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Receiving Gifts From The Gods - A Lesson In Gratitude

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
Today I learned a very important lesson that i wish to share with you all. up until now I have always struggled with accepting compliments, I have felt unworthy of praise, I felt like I never really deserved the gifts I received when they were given to me. This is a symptom of Xian programming! in Xianity one is taught to be weak, lowly and unworthy of anything good. As is the norm with enemy created slave mentality. I grew up in a xian household and even though I rejected their xian teachings, still some of the self hating and non deserving mentality influenced me in my growing up process. This is a toxic way to feel especially towards one's self.

Now this isn't to say that you should just sit around doing nothing and complain when you aren't getting anything in return, because you always expect gifts to be given to you with no effort, and feel you always deserve everything. because that is also a very toxic outlook. Entitlement is just as much a cancer as meekness. But, I am saying that When you have done something truly good you should be proud of the things you have done and humbly, and graciously, accept thd gifts given to you. You should accept with gratitude because you know what you are receiving is the direct result of the fruit of your labors. It's ok to feel good about yourself, it's ok to have pride. Just don't let your ego get overinflated.

When you've earned them Father Satan will give you gifts for the work you do, he has gifted me many times. In ways I know and never knew. I always had this mindset that I do what I do NOT to expect rewards, not to do it for the motive of getting anything in return, but because I genuinely just wanted to help. This is also unhealthy, yes I do genuinely just want to help, and my reward also is the feeling of fulfilment from doing work for Father Satan. But by feeling unworthy of being rewarded for my efforts, and by feeling undeserving to where I've convinced myself I don't need, or want a reward, is basically the equivalent of rejecting and slapping Father's gifts away.

You will close off the chance to grow closer to Father with this mindset. If he has deemed you worthy of his time, and gifts, both physical, and spiritual you have earned this! So it's ok to accept it! don't feel bad, don't feel like you don't deserve it, or that it's wrong to accept. Father Satan knows your heart he knows what your motives and intentions truly are. Also, you don't have to act like you weren't working to get a reward, you don't have to say you are unworthy, you don't have to deny that you are deserving of the gift. You earned it after all.

You also shouldn't feel bad for wanting his gifts or for wanting compliments for your accomplishments from your community. Xianity has tried to murder that mindset entirely making it such a taboo to accept compliments. This causes a person to feel disingenuous if they say thank you, and accept the compliment. And it has made people feel conceited for wanting to be praised for a job well done. it's only natural you want that, compliments are just as important as criticism and are just as constructive and helpful in inspiring you to do better. Just don't let the praise go to your head to where you get overly confident and deny yourself room for improvement.

In closing I want to stress how important it is to be Thankful! both of Positive praise, and constructive criticism. And to always be thankful and grateful to the Gods for the gifts they give you! Always thank them daily, because there's just so much they do for you both seen and unseen. Just today I was rewarded by Father Satan and is the reason why i wanted to make this post.

A few days ago I was walking around thinking about how badly I needed new shoes. Money has been a little tight and I was just thinking about how long my shoes will survive before totally falling apart. Well, just today at work a coworker of mine who I rarely even talk to approached me and asked if I wanted some new shoes. She said she has a few pairs of these gently used very nice, shoes that are exactly my size. She was planning on donating them but noticed my bad shoes. I took this as an immediate sign from Father Satan. He always looks after us, he always helps us in every way. Always be thankful in your hearts to him.

Remember to do thanksgiving rituals to our Gods whenever you can. And always pay forward the help you receive, by doing work for Father and the Gods, and by helping other's who need it.

I will send this post off with this great quote from our HP

"Satan and the Gods lead us to the Godhead through ourselves and their most valued friendship and guidance. We must thank them. The most important way to thank them is to immerse ourselves in their gifts, spiritual and physical."
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

and a link about thanksgiving on JOS


Hail Satan!!
extremely important topic sapphire, if i am blessed with a lamborghini even if i didn't contribute like hp hoodedcobra666 i would NEVER doubt my worthiness and NEVER feel down promising, completely correct thought

i'm going to think i'm really cool and work on general spiritual things even more like i did
nebu said:
extremely important topic sapphire, if i am blessed with a lamborghini even if i didn't contribute like hp hoodedcobra666 i would NEVER doubt my worthiness and NEVER feel down promising, completely correct thought

i'm going to think i'm really cool and work on general spiritual things even more like i did

The feeling of false unworthiness is a plague because it lies to you. I think every Satanist by "default" should be entitled to a house or the essentials for life, as a baseline. This should not be doubtable by any advancing Satanist.

You must learn to open the mind to receive, because that's necessary and good for you. Both producing value and accepting value is quintessential for your growth. We produce value when we do things for others, and others then return us value.

