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White People, The BEST of this World


May 28, 2019
Yeah, this stands out as is. Satan is the Father of the White Race. Whites are Direct decedents of the Nordic Gods. With the introduction of judea in all of it forms(religion and persecution). as well as a lack of spiritual empowerment which came after, the White Race as well as all other races started to downgrade. Even still, the founding of civilization as well as all forms of art, also, any in all martial disciplines of every race were taught by the Gods of Hell, whom the White Race is directly inclined to. Many forms of Inspirational and knowledge which gave birth to many skills as well are attributed to the Gods of Hell. And since the White Race follow the direct bloodline of Satan, then by default, they are the BEST.

Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children.
Any person of any Gentile (that is non-jew) Race can be improved, empowered and advanced. The Black and Asian Gods and Goddesses are more powerful than any Whites, including Hitler who is a White new God. In our current underdevelopment, it may seem that Whites are the best - but "best" is arbitrary and it depends on how you define it, what you mean by "best". Blacks are stronger/more endurable Physically than Whites; Asians are better Mentally/mathematically. These are just two...what I would call standard...examples. At the moment, it seems that Blacks are being brought in to White areas to reduce civilisation to crap and rubble, but the Black Gods and Goddesses have civilisation greater than the British jew empire, either by the same standard or by magnifying up to scale (i.e. say the Gods and Goddesses are 1000 times greater by scale, then the Black God and Goddesses would still be greater than that, compared with the British jew empire).
How about no?

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.

We're may not be the same, but we all deserve equal respect and treatment before the eyes of the law and honesty.

I do want to add a nugget of info only partially related to this:

Melatonin and Melanin both work to both regulate sleep cycles and skin tones (not ethnicity, don't get those two confused.). Since we have the 3rd eye responsible for a lot of your sleep cycle which uses a fair deal of both chemicals, it would be understandable why Father Satan created the first ethnicity from breeding, which would allow for a natural regulation of these chemicals, organs, and spiritual centers, before replicating this with a safe variation of these chemicals in safe systems to allow for a diverse humanity. Otherwise, too much or too little slumber can prove deadly.
I always feel very lucky to be white.
I hope this thread doesnt turn into something negative. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

All of the gentiles from Satan are meant to be the best and great. We need to remember there are ranks and heirarchies everywhere in nature but its not about who's best or who is second best, etc, etc.

Satan and the gods are the best but as I was told ' the best creates the best"

Right now lets keep the focus on annihilating our enemy. Lets always be reminded of our sacred place with Satan as we spring fourth to divinity.

Every single day we see the nightmare in Earth the Jew has created, no gentile will succeed or develop if they continue. I have a feeling things are going to get real dire for us all within the next couple of years, especially with this push to control and lock down our freesoms, its most disconcerting.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
How about no?
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.
If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.
I do not believe the whites (Aryans) are product of some ancient race mixing scandal which involved the Nordic Gods screwing primitives. It's not only incomprehensible but also absurd. You can look at these primitives as Australian Aboriginals and other primitive tribes who have not evolved yet mentally or physically. Theres also no indication of Artificial Insemination.

I believe that the Aryans are direct descendants of the Gods and the only thing that is lacking is Genetically making them immortal as well as spiritually. Even the Gods must have at some point devised and undergone the process to become immortal, they weren't born immortal.

And the Asians and Whites are genetically modified versions of different Primitive substances.
Imo the general message of the thread is fine, but it's written in an aggressive tone that seems to try and turn racial pride into racism towards the other races trying to make them feel bad. This is done by hiding behind the statement that "well, whites should be proud of their race", which is true, but that doesnt mean we should try to indirectly talk down on the other races.

This aggressive kind of "racial pride" is what the Jews employ in all the neo-nazi movements that they have created, infiltrated, and corrupted. It's purpose is not to make whites feel good, but rather to cause further tension, division, and hatred between the races.

The fact that Length himself is Black, making a thread writing aggressively like this, suggests to me that it was written not to praise whites, but rather to indirectly try to hate on his own race under the false guise of white nazism.
Egon said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
How about no?
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.
If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.

Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Egon said:
Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children
Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
HPS Shannon said:
I hope this thread doesnt turn into something negative. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

All of the gentiles from Satan are meant to be the best and great. We need to remember there are ranks and heirarchies everywhere in nature but its not about who's best or who is second best, etc, etc.

Satan and the gods are the best but as I was told ' the best creates the best"

Right now lets keep the focus on annihilating our enemy. Lets always be reminded of our sacred place with Satan as we spring fourth to divinity.

Every single day we see the nightmare in Earth the Jew has created, no gentile will succeed or develop if they continue. I have a feeling things are going to get real dire for us all within the next couple of years, especially with this push to control and lock down our freesoms, its most disconcerting.

