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White People, The BEST of this World

Aquarius said:
I do not think he is an infiltrator, but rather a dumb south american who lives in Italy and thinks nordic people are jealous of him. He's pretty fucked up about the race question.

He seems to thoroughly enjoy sparking fires between members, I'd say it's not worth wasting time on him.

The stupid can't be cured of stupid.
Aquarius said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.
I don't think he's an infiltrator, he's a south american guy who lives in Italy and is kinda dumb who sometime ago posted about how he felt that nordic people were jealous of him. LOL

Even black people envied me because they thought I was rich. Here everyone wants you to be poor like them and I don't understand why. Anyway thanks for saying I'm a boy, then said by you ... ;)
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

Honestly it just sounds like you're suddenly just going back on your prior behaviour and contradicting yourself to save your ass, or you think reassuring me of our positive and victorious future is going to some how 'calm' or 'sooth' me or even distract me from tearing into you like a carcass. Typical behaviour of a parasite that realizes it's been spotted and is trying to somehow 'flatter' the host to keep it alive, yeah "what's the problem?" you say as if you're feigning ignorance, huh...

You can't be promoting the trash you're promoting and then say you 'love' whites or you 'love' blacks because the lifestyle your saying we should live is harmful to all races, not just one. You like arguing with members? You enjoy pressuring a point that's already been proven to be detrimental? Are you just that ass deep sitting on the giant thorn of your ego that you have to be right? Or do you just see us as goyim and you're just the high and mighty 'master' who 'knows what's best'?

I don't usually strike into the usual disputes of members and return fire to the starter, I'd much rather not even bother it's not my business and it's not my concern, but watching you rattle other members and seeming to thoroughly enjoy it fucking disgusts me. If you had any sense of respect you'd understand that your only contribution to this 'discussion' is fueling a flame of retardation of which serves no purpose and you'd back down upon recognizing this. You didn't even deny or try to defend yourself from the accusation of being an infiltrator, instead saying you're here for 'a reason'.

The others might think otherwise, but I smell a parasite. You better have a damn good explanation for your bullshit.
Elias Sebastian said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I am a child? ok, always better than being the dog in the group. I was talking about the USA not about Italy. I will try to be more lovable with you. ;)

Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.

I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

10 children each? Are you insane? As if the planet is not overpopulated already. Do you want more useless noise and pollution around, both physical and spiritual? I certainly do not. Maybe, if the bio-weapon took care of a great slice of the population (those who are too far gone), 10 children each would be justifiable for us... Actually, not. It's still too much. But 4 is good round number.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

Honestly it just sounds like you're suddenly just going back on your prior behaviour and contradicting yourself to save your ass, or you think reassuring me of our positive and victorious future is going to some how 'calm' or 'sooth' me or even distract me from tearing into you like a carcass. Typical behaviour of a parasite that realizes it's been spotted and is trying to somehow 'flatter' the host to keep it alive, yeah "what's the problem?" you say as if you're feigning ignorance, huh...

You can't be promoting the trash you're promoting and then say you 'love' whites or you 'love' blacks because the lifestyle your saying we should live is harmful to all races, not just one. You like arguing with members? You enjoy pressuring a point that's already been proven to be detrimental? Are you just that ass deep sitting on the giant thorn of your ego that you have to be right? Or do you just see us as goyim and you're just the high and mighty 'master' who 'knows what's best'?

I don't usually strike into the usual disputes of members and return fire to the starter, I'd much rather not even bother it's not my business and it's not my concern, but watching you rattle other members and seeming to thoroughly enjoy it fucking disgusts me. If you had any sense of respect you'd understand that your only contribution to this 'discussion' is fueling a flame of retardation of which serves no purpose and you'd back down upon recognizing this. You didn't even deny or try to defend yourself from the accusation of being an infiltrator, instead saying you're here for 'a reason'.

The others might think otherwise, but I smell a parasite. You better have a damn good explanation for your bullshit.

Save me from what? It was enough for me to study a little history at school to say my opinion. I don't need to do these "searches" on the internet. You tell me I'm an infiltrator but why? Maybe because the truth hurts you too?
Stormblood said:
Elias Sebastian said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Hold the phone I think I know just what the fuck you are. You're a disgusting infiltrator, you don't feel any connection with any race here for a damn good reason and you're just naturally spewing this garbage because it's 'natural' to you. You even said it yourself a long time ago where you made up some blatant lie of people calling you an alien or that you're not of this world and don't belong on Earth but that was just you trying to express how you actually feel or some subconscious garbage of your soul.

You preached of an origin a year ago of an association you came from that was dominated by jewish direction of which you were born from. You have a terrible fucking vibe to all your posts and everything you say is a straight blind steer that sounds like everything the enemy so heavily preaches, not to mention your profile name is a variation of israelian origin of 'ēlīyāhū meaning "Jehovah is God" and even Sebastian has some relation with xianity, why does your whole freaking profile name reflect this?

Far too much of your entire person smells like bullshit to me and I refuse to trust a single damn thing that comes out of your head.

I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

10 children each? Are you insane? As if the planet is not overpopulated already. Do you want more useless noise and pollution around, both physical and spiritual? I certainly do not. Maybe, if the bio-weapon took care of a great slice of the population (those who are too far gone), 10 children each would be justifiable for us... Actually, not. It's still too much. But 4 is good round number.
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Let's keep having someone who is not American, and has never been to America, try to lecture us about American culture and history....   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I wouldn't try to argue with an Italian about the subtle points of Italian culture and history, because I don't know much about it. But good thing Elias is so extremely bold that he doesn't need to know what he's talking about, he doesn't need to know anything about our culture or our history, he can still lecture us like we are babies and he knows better just by talking out of his ass.  :lol: Elias, you can argue with Aquarius about American culture and history as long as you want, because you are both Italians with no experience or knowledge about America so it is mostly nonsense either way, but your time would be better spent to argue about something that you actually know about, like the culture in Italy.

