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Ukrainian Witches Conjure Plan To Depose Putin

NakedPluto said:
Jack said:
I think that this specific thing of the bloodline is what differentiates the die hard yogis on the path of spiritual liberation than those who just try it out and aren't that invested in it. I remember that years after my grandfather had passed away ,my grandmother once caught me meditating in our old home and she told me the story about how my grandfather would sit hours and hours in meditation and receive visions and see light in with his eyes closed and described hot sensations at the base of the spine. However he was forced to stop his practice because my grandmother was constantly bothering him in fears that he would leave her and his kids to become a monk. I don't know what kind of yoga he was doing ,he certainly didn't leave me any spiritual inheritance.

But after that story i've looked at my past experiences at my child ,i.e when i was very young (prob 4 or 5) and i couldn't go to sleep because my third eye was always bothering me. When i would close my eyes the center of my forehead would feel like it has a weight on it and i would just get restless and couldn't sleep. I don't know what happened but it got to the point that they gave me some medication for some months. And then it went away until i discovered the JOS.

I think that something is transferring from generation to generation that separates the people who have meditated before from the new ones. Its something that i call being "tapped in". I can't explain it in words but its a feeling that even though you don't know everything that is to consciously know but you subconsciously know what to do in each moment of your life. Like "you know". And when you don't you get to places where you find out subconsciously.

Its like a difference of thousands of years of consciousness between the normies and the old souls.

I think thats the main difference between very old souls who keep reincarnating into the same bloodline ,trying to find liberation and the normies who are just coming into conscious existence.

I don't think any one of us here who is an actual old soul can connect to a normie. They are just programs that don't have any depth compared to us. I just really can't put it into words ,maybe you can but its like we are almost different species.

What exactly is being transferred that makes us so advanced as compared to the normies. Is it the soul memory having thousand or hundreds of years of lived in experience ?

You hit home with your story about your grandfather. My father did the same, and I have to thank him forever for doing so, as I inherited a lot of power and quality of soul from him, as well as even my absent mother, she was a pure soul when conceived. Believe me, your grandfather helped you in ways you don't understand now.

This kind of intelligence and memory is deep within our DNA stored and also archetypal resonating with our soul. When you are born in a family you enter a pool of information and comatose potentialities, grown and imprinted by every man and woman wearing the blood. I think it is transferred a specific dimension of intelligence that is alive like the consciousness, and also the blueprint that is materially defined.

Tendencies, values, impressions - mental and emotional intelligence is co-parented in yourself. You'll receive the need or opportunity, but it is still your action and degree of free will to accept it, and most importantly mold it and transform it.

Monks that leave, do so only when capable to astral project and they'll visit their families on astral and watch over them.

About the difference of new souls and old ones. I had the revelation of my life when I discovered, that not all humans have even the capacities that seem normally existent in yourself.

For example, there was a guy, who is discussing whatever, told him to imagine an apple. He looked extremely shocked to me.

"- What do you mean imagine an apple? "
- Well, visualize an apple in your mind.
"-What? I can't, I don't understand"
'-Remember an apple you ate at a point in your life
"-Man stop making fun of me."

This is real, and this guy, couldn't and cannot visualize or imagine an apple on the spot, or remember how an apple looks.
Like him there are a lot of people, who have this kind of expansion or capacity, they do not possess. One would have to first develop this before anything, which for others is something of improving, but not of actual creation.

The same thing, for other people, don't have inner dialogue in their minds. They do not have the capacity to hear or the concept of the inner voice. This is real, a lot of people don't have this, they'll need to attain this capacity first in their advancement in their next lives.

Other people, do have other types of inner dialogue, which can be only visually based. Etc etc.

You understand what I'm referring to. Now on other levels, we are in the same category of spiritual and mental, emotional, all kinds of capacities and intelligence. For some these things have been normality, even a tendency or quality of the soul, others need to develop it, others improve it. Different ranges of existence, and a revelation I had also lately, is that every human experiences life completely different, in the same as well sensorial bodies and intelligence. We have unique souls and different types of experiences of life.

So an older soul could comprehend a new one, but not the opposite, and that's how a natural hierarchy in life instates, by nature.

What you develop in your life spiritually now, you will have gifted this to all of the bloodline coming from you now on and in the present. And it will be kept and grown stronger by other souls who resonate with your nature. In the past, and also it is normal, thoughtforms of protection, magical workings, and blessings would be inherited further by others. Also, there is a duty to clean yourself from the dross of your family history, which will happen by default in advancement. In a couple of generations, what do you know, with an aim now and duty, you can potentially have created and let royal noble souls of Satan to inhabit again the earth and bless it with their presence.

In the same fashion, you will imprit and influence your friends, your communities, and race.
Ya it is somewhat scary and somewhat refreshing to know at the same time. Honestly I feel refreshed reading your posts and I feel I can now understand you very well.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.
Jack said:
What exactly is being transferred that makes us so advanced as compared to the normies. Is it the soul memory having thousand or hundreds of years of lived in experience ?

I've had the theory that it's partially a type of pain that gets passed on from life to life, but also that lessons are probably harder to learn than we realize. Just in this life time alone how many times have you learned a lesson but had trouble really practicing it? How many times did you have to remember that same lesson because you failed to practice it, or needed to force yourself? I think it's these habits that get ingrained which lead to the old souls having more "consciousness" than the young normies. It's honestly scary thinking how fast the population boomed. The ratio of old souls to new souls is completely out of balance in this era. Most of them if you'll notice can't even learn lessons very well at all. Maybe they can learn useless knowledge, but trying to get most of them to practice healthy habits? Nearly impossible. Most have several vices.