I love the warrior quality still alive in many of the blacks even the ones that do really bad things I still respected them way more than the weak white passifists and xtians that I had to deal with growing up.

With that said whites are great as well. I think we need to become more aware and bring back the warrior spirit and fight
Length wrote in another post that Blacks are awesome, now he understands something like this for Whites.

Length did not hate anyone when he said positive statements for Black people or White people so personally I think are more likely to be real and from his heart.

People being awesome doesn't keep other people from being awesome so it's a good idea everyone recognize awesomeness.

We Whites always praise others when something is done or for their achievements all the time, so why others shouldn't do the same for us? This helps everyone involved.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Egon said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
How about no?
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.
If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.

Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Egon said:
Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children
Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
You’re a Jew or just a dumb shill without knowing it. Every thread I see you saying noooo white people you can’t like yourself or promote your interest and other kosher ideas while pretending to be against it . The OP has spoken highly of the black race on one of my posts so no he’s not “racist” or whatever made up words you wanna use.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Egon said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
How about no?
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.
If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.

Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Egon said:
Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children
Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
You just joined and the first posts with any real content are pro immigration and anti White pride. You can fuck off back to Israel.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?
Having pride in any positive intrinsic trait of your race is natural, blacks and yellows have their own positive qualities to be proud of, and being the direct descendants of the Nordic Gods is something we as whites take pride in.

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.
I'm assuming this is the whole "taking pride in others achievements because you don't have anything of your own" type argument. Once again taking pride in your race, and your races achievements is natural and a part of our tribalistic nature, which is what we must abide by to flourish. It's the same thing as taking pride in your families achievements. Whatever group you're a part of, family, community, ethnicity, race, whatever it may be, it's natural to feel pride and love for it. Family, Nation, and Race, in that order.

3) Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?
They don't, no one ever said that. If I said Hail the Black Race would that be me worshiping the Black Race? Of course not, saying "Hail" something is simply a way of showing respect and praise. Satan and all other Gods do not want slavish worship, but we do say "Hail Satan" to show respect and love to them.
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Egon said:
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.

Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Egon said:
Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children
Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
You’re a Jew or just a dumb shill without knowing it. Every thread I see you saying noooo white people you can’t like yourself or promote your interest and other kosher ideas while pretending to be against it . The OP has spoken highly of the black race on one of my posts so no he’s not “racist” or whatever made up words you wanna use.
It's a jew.
ess said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?
Having pride in any positive intrinsic trait of your race is natural, blacks and yellows have their own positive qualities to be proud of, and being the direct descendants of the Nordic Gods is something we as whites take pride in.

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.
I'm assuming this is the whole "taking pride in others achievements because you don't have anything of your own" type argument. Once again taking pride in your race, and your races achievements is natural and a part of our tribalistic nature, which is what we must abide by to flourish. It's the same thing as taking pride in your families achievements. Whatever group you're a part of, family, community, ethnicity, race, whatever it may be, it's natural to feel pride and love for it. Family, Nation, and Race, in that order.

3) Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?
They don't, no one ever said that. If I said Hail the Black Race would that be me worshiping the Black Race? Of course not, saying "Hail" something is simply a way of showing respect and praise. Satan and all other Gods do not want slavish worship, but we do say "Hail Satan" to show respect and love to them.
This is a very good answer to the argument of 'why youd take pride in others achievements'. The natural state of affairs being group pride is atavistic. The only way this can be overcome is with consumerism and capitalism to the point you're not part of any society,culture or race and that your only 'Yourself' as in a labour unit in the eyes of the Jewish industrial complex. This is simply not the natural state of affairs. Europeans had great pride in their race till they were bullied for over 50 years since WW2 into leaving their racist tendencies through forced indoctrination.

Thus kind of bullshit individualism argument of your nothing except yourself is a way of alienating whites from feeling empathy for other whites. Which can be said for all races in their respective regards.
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.

If I'm reading this correctly... you're black... and you're saying such positive things about whites? Just from your heart like that? As a black person? No inferiority complex? No hateful misguided spite?

I think I might cry. I've never in my life heard a single positive thing about whites from other races.

Sincerely, thank you. You don't know how happy that makes me feel.

Now on the matter of racial pride, I think everyone has the right to praise their own race, be proud of their accomplishments and who they are as people. I've seen whites get shut down, I've seen blacks get shut down, I've seen asians get shut down, losing faith and confidence in your own people is a most painful thing to go through.

I also just want to throw in that I recognize and understand a lot of people, especially whites, will be triggered at the slightest hint of undermining of their race. This is not the fault of the race in and of itself, it is the fault of the societal stresses and frustration that the enemy has pressured us under. Though expression and venting of this frustration will obviously surface from members, which is okay of itself, I think it's highly inappropriate to allow such venting to grow out of control to the point where it's just mindless hate, even towards our own members. Self-control should be practiced.