Yes, if someone gets randomly things, enjoy these, but above all try to comprehend these and maintain them. And try to do good works with them.

You don't always have to have "contributed" for these things, they can be fated or coincidental. There are things strictly in this universe for those who contribute, which one will find only after they do the contributions, but the two are unrelated

Things of a physical nature might come to help you, these should not be turned down. You must be thankful, especially in a world where many experience deprivations.

The wise man will do with these, the wiser will make sure to keep them and expand them while making proper use of them, and the wisest will put these tools at the disposal of the greatest tasks which will fulfil both himself and others in an important mission like the JoS for example.

I truly wish everyone prosperity in all levels and abundance, because we are all going to need it to create great works.
Hello everyone, what you said is very important but i believe that you co worker help you because hes a good person, maybe the gods have nothing to do with that, people are good sometimes is not very usual but it happens, or maybe it was the gods im not sure, i think what they give us more is knowledge and inspiration, motivation when you need and a little humbility if you act like you are more than the others. But i remember one time in the casino, i was very stupid at that time and i remember i was playing roulette and i was losing and i ask the gods to help me, in despair but i ask and i did a mistake in the bet just after asking i chose a wrong number, it was the 8 and it happens that i win by mistake, im sure its not coincidence, i ended up wasting the money in bullshit but anyway they gifted me, and nowadays i avoid at maximum asking anithyng to no one i try to get everithing by miself but its almost impossible sometimes.
Hail satan!
nebu said:
extremely important topic sapphire, if i am blessed with a lamborghini even if i didn't contribute like hp hoodedcobra666 i would NEVER doubt my worthiness and NEVER feel down promising, completely correct thought

i'm going to think i'm really cool and work on general spiritual things even more like i did

Thank you, and yes! Absolutely. :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The feeling of false unworthiness is a plague because it lies to you. I think every Satanist by "default" should be entitled to a house or the essentials for life, as a baseline. This should not be doubtable by any advancing Satanist.

You must learn to open the mind to receive, because that's necessary and good for you. Both producing value and accepting value is quintessential for your growth. We produce value when we do things for others, and others then return us value.

Yes, if someone gets randomly things, enjoy these, but above all try to comprehend these and maintain them. And try to do good works with them.

You don't always have to have "contributed" for these things, they can be fated or coincidental. There are things strictly in this universe for those who contribute, which one will find only after they do the contributions, but the two are unrelated

Things of a physical nature might come to help you, these should not be turned down. You must be thankful, especially in a world where many experience deprivations.

The wise man will do with these, the wiser will make sure to keep them and expand them while making proper use of them, and the wisest will put these tools at the disposal of the greatest tasks which will fulfil both himself and others in an important mission like the JoS for example.

I truly wish everyone prosperity in all levels and abundance, because we are all going to need it to create great works.

Thank you, I appreciate the words of wisdom you have shared, It is truly important to understand and to remember these things. The teachings of the enemy are set up to go against this, as they go against everything natural to being human. making people either entitled, or feeling false unworthiness. But through the teachings of the Gods we are given the healthy balance, and to know our worth truly. To understand the importance of giving and receiving. The importance of sacrifice. Real sacrifice, free from the toxic and false information spread about by jewish inventions. The importance of helping one another. We are to be extensions of our Father Satan and the Gods after all. They are the golden example to follow. The closer we get to them, the more we learn what it truly means to love.

Just less than 2 hours ago I performed a Ritual of Thanksgiving.By the way(btw),I haven't done a Thanksgiving Ritual in a very long time.I just felt that this is it time the Thanksgiving of Ritual,then I come up here to the forum and I see this post in the bookmarks...
Receiving gifts from the Gods is the most beautiful thing that one individual can experience.

Your topic sister SaphireDraggon is very useful as it explains in depth this kind of gratitude that we need to have and how beautiful this experience is.

As a note I may add here:

Everyone shall remember that the Gods do help us and gift us with a lot of qualities, but, unlike a lot of misconceptions that may have been applied spiritually to you in the past and in your previous state, before becoming a Satanist, the Gods also want us to resolve what problems we might jave through a lot of meditation and spiritual work.

The Gods are always helpful in their nature and shall be treated with maximum respect, and everyone who had misconceptions in their past regarding our Gods, shall discard them and let the negative things in the past be as a lesson to them, and welcome the path of Truth.

Hail Satan
Great post, very helpful in overcoming this xian programming. Many thanks.

It is definitely abrahamic programming. I have wondered many times about what I have done to receive such a good, comfortable, safe life. Sometimes, I felt it was too much good for me or I was unworthy, especially when I engaged in some lower levels of life, for example engaging in porn, eating junk food.

