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Pro-racist/Anti-racist protests/riots after 3 Children were murdered and others injured & in critical condition


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I know there is quite an amount here, but it is very important. Of course, everyone knows about this already, but it might also give extra information.

Three young girls have been killed in a "ferocious" knife attack in Southport at a Taylor Swift-themed dance and yoga event. They have been named as six-year-old Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, aged seven, and nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar. Eight more children were injured, with five left in a critical condition, after the incident late on Monday morning. Two adults also suffered critical injuries, Merseyside Police said.

Armed officers detained a male and seized a knife, with police later saying that a 17-year-old boy had been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The attack is not being treated as terror-related, police said.

I am not biased towards the BBC. It is just easier to get news from it than others. Notice that it is claiming that the riots are no longer, or are not, related to the 3 Girls who were murdered in Southport, and putting the murders and the riots as separate news items.


(remove the old. from the link if you prefer)

Guarding the mosque? So... setting-up outposts? (The outposs had been set-up already; the mosques are one of the types of outposts.) There are many footholds upon White Soil? Why can't Whites protect their own White things on White Soil? Lets see the similarities of the words "Soil" and "Soul". Infiltrating and raping our Soil, turning it into scorched Land, destroying our Soul. Why can't we have our own things and defend them? Why can they, but not us?

I wonder if any of those police men and women are hypocrites and want to keep their job for money and to have power and control over others who are not "allowed" to have power and control. Why don't the police stand up with Whites on White Soil, in White Countries? Let me come into your home and ransack it against your will, and demand that you bend over for my will. No? Fucking dirty hypocrites. Agents.

That muslim saying "those angels" are "dancing in the sky" is lying. His actual attitude is "burning in muslim hell" and knowingly or unknowingly going on (with my own embeleshment) "and my 'god' decided and demanded that be, because they were not muslims - and chose to not be muslims despite being so young and not knowing anything about islam and 'allah'; with not very long ago in history no-one on White Soil in White Countries having ever heard of islam and 'allah', so now we're here taking over with our non-White outposts so that Whites have foothold situations all over on their White Soil where we don't belong."

Now they're dancing in the sky, and that's how we want them to be remembered
"...but we muslims won't remember them 'dancing in the sky' because we 'know' they're burning in 'muslim hell'."

Suspect in Southport stabbings named as PM announces new 'capability' to curb riots
  • The suspect in the Southport stabbings has been named as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, 17, after restrictions preventing him from being identified were lifted
  • He is charged with three counts of murder, 10 of attempted murder, and one count of possessing a bladed article and is remanded in youth custody
  • PM Sir Keir Starmer denounces the actions of "a gang of thugs" who took part in a riot in Southport and says a new "national capability" will be established to tackle violent disorder
  • Tuesday's riot followed a vigil for the victims Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine
  • Police officers have been given greater stop and search powers in Southport town centre, lasting until 18:00 BST on Friday
  • Disorder broke out on Wednesday evening in parts of England, with more than 100 people arrested in central London, alongside disturbances in Hartlepool, Manchester and Aldershot
Starmer is Labour. This is after Conservative Sunak decided to cancel any group and defund them if the "govern"ment disagrees with them. That's democratic? That's dictatorial!

Southport stabbings suspect Axel Rudakubana starred in BBC Children in Need video dressed as Doctor Who
A 17-year-old accused of murdering three children at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport once appeared in a BBC Children in Need video dressed as Doctor Who, it has emerged.

In the resurfaced clip promoting Children in Need from 2018, an 11-year-old Axel Rudakubana is seen emerging from the Tardis wearing a trench coat and tie. He appears alongside a number of other child actors in the 2018 clip for the promo titled 'it's time to do your thing'. Rudakubana encourages viewers to raise money by dressing "as every Doctor Who ever."

A BBC Children in Need spokesperson told the Mirror that the charity has no relationship to Axel Rudakubana and sent their "deepest sympathies" to everyone impacted.


Southport stabbing suspect Axel Rudakubana dressed as Doctor Who for a BBC Children in Need fundraising video (Image: BBC)

They said: “Our deepest sympathies go out to everyone impacted by this shocking case, and we have removed the video from all of our platforms out of respect to them.” The promotional video is understood to have been filmed in Blackpool, and at the time, Radakubana was on the books of Ology Kids Casting, an agency based in nearby Ormskirk in Lancashire. On Thursday night, the agency deleted a series of Facebook posts about Axel's budding acting career, reports the MailOnline.