Anyways... I highly approve and encourage one to be proud of their race and not be afraid to show it. This is not a battle on who is better.
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.

Your posts have honesty and I personally appreciate this, if more people were in a positive mindset of positive co-operation, how far better our world would have been, and how far quicker we would all be advancing.
With the white race-- credit given where credit is due. They are a reflection of our gods on Earth directly.
And I bet the trolls will see my post and call me a white person pretending to be a black white supremacist. Lol

I have a feeling this whole race negativity will dampen down as all gentiles especially here realize our common enemy and that we are all kindred souls from our spiritual and/or physical progenitors, the Gods.

HPS Shannon said:
And I bet the trolls will see my post and call me a white person pretending to be a black white supremacist. Lol

I have a feeling this whole race negativity will dampen down as all gentiles especially here realize our common enemy and that we are all kindred souls from our spiritual and/or physical progenitors, the Gods.


Progress is definitely being made, it's easily recognizable in our own ministries. Never in my life would I have ever thought that blacks would be part of something where whites were even so much as implied as a little bit better than them at something. There's been so much tension and so much hate in the last several centuries, it's very crushing.

My concerns regarding blacks though is how the jews structured societal standards that have instated this feeling of inferiority. It honestly does break my heart when someone struggles to be proud of their own people just because of this and I hope your people really learn to completely free themselves of this hangup. Blacks have accomplished amazing things in history that admittedly they also don't get credit for.

Now I listen to a lot of rock music, it's my favourite genre and I'm well aware of it's origins coming from black musicians where it evolved from there, in fact a lot of musical genres originated from black musicians where whites surrogated it to more thoroughly bring it to white audiences and I could never be thankful for that more than I already am. Because damn that's good music that never would've came to be like it did otherwise. Blacks are naturally in tune with rhythm, dance, music, it's in their soul.

With the black race, credit where credit is due too.
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.

As another black, I appreciate this post by you. It shows that although of different race, there is the common mutual understanding of each one's greatness. Well said brother.
If these people I am seeing everyday are “the best of this world”, I don’t think I have much hope left...
Larissa666 said:
If these people I am seeing everyday are “the best of this world”, I don’t think I have much hope left...

Our people are fine, with their bad, mistakes, faults, and even stupidity. At large, they constitute a very good group. We are not exempt from global deterioration, we are all a slapped situation right now as a whole. And take this from me which has always been a harsh judge.
We're the only race that, possesses, in the vast majority, the Faustian drive. This drive is single handedly responsible for all our achievements. So, yes, we are superior by default. That doesn't mean other races are "inferior" by its modern, sentimental meaning. In fact, honorary Aryan tribes like the Japanese and Mongolians, arguably, are far superior to most 21st century whites
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
And I bet the trolls will see my post and call me a white person pretending to be a black white supremacist. Lol

I have a feeling this whole race negativity will dampen down as all gentiles especially here realize our common enemy and that we are all kindred souls from our spiritual and/or physical progenitors, the Gods.


Progress is definitely being made, it's easily recognizable in our own ministries. Never in my life would I have ever thought that blacks would be part of something where whites were even so much as implied as a little bit better than them at something. There's been so much tension and so much hate in the last several centuries, it's very crushing.

My concerns regarding blacks though is how the jews structured societal standards that have instated this feeling of inferiority. It honestly does break my heart when someone struggles to be proud of their own people just because of this and I hope your people really learn to completely free themselves of this hangup. Blacks have accomplished amazing things in history that admittedly they also don't get credit for.

Now I listen to a lot of rock music, it's my favourite genre and I'm well aware of it's origins coming from black musicians where it evolved from there, in fact a lot of musical genres originated from black musicians where whites surrogated it to more thoroughly bring it to white audiences and I could never be thankful for that more than I already am. Because damn that's good music that never would've came to be like it did otherwise. Blacks are naturally in tune with rhythm, dance, music, it's in their soul.

With the black race, credit where credit is due too.

Michael Jackson was black what do you think? He knows what he could do with rock
Elias Sebastian said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
And I bet the trolls will see my post and call me a white person pretending to be a black white supremacist. Lol

I have a feeling this whole race negativity will dampen down as all gentiles especially here realize our common enemy and that we are all kindred souls from our spiritual and/or physical progenitors, the Gods.


Progress is definitely being made, it's easily recognizable in our own ministries. Never in my life would I have ever thought that blacks would be part of something where whites were even so much as implied as a little bit better than them at something. There's been so much tension and so much hate in the last several centuries, it's very crushing.

