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"The Ted Bundy Tapes"


New member
Apr 20, 2021
I recently watched "The Ted Bundy Tapes" on Netflix and thought, he probably is a Jew.
I know the enemy causes most shit going on in the world, but are psychopaths the direct result of mixing with jews?

They are natural occurrences, however, many jews exhibit quite a few of these severe traits, not only of psychopathy, but other issues.
Apparently, there is a film, "No Man of God", to be released in August about it, I thought you might like to know.
It is good to be aware of this kind of people, but not focus too much or become obsessed unless part of your work and career.

Also be careful of the idealization of such people and situations. Reality is much more brutal.
Thank you for your answer HPC

Not much has been said about you HPC,
You're great, unbelievable, unfailing believe; not only in the Gods, but in us - you're fledgling children. You took - with HPS Maxine - like Isis did with Osirus, when he was killed by Seth, and resurected us into Horus, a new life to learn and live with the Satan and the Goetia Gods of Hell.

I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should grt in society, if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume really dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, tgey just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.
Jack said:
I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should get in society if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, they just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.

Opposite to the actions that they portray, these people cannot go to war or be in fair combat as they are pathological unmanly enough to face other people of their kind. They seek victims. To go to war you need to have character and morals, which these people do not have. Also, these psychopaths in the army are always going out of command and cannot follow the chain of command, and are disposed of quickly. Also the soldiers among these notice that is the case and make it so they lose their life, as normal as it should be. It is one to become a psychopath during combat vs being without reason one.

These people should be lab rats, and real life experimentation puppets. If anything at most, with hard work, use them in first line for combat so our dear soldiers have better chances of impact. Put them in a cage for athletes to train themselves. Put them besides a father so they'll learn real brutality.

These are the real "pussies". Army should be considered high norm even for the good men out there.
Jack said:
I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should grt in society, if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume really dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, tgey just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.
I don't think psychopaths can be "trained"!Unlike sociopaths they don't posses any sense of morality and will hurt everyone that stands in their way or even a random stranger because they are bored or so(sounds like I describe a typical jew)!
Also I doubt they can work together!There are studies that confirm psychopaths don't want to be around one other as they always try to manipulate the others and don't accept to be manipulated.Exactly as NakedPluto said they don't follow commands.
The best thing to do will be to find a cure for these kind of people (if they are gentiles). Most of the traits psychopaths have are genetical, so if they are willing to be cured, doctors in the future may be able through gene manipulation to make them more normal!
Demongods said:
I recently watched "The Ted Bundy Tapes" on Netflix and thought, he probably is a Jew.
I know the enemy causes most shit going on in the world, but are psychopaths the direct result of mixing with jews?


I like crime shows too. My theory with people like this is it is enemy entities or thoughtforms along with mental illness. Not all of them were Jews or part Jews. I know some of them were. Sometimes people just lose it. If you have been around enough people long enough you would know this. It could also have to do with stuff dealing with Pluto and Mars in the Astrology Chart. Like say Saturn (Aquarius) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Pluto Square Mars (Leo). I can't remember the chart in house positions or anything but there was someone I knew with these aspects (about 4 to 5 degree orb if I remember) who was a very Scary person. If he lost control the Gods help you. He did end up in Prison for a murder committed over almost nothing at all later. I can elaborate on this only if people want. I can imagine Algol on something would be much worse. The enemy entities may target people like this too because they love bloodshed and fear and feed off of it. So if they can get them to do something they get energy from it.

I mean if people meditated and raised their vibration and focused on more positive uplifting things this kind of stuff would rarely if ever happen. Not promising it never will but in a healthy society these people would be watched more carefully segregated if shown to be an extreme danger or helped.
They must be locked up in a controlled environment and doing simple taks like teaching. Ed Kemper who I think by his background is a Gentile was conscious that he couldn't live in society and gave himself up to the police, he refused paroles and prefered to stay locked where he could teach IT and do Braille transcriptions:

The first season of this series is decent enough imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYBmNYc8IA

More serious offenders like rapists and sadists should get forced labor and torture.

