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Is sodomy natural?


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2021
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤
When i said well animals can have homosexual sex as well he did mention that its for asserting dominance....hes right though..

I dunno....i dont know what to do at all.. its like i always believed these to be true... and now im lost
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up..
I cant talk about stuff like this for more than 10 minutes with anyone or I'll just leave the place right away.
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you. Many times i wanted to end it all... ive never been in any relationship. And everytime i tried to get into one it always went south.

Now i think that maybe being gay IS unnatural.... because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from.... or maybe gays can never have fulfilling relationships because only a man and a woman can truly spiritually fulfill each other...but ive never liked girls..ever.

I dont know what to do. Please dont tell me what runes to use or whatever im currently not in the headspace for that i just wanna know the truth..i actually havent moved an inch since waking up.. i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.
We males have a thing called prostate, you may have heard horror stories about it and how it gets inflamed or it gets tumours or whatever, but under those horror stories lies the truth which is that the prostate is something from which men can get blissful orgasms from which are often more satisfactory than penis orgasms, the kind of stuff that makes you unable to walk for a few minutes.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.
It is not true that all homosexuals are very perverse and paedophiles. It is attraction. We are at the beginning of the study, discovery and understanding of human sexual attraction. Damn, in all these millennia of existence, is this all the knowledge and advancement that Mankind has been able to achieve?
However, perversion is the opposite of limitation. Jews put restrictions and limitations on sexuality such as not having sex for fun and not diversifying sex, they did this through christianity and other institutions and policies. Let people do what they want and what they like.

And then I wonder why Humanity has not advanced much in all this time. You cannot advance and understand much if someone blocks you and makes you go back.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.
This is the most stupid shit I've ever read...

Being gay is natural. There are a lot of SS here who are gay, myself included. Anal sex is something that can be done, it is pleasurable, if it wasn't nobody would do it. Being gay does not make you pedo, let's stop with this jewish stereotypes. And now we have worms??? Wtf???
I find it surprising some members still think same sex attraction is "Unnatural" or "Delusional". High Priestess Maxine on several occasions could not of been more straightforward.

Also, I find it very Abrahamic to discuss someone's sexual tastes when it's none of your business. (Not directed at you, just in general)
Aquarius said:
We males have a thing called prostate, you may have heard horror stories about it and how it gets inflamed or it gets tumours or whatever, but under those horror stories lies the truth which is that the prostate is something from which men can get blissful orgasms from which are often more satisfactory than penis orgasms, the kind of stuff that makes you unable to walk for a few minutes.

I mean yeah... thats correct.

But what do you think about what enigmatic rabbit has written... down below...

Am i gay because i have worms??? Tbh that sounds like a pile of BS to me. We do have homosexual gods, so does that mean they have worms too? Blasphemious .
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.

Man, if im being frank, what you say sounds like a heap of total insolent bullshit, and this is coming from someone insecure in his sexuality😂
It sounds incredibly preposterous that worms or whatever are making us gay. If this was true im pretty sure it would have been revealed to millions through mass media or whatnot. But the funny thing is that the media and most governments are controlled by jews, but at the same time the jews absolutely hate gays, so why wouldnt they in fact, try to (((prove))) to people that they are gay because they have worms, in order to completely exterminate any sexual deviancy, and any " sodom and gomorrah"? This would naturally also lead to them having an even firmer grasp on the life of ppl so why have they not done that.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤
There are other sexual things you can do with other men too besides just penetration. For example, I heard before that some homosexual men dislike penetrative sex, and prefer genital-to-genital contact instead. In addition the prostate can also be massaged from the outside, through the taint, if that's something you enjoy.

I think penetrative sex does have some advantages though, in regards to how straightforward it is. While the anus isn't as suitable for it as a vagina, it can certainly be quite enjoyable for both people involved with proper cleaning and lubrication beforehand. I recall HP Hoodedcobra mentioned something about the Sushumna in regards to it.

I think the notion of unnatural things is a misconception. Nature will simply take its course with even complete disregard to morals, ethics, or anyone's sensibilities. In my opinion, what's far more important is whether it can be safely done or not.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.

I suggest you meditate more, to curb these unnatural thoughts you have that homosexuality is wrong.

It occurs in how many animal species, in humanity and isn't unnatural. It's a sexual preference, nothing unnatural about it.