As an American, who has been here my whole life and does know all about the history and cultures here, my opinion is that whatever good people who are American citizens at this time should stay as American citizens, regardless of race. Anybody who is subversive and anti-American, they don't need to be here, regardless of race and including all the white communist marxist liberals. Those liberals have such a hatred against America, they can leave since they hate it here so much. And they can go to Russia since they love marxism so much. I agree with having secure borders and stopping future immigration, or at least slowing it down very much and limiting it only to the most qualified and smartest people.

Something that America has that other countries and cultures do not have, is we have African Americans and Asian Americans, and there is nothing wrong with that. Many African Americans have been here just as long as the white people have, and most of them are great people with strong morals. If in Italy or other places in Europe, there are a lot of Muslim extremists who want to cut off your head, and many of them are also black, that may start to influence your opinion about them. But America is completely different, we don't have extremist muslims in any significant amount, and most of our black citizens are great people who do contribute and have good morals. Remember that America is bigger than all of Europe. In America, we have many communities and cities where the citizens there are mostly or entirely non-white, and that is fine if they are happy with it. America has enough space that this works, there is room for all the different communities. But each American state is larger than most entire European countries are, and we have 50 of them, so it is a very different situation than Europe and you can't compare them.

All illegal immigrants, and all who are criminals, should not be here. All white marxist America-hating liberals need to go live in Russia, since that's the society they want so much. And the borders have to be secure. But african Americans who have been here for many generations, and they are good people, let them stay. Many of them have the kind of family-centered values that we wish everyone would have. We have the space and resources for them, it is a good thing for them to be here.   There is a small percentage of them who do bad things, just like there is a small percentage in any group who does bad things, but those people do not represent the majority.

President Truman, who wrote in his high school yearbook about himself being jewish, created a lot of "new deal" style liberal policies that ripped apart black families. He created laws that black single mothers would get a lot of money from the government, but only if there is no man living in the home. If the children had a father, or any male role model like an uncle, the family would not get the money, so they could not afford for the father to be involved. This dropped the percentage of black families who have a father from about 95% to about 30%, and is just now finally increasing again. This is why many of them had to look for a male role model from outside of the home, which usually meant older boys in the neighborhood who were in the same situation, which is the single absolute cause of all the gangs. Then the CIA and Cartels flooded black cities with millions of pounds of drugs for decades. And everywhere you look in that history, all the problems that you see are directly traced back to liberal democrat policies and the jewish politicians who create them. Policies that they pretend are meant to help, but really just cause a million more problems. In the exact same way they promote all these pills on TV that they say is made to cure a disease, but then they list the side effects and it really causes 15 more diseases that you didn't have before. Plus the jewish record companies putting endless propaganda through the control of the rap music industry, through lyrics that encourage crimes and drug use, because that is what the producers want to happen to their culture.

So the majority of black people in America are great, noble, moral people who always want to do the right thing. And whatever ones have problems, all of their problems trace directly and clearly back to the same enemy where our problems come from. Some of them have been made to blame it on us, and it is equally wrong to blame it on them. But the political and cultural environment of America is in a complete transformation right now because the jewish liberal democrat politicians are in this desperate race against the clock, and they are exposing themselves for their purely insane and evil actions and plans more and more every single day. I truly believe that most democrats are about to be voted out of office, and it's going to be many years before anyone trusts them ever again. All americans, regardless of race, are now seeing where all their problems really do come from, and it is not each other. Republicans are all about all citizens being successful and prosperous, and just want a healthy and strong society for everybody to benefit from. And when they start feeling these improvements, the black people are turning against democrats and they are turning against the idea of racism. They see that it's the democrats who pretend to be their friend are really the most racist and hateful people who have caused all of their problems, and the regular white republicans who the democrats always tell them are racist, are really not racist at all and they just want to have everybody succeed.

Before the corona virus happened, Trump's policies dropped black unemployment, asian unemployment, and hispanic unemployment all to the lowest levels in all of history, and dropped female unemployment to the lowest levels since about 70 years ago. Trump, someone who the media is always lying about and trying to say he is racist, is doing more to help minorities than any other president in history, and he is one of those Straight White Males that the Marxists are always crying about. Things like this are showing the black communities that white people like Trump are not racist at all, and we are even doing more to help them than anyone else ever did, so all the liberal marxist lies about racism are collapsing. The entire marxist narrative that makes some black people hate white people is collapsing and being proven wrong more and more every day. And friendliness and comradery betwern races is steadily improving. As the Marxists lose all power and influence, racial tensions improve and everybody gets along a lot better.

So Elias and Aquarius are both partly correct, and both very incorrect, because neither of you are American. America is an extremely complex situation that even many Americans never really understand, so neither of you Italians could make a definitive argument about it because you just don't know what your talking about. Race relations and friendliness is very good in America, and is improving every day, and we have enough room for it to work. But you can't compare America and European countries.

As a black SS this gets annoying that even when one of the black SS says something good about Whites hence @Length, somebody feels butt hurt about it. I can see how Aquarius feels about the degenerated blacks that invade Europe, and honestly I'm fairly pissed too. All it does is make Blacks seem like animals that some Whites describe. For those black that do that, I hold no love for them. For those that see the truth of the matter, I welcome.

