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About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

Damn, I never even knew that Israel came from "Isis", "Ra" and "El". I knew that the xians and jews had stolen paganism and morphed into the spiritual atrocity we have today.

To be honest, I never liked judeo-xianity, not as a child, not as a teenager, not as an adult, it always felt so foreign and toxic to anything human-related.

Happy Yule and fuck Hannukah.....as usual the latter doesn't even celebrate anything spiritual.
When the opium industry began exploiting and poisoning the peoples of China and India and Asia in general, it went hand in hand with xian missionary activity, I dont think this is coincidental.

For Chinese and Asian SS here's a motivation poster of an Imperial Chinese judge giving the middle finger to kikes and kike programs (Boxer Rebellion artwork):

In Memoriam to the Brave Chinese "Boxers" who fought against the xianizing of China.

Judaism is nothing else but a deviation of an Ancient Pagan Culture [they stole all elements from the Ancient Cultures of the Gods].

The theft and perversion of these terms is so large, that it no longer resembles the Ancient Culture. This was done for reasons of both infiltration, but also because Jews were essentially a bandit, slave and cultureless tribe that meant nothing [and still does]. Yet, they devised a large criminal ideology around stolen terms and spiritual concepts from all the Civilizations that housed them and welcomed them.

Of course, they gave no appreciation from this fact and they desecrated all knowledge to fit a cultural and racial narrative for their own benefits, until we arrive in the present day in history where they conduct genocides and they exist on the same perversions which keep expanding in time and space.

Jews are very sensitive and cutthroat about these topics, because when their theft is highlighted and brought in front of people, the Jews have two problems:

1. They will never be taken seriously again as their terms of "Being Chosen" are going to collapse.
2. When people find out how to return to the Gods, all the Jewish narrative and the Jews also, do collapse.

Jews label themselves as the "Chosen Ones", a term that was carried away from Egypt and other Civilizations. Israel, the "name" of their "Nation", is a perversion of the "Nation" of Isis, Ra and El. These three symbols, do refer to the Moon Goddess Isis, the Sun God Ra, and the generic word for Light [EL] in the Middle Eastern languages.

Pharaohs or generally any extremely advanced people [either Clergy or Leaders] in the Ancient World, were "Messiahs", a word that comes from the Ancient Greek word "Μεσσίας" which means "The Middle One" or the one who acts as a fully advanced being that brings forth the Will of God on earth. Of course, Jews have nothing but an exaggerated idea about this topic, and again deceive people that "The Messiah can only be Jewish".

Now, in regard to the word "Jewish", the "Jew" is a chosen one from "God". The term "JHVH" is a perversion of the four lettered named IAEO, which was later transliterized into a perversion called "JHVH" which was later called "The Most High".

The "Most High" is not a "Jew", but rather is a concept for the consciousness of the Universe that pervades all things in existence. When one connects to the "Four Letter Name" or "IAEO" which is a symbol for the Pillars of the Soul [4 Pillars] one eventually creates the "Temple of God" in where "God" or the consciousness of the universe can reside. Then, one is a "Chosen One".

All of the above concepts and many others, like the endless names that are stolen from other Ancient Pagan religions, were mashed together into what we call "Judaism". Later, these beings also formed an association that they called "The Jews" based on their tribe in the Middle East, and took everything out of context; creating the evil around these concepts that we see today that they do.

The name "Jew" was stolen from the first vowels of the word "IU" or "Iu-Pater" or "Jupiter", the symbol for the power of Zeus. Zeus, was also referred to as the force of IAEO or IAO, a symbol for the trine power of the Universe and the Four Quarters and directions of existence. As such, a "IU" or a "Jew" originally would be someone who was in the sense advanced enough to be aware of the cosmic intelligence or "Zeus". None of this of course, has to do anything in the Jewish context with Zeus. It's just a carry-over and another perversion that was malformed in the centuries.

Continuing on the perversions around the concept of Zeus, "Je-sus" or "Jesus Christ", has again it's source and origin in the invocation of Zeus that is called "IE, ZEUS!" [Jesus...], which means "Come, Zeus!" in Ancient Greek. And the Christ, is an Ancient Greek term of the word Χριστός which further means the "Initiated One in the Mysteries". In this case, "Jesus" is supposed to be a symbol for the connection to the Most High or Father in Heaven, who was originally Zeus and nobody else.

