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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 26]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hey SS dedicated warriors, here is this weeks articles, lets keep sharpening our minds and kicking ass with our rituals.

Article 1

Saviors of the Last Hour
By HP Hooded Cobra 666

In the midst of this dark era, the Suns do still live. Some are struggling to become brighter, while others are just
coming into their newborn existence. Others, they just realize the fact of their magnificent birth. The new stars
are coming in, when people are in need of most light, but also have learned to hate it the most.

Like the infinite suns in the cosmos, such are us. We are the suns of a new dawn. A dawn for Humanity, a long
awaited enlightenment. We are the warriors of a dream, but when dreams are actualized, they are not dreams,
they are so many things more. And this, is our struggle. The struggle of a world of Light. Out of the corrupted and
damaged hearts of men, some Souls do still stand upright. Others will look to you, and they will stand too. But
you must stand upright, and bright. Knowing that you are destined in your way to bring something for this world.
The end of all darkness and despair. The soldiers against time, who are bringing in the light of Humanity, so
Humanity can look up again into the heavens, away from the pit of infernal damnation prepared on for the
enemy. Away from darkness.

So, we must be loyal, persistent, ready, deeply focused. Loyal to one another, loyal to ourselves and our cause.
No longer must you believe in coincidence, for there is no coincidence. The heart you once possessed, is the
heart of a Truth seeker, a potential Sun. No sun must be extinguished, and no other sun must allow this to
happen to themselves, for we are scarce and rare. Rare, but magnificent. Able. And inside us will be housed the
Satanic holiness, and from within us will the rays of the Ancient Love of Satan, once again enlighten this
Humanity in this time of despair, vanity, and lies. The long awaited warriors, of an Ancient paradise. But, how far
are these things actually from us? Maybe not as much as we think. Maybe they are. Was this ever what
mattered? What's in there, for the Eternal Sun?

Nothing else matters. But that we must move forth and bring these things into reality. The realities of the bright
hearts of people. This last hope in Humanity, that even Humanity has forsaken. No more of this enemy despair,
no more of this bad dream the enemy is creating for humanity. We will do this together. Here, and now. Like it
once was, in the memory for our Souls and hearts. Like each and everyone's hearts know, of where we left. Of
what was robbed of us. We aren't far, neither close. But we have so much to do. The joy is in doing. The joy is in
giving. The joy is to burn bright, shine bright. Father Satan has always been the God of the highest good, of the
highest and real compassion. The tears of the hearts, of the bravest people.

The last gateway of Divinity, in a world of collapsed hearts, people, minds and Souls. And so we will be like him,
the Saviors of the Last Hour of Humanity. We must not come late, as time will not compensate for us. But we can
only come just in time. All of your Satanic hearts, you must shine. Shine this eternal and Ancient Truth. Which
naturally will extinguish the dark fires of the enemy, now and for all eternity. Do you follow our Father, Satan? Do
you follow in the footsteps of the Father of Truth?

Do you accept your existential inheritance? To be like the Eternal Sun!
And I know those who do, the world expects you: The long awaited, Truthful Saviors of the Last Hour.
The Hour of Satan's Reign. And the setting hour of the enemy...

Sit and watch...?
Or, will you do your own part?
Article 2


by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The current news in Europe is now calling for “more tolerance for Islam.”
Although I am and have been aware for many years that Islam is even worse than
fundamentalist Christianity [which is total rot], I am not an expert. High Priestess
Zildar knows much about Islam in depth and is an expert. What I have come
across in the past few days of which Lilith led me to, people need to know.

Many, many years ago, it was exceptionally cold outside and I was waiting for the
bus and had time and went into a small library right near the bus stop. I was
browsing some books and pulled out a book on torture from the shelf. I will never
forget what I saw and read. A small woman from Yemen who ran away from her
abusive husband was caught, sentenced and returned to her husband by an
Islamic court. They pounded a tow truck chain through her forearm. I always
thought this was a somewhat isolated incident. Was I ever wrong.