I agree with you Oly, because yes the blacks before had very strong National Socialist values. Funnily enough a cousin and I were talking after 10 years of my not being in the States( travel across the world) . She and I agreed wholeheartedly that blacks have lost their way, and that the elders of each family try to hold onto those values and leave it to the next generation. So yes our values are still there. Elias, hope your reading this because I agree with Aquarius with going back to Africa. I always wanted to go there. It looks amazing. And honestly it feels like home. @Meena_venus wanted to go back. I look forward to it actually. So if your upset because blacks( those that are degenerates) deserve to stay in the USA because they were born here after we've dealt with the enemy, and yet still remains as degenerates, well you're on the wrong side of the playing field brother, because as it stands we uphold the best, and show others the key to evolution. Those that don't are forgotten, those that try are helped, those who advance and those who achieve are praised. It's just that simple.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

10 children each? Are you insane? As if the planet is not overpopulated already. Do you want more useless noise and pollution around, both physical and spiritual? I certainly do not. Maybe, if the bio-weapon took care of a great slice of the population (those who are too far gone), 10 children each would be justifiable for us... Actually, not. It's still too much. But 4 is good round number.
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol
Ramier108666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Let's keep having someone who is not American, and has never been to America, try to lecture us about American culture and history....   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I wouldn't try to argue with an Italian about the subtle points of Italian culture and history, because I don't know much about it. But good thing Elias is so extremely bold that he doesn't need to know what he's talking about, he doesn't need to know anything about our culture or our history, he can still lecture us like we are babies and he knows better just by talking out of his ass.  :lol: Elias, you can argue with Aquarius about American culture and history as long as you want, because you are both Italians with no experience or knowledge about America so it is mostly nonsense either way, but your time would be better spent to argue about something that you actually know about, like the culture in Italy.

As an American, who has been here my whole life and does know all about the history and cultures here, my opinion is that whatever good people who are American citizens at this time should stay as American citizens, regardless of race. Anybody who is subversive and anti-American, they don't need to be here, regardless of race and including all the white communist marxist liberals. Those liberals have such a hatred against America, they can leave since they hate it here so much. And they can go to Russia since they love marxism so much. I agree with having secure borders and stopping future immigration, or at least slowing it down very much and limiting it only to the most qualified and smartest people.

Something that America has that other countries and cultures do not have, is we have African Americans and Asian Americans, and there is nothing wrong with that. Many African Americans have been here just as long as the white people have, and most of them are great people with strong morals. If in Italy or other places in Europe, there are a lot of Muslim extremists who want to cut off your head, and many of them are also black, that may start to influence your opinion about them. But America is completely different, we don't have extremist muslims in any significant amount, and most of our black citizens are great people who do contribute and have good morals. Remember that America is bigger than all of Europe. In America, we have many communities and cities where the citizens there are mostly or entirely non-white, and that is fine if they are happy with it. America has enough space that this works, there is room for all the different communities. But each American state is larger than most entire European countries are, and we have 50 of them, so it is a very different situation than Europe and you can't compare them.

All illegal immigrants, and all who are criminals, should not be here. All white marxist America-hating liberals need to go live in Russia, since that's the society they want so much. And the borders have to be secure. But african Americans who have been here for many generations, and they are good people, let them stay. Many of them have the kind of family-centered values that we wish everyone would have. We have the space and resources for them, it is a good thing for them to be here.   There is a small percentage of them who do bad things, just like there is a small percentage in any group who does bad things, but those people do not represent the majority.

President Truman, who wrote in his high school yearbook about himself being jewish, created a lot of "new deal" style liberal policies that ripped apart black families. He created laws that black single mothers would get a lot of money from the government, but only if there is no man living in the home. If the children had a father, or any male role model like an uncle, the family would not get the money, so they could not afford for the father to be involved. This dropped the percentage of black families who have a father from about 95% to about 30%, and is just now finally increasing again. This is why many of them had to look for a male role model from outside of the home, which usually meant older boys in the neighborhood who were in the same situation, which is the single absolute cause of all the gangs. Then the CIA and Cartels flooded black cities with millions of pounds of drugs for decades. And everywhere you look in that history, all the problems that you see are directly traced back to liberal democrat policies and the jewish politicians who create them. Policies that they pretend are meant to help, but really just cause a million more problems. In the exact same way they promote all these pills on TV that they say is made to cure a disease, but then they list the side effects and it really causes 15 more diseases that you didn't have before. Plus the jewish record companies putting endless propaganda through the control of the rap music industry, through lyrics that encourage crimes and drug use, because that is what the producers want to happen to their culture.

So the majority of black people in America are great, noble, moral people who always want to do the right thing. And whatever ones have problems, all of their problems trace directly and clearly back to the same enemy where our problems come from. Some of them have been made to blame it on us, and it is equally wrong to blame it on them. But the political and cultural environment of America is in a complete transformation right now because the jewish liberal democrat politicians are in this desperate race against the clock, and they are exposing themselves for their purely insane and evil actions and plans more and more every single day. I truly believe that most democrats are about to be voted out of office, and it's going to be many years before anyone trusts them ever again. All americans, regardless of race, are now seeing where all their problems really do come from, and it is not each other. Republicans are all about all citizens being successful and prosperous, and just want a healthy and strong society for everybody to benefit from. And when they start feeling these improvements, the black people are turning against democrats and they are turning against the idea of racism. They see that it's the democrats who pretend to be their friend are really the most racist and hateful people who have caused all of their problems, and the regular white republicans who the democrats always tell them are racist, are really not racist at all and they just want to have everybody succeed.

