just beheaded? Just look at how Satan and his Demons accept your mistakes, understand you, and give you infinite chances and help, to make you a better person.
6. They would take jokes as jokes and not get offended
7. They would not joke on someone openly in front of others, a joke which someone can take seriously and also as a humiliation.
8. They would try to never fight with another SS, at least not fight over stupid and small things, especially when some enemy has a grip on your planet.
9. They would not always judge someone from some past incident he/she was involved in, from which he/she has learnt and improved.
10. They would always know and remember that not everyone is the same.
11. They would never hate on other SS but rather try to help them if they have some problem or have been misled or misinformed.
12. They would never make a joke out of themselves in front of recruits because no one will take them seriously. (You may have experienced the power of Spirituality but not the Satanic souls who are new here, so looking at stuff like stupid fights, definitely makes many new SS leave but they are bound to come here again because they are a Satanic soul naturally. So don't delay their time on this path.)
13. in times like these where National Socialism is banned, they would treat the Forums like an office/HQ, where people behave properly.

I suggest we should treat Ancient Forums like our Home office/HQ where all the SS help each other and work together to defeat the enemy while behaving a bit properly and a little professionally.

I am not trying to force you guys to act in a particular way but you know the way sometimes people behave in the forums seriously makes it look like a joke. And that is bad for us. It's just like uniforms, uniforms make jobs/businesses/events look more serious. Do you really think Lord Hitler would have made it to history, if he had worn a hoddie and a jogging pant to his rallies? No, uniforms played an important role as well. The way people communicate today is more like wearing hoddie and a jogging pant, thanks to Jews.

Like the Natiional Socilaist and the SS uniforms, here on the forum and internet with mature behavior and good communication, more people will take us seriously and break free from the Jewish bullshit. There you go, the word 'bullshit' definitely made me sound less serious. But what if I had used "Jewish Curses" instead of "Jewish Bullshit". You know what I am talking about.

Choose your words wisely guys. Don't just type 'shit' and 'fuck', it's okay when you are angry but not okay on a regular base. Just look at all the HPs, they choose their words wisely and communicate in a good manner and you take them seriously. The same should be for all SS here if you want others to take you seriously, don't act immature in your words.

We can't dress up, we can't show ourselves, our beautiful and charismatic souls. All we have is communication, make this communication beautiful and charismatic for the readers on the internet. Communication is the key here for us on the internet. So again, choose your words wisely.


Pardon my english, some words might be irrelevant, as english is my second language and my vocabulary is quite weak.
Nikois666 said:
I suggest we should treat Ancient Forums like our Home office/HQ where all the SS help each other and work together to defeat the enemy while behaving a bit properly and a little professionally.

This I have been doing since day one. I hope others follow suit.

Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
and middle finger to the jew
Henu the Great said:
Nikois666 said:
I suggest we should treat Ancient Forums like our Home office/HQ where all the SS help each other and work together to defeat the enemy while behaving a bit properly and a little professionally.

This I have been doing since day one. I hope others follow suit.

Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
and middle finger to the jew

Master said:
I really liked what you said, great.
I posted this mostly for the new SS here and I hope the SS on the other thread that I listed don't take this as if I was pointing this post at them.
Great post, thank you for this, I randomly came across this but It's actually something I have been making an effort to improve in my life in the past couple of months, so I will save this list as I'm sure will help me shaping the behavior and position towards life and others, that I want to have for myself. I recently realized that you have to adopt a serious behavior, in order to people actually take you serious rather than take you as a joke.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