The average normie quite literally lacks the experience to know better, not much different than children. I think habits need to be ingrained throughout lifetimes. The newborns simply haven't had these ingrained.
NakedPluto said:
The rural place of that area has enormous and very very powerful electromagnetic field. You can summon and practice magic like nowhere else. Also attacks and related are so much amplified, it is no joke. This is not for laughs, it is truly disturbing no matter the man you are.

Where is this exactly? Well even if not EXACT, sounds extremely interesting. I was born and raised in Europe, though I've since moved up to NA.
SleepingWolf said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.

I think is more about wisdom. Those witches uses steroids to build only biceps, we grow naturally and train the whole groups of muscles including the brain

Being mixed doesn't led you being less powerful then you should be. You can't compare with another soul, you only can compare the hardwork and dedication. Saying 'if I would have pure blood, I would have another soul and advance faster' is not correct, if you would have another soul you wouldn't exist. Just enjoy the fact you are alive and have a soul to advance in our own pace
Dark Blue Eye said:
SleepingWolf said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.

I think is more about wisdom. Those witches uses steroids to build only biceps, we grow naturally and train the whole groups of muscles including the brain

Being mixed doesn't led you being less powerful then you should be. You can't compare with another soul, you only can compare the hardwork and dedication. Saying 'if I would have pure blood, I would have another soul and advance faster' is not correct, if you would have another soul you wouldn't exist. Just enjoy the fact you are alive and have a soul to advance in our own pace

The only reason it annoys me is how hard it is to judge how old a soul I am. I've never had a problem with wisdom which would leave me to believe old, but the kind of mix I am is a recent thing in earths history. Along with my dream of being welcomed when I performed the dedication, I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I obviously enjoy those facts, but to say I should ignore such burning questions is wrong, Satan tells us to ask questions, and there are few questions that are more important than the question of our past and future.

Obviously power is in the bloodline, so it depends more upon that is what I should've meant I suppose. I know I'll get to my destination, I just get annoyed trying to read the signs as I tend to overthink things.
SleepingWolf said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.

For example, possessing wild power versus stable power. Having a stable mind, balanced emotions, free of negative karma, strong planetary abilities, etc. Like a car, can you comfortably drive for hours on end, or do you fly at jet-speed straight into a wall?

Yes, being mixed race can damage you in that way, unfortunately. At the same time, you are here meditating now, which will make up for that. Also, if one of your parents was strong, that would still transfer to you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339676 time=1648610425 user_id=21286]
SleepingWolf said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.

For example, possessing wild power versus stable power. Having a stable mind, balanced emotions, free of negative karma, strong planetary abilities, etc. Like a car, can you comfortably drive for hours on end, or do you fly at jet-speed straight into a wall?

Yes, being mixed race can damage you in that way, unfortunately. At the same time, you are here meditating now, which will make up for that. Also, if one of your parents was strong, that would still transfer to you.

I appreciate the honesty, I don't want to say Dark Blue Eye was trying to sugarcoat it, I'll presume merely ignorance, but I thought it was fairly obvious that this was part of the reason. I don't like pretending like being mixed wasn't obviously a net negative power wise. Can't say anything about strong family, certainly wish that was the case but I'm ignorant of much of their history beyond grandparents, but most of them were catholics like most people from mexico.

It's just another obstacle I have to deal with. Beyond that, I can say with confidence my life otherwise is far more privileged for this opportunity and the amount of free time I have to try and use it to the best. My hope now is just being able to work and clean as much as I can to pass that to my children some day. I'm passed any negative feelings about it, beyond general anger at the father for being a generally shit person (I have the same placement as Hitler regarding fathers). It doesn't help that he's half or 3/4 native(don't know his father). I mostly just care about knowing what my soul really is, if I'm as old as I suspect, which I can't get definitive answers for yet.

I'll try and stay at the slow and steady pace for now.
SleepingWolf said:
Dark Blue Eye said:

The only reason it annoys me is how hard it is to judge how old a soul I am. I've never had a problem with wisdom which would leave me to believe old, but the kind of mix I am is a recent thing in earths history. Along with my dream of being welcomed when I performed the dedication, I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I obviously enjoy those facts, but to say I should ignore such burning questions is wrong, Satan tells us to ask questions, and there are few questions that are more important than the question of our past and future.

Obviously power is in the bloodline, so it depends more upon that is what I should've meant I suppose. I know I'll get to my destination, I just get annoyed trying to read the signs as I tend to overthink things.

Questions are not wrong, you are right, but it sounded like you don't like your soul. I was thinking to this too, because Maxine said Father Satan send all the souls from Hell to Earth, so I am thinking that some reincarnations were forced, but I don't think can be forced in terms of racial mix, more like forced planetary transits

What are you referring when saying bloodline? Family or race? About family I am the same situation. I looked back to my family origins and it's impossible to lived before in this family because nobody was in to occultism and the period is not maching. And it's make sense because in WW2 many white families died, remember Dresden? :(
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339676 time=1648610425 user_id=21286]
SleepingWolf said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338986 time=1648468190 user_id=57]

Powerful does not mean advanced. It is uneasy to think of, but there are people who are advanced yet do not have the power of these witches. Power is built up over decades and generations and much practice, but it does not mean the soul is advanced, refined, on the way to becoming a God, and so on.

Also, not all souls are the same. As HPS Maxine wrote, Satan told her that.

What does Advanced mean if not powerful? How are these two not interconnected? Does it have to do with the difference between the souls state and the bloodline? I thought these two were intertwined however.

I always wondered if me being born mixed led to me being less powerful than I should be. This is annoying to confirm if true.

For example, possessing wild power versus stable power. Having a stable mind, balanced emotions, free of negative karma, strong planetary abilities, etc. Like a car, can you comfortably drive for hours on end, or do you fly at jet-speed straight into a wall?

