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This thread is for sharing information, in whichever form and formats they come in, that is in regards to Lesbian, Gay and Bi people, individuals, the movement, the identity, the culture/subculture, etc., that is - as the title suggests - good and real versus bad and fake.
The following is not a quote. I put it in quote tags so as to collapse it. You can expand it and read it if you wish. I decided to use the quote tags instead of the spoiler tags because you can start to read what I say in the not-quote like a preview or a teaser, wheras in spoilers it's all either hidden fully or blurred.
I also want to make a point about any interracial LGB content. Even in non-pregnancy relationships, interactiality is not healthy in terms of Spirituality and the Soul and Energies, and very much obviously in Mentality and Psychology... and Physicality. One might be a cultural appropriator, which may be contentious, but this is not the thread for discussing Race and cultural appropriation. I am not moderating this thread, but I think it might be fair to have interracial things in a separate thread or threads dedicated to that. Of course, if it does fit in with the intention of this thread - which I hope I have explained proprly - then perhaps add it. It might be that interracial LGB is bad LGB, which would fit here, for example. This could potentially blow-up and alienate and cause arguments... and have new users here become offended because of various reasons. "Love is love" is... well, I don't want to get into that...
Anyhoo - feel free to add your own good and bad, real and fake LGB things to this thread. Of course, if it includes T or T is related, then that's also fine to add here. I expect that I'll be focussing on G mainly. A lot of you surely know by now that I like compiling things into threads, so... That's because I think it's a good idea, and a good way, to collect things together and to have them close-by so as to make them easier to find and reference, etc. I'll start with a video clip from a TV dating programme.
This one is not 18+ exactly but it does contain strong and saucy language and is not suitable for younger viewers, so it is flagged as NSfW.
Genuine v Artificial LGB - Channel 4 First Dates
See also -
I can't see yet, but after I submit this post, there should be other similar/related threads on this page, as well.
The following is not a quote. I put it in quote tags so as to collapse it. You can expand it and read it if you wish. I decided to use the quote tags instead of the spoiler tags because you can start to read what I say in the not-quote like a preview or a teaser, wheras in spoilers it's all either hidden fully or blurred.
I see G things especially, and in my opinion a lot of it is so fake. There may be stereotypes in all sorts of things, including in LGB relationships and events and related matters, but a lot of it is stupid and fake and pretentious. Of course, some people actually are flamboyant and eccentric, and I also realise that people are trying to be free and happy and hopefully be themselves, after centuries of jewish, christian, muslim oppression and hatred of Nature and Sexuality, etc.; but a lot of what is shown, what I have seen - not everything, but a lot - is so fake and tacky. I know only 2 Males who are of LGB, and they both don't behave in the stereotypically-camp and gay "way" - you wouldn't know they are of LGB if you didn't know - and no, neither of these 2 Males are L, of course. They are not T; they are Male fully and always have been and always will be.
Except for in the title of this thread - "LGB Things" (which I suppose is like the Universe making a joke!) - I don't put LGB and T together. I don't put T in with LGB. T is separate and - as far as I am concerned - a mental illness. In my own opinion, dressing-up as the opposite sex might be OK in context, perhaps. Of course, some dressing-up as the opposite sex is having fun, etc., etc., etc. Maybe there is a party or someone's favourite queen of pop or princess of pop singer is on and they dress-up and sing like her for teh l0lz... It's a grey area and maybe that has been orchestrated to be confusing and not clear-cut deliberately; but as a way of making a point about calling Boys Girls and pretending and lying that they are, "you go, sister!", and brainwashing it and reinforcing it and peer-pressuring it - no. That would lead inevitably on to a Boy trying to "become" a Girl and a Girl trying to "become" a Boy.
This also extends to the 6 million "genders" AKA identities. They used to be called personalities previously. Gender fluidity, non-binary, blah-blah-blah-aly. Even in the community, members don't know all of the overflow of misinformation and nonsense labels - and the flags. I don't care about learning them. As I said before, drag queens are supposed to be British humour, but I am not into it. It's all show and no substance, for entertainment and maybe hidden agendas. I know of "gay music" - and we can name any "gay icons" and singers/groups - but a couple of decades ago the music, the lyrics, the singers/writers had to pretend to be about loving a Girl, until we learnt that they were gay after they came-out. "Now we understand what the song actually meant!", some might exclaim. In my experience, hearing some music, the main singer has the stereotypically-camp voice in the "gay music". Some Males are like this genuinely, but in the "gay community" it seems like everyone is. I don't think I know of any gay love songs like we hear in "straight music". If there exists any, I'd love to hear it. Maybe I just forgot.