I have known and befriended men from the Middle East who came to America
when I was a very young adult. Most were decent, polite and respectful. They put
Islam behind them. Others only observed Islam lukewarm sop to speak, as is with
many xians [Christians for people who are new here]. In order to find out if
something is “good” or “evil” it must be given power. I would also like to add
here, how the Jews use anything and everything they can to create enmity
between family members and of course between men and women. What is
thoroughly disgusting and appalling is how this completely degenerate and
depraved Jewish program of Islam [Judaism is the root] is blamed upon men. The
problem is NOT with “men,” THE PROBLEM IS WITH ISLAM!! If the problem were
with men, as the Jews try to promote through certain areas of the media, then it
would be world-wide, which it isn’t. This is just another case of blame shifting as
with how xian Andrea Yates murdered her five children by drowning them in the
bathtub when they came home from school one day.

What smacks of these three Jewish invented so-called “religions” is how they
induce not only total insanity, but also incite believers into committing the most
extreme and utterly depraved acts that in any normal society would place the
perpetrator in an asylum for the criminally insane for a lifetime. The more an
individual ties into xian or Islamic energy, the more psychologically unbalanced
they become. Many young and well meaning men enter the xian seminary and
study to be xian ministry. Yes, this is pushed upon them and they are told this is a

good thing and that they can help others. Xianity takes its toll over the years and
then men usually end up as perverts and pedophiles. Many other extremely
negative things also factor into their lives and most become completely
intolerant, obsessive, hateful and in some cases, even murderous. Lives
destroyed. They also end up destroying many lives. One of the prosecutors in the
Salem Witch Trials read the Bible some 54 times. This affected him with
influencing a murderous bent. This is not surprising given the intense focus on
murder, torture, rape and every other ugly thing that is the foundation of the
“Holy Bible.”

This is a bit long, but please take the time and read. Those who remain ignorant
and unknowing only open themselves to the worst victimization imaginable. The
world is in the state it is in because millions are duped into not only slavishly
worshipping, but also promoting TRUE EVIL. This has taken its toll and unless
something is done, everyone on the entire planet will have no future.
Lilith led me to a book titled: “Souad Burned Alive.”

“When Souad was seventeen she fell in love. In her village, as in so many others,
sex before marriage was considered a grave dishonour to one's family and was
punishable by death. This was her crime. Her brother-in-law was given the task of
arranging her punishment. One morning while Souad was washing the family's
clothes, he crept up on her, poured petrol over her and set her alight.

In the eyes of their community he was a hero. An execution for a 'crime of
honour' was a respectable duty unlikely to bring about condemnation from
others. It certainly would not have provoked calls for his prosecution. More than
five thousand cases of such honour killings are reported around the world each
year and many more take place that we hear nothing about.

Miraculously, Souad survived rescued by the women of her village, who put out
the flames and took her to a local hospital. Horrifically burned, and abandoned by
her family and community, it was only the intervention of a European aid worker
that enabled Souad to receive the care and sanctuary she so desperately needed
and to start her life again. She has now decided to tell her story and uncover the
barbarity of honour killings, a practice which continues to this day.

Burned Alive is a shocking testimony, a true story of almost unbelievable cruelty.
It speaks of amazing courage and fortitude and of one woman's determination to
survive. It is also a call to break the taboo of silence that surrounds this most
brutal of practices and which ignores the plight of so many other women who are
also victims of traditional violence."


This was a couple of days ago and I just finished reading the book. It was enough
to make me vomit. Lilith wanted me to do a sermon on this. High Priestess Zildar
also got a similar message concerning the threat of Islam and how people need to
be educated about what Islam really is and how this is most urgent at this time
more than ever. Islam has infested many countries in Europe and just as with the
xian and communist programs; it is either convert or die. What is even more
appalling regarding the above mentioned book is how a couple of pro-Islam
websites are trying to denounce this woman’s story as being “fabricated in order
to make Islam look bad.” Thanks to the internet though, many are aware this case
is one of many, and what is worse, it is common in countries that are infested
with and dominated by Islam. There are just too many similar cases of this sort of
thing that have been made public for this to be “fabricated.” Just check out how
women in Afghanistan are treated and even if one fingernail is showing [they are
covered from top to bottom with only a net to look out of], they are readily
beaten with clubs, or even worse. The enemy will do anything and everything to
try to take shift the blame and take the heat off of Islam as a religion. They also
do this with xianity. Blame the victims, anyone and everyone, but not the root
cause itself.