Yes, being mixed race can damage you in that way, unfortunately. At the same time, you are here meditating now, which will make up for that. Also, if one of your parents was strong, that would still transfer to you.
Yes this is correct. My family is pretty race mixed. However their intuition is fairly strong in the bloodline and i have inherited that from my mother. Her larents and sisters are intuitive as well, albeit being misled by the enemy.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339676 time=1648610425 user_id=21286]
For example, possessing wild power versus stable power. Having a stable mind, balanced emotions, free of negative karma, strong planetary abilities, etc. Like a car, can you comfortably drive for hours on end, or do you fly at jet-speed straight into a wall?

Yes, being mixed race can damage you in that way, unfortunately. At the same time, you are here meditating now, which will make up for that. Also, if one of your parents was strong, that would still transfer to you.

Can you explain more about how can someone be damaged by being race mixed? I see the negatives aspect of racial mixing, but how can someone can be called damaged? I see it like if one is born racial mixed will have a struggle to find their place and a good partner, but not in the way is damaged, a longer time to reach godhood I don't see it as negative, just as is it
SleepingWolf said:
I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I'm sorry to say but it's not naturally possible for white souls to reincarnate in mixed bodies.
That again. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65208&p=301774#p301774

On the contrary if not for some mixed bodies several White souls would stay trapped in the astral or then HPS Maxine would have said exact the contrary to what she has been saying in the old groups about souls and racial purity nowdays. The question is how much are we talking about in "mixed", if a lot of heavy mixing then yes it cannot be (unless of course race mixers) but Whiter Middle Eastern or some Latinos in many cases is the only option.

Stormblood said:
SleepingWolf said:
I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I'm sorry to say but it's not naturally possible for white souls to reincarnate in mixed bodies.
Dark Blue Eye said:
Can you explain more about how can someone be damaged by being race mixed? I see the negatives aspect of racial mixing, but how can someone can be called damaged? I see it like if one is born racial mixed will have a struggle to find their place and a good partner, but not in the way is damaged, a longer time to reach godhood I don't see it as negative, just as is it

Mainly due to mixing the wider racial karmas of each population. If one population is trying to specialize in something, then mixing with another will severely hinder that. We know that the races have unique racial abilities, based on the elements, so this gets disturbed as well. This may be less evident today but was likely much more evident when Satanism was mainstream.

Beyond also races, there should be proper pairing within each population itself. In other words, two advanced souls should be paired together to further create more advanced souls. If one advanced soul is forced to take an NPC partner, their child will be less advanced, due to having karma from both parents. Would it be appropriate for Satan to have an NPC wife, or should he have someone similarly advanced? We want him and his family to be as strong as possible.

The damage is not permanent in the sense that you cannot fix it, but it does waste lots of effort that could otherwise have been saved through proper planning. Ideally, everyone would be meditating, and everyone would exist in a happy place, regardless of their global position. In that way, this would not be an upsetting or restrictive process, but one that everyone can work with.

Damaged is a harsh term, yet don't forget that one can also damage themselves in other ways beyond race-mixing. Do not worry about your ancestry, as we can transcend all limitations. Just like with everything else, simply do your best going forward, now that you have the proper knowledge.
Dark Blue Eye said:
SleepingWolf said:
Dark Blue Eye said:

The only reason it annoys me is how hard it is to judge how old a soul I am. I've never had a problem with wisdom which would leave me to believe old, but the kind of mix I am is a recent thing in earths history. Along with my dream of being welcomed when I performed the dedication, I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I obviously enjoy those facts, but to say I should ignore such burning questions is wrong, Satan tells us to ask questions, and there are few questions that are more important than the question of our past and future.

Obviously power is in the bloodline, so it depends more upon that is what I should've meant I suppose. I know I'll get to my destination, I just get annoyed trying to read the signs as I tend to overthink things.

Questions are not wrong, you are right, but it sounded like you don't like your soul. I was thinking to this too, because Maxine said Father Satan send all the souls from Hell to Earth, so I am thinking that some reincarnations were forced, but I don't think can be forced in terms of racial mix, more like forced planetary transits

What are you referring when saying bloodline? Family or race? About family I am the same situation. I looked back to my family origins and it's impossible to lived before in this family because nobody was in to occultism and the period is not maching. And it's make sense because in WW2 many white families died, remember Dresden? :(

Unless this isn't true I remember it being said before a white girl who race mixed heavily was forced to reincarnate into a black body in their next life. Assuming that's true, I'm fairly certain it's possible it's simply about whether it's likely to be needed to happen. My bloodline doesn't seem to have anything unique, but I know so little about both of my grandfathers as I barely knew one and the other died months after my own father. I'm not sure how mixed he was because of that, so my best guesses are that I'm at least 75% white 25% native mexican blood cuz my father doesn't look full native, but I'm almost as pale as my very spanish italian mother.

From my few memories I believe of my past lives, I believe I came over here as a spanish explorer, as I remember a group of us sitting around the fire when I tried to do past life rumination years back.

Blitz already confirmed above it can happen and weaken me. I have zero problems with whatever my soul turns out to be, it doesn't change my destination. I only care because I want to know my past and I still have questions. I thank you for your concern, but at the moment I only put about a 50/50 shot of me being a much older spanish soul. I've always had dreams where I could manipulate the astral with extreme ease, it'd only make sense to me, but whatever the real answer is, I won't like my soul any less. What I like or dislike about myself is irrelevant when I'm on a path to become the best version of me anyway.
Egon said:
That again. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65208&p=301774#p301774

On the contrary if not for some mixed bodies several White souls would stay trapped in the astral or then HPS Maxine would have said exact the contrary to what she has been saying in the old groups about souls and racial purity nowdays. The question is how much are we talking about in "mixed", if a lot of heavy mixing then yes it cannot be (unless of course race mixers) but Whiter Middle Eastern or some Latinos in many cases is the only option.