I used to just lie down on my bed and say 'Oh Satan, what have I done to get all this?'
But as I walked this path I did start to get amazing dreams, one of them was of Orion constellation which was indeed beautiful. The other was not a dream but a vision of Pyramids of Giza with a bit of ruins around them. And a few months later, I was half awake/asleep again, most likely in light trance, my eyes open, and I saw a vision of a ww2 fighter or cas aircraft, on an airstrip preparing to take off, had ground crew around it, it was detailed but the vision wasn't clear, though it sure looked german to me[it was either a bf 109 or a stuka], this was a first person vision. It was at this moment, I did understood that I must have done something at least during the WW2 to get such a good life.

My visions for now are always black and white and sometimes not very clear. Most of these visions are first person[it feels like me, don't know how to explain]. and for the past few months I've had many different visions and the clarity has improved. But as usual they don't last long, I try to focus to make them last longer and I do succeed sometimes to make them stay longer, but they eventually fade away. They are something... mysteries which very much amaze me, these visions highly motivate me to continue to advance, to become better and discover more of my past, I do hope these were visions of my past.

I am ever thankful to the Gods and all the high souls of Joy of Satan, especially HPS Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra for letting me experience all this, these are just out of the world experiences, so very few people in the world have experienced what I've experienced, it is unbelievable to me that I am one of those few. Though I am still a beginner, I have a lot to learn.

Farther Satan and the Gods truly bless us and help us when we really do need the help. All that I can say to the lazy individuals here, is that you are missing out some great mind blowing stuff. Help yourself, by working on yourself: on the spiritual do what has been presented to you, the JoS. And on the material, do what is necessary, sometimes we have to do things for a temporary period that we don't like for a[for example: study a subject that we don't like but is necessary to pass our classes]. You will receive help from the Gods and your brain as well because of the spiritual practices, just take the step in fixing your life. Don't remain stuck. Good luck.

Hail Satan!
A wonderful post, SapphireDragon! :)

A few weeks ago some unexpected problems arose, which became a big obstacle for me. As this was something that was very personal to me, I decided to do a ritual to ask Father Satan for help. I really only expected a little guidance as that was what I asked for, but Father Satan went all out and solved my problem 100% within a week.

Thank you for such a great post

Our Father Satan is always there for us. There were times when i was worried but i learnt that even if you are going through difficult times, never forget the Gods. Both times of misery and Happiness, there are always with us
I done my dedication ritual to Satan when I was 19, I'm now 29 and in my Saturn return and in all honesty life is nothing short of fantastic for me. The way the Gods have guided me in both seen and unseen ways catapulted my success in life, I went from being a waiter, filling people's coffee, depressed, alone and self-hating to having two degrees, a business that runs itself as well as working for an international company as a clinical researcher!

I distinctly remember one night I had no food to eat, I simply connected to Satan and asked for help.. within 2 hours an old acquaintance randomly decided to stop by my house and take me for dinner - he also helped organise a job for myself.

If the Gods see that you are seriously insisting on a better life for yourself and you're walking with honor and dedication they will intervene. A lot of people think they can fool the Gods, they claim that they're working for Satan, doing RTR's and that they care about the future of our people, but do they? I've come accross many Satanists who's intentions are selfish - they only work for Satan so that Satan can help them. They do not work for Satan because they care for our planet, people and Him, FIRST. These people carry a distinct energy in them that one can feel, now if a Witch like myself who has not risen his serpent can sense it, surely the Gods can? Reward comes as a consequence of walking a TRUE Satanic path, this means not being a victim of circumstance, not waiting on the Gods to come to your aid like a beggar on the street, and being honest with your intentions. I never do RTR's anymore, I did the very first one ever released by JoS and many after that, however I simply don't have the time. I remember once I told a fellow Satanist this and he went off on me like beserk Christian goes off at someone for not attending church regularly, he never knew that I was doing other work for the Gods. My point here is, find a way to better our people in a way that you enjoy, when you walk and work with passion the Gods sense that, respect your growth and will most probably reward you.

Material success is not difficult to acquire in this life or any success for that matter, what is difficult is deprogramming yourself from defeatist subconscious beliefs such as not being worthy or the belief that money is difficult to acquire. If you have a worldview that all the rich are evil, yet you see yourself as good, your subconscious will sabotage your workings to attract money, why, because you're good and poor and being rich means you'll be evil. I don't personally believe in good and evil, but you get the point? Often the Gods will gift you things that will help you maintain yourself or grow into the person you want to become. Very rarely do they give things of material reward (in my experience), the greatest gift Satan and The Gods have given me has been the ability to see my how much of my fate was truly in my hands. They made me aware of what's in my subconscious and how to remove disempowering programs that had me running on autopilot.
And I spread the word, knowledge as an expression of gratitude. Exposing the Judeo/christian/islamic lie. Those christians, jews, islamic entities that would hinder us,,, I curse them ,, sacrifice them and their seed ( offspring ) to their Lake of Fire. May Suicide dominate their people and descendants ( the ones that would hinder and attack us ). Also spreading the Power Meditations and Satanic Witchcraft information. Also doing the RTRs. ( by the way, when is the next ritual ? )
SapphireDragon said:
Today I learned a very important lesson that i wish to share with you all. up until now I have always struggled with accepting compliments, I have felt unworthy of praise, I felt like I never really deserved the gifts I received when they were given to me. This is a symptom of Xian programming! in Xianity one is taught to be weak, lowly and unworthy of anything good. As is the norm with enemy created slave mentality. I grew up in a xian household and even though I rejected their xian teachings, still some of the self hating and non deserving mentality influenced me in my growing up process. This is a toxic way to feel especially towards one's self.