Before the corona virus happened, Trump's policies dropped black unemployment, asian unemployment, and hispanic unemployment all to the lowest levels in all of history, and dropped female unemployment to the lowest levels since about 70 years ago. Trump, someone who the media is always lying about and trying to say he is racist, is doing more to help minorities than any other president in history, and he is one of those Straight White Males that the Marxists are always crying about. Things like this are showing the black communities that white people like Trump are not racist at all, and we are even doing more to help them than anyone else ever did, so all the liberal marxist lies about racism are collapsing. The entire marxist narrative that makes some black people hate white people is collapsing and being proven wrong more and more every day. And friendliness and comradery betwern races is steadily improving. As the Marxists lose all power and influence, racial tensions improve and everybody gets along a lot better.

So Elias and Aquarius are both partly correct, and both very incorrect, because neither of you are American. America is an extremely complex situation that even many Americans never really understand, so neither of you Italians could make a definitive argument about it because you just don't know what your talking about. Race relations and friendliness is very good in America, and is improving every day, and we have enough room for it to work. But you can't compare America and European countries.

As a black SS this gets annoying that even when one of the black SS says something good about Whites hence @Length, somebody feels butt hurt about it. I can see how Aquarius feels about the degenerated blacks that invade Europe, and honestly I'm fairly pissed too. All it does is make Blacks seem like animals that some Whites describe. For those black that do that, I hold no love for them. For those that see the truth of the matter, I welcome.

I agree with you Oly, because yes the blacks before had very strong National Socialist values. Funnily enough a cousin and I were talking after 10 years of my not being in the States( travel across the world) . She and I agreed wholeheartedly that blacks have lost their way, and that the elders of each family try to hold onto those values and leave it to the next generation. So yes our values are still there. Elias, hope your reading this because I agree with Aquarius with going back to Africa. I always wanted to go there. It looks amazing. And honestly it feels like home. @Meena_venus wanted to go back. I look forward to it actually. So if your upset because blacks( those that are degenerates) deserve to stay in the USA because they were born here after we've dealt with the enemy, and yet still remains as degenerates, well you're on the wrong side of the playing field brother, because as it stands we uphold the best, and show others the key to evolution. Those that don't are forgotten, those that try are helped, those who advance and those who achieve are praised. It's just that simple.
Not sure where Ol argedco wrote that maybe it's in the first page and I didn't see it as I'm reading it from Ramier's reply, but the part about Elias and I not knowing shit about America made laugh a lot lol and yes I do agree with you on that, but what I know is that it makes no sense for blacks to stay there, like ABSOLUTELY no sense, multiethnic society have proved not to work and blacks don't feel like they belong there, America is a White country and blacks are in there just because of the jews, the founding fathers would never have wanted this shit to happen. Feelings in this matter don't count anything, it's truth that counts(truth always counts by the way). And Elias is not Italian he's a south american asian immigrant.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

10 children each? Are you insane? As if the planet is not overpopulated already. Do you want more useless noise and pollution around, both physical and spiritual? I certainly do not. Maybe, if the bio-weapon took care of a great slice of the population (those who are too far gone), 10 children each would be justifiable for us... Actually, not. It's still too much. But 4 is good round number.
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.

True. We should work to build wordly paradises in my opinion, spreading the population wisely without destroying the natural landscape to replace it with the ugly and unsettling urban landscape. That's what I meant with my reply.


I don't want to see ugly-looking planets like Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Taris, Denon, Eufornis Major, Uchinao and other ecumenopolis in the Star Wars franchise. Planets like Kashyyk, Naboo, Alderaan, Tython, Voss and Yavin IV could be taken as examples.
Aquarius said:
Ramier108666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Let's keep having someone who is not American, and has never been to America, try to lecture us about American culture and history....   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I wouldn't try to argue with an Italian about the subtle points of Italian culture and history, because I don't know much about it. But good thing Elias is so extremely bold that he doesn't need to know what he's talking about, he doesn't need to know anything about our culture or our history, he can still lecture us like we are babies and he knows better just by talking out of his ass.  :lol: Elias, you can argue with Aquarius about American culture and history as long as you want, because you are both Italians with no experience or knowledge about America so it is mostly nonsense either way, but your time would be better spent to argue about something that you actually know about, like the culture in Italy.

As an American, who has been here my whole life and does know all about the history and cultures here, my opinion is that whatever good people who are American citizens at this time should stay as American citizens, regardless of race. Anybody who is subversive and anti-American, they don't need to be here, regardless of race and including all the white communist marxist liberals. Those liberals have such a hatred against America, they can leave since they hate it here so much. And they can go to Russia since they love marxism so much. I agree with having secure borders and stopping future immigration, or at least slowing it down very much and limiting it only to the most qualified and smartest people.

Something that America has that other countries and cultures do not have, is we have African Americans and Asian Americans, and there is nothing wrong with that. Many African Americans have been here just as long as the white people have, and most of them are great people with strong morals. If in Italy or other places in Europe, there are a lot of Muslim extremists who want to cut off your head, and many of them are also black, that may start to influence your opinion about them. But America is completely different, we don't have extremist muslims in any significant amount, and most of our black citizens are great people who do contribute and have good morals. Remember that America is bigger than all of Europe. In America, we have many communities and cities where the citizens there are mostly or entirely non-white, and that is fine if they are happy with it. America has enough space that this works, there is room for all the different communities. But each American state is larger than most entire European countries are, and we have 50 of them, so it is a very different situation than Europe and you can't compare them.