Stormblood said:
SleepingWolf said:
I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I'm sorry to say but it's not naturally possible for white souls to reincarnate in mixed bodies.

We should really get this straightened out, there's gonna be many more like me in the future who have to question this, and clearly which ever is the wrong answer needs to be clear so it doesn't get repeated.
Powerofjustice said:
NakedPluto said:
The rural place of that area has enormous and very very powerful electromagnetic field. You can summon and practice magic like nowhere else. Also attacks and related are so much amplified, it is no joke. This is not for laughs, it is truly disturbing no matter the man you are.

Where is this exactly? Well even if not EXACT, sounds extremely interesting. I was born and raised in Europe, though I've since moved up to NA.

Even though I'm fully open as a SS, I cannot tell you publicly the location. However, like here there are a lot of power places in the world. I don't know how and what makes them, what needs to be aligned and what geometry is involved, but it is amplifying everything and it is something of tales.

Anyone who is a little bit open can sense the places, especially if you spend some nights in those places. Not only psychic power and openess is amplified, but manifestation as well. If I wouldn't experience such opportunity I wouldn't believe it to the full reality of it.

In conclusion, the sorrounding and place you live and meditate is also important, but not decisive, it can help a lot. In such places you would also need more protection, more means of balance and clarity. A simple ritual can gather a lot of entities. I had made an experiment one time, with a system of divination, simple. A fork put in a way to spin itself and delimit 2 or 4 directions. Without invocation, raising energy or whatever the spirits would use it to communicate, in plain daylight.

Also daytime in those places is also veiled in mystery and energy. The sun burns yet the entities have as much power of interaction as at night on moon energy.

In any other place, there's delimitation and a cycle, of day time and night time. Here there's only continuation and a flow of presence. The counciousness is more active. At a point you become overwhelmed and you miss sleeping in the city. I cannot sleep more than 3 nights there at a time.

Also being a SS and coming to a place with much less separation of the other realities, it takes a lot to accommodate random encounters, dreams and attacks that have nothing to do with the enemies or whatever, just plain nature. Dead people come and knock at the door from time to time, a couple of times a year. Entities calling your name and speaking random things if you raise too much energy. Nothing inherently negative or bad or scary, but the openness needs adaption and strength of character. With runes you can hold power over all of these entities yet it is best to not interact.

On specific dates on the year at exact times, some entities flare up mists or lights of different colors in forest or hills, and invite people to make trades. Usually they are guardians of treasure. These things are kept as stories in folklore in all of the world, yet it is real. Some ask for sacrifices, others ask for simple things, all are different.

All of this may sound shocking and insane, but it is real and can be confirmed by the Gods. Some of the Gods do happen to grant power over these guardians of treasure and reveal the places to you.

People have been limited in the modern living, and forgot or never knew this side of life, which is the most basic knowledge and understanding. At the level of spirituality in the world, I guess it is best for them to not even know, some of these things can shock too much the psyche, humans are very fragile.
Jack said:
Ya it is somewhat scary and somewhat refreshing to know at the same time. Honestly I feel refreshed reading your posts and I feel I can now understand you very well.

I liked talking about this as well, I appreciate it brother
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339883 time=1648665371 user_id=21286]

I was not talking about me. I saw many SS saying that they don't like their souls because they are race mixed. I think this is a serious issue, digging in hole of negativity and not enjoying their own soul and advancement
Egon said:
That again. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65208&p=301774#p301774

On the contrary if not for some mixed bodies several White souls would stay trapped in the astral or then HPS Maxine would have said exact the contrary to what she has been saying in the old groups about souls and racial purity nowdays. The question is how much are we talking about in "mixed", if a lot of heavy mixing then yes it cannot be (unless of course race mixers) but Whiter Middle Eastern or some Latinos in many cases is the only option.

Stormblood said:
SleepingWolf said:
I just have a couple contradictions which makes me hard to believe there isn't a chance I'm a older white soul who the best body they could find was this? It's confusing.

I'm sorry to say but it's not naturally possible for white souls to reincarnate in mixed bodies.

You're free to believe that. However, there is not so as many Whites as you think. There is no possibility of them being trapped in the astral. Where did you get this idea? The population of every race now is much bigger than it has ever been, and that includes Whites.

Maybe some newer-generation White souls would have issues in future reincarnations. Sure. But then again, they're newer generations from the last decades, coming from parents who already have souls so weakened they are in the last life or two lives.

In my opinion, you are overestimating the number of White souls. Meditate more instead of playing videogames and watching anime.
Stormblood said:
Egon said:
That again. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65208&p=301774#p301774

On the contrary if not for some mixed bodies several White souls would stay trapped in the astral or then HPS Maxine would have said exact the contrary to what she has been saying in the old groups about souls and racial purity nowdays. The question is how much are we talking about in "mixed", if a lot of heavy mixing then yes it cannot be (unless of course race mixers) but Whiter Middle Eastern or some Latinos in many cases is the only option.

Stormblood said:
I'm sorry to say but it's not naturally possible for white souls to reincarnate in mixed bodies.

You're free to believe that. However, there is not so as many Whites as you think. There is no possibility of them being trapped in the astral. Where did you get this idea? The population of every race now is much bigger than it has ever been, and that includes Whites.

Maybe some newer-generation White souls would have issues in future reincarnations. Sure. But then again, they're newer generations from the last decades, coming from parents who already have souls so weakened they are in the last life or two lives.

In my opinion, you are overestimating the number of White souls. Meditate more instead of playing videogames and watching anime.