Hail Satan!!

That's right, a xian mentality makes you feel unfit, undeserving, in a nutshell it destroys your ego. It holds you back from all good things. The things they say about it are: We're born sinners, we're wrong, we're bad creatures, and the silliest thing they say is "we can't do anything to fix it." And ever since I listened to it I didn't like it.
Darkspirit said:
That's right, a xian mentality makes you feel unfit, undeserving, in a nutshell it destroys your ego. It holds you back from all good things. The things they say about it are: We're born sinners, we're wrong, we're bad creatures, and the silliest thing they say is "we can't do anything to fix it." And ever since I listened to it I didn't like it.

Another thing I was thinking about today was the mentality that xianity teaches. There are many many toxic things. One of them being that you can't say I WILL do something, or That WILL happen. Further stripping people of the power to help themselves. My mother would read the story in the bible about how it was wrong for us to say I WILL do anything without first saying, if it's "gods" will.

here is that foul passage only here for a reference .

"Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them (James 4:13-17)"

This is a great example of slave mentality. It's basically crippling the person by making them think they can't do anything.
Chaining them to the false belief that anything only ever happens for them by their false "god's" will. That their very existence is meaningless. It's just so very toxic. The more we deprogram ourselves from that horrible stuff the better we will all be.
SapphireDragon said:
...and even though I rejected their xian teachings, still some of the self hating and non deserving mentality influenced me in my growing up process. This is a toxic way to feel especially towards one's self.

Bro, I literally went through this same experience. The "section" of Xianity that I followed was the most ultra-toxic, and turned all of its followers into literal dross magnets, as to what "section" exactly, I've explained that in my past posts. I was either in the "Red" or "Orange-Red" zone level of retardation, as I point on the levels in this post.

However, I noticed that even when I consciously left that feces of a "religion", the dross that I accumulated in my decades-some time of spiritual self-destruction started blowing up in my face and backfiring on me.

For example, the "faction" of Xianity that I used to follow was similar to Jewhovah Witness, where we didn't celebrate any of the holidays (Yuletide, Valentines, Samhain and etc) because of their Pagan origin, and we'd do prayers cursing people celebrating these holidays.

Those dross energies backfired on me, and whenever I would buy supplies and preparation for these holidays, OUR holidays, shit would always hit the fan even so much to the point where I got seriously injured during one of our holidays. Those dross energies also fed the greys and kikes, who CLEARLY weren't happy with me for leaving, and they'd amplify those negative and parasitic energies. Not to mention, they found out I left, and started "praying for me" and "cursing" me as well.

In addition, everytime I made a major accomplishment in my life, those scumbags would insert heinous and morbid thoughts in my head and make me suffer severe anxiety attacks, make me do irrational bullshit that only resulted in shit hitting MORE fans!

That was also the result from the self-hating dross that Xianity wud preach, 'cuz other than the hatred for the Gentile holidays, we would also curse ourselves, call ourselves evil, spend time in monastic "feeling sorry" prayer, 1 John 2:15, John 12:25 bullshit.

That's when Satan grabbed me by the shirt to do RTRs and do cleansing rituals (metaphorically obviously) - the mental urge to do RTRs and other cleansing rituals kept repeating and coming about after these repetitive severe attacks, so I clearly took that as a sign from the Gods to start getting my spiritual ass up and start fighting back. Screaming "Fuck Jewhovah" obviously didn't do anything, but anger the greys even more and make 'em go ham on their attack - no different than when a weak victim yells "fuck you" to a bully or predator.

I obviously wasn't astrally-adept yet and when I first-left Xianity "for good" - I was still a cocky idiot, ate garbage food, and thought the RTRs were bullshit and thought "I was in control", even though I clearly wasn't.

Those RTRs and cleansing rituals CLEARLY helped, not perfect, still dealing with bad karma, but I'm definitely no longer a punching bag.