As the Jews are aware of this cultural theft, they doubled down and decided it was extremely important to wipe out all the Ancient Cultures. Their attempts for aeons were to wipe it all outThe "Kabbalah" that the Jews follow, stolen from the levant and the Middle East and Egypt, means "Ka" (The Egyptian Body, the KA), the "Ba" (Egyptian term for second invisible body) and "LAH" which is a generic word for God. Originally, we also have KA-BA-ANKH and the original egyptian tripartite notion for the Soul. The Original "Kabalah" was nothing but spiritual exercises to evolve the Spirit and bring it into the Godhead. Again, stolen and perverted for their own "Interests" and the trail of knowledge attempted to be removed from the rest of mankind.

Jews in the Kabbalah call also the "Most High", the "Ein Sof" which is an anagram of the Ancient Greek "En Fos" which means "The One Single Light" or the Light of Creation. Lucifer, the character that they perverted as a mythological monstrosity, is supposed to be the messenger and bringer of the edicts of the "One Light" that governs the Universe. As such, the entity before the advent of falsehood of the Jews, was considered the unanimous King of the Universe and went by many names.

Words like "Demons" originate directly from Ancient Greek. Demon or Δαίμων in Ancient Greek means God, Divine Intelligence, and is also a word for the soul of each individual human being. There is nothing bad in this word; jews inverted the meaning.

The word "Devil" comes from "Devi" in Ancient Sanskrit, another word for the Gods and Divine Intelligences. Nothing negative here either, besides the Jewish context of these explanations.

The term "Satan" that the Jews further perverted as the "Source of all Evil", is just an attempt to remove another concept from mankind: the concept of Satya or Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. This Divine Mantram from where this was sourced, was called SATANAMA, and was supposed to be used in Serpent Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, to elevate the consciousness into the "One Light" where a being could eventually reach enlightenment.

As such, Satan was also associated with Lucifer or the Bringer of the Light [but also the Serpent, which upon it's ascent, leads to the One Light or Source of Creation]. Without Him, there is no such process that can take place for human beings; severing human beings from this concept, means to sever humans also from the ability to see the Truth and Godhead.

What jews have done is ultimate sacrilege of anything that is holy and divine and turned it all into a formless hate that is manifested through "religious forms". These they want to impose on the world, based on an idea of false supremacy that was generated out of the above perversions and taking these concepts out of their divine context.

When one understands the above, they should further understand the following:

1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient and unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritance of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a very great sermon (y)
Thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 :)
Great sermon! Quick question is the E in IAEO pronounced Ay like the Raum meditation states or is it more like Eh as Epsilon is pronounced?

Correct, yes.
grrrr.....i got dragged off to church by my wife on the 24th and while i didnt go around proclaiming my newfound Satanic faith i started kind of questioning xianity and my wife got all SHOCKED like she waz bout to faint....i just had to be like "Ok ok honey.....Jeezus is awer lawd".

other than that...had a great time, gave presents, got presents, my bros gave me some hunting rifles!

Yipee yay! Hail Satan!
The ting I hate about the damned South is we used to be VERY anti-jewish, but the powers dat be wanna make support for pissrael "part of our culture".....
This is well pieced together HP Cobra, reading each of the perverted crime the “IU”s committed makes it much more educational and reverses a lot of the programming done by the Abrahamic filth.
This is amazing post.I learn alot n I know now.very powerful n reviewing info.Thanks alot HP HoodedCobra666.The enemy is a thief.
The specifics on how and when the Jewish race was first introduced here mostly remain unclear and a bit of a mystery. All that is known is that E.Ts did at some point brought their being into existence with a gradual acclimation.

Do you think maybe they could've cut off with their "tribal" and Zionist mindset and just fully integrated with gentile society when they were given the opportunity, adopting their cultural and religious views and seek mercy from the gods?

But of course they had to follow through with the will of the enemy entity and adopt the parasitic, alien and "not human" mindset THEY CHOSE upon themselves. As much as I hate the thought of the reptilian genes infesting further, but at some point it could've been diluted to non existence. And the Rabbis have talked about this and how this is another way it would lead to their "extinction".

The evidence is clear and undeniable, they are only angry we retaliate and resist. They are everything they despise and the source of their damnation.
Of course I love more Poland for be land of black metal and beautiful women's because from there is Behemoth and Asenath Mason and Japan for the anime and the spirituality and Greek, India and Egypt also for the spirituality. I only say that, really thinking about I don't know what I love from Israel 🤔
But one question we have to hate all the jews? I think all nations have satanists almost 1 or 2 i not think could exist one nation that not have any satanist, sure Israel and Palestina have satanists also.
Rather I hate them for created Xianity 🙄
Of course I love more Poland for be land of black metal and beautiful women's because from there is Behemoth and Asenath Mason and Japan for the anime and the spirituality and Greek, India and Egypt also for the spirituality. I only say that, really thinking about I don't know what I love from Israel 🤔
The specifics on how and when the Jewish race was first introduced here mostly remain unclear and a bit of a mystery. All that is known is that E.Ts did at some point brought their being into existence with a gradual acclimation.