In this auto-biography, Souad reveals how as a pregnant teenager, her brother-inlaw doused her with gasoline and set her on fire. This, I have learned is quite

common in those areas. She lived through it. Most young women who are victims
do not make it to tell and the few who do are understandably terrified, as this is
called an “honor killing” and the family will try in every way to finish it, if the
murder was not successful the first time, even if the woman is in hiding in another
country thousands of miles away. This reveals just how the influence of Islam can
incite one to the most sick and utterly depraved acts, the lowest and most vile of
crimes and even worse, do this to members of their own families.

Here are some excerpts from the book. This woman is Arab and lived somewhere
either in Jordan or the West Bank. She was rescued after she was dumped in a
hospital where she received no medical care and was left to die with burns over
90 percent of her body, and taken to Europe, where her life was saved and she
was given treatment:

“It is a curse in my village to be born a girl. I have no memory of having played
games or having fun as a child. The only freedom a girl can dream about is
marriage, leaving your father’s house for your husband’s, and not coming back,
even if you are beaten. If she does return to her father’s house, it is her family’s
duty to bring her back to her husband. My sister was beaten by her husband and
she brought shame on our family when she came back home to complain.”

“A wife must produce a son, at least one, and if she gives birth to only girls, she is
mocked.” Souad also went on to reveal how her mother was pregnant 14 times
and when girls were born, she murdered them immediately by smothering them. I
also want to add here, this is not fabricated. If one takes the time, one can find on
the internet and on YouTube, there are entire villages in various parts of the
world that have been infested by Islam and there are only males left as nearly all
of the female babies were either aborted or murdered right after their births. This
is a fact.

[Her father] “He pulls me by the hair and he drags me on the ground into the
kitchen. He strikes me while I kneel, he pulls on my braid as if he wants to pull it
out, and he cuts it off with the big scissors used for shearing wool. I have hardly
any hair left. I can cry, yell or plead, but I’ll get only more kicks.” “The girls and
women were certainly beaten every day in the other houses too. “You had to
bring even this tea tray to the men of the family with your head down, looking
only at your feet, and back bent and in silence. You don’t speak. You only speak in
answer to a question.” “Our mother was often beaten just as we were.

Sometimes she tried to intervene when my father beat us really viciously, and
then he’d turn the blows on her, knocking her down and pulling her by her hair.”
“Every birth of a girl was like a burial in the family. It was always considered the
mother’s fault if she produced only girls. ““…my parents went to see my brother’s
wife at her parents’ house, where she had take refuge because she was pregnant
and he had beaten her. “It doesn’t take much at all before a girl is seen by
everyone as a charmuta, who has brought shame to the family and who must

now die to wash clean the honor not only of her parents and her brother, but of
the entire village.

“It is the duty of the brother, the brother-in-law, or the uncle to preserve the
family’s honor. They have the right of life and death over their women. If the
father or the mother says to the son: ‘Your sister has sinned, you must kill her,’ he
does it for the sake of honor and because it is the law.”

“Rarely did I see the police. It’s nothing if a woman disappears, and the villagers
agree with the men’s law. If you don’t kill a girl who has dishonored her family,
the people in the village will reject this family, and nobody will speak to the family
or do business with them and the family will have to leave. “Assad was always
angry and violent. He wasn’t allowed to go to see his wife. She had gone directly
to her parents’ house when she left the hospital because he had beaten her too
severely. But she returned to live with him anyway; it’s the law.”

I would also like to add here concerning pedophilia in Islam. Girls as young as 8 or
9 years old can be “married” off to men in their 40’s. IN addition to this, and I
know this for certain, women are required to shave off all of their pubic hair. This
makes for a child-like vagina.

“Absolutely every single hair of the genital area must be removed. It must all be
bare and clean. My mother says that if by chance you forget a single hair, the man
will leave without even looking at his wife and will say she is dirty!” “We don’t
remove hair from our legs or our underarms, only from the vulva.”

Women who are not virgins and/or cannot prove they are virgins are murdered.
Here is another quote: “We will have to wait for the moment when the husband
will display the white linen from the balcony or attach it to the window at
daybreak so the people can verify officially the presence of the bride’s blood.” “It
is a special linen that is placed on the bed for the first night.” “And we cry also
with relief, for Noura has passed the great test. The only test of her life, except for
proving she can produce a son.” “Noura showed her bruises. Hussein had struck
her so hard that she had bruises on her face too. She lowered her pants to show
her violet thighs, and my mother wept. He must have dragged her on the ground
by her hair, all the men do that. But, I didn’t find out why he had beaten her.