NakedPluto said:
Jack said:
I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should get in society if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, they just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.

Opposite to the actions that they portray, these people cannot go to war or be in fair combat as they are pathological unmanly enough to face other people of their kind. They seek victims. To go to war you need to have character and morals, which these people do not have. Also, these psychopaths in the army are always going out of command and cannot follow the chain of command, and are disposed of quickly. Also the soldiers among these notice that is the case and make it so they lose their life, as normal as it should be. It is one to become a psychopath during combat vs being without reason one.

These people should be lab rats, and real life experimentation puppets. If anything at most, with hard work, use them in first line for combat so our dear soldiers have better chances of impact. Put them in a cage for athletes to train themselves. Put them besides a father so they'll learn real brutality.

These are the real "pussies". Army should be considered high norm even for the good men out there.
NakedPluto said:
Jack said:
I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should get in society if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, they just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.

Opposite to the actions that they portray, these people cannot go to war or be in fair combat as they are pathological unmanly enough to face other people of their kind. They seek victims. To go to war you need to have character and morals, which these people do not have. Also, these psychopaths in the army are always going out of command and cannot follow the chain of command, and are disposed of quickly. Also the soldiers among these notice that is the case and make it so they lose their life, as normal as it should be. It is one to become a psychopath during combat vs being without reason one.

These people should be lab rats, and real life experimentation puppets. If anything at most, with hard work, use them in first line for combat so our dear soldiers have better chances of impact. Put them in a cage for athletes to train themselves. Put them besides a father so they'll learn real brutality.

These are the real "pussies". Army should be considered high norm even for the good men out there.
What about "Gas Chamber Specialist" . I assume that job should probably be done by someone who isn't capable of Empathy.

Some other similar jobs around such kind of an operation should probably not be done by normal people.
slyscorpion said:
Demongods said:
I recently watched "The Ted Bundy Tapes" on Netflix and thought, he probably is a Jew.
I know the enemy causes most shit going on in the world, but are psychopaths the direct result of mixing with jews?


I like crime shows too. My theory with people like this is it is enemy entities or thoughtforms along with mental illness. Not all of them were Jews or part Jews. I know some of them were. Sometimes people just lose it. If you have been around enough people long enough you would know this. It could also have to do with stuff dealing with Pluto and Mars in the Astrology Chart. Like say Saturn (Aquarius) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Pluto Square Mars (Leo). I can't remember the chart in house positions or anything but there was someone I knew with these aspects (about 4 to 5 degree orb if I remember) who was a very Scary person. If he lost control the Gods help you. He did end up in Prison for a murder committed over almost nothing at all later. I can elaborate on this only if people want. I can imagine Algol on something would be much worse. The enemy entities may target people like this too because they love bloodshed and fear and feed off of it. So if they can get them to do something they get energy from it.

I mean if people meditated and raised their vibration and focused on more positive uplifting things this kind of stuff would rarely if ever happen. Not promising it never will but in a healthy society these people would be watched more carefully segregated if shown to be an extreme danger or helped.

I don't particularly like crime shows (thanks for your reply), I just wanted to find out what made this sick fuck tick.
I believe I've actually met a few of them, and they seem to sense the unwary.
Ted Bundy actually said, "Pornography started me off, if you want to stop people like me, then ban it (pornography)"...definitely not someone to invite home to dinner!

