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Burning Karma; Working as a Family

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.

There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.

This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.

And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.

We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.

This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.

I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.

Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.

This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.

There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.

But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.

The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.

Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.

If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.

So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.

When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.

So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.

Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.

It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.

Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.

Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.

Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.

You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.

Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.

People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.

There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.

We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.

Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.

You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.

Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).

Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.

Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.

It’s your call.
My life started changing it's direction the more effort I put towards the JoS, with whatever time window I've had.

But I feel like this is only natural? I feel like helping the JoS is a must for improving everyone's existence, which will improve my existence as well.
I see, thank you HPS Lydia. I have a psychic friend who are on her own. Reading this sermon reminds me of her telling me that doing good deeds for others can improve your life, helping you to overcome crisis. At the time I did not believe that ideal because i thought that we only save ourselves and helping others is just something we want to do along the way, it was quite foreign to me at the time. Still she insisted that it is the case due to her experience and her observation that some people good deeds were so much that they are almost "untouchable" to being harmed. So it comes at a suprise for me to see you confirming what I was told but rejected it due to my understanding at the time.
I see, thank you HPS Lydia. I have a psychic friend who are on her own. Reading this sermon reminds me of her telling me that doing good deeds for others can improve your life, helping you to overcome crisis. At the time I did not believe that ideal because i thought that we only save ourselves and helping others is just something we want to do along the way, it was quite foreign to me at the time. Still she insisted that it is the case due to her experience and her observation that some people good deeds were so much that they are almost "untouchable" to being harmed. So it comes at a suprise for me to see you confirming what I was told but rejected it due to my understanding at the time.
A lot of people have the belief you had. We are programmed by the enemy to think that way, and it also comes from a smaller mindset of not understanding how we are all connected.
The moment I have experienced enough reality behind JoS, I have started donating. And I will do so on a consistent basis. This is the least I can do right now. I believe JoS must flourish, and we must do our work for the Gods to manifest on Earth once again.

HPS Lydia said:
This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.
I actually had slight glimpses of this potentially. Not like this accurately mentioned (but when it is mentioned, I think it was about this), but there was a feeling that I came to a place I knew before. It might be the case this is not my first life in knowing Satan and the Gods. Well, the more I practice, the more I will probably know about this. In any case, this is definitely not random. I have already been able to deduce the Gods' ability to arrange some events in our lives leading to important realizations, achievements that were foreseen by them YEARS AGO. During my first month, I have asked why I did not find this place earlier as my mentality was already prepared to accept the information provided here. Now I know the reason. It was not just about me, but also about the JoS itself and community. Some of us would have rejected the JoS if we would have come in 2016 for instance. And for good reasons. This is how careful, gentle handling our development our Gods can be when it is necessary. Everything Gods do have a purpose. Even the tiniest detail of their behavior has a specific purpose.

HPS Lydia said:
Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.
I think JoS has already passed the point of survival. Maybe there are some circumstances that would be able to destroy it, but the JoS is not just a bunch of people together as you have shown with this sermon. It has Gods as backers. I have also looked in the past posts, and seen some problems here years ago when HPHC666 needed to take the necessary action to clean up this place from various infiltrators. It appears in one sense that this was also a test for the JoS itself. Will it be able to handle the poison properly or not? It appears it did this perfectly. If I would have come here in 2016 when this was not done, I would have probably gone from here by seeing that infiltrators, drug addicts and other useless individuals were tolerated here. If I would go to the past with my current mentality and knowledge, I would not leave, so it appears I have already developed a bit to see more.

But now JoS can clearly be said to be ordered in a way that JoS has the most powerful spiritual foundations. Yes, it is absolutely true. Spiritually, JoS is one of the only ways to save humanity from destruction. If JoS would not be such, Gods would not back JoS. Everyone who at least decently on consistent basis practice should have experienced this already.
This was an astounding sermon and I bow before the statements by HPS Lydia. Everyone in the family here has to understand the following:

1. If we all do well as a group, any blessings and powers flow to others. This is not only on a visible realm, this is on the supernal realm where we are connected.

Life can bring difficulties but the worst thing that would happen is for one to not have the Gods or a place to run to. Life is not easy but it becomes way easier when one flows into the positive direction of karma rather than the negative direction.