He encourages viewers to dress as 'every Doctor Who ever' ( Image: BBC)

Radakubana, who was born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents, was said to have keen on singing during his school years and was part of the local church choir. He is reported to have joined drama group at his school to meet friends, and eventually performed on a West End show at London's Shaftesbury Theatre.

Axel Rudakubana, 17, is accused of murdering Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine at a dance studio in Southport, Merseyside. He is also accused of 10 attempted murders, including those of eight more children as well as dance teacher Leanne Lucas, 35, and businessman John Hayes who ran to help.

It might have been too quick in the video -


Let's add to that, and for those who have seen some of these before, there might be a couple you haven't seen before and it's always good to be reminded about these things. For those of you who are newbies, you should see them -


(someone edited this picture)



Not Safe for Work-https://i.imgur.com/EFFo6E8.png-
Not Safe for Work-https://i.imgur.com/lkq4CcF.png-

Religion of peace?


Cancer of what? Answer to what? Europe existed for millenia before jizzlam did. Retards. You are the cancer, and in actual fact, Europe, the White Race, is the answer. You'd enjoy being a mongrel non-race slave, bitches.


The dirty police reckon that being scared of being called racist is more important than protecting YOUR OWN WHITE CHILDREN.












Instead of helping one's own. "Nans Against Nazis" and "Nazies Go Home", in the news?





Saving a bunch of dirtys' dirty books about them raping and murdering YOUR OWN WHITE CHILDREN is more important than SAVING YOUR OWN WHITE CHILDREN?










The 35-picture limit has been reached, so scroll down to the next post to continue.

So we wouldn't be able to know about and share these things all over the World quickly and easily. So that the (((media))) would continue to dictate what it want to tell us, what it wants us to know.











(these ones were archived by one or more others, not by me)








It was never meant to be used... So we had no chance, no choice, no option but to be forced to accept non-Whites flooding in. Raping us. Being violent against us. Destroying us. Destroying our Lands. Destroying our Soil. Destroying our Soul. We must accept those things, no matter what. It we don't tolerate this, then we're extremist and will be cancelled by "our" "govern"ment. What, exactly, does the "govern" in "government" mean and stand for? Who, exactly, does the "govern"ment govern?



Again, I am not biased towards the BBC. It is just easier to get news from it than others. People dislike/hate the British Biased Corporation, or as I heard it once the Brussels Biased Corporation, because it is biased against us Britons.

UK protests and riots after 3 Children were murdered

Pictured: The 'quiet' schoolboy who starred in West End musical to make friends after moving to new village with his Rwandan parents - as he appears in court accused of murdering three girls at Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport

Axel Rudakubana (pictured as a child) is charged with murdering three little girls and harming 10 others at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport with a 'curved kitchen knife'


Court artist drawing of Rudakubana covering his face as he appeared in the dock at Liverpool Crown Court

You know I have coincidences a lot? You also know that I said about remembering birds first before remembering other Animals in regards to them defending themselves? Those seagulls were sounding nicely during the news. How do they behave when predators come and try to attack them and their Babies?! They don't get in trouble nor have any bullshit, dirty "rules" to prevent them from defending themselves and their own... They don't need to rely on other things to pretend to defend them - and be forced to pay for that "privilege". They have their own and look after their own, and when others come too closely, they engage as necessary, to keep themselves and their own safe. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't do what is necessary - they do either too much or too little. They don't know correctly what is necessary to do.

