You guys, LMFAOOO. Please look at this, because it's seriously the funniest shit I've seen on X whilst doing Outreach:
Okay, so a little context first; I have found many like-minded people on X, and have had many reach out for translations, or information regarding the JOS, to which I have helped all who have asked.
So, the other day, I get a message from this woman on X, "Aryan Priestess". She's been following me, and I returned the follow upon seeing her views seemed to align, at first (lmao, notice how I said "at first" lolol)
Anyways so she messages me and says "Please sister, before you block me, hear me out. I have been observing the JOS for months now, and it doesn't look good. I'm sorry to say this, as I know you are fond of the JOS. But, it seems to me that they appear to not have the FULL truth". She was being incredibly vague, so I replied saying "what's on your mind, sis? I don't block people for differing views alone, so speak your mind." She continues to say more incredibly vague shit, then says "I'm going to be making a thread soon, posting my observations and concerns about the JOS, I hope you'll give it an honest read, and 'I hope to meet you in Truth, Sat Nam, sister'".
So, I was thrown off by this, but I thought that she was just another person who didn't like our stance on the Jews maybe, or maybe it had something to do with the Gods? BOY, WAS I WRONG. LMFAO
I'm gonna post the screenshots I captured of her post, then the comments that were underneath it. One of her posts had one guy outside of JOS mention some "MAGA/Masonic" bullshit, but two JOS devotees commented on her first post, and I thought it was HILAROUS how she didn't reply, because they proved her wrong, immediately. LMAO, take a look at this.
Welp, the jig is up, guys. We've been found out. Time to report back to the CIA and tell them to shut 'er down. LMFAOOOOO
I thought it was very telling how she had no proof for such a claim, and when questioned by two of our devotees, the SILENCE was DEAFENING

Just had to post this so you guys could get a cackle out of it as well.
Also, to the two devotees, you guys are ROCKSTARS. Lol, I laughed so hard at seeing your replies, and seeing her silence in response.
The audacity of some people on X, man...