My concerns regarding blacks though is how the jews structured societal standards that have instated this feeling of inferiority. It honestly does break my heart when someone struggles to be proud of their own people just because of this and I hope your people really learn to completely free themselves of this hangup. Blacks have accomplished amazing things in history that admittedly they also don't get credit for.

Now I listen to a lot of rock music, it's my favourite genre and I'm well aware of it's origins coming from black musicians where it evolved from there, in fact a lot of musical genres originated from black musicians where whites surrogated it to more thoroughly bring it to white audiences and I could never be thankful for that more than I already am. Because damn that's good music that never would've came to be like it did otherwise. Blacks are naturally in tune with rhythm, dance, music, it's in their soul.

With the black race, credit where credit is due too.

Michael Jackson was black what do you think? He knows what he could do with rock

Credit where it's due, Hendrix is really talented, but rock is derived from folk and country and was pioneered primarily by whites. It doesn't really have black roots. The claim that it stems from R&B through rock and roll (sexually depraved R&B for whites) is a myth
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.
While many other posters have stated how this could be misinterpreted, I apologize for this misunderstanding. My bad. I see where you're coming from.

Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
You’re a Jew or just a dumb shill without knowing it. Every thread I see you saying noooo white people you can’t like yourself or promote your interest and other kosher ideas while pretending to be against it . The OP has spoken highly of the black race on one of my posts so no he’s not “racist” or whatever made up words you wanna use.
It's a jew.
Cool story bro. 10/10 would read again.

Ready to defend what you believe, or are you just going to call anyone who says anything you dislike a jew? One day you'll be debating some higher material in Satanism with no relation to anything we're talking about, and because someone disagreed with you, you'll just call them a jew instead of stating why you believe your position to be correct or not.

Jack said:
ess said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?
Having pride in any positive intrinsic trait of your race is natural, blacks and yellows have their own positive qualities to be proud of, and being the direct descendants of the Nordic Gods is something we as whites take pride in.

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.
I'm assuming this is the whole "taking pride in others achievements because you don't have anything of your own" type argument. Once again taking pride in your race, and your races achievements is natural and a part of our tribalistic nature, which is what we must abide by to flourish. It's the same thing as taking pride in your families achievements. Whatever group you're a part of, family, community, ethnicity, race, whatever it may be, it's natural to feel pride and love for it. Family, Nation, and Race, in that order.

3) Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?
They don't, no one ever said that. If I said Hail the Black Race would that be me worshiping the Black Race? Of course not, saying "Hail" something is simply a way of showing respect and praise. Satan and all other Gods do not want slavish worship, but we do say "Hail Satan" to show respect and love to them.
This is a very good answer to the argument of 'why youd take pride in others achievements'. The natural state of affairs being group pride is atavistic. The only way this can be overcome is with consumerism and capitalism to the point you're not part of any society,culture or race and that your only 'Yourself' as in a labour unit in the eyes of the Jewish industrial complex. This is simply not the natural state of affairs. Europeans had great pride in their race till they were bullied for over 50 years since WW2 into leaving their racist tendencies through forced indoctrination.

Thus kind of bullshit individualism argument of your nothing except yourself is a way of alienating whites from feeling empathy for other whites. Which can be said for all races in their respective regards.
Okay, first of all, does it have to be atavistic? I can think of other reasons to be proud to be in a group outside of what has been inherited only. Second of all, is capitalism/communism the only alternative? Why is that? Third of all, just because something was true in the past doesn't mean it's right.

When you mention me "alienating" "other" Whites, my questions are:
1) Why focus on this parameter of ethnicity?
2) By your logic, aren't you "alienating" international unity?

Egon said:
Length said:
I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively.
It wasn't, anyone in this community knows it was a very nice post. Just one kike radar spoting something nice being said about the White Race and appealing to "muh freedumb of speech" went full:

Amazing. Start to defend what you believe instead of just calling anything you don't like a "kike". That's what other WN forums have done to us, when they talk their BS about "The Synagogue of Satan" and how only Jewsus can "save" them and their ethnicity. But if they were to debate a JoS member fairly, they'd easily lose. So instead of letting us speak, they call us kikes and censor us.

ZmajEriksson said:
We're the only race that, possesses, in the vast majority, the Faustian drive. This drive is single handedly responsible for all our achievements. So, yes, we are superior by default. That doesn't mean other races are "inferior" by its modern, sentimental meaning. In fact, honorary Aryan tribes like the Japanese and Mongolians, arguably, are far superior to most 21st century whites
I think that anyone with the Faustian drive is superior to those who don't have it, on an individual basis. Otherwise, we could even say that economic classes have more drive by average, so do the sexes, etc.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.
While many other posters have stated how this could be misinterpreted, I apologize for this misunderstanding. My bad. I see where you're coming from.

Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You’re a Jew or just a dumb shill without knowing it. Every thread I see you saying noooo white people you can’t like yourself or promote your interest and other kosher ideas while pretending to be against it . The OP has spoken highly of the black race on one of my posts so no he’s not “racist” or whatever made up words you wanna use.
It's a jew.
Cool story bro. 10/10 would read again.

Ready to defend what you believe, or are you just going to call anyone who says anything you dislike a jew? One day you'll be debating some higher material in Satanism with no relation to anything we're talking about, and because someone disagreed with you, you'll just call them a jew instead of stating why you believe your position to be correct or not.

Jack said:
ess said:
1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?
Having pride in any positive intrinsic trait of your race is natural, blacks and yellows have their own positive qualities to be proud of, and being the direct descendants of the Nordic Gods is something we as whites take pride in.

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.
I'm assuming this is the whole "taking pride in others achievements because you don't have anything of your own" type argument. Once again taking pride in your race, and your races achievements is natural and a part of our tribalistic nature, which is what we must abide by to flourish. It's the same thing as taking pride in your families achievements. Whatever group you're a part of, family, community, ethnicity, race, whatever it may be, it's natural to feel pride and love for it. Family, Nation, and Race, in that order.

3) Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?
They don't, no one ever said that. If I said Hail the Black Race would that be me worshiping the Black Race? Of course not, saying "Hail" something is simply a way of showing respect and praise. Satan and all other Gods do not want slavish worship, but we do say "Hail Satan" to show respect and love to them.
This is a very good answer to the argument of 'why youd take pride in others achievements'. The natural state of affairs being group pride is atavistic. The only way this can be overcome is with consumerism and capitalism to the point you're not part of any society,culture or race and that your only 'Yourself' as in a labour unit in the eyes of the Jewish industrial complex. This is simply not the natural state of affairs. Europeans had great pride in their race till they were bullied for over 50 years since WW2 into leaving their racist tendencies through forced indoctrination.

Thus kind of bullshit individualism argument of your nothing except yourself is a way of alienating whites from feeling empathy for other whites. Which can be said for all races in their respective regards.
Okay, first of all, does it have to be atavistic? I can think of other reasons to be proud to be in a group outside of what has been inherited only. Second of all, is capitalism/communism the only alternative? Why is that? Third of all, just because something was true in the past doesn't mean it's right.

When you mention me "alienating" "other" Whites, my questions are:
1) Why focus on this parameter of ethnicity?
2) By your logic, aren't you "alienating" international unity?

Egon said:
Length said:
I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively.
It wasn't, anyone in this community knows it was a very nice post. Just one kike radar spoting something nice being said about the White Race and appealing to "muh freedumb of speech" went full:

Amazing. Start to defend what you believe instead of just calling anything you don't like a "kike". That's what other WN forums have done to us, when they talk their BS about "The Synagogue of Satan" and how only Jewsus can "save" them and their ethnicity. But if they were to debate a JoS member fairly, they'd easily lose. So instead of letting us speak, they call us kikes and censor us.

ZmajEriksson said:
We're the only race that, possesses, in the vast majority, the Faustian drive. This drive is single handedly responsible for all our achievements. So, yes, we are superior by default. That doesn't mean other races are "inferior" by its modern, sentimental meaning. In fact, honorary Aryan tribes like the Japanese and Mongolians, arguably, are far superior to most 21st century whites
I think that anyone with the Faustian drive is superior to those who don't have it, on an individual basis. Otherwise, we could even say that economic classes have more drive by average, so do the sexes, etc.
Because you scream "I'm a kike trying to get simpathy" in every post. But don't worry, all kikes who try to infiltrate here always end up exposing themselves one way or another. It's just a matter of time.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Length said:
I didn't receive a single notice about this post so i failed to respond. Fist off, i love Black People. They are my Race. They are beautiful and our skin color is awesome. Some mixed blacks themselves could consider their skin color as gold as thats how it looks on some people. I think the Black Race is awesome beyond any doubt and my intention of this post was the obvious respect and awareness of Ary people in general .

Direct in line of the very beings which founded ourselves so the qualities of Whites in general is extremely high and much to the fashion of Satan and the Gods of Hell- meaning they are awesome. I would also admit that there are beautiful Whites as well as any other Race. Take Asian or Asian women for example. Their structure of their face and how they look in General as the Asiatic race is beyond awesome. You could honestly tell that they were and some are still empowered to an extent from past generations. There is no denying the Beauty of any race, and some races like Arabs bodies differ so much physically that it is astonishing to witness.