Sometimes its enough if the young bride doesn’t know how to cook very well, she
forgets the salt, there is no sauce because she forgot to add a little water…that’s
reason enough for a beating. “

“In my village, we don’t measure time the same way as in Europe. You never
know exactly how old your father or mother is, you don’t even know the date of
your own birth. Time is calculated by Ramadan…” [Islamic month of fasting]. “I
prayed to God that night as usual. My parents were very religious, my mother
went often to the mosque.”

After she was burned:
“I am on a hospital bed, curled up in a ball under the sheet. A nurse comes to tear
off my dress. She pulls roughly on the fabric, and the pain jolts me. I can see
almost nothing, my chin is stuck to my chest, I can't raise it. I can't move my arms
either. The pain is in my head, on my shoulders in my back and on my chest.”
The book is a very blatant revelation of what Islam truly is. Now, European
countries are being rapidly infested with this most vile of plagues to every beset

The Koran is divided into 114 chapters called suras [again, the number 6... 1 + 1 +
4]. In addition to the endless sick filth and depraved violence therein, there is also
copious praise for the Jews and for Israel:
The Cow

[2.40] O children of Israel! call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and be
faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I will fulfill (My) covenant with you; and of
Me, Me alone, should you be afraid.

[2.47] O children of Israel! call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and
that I made you excel the nations.

There are many more verses, but this sermon is already very long. I strongly
suggest everyone here learn the truth about what Islam really is. Just as xianity
constantly pushes and promotes endless lies abut how it is brotherhood, peace,
love and equality, Islam does the same. No different from how the populace is

repeatedly brainwashed with these types of slogans in communist countries in
regards to communism.

Don’t be an uninformed stupid idiot. Instead of watching the jootube and wasting
your time on worthless related crap, do a little research on Islam, be informed,
know the truth and what it is and what they will do to YOU and YOUR FAMILY, if
they ever take control, which is what is insidiously happening right now in Europe,
various parts of Asia and other areas of other world.



"There are some who are putting women at risk. And doing so for ridiculous
reasons, namely that they are somehow responsible for the abuse they are
suffering." — Nazir Afzal, head of the Crown Prosecution Service, northwest
England.” “A new documentary secretly filmed inside several of the 85 Islamic
Sharia Law courts operating in Britain has exposed the systematic discrimination
that many women are suffering at the hands of Muslim jurists.”

“In one case, the BBC secretly filmed proceedings at the Islamic Sharia Council in
Leyton, a heavily Islamized area in east London. While there, a BBC reporter met
Sonia, a Muslim woman from Leeds who has suffered extreme physical abuse
from her husband. When Sonia obtained a civil divorce, the courts allowed her
husband only indirect access to the children. After Sonia threatened to contact
the police, the Leyton Sharia Council dropped its demand. Reflecting on the court
case, Sonia said, "I could not bear the thought of such a violent person having my
children. What was shocking was when I explained to them why he should not
have that access to the children, their reaction was, well, you cannot go against
what Islam says." “On its website, the Leyton Sharia Council writes: "Though the
Council is not yet legally recognized by the authorities in the UK, the fact that it is
already established, and is gradually gaining ground among the Muslim
community, and the satisfaction attained by those who seek its ruling, are all
preparatory steps towards the final goal of gaining the confidence of the host
community in the soundness of the Islamic legal system and the help and insight
they could gain from it. The experience gained by the scholars taking part in its

procedures make them more prepared for the eventuality of recognition for
Islamic law."


I strongly encourage everyone here to see for yourselves what Islam really is and
ask yourself: Do you really want to be “tolerant” and have this most vile of
plagues that will eventually murder YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES in YOUR

Just take a long hard look at the photos on this website and see for yourself the

Quotes from the above linked website:

“Muslims in Saudi Arabia abused their hired help from foreign countries such as
the Philippines. This is a picture of Sumiati a maid from the Philippines. She had
burns all over her body as well as broken bones…”

“Fakhra Yunus was a dancing girl in the red light district of Pakistan. She left her
husband after 3 years of marriage because of his abusive behavior toward her. He
came to her mother's house while she was sleeping in May 2000 and poured acid
all over her. After a decade of over a dozen surgeries she jumped out a window
and killed herself. More than 8,500 acid attacks, forced marriages and other
forms of violence against women were reported in Pakistan in 2011.”