2. The purpose of giving, is so that what is given, is transformed into something that expands above us all. That is similar to a shelter, which can shelter the new members of the family as we keep expanding.

3. People who are prominent here, are because they have done a lot of this. I have given all my belongings and personal fortune to the JoS a long time ago. Never regretted this, it kickstarted something beautiful for the world and others around me. People in the inner circle know this by all means, time given, love given, but also material numbers where money is concerned.

I am convinced at this time everyone would have walked away with this success and not considered anything at the time. Yet the situation is I was well aware of where my priorities were and my priority was to actually make good things for others and also to not become a slave to my own egotism which is prevalent in all humans. I knew there was nothing that would fundamentally help me through this. All forms of validation, love and exoneration, would rather arrive from higher callings and not the egoistical pursuits.

To have a strong ego is very essential, but to become a slave to it is another subject. Slavery to the ego is essentially like an illness that produces nothing in the end, and one will never truly overcome their lower aspect that way. When one overcomes, a new universe opens up both for the individual ego and the higher self to start merging together. So to me it became rather clear what I should be doing with my life which was not about to engage only in materialistic aspects like yet another fool.

The JoS escaped the situation of just borderline surviving because of these acts. This blood was taken out of me to be put into the endeavor, never regretted it ever. It is one thing to say one would do anything and another thing to do it. Nobody is supposed to take this as exaggerated or suicidal advice, it is what a father and a leader has to do for their growing family.

Still do intend to do the same, no questions asked. There is nothing I would not give or manage to get and give for the Gods, because they are beauty and love incarnate. So to that end I very wilfully and happily engage in whatever is necessary.

4. What we give, through invisible rules of the cosmos, returns back to us in some way. This might not reflect always financial value, but the Gods observe the givers and creators and can send you what you need. Maybe it is wisdom, or other gifts. I for example consider the JoS the greatest blessing despite of numerous blessings by the Gods that they do on their own accord.

Their accord is also perfect and does not compare to anything material, it’s also an emotional, psychological and spiritual growth aspect that does not exist or cannot be even fathomed by humans that can be given, which by itself is the most precious thing in existence.

5. There is an unyielding love and care behind this endeavor and nothing else. The way to “personal benefits” has always been rather open to me in my life but it is for naught. The real powerful self is unlocked only when we engage in higher things in life, with the amount of personal power we might have today. Then we unlock the next aspect of ourselves. This next aspect can sustain you and is far more powerful than the measly egoistical aspect present in every human being, it far surpasses the latter in all forms, power etc.

6. Those who build this place, do this and they get rewarded in ways that many would never understand. That is why they do this and out of pure will to help others. Therefore they are also helped selflessly by the Gods.

7. I will make it a personal point to be more emotionally open with everyone and explain things on a more emotional and personal level. Not because that is forced but because people have to understand a few things, that while everything appears to go on ”automatically” it is actually the results of many people including myself giving it their all.

Much love and the best of blessings for the Community and may everyone be blessed always.
HPS Lydia, I say this with complete and honest truth; thank you for this post. As I read this, tears started pouring down my face, especially during the part where you spoke of what the world would look like once we revive the Old Ways. You were literally describing the Golden Age. We CAN get there again, I believe this with my whole heart. We have to manifest this, not only with our spiritual power, but through our actions as well. You really put this into perspective, especially for those of us who are newer. Thank you for your encouragement.
I may need to message you privately about some questions concerning donation, if that's okay. 💛 ✊
That was an absolutely phenomenal Sermon, High Priestess Lydia! I enjoyed every word. I’ve long had a strong suspicion about what you shared, and I salute you for the confirmation. May the Gods bless you eternally!

We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.

There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.

This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.

And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.

We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.

This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.

I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.

Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.

This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.

There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.

But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.

The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.

Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.

If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.

So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.

When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.

So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.

Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.

It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.

Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.

Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.

Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.

You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.

Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.

People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.

There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.

We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.

Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.

You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.

Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).

Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.

Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.

It’s your call.
You are blessed and fortunate I think
You are Satan's High Priestess
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.

There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.

This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.

And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.

We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.

This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.

I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.

Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.

This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.

There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.

But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.

The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.

Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.

If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.

So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.

When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.

So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.

Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.

It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.

Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.

Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.

Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.

You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.

Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.

People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.

There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.

We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.

Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.

You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.

Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).

Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.

Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.