  • A Mum received 9.5 years jail time after setting alight someone who raped her daughter after the rapist continued to harass the daughter after being released from jail. Actions have reactions. You do something, and it draws things to you. So that rapist was punished for doing that, and the Mum wanted to actually defend her daughter. Her defending her daughter caused her to be in trouble. The Energies are dirty at the moment.
  • Another Girl, in one of these recent local newses received 7 letters from a rapist who was still in jail who imprisoned her in her own home and repeatedly attacked and raped here - and by that point she had been seeing him for only 12 days. A restraining order against the rapist didn't prevent the letters, who asked other prisoners to send some letters, instead; the Girl contacted police and the jail who advised her to get in contact with the Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service, yet the letters kept arriving. She wants jails to acknowledge that they're not doing their job properly, and acknowledge that despite being behind bars that doesn't mean victims are not still being hurt and abused by them. Yep, mOrE tHiNgS nEeD tO bE dOnE, as always is the case. It took "all appropriate steps, referred it to the police and disciplined the rapist and two others". All appropriate steps? Another meaning for "appropriate", when pronounced differently, is to take something from someone else by force, effectively stealing. The jail's taking of appropriate steps, in actuality, means it appropriated, i.e. stole, that Girl's senses of safety and security and peace of mind, etc. It gets worse. When the Girl felt that no-one was listening, she went to social media. Many got in touch with her with similar experiences of unwanted contact from prisoners. There has to be an actual Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service that costs money to run and pay the workers and takes time to pretend to sort things out - after the victim has to be in contact with them and explain things, and after the victim has been victimised... So much for help and "duty of care" bullshit.
  • I saw a video clip years ago of a Dad in the USA, from decades before I saw it, who shot-dead, at point-black-range, a karate instructor... either a criminal who was arrested or who was released from jail, for grooming and raping his underaged son. He was sentenced to seven years' suspended sentence, with five years' probation and 300 hours of more community service, which he completed in 1989.[source] We're not "allowed" to defend, protect and keep our own. Instead, we have to just accept this shit against us.
Can it be any more obvious than it is already that these things, and so much more, are deliberate, blatant, obvious, orchestrated attacks against Humans, and in the case of destroying the White Race, against Whites? How can it be more obvious? The jew created the problem; now we react, we'll see what the jew's "sOlUtIoN" will not be. Theft is the worst crime. Stealing one's dignity, virginity, choice, freedom, privacy, security, life, possessions... in other words, acting against a person without their permission, without their consent - whether "consent" is recognised lEgAlLy or not. The jew is the thief. It admits that it comes like a thief in the night.

Tell me, those who understand anything. What, exactly, is democracy? What in these societies is democratic? So much false freedom of choice, the non-choice to defend our own because we'll be overpowered and in trouble for doing that, the non-choice to have free food and warm homes, the non-choice to have free homes... Maybe "democracy" doesn't actually mean "free choice".



See the police just rushing into that Man and shoving him out of the way causing him to fall to the ground, without going around him, and the other police protecting themselves with their pussyshields in case of any backlash. Of course, he could have stepped back, but it's not as if the wall of police were all the way along and he was in the center of them; they could have gone around him instead of assaulting him. If that Man did that against that copper... It's a wonder why people respect the police as much as they don't. Respect is earnt.

Along with the other examples in the videos of police shoving people out of the way from behind and/or making them fall over or nearly fall over. The pOlIcE are ignorant and brainwashed and careless about our own White Country, our own White Land, our own White Soil, our own White Soul. I used to be a christian, and nearly a fundy one, I can guess as to how the police are also brainwashed and mindraped into behaving as they are doing. In a TV programme about police and crime, one Woman either police officer or civilian working in a police station but still having to wear similar uniform said it shouldn't be a police force, it should be a police service; another, a Man who I think was an officer, said something along the lines of you may not like the police but he guarantees you'll call them when you need to. Yeah, because we're not "aLlOwEd" to defend ourselves. If we do defend ourselves...

People of all communities came together.
Yeah, I wonder how many j00z were there helping to clean things up from being dirty.

Here is an important, or at least interesting, point - christians can not cry "you never target islam!" anymore! Well, consider this - some people alive today who are of the older generations come from an anti-non-White time, so yes, you ignorant christians, non-Whites, and muslims who tend to be non-White, have been the target, as well, for decades. Blacks were unwanted, the jew was unwanted, even the Irish, who are White, were unwanted. It's just with (((media, eDuCaTiOn, etc.))) that a veil has been put over knowing things for a while... and the actual truth is ignored.

I thought, "I'm a young Woman, this'll all be done".
Yeah, did you pray about that? :eyeroll:

We're all Human. We need to integrate. We need to mix. People from all walks of life. - Paraphrases.

A short clip on imgur instead of Bitchute (skip back to the start and turn the sound on) -
Neither of them are celebrities, by the way. They're from the regular version, but this clip was from an all-non-White, pro-non-White episode of the celebrity version, and I wonder how many people actually know what a perfect World actually is.

We don't have all walks of life, though. We have our walks of life. We don't need to mix, we don't need to have others' walks of life reducing our own walks of life. Let's move in to where you live and take over, reducing your things there for us, instead, yes? If not "yes", then why "no"? Why not? Because... reaz0ns?