I hope this is not going to be another case of BDSM is right because HP Jake Carlson (falsely) heard that Lord Set is the patron of that type of mental illness.
NakedPluto said:
Even though I'm fully open as a SS, I cannot tell you publicly the location. However, like here there are a lot of power places in the world. I don't know how and what makes them, what needs to be aligned and what geometry is involved, but it is amplifying everything and it is something of tales.

Anyone who is a little bit open can sense the places, especially if you spend some nights in those places. Not only psychic power and openess is amplified, but manifestation as well. If I wouldn't experience such opportunity I wouldn't believe it to the full reality of it.

In conclusion, the sorrounding and place you live and meditate is also important, but not decisive, it can help a lot. In such places you would also need more protection, more means of balance and clarity. A simple ritual can gather a lot of entities. I had made an experiment one time, with a system of divination, simple. A fork put in a way to spin itself and delimit 2 or 4 directions. Without invocation, raising energy or whatever the spirits would use it to communicate, in plain daylight.

Also daytime in those places is also veiled in mystery and energy. The sun burns yet the entities have as much power of interaction as at night on moon energy.

In any other place, there's delimitation and a cycle, of day time and night time. Here there's only continuation and a flow of presence. The counciousness is more active. At a point you become overwhelmed and you miss sleeping in the city. I cannot sleep more than 3 nights there at a time.

Also being a SS and coming to a place with much less separation of the other realities, it takes a lot to accommodate random encounters, dreams and attacks that have nothing to do with the enemies or whatever, just plain nature. Dead people come and knock at the door from time to time, a couple of times a year. Entities calling your name and speaking random things if you raise too much energy. Nothing inherently negative or bad or scary, but the openness needs adaption and strength of character. With runes you can hold power over all of these entities yet it is best to not interact.

On specific dates on the year at exact times, some entities flare up mists or lights of different colors in forest or hills, and invite people to make trades. Usually they are guardians of treasure. These things are kept as stories in folklore in all of the world, yet it is real. Some ask for sacrifices, others ask for simple things, all are different.

All of this may sound shocking and insane, but it is real and can be confirmed by the Gods. Some of the Gods do happen to grant power over these guardians of treasure and reveal the places to you.

People have been limited in the modern living, and forgot or never knew this side of life, which is the most basic knowledge and understanding. At the level of spirituality in the world, I guess it is best for them to not even know, some of these things can shock too much the psyche, humans are very fragile.

Thank you for writing on this, NakedPluto (and your other posts here). I knew all this, from past lives, but... living in modern North America, you know. It all gets summed up as "overactive imagination" and "superstitious beliefs" etc. And so many distractions from nature and real reality. Not the bullshit "reality" most people live in nowadays, ignoring the "supernatural".
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=340077 time=1648720078 user_id=57]
Thank you for writing on this, NakedPluto (and your other posts here). I knew all this, from past lives, but... living in modern North America, you know. It all gets summed up as "overactive imagination" and "superstitious beliefs" etc. And so many distractions from nature and real reality. Not the bullshit "reality" most people live in nowadays, ignoring the "supernatural".

It is extremely easy to forget, yet this stays within as a powerful motivation and direction. Thank you too sister
Stormblood said:
Where did you get this idea?
I base that on HPS Maxine's sermon such as:
Page 725.
Based on her account on her son's Whiteness:
And other of her sermons over the years, since she's been the only HP who's been vocal about the White race on a more down to Earth standpoint, social factors like birthrate etc. That sum of factors is imo a sensible reason to why I "believe" that conclusion rather than believing someone else's post with a personal belief like yours.

In my opinion, you are overestimating the number of White souls. Meditate more instead of playing videogames and watching anime.
Thanks person with an anime pfp I have been meditating a lot since I've gotten more free time, and reading a lot of our material such as the above. Maybe I should also leave my job and move to the montains too?

Stormblood said:
I hope this is not going to be another case of BDSM is right because HP Jake Carlson (falsely) heard that Lord Set is the patron of that type of mental illness.
HPS Maxine and Jake are two very different people, yet you use Jake as a strawman here from an unrelated subject because he used to hold a HP title and I took the autority of that as granted, how shameful of me. Maybe meditate more instead of taking your time to out of the blue act like a shitsack to another SS who never attacked you. Soul cleaning is very effective you should try it.
Much of the replies here mentioned, and it is true: Putin is practitioner of the occult. Of course, not in the way we are, he uses mostly jewish magick.

That is why it is hard to overthrow him whether by spiritual or physical means. And I doubt those witches are gonna do much.

I had several encounters with Putin for some reason, years ago. Totally uninvited and unprovoked. For some reason, neither did I or him perceive each other as hostile.

Last such encounter happened about 2 weeks ago. Of course, in the present state, you could say that I have been influenced by the current events occurring/product of my overactive worried mind. But there was no such explanation years ago.
SleepingWolf said:

Nice to hear that. I always liked spanish people and the way they see the family life. And is cool that you can remember an image from past life. My memories are all about emotions, strong feeling about my work and a rigorous lifestyle. I am attracted a lot by german and northen people's mentality, but I am living in Eastern Europe. Life is good here, but I would like to see more white blonde hair people. Mostly have mongoloid influences. Anyway, this is are small details, I am just glade I came early on this path and in the future this things will be more clear for all of us. Hope the best for you!
Dark Blue Eye said:
SleepingWolf said:

Nice to hear that. I always liked spanish people and the way they see the family life. And is cool that you can remember an image from past life. My memories are all about emotions, strong feeling about my work and a rigorous lifestyle. I am attracted a lot by german and northen people's mentality, but I am living in Eastern Europe. Life is good here, but I would like to see more white blonde hair people. Mostly have mongoloid influences. Anyway, this is are small details, I am just glade I came early on this path and in the future this things will be more clear for all of us. Hope the best for you!