Do you think maybe they could've cut off with their "tribal" and Zionist mindset and just fully integrated with gentile society when they were given the opportunity, adopting their cultural and religious views and seek mercy from the gods?

But of course they had to follow through with the will of the enemy entity and adopt the parasitic, alien and "not human" mindset THEY CHOSE upon themselves. As much as I hate the thought of the reptilian genes infesting further, but at some point it could've been diluted to non existence. And the Rabbis have talked about this and how this is another way it would lead to their "extinction".

The evidence is clear and undeniable, they are only angry we retaliate and resist. They are everything they despise and the source of their damnation.
Silence is Golden. Many answers are giving when you reach a level of meditation upon which you spiritually communicate. You will get the answers when you "are deemed worthy" because to explicitly state stuff is not the point of being a true Satanist. The biggest answers to the biggest questions are giving when and if needed. The real question is does it matter? If so why? The truth is it doesn't. The only thing we need to know is the enemy is the enemy and that is self evident. What they do proves it to us in all ways. The hate in the curses that are thrown at us have proves that those who throw them want us as slaves/spiritually dead; and only those who hate you want you powerless.

Aside from that there is no reason publicly that needs answering. The enemy does anything they can to twist contort and harm so what's the use in giving people all the details publicly. At the end of it all you don't hand a 2 year old a knife because you don't know what they'll do with it. With meditation comes realization. With realization comes discipline. With Discipline comes knowledge and with knowledge 'the Truth' is 'revealed.'

If you wanna know that badly, or anything that badly, than throw yourself into your advancement and you will learn all the Gods have to share: albeit it might take a few years/decades due to where you are in progression but that is life 'sadly.' In fact you can tell by how the High Priest act, as well as the guardians, that they know far more than they let on because of the rule "there are no mediators in Satanism." It is between 'you' and the Gods/Their Servants/Demons/and Heros of humanity/other races themselves. Not saying this is easy to accept but like gravity you either accept it or suffer it's consequences.
Silence is Golden. Many answers are given* when you reach a level of meditation upon which you spiritually communicate. You will get the answers when you "are deemed worthy" because to explicitly state stuff is not the point of being a true Satanist. The biggest answers to the biggest questions are giving when and if needed. The real question is does it matter? If so why? The truth is it doesn't. The only thing we need to know is the enemy is the enemy and that is self evident. What they do proves it to us in all ways. The hate in the curses that are thrown at us have proves that those who throw them want us as slaves/spiritually dead; and only those who hate you want you powerless.

Aside from that there is no reason publicly that needs answering. The enemy does anything they can to twist contort and harm so what's the use in giving people all the details publicly. At the end of it all you don't hand a 2 year old a knife because you don't know what they'll do with it. With meditation comes realization. With realization comes discipline. With Discipline comes knowledge and with knowledge 'the Truth' is 'revealed.'

If you wanna know that badly, or anything that badly, than throw yourself into your advancement and you will learn all the Gods have to share: albeit it might take a few years/decades due to where you are in progression but that is life 'sadly.' In fact you can tell by how the High Priest act, as well as the guardians, that they know far more than they let on because of the rule "there are no mediators in Satanism." It is between 'you' and the Gods/Their Servants/Demons/and Heros of humanity/other races themselves. Not saying this is easy to accept but like gravity you either accept it or suffer it's consequences.
Yes of course, in the end the enemy is the enemy. Their hostility through the centuries proves that.

What I meant to say is that they should be angry on their own kind for the sentiment they receive today, and with all of their atrocities exposed. Maybe it's foolish to think they're even capable of realizing their crimes that led to all of "antisemitism" they label while still trying to shove their one sided stories in our face.

There are many things we don't understand though, the Cohen gene is only vaguely studied and there are many complexities behind it.

These things the gods can only answer, and when we're ready. For example, there are some things that I really wish I didn't know, but there is a saying that "All the world's a stage".

It's very important to develop relations with Satan and the gods, to acknowledge their existence and their will. In the end, we simply just have to play our part, ensure our well being and for future generations, and serve the interest for the gods as they serve ours in return. Satan revealed to me some time ago that he has a lot of influence over the enemy than some may think.
Yes of course, in the end the enemy is the enemy. Their hostility through the centuries proves that.