In G things, it seems as if, that being G, one has to be camp and flamboyant and fabyooluuussss! and putting it on, having to act and try to be eccentric. I don't want to sound like a boring old fart about these things, but like I said it's a grey area, and arguments would include "it's just a bit of harmless fun" when too much is not harmless nor fun at all. Besides, about 100 or more years ago, blue was supposed to be for Girls and pink was supposed to be for Boys; and some styles of clothing in history included frilly pieces, what we'd consider Girly now, which were worn by Males. Scottish Men wear kilts traditionally, which some people call skirts; muslim Males wear thawbs or jubbas to mosques. Maybe if "the battle of the sexes" didn't exist, we'd wear whatever and not care about it. Maybe it's just my perspective of these things based on what I have experienced.
Those two above, who you wouldn't know are LGB if you didn't know, are more "meh" about Eurovision. Eurovision is supposed to be a gay thing (as well as not gay, of course), that gay Males love and probably use as a reason and excuse to be gay (lol), but these two don't care about it. Other than these two, I met another who is gay who gave-off some "gay vibes" slightly. Some or most people might not be able to tell. I'm not certain about "out and proud". It seems fake. It's as if they have to act and behave in certain ways, which is not exactly pride-inducing. There are jokes about straight people 'coming-out'. One day, people will just be, and the over-the-top-ness won't exist. I'm B in LGB, by the way, but I prefer Males than Females.
To any haters - being gay is Natural. Homosexuality has existed for thousands and thousands of years and exists in thousands and thousands of species of Animal. If you are e.g. a christian or a muslim, then your god should stop making gay Babies. It should also stop making gay Animals. The bibles, in the first book - Genesis - which is thought and alleged to be thousands of years old, mention Sodom, what I consider to be a gay city. Homosexuality exists, and has existed, throughout time and "god" is powerless - it could not prevent homosexuality, cannot prevent homosexuality, and will not prevent homosexuality, no matter what "god" pretends to do.
It can be argued that "the serpent" in the Old Testament might not be Satan, that Satan was mentioned in the Old Testament more as a title or role, rather than a proper name, and is more a concept of representing the embodiment of evil and the adversary of divine forces, than a literal being; so Satan, the person, the being, is not mentioned until the New Testament - but in the NT it could be that jesus was just drunk on wine and high from the fumes of the burning bush, so the idea of "Satan" was just in "god"'s drunken stupor and "god" thought it'd be funny to make a story out of it for something to look back at and laugh about in the future with the 12 disciples. So if any try to argue that Satan is causing "god" to make gay Babies, or trying to make "god"'s "perfect" "creation" be gay, then Genesis (which means "beginnings" and includes homosexuality) admits homosexuality has existed for many millennia, regardless, since before the being, the person Satan existed which would have just been the idea of evil back then, rather a person tempting and damning people. A moment ago I called Sodom a gay city. I call it such, because of the obvious "sodomy" referring to anal sex, and there was a preacher who was gay but was then "cured" (no, not Ted Haggard, who is completely heterosexual!), I think Glen (or Glenn) White (I can't find if this is the correct name or not, though, because it was from years ago), who said christians used to bully him - "Glenn White, Sodomite!", to which he retorted he is not from Sodom.
Homosexuality is Natural and has existed forever and will exist forever. Regardless of that, you should visit these for the truth about, and exposing, christianity and islam, and more truth about very important things -
Exposing Christianity
Exposing the Lie of Islam
Satan is God
I also want to make a point about any interracial LGB content. Even in non-pregnancy relationships, interactiality is not healthy in terms of Spirituality and the Soul and Energies, and very much obviously in Mentality and Psychology... and Physicality. One might be a cultural appropriator, which may be contentious, but this is not the thread for discussing Race and cultural appropriation. I am not moderating this thread, but I think it might be fair to have interracial things in a separate thread or threads dedicated to that. Of course, if it does fit in with the intention of this thread - which I hope I have explained proprly - then perhaps add it. It might be that interracial LGB is bad LGB, which would fit here, for example. This could potentially blow-up and alienate and cause arguments... and have new users here become offended because of various reasons. "Love is love" is... well, I don't want to get into that...
Anyhoo - feel free to add your own good and bad, real and fake LGB things to this thread. Of course, if it includes T or T is related, then that's also fine to add here. I expect that I'll be focussing on G mainly. A lot of you surely know by now that I like compiling things into threads, so... That's because I think it's a good idea, and a good way, to collect things together and to have them close-by so as to make them easier to find and reference, etc. I'll start with a video clip from a TV dating programme.
This one is not 18+ exactly but it does contain strong and saucy language and is not suitable for younger viewers, so it is flagged as NSfW.
Genuine v Artificial LGB - Channel 4 First Dates
See also -
I can't see yet, but after I submit this post, there should be other similar/related threads on this page, as well.