All illegal immigrants, and all who are criminals, should not be here. All white marxist America-hating liberals need to go live in Russia, since that's the society they want so much. And the borders have to be secure. But african Americans who have been here for many generations, and they are good people, let them stay. Many of them have the kind of family-centered values that we wish everyone would have. We have the space and resources for them, it is a good thing for them to be here.   There is a small percentage of them who do bad things, just like there is a small percentage in any group who does bad things, but those people do not represent the majority.

President Truman, who wrote in his high school yearbook about himself being jewish, created a lot of "new deal" style liberal policies that ripped apart black families. He created laws that black single mothers would get a lot of money from the government, but only if there is no man living in the home. If the children had a father, or any male role model like an uncle, the family would not get the money, so they could not afford for the father to be involved. This dropped the percentage of black families who have a father from about 95% to about 30%, and is just now finally increasing again. This is why many of them had to look for a male role model from outside of the home, which usually meant older boys in the neighborhood who were in the same situation, which is the single absolute cause of all the gangs. Then the CIA and Cartels flooded black cities with millions of pounds of drugs for decades. And everywhere you look in that history, all the problems that you see are directly traced back to liberal democrat policies and the jewish politicians who create them. Policies that they pretend are meant to help, but really just cause a million more problems. In the exact same way they promote all these pills on TV that they say is made to cure a disease, but then they list the side effects and it really causes 15 more diseases that you didn't have before. Plus the jewish record companies putting endless propaganda through the control of the rap music industry, through lyrics that encourage crimes and drug use, because that is what the producers want to happen to their culture.

So the majority of black people in America are great, noble, moral people who always want to do the right thing. And whatever ones have problems, all of their problems trace directly and clearly back to the same enemy where our problems come from. Some of them have been made to blame it on us, and it is equally wrong to blame it on them. But the political and cultural environment of America is in a complete transformation right now because the jewish liberal democrat politicians are in this desperate race against the clock, and they are exposing themselves for their purely insane and evil actions and plans more and more every single day. I truly believe that most democrats are about to be voted out of office, and it's going to be many years before anyone trusts them ever again. All americans, regardless of race, are now seeing where all their problems really do come from, and it is not each other. Republicans are all about all citizens being successful and prosperous, and just want a healthy and strong society for everybody to benefit from. And when they start feeling these improvements, the black people are turning against democrats and they are turning against the idea of racism. They see that it's the democrats who pretend to be their friend are really the most racist and hateful people who have caused all of their problems, and the regular white republicans who the democrats always tell them are racist, are really not racist at all and they just want to have everybody succeed.

Before the corona virus happened, Trump's policies dropped black unemployment, asian unemployment, and hispanic unemployment all to the lowest levels in all of history, and dropped female unemployment to the lowest levels since about 70 years ago. Trump, someone who the media is always lying about and trying to say he is racist, is doing more to help minorities than any other president in history, and he is one of those Straight White Males that the Marxists are always crying about. Things like this are showing the black communities that white people like Trump are not racist at all, and we are even doing more to help them than anyone else ever did, so all the liberal marxist lies about racism are collapsing. The entire marxist narrative that makes some black people hate white people is collapsing and being proven wrong more and more every day. And friendliness and comradery betwern races is steadily improving. As the Marxists lose all power and influence, racial tensions improve and everybody gets along a lot better.

So Elias and Aquarius are both partly correct, and both very incorrect, because neither of you are American. America is an extremely complex situation that even many Americans never really understand, so neither of you Italians could make a definitive argument about it because you just don't know what your talking about. Race relations and friendliness is very good in America, and is improving every day, and we have enough room for it to work. But you can't compare America and European countries.

As a black SS this gets annoying that even when one of the black SS says something good about Whites hence @Length, somebody feels butt hurt about it. I can see how Aquarius feels about the degenerated blacks that invade Europe, and honestly I'm fairly pissed too. All it does is make Blacks seem like animals that some Whites describe. For those black that do that, I hold no love for them. For those that see the truth of the matter, I welcome.

I agree with you Oly, because yes the blacks before had very strong National Socialist values. Funnily enough a cousin and I were talking after 10 years of my not being in the States( travel across the world) . She and I agreed wholeheartedly that blacks have lost their way, and that the elders of each family try to hold onto those values and leave it to the next generation. So yes our values are still there. Elias, hope your reading this because I agree with Aquarius with going back to Africa. I always wanted to go there. It looks amazing. And honestly it feels like home. @Meena_venus wanted to go back. I look forward to it actually. So if your upset because blacks( those that are degenerates) deserve to stay in the USA because they were born here after we've dealt with the enemy, and yet still remains as degenerates, well you're on the wrong side of the playing field brother, because as it stands we uphold the best, and show others the key to evolution. Those that don't are forgotten, those that try are helped, those who advance and those who achieve are praised. It's just that simple.
Not sure where Ol argedco wrote that maybe it's in the first page and I didn't see it as I'm reading it from Ramier's reply, but the part about Elias and I not knowing shit about America made laugh a lot lol and yes I do agree with you on that, but what I know is that it makes no sense for blacks to stay there, like ABSOLUTELY no sense, multiethnic society have proved not to work and blacks don't feel like they belong there, America is a White country and blacks are in there just because of the jews, the founding fathers would never have wanted this shit to happen. Feelings in this matter don't count anything, it's truth that counts(truth always counts by the way). And Elias is not Italian he's a south american asian immigrant.

Exact thanks! They said I was an infiltrator, but luckily there are always you following me like a dog ... And finally, sir, the scientist is the one who knows nothing about America. Even a ignorant in South America knows who Simon Bolivar is. He gives me Asian as a sign of contempt. But weren't we black? ? "Credevo fossero asiatici ma nein sono neri" Cit. Aquarius :lol: :lol:
So there are also the Andes in Africa??