Im not playing the superior or inferior card either. Nor was or am i saying Heil Whites and fuck everyone else. My mood within this post is uplifting and Inspiring of and to the Whites in general. Im not being forceful, disruptive, or aggressive in this post either. This is more like a general remark/ statements of whites.

I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively. I mean if you are not cucked or have any problems or lack of information then my post would be just what it is, a positive statement regarding the Aryan Race of people.
While many other posters have stated how this could be misinterpreted, I apologize for this misunderstanding. My bad. I see where you're coming from.

Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You’re a Jew or just a dumb shill without knowing it. Every thread I see you saying noooo white people you can’t like yourself or promote your interest and other kosher ideas while pretending to be against it . The OP has spoken highly of the black race on one of my posts so no he’s not “racist” or whatever made up words you wanna use.
It's a jew.
Cool story bro. 10/10 would read again.

Ready to defend what you believe, or are you just going to call anyone who says anything you dislike a jew? One day you'll be debating some higher material in Satanism with no relation to anything we're talking about, and because someone disagreed with you, you'll just call them a jew instead of stating why you believe your position to be correct or not.

Jack said:
ess said:
1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?
Having pride in any positive intrinsic trait of your race is natural, blacks and yellows have their own positive qualities to be proud of, and being the direct descendants of the Nordic Gods is something we as whites take pride in.

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.
I'm assuming this is the whole "taking pride in others achievements because you don't have anything of your own" type argument. Once again taking pride in your race, and your races achievements is natural and a part of our tribalistic nature, which is what we must abide by to flourish. It's the same thing as taking pride in your families achievements. Whatever group you're a part of, family, community, ethnicity, race, whatever it may be, it's natural to feel pride and love for it. Family, Nation, and Race, in that order.

3) Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?
They don't, no one ever said that. If I said Hail the Black Race would that be me worshiping the Black Race? Of course not, saying "Hail" something is simply a way of showing respect and praise. Satan and all other Gods do not want slavish worship, but we do say "Hail Satan" to show respect and love to them.
This is a very good answer to the argument of 'why youd take pride in others achievements'. The natural state of affairs being group pride is atavistic. The only way this can be overcome is with consumerism and capitalism to the point you're not part of any society,culture or race and that your only 'Yourself' as in a labour unit in the eyes of the Jewish industrial complex. This is simply not the natural state of affairs. Europeans had great pride in their race till they were bullied for over 50 years since WW2 into leaving their racist tendencies through forced indoctrination.

Thus kind of bullshit individualism argument of your nothing except yourself is a way of alienating whites from feeling empathy for other whites. Which can be said for all races in their respective regards.
Okay, first of all, does it have to be atavistic? I can think of other reasons to be proud to be in a group outside of what has been inherited only. Second of all, is capitalism/communism the only alternative? Why is that? Third of all, just because something was true in the past doesn't mean it's right.

When you mention me "alienating" "other" Whites, my questions are:
1) Why focus on this parameter of ethnicity?
2) By your logic, aren't you "alienating" international unity?

Egon said:
Length said:
I also dont understand how what i posted could be taken negatively.
It wasn't, anyone in this community knows it was a very nice post. Just one kike radar spoting something nice being said about the White Race and appealing to "muh freedumb of speech" went full:

Amazing. Start to defend what you believe instead of just calling anything you don't like a "kike". That's what other WN forums have done to us, when they talk their BS about "The Synagogue of Satan" and how only Jewsus can "save" them and their ethnicity. But if they were to debate a JoS member fairly, they'd easily lose. So instead of letting us speak, they call us kikes and censor us.

ZmajEriksson said:
We're the only race that, possesses, in the vast majority, the Faustian drive. This drive is single handedly responsible for all our achievements. So, yes, we are superior by default. That doesn't mean other races are "inferior" by its modern, sentimental meaning. In fact, honorary Aryan tribes like the Japanese and Mongolians, arguably, are far superior to most 21st century whites
I think that anyone with the Faustian drive is superior to those who don't have it, on an individual basis. Otherwise, we could even say that economic classes have more drive by average, so do the sexes, etc.
A very nice question. The reason why it is atavistic is because nature has made it so. National Socialism is sometimes called Natures Eternal Religion because it asserts the natural way of things.

However while only individualism is Capitalistic as in it signifies nihilism,greed and vanity only for one self, the opposite is not communism. Communism is actually a system of slave labour where a group of capitalists exploit workers after expropriation of their property and wealth. It is a system where a group of people can transfer the entire wealth of a nation and at the same time make the nation subjugated through the army,media and other means.