I trust most on this path will do their best as well thank you, and I won't do any less. Hopefully this nonsense blows over fast in ukraine so eastern europe can rest a little more easily. I have faith we'll be alright, regardless of which side of the globe we're on.
Egon said:
Based on her account on her son's Whiteness:
Part Middle Eastern means nothing. Middle Eastern is not an ethnicity. Middle East is a location. There are people in Middle East that are perfectly White and people who are not, and are mixed to various degree. This also debunks that mixed people can have white souls. No, they have a mixed soul and it has been confirmed recently. There is a topic about mixed souls. You can go and read that.

Also, you shared a very old article. Knowledge, experience and other things have grown a lot since 2007. Understanding of souls and reincarnation is one of those things.

Thanks person with an anime pfp I have been meditating a lot since I've gotten more free time, and reading a lot of our material such as the above. Maybe I should also leave my job and move to the montains too?
Great idea :lol: Remember to bring a llama.

Maybe meditate more instead of taking your time to out of the blue act like a shitsack to another SS who never attacked you.
Being another SS doesn't mean everything you say is immediately 100% correct. Everyone here is entitled to correct you (and me as well) if they think or know that you are wrong. Correcting someone is not a form of attack. It would a form of attack if I stated something demeaning about your soul purity or ability, like you did, but I will refrain from it. The thing about anime and videogames is a heartfelt comment. Another correction, if you may. I'm glad to hear you have free time to dedicate to meditation, btw. Every long-time and hard-working member deserves that.
Larissa666 said:
Much of the replies here mentioned, and it is true: Putin is practitioner of the occult. Of course, not in the way we are, he uses mostly jewish magick.

That is why it is hard to overthrow him whether by spiritual or physical means. And I doubt those witches are gonna do much.

I had several encounters with Putin for some reason, years ago. Totally uninvited and unprovoked. For some reason, neither did I or him perceive each other as hostile.

Last such encounter happened about 2 weeks ago. Of course, in the present state, you could say that I have been influenced by the current events occurring/product of my overactive worried mind. But there was no such explanation years ago.
You mean you met Putin in real life?
Stormblood said:
Egon said:
Based on her account on her son's Whiteness:
Part Middle Eastern means nothing. Middle Eastern is not an ethnicity. Middle East is a location. There are people in Middle East that are perfectly White and people who are not, and are mixed to various degree. This also debunks that mixed people can have white souls. No, they have a mixed soul and it has been confirmed recently. There is a topic about mixed souls. You can go and read that.

Also, you shared a very old article. Knowledge, experience and other things have grown a lot since 2007. Understanding of souls and reincarnation is one of those things.

Thanks person with an anime pfp I have been meditating a lot since I've gotten more free time, and reading a lot of our material such as the above. Maybe I should also leave my job and move to the montains too?
Great idea :lol: Remember to bring a llama.

Maybe meditate more instead of taking your time to out of the blue act like a shitsack to another SS who never attacked you.
Being another SS doesn't mean everything you say is immediately 100% correct. Everyone here is entitled to correct you (and me as well) if they think or know that you are wrong. Correcting someone is not a form of attack. It would a form of attack if I stated something demeaning about your soul purity or ability, like you did, but I will refrain from it. The thing about anime and videogames is a heartfelt comment. Another correction, if you may. I'm glad to hear you have free time to dedicate to meditation, btw. Every long-time and hard-working member deserves that.

What do you think about Iranians? Do you have any info on what races are mixed into the population ? Lemme tell you the moment you see an iranians face you will think its a jew. Honestly i just wanna know wtf my soul is and what races have been mixed to create me 😂
NakedPluto said:
Powerofjustice said:
NakedPluto said:
The rural place of that area has enormous and very very powerful electromagnetic field. You can summon and practice magic like nowhere else. Also attacks and related are so much amplified, it is no joke. This is not for laughs, it is truly disturbing no matter the man you are.

Where is this exactly? Well even if not EXACT, sounds extremely interesting. I was born and raised in Europe, though I've since moved up to NA.

Even though I'm fully open as a SS, I cannot tell you publicly the location. However, like here there are a lot of power places in the world. I don't know how and what makes them, what needs to be aligned and what geometry is involved, but it is amplifying everything and it is something of tales.

Anyone who is a little bit open can sense the places, especially if you spend some nights in those places. Not only psychic power and openess is amplified, but manifestation as well. If I wouldn't experience such opportunity I wouldn't believe it to the full reality of it.

In conclusion, the sorrounding and place you live and meditate is also important, but not decisive, it can help a lot. In such places you would also need more protection, more means of balance and clarity. A simple ritual can gather a lot of entities. I had made an experiment one time, with a system of divination, simple. A fork put in a way to spin itself and delimit 2 or 4 directions. Without invocation, raising energy or whatever the spirits would use it to communicate, in plain daylight.

Also daytime in those places is also veiled in mystery and energy. The sun burns yet the entities have as much power of interaction as at night on moon energy.

In any other place, there's delimitation and a cycle, of day time and night time. Here there's only continuation and a flow of presence. The counciousness is more active. At a point you become overwhelmed and you miss sleeping in the city. I cannot sleep more than 3 nights there at a time.

Also being a SS and coming to a place with much less separation of the other realities, it takes a lot to accommodate random encounters, dreams and attacks that have nothing to do with the enemies or whatever, just plain nature. Dead people come and knock at the door from time to time, a couple of times a year. Entities calling your name and speaking random things if you raise too much energy. Nothing inherently negative or bad or scary, but the openness needs adaption and strength of character. With runes you can hold power over all of these entities yet it is best to not interact.

