Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.
For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.
The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...
"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"
"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome" [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]
"Where Satan Lives?"
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.
The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.
The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.
Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.
Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".
The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.
This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.
As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:
1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.
In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.
Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.
We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.
This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.
Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.
Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.
I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".
We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.
The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.
By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.
We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.
Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.
Jews are not our authority.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.
The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...
"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

But I do believe in Zeus! - Free Grace International
I got this question from an Atheist friend recently. I thought it was a really good question and worth an official response. Question: “You don't believe in Zeus, I’m assuming. Why do you think he was created, why did people believe in him, and why don't they anymore?” Answer: Actually, I do...

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome" [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]
"Where Satan Lives?"

Where Satan Lives
- The City of PergamumPergamum, at one time the capital city of the Roman province of Asia Minor, was known for its spectacular architecture and many beautiful temples dedicated to a variety of gods. The apostle John wrote a letter to the Christians who lived in Pergamum. Recorded in Revelation...
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.
The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.
The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.
Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.
Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".
The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.
This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.
As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:
1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.
In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.
Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.
We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.
This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.
Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.
Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.
I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".
We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.
The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.
By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.
We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.
Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.
Jews are not our authority.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666