Thank Satan and thank the Gods! I deserve Greatness! I love this World and I love my Life, Jewhovah has Failed, Jewhovah has Lost. Satan has Won!
SapphireDragon said:
Hail Satan!!

I begin to recognize, my room, my clothes, these walls, the light, my music, my food, my positive mindset, my health...
These things are not simply because I "worked" and "survived".
The list is endless, I must attribute thanks to all these things, and I must thank Satan and the Gods!

All these things are truly gifts, and life becomes so much more profound when we can recognize the spiritual reality.
SapphireDragon said:
(...) I have felt unworthy of praise, I felt like I never really deserved the gifts I received when they were given to me. (...)

(...) When you have done something truly good you should be proud of the things you have done and humbly, and graciously, accept the gifts given to you. You should accept with gratitude because you know what you are receiving is the direct result of the fruit of your labors. (...)

(...) But by feeling unworthy of being rewarded for my efforts, and by feeling undeserving to where I've convinced myself I don't need, or want a reward, is basically the equivalent of rejecting and slapping Father's gifts away.

You will close off the chance to grow closer to Father with this mindset. If he has deemed you worthy of his time, and gifts, both physical, and spiritual you have earned this! (...) Also, you don't have to act like you weren't working to get a reward, you don't have to say you are unworthy, you don't have to deny that you are deserving of the gift. You earned it after all.


In closing I want to stress how important it is to be Thankful! both of Positive praise, and constructive criticism. And to always be thankful and grateful to the Gods for the gifts they give you! (...)


Hail Satan!!

This speaks to me in a way you can't even imagine. Thank you for this! This is very motivating and inspiring.

The question for me, would be, when you do something good for Father, do you do this because you expect the reward or because you want to do this action for Father Satan? There was a time when I thought one or the other would be negative.

Being thankful is also important, because the Gods invest their efforts in you, in us. Might as well show them we appreciate it, and it is a good way to get closer to Satan.
Darkspirit said:
That's right, a xian mentality makes you feel unfit, undeserving, in a nutshell it destroys your ego. It holds you back from all good things. The things they say about it are: We're born sinners, we're wrong, we're bad creatures, and the silliest thing they say is "we can't do anything to fix it." And ever since I listened to it I didn't like it.
Thank you for this topic. I have to say to you, after some trolls in this forum I was quite a lot of time thinking you was one of them, and now I realise I did this for no reason at all. You are great. Thanks again.
Ara666 said:
This speaks to me in a way you can't even imagine. Thank you for this! This is very motivating and inspiring.

The question for me, would be, when you do something good for Father, do you do this because you expect the reward or because you want to do this action for Father Satan? There was a time when I thought one or the other would be negative.

Being thankful is also important, because the Gods invest their efforts in you, in us. Might as well show them we appreciate it, and it is a good way to get closer to Satan.

It's definitely about balance. It isn't always easy but you must find that balance. Enemy programs make someone want to give everything and receive nothing, Or to receive everything and give nothing back. Both create a person crippled by a slave mentality to either act as docile sheep awaiting their slaughter or as slave workers with no mind of their own.

The Xian "god" concept is set up to where the people give and one god takes and takes and gives nothing back. That is not the way in Spiritual Satanism. Also, I will add that you should do work for Father because you want to do it, never do something you don't want to. But it's ok to also want something for your hard work, we aren't slaves and it's normal to want something in return for our efforts. If you are doing good work for Father in any sort of way he will reward you in his own ways, as he sees fit for the situation. It's only natural you want to accept that reward. We aren't set up to give everything with nothing in return. The very wisdom we have right now through JOS is because Satan GAVE it to us. We are here right now posting on these forums because we have made it this far to where we have these opportunities because we were given them. We gave our dedication to Father, we showed we wanted to be serious and dedicate ourselves to walk this path. We give through our efforts here doing his works and he gives back to each person a reward of equal value to their efforts. And the greatest gift of all is this knowledge we have here where we can learn Father Satan's ways and apply them to our lives.

In all things we must be balanced. Spiritual Satanism gives us that balance and keeps it in check.
TerKorian666 said:
Thank you for this topic. I have to say to you, after some trolls in this forum I was quite a lot of time thinking you was one of them, and now I realise I did this for no reason at all. You are great. Thanks again.

It's ok. I know there have been many trolls here lately. It's wise to be skeptical of someone until you get to know them more.
I am glad though I am able to prove myself and my intentions. Thank you for your kind words. Part of people being unsure of me at first may be due to my account being a newer one. I had an older account I used to be on. I decided to make a new account around the time we were changing our passwords.

My previous account was Ravensky666. I had changed my old password on that account to a new one and shortly after I completely forgot what I had changed it to. Before all of this I was thinking it was time for a account name change. Ravensky was actually an old gamer tag I used to have when I was younger and I really just didn't feel it fit anymore with the direction I was going in. I meditated on it and though SapphireDragon was a better fit and I asked Father if I should change my username to this.