It’s your call.
Wow, thank you for this!
I am unable to earn any money or work anywhere until some legal issues I'm facing are sorted. I was told it might take between 2-12 months for that to be. I've been without my own money for almost a year now. It'll be a year next month. So I apologize for not been donating as I wanted to. I have to rely on my husband in these trying times.

I have been facing some other, personal, issues and issues that are arising from healing workings that I'm doing, so much so that I haven't translated yet. I apologize. I will get back to doing so when I am able to.

Will the Gods, or you HPS, HP, be mad with me because of issues I'm facing? :/
Please answer truthfully. It's been weighing down on me, making me feel quite down at times more so than other times..
This was an astounding sermon and I bow before the statements by HPS Lydia. Everyone in the family here has to understand the following:

1. If we all do well as a group, any blessings and powers flow to others. This is not only on a visible realm, this is on the supernal realm where we are connected.

Life can bring difficulties but the worst thing that would happen is for one to not have the Gods or a place to run to. Life is not easy but it becomes way easier when one flows into the positive direction of karma rather than the negative direction.

2. The purpose of giving, is so that what is given, is transformed into something that expands above us all. That is similar to a shelter, which can shelter the new members of the family as we keep expanding.

3. People who are prominent here, are because they have done a lot of this. I have given all my belongings and personal fortune to the JoS a long time ago. Never regretted this, it kickstarted something beautiful for the world and others around me. People in the inner circle know this by all means, time given, love given, but also material numbers where money is concerned.

I am convinced at this time everyone would have walked away with this success and not considered anything at the time. Yet the situation is I was well aware of where my priorities were and my priority was to actually make good things for others and also to not become a slave to my own egotism which is prevalent in all humans. I knew there was nothing that would fundamentally help me through this. All forms of validation, love and exoneration, would rather arrive from higher callings and not the egoistical pursuits.

To have a strong ego is very essential, but to become a slave to it is another subject. Slavery to the ego is essentially like an illness that produces nothing in the end, and one will never truly overcome their lower aspect that way. When one overcomes, a new universe opens up both for the individual ego and the higher self to start merging together. So to me it became rather clear what I should be doing with my life which was not about to engage only in materialistic aspects like yet another fool.

The JoS escaped the situation of just borderline surviving because of these acts. This blood was taken out of me to be put into the endeavor, never regretted it ever. It is one thing to say one would do anything and another thing to do it. Nobody is supposed to take this as exaggerated or suicidal advice, it is what a father and a leader has to do for their growing family.

Still do intend to do the same, no questions asked. There is nothing I would not give or manage to get and give for the Gods, because they are beauty and love incarnate. So to that end I very wilfully and happily engage in whatever is necessary.

4. What we give, through invisible rules of the cosmos, returns back to us in some way. This might not reflect always financial value, but the Gods observe the givers and creators and can send you what you need. Maybe it is wisdom, or other gifts. I for example consider the JoS the greatest blessing despite of numerous blessings by the Gods that they do on their own accord.

Their accord is also perfect and does not compare to anything material, it’s also an emotional, psychological and spiritual growth aspect that does not exist or cannot be even fathomed by humans that can be given, which by itself is the most precious thing in existence.

5. There is an unyielding love and care behind this endeavor and nothing else. The way to “personal benefits” has always been rather open to me in my life but it is for naught. The real powerful self is unlocked only when we engage in higher things in life, with the amount of personal power we might have today. Then we unlock the next aspect of ourselves. This next aspect can sustain you and is far more powerful than the measly egoistical aspect present in every human being, it far surpasses the latter in all forms, power etc.

6. Those who build this place, do this and they get rewarded in ways that many would never understand. That is why they do this and out of pure will to help others. Therefore they are also helped selflessly by the Gods.

7. I will make it a personal point to be more emotionally open with everyone and explain things on a more emotional and personal level. Not because that is forced but because people have to understand a few things, that while everything appears to go on ”automatically” it is actually the results of many people including myself giving it their all.

Much love and the best of blessings for the Community and may everyone be blessed always.
God I wish I had like a million dollars or something I would’ve gave it all to JoS, honest. I have been fantasizing about this since I was 16 and started making money.

Thing is it feels I’m still not on my way to wealth yet, I know who I am and my personal karma regarding this.

