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Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

Diskriminant said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?

There are quite a few books that clear up all of this in the Joy of Satan Library. Additionally, one needs to read nothing further to understand the basic principles except of literally the Joy of Satan. If you study the JoS, then you understand everything fundamentally.

Things like racial theory was recently resurrected by Hitler, but it is a very Ancient, aeons long theory, that has to do with metaphysical and physical aspects of a being, and how a being or a collective thereof advances. It was common knowledge in the past, and this involves aristocratic family lines and so on.

This basically explains how races, sub races, and segments of each race advance and evolve, nothing else. It was never meant to create strife, pointless division or hate.

Yet later on because the enemy attacked this, this created a lot of crazy confusion, including making it all look evil or out of place, or simply based on hate, or other nonsense. Even jews have a racial theory based on this but they have said that their hate against everyone is justified based on this merely because they are schizophrenic.
Νίκος said:
With all these media hype about Putin being the new Hitler or the "nazi" Azov battalion, I think this was an excellent time to write such a topic!
And the enemy celebration of Purin (celebration of jewish takeover of Persia and its Genocide) is approaching, they have a bunch of nasty programming ready for us to deconstruct and reverse.
They resurfaced off the grave this White Genocide porn called "Come And See" since no one cares much anymore about the turd fantasy Schneider's List, and Europeans killing one another is much sadder than some kike crocodile tears.

:mrgreen: https://youtu.be/lUiRd4eCUrY

This shit is also shock full of talmudic undertones. For one I didn't know the soviets had an anthem with the line "The (((People)))'s War" in it - that is revealing whose war this is since it's not "Hitler's War" according to themselves: "People" in communist dialetic meaning the only "real humans" aka the jewish elite that rules over it.

Master said:
For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Mussolini understood far more than you think.
This is a great elaboration. One of the biggest fallacies a lot of people believe about National Socialism, was that they hated any nonwhites when infact they wanted all gentile races to evolve on their own, thrive and grow. There where even black and arab and uzbec SS divisions.

Jews have very successfully pinned A lot of crimes on nonwhites as we all know including atrocities to other races, which has resulted in a lot of bad blood especially between blacks and whites. I myself have admittedly even fallen in this trap briefly, but have to remember that this is what the enemy wants so that all the focus is off of them. We all need to become racially aware and have respect for real genetic diversity which is segregation and allowing all races to exist and evolve on their own.

National Socialism is just the political aspect of what should come natural since thousands of years. Respect for natural order and becoming the best version of oneself and putting ones people first.
Diskriminant said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
jrvan said:
Master said:
For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Mussolini understood far more than you think.
So much as to start a brotherly war with Greece just to satisfy his xian "conqueror" ego.
EnkiUK55 said:
Diskriminant said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler - Zweites Buch (The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf)
Ninja 666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Diskriminant said:
Why there is not a National Socialism book like "The Communist Manifesto" ? Isn't there a book on the principles of National Socialism?

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler - Zweites Buch (The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf)

Fancy that one mate not read it
jrvan said:
Master said:
For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Mussolini understood far more than you think.

Most likely you are right, we need to understand his position and situation as well. It can't be that he was so unaware.
Shadowcat said:
This is a great elaboration. One of the biggest fallacies a lot of people believe about National Socialism, was that they hated any nonwhites when infact they wanted all gentile races to evolve on their own, thrive and grow. There where even black and arab and uzbec SS divisions.

Jews have very successfully pinned A lot of crimes on nonwhites as we all know including atrocities to other races, which has resulted in a lot of bad blood especially between blacks and whites. I myself have admittedly even fallen in this trap briefly, but have to remember that this is what the enemy wants so that all the focus is off of them. We all need to become racially aware and have respect for real genetic diversity which is segregation and allowing all races to exist and evolve on their own.

National Socialism is just the political aspect of what should come natural since thousands of years. Respect for natural order and becoming the best version of oneself and putting ones people first.

Sorry i meant a lot of crimes are pinned on whites**

12 hour days are gettin' to me x.x
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These beings later form races, segments of races, and represent on a broad scale a level of development or beings of a common root.

Can you clarify this part, HP? I thought Father Satan created races as they are in today, with same powerful and weak sides and biological appearance (Black soul is closer to earth but far from air etc).

Do you say there were some proto human race or something, and affairs of individuals shaped races?