Νίκος said:
Jack said:
I wonder what kind of position these psychopaths should grt in society, if they're identified and trained not to be malignant to others. I assume really dark jobs in the military or black ops which others won't do. They definitely should not be in the business world, tgey just fuck others over and hurt people ruthlessly.
I don't think psychopaths can be "trained"!Unlike sociopaths they don't posses any sense of morality and will hurt everyone that stands in their way or even a random stranger because they are bored or so(sounds like I describe a typical jew)!
Also I doubt they can work together!There are studies that confirm psychopaths don't want to be around one other as they always try to manipulate the others and don't accept to be manipulated.Exactly as NakedPluto said they don't follow commands.
The best thing to do will be to find a cure for these kind of people (if they are gentiles). Most of the traits psychopaths have are genetical, so if they are willing to be cured, doctors in the future may be able through gene manipulation to make them more normal!

Excuse the late reply, but I have wondered about what you stated before, if psychopaths could be treated at the genetic level for a cure. I feel that before that time comes, they must be segregated from pro-social society for everyone else's safety.
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

EDIT: Co-ruler seems like the wrong thing to call this when it's more like a conjunction? It's difficult to find explanations for stuff like this online sometimes.
MrIntrepid said:
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.
NakedPluto said:
I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.

Well hello there fellow Plutonian. Not a thing you said that I don't agree with, though I will add that sublimating the energies of Pluto is very difficult, if at times very strange. And if it's difficult for someone who takes spirituality very seriously then I can easily see why someone like Ted Bundy would have zero chance of acting against the will of his chart. As you put it, "Killing people for no reason just means you're a puppet of dangerous energies." Paraphrasing of course.

EDIT: I do hope the mods forgive me for the string of double posts. Apparently I can't internet right today.
NakedPluto said:
MrIntrepid said:
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.
Holy shit ,me too :shock: :shock: :shock:
NakedPluto said:
MrIntrepid said:
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.

Whenever Pluto transits by hard aspect something major in either my chart or my partners chart something really bad usually happens or we get to deal with people that are "degenerates" in some way.

I had a theory in some of the major crimes that happened pluto is usually transiting in hard aspect to something major in the victims chart as well.
slyscorpion said:
NakedPluto said:
MrIntrepid said:
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.

Whenever Pluto transits by hard aspect something major in either my chart or my partners chart something really bad usually happens or we get to deal with people that are "degenerates" in some way.

I had a theory in some of the major crimes that happened pluto is usually transiting in hard aspect to something major in the victims chart as well.

Always use Algiz in times like that. Also extreme control is required.

2 weeks ago I was out and conversing with someone of old age. Bought some flowers as she helped me with something. And in bright day light, a drunk big guy came to us and started harrasing us. Told him, as I was trained as a little kid, 3 warnings to back off. He didn't. I got her and me and moved on the other side of the street. Guess what, the 40 old or something degenerate came to us again, putting his arm in his jacket yelling he will shot me.

Never in my life beaten such an old man to the point of him crying and running. Up to that point I had to control a lot and be lawful. Yet still violence did manifest, but you must know how to make it safe, legally and avoid at all cost conflict. Personally I would've let him be drunk and stupid, but the lady was in extreme distress and trembling.
SeaGoat_666 said:
Νίκος said:
I don't think psychopaths can be "trained"!Unlike sociopaths they don't posses any sense of morality and will hurt everyone that stands in their way or even a random stranger because they are bored or so(sounds like I describe a typical jew)!
Also I doubt they can work together!There are studies that confirm psychopaths don't want to be around one other as they always try to manipulate the others and don't accept to be manipulated.Exactly as NakedPluto said they don't follow commands.
The best thing to do will be to find a cure for these kind of people (if they are gentiles). Most of the traits psychopaths have are genetical, so if they are willing to be cured, doctors in the future may be able through gene manipulation to make them more normal!

Excuse the late reply, but I have wondered about what you stated before, if psychopaths could be treated at the genetic level for a cure. I feel that before that time comes, they must be segregated from pro-social society for everyone else's safety.
I totally agree!
Jack said:
NakedPluto said:
MrIntrepid said:
There are definitely people who are just born different, even among the SS here. In my experience a very strong connection to Pluto and/or Saturn can cause you to become fixated on death for instance. There are of course other factors involved but when you possess a certain chart, for whatever reason, it can easily affect your personality to the point of making you seem sociopathic to others.