On specific dates on the year at exact times, some entities flare up mists or lights of different colors in forest or hills, and invite people to make trades. Usually they are guardians of treasure. These things are kept as stories in folklore in all of the world, yet it is real. Some ask for sacrifices, others ask for simple things, all are different.

All of this may sound shocking and insane, but it is real and can be confirmed by the Gods. Some of the Gods do happen to grant power over these guardians of treasure and reveal the places to you.

People have been limited in the modern living, and forgot or never knew this side of life, which is the most basic knowledge and understanding. At the level of spirituality in the world, I guess it is best for them to not even know, some of these things can shock too much the psyche, humans are very fragile.

Aren't those places usually on the ley lines?
Woodlandman said:
NakedPluto said:
Powerofjustice said:
Where is this exactly? Well even if not EXACT, sounds extremely interesting. I was born and raised in Europe, though I've since moved up to NA.

Even though I'm fully open as a SS, I cannot tell you publicly the location. However, like here there are a lot of power places in the world. I don't know how and what makes them, what needs to be aligned and what geometry is involved, but it is amplifying everything and it is something of tales.

Anyone who is a little bit open can sense the places, especially if you spend some nights in those places. Not only psychic power and openess is amplified, but manifestation as well. If I wouldn't experience such opportunity I wouldn't believe it to the full reality of it.

In conclusion, the sorrounding and place you live and meditate is also important, but not decisive, it can help a lot. In such places you would also need more protection, more means of balance and clarity. A simple ritual can gather a lot of entities. I had made an experiment one time, with a system of divination, simple. A fork put in a way to spin itself and delimit 2 or 4 directions. Without invocation, raising energy or whatever the spirits would use it to communicate, in plain daylight.

Also daytime in those places is also veiled in mystery and energy. The sun burns yet the entities have as much power of interaction as at night on moon energy.

In any other place, there's delimitation and a cycle, of day time and night time. Here there's only continuation and a flow of presence. The counciousness is more active. At a point you become overwhelmed and you miss sleeping in the city. I cannot sleep more than 3 nights there at a time.

Also being a SS and coming to a place with much less separation of the other realities, it takes a lot to accommodate random encounters, dreams and attacks that have nothing to do with the enemies or whatever, just plain nature. Dead people come and knock at the door from time to time, a couple of times a year. Entities calling your name and speaking random things if you raise too much energy. Nothing inherently negative or bad or scary, but the openness needs adaption and strength of character. With runes you can hold power over all of these entities yet it is best to not interact.

On specific dates on the year at exact times, some entities flare up mists or lights of different colors in forest or hills, and invite people to make trades. Usually they are guardians of treasure. These things are kept as stories in folklore in all of the world, yet it is real. Some ask for sacrifices, others ask for simple things, all are different.

All of this may sound shocking and insane, but it is real and can be confirmed by the Gods. Some of the Gods do happen to grant power over these guardians of treasure and reveal the places to you.

People have been limited in the modern living, and forgot or never knew this side of life, which is the most basic knowledge and understanding. At the level of spirituality in the world, I guess it is best for them to not even know, some of these things can shock too much the psyche, humans are very fragile.

Aren't those places usually on the ley lines?
CaspianTheDreamer said:
What do you think about Iranians? Do you have any info on what races are mixed into the population ? Lemme tell you the moment you see an iranians face you will think its a jew. Honestly i just wanna know wtf my soul is and what races have been mixed to create me 😂

Just relax. Don't be too attached to what is. You can do a working with Odhal and an appropriate information to find out. Don't obsess or the working will fail.
Stormblood said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
What do you think about Iranians? Do you have any info on what races are mixed into the population ? Lemme tell you the moment you see an iranians face you will think its a jew. Honestly i just wanna know wtf my soul is and what races have been mixed to create me 😂

Just relax. Don't be too attached to what is. You can do a working with Odhal and an appropriate information to find out. Don't obsess or the working will fail.

Got it
Thank you. Hail satan
NakedPluto said:
I also saw a witch raise a dead person, he asked for water and sex upon raising up then died again in a couple of seconds.
I think this is very possible. I remember when I was in the school I was with some colleagues and one of them who was a bit into occult showed us a video on his phone where two men killed another one by slitting his throad as far as I remember and then they tried to re-animate him. As far as I remember about 3 days went in which they did some rituals and indeed raised the dead body and died back after a few seconds. If that wasn't a scene from a movie then it probably was real. I think this works by people contacting the soul of the deceased body and then somehow inviting the soul to enter the body again, probably at this stage an energetical stimulus is generated and the organs can be `restarted` for a couple seconds, after which the energy is consummed and the organs cease to function again. We know our bodies use inner electrical impulses which is a form of energy. I think a soul can remain in a body connected to devices that mantain normal function of the heart and other organs, medicine can do this but they don't know how to contact a soul and let it enter the body again.
The Alchemist7 said:
NakedPluto said:
I also saw a witch raise a dead person, he asked for water and sex upon raising up then died again in a couple of seconds.
I think this is very possible. I remember when I was in the school I was with some colleagues and one of them who was a bit into occult showed us a video on his phone where two men killed another one by slitting his throad as far as I remember and then they tried to re-animate him. As far as I remember about 3 days went in which they did some rituals and indeed raised the dead body and died back after a few seconds. If that wasn't a scene from a movie then it probably was real. I think this works by people contacting the soul of the deceased body and then somehow inviting the soul to enter the body again, probably at this stage an energetical stimulus is generated and the organs can be `restarted` for a couple seconds, after which the energy is consummed and the organs cease to function again. We know our bodies use inner electrical impulses which is a form of energy. I think a soul can remain in a body connected to devices that mantain normal function of the heart and other organs, medicine can do this but they don't know how to contact a soul and let it enter the body again.