Or you just stating we endowed with these powerful spiritual sides as a result of cumulative affairs of our ancestors and thus so passing down to today's individuals?

Or you are saying biological change in separate races occurred (like from proto-White to more developed White etc.)?
Master said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
For example, what could you reason with Mussolini who understood nothing about Jewish Christianity and communism? The same for Russia, Poland, Britain, the USA, etc.
Mussolini understood far more than you think.

Most likely you are right, we need to understand his position and situation as well. It can't be that he was so unaware.

Yeah, it was complicated. He had a very hard mission and job. He had to contend with the Vatican, the pope, and a common folk who were at the center of xianity in Rome/Italy. He tried to steer people away from xianity just like Hitler did in Germany, but it was starting to fail so he had to play politics and say a lot of things that he didn't want to say. He had to dance around the jewish question many times as well.

Despite all of that, he managed to resurrect the she-wolf image of Ancient Rome, and influence a popular revival of Roman traditionalism. It almost worked. He was very close to achieving many of his goals, and the pope feared and hated him. Mussolini was so targeted by the jews that he had to be rescued by German troops under Hitler's orders.

I think Mussolini was a really great man. He did the best he could, and his best was mighty enough to challenge the power of the pope and the Vatican. Just really amazing when I think about it, especially considering the times.
I will make my point. Loud and brief.. About National Socialism. Posting this Disclaimer. I believe! People should have the right to explore and experience who they are as a person. And express themselves, their knowledge and skills as well as there happiness. And to be proud! Of who you are as an independent individual or a group. Knowing what they want and go for it! We live in a world where people talk you into things you don't want ? Or talk you out of something that interests you. And we should have that right to make our choices with out getting into a fight sticking up for what you believe in. And share it. We were all here to live and learn by example! Of what Satan is? Especially when it comes down to jobs and business. Money and finance. We should have the right to live in comfort! With out being used as a slave. Or feeling like you have to give into the hands of the enemy! Just to have a nice job and home. And Education should be free!! We learn things day and night with out a price as it is.. so why should we foot a bill ? Just to get a higher education and training. In what ever you happen to get into and like of intrigue. ? We were sent here to learn as a people in the first place. And yet ! the enemy crabs it from us ..and gets in the way of everything#! And we have the right to clam what is ours? And Education and knowledge is one of them. And if we had proper schooling and programs available for children ? To start out with, with out the jews and the xtans in the way.. lol Children would be learning the magnem opus by the time the hit middle school and have a higher self esteem and working towards there gouls with out the controversy and the jealousy of others. So people can live in comfort. And know what real love , happiness and safety is. With out looking over their shoulders all the time and know what real freedom is. With no convction. 💗 In the name of Satan! Hail Satan!!🔥💗
My personal view of National Socialism. And my Disclaimer. 💡 Honesty! It seems to me that living in a world of lies that people have become more and more adaptable to lies and More Lies! We need to bring back the truth! We need to bring back honesty! And not only just honesty but the appreciation of it and what it means and what it represents:) it's not hard for people to follow or understand! It should be very simple and easy to follow and to understand :) just simply telling the truth and being honest and telling it like it is! With nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of! The enemy loves more than anything! Is lying and twisting things around and creating more bullshit and making things harder and harder for other people and for themselves as well because it's going to backfire on them sooner or later and these Jews know what they're up against especially with the Christians and the Muslims following by their side preaching hatred and the only way we can really expose these evil people is just simply telling it like it is even though they hate it! Because they know what they are and they know what they have done throughout the centuries! Therefore they fear us because we do represent the truth! There for :) if we push for what is right ! And we are the type of people who not give up! Even after we end up dead and find ourselves on the other side! We still have our job cut out for us and we will always stick up for the truth and what is right and what is fair for other people! ❤ there is nothing wrong with being the better person is :) and there's nothing wrong with perfecting yourself and making yourself better it whatever it is that you do not!? or whatever it is that you want to learn!? There is always room for improvement and there is always room to grow? And it doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are! And it doesn't matter what part of the globe you're from there will always be possibilities. Some people have that right to express themselves mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually on all levels! And learn to their hearts content! And tell it like it is and livid with no shame and no conviction! 🔥 Hail Satan!! Hail Hitler!!⚡⚡
I am not sure what do the members have to clarify? If people did not agree with main ideas on the forum, would they be here in the first place?