“People are afraid to speak out about Muslim Rape in Norway.”

“Disturbing video from the Netherlands: Muslims beat, kick non-Muslim girl. This
is happening on a daily basis all over the Netherlands.”

“Woman stoned for being seen with a man. Muslim cleric explains that stoning
purifies the soul. The above woman was being done a favor.”

[Women are also buried up to their necks and then stoned to death for having
failed to ask permission to use the toilet].

“Hole where Medine Memi, a 16 year old girl, was buried alive for talking to
boys.” [there is a photo].

“Three months pregnant, Farzana Parveen was on her way to the courthouse to
contest an abduction charge her family filed against her husband, Mohammad
Iqbal. A group of nearly 20 family members, her father and brothers included,
accosted the couple in front of the courthouse and tried to pull them apart. When
Farzana resisted, they fatally beat her with batons and bricks from a nearby
construction site.

Calling the murder an "honor killing," the victim's father is said to have
proclaimed he killed his daughter because she had insulted the family by marrying
without their consent.”

“13 year old girl crawls out of grave after being raped and buried alive in


From the above linked website:




Only something truly evil and thoroughly depraved would corrupt and incite
people to commit the lowest and most vile crimes such as these. Islam is a lethal
plague and cannot be tolerated in any of its forms. For those idiots who state and
mistakenly believe “It’s not my problem” if nothing is done to stop this vile

Satan stands for freedom, liberation, justice and human rights.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


*** Read more from the link on Satan's Library ***
Article 3

Netanyahu: “I Speak For All Jews”

The leader of the Jewish State openly admits the obvious- he speaks for all
Jews. Beyond the silly Jewish games to confuse Gentiles regarding false
opposition by Jews to the Jewish State [they brag about such tactics in their own
writings how they “distract and confuse the Goyim”], Big Jew, Netanyahu is just
stating what anyone with a brain already is aware of. Jews are a nation within all
nations and only loyal to Jewry, the Jewish State and its international Jewish
power structure that it rests upon. How do you think the Israeli Lobby has
Washington over a barrel? Look no further then the Jewish Federal Reserve
Bank, and the Jewish Plutocratic elites who are the top 1%. 911 was an inside
job done by the Jews for Israel and the Yinon Plan, plans to expand the Israeli
border even further and exterminate the Arab states.

911 was a terrorist attack on American soil organized and carried out by the
Mossad and their Jewish networks in control of American key positions. This was
witnessed early by the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, killing many American
service men in a false flag attack:


This is why Anti-Zionism is ruled to be Anti-Semitism by European courts;
because it literally is. International Zionism is International Jewry. What the Jews
want is what Netanyahu wants, a war with Iran that will result in the killing of
millions of innocent human beings in the Middle East. A million Iraqis and
thousands of Americans are already dead over the Jewish Neo-con invasion of
Iraq on what they already admitted was nothing but a false pretext and lies. Now
the Jews are lying to everyone about Iran incessantly in order to do the same.
How many more millions of innocents will have to die for the Jew World Order?

Netanyahu: “I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews.”


“I went to Paris not just as the prime minister of Israel but as a representative of
the entire Jewish people,” Netanyahu said, during a conference for Frenchspeaking Likud activists. “Just as I went to Paris, so I will go anyplace I’m invited
to convey the Israeli position against those who want to kill us. Those who want
to kill us are, first and foremost, any Iranian regime that says outright it plans to
destroy us. I will not hesitate to say what’s needed to warn against this danger,
and prevent it.”

Netanyahu: I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews.
“Genocide is permissible” according to insane Times of Israel

Netanyahu: I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews.
Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker:

Netanyahu: I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews.
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We
are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact,
compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule
over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with
a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
- Prime Minister Menachem Begin

(Israeli Prime Minister. Speech to the Knesset. Source: “Begin and the Beasts,"
New Statesman, June 1982)

Netanyahu: I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews.
Israel’s bus company Egged has accepted this ad in Jerusalem:

Statement of the kingdom. From the teachings=instructions of the [Lubavitcher]

“The Gentile does not want anything. He waits to be told what the Jew

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994).