For clarity, when I say "White Areas" and "White Countries" and "White Soil", I refer to the fact that until recently, in Human history, we've been rather White, albeit jewed. One can argue that Nature made Blacks, Asians and Whites be separate. The Olympics is on. Any Black and Asian who wins any medals for Team GB do not represent me. I wonder what small percentage of people realised that for and about themselves, and realised the following - if all Blacks remained in Black Countries, and all Asians remained in Asian Countries, and all Whites remained in White Countries, and still went to the Olympics... then Whites would bring home less medals - Blacks and Asians winning in White Countries "bring home" medals, but if those Blacks in White Countries remained in Black Countries and Asians in White Countries remained in Asian Countries, then the White Countries wouldn't have as many medals. How many Whites win medals, trophies, belts, titles, cups, championships... for Asian Countries and Black Countries? How many Blacks for Asian Countries? How many Asians for Black Countries?

I wonder how many Blacks and Asians competed in the original Ancient Greek Olympics. If all Blacks and Asians and Whites stayed in their respective Countries, then I wonder how many Blacks and Asians would win any medals at all, if they happened to be in the Olympics.

Teams, including mixed with other Races, fly the flag of a country. This riot is happening, and Whites are, in both literal and figurative terms, flying the Union Flag against non-Whites being here. It seems coincidental, yet separate. I wonder what would happen if any "govern"ment thing defended Whites in White areas as much as it defends non-Whites in White areas. Which pro-White groups do not equal racism, radicalisation, extremism? How can those pro-Whites, in this "democracy", manage to keep White areas White and non-Whites away? Oh. That's why it is racism, radicalisation, extremism. That's why the "govern"ment doesn't defend Whites. It wants us to mix and be mixed and be watered-down and weakened and lessened and reduced.

Can anyone answer me this following question? All of these questions are asked to those who have seen these events unfold and continue. Are those who have been protesting, rioting and causing damage and violence, who have been arrested and who will be arrested... going to be asked, "Why did you do that?", and be given a actual, proper, real chances to speak honestly; or will they be labelled as "right wing thugs" and similar things instead?

A message of if there are any weapons, get rid of them was not sanctioned by the commander? So... the police really are agents, then. I thought they had to think for themselves, but if they were not permitted to say "get rid of the weapons", then... weapons being there would either be encouraged or at least not discouraged... so... you want things to escalate further?!

As was said, not the actual Army but an army of police officers were doing things. I do wonder if... or when... the Army will be rolled-out, with martial law enacted. If that does happen, then the "govern"ment brought it on itself. The "govern"ment caused it... obviously. It would be deliberate, orchestrated, part of the plan.

So a mostly-calm protest happened, then muslims turned up and it went back-and-forth, with the police being involved. Hm.

There are numerous individuals who are xenophilic in this, as shown. They are anti-Nazis, as has been shown. Then there are the young ones mostly, and some older, who are either outright or nearly xenophobic and possibly pro-Nazi, which they might not know, realise or understand. It has been said that most, if not all, of the Souls which were residing in Hell, waiting to be reincarnated, have been reincarnated now. I wonder... They just don't know how to channel it correctly. I wonder how many in those anti-racist protests actually are on the opposite side but for various reasons that you can also think of, they are among the anti-racist protestors instead. With the people attacking the police, I think they don't realise that instead of attacking the police they are actually intending and meaning to attack... you know... The police are pawns, agents, on one hand, but on the other, they choose to be in those jobs.

The riots came as no surprise to some.
They should just put a ban on immigration. They should just stop it.
Are you forgetting Brexit?! That was ignored. See again the pictures above, especially the two about genocide and the fake international law about preventing genocide and especially the two about Brexit/Article 50 having never meant to be used. How many steps is it from these things to genocide? Well, Children have been murdered already, raped, abused, groomed...

...and we're not "aLlOwEd" to defend them and avenge for them. It's wrong to do that. Are we supposed to just be bait? Born to be destroyed? That's clearly the jewish "god"'s fantasy.

You have your say, but nobody takes any notice, and that's what it boils down to.
Exactly. There is no actual, real voice for Whites; thus, things happen.

A lot of other countries send them back, out the way, and that's why they come here; we're too lenient, we're too soft.
The "govern"ment doesn't represent me.

The country's gone a long way from being where it used to be, and from what I can see it's just getting worse at the minute.
So we have muslims, non-Whites, saying "we have to mix" and saying "you can't get rid of us... get used to it"* and Whites not wanting that, speaking against it, protesting against it, and rioting against it (and some Whites supporting it). I didn't intend this next bit to be the point, but it speaks well, from my signature -

the Lands have begun their schism

from a song by Fireball Ministry. The rest of that bit in my signature,

The Beast in the skies has risen; in time it would come ... all bow to the Fallen One

is yet to be realised. Satan is not any beast, of course. He is also not any Devil, in terms of being evil. I didn't write the song, nor the jewish holey-with-an-E books. He is also not fallen; I saw something ages ago that said Satan is fallen in the sense of us not being able to be in communication with Him anymore. Rather that means we've fallen. It's not that He is an "angel" that has "fallen" from "gRaCe".