I just took it as a sign to make a new account with my new username rather than getting my old username changed or a password reset. In a way it's fitting my old account represented the old me, someone young and kind of stubborn who thought they knew everything lol, I'm sure I made some good posts and did help some people but I have learned so much more and grown past a lot of my hangups. So I want this new account to be an example of who I am now.
On a personal level, these are the most important words I've read this year. Including the past several months.
Many things are said that cut through my beliefs like a scalpel. I wasn't happy to hear it. In fact, I am still conflicted.
I felt a lot of emotions at once. My reaction was as melodramatic as a germaphobe being forced into a bus.
I was torn apart. On many things. I couldn't even read all of it at once. I actually tabbed-out a few times.
Happy was I to see it pushed into the announcements, what better to read than this?
I didn't feel comfortable responding right away. Before my thoughts fade, I say this now. Lest I forget.
Thank you! Brilliantly worded. I will read this again in future.

My first thought about the shoes? Keeping The Faith - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Korpi said:
On a personal level, these are the most important words I've read this year. Including the past several months.
Many things are said that cut through my beliefs like a scalpel. I wasn't happy to hear it. In fact, I am still conflicted.
I felt a lot of emotions at once. My reaction was as melodramatic as a germaphobe being forced into a bus.
I was torn apart. On many things. I couldn't even read all of it at once. I actually tabbed-out a few times.
Happy was I to see it pushed into the announcements, what better to read than this?
I didn't feel comfortable responding right away. Before my thoughts fade, I say this now. Lest I forget.
Thank you! Brilliantly worded. I will read this again in future.

My first thought about the shoes? Keeping The Faith - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The story about Maxine and the shoes is truly a good testament to keeping faith in Father Satan
I had almost forgotten about her sermon about this and I actually rediscovered it myself when I was looking through her sermons a few days ago and it blew my mind. I feel like certain things are meant to happen to help guide us to the right conclusions. Just yesterday I had a situation come and try to test my faith but I pushed on and will continue to do so. I know no matter what happens we can make it through all things by keeping faith in Father and the Gods and following the path they lead us through. Even if things don't always make sense, even if the unknown seems daunting we have the tools to overcome the unknown and we have Father Satan always to lead us through.
SapphireDragon said:
nebu said:
extremely important topic sapphire, if i am blessed with a lamborghini even if i didn't contribute like hp hoodedcobra666 i would NEVER doubt my worthiness and NEVER feel down promising, completely correct thought

i'm going to think i'm really cool and work on general spiritual things even more like i did

Thank you, and yes! Absolutely. :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The feeling of false unworthiness is a plague because it lies to you. I think every Satanist by "default" should be entitled to a house or the essentials for life, as a baseline. This should not be doubtable by any advancing Satanist.

You must learn to open the mind to receive, because that's necessary and good for you. Both producing value and accepting value is quintessential for your growth. We produce value when we do things for others, and others then return us value.

Yes, if someone gets randomly things, enjoy these, but above all try to comprehend these and maintain them. And try to do good works with them.

You don't always have to have "contributed" for these things, they can be fated or coincidental. There are things strictly in this universe for those who contribute, which one will find only after they do the contributions, but the two are unrelated

Things of a physical nature might come to help you, these should not be turned down. You must be thankful, especially in a world where many experience deprivations.

The wise man will do with these, the wiser will make sure to keep them and expand them while making proper use of them, and the wisest will put these tools at the disposal of the greatest tasks which will fulfil both himself and others in an important mission like the JoS for example.

I truly wish everyone prosperity in all levels and abundance, because we are all going to need it to create great works.

Thank you, I appreciate the words of wisdom you have shared, It is truly important to understand and to remember these things. The teachings of the enemy are set up to go against this, as they go against everything natural to being human. making people either entitled, or feeling false unworthiness. But through the teachings of the Gods we are given the healthy balance, and to know our worth truly. To understand the importance of giving and receiving. The importance of sacrifice. Real sacrifice, free from the toxic and false information spread about by jewish inventions. The importance of helping one another. We are to be extensions of our Father Satan and the Gods after all. They are the golden example to follow. The closer we get to them, the more we learn what it truly means to love.


No offense but most of that was quoted from others. We just read the sermons... the part about the shoes also from HP Maxine...
SunAndMoon said:
No offense but most of that was quoted from others. We just read the sermons... the part about the shoes also from HP Maxine...