What is unnatural however. Is the strange thoughts and ideas you have accepted and now are promoting to other members.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.
Reminds me of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mG7DbMQ_gM
To summarise: a homosexual man ate turpentine, which caused him to feel very sick and shit out a squid(?), and then he was no longer interested in gay sex. I thought it was hilarious so I showed it to my friends, and they cracked jokes about a histrionic gay guy they used to be friends with, saying that maybe they could've still been friends if he had just received the turpentine he needed. To which someone replied that unfortunately it'd only cure his homosexuality, not his horrible personality. :lol:

I did take ivermectin once myself several years ago, for a rash on my hand. The rash cleared up fully in less than a week, but it didn't seem to affect my sexual orientation in any way. I'm happy for you if you got the results you wanted though. In fact, you might want to keep going with the treatment for a bit longer; perhaps it'll do something about the worms that seem to be affecting your brain?

Sorry if my jokes are a bit harsh. I do think stories like that are interesting. It sounds so delusional and outrageous at face value (like a form of delusional parasitosis), but who knows? Reality can be surprising at times! I highly doubt it's as common as you make it out to be, as other biological causes of homosexual inclinations were already studied and well documented; but hey, if it works, it works!

My personality type is ISTP, by the way. I noticed you were wondering a while back.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Many things out there are lies and corruptions, feel yourself and find the truth for yourself, you will not need to share it with anyone but the right partner.

In men there is the prostate (P-spot), if stimulated it can give you extremely intense orgasms, if you want you can also stimulate it spiritually.

The important thing is that there is hygiene, and if you are not sure you can also use a condom.
In addition to cleanliness you have to make sure that there are no wounds or infections, you will have to use lubricant as spit does not lubricate as much.
Another important thing is to enjoy the moment and stay relaxed, you should have a partner who keeps up with you.

In the end it is just an alternative method of making love, because love is ultimately spiritual, there are infinite ways of making love and everyone has their own precautions.
Most of these ways are seen as perverse or degenerative to society, but you know what I do? I don't give a damn, and I continue to enjoy myself as I see fit, there are no risks if you take the right precautions.

I will say it again, be yourself, have fun and explore, but do it safely.
The only unnatural things are chastity, interracial, sex with animals and children, rape and other such crap.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.


The website is not the best of places but an article is still provided.
Muslim fat cow says the cure is in the prophetic book, enlightened user on JoS claims the same reason for homosexuality.

Then according to your logic, you cant be gay unless you have a worm, or are " sick". Ok so lets examine this:

Ive never had sex in my life and have never been intimate with a single soul. Despite always being frequently surrounded by very beautiful girls i have never felt attracted to any. And i have never done anything risky like using needles for injection used by other people.
And, if we do wanna say that if anyone is gay because of " worms" then that means they got it from anal sex with a man or woman, but lets say a straight man turns gay because of the worms. Where did the woman get it from, and how is the woman not yet " gay"? Or how about lesbians who have never had sex? They sure dont have any penis. And the only logical explanation would be that she got it from having sex with a man who had anal sex with another person before. But what about all those gay men, myself included, who have never had any type of intimacy ever? Did they get the " worms" from their past lives or some shit?

Oh, maybe i got it from the air! Or maybe i got the non existent worm from the genes of my relatives! Really interesting isn't it? Oh oh oh! Maybe i got it from hugging my homies, perhaps? Slipped from their sleeves into my asshole, im sure.

In ancient true pagan cultures, people did exist who had homosexual tendencies. These people usually played the roles of teachers, most worked in the military and were brave and strong warriors. They were REAL homosexuals. People who were normal without any mental illness, as most of you ignorant lot love to tag them with, and who had great talents. THAT was our real representation not some spineless sissy pinko fag preaching about loving your HIV on pride month.This is all information gathered by ex high priest Jake carlson btw. I know he messed up but youll find out some nice info from his research. Also HIV and AIDS is a jewish invented virus, in order to further oppress and make homosexuals repulsive to add to the muslim and xian hate. They will do anything to make the writing of torah a reality. They have done many killings and tortures of " sodom and gomorrah" which is what they call us.
Sure, gay sex or anal sex does have more potential health risks but are you seriously gonna tell me that people dont have enough common sense to have at least some form of hygiene? Have you ever heard of washing yourself and douching?

Not only are there some risks in straight sex as well,but also the issue of unwanted pregnancy which is sth pretty unpredictable if youre not careful enough, does exist in straight sex but does not in gay sex. Are you also gonna tell me that straight sex is supposed to be with only the aim of making babies and any type of sex for pure pleasure and lovemaking is also " unnatural"?
Guess what: both gays and straights have to use protection either way. Straights even more so with contraceptives.

Homosexuality cannot be seen in natal charts. Natal charts are by far the most accurate blueprints of a persons karma and energetical makeup.