The opposite is National Socialism. In this system all the workers, industrialists, statesmen and farmers owe their allegiance to the national state and thus since they are inherently nationalistic, they do not exploit each other as it would go against the common good of the state. In such a climate of fanatical nationalism, there is no greed or vanity for oneself. It also allows complete private ownership and the ability and opportunity
for anyone in the economy to rise to a top level while helping the nation. The worker works for the betterment of the motherland and the industrialist makes jobs for the betterment of the motherland whichin turn gives him profit. Only through race pride and nationalism could the germans realize Deutschland Uber Lis (Germany above all) in a real sense. Such fanatical race pride is needed for the system to work.

Taking pride in ones race and dedicating to the common good of the motherland does not mean disrespecting others ,the Nazis make this very clear.

As for the objection that what was correct before isn't correct now ,you can clearly see the disparity in that world and now. Democracy and liberalism has completely destroyed the entire world with jews able to infiltrate all forms of government and have waged war against multiple nations ,against morality and common sense.

Humans are inherently tribalistic and they are incapable of self rule. They are simply incapable of deciding things through mediation and sharing power. Humans as biological beings are wired to follow a dictator of the philosopher statesman type. The absolute destruction of the greatest democracy on earth, America is a blatant example of the failure of democracy and how it failed. The people were lead astray by jews and corrupt politicians who then stole the wealth if the people, waged war against foreign nations for jews and completely destroyed the American community.

What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

Recently I was reading the news where an american politician sold stocks and told his Donors to sell the stocks secretly while Downplaying the Coronavirus Epidemic publicly, before the financial bloodbath. Somehow he got this information from the deep state spies and was prepared. Do you think this kind of corruption would be tolerated in National Germany or a German during Hitler's could even think about doing something that would harm the nation ?

Our Nation is our Race is true for all races. Marcus Garvey proposed that the subcontinent of Africa should be one nation under one leader only for blacks. Why don't the blacklivesmatter communists who are terrorizing america adopt black nationalism and go back to africa which is their homeland .

Somehow it is only Europeans who are lambasted when they take pride in their own race. Because supposedly when it last happened, 6 million jews were turned into soap and lampshades and some were made to climb trees and be pretend to be roosters till the germans cut the trees and killed them.

If you really take an objective mind then you would realize national Socialism was the best system that had ever been manifested on this earth.
Your argument was on strange terms to be honest. Egon stated your reaction is based on the Cultural Marxist narrative which is anti-White by open design and based on the Jewish ideology of Marxism. The Jews just took the ideological narrative of class and changed it for race. The Jews openly state the goal of Cultural Marxism is the abolishing of the White Race. Which is soft language for extermination. The Jews state that exterminating the White Race is loyalty to humanity. And humanity is code for Jews as the Jewish race religion states that only Jews are human beings. The Jewish race religion orders the extermination of the White Race. Culturalism Marxism is from the Jewish Talmud and attempting to grant the Talmud political agency.

Calling Egon a Communist over his disagreement is also strange argumentation. Egon is not demanding the dictatorship of the Proletariat and the institution of the Communist Manifesto. He is simply stating his belief in the influence of your narrative.

Psychxdeliclove666 said:
Egon said:
Psychxdeliclove666 said:
How about no?
Marxism 1001 when you spot a White who's self aware of his race: Of course we know every other race has the right to express how they feel their race is awesome but the moment a White says the obvious and how he feels about his own race it's "how dare you inferiorize all other races by being proud of your own race's qualities???", when it's clearly not the case anywhere in the post.

Saying that the White ethnicity is superior to others, is like saying that every other race is superior to the Whites because Satan and team had taken the quality time to engineer them with their hands instead of just screwing some primordial females, and that Whites only exist as test monkeys for every other race.
If it's to be that stupid when someone is proud of a fact someone's race has that others have not, we could say that it was easy to just procreate what was already awesome and the others took a lot of effort to make something even resemble a human being.

Let me say this in the open. Call it Marxism all you want, if you can't debate it, you're the Communist here, who goes around censoring everything. We are Satanists, we must research and debate before claiming anything.

1) I don't understand the hype behind having a little more of Satan's blood. Explain why this is a point of pride?

2) OP seems to attribute individual achievements of culture, science, etc. to a whole ethnicity, when he'd be pissed if the same was done for one's gender, birth decade, height, etc.


Egon said:
Within the coming of Satan Era, all Cultures and Races would feel and acknowledge the same: Hail to Satan Children
Why does a nonwhite have to worship White people again?