Being naive does not mean being stupid. I was talking about the USA, nobody told you to intrude. I was wrong to tell my story in the Italian forum. Are you then there are you ready to defame me.
Elias Sebastian said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

Honestly it just sounds like you're suddenly just going back on your prior behaviour and contradicting yourself to save your ass, or you think reassuring me of our positive and victorious future is going to some how 'calm' or 'sooth' me or even distract me from tearing into you like a carcass. Typical behaviour of a parasite that realizes it's been spotted and is trying to somehow 'flatter' the host to keep it alive, yeah "what's the problem?" you say as if you're feigning ignorance, huh...

You can't be promoting the trash you're promoting and then say you 'love' whites or you 'love' blacks because the lifestyle your saying we should live is harmful to all races, not just one. You like arguing with members? You enjoy pressuring a point that's already been proven to be detrimental? Are you just that ass deep sitting on the giant thorn of your ego that you have to be right? Or do you just see us as goyim and you're just the high and mighty 'master' who 'knows what's best'?

I don't usually strike into the usual disputes of members and return fire to the starter, I'd much rather not even bother it's not my business and it's not my concern, but watching you rattle other members and seeming to thoroughly enjoy it fucking disgusts me. If you had any sense of respect you'd understand that your only contribution to this 'discussion' is fueling a flame of retardation of which serves no purpose and you'd back down upon recognizing this. You didn't even deny or try to defend yourself from the accusation of being an infiltrator, instead saying you're here for 'a reason'.

The others might think otherwise, but I smell a parasite. You better have a damn good explanation for your bullshit.

Save me from what? It was enough for me to study a little history at school to say my opinion. I don't need to do these "searches" on the internet. You tell me I'm an infiltrator but why? Maybe because the truth hurts you too?
Everything you were taught in school is most definitely wrong, especially history which I can say is conclusively wrong.
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
10 children each? Are you insane? As if the planet is not overpopulated already. Do you want more useless noise and pollution around, both physical and spiritual? I certainly do not. Maybe, if the bio-weapon took care of a great slice of the population (those who are too far gone), 10 children each would be justifiable for us... Actually, not. It's still too much. But 4 is good round number.
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
I think topoftheabyss is a "he".
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
With the Jews gone, it won't be a problem. In a few decades we will be colonizing the solar system. And not all of us will have children, let alone 10s of them.
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
He*, you filthy gender assumer.
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
I think topoftheabyss is a "he".
Yes, the girl in my profile picture is my guardian demon. It symbolizes my beauty, I just can't put pictures of myself on here.
HPS Shannon said:
Right now lets keep the focus on annihilating our enemy.

Kudos. Spotted inside trouble the moment I read the title of this post.

Personally, I always disliked the tendency to believe anyone is better than another by birth right. I don't know how Father created us in the detail, but I doubt He put us all in here together knowing we'd bitch about who's best and fight among us.
Let alone NOW that we're facing such a hard period.

So please everyone, put aside your petty differences and all the unneeded drama and let's destroy some jewish ass. We can discuss this after we reclaim the Earth if you really feel like it.

Besides (gotta point it out), 'the best' does not exist as long as you're given the possibility to work on yourself in order to advance and evolve more than the others. You can be the best today but tomorrow someone else turn up to be more evolved because you've worked with less determination, for instance. So keep empowering yourself. Right now we need to make sure we don't let these jew parasites make it even harder for us to be free. I don't want to reincarnate in a fully vaccinated child with an implant up his ass and live right next to a 5G tower. If THAT happens, 'being the best' will no longer be possible for any of us. So let's get back to destruction of our common enemies, ladies and gents.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
He*, you filthy gender assumer.

Be nice. Lol
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Few decades? You're too optimistic lol

Maybe she is, maybe she's not. The thing is that nowadays we're not progressing at 100% normal speed. More like much less than 10%. By the time Windows XP came out, we should've already been at Swort Art Online level of technology... for the public. NASA and other top-tier Jewish orgs are always nearly 20 years ahead of the public, leeching from the top of any field that they snatch and make work for themselves, like they do with advanced psychics that are not smart or wise enough to keep their mouth shut and contain themselves. Yet, since these top-notch people are shackled by the enemy programs, they don't proceed at full normal speed either but they're still stifled. So we don't really know how long will it takes to reach our full potential and how long would it take for us to reach solar system colonies stage. That's my opinion on the matter.
He*, you filthy gender assumer.

Thanks for the correction and sorry for the misunderstanding.
TopoftheAbyss said:
It's rude to assume one's gender.

I assume based on how the energies feel subconsciously. Do you have a dominant feminine side? You can avoid answering, of course. That is personal, after all. I don't mean to offend you by assuming you were a lady.
Stormblood said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
It's rude to assume one's gender.

I assume based on how the energies feel subconsciously. Do you have a dominant feminine side? You can avoid answering, of course. That is personal, after all. I don't mean to offend you by assuming you were a lady.
Yes, I have dominant feminine energies but I was joking. All the assuming gender stuff was a meme, sorry if I offended you.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Stormblood said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
It's rude to assume one's gender.