Nevermind the actual illnesses like race mixing, transgendersim and non binary bullshit, lets just focus on the people who are always shat on for things that are nobody's business - the homosexual ppl. Eh?

There are quite a few advanved members or long time faithful members here who are also gay or bi. Are you also gonna go and tell them to " get the kike outta their system?".

With the amount of RTRs ive done im pretty sure i would have turned straight by now,if we're gonna go with your logic.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.
You do know that the vagina can be pretty dirty too right? It still expells waste.

This is shitty advice that is actually dangerous and retarded. For real.
Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Homosexual man. And i just realized that i was actually under enemy attack.... this is the shit that goes down when i neglect my AoP and RTR i make posts like this and easily manipulated by the enemy.

Dang....so THATS what an enemy attack feels like. If you remember i said like a weight on my head. Holy shit lol. Also i can usually see an attack coming whenever i see 9:11 or 11:11 on the clock sonce these are powerful enemy numerology for attacking us.
There’s nothing wrong with anal sex or with being homosexual. Many heterosexual couples practice and enjoy anal sex.

This forum follows pre-Christian Paganism and Paganism accepts homosexuality, there are homosexual Pagan Gods that were worshipped in ancient times. There’s also prominent gay members on this forum such as Stormblood.
Wtf. You’re posting on the forum of Joyofsatan.org (JoS). JoS literally follows homosexual Pagan Gods and this is what the founder of JoS said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
All consenting sex in Satanism is free- straight, gay, bi-sexual, group sex, etc. Your sex life is your own personal business. This also includes those who choose to remain sexually inactive, or who are a-sexual. Your sex life, however you choose to live it is your own business!

If you’re against homosexuality then you can leave this forum, no one’s forcing you to be here.
Academic Scholar said:
There’s nothing wrong with anal sex or with being homosexual. Many heterosexual couples practice and enjoy anal sex.

This forum follows pre-Christian Paganism and Paganism accepts homosexuality, there are homosexual Pagan Gods that were worshipped in ancient times. There’s also prominent gay members on this forum such as Stormblood.
Wtf. You’re posting on the forum of Joyofsatan.org (JoS). JoS literally follows homosexual Pagan Gods and this is what the founder of JoS said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
All consenting sex in Satanism is free- straight, gay, bi-sexual, group sex, etc. Your sex life is your own personal business. This also includes those who choose to remain sexually inactive, or who are a-sexual. Your sex life, however you choose to live it is your own business!

If you’re against homosexuality then you can leave this forum, no one’s forcing you to be here.

Yes thank you. Actually now i realize that i was under some pretty heavy attack from the enemy which led me to have an extreme emotional breakdown and a very unexpected mindset of self hate which was why i posted that. Im ok now. 🖤Shouldnt neglect my AoP and RTR from now on
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

Even that nonsense he said here on the anus is total bullshit.. "worming" if you want to have anal sex.. What stupid shit is that?
CaspianTheDreamer said:

Your sexuality is your own private business, and no one else's. Satan doesn't care whether you sleep with a man or a woman. If you have sex with a consenting adult or adults, this is totally fine.

The Jews have put curses against humanity's sexual nature through Xianity and Islam. Both on heterosexuals and homosexuals. This has to do with the suppression of the Kundalini, which is very sexual in nature. The sexual energy is of the Chi/Vril/Witchpower, aka, the life force. The Kundalini is of Satan. As this is a threat to the Jews, they perverted it, cursed us and bound us from liberty. Satanism is about being free.

The Jews are using the Bible, the Koran and the Torah to control humanity as nothing but sheep. This is done by removing our core power which lies in the Kundalini, the sexual energy, which then bleeds over to our chakras. This causes sexual hang-ups and many other emotional and psychological lingering issues. The Jews repressed humanity from our power, which is why they put so much oppression and a total compulsive behavior against others' sexuality.

Excerpt from Maxine's sermon on Sexual Freedom:
The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.
There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang- ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.


Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up..
I cant talk about stuff like this for more than 10 minutes with anyone or I'll just leave the place right away.
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you. Many times i wanted to end it all... ive never been in any relationship. And everytime i tried to get into one it always went south.

Now i think that maybe being gay IS unnatural.... because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from.... or maybe gays can never have fulfilling relationships because only a man and a woman can truly spiritually fulfill each other...but ive never liked girls..ever.

I dont know what to do. Please dont tell me what runes to use or whatever im currently not in the headspace for that i just wanna know the truth..i actually havent moved an inch since waking up.. i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.

Let it go.

This sounds like it is being a hang-up.
Having feelings for another man, is not something to be rationalized.

Everyone deserves love, to have a friend, a proper social life.