I learned a lesson and I shared what felt right in my heart. If there's any similarities in what I've said to things other people have said it is what it is. Nothing in my post was quoted except for the quote from HP Hooded Cobra that I added. My words are my own, and my story about the shoes did happen. It's a unique situation that might be similar to one Maxine experienced but her situation was different and was hers, just as much as mine was my own. What happened for her showed her to keep faith in the Gods and not accept help from sources of the enemy. My lesson was a different situation. I'm not going to ask you to believe me or argue about it, You can take from it whatever you may. Regardless I'm glad I was able to share forward what I've learned because it helped me and if it's helping others to open their eyes to some important inner truths I'm glad. And I will continue to share more posts like this from the things I learn along the way because that's what we do here, we grow, we share, and we learn lessons that the Gods send our way.
SapphireDragon said:
SunAndMoon said:
No offense but most of that was quoted from others. We just read the sermons... the part about the shoes also from HP Maxine...

I learned a lesson and I shared what felt right in my heart. If there's any similarities in what I've said to things other people have said it is what it is. Nothing in my post was quoted except for the quote from HP Hooded Cobra that I added. My words are my own, and my story about the shoes did happen. It's a unique situation that might be similar to one Maxine experienced but her situation was different and was hers, just as much as mine was my own. What happened for her showed her to keep faith in the Gods and not accept help from sources of the enemy. My lesson was a different situation. I'm not going to ask you to believe me or argue about it, You can take from it whatever you may. Regardless I'm glad I was able to share forward what I've learned because it helped me and if it's helping others to open their eyes to some important inner truths I'm glad. And I will continue to share more posts like this from the things I learn along the way because that's what we do here, we grow, we share, and we learn lessons that the Gods send our way.

How can it be similar to a unique situation? Thats why its called a unique situation. Because its unique.

I just hope the posts you share are not everytime strangely familiar to HP Maxines own posts or sermons from long ago. Probably better to just make a reference to her works and people be better off.
Korpi said:
On a personal level, these are the most important words I've read this year. Including the past several months.
Many things are said that cut through my beliefs like a scalpel. I wasn't happy to hear it. In fact, I am still conflicted.
I felt a lot of emotions at once. My reaction was as melodramatic as a germaphobe being forced into a bus.
I was torn apart. On many things. I couldn't even read all of it at once. I actually tabbed-out a few times.

Keep up the good work, buddy!
SunAndMoon said:
I just hope the posts you share are not everytime strangely familiar to HP Maxines own posts or sermons from long ago. Probably better to just make a reference to her works and people be better off.

I know what you are implying and I'm not interested in even entertaining that claim. I made this post based on something that happened to me. I stand by what I say. I didn't take from anyone else's sermons. There was no need to reference HP Maxine's sermon in regards to my post because that was her story and I didn't barrow from it in any way.

Hard as it may be to understand to you it is simply just a coincidence and an unrelated situation. I'm more touched that she has a similar experience in an old sermon but if you read the sermon it has literally no relation to what happened to me at all. Her situation isn't similar to mine. Shoes are a common item that people need, If you made a post about eating a sandwich years after a HP made a post about eating a sandwich I'm not going to jump in with attacking that it was a stolen idea. We all have eaten a sandwich before, does this mean I'm never allowed to talk about sandwiches ever again just because one of our HPs did? Does this mean that we can't tell our own stories about sandwiches in fear of them being of a similar subject matter?

If you choose to believe I took from Her sermon, have at it but I am wearing my shoes as we speak. I was given them from the kindness of a fellow coworker after I had been worried about needing new shoes. I walk a lot and my feet were hurting me when I was speaking to Father Satan one morning and it wasn't long after I received this gift and I dedicated this post to Father in the Hope that what I wrote will help others. I don't care that you come here to try and stir up doubts or possibly slander or discredit what I've said. My post has served it's purpose and will continue to do so.
SapphireDragon said:
SunAndMoon said:
I just hope the posts you share are not everytime strangely familiar to HP Maxines own posts or sermons from long ago. Probably better to just make a reference to her works and people be better off.

I know what you are implying and I'm not interested in even entertaining that claim. I made this post based on something that happened to me. I stand by what I say. I didn't take from anyone else's sermons. There was no need to reference HP Maxine's sermon in regards to my post because that was her story and I didn't barrow from it in any way.

Hard as it may be to understand to you it is simply just a coincidence and an unrelated situation. I'm more touched that she has a similar experience in an old sermon but if you read the sermon it has literally no relation to what happened to me at all. Her situation isn't similar to mine. Shoes are a common item that people need, If you made a post about eating a sandwich years after a HP made a post about eating a sandwich I'm not going to jump in with attacking that it was a stolen idea. We all have eaten a sandwich before, does this mean I'm never allowed to talk about sandwiches ever again just because one of our HPs did? Does this mean that we can't tell our own stories about sandwiches in fear of them being of a similar subject matter?