I assume based on how the energies feel subconsciously. Do you have a dominant feminine side? You can avoid answering, of course. That is personal, after all. I don't mean to offend you by assuming you were a lady.
Yes, I have dominant feminine energies but I was joking. All the assuming gender stuff was a meme, sorry if I offended you.
You didn't.
xudomode said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Elias Sebastian said:
I'm not here by chance, or maybe yes, I don't know. however I repeat for the umpteenth time that I don't hate whites. I have real white friends not only on the computer. Hating whites is like hating Satan himself. I did not choose Satan, I was already of Satan in some previous life. I repeat that I don't hate whites, the war will end, the Gods will be with us and the whites will have to have 10 children each, what's the problem? Today people have few children because they can't support them all. And I have no idea why the Chinese and Indians count in billions, who knows how they did it.

Honestly it just sounds like you're suddenly just going back on your prior behaviour and contradicting yourself to save your ass, or you think reassuring me of our positive and victorious future is going to some how 'calm' or 'sooth' me or even distract me from tearing into you like a carcass. Typical behaviour of a parasite that realizes it's been spotted and is trying to somehow 'flatter' the host to keep it alive, yeah "what's the problem?" you say as if you're feigning ignorance, huh...

You can't be promoting the trash you're promoting and then say you 'love' whites or you 'love' blacks because the lifestyle your saying we should live is harmful to all races, not just one. You like arguing with members? You enjoy pressuring a point that's already been proven to be detrimental? Are you just that ass deep sitting on the giant thorn of your ego that you have to be right? Or do you just see us as goyim and you're just the high and mighty 'master' who 'knows what's best'?

I don't usually strike into the usual disputes of members and return fire to the starter, I'd much rather not even bother it's not my business and it's not my concern, but watching you rattle other members and seeming to thoroughly enjoy it fucking disgusts me. If you had any sense of respect you'd understand that your only contribution to this 'discussion' is fueling a flame of retardation of which serves no purpose and you'd back down upon recognizing this. You didn't even deny or try to defend yourself from the accusation of being an infiltrator, instead saying you're here for 'a reason'.

The others might think otherwise, but I smell a parasite. You better have a damn good explanation for your bullshit.
notice how he says 10 children 10 is a number the enemy uses.

Coincidence? I do not think so.
Ahahahahaha :lol: :lol:
xudomode said:
Elias Sebastian said:
xudomode said:
notice how he says 10 children 10 is a number the enemy uses.

Coincidence? I do not think so.
Ahahahahaha :lol: :lol:
honestly white people don't have to be the majority of race, as much as other white Satanist would like that, the main priority is there survival, so "ahahaha" hop off your superiority complex and tell your mental voices to fuck off, there is no way satan his demons told you that, to have 10 kids lmao the ignorance in this noob bro.

But do you know that this is a topic that was discussed a long time ago?

However as for the number 10 it has been used by players like Pele and Maradona in football. Problems? :lol: :lol: :lol:
10 is just a number. It has some unique characteristics, like most numbers do. 10 is a very stable and useful number, and therefore it is used by everybody. What is the question?

I think it is amazing for white families to have 10 children, or even more than 10, if that is what they want to do. It's not really too uncommon for Mexican and Black families to have tons of children, even 10 or more sometimes. So why can't white people also have 10 children? Nonwhites can do it but we can't?
White people are only a little bit more than 5% of the world's population. So it is perfectly acceptable for the 95% to each have 5-10 children, but it is somehow wrong to suggest for some of the 5% to also have that many? Most white people only have like 1 child, or very often none at all. Or maybe 2 or 3 if they are lucky, but that does not look to be the way the younger generation is going. The math is clear, it is simple, we are very close to being on track for extinction just by looking at birth rates, if we are not already on this track.

Anybody who works to convince white people not to have children, is working for our absolute extinction. And anybody who suggests for us to have some children, is working for our survival. The more, the better. I just simply want my people to continue to exist, is that so bad? I want my people to be able to continue to reincarnate into the future, to continue to have more white bodies being born for our white souls to reincarnate into. I am not against anybody else, I am not opposed to anybody else, I just simply want to continue to exist. Is that really so bad?

Fuck off anti white shills. I know people like you are working very hard to turn this forum from a WN space into something more..kosher. But it is not going to happen.

So you can take this drivel to a more acceptable (((platform))) like Twitter or YouTube where it is perfectly fine to say you want to kill all white people, and it gets thousands of likes.

Everyone sees through what you are doing whether is it unwittingly or not. It’s actually embarrassing.
Having 10 SS kids is a dream, but I have to achieve financial stability for that to happen, and have a partner that actually wants 10 children lol
The problem with mexicans and blacks having 10 children is that these people breed like rabbits, and they grow in poverty and degeneracy. We can't expect white families to have 10 children each if they can't even sustain themselves financially with 1 kid.

When the right time comes we're gonna do like in Nazi Germany.. For every kid a family has their mortgage will be diminished by 20% and with 5 kids your mortgage will be totally paid off, and of course bonuses for those wanting more than 5 children. And of course, the second most important thing, deportation of all non-whites in their respective home country, and if they have possessions like a home ecc they will be compensated for that.

Can you immagine a White Europe? What a fucking dream.
Aquarius said:
Can you immagine a White Europe? What a fucking dream.
I don't. I see too many Brown people in South Europe and they're not new invaders.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
White people are only a little bit more than 5% of the world's population. So it is perfectly acceptable for the 95% to each have 5-10 children, but it is somehow wrong to suggest for some of the 5% to also have that many? Most white people only have like 1 child, or very often none at all. Or maybe 2 or 3 if they are lucky, but that does not look to be the way the younger generation is going. The math is clear, it is simple, we are very close to being on track for extinction just by looking at birth rates, if we are not already on this track.