Article 4
Morality Cannot Be Eaten

by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Sep 08, 2018

I do not know how many times I see this mistake done and done again with people who think
that not having wealth or money is some sort of moral thing, and a good thing for your idealism.
Like these hobos that call everyone 'rich' a thief, or a usurer etc. I know Gentiles who have
ascended by labors and pains of generations to the level of wealth they have.

Others have had a curse on their generations, where children squandered wealth of
generations, rather than increasing it. There are curses like that in the bible. There is also a
book of Eshter in the bible which is all about instructions on how jewesses can open their legs to
dumb Goy kings and rich people to usurp their wealth, and elevate jews with the use of it. Long
story short, there is a whole game involved here.

The same is the situation in Europe, wealth did not come out of nowhere, it's the accumulation
of many dead and sacrificed generations of knowledge and labor. The same street that african
prison-released hordes and muslims shit into today, took 10 years to be developed and
thousands of hours of working force to be created, and more than likely thousands of years of
knowledge in architecture and anything else to manifest. And now the jew says that shitting in
the creation of your great-racial-grandparents is moral. And letting any monkey come in there to
kill you with a machete on this very street and spill your blood in the very same street.
The jew manages to do this because he hides reincarnation. It could have been YOU or your
FAMILY working on this very street, but you will not remember this - you will be amnesiac.
Therefore, nothing belongs to "YOU" or your "RACE" anymore, it belongs to some random
citizens of this world. Oh and of course, jews.

Then jewish 'teachers' in Unversities just come and brush it of (typical of the lazy races and
those who never work) as something that simply came from 'theft' or 'exploitation' or slavery.
Not one black person worked on any European monument. You cannot pull up people randomly
and tell them how to create the Opera in Paris. And they cannot execute it perfectly even if you

This is all clearly of a lie and useless to do, to have 'slaves'. You can just raise people from your
own nation to do this, easily and effectively, and without fearing the risk of armed Machette
uprising to take "Muh iPhone 10 from Whitey" in the process. Other races know this very fact

The same jews don't go to Asia to tell them the palaces of emperors and everything else was
simply a result of some 'magical' usury and how they stole people from other lands to work on
these. Because this did not happen. The jew is again projecting: a race who has never worked,
always believes, that things come out of some butthole as a huge turd from Jehova's ass - If
you just make believe, as something 'that just is', shows how unaware the jewish race is of any
true production. The only thing they are aware of is the fact of theft, that after a thing is
produced, you can steal it from the producer. All the theories of exploitation and 'wealth' and the
theories of many economists related, do reflect this jewish understanding.

Rabbi Karl Marx was the first person with Rabbi Engels to focus on the stealing of the
production from Gentiles and Workers. This is because this was what the jews always did. They
were experts. When a system came about (Capitalism) that did exactly the same, but in a more
'humane' fashion than jews, the jews found the opportunity to blame the Goyim for...Inheriting
what is in the bible and drummed on the minds of Gentiles for thousands of years.

Capitalism and Communism, same as 'Socialism' (the stolen promise), are all in the bible, for
different people, races and teams of humans. The jews for example, practice Capitalism on the
heads of the masses with lenting, usury etc. Communism is their higher objective. Socialism is
the promise of Rabbi Jesus, where you can gain 'free salvation' simply because you kissed a
jewish Rabbi's Jewish ass.

I will tell you what this is: Bullshit. Same as all wealth hating ideas.

These ideas come from three types of people. On one hand, those who cannot understand
wealth, and therefore, relinquish it. Two, from people who are rich and never had to worry about
anything, or always had for their needs. Three, from jews who just push these on the goyim to
make them poor and dumb.

The reality of the financial situation is that if more people were doing financial workings, rather
than stealing and so forth, these things would only manifest in massive wealth for a whole
society. Ancient Egypt is an example here.

But let's face it to attain wealth, in any system of life that has ever existed, one needs two
things: to be laborious, and to be clever. The alternations of how much wealth can be attained
come down to these two. Now, all the people on the 'laborious' part are kept on the low and
cannot ascend, and all the people on the 'clever' part are also kept low.

The jewish element has inserted in this sequence a third option, which is how much of a usurer
and deceitful of a person you are. This is because their very own existence in a society
terraformed it into a place of their own rules.

However those who fundamentally understand wealth and being clever with your dealings and
not dumb, you can attain financial security and abundance without having to resort to the third
option. This is the basis of attaining wealth, not usury. Usury is just stolen matters. In the same
way a thief can only wear a ring but never make another one, the thief is always dependent on
the producer.