Yet it feels bad feeling stuck regarding wealth (and other potential) and my impatient nature makes me feel powerless.

However I will keep at it I need to unlock my potential, I have been forced to learn that it will take quite a bit of time and discipline.

For now I will do what I can regarding translations, and donating when I can.
I am unable to earn any money or work anywhere until some legal issues I'm facing are sorted. I was told it might take between 2-12 months for that to be. I've been without my own money for almost a year now. It'll be a year next month. So I apologize for not been donating as I wanted to. I have to rely on my husband in these trying times.

I have been facing some other, personal, issues and issues that are arising from healing workings that I'm doing, so much so that I haven't translated yet. I apologize. I will get back to doing so when I am able to.

Will the Gods, or you HPS, HP, be mad with me because of issues I'm facing? :/
Please answer truthfully. It's been weighing down on me, making me feel quite down at times more so than other times..
Lightning Puma, it is completely fine! The Gods, and HP HoodedCobra and myself understand how finances can be difficult for members. Most people have financial difficulties at one time or another in life.

Don't feel bad at all, take care of your health, and you can try a magick working to help with your legal situation. You can donate later when you are able to :)
Lightning Puma, it is completely fine! The Gods, and HP HoodedCobra and myself understand how finances can be difficult for members. Most people have financial difficulties at one time or another in life.

Don't feel bad at all, take care of your health, and you can try a magick working to help with your legal situation. You can donate later when you are able to :)
Thank you kindly!!

Believe it or not, but me and my husband actually did a working to help with legal issues a couple months back for 90 days, plus asked Commander Eligos for help, which he is helping. I am grateful!

I feel a little better, thank you.
It's mostly the emotional body healing working that you mentioned in your recent sermon, that's been depressing and letting out a lot of pent up anger. Don't get me wrong, it's been helping me. Thank you.
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.

There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.

This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.

And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.

We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.

This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.

I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.

Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.

This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.

There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.

But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.

The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.

Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.

If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.

So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.

When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.

So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.

Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.

It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.

Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.

Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.

Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.

You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.

Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.

People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.

There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.

We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.

Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.

You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.

Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).

Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.

Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.

It’s your call.
Thank you HPS, this is a great sermon
What about rituals? Doing FRTR daily and all the schedules that are out there?
Yes, definitely. You are sacrificing your time to help the JoS, and to grow closer to the Gods :)
It takes the wholehearted effort of each of us to beautify the house of the Gods we share as a family. What matters is not what we cannot do, but every contribution we can and choose to make. No matter how big or small, all our efforts are valuable and reflect the essence of our home.

Thank you for this wonderful sermon, High Priestess Lydia.
Great sermon :)

By the way, Lydia I have sent you email about something, from [email protected]
We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.
Even daring to click on a site named "Joy of Satanas" as an outsider, is a sign of bravery. Most people who find the JoS are already at some level of spiritual advancement, but the Truth is ahead of them and only studying, meditating, and contributing will help them advance, as with anything else in life.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.
Hitlerite Germany did it best.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.
Translating is one of my favourite parts of the day. Knowing that I spend 1-2 hours each day for the JoS and the Gods is a source of pride for me.
HPS Lydia Thanks for this well thought and well written article, we are here to change the things in this World!
In my path I have encounter many obstacles and many downs, but nothing changed my Nobile Goals and my Heart!
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.

There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.

This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.

And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.

We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.

Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.

This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.

I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.

Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.

This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.

There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.

But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.

The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.

The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.

The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.

Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.

If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.

So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.

Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.

When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.

So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.

Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.

It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.

Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.

Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.

Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.

You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.

Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.

People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.

There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.

We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.

Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.

You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.

Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).

Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.

Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.

It’s your call.
Thank you Lydia! I know I have always felt a connection with you and Cobra and other members. Watching you grow has been phenomenal for my own experience..

I hope you will share more like this! I once asked Cobra to share more about himself, because I felt I knew little about him. And I will tell you the same. I have always looked up to you, and you have always been so busy and focused on your work. I think I didn't see the simple conversations ;P or maybe it was my own lack of conversation haha.

I also notice a strong hint of Satanas in this post, oh it's so wonderful to see the Brilliance, I look forward to more.