I know the video you are talking about. It looks like it is very real, but it is from some Spanish movie.
NakedPluto said:
Powerofjustice said:
NakedPluto said:
The rural place of that area has enormous and very very powerful electromagnetic field. You can summon and practice magic like nowhere else. Also attacks and related are so much amplified, it is no joke. This is not for laughs, it is truly disturbing no matter the man you are.

Where is this exactly? Well even if not EXACT, sounds extremely interesting. I was born and raised in Europe, though I've since moved up to NA.

Even though I'm fully open as a SS, I cannot tell you publicly the location. However, like here there are a lot of power places in the world. I don't know how and what makes them, what needs to be aligned and what geometry is involved, but it is amplifying everything and it is something of tales.

Anyone who is a little bit open can sense the places, especially if you spend some nights in those places. Not only psychic power and openess is amplified, but manifestation as well. If I wouldn't experience such opportunity I wouldn't believe it to the full reality of it.

In conclusion, the sorrounding and place you live and meditate is also important, but not decisive, it can help a lot. In such places you would also need more protection, more means of balance and clarity. A simple ritual can gather a lot of entities. I had made an experiment one time, with a system of divination, simple. A fork put in a way to spin itself and delimit 2 or 4 directions. Without invocation, raising energy or whatever the spirits would use it to communicate, in plain daylight.

Also daytime in those places is also veiled in mystery and energy. The sun burns yet the entities have as much power of interaction as at night on moon energy.

In any other place, there's delimitation and a cycle, of day time and night time. Here there's only continuation and a flow of presence. The counciousness is more active. At a point you become overwhelmed and you miss sleeping in the city. I cannot sleep more than 3 nights there at a time.

Also being a SS and coming to a place with much less separation of the other realities, it takes a lot to accommodate random encounters, dreams and attacks that have nothing to do with the enemies or whatever, just plain nature. Dead people come and knock at the door from time to time, a couple of times a year. Entities calling your name and speaking random things if you raise too much energy. Nothing inherently negative or bad or scary, but the openness needs adaption and strength of character. With runes you can hold power over all of these entities yet it is best to not interact.

On specific dates on the year at exact times, some entities flare up mists or lights of different colors in forest or hills, and invite people to make trades. Usually they are guardians of treasure. These things are kept as stories in folklore in all of the world, yet it is real. Some ask for sacrifices, others ask for simple things, all are different.

All of this may sound shocking and insane, but it is real and can be confirmed by the Gods. Some of the Gods do happen to grant power over these guardians of treasure and reveal the places to you.

People have been limited in the modern living, and forgot or never knew this side of life, which is the most basic knowledge and understanding. At the level of spirituality in the world, I guess it is best for them to not even know, some of these things can shock too much the psyche, humans are very fragile.

Very interesting, here in my region there are many waterfalls, I live on a farm, the sun here is strong and very calm, in these kinds of places the energies are amplified.
The Alchemist7 said:
NakedPluto said:
I also saw a witch raise a dead person, he asked for water and sex upon raising up then died again in a couple of seconds.
I think this is very possible. I remember when I was in the school I was with some colleagues and one of them who was a bit into occult showed us a video on his phone where two men killed another one by slitting his throad as far as I remember and then they tried to re-animate him. As far as I remember about 3 days went in which they did some rituals and indeed raised the dead body and died back after a few seconds. If that wasn't a scene from a movie then it probably was real. I think this works by people contacting the soul of the deceased body and then somehow inviting the soul to enter the body again, probably at this stage an energetical stimulus is generated and the organs can be `restarted` for a couple seconds, after which the energy is consummed and the organs cease to function again. We know our bodies use inner electrical impulses which is a form of energy. I think a soul can remain in a body connected to devices that mantain normal function of the heart and other organs, medicine can do this but they don't know how to contact a soul and let it enter the body again.

There are people in India right now who can revive birds and small animals to live for days even. The Crown chakra is the primal focus for this along with the elements of the body. The spirit of the man can be returned to very little time in his body due to natural law and it will die in seconds or maybe hours (questionable so much time). It is the mastery of a sidhhi, which in infancy is reviving small animals, insects, and so on. The metaphysics of the human is so complex, that the leap from an animal to a human is immense in terms of reviving.

When the bioelectricity leaves the body, there are more currents and energies that stay and deplete much more later or slower. These are related to the vayus, the elements. Reviving a person who just died is not only very possible but even practiced in secret as training, even as so for a minute. When the body becomes decomposed, which means the last energy left the body, it is no different than the earth itself, with no other possibility of function in any other realms. Reviving, in that case, is impossible, maybe only animating which has no other discrimination than animating a plastic bottle or pure soil.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Alchemist7 said:
NakedPluto said:
I also saw a witch raise a dead person, he asked for water and sex upon raising up then died again in a couple of seconds.
I think this is very possible. I remember when I was in the school I was with some colleagues and one of them who was a bit into occult showed us a video on his phone where two men killed another one by slitting his throad as far as I remember and then they tried to re-animate him. As far as I remember about 3 days went in which they did some rituals and indeed raised the dead body and died back after a few seconds. If that wasn't a scene from a movie then it probably was real. I think this works by people contacting the soul of the deceased body and then somehow inviting the soul to enter the body again, probably at this stage an energetical stimulus is generated and the organs can be `restarted` for a couple seconds, after which the energy is consummed and the organs cease to function again. We know our bodies use inner electrical impulses which is a form of energy. I think a soul can remain in a body connected to devices that mantain normal function of the heart and other organs, medicine can do this but they don't know how to contact a soul and let it enter the body again.

I know the video you are talking about. It looks like it is very real, but it is from some Spanish movie.

Sauce? I want to look at it.

100% agree with you here. Putin will not care. I kind of laughed because yes, witches can be powerful in some cases, but most of them just bellow unnecessarily.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