*it's so cohencidental that Gogglebox is not on at the moment (there was something else before when it wasn't on; no doubt many times and also that will happen again in the future) and that the celebrity version has also finished for now. We can't see the Goggleboxers' reactions, which I would hope included Mica (they pronounce it "meesha") and any of them, but I think she and her partner quit the programme.

At this point, I would like to invite people reading this - at least those who understand enough - to consider these things happening in terms of Energies interacting and Karma and Astrology. Some energies were built-up over time, and with them things happen. Add in the curses upon Humans, and the White Race especially. The momentum of Karma, the power and like a lorry or freight train, the weight behind it rushed forward and caused things to happen. The Astrology of those 3 Girls and their families losing a Child/sister/family member, and that of the protestors/rioters, of the non-Whites who are fearful and antagonistic (as was said, i.e. the roughly 300 mostly Asian men, who went to the mostly-peaceful White protestors), and anyone else.

There's already resources put in place to support our mosques and to support other communities, as well. That will continue to be supplied in making sure there is security.
"Our" mosques? What about our securities? Whites' securities?

It is fundamental ... that people feel safe in their places of worship, and in their homes and their communities,
Specifically? Who, exactly? Why can't Whites feel safe in our White Countries? White Lands? White Soil? The White Soul of are areas is being damaged and destroyed - why can't we have security and feel - and actually be - safe?

and that's the resources that we are going to see coming down from central government,
Currently, I say decentralisation is needed very much.

and I'm grateful for that.
I might call you a traitor, but you were never for us to begin with.

What's the impact on officers dealing with an incident like that?
I'm glad you raised that ... We're talking about people. Underneath those uniforms, behind the shields, in those helmets - those are people who are facing a real, high level of aggression, of things being thrown at them, of the dogs and the horses being attacked, as well, and you're seeing that,
...and the civilians who are being attacked repeatedly and you, and the "govern"ment, are receiving orgasms for us going through this shit. What about us? We are people, as well. We are receiving all sorts of things against us, which is a direct and blatant and unequivocal deliberate violation of the false law of anti-genocide.

and it is absolutely outrageous they they are - for us- putting themselves in harm's way, and that they are on the receiving end of that thuggish behaviour. So yes, I think we owe a debt of gratitude to the police that were there on Saturday night protecting our communities.
When and where were they protecting that Boy who was left to drown while saving korans? When and where were they protecting 1400+ Girls who were groomed and raped? When and where were they, when and where were they, when and where were they?! Are Whites not a part of "our" - or as you think, "your", which is ours, not "ours" sharing with you - communities? When and where were they protecting in these incidents, and more, including in the pictures above? So much for "dUtY oF cArE", which I haven't heard being mentioned here...

We live in a democratic society, and people must be assured of their safety in all of our communities.
If I was in the mood, I would laugh at that bullshit.

Standing in solidarity with muslim leaders, the First Minister spent time at Edinburgh central mosque to show his support...
Whites are being ignored. Whites are being left out. Whites are being allowed to be attacked and hurt and damaged. This is the plan. If it weren't for Hitler and the Nazis about 80 years ago, these things, I strongly expect, would have happened anyway, but much slower and much later, if another plan didn't work, but because of Hitler and the Nazis, things have to happen much quicker now. (((Media and "eDuCaTiOn" and politics and "lAw", etc.))) have to be sped-up... and Whites have no defence. What can Whites do?

They've made me feel like a way that I shouldn't feel, something like a foreigner, and I don't wanna be made to feel like that. I'm part of this country, as well, just as much as they are...
Yeah, because you and your ancestors built this country over thousands of years. I thought Asians were supposed to be clevughrhughr than Blacks and Whites... Oh, it's just bullshit. Of course.

I think there should be a sense of unity between all of us, not just it's their country or anything like that; it's all of ours country, we should all live together.
There should be unity, but this is not unity. It is anti-unity. So check "your" neighbourhood. When your parents or grandparents first moved here, and into that neighbourhood, count how many White households there were. Then count how many there are now in that neighbourhood and the slightly-wider community, and count how many Asian markets/minimarkets and similar and related things there are. It's not ours at all. Complete bullshit.