What I meant to say is that they should be angry on their own kind for the sentiment they receive today, and with all of their atrocities exposed. Maybe it's foolish to think they're even capable of realizing their crimes that led to all of "antisemitism" they label while still trying to shove their one sided stories in our face.

There are many things we don't understand though, the Cohen gene is only vaguely studied and there are many complexities behind it.

These things the gods can only answer, and when we're ready. For example, there are some things that I really wish I didn't know, but there is a saying that "All the world's a stage".

It's very important to develop relations with Satan and the gods, to acknowledge their existence and their will. In the end, we simply just have to play our part, ensure our well being and for future generations, and serve the interest for the gods as they serve ours in return. Satan revealed to me some time ago that he has a lot of influence over the enemy than some may think.
Well see this is the thing about our people, especially Aryans, is that many are so woefully... ignorant. You see for us it's strange to even comprehend the idea of no responsibility or lack of care: actually you just made me realize that is was a bit of the gift of being someone negative. I understand someone wanting to turn away from responsibility and what it means to be diluted so for me this understand comes freely.

Anyways for them it's pretty much akin to seeing a video online of a cat throwing over a glass of water onto your PC and them 'staring' at you with cute fluffy eyes. The difference being a feline actually wouldn't know as far as I'm aware. (I'm trying to learn it's better to say I don't know than have the arrogance/misplaced confidence to say I do.)

For the enemy they literally don't understand how they aren't loved. The bodies they inhabit fight against them and so the glimmerings of humanity peak threw in some small sense but real parts of what it means to be human is totally lost on them. It's like asking a giant rock falling from hundreds of miles up to simply stop being what it is: and while the jew might hate it's group that is only surface level. It's a false hated like a parasite looking in anger that the body was alerted to it's evils. It hates the reaction it caused, not because it's sorrowful over it, but that it was caught. Sorta like how sorry loses it's meaning if done without sincerity. To be sorry, there must be a lesson that wishes to be heard: else it's just someone being sorry they got caught.
Thank you High Priest,
We are the chosen ones, we should not indulge ourselves in the dreams of the enemy and we should improve ourselves.
Dear Hoodedcobra666
Is it good for a Satanist these days to join a Sufi Meditation Center? Or is it a total scam run by the Jews?
I have actually done translations of Zeus hymns and came to the same conclusion.
Zeus is a product of the collective consciousness's "intelligence" half.
Just as we have a left and right hemisphere that is our nous delegated.
I had the Claude AI even help validate my theory with its interpretation and translations.
i can offer websites for the Greek texts and OttoKern translations.
The Naghammadhi's poem "The Thunderer: Perfect Mind" is also another piece of evidence helping my theory of "Zeus's Nous".
Socrates has a quote of him saying he knows nothing, but the word for nothing at that time in Hellenic Athens was, "Ouden"(Odin).
Odin came from "nothingness" Zeus is said to be Thor, who is the son of Odin.
Of course the "Gods" are just allocations or delegations of "God's Mind", which is part of our collective minds, conscious and unconscious aspects of us.
Meaning if we get enough people to use their attention and intention, we can cause changes in the local "Nous" around us.

I've had religious people try to argue that my theory is dangerous, but it isn't...
It proves that if someone mistreats people, the collective consciousness will know and eventually will echo those "mistreatments" back onto the one who wronged the collective.
Of course it means people would have to be involved me in collectivism, and sharing, and selflessness.

At the same time of this concept of the collective consciousness is governing over us, we are also able to do the same by travelling inside and becoming the "collective" inside a cell's nuclei.
The universe is happening inside another nuclei cell.
Macro to micro.
the same was hyper geometric shapes are the same if you tried to flee the "planet" the dielectric magnetic force would propel you into one of the poles, like a magnet. it has this toroidal field around us.
1. The real "Chosen Ones" are actually the Spiritual Satanists, who follow the Ancient and unadulterated culture.
2. Certain symbols and terms have been carried out of context by the Jews. This means nothing because we know the origins of these concepts.
3. We follow the Symbols and Concepts in their original forms, as this is the spiritual inheritance of Humanity.
4. It is normal and desirable that these concepts come together under Spiritual Satanism, as we have the strongest and the purest reformation of the Ancient Eternal Culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Beautifuly powerful, unhomoginized,unadulterated and gets to the core essence here thank you!
I get so fired up and my heart expands as if you have dropped a stone in the water and it makes me ripple outwards reaching expanding growing in wisdom and light! I fucking love you! I love you all kindred hearts in Satanamas!🦚🪷👁️🏔️🔥💚🐍🌹💀⚡⚡

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