If you choose to believe I took from Her sermon, have at it but I am wearing my shoes as we speak. I was given them from the kindness of a fellow coworker after I had been worried about needing new shoes. I walk a lot and my feet were hurting me when I was speaking to Father Satan one morning and it wasn't long after I received this gift and I dedicated this post to Father in the Hope that what I wrote will help others. I don't care that you come here to try and stir up doubts or possibly slander or discredit what I've said. My post has served it's purpose and will continue to do so.

I reckon your post is sort of based off of hers because its a "unique" situation then its everyday. Its up to each person who they trust. Its too on the nose.


"Hard as it may be to understand to you it is simply just a coincidence and an unrelated situation. I'm more touched that she has a similar experience in an old sermon but if you read the sermon it has literally no relation to what happened to me at all. *Her situation isn't* similar to mine."

*I Made a grammatical error here and before it opens room for more attack, what I'm trying to say even though it looks like a contradiction, is our Posts about shoes aren't similar, her getting new shoes may be slightly similar to what happened to me but it's in no way the same thing. These are two very different situations. Different topics. My shoes aren't even brand new. They are my size and comfortable though, they didn't have a be brand new. I'm glad to have them because it's one less thing I have to worry about buying.

I feel like you are just trying to stir up things. Infighting has no place here, this isn't kindergarten if you have something going on deep inside making you act this way towards people you need to check yourself.

I won't participate in any further arguments with you,
I've said my peace. If you want to attack and slander people needlessly I'll leave you to it. but I will say this, Check yourself before you wreck yourself isn't just a statement. It's a warning.
SapphireDragon said:


"Hard as it may be to understand to you it is simply just a coincidence and an unrelated situation. I'm more touched that she has a similar experience in an old sermon but if you read the sermon it has literally no relation to what happened to me at all. *Her situation isn't* similar to mine."

*I Made a grammatical error here and before it opens room for more attack, what I'm trying to say even though it looks like a contradiction, is our Posts about shoes aren't similar, her getting new shoes may be slightly similar to what happened to me but it's in no way the same thing. These are two very different situations. Different topics. My shoes aren't even brand new. They are my size and comfortable though, they didn't have a be brand new. I'm glad to have them because it's one less thing I have to worry about buying.

I feel like you are just trying to stir up things. Infighting has no place here, this isn't kindergarten if you have something going on deep inside making you act this way towards people you need to check yourself.

I won't participate in any further arguments with you,
I've said my peace. If you want to attack and slander people needlessly I'll leave you to it. but I will say this, Check yourself before you wreck yourself isn't just a statement. It's a warning.

Its not a kindergarten? But you run off going HP HP in another thread....

Also try checking and editing your posts *BEFORE* you send them not after. Thats common sense.

I understand alright. I understand that youve contradicted yourself with your behaviour. One moment youve run off like a naughty child to lie to others and the next your saying its not a kindergarten. Well thats too bad because you would fit right in at a kindergarten.

The way people get things done isnt with flowery posts but with daily work. You want to help then do RTRs and meditate. Reach out to the Gods and your GD for guidance in life in general. Do it personally.

Don't you have anything better to do than sit there with your nose looking down at people and accusing them of things, accusing them of not being helpful or doing their part? Time is precious Don't waste your time with pointless accusations. I do my part and I have nothing to prove to you. My actions will speak for me.
SapphireDragon said:

Don't you have anything better to do than sit there with your nose looking down at people and accusing them of things, accusing them of not being helpful or doing their part? Time is precious Don't waste your time with pointless accusations. I do my part and I have nothing to prove to you. My actions will speak for me.

You just keep going on. I wonder whos making the drama here also your not really being accused I just said I dont trust you. Its like you cant wait to be blamed.
I would like to apologize to anyone reading this. I should have never responded to this guy and his troll like behavior, he clearly wanted to make me heated, to make me doubt in myself and to make me angry. He succeeded, almost.

But I'm stronger from this now, so truly I have won a personal battle at the loss of some pride. and I've learned some personal lessons. I did care what people thought of me, I did and still do care deeply about Justice when someone calls into question my character it did make me react too strongly. For that I take accountability. I have learned to not overreact to people trying to stir up drama or bring a rise out of me. I will be better next time. The Gods deserve better from me. I deserve better from me and all of you do as well. This is not how a warrior of Father Satan's army reacts to something. Next time I will keep a level head.

Even when someone comes to try you and your character, you must not buckle under the pressure. Rest assured that things outside of our hands are in the strong and protective hands of Father and the Gods. We are not able to control everything but we can control our own actions. I don't want this argument to take away from the message that I wrote this post about in the first place. The real reason for this post, to accept the Gifts of Father and the Gods with love and gratitude. And I have received yet another wonderful gift. The gift this lesson on self control has revealed to me.

Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