Same is the relationships between Gentiles and Jews. Gentiles pour the cleverness and labor in
the system, the jew just sucks the blood. But it appears that more and more that economy is
diversified and expands, aside with knowledge, people are also becoming cleverer. This comes
from the higher living demands that people have, which is a double edged sword. On one hand
it makes mentally stunted who are ungreatful, and behave like worthless beings, on the other
hand, in their minds hovers some sort of new morality about wealth management that is based
more on better values.

To name one example many people in the new generation do not want to work for 200 bucks a
month like in many European countries, and work 10 or 12 hours a day. These reluctancies and
distates when they reach to logical extremes, they create breakdowns and cracks in society.
The jews try to amend for this by inserting foreign labor 3rd world labor to take over the host
countries in an unholy alliance with these people who are in severe needs, but without Whites,
the cleverness and inventiveness aspect will be out of the window, same as everything else
such as 'rights' and anything else will be off the table.

It's predicted already the financial situation in Sweden and many other 'baseline decent'
countries, will become shittier as time progresses. And you will have two things only, labor, and
parasitism. This is exactly the values of the jewish system. Cleverness is going to have to be
removed, as this creates needs of rights, and the need of a person to stop being exploited.
Progression in wealth building and labor for one's family, and based on how one has their life in
mind, is a great thing and people should care for this. It's not superior to the higher chakras we
possess, like Spiritual understanding, or anything else, and it's always by nature a transient
practice. But transient as it is, it's extremely necessary for life, the life of descendants etc. For
this reason nobody here must aim.

This is why many people do workings for money and the only thing they get is knowledge, or
other things. This is because fundamental flaws in their understanding have to be solved before
any proper rising in finances can happen. One can win the lottery and go broke in a year
because of mismanagement or lack of understanding of how wealth works.

This is the same like nutrition. If you are hungry and someone comes and gives you a huge
supply of chocolate for a year, this isn't gonna help you in any valuable way. You cannot survive
in chocolate.

Any morality that tells you to starve, die etc, is out of Satanism and Spiritual Satanism. We are
based about life. Any system that there is, we have to work with it to live and survive. The
Russians eventhough half exterminated by Stalin, they had to persist in Communism to keep
the Russian race alive. This is life, this is not a joke. And it must not be treated as a joke. You
do not just die and respawn in 10 seconds like a video game.

Morality cannot be eaten, but also, as Lilith once said to HPS Maxine, money cannot be eaten:
it's not always about money but how you life, how you live, your health, your relationships, your
spiritual level, so remember this is also part of wealth. Gods shower us with all kinds of wealth,
open your arms and accept it, without ever forgetting that the most important wealth is the
spiritual wealth, the physical and mental health, and then everything else.

Morality cannot be eaten, but without morality, you will always be hungry and never fulfilled.
Meditate on the above quote from a Spiritual Satanist standpoint and you will understand clearly
it's meaning for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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More will follow soon.

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Article 5
It's Joy of Satan... Not Joy of (((Samael)))...

by HoodedCobra666 Feb 27, 2018

The people who are accusing the JoS as praising a jewish thing, are stupid.

The jews admit that Satan is a title, it's an epithet, even in their own language, that simply means
"Enemy" of the jewish people, their "Accuser". The REAL NAME they ascribe to the deity behind
this title, whomever that is, is the angelic name "Samael", which is thoroughly created by jews as
part of their occultistic lore. Under this they also accept who or what they name "Samael" is father
of the White people, and that it seeks destruction of the jewish race by subverting them in any way
necessary, while also ascribing to this deity the survival and sustenance of White people, as a
detestable thing.

Samael is the jewish name for our God, and we do reject this obviously. As it's blasphemous to the

Therefore to not follow jewish crap, we do not use this name to refer neither to our God, or
anything dealing with our own house.

We do not call Satan, "Samael", as this is disrespectful to the deity. We call Satan, Satan, exactly
because it comes from Satyan, which is Sanskrit. And predates Judaism by thousands of years.
Meaning Truth and bringing from the root of Sat all the noblest words there are.

What this means to the jews is irrelevant - the name is Sanskrit. If the jews turned this to an ugly
epithet is of no importance to us of what this name existentially does mean.