I think that a lot of the people who are out there doing evil to people on the streets would make very good black mages if they were witches.

Lol so I just checked Ted Bundy's chart and his Pluto is both in the 12th house and the co-ruler of his chart, with Saturn. Called it.

I am ruled by Pluto , to say at least extremely with other factors favoring things like these. Yet people have choices and moral compass defined by the self.

The higher octave of the brutality of Pluto is transformation and then the master control. Also Pluto in the lowest manifestation, extreme as it is , makes people conform to its power, not the other way around, by having power. Owning Pluto is transforming this power as personal power thus letting it manifest as you like, not as the Plantes "desire".

Pluto ruled people who are degenerates are in reality extremely weak. That is even the "lesson" of Pluto. "You are nothing, steps on ego" until you become something. Killing people without legal goal and purpose, without being in a military unit or inteligence, means you are just a puppet of dangerous energies.
Holy shit ,me too :shock: :shock: :shock:

To be in line with the subject: Be a strong motherf*cker and own your power, because Pluto gives galaxy of power but doesn't let you use it directly as you like and that easy. Always have discernment and control brother. Else we become puppets of our own energies.
Hello NakedPluto,

This discussion has been had by other members in other threads but I would like your unique opinion.
1. Apart from the Eihwaz rune, can one use or properly direct Pluto planetary energy?
2. Should one use plutonic planetary energy?
3. Is #8 or #13 more suited for "plutonic working" (upheaval, radical transformation, death, rebirth, extremes)?


Syt said:
Hello NakedPluto,

This discussion has been had by other members in other threads but I would like your unique opinion.
1. Apart from the Eihwaz rune, can one use or properly direct Pluto planetary energy?
2. Should one use plutonic planetary energy?
3. Is #8 or #13 more suited for "plutonic working" (upheaval, radical transformation, death, rebirth, extremes)?



I would oppose greatly using Pluto planetary energy, I don't even know the mantra of it, and it is good that way. Pluto energy from direct planet is extremely brutal and uncontrollable.

A good approach to this kind of energy is by the #13, which gives enormous power and transformation incentive. Here the most important aspect is not the energy, but the affirmation and appliance of it.

For example, I experimented very few reps of the EIHWAZ without affirmation to experiment and know about it. It is a raw rune of power. I had dreams of dead people coming to me, had the power of conversation over them. 3 days I had conflicts with everybody that changed my relationships forever.

One girlfriend at that time from the fight did break up with me, permanently in bad terms. Fought with my family and a lot of friction with everybody.

Extreme violence and bursts of power, to the edge of control.

Yet if you do it with affirmations the energy of the #13 is extremely potent in any working you desire to do. You need to really accommodate with the manifestation and observe, as this is not a rune to experiment too much.

Be careful as the plutonic variation of this energy will definitely stimulate the Serpent. The CK at the end is where the power lays. "EE" is the opener and tuning of the energy in which you simultaneously apply your will of the programming and "place" , "aim", "TS" - unites the energy and own will in a focused stream to build the momentum of the "CK", where the explosion of raw power is happening. That's how I do it and vibrate.


#8 I only used it to bond people and friendships, no other purposes to my taste.

#19 Is also an amazing rune to understand domination and power over situations and people.

To become more in tune with Pluto energy you have to excel in understanding the focus and the control. Control and extremities of this, as a switching button.

I definitely believe Pluto is very related to the Serpent and everything that it entails, as an absolute transformation of both dualities in extreme measures. The energy of Pluto is silent, hard to describe and observe. It is like a gravity force that pulls and pushes from the back of the body.

Other than that I don't know about Pluto energy, I will attest that at any time, any moment, despite the awe and attractiveness to this, I am fearful and running away from it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