What you said about Good Karma, it would seem that Mexican Americans have this as well. They work so hard and are so generous! I can remember many of them by Name and their voices and smiles they are such a loving people! They gave me a gift once but that gift lives on forever in my heart ❤️

Let's bring this good Karma forward for our own People, I know I am working constantly within my own family. Building strong relations, but also being stern about my stance on Familial Loyalty. On doing the Right thing, for the greater benefit of the entire family.
Guys, this cannot be stressed enough.
We need to go mainstream. We must.
As a web developer I know that the cost of operating these many websites is 100% in the thousands. We need as much help as we can.
Do your part, however small! Unless you really can't, in that case the Gods know already and will understand completely.
Dear Gods, a powerful sermon to be sure! Thank you High Priestess Lydia! I do everything I can for JoS and I know in my heart and soul we are truly building a free world with our Gods, the likes of which in it’s time will become even better than our first golden age. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, because it’s happening now and soon enough our commitment is sure to bear the ultimate fruits. Our Gods work steadfastly with us on this everyday!! I love each and every one of you, so may you all feel the fire of Hephaestus’ in your souls and know that everyday you do something for JoS we have won! You donated? We win. You’ve done a ritual? We win. The fallen state is temporary, division is temporary, The Glory of Joy of Satanas is FOREVER!!!! 💯💪🏻⚡❤️🏛️❤️⚡💪🏻
Thank you HP Lydia. I tend to lurk a lot on the forums but it is nice to know that the times that I do reply to other members does do some other good besides being lost into the abyss.
I like helping people- giving them info and advice i use to do it on the yahoo group all the time- but i've also been critizied a lot in my life for doing so- not on these sites but by my peers so i tend to withdrawl a lot and critizise myself for trying to help.
i've been looking for a job since febuary i would love to be able to donate to the jos but the economy around me seems to be a mess- no one getting back with me thought they say they need help.
Sorry needed to vent for a moment been having a hard time.

Thank you again HP Lydia for this sermon and HP Cobra for your heartfelt reply to her. I look forward to more info on this.

Hail Father Satan
When I donated almost immediately after solutions to persistent year long and some lifelong problems presented themselves to me, I have no doubt this was a blessing from the Gods, my intrusive thoughts are gone, my health massively improved to the point I am almost completely healthy, whereas when I was young I could barely stand under my own weight.

I spent a long time imaging that I would do in hypothetical situation such as what I would do if I won the lottery I imagined would give 50% as a minimum and ask the Gods if more should be given and it was true I would have, but its irrelevant, if I was superman I would save the world, I am not and I didn't win the lottery and so these fantasies of actually being useful were holding me back from actually being useful and the Gods can recognize this in all of us, hypotheticals are irrelevant in our mission, we all have either some time or some money to spare or at the bare minimum regularly doing Rituals, but Heroes are not chosen from those who do the bare minimum, keep that in mind.

Tomorrow is a hope not a promise, do something today even if its only something small.
I think this might be applying to others as well, but I've felt so out of place since I was young. You search for a community, a sense of belonging, something greater than you, you know it has to be there somewhere. Like sure pleasures of life can be fun and you can be enjoying yourself... but it's pointless if you're alone.

I had seen extreme loneliness in my family members and around me generally, and somehow this was made as a virtue, like yeah you're strong, you'll be alone forever just continue. I could never accept it. It's too beautiful having proper people around, building something together.

NOT ONCE I ever felt obliged or bad when I donated to JoS, I would say the opposite. It is truly a once in a lifetimes experience to be able to help so much with what you have now. Each 5 €/£/$ counts, each helping hand has a reason, and each of us has a purpose.

Thank you so much for reminding me again, and again to be happy... to be here.
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this amazing post, we will all succeed and the Joy of Satanas will continue growing, and we will be sustained for generations, and generations to come!
Thank you HPS Lydia great Sermon,

I’m trying to do what I can for Jos with my contributions, 1 God Rituals, the FRTR, and donations, I have sent a few times to jos but because I’m not good with Crypto currency and how to actually use it, I used two different carriers I don’t know if my last 3 donations went through, I did ask if it had gone through so I know so when I donate again I will be more confident that it will go through!
Who should I ask who can explain it a bit better for me, I don’t want to bother HP HDCobra because he is very busy is there someone else I could ask about this so I can send my next donation with confidence and easy knowing the money is going through!

Thank you

Hail Satanas

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