Satan was not created by jews either as a name, it's Sanskrit in essence. It was just put there for
reversing meaning and demonization of what was once the greatest of all spiritual aspirations.
Samael was created by Rabbis and is part of the Midrashic texts. Which are their own creation

Samael means the opposite of Satan. Satan relates to Satyan which deals with Cosmic
Consciousness, but Samael means "Blind One" from Gnostic sources as well. Lucifer or Satan, the
bringer of light, is called blind, what does that tell us about this name. Also Lucifer is nothing
negative of a title either, it's the bringer of the light, which is the antipode of darkness. And the key
to Satya, or Truth. Lucifer is just a Greek and Roman title, and is not disrespectful either.

The jews don't use Satan's name anywhere either, as they consider it poisonous and toxic. They use
Samael, they also use "SAMEL" and other names, and other epithets or names about this particular
deity. In Gnosticism even Samael is a cursed name and deals with blindness. When Rabbis have a
conversation about "The Satan" (Ha-Satan, "The adversary") they call him Samael.

They avoid Satan and mention it scarcely as they are scared and terrified of this name. In jewish
lore it's considered that saying names like Satan or Lilith brings curses on the jews. However with
Samael they are just fine, because they made this name as a slang to call Satan, "The Blind One".
There is the story of a Rabbi in the 15th century, Rabbi Reina who attempted to curse "Satan" and
he was first enslaved and then destroyed fully by Satan as a result, both him and others in his
company which were the top Rabbis of the time. The jews know well of many stories of Rabbis
exterminated because of Satan, there are such stories even in the present day, and they warn people
to not get "In the realm of the Samel", because they avoid Satan even verbally and only mention
"Ha-Satan" which has the blotting out sound of Ha in the front.

The jewish 'agent' the jews summon and try to bind as part of their thought-matrix, they call
Samael. This is because Samel or Samael is their mental creation in the Midrashic texts. Sort of like
a way the jews tried to explain their enemy whilist renaming him and avoiding him. This is truly a
jewish renaming of the deity. Satan is not.

They do not mess around, let alone try to do such things to Satan, as they know this is not
something they themselves came up with. When they attempt them they get ruined. What was the
result of the attempt to create a negative and clown infested jewish "Church of Satan"...The
destruction of judea a couple of years later, as vengeance from the Gods...You meddle with Satan
you get burned, that's a well known rule with all the jews.

Anthroposophy which was made by the Rudolf Steiner, with whom Hitler had a severe hatred for
playing the wanna be occultist in the midst of Germany... Praises the following jewish egregores:
Anael, Gabriel, Michael, Oriphiel, Raphael, Samael, and Zerachiel. He simply praises the jewish

What Hitler writes in 1921 about Steiner:


"It is possible that Simons can actually value it better; the man appears to have exactly valued the
capacity for work of the German people. In the course of the London affair there now rises to the
surface, by degree, such mysterious accompanying circumstances that it is not only appropriate but
also quite necessary to inspect somewhat closer this Mr. Minister -- the intimate friend of the
Gnostic, Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner himself the adherent of the Threefold Social Order which
is one of the many completely Jewish methods of destroying the peoples’ normal state of mind – to
see whether his mindless face, mindless according to the opinion of Lloyd George, is really only the
result of the lack of spirit or whether it is the larva behind which something else is concealed… "

What is the simple fact here...Just destroying jewish spirituality all around. Which is why Hitler
also destroyed the Freemasons, the Illuminati and all the orders who praised the jewish egregores
and read the Torah, while conspiring with the entities behind the "Angelic Host" to destroy
Germany. Because Hitler was with the opposing side of ET's who wanted Germany to live. This is
one of the reasons Hitler is also called "The Satan", as he is an enemy of the jews. The Christards of
Zion literally call Hitler "The Anti-Christ". This is obvious as to why.

In closing...To say "Satan" is some jewish thing is simply uneducated, retarded, and insisting on a
blind meme. "Blind Like Samael" is what these people are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
"Saviours of the last hour"

Excellent sermon title.

We ARE in the "last hour"

(bump post)
Should we discredit all of Steiner's teachings, including his teachings about biodynamics?

SATchives said:
Gnostic, Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner himself the adherent of the Threefold Social Order which
is one of the many completely Jewish methods of destroying the peoples’ normal state of mind

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