Anybody who works to convince white people not to have children, is working for our absolute extinction. And anybody who suggests for us to have some children, is working for our survival. The more, the better. I just simply want my people to continue to exist, is that so bad? I want my people to be able to continue to reincarnate into the future, to continue to have more white bodies being born for our white souls to reincarnate into. I am not against anybody else, I am not opposed to anybody else, I just simply want to continue to exist. Is that really so bad?

People on the forums don't seem to understand that encouraging and suggesting whites to have more kids =/= forcing them to have more kids.

It's mind-boggling how some here get enraged when someone dares to say whites should have as many children as possible.

I would encourage every SS, regardless of their race, and who is capable to have as many kids as possible, especially white SS.

We SS have the means to improve our lives in every aspect, yet you always here the argument that it's wrong to bring a child when you're not swimming in gold. Go tell that to people from 3rd world countries..
If you've been an SS for several years and you're still suffering financially then it's quite literally your fault.
As for the "I wouldn't be a good parent" I'm sure any SS would be a better parent than 95% of people on earth.

In times of misery and suffering, surviving and fighting for a better future should outweigh personal choices and freedoms.
xudomode said:
honestly why are you still permitted in the forums, after that racist 1 ass remark that you made in the other forum where shannon and many others went off on your pencil neck ignorant ass. What? Didn't have the balls to say something to me over there? Scared that other HP's were gonna put you on the burner reject? So you tell me something on here instead? Do you even know me? Better hope that the admins don't accept my posts on your behalf, because I'm clearly not in the mood ass hat, I'm tired of ignorant so called Satanist like you talking out your mouth, take out that swatsika because your nothinb more than an embarrassment to it and don't deserve to even look at it, ignorant fuck. Act stupid and be treated stupid. I'm also taking pictures of what you say so I can show the HP's wha a incompetent clown you are. Good bye inbred and don't reply for your own sake :twisted:

You won’t do shit. Go cry to the high priests like a bitch, they are behind me because I am not doing anything wrong. Nobody knows you. I am not these other whites you know. Push me and I will push back 88 times harder. Your kind doesn’t scare me, it’s actually a Joke when you try to act tough.

And I thought blacks were supposed to be the warrior race and you can’t even face me and fight your own battles, Sad!

I come as I am, all by myself, there are not many people here with the guts back me. I don’t care, I’ve got myself.
Even just suggesting to white people, especially if they are spiritually advanced, to have children is effective because the racial survival instinct is really very strong and more than enough to bring about positive changes for the protection of the white race, this without forcing them to have children.
3 to 5 children on average for white people I think is a good number.
The birth chart of the children can be chosen by combining the timing of pregnancy with the planets, this ideally to give the children a better birth chart both in new souls and also increases the likelihood of having more spiritually advanced souls reincarnated in past lives, this astrological technique it was used in the ancient world when having spiritual offspring was customary, the astrological houses of the parents starting from the fifth must be taken into consideration, having children was an event to celebrate and also based on spiritual knowledge and not to have in abundance without criteria, certainly if there are favorable conditions and there is the will for many children for spiritually advanced people is a very positive thing in these times.
Aquarius said:
Having 10 SS kids is a dream, but I have to achieve financial stability for that to happen, and have a partner that actually wants 10 children lol
The problem with mexicans and blacks having 10 children is that these people breed like rabbits, and they grow in poverty and degeneracy. We can't expect white families to have 10 children each if they can't even sustain themselves financially with 1 kid.

When the right time comes we're gonna do like in Nazi Germany.. For every kid a family has their mortgage will be diminished by 20% and with 5 kids your mortgage will be totally paid off, and of course bonuses for those wanting more than 5 children. And of course, the second most important thing, deportation of all non-whites in their respective home country, and if they have possessions like a home ecc they will be compensated for that.

Can you immagine a White Europe? What a fucking dream.

That would be beautiful, a real liberation and relief from the current multicultural crap and the threat of racial mixing.

Aquarius I completely and absolutely agree with you on this.
You are talking about things are completely irrelevant. I take it that you are a mixed monstrosity since you don’t want to say your race. That’s ok. I understand why you are so unhappy now. I would probably kill myself if I didn’t belong to any race, so you are better in that regard.
xudomode said:
yo bro look at this thread and see what this shill lol southerkikegoy says to me, He is an infiltrator and I want you to help me expose so the hp's get to notice. He's a pussy who is trying to make new Satanist like myself evil like him. Look at what he says, he even tried to exploit me like a jew saying things of suicide and calling a mixed monster Lmao this guy really thinks he can hide from Satan behind a computer hahaha. #exposethekike
I see you being worse than him. I see you acting more emotionally unstable, and now you are even trying to recruit other people to help you to destabilize the forums and cause all kinds of fights. Southern White Gentile said a word that many people think he shouldn't have said, we all know about that. But he does have a lot of very good reasons to feel the way he feels. He does have a lot of very strong examples to be mad about.

Southern White Gentile just cares about the existence of our people, and he hates it when our innocent people are killed by insane worthless animals. You can't blame anybody for that, that is the normal reaction that any living creature on Earth is supposed to feel. It's called being alive, and having a self-preserving instinct. Wanting your family, and race, to live safe and healthy lives is what everybody is supposed to want.

You keep saying all kinds of bad things about him, and saying he's all messed up. He isn't the one who's doing drugs and stabbing themself. If I remember correctly, that was you. You are very emotionally and mentally unstable, you are threatening violence against people, you are actively trying to turn people against each other and start fights. So who's the one who is acting like a jew? I see nothing but negativity and subversive Rat-face behavior from you.

More drivel from you. I don’t think you know anything about being SS/NS. If you did you would know being “racist” is a normal feeling, but you have shown how sensitive you are so this discussion is pointless.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