4) I did NOT support the example I gave. It was used for the opposite purpose, to ridicule.
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Psychxdeliclove666 said:

I suggest you read these sermons:

• Race Heredity Charts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmapxedpzsc4se7/Dealing_With_Astral_Entities_2-_Race-Heredity-Charts-_HP_Cobra_666.pdf?dl=0
• Mass Karma, Country Karma, World Karma: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ahw6emshjfrqt3/Dealing_With_Astral_Entities_4B-_Mass_Karma-Country_Karma-World_Karma_-_HP_Cobra_666.pdf?dl=0
• Past Life Memory and Race Soul: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aeqkesk07ocno6q/Dealing_with_Astral_Entities_5-_Past_Life_Memory_and_Race_Soul_HP_Cobra.pdf?dl=0
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.
Racially mixed societies don't work. Using America of today as some argument for racially mixed societies actually disproves your argument. America is the ultimate evidence that racially mixed societies don't work. In fact its even in your argument and for whatever reason its over your head.

The Founders of America stated in the Constitution that America is a White Republic. The Naturalization Act of the Founding Fathers of America stated one had to be of White European race and good moral character to be a citizen of America. They were all White Nationalists, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin all of them. Take away what is White European from America and you have nothing left. Because it was Whites who built America. The Jews changed the immigration laws in 1965 against the will of the American People to bring an end to White America and bring about Communism.

The creation of different racial nation states for Blacks and Asian's within the American sphere is a possibility. But civic nationalism is a failure. Even within American Asian's and Blacks live in their own racial communities and want their own mini racial states in that way.

Your attempting to use grievance politics for your claims also fails. Many Whites were used as slave labour, worked to death and treated brutality as well in building America. Mainly due to Jews.

America was created by the Luciferian societies in Europe to be a White Republic based on European Hellenic idealism. This is why Rome went to war with England in 1588 by sending the Spanish crusade to attack England. And why the Jewsuits were using their influence with the Amerindians and French to start wars against the English colonies.

Elias Sebastian said:
What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

America is made up of 50 states. Why should blacks and Asians go where they worked as slaves to create a better future? (including whites) Already blacks detach themselves from whites, even if for racial reasons, they detach themselves even without Satanism, so what does mixing do? And Europe that should worry about mixing not the United States because we are talking about a state that occupies half of the continent, the world is not as small as it seems. And like modern football: you play not for the color of your skin but for your skills. If you are not good you don't play, black or white or yellow you don't play. This is cooperation between races and non-mixes. And so America was built, nobody told immigrants to get laid like in South America. And above all thanks to the United States that blacks today feel proud of being black, so why should they leave?
Butt Aquarius, muh feelings, they work so hard with bleeding fingers while raping white women and raising crime rates, don't they deserve to have a home here in the americuz? They'll only take your property, your job, your resources, supplies, money and rights, that's not a lot right? They deserve it, they slave away for thousands of dollars a month Aquarius, thousands of dollars a month!

Bad whitey stole everything from them, evil whitey needs to give it back like good goyim should. The big jew overlords told me everything belongs to the true natives of these lands as if the land was never designated for whites to begin with, there are countless stories upon stories about how evil whitey is, I watched poke-a-haunt-uss. Natives wuz here first right? These other races must live with us forever to continue on with their purpiss, Jewzus told me in the reflection of the water in my toilet, it wuz a sign!

Aquarius said:
Elias Sebastian said:
What this means is
1)Race pride is important for National Socialism to work.
2)Races have their own responsibility to themselves and not to others.
3)Different races living together destroyed nations. African Americans and Asians should return to their homelands and America should only be for Americans.
4)National Socialism is the only system that has worked against jews and was able to bond workers and Industrialists in a mutualistic way.
5)Taking pride and more importantly allegiance to ones nation and race will make vanity,excessive greed against the betterment of the nation go away.

What do you mean by Americans only? Look, be very careful what you say because life is much easier to write behind a computer. So much so that you talk about National Socialism, I think the Germans are only in Germany or am I wrong? If you want to find a Norwegian, you should go to Norway, don't you think? Why must Africans and Asians leave America? Although they have worked harnessed, underpaid and treated like animals for years to build the United States all together. Do you know the saying: "Rome was not built in a day"? I think the latter are the ones who deserve more to stay in America, the founding fathers have gained independence and I am not saying that it is little for heaven's sake. America is different from Europe because America has always been a no man's land. The people who live there not only have the right, but they deserve thanks to the efforts of their ancestors to live there forever.
Elias, let me be clear. You have this strange anti-white retarded idea that America was of the native americans and that we Whites stole it. And now you even promote this multiracial degeneration about blacks and asians having to stay in the USA, are you fucked out of your mind dude? We know at this point that you are offended at White people but seriously you need to understand that the world doesen't revolve around your feelings of inferiority and that the USA will be a WHITE ONLY country, just like all EUROPEANS countries will. You're not a National Socialist if you keep saying this bullshit, and when you're not a National Socialist you're not even a Satanist, because the two are 666% connected.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