I found the forum through the process of elimination of many other things after researching and studying them. xtianity was easy to see through, even as a kid I remember thinking with disgust that none of it made sense and I wouldn't survive if I followed it. Other things were not so obvious and I did take time to examine interracial dating, especially given how it is promoted from mass media. After talking and getting to know many mixed race children, I realized that there are people facing horrible and unique forms of abuse and feeling ostracized all of their lives. A light skinned mixed race black woman told me ''you are abused by black kids because you are the white bitch and you are rejected by white kids because you are the black ghetto bitch''. That tells you all you need to know to not subject any child to this fate. But of course people fetishize and stay in ''cuteness''' to promote their agenda.

In my opinion, denying the importance/effects of one's race, falls under the same category of denying one's gender, replacing the word ''women'' with others such as ''pregnant people'' and so on. The more I read and practice the advice here, I realize that most people are unaware and uneducated to a horrifying degree. They never even double check the information given, most just stay to the version of history their school/country told them, not just in communist countries but even in the so called advanced, first world ones.

One of the principles of SS that I really love is that advancement is a personal responsibility. If they want to remain blind and deaf, let it be in my opinion. You can bring the horse to the pond but you can't force it to drink after all.
As said, a big part of spiritual Satanism is also racial identity and awareness of oneself. In order for the serpent to advance, a clear understanding of ones roots/racial lineage is necessary as it's evolutionary energy. Dna correlates to the kundalini serpent and vice versa. This also involves karmic energies. Again, the main point is simply to give readers a basic understanding of how everything correlates to spirituality and Satanism.

Should really consider adding this image too or something similar. Pictures really help simplify things and this has helped some understand this or the least appreciate certain parts of it.

FancyMancy said:
That is not deserved
That sounds like you're saying destroying the enemy's lies is not deserved, so -
These lies by the jews are not deserved,
These lies by the jews against us are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy against us are not deserved,

Ciao, I was checking the SS Italian translation on this Sermon, and we are not quite sure about one thing here, that phrase above.
-by the way, I suggest you put the paragraph number, so anyone can quickly locate where it is, in this case it's: 5th paragraph of point 6-

The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.

My question is, that "that" actually links to the lies? Or to in general, that we do not deserve the situation thus described (plagued world), or other?

Grazie! Ciao!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Smart move creating this post. Honestly, I came to the National Socialism thanks to Jos and all his Pdfs. Before of that, I was used to share some things about the race teory but nothing more. Your exposition of the true NS is noble and lightful, every person with a bit of couscience would appreciate and embrace it. The NS exposed and ruined by the Jews and their propaganda is too "Jewsly" and full of constant bad vibrations.
Cfecit said:
FancyMancy said:
That is not deserved
That sounds like you're saying destroying the enemy's lies is not deserved, so -
These lies by the jews are not deserved,
These lies by the jews against us are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy are not deserved,
These lies by the enemy against us are not deserved,

Ciao, I was checking the SS Italian translation on this Sermon, and we are not quite sure about one thing here, that phrase above.
-by the way, I suggest you put the paragraph number, so anyone can quickly locate where it is, in this case it's: 5th paragraph of point 6-

The reason we want to promote the Truth, is to destroy the lies of these jewish people that have plagued the world for so long. That is not deserved, and humanity has to rise further than their prolific hatred.

My question is, that "that" actually links to the lies? Or to in general, that we do not deserve the situation thus described (plagued world), or other?

Grazie! Ciao!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I did not make the post, so - as you pinged HPHC - you'll have to ask him. Also as per what another member said, despite me not changing the meaning of what was posted while wearing my Grammar Nazi hat, I "was wrong", so I'd best not comment. Let HPHC answer you instead.
FancyMancy said:

I read now, sorry for late reply.
After 8 months lol, thanks for bringing it up, I had forgotten, you were in time because they are finishing the library update! I asked there again. Thanks again and ciao!

Small note: I wanted to point out to you, as a long-time member, you should use the quote function correctly, that is, please don't quote the whole reply, delete by replacing the irrelevant parts with a [...], basically your reply to me you could have put my whole quote in [...], I still understood the point of your reply.

Don't be offended or similiar thing, but so many people here abuse the quote function. I don't know why there is this tolerance here, in other forums you got banned. Rightfully so. Basic forum netiquette, for God's sake.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