Here's a coincidence for you. The incidents of those who might have been innocent and still being shoved out of the way forcefully by pOlIcE and arrested incorrectly - and surely there would be more either by genuine accident or by false accident because the pOlIcE know they probably will get away with it - remind me of one of Eminem's songs.

You'll all get shot whether it's your fault or not, 'cause
I'm a soldier

Indiscriminate and uncaring and careless and deliberate, and "army of police". Some of the pictures above are repeated in one or more threads I have linked below, on which there are more pictures and articles.

See also -

Riots in UK

UK Riots - Enough is enough

Riots in a swedish town after a copy of quran has been burned by an extremist in public

When Whites riot because a non-White murdered 3 White Children, that's bad; when non-Whites rape a lot of White Children, then it's OK because the pOlIcE want to be multiculti and not labelled muh waysist. Police enforce the policies of the politicians, and the polls, results, mean nothing, because things continue to go the same direction with mere diversion. Ignore the emboldenings. It's just irrelevant coincidental nonsense...

In the beyond-retarded j/news recently

Blatant, Open anti-White Racism

Ashley Banjo - Britain in Black & White, plus related clips

Check the other videos on my Bitchute channel, such as a dirty BLM supporter kneeling on a crying White Toddler Boy's neck -

This new is incomplete. I don't know if I will add more; I obviously am behind already.

A few points -

  • one arrested denied taking part; was passing by and was put to the ground by police; walking his dog and trying to raise concerns with the police.
  • a police officer rushing forwards from behind a civilian Man forcefully, causing him to fall to the ground
  • a police officer shoving a civilian Man who fell over a curb to the ground
  • the head of the Metropolitan police pushed a reporter's mic to the ground
These anti-xenophobe, pro-xenophile protestors. I wonder... Is it related to, and directly, at least in part, because of the deliberate christian-like brainwashing of singing Don't Look Back in Anger a few years ago when a terrorist attack happened?

Seeing all of the many people coming together to clean up their local communities. Anyone might wonder, and I hope can tell me (if you were there, don't identify yourself nor where you are/were) - how many non-Whites were 'coming together' to clean up the mess? Of course, this on the j/news is not all of it; how many non-Whites, I do wonder, actually got together overall...
It would be good if all crimes were punishable by death and spiritual destruction.
I think idiots would think several times before doing anything.
I can envision a perfect ritual before the death of the transgressor.
A priest cursed his way to the afterlife under the guidance of Zeus.
In an ideal Satanic society
It would be good if all crimes were punishable by death and spiritual destruction.
I think idiots would think several times before doing anything.
Are you imperial, totalitarian, despotic/tyrannic?

Wow thank you, it’s going to take a while to read through all this
Yeah... I do that! The reason I put the local newses at higher speed is to shorten the length of the video while still being able to understand what was being said. I realise a lot of people don't like too much, but it's all there to go through in a decent amount of time.
Are you imperial, totalitarian, despotic/tyrannic?
If necessary, yes.
But I'm no king, so I can't cause the suffering of transgressors.
Those who aren't criminals won't feel pressured.
The videos should be available and working now -

Pro-racist/Anti-racist protests/riots after 3 Children were murdered and others injured & in critical condition

(remove the old. from the link if you prefer)

UK protests and riots after 3 Children were murdered

Axel Rudakubana pled guilty on the first day of the trial. This was a very last-minute pleading and the victims' families couldn't have been there in court to hear those words being spoken; instead, they probably heard the breaking news on social media, by phone call or by text. How disgusting.
Muslim bitchin about Europe, go fuck off home then, no wonder their country are shit.
Europe needs to get back to normal ASAP
Serial Child killer Axel Rudakubana has been sentenced
Axel Rudakubana has been sentenced to at least 52 years, and he will likely never leave jail alive. While he had been diagnosed with autism (ASD), the argument that that had contributed to him performing the attack, and that it mitigated culpability, was rejected. The judge believed Rudakubana could have killed all 26 Children at the Taylor Swift-themed dance class. He had a long-standing obsession with violence, killing and genocide, and was referred to the government's Prevent programme 3 times.


These are not all full episodes.
White people are too soft without a strong fatherly figure/leader.

Too many jews, muslims, asians, blacks etc. already living among their nations. Kalergi plan is a reality.
It makes my blood boil seeing these things and makes me want to destroy. Death to islam and all abrahamic programs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