Even us who are here. Most of us are or have been outcasts from most of the people. We're simply just not on the same wavelength with the majority. Find what you enjoy doing, your hobbies. Then find likeminded people.
Darkpagan666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

Your sexuality is your own private business, and no one else's. Satan doesn't care whether you sleep with a man or a woman. If you have sex with a consenting adult or adults, this is totally fine.

The Jews have put curses against humanity's sexual nature through Xianity and Islam. Both on heterosexuals and homosexuals. This has to do with the suppression of the Kundalini, which is very sexual in nature. The sexual energy is of the Chi/Vril/Witchpower, aka, the life force. The Kundalini is of Satan. As this is a threat to the Jews, they perverted it, cursed us and bound us from liberty. Satanism is about being free.

The Jews are using the Bible, the Koran and the Torah to control humanity as nothing but sheep. This is done by removing our core power which lies in the Kundalini, the sexual energy, which then bleeds over to our chakras. This causes sexual hang-ups and many other emotional and psychological lingering issues. The Jews repressed humanity from our power, which is why they put so much oppression and a total compulsive behavior against others' sexuality.

Excerpt from Maxine's sermon on Sexual Freedom:
The Christian Church has done everything in its power to suppress and control sexuality. Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.
There is nothing spiritual about Christianity. Christianity is a tool to remove all spiritual knowledge and spirituality. This has been effectively accomplished by attacking the second chakra, which is the sexual chakra, thus keeping the kundalini serpent bound in the base. In order for the kundalini energy to ascend, and ascend safely, all of the chakras must be free and open. Psychological hang- ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.

Christianity, Islam, and other related programs to destroy spirituality vehemently attack sexuality in any way they can, whether it is heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc. They work to instill sexual inhibitions, guilt, shame, and turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly. Few if any Christians or Muslims are even aware of what spirituality really is. All of these nefarious programs have replaced spiritual concepts with imposter Jewish characters, Jewish places, and other fictitious Jewish archetypes, such as Jesus, the Nazarene. Jesus has been used as a diversion and distraction, keeping followers from accessing true spirituality and working on their souls. Truth be known, we save our own souls. "Jesus" is a fictitious Jewish character that is nothing more than an imposter to a CONCEPT.

Kundalini liberates the soul and also opens up the psyche. The Christian Church has also done everything in its power to keep us from communicating with beings such as Satan and his Demons, and deliberately cut us all off from any knowledge and power. This keeps us all in the dark, and has cut us off from our True Creator God.



Yes, youre right. Thank you. I was actually under mental seige by the enemys attacks.... and i had a lot of doubts
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:

I take it that you yourself were a homosexual pedophile then?

No not everyone has worms. How does one contract them anyway nowadays? Our water is filtered and without worm eggs. Our meat is quality checked before we buy it and after we thorougly cook it.

We don't eat the things we shat upon. We've used our head to think about these things and prevented illnesses properly.

Only in unsanitary conditions, like third world countries, is it likely that one contracts these kinds of parasites. But this is NOT to be expected if you're in a 'First world country'.

What these medicines did is they probably just altered your body or brain in some kind of way. Its like taking drugs, as in psychedelics or psychiatric hospital kind of, just to get an idea.

Everything that is taken or introduced to the body affects it in some way. That includes foods, although usually to a lesser extend than medicinal herbs and formulas.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

Yes, it is unnatural. You need to de-worm yourself. If you're interested, just message me on my email. I don't think many people here can take the final redpill about the worms. It's late over here but I feel like I need to reply to you as there's a lot of unwell people that will probably tell you different. It's just worms, dude. Gas the kikes that are inside of you.

But I will give you this to ponder. Why is a male sticking their penis in a person's anus? What does the anus do for the body? It expels waste. What would be considered inside of that waste? Could be parasites. How would parasites want to spread? Through bodily contact. All those animals you see with (((homosexual))) tendencies? They have worms. Ever heard of toxoplasmosis or T. cruzi? It can change your personality. What is stopping a parasite from controlling your sexual urges? This includes pedophilia. I'm not saying that this is 100% of the time, some people are just sick, but for the majority? De-worming also de-gays.

Ivermectin, praziquantel, mebendazole, fenbendazole, wormwood, black walnut-husk and clover. Those are the things you want to look up if you're interested in de-worming. It's a rabbit hole that I highly advise ANYONE to look into if you so much as care about your health in general. I'm not telling this as a "thought experiment" but as someone who has went through the de-worming process and can not speak more highly of it.

I am dead serious about this, too, by the way. I'll talk your ears off but only if you show interest. I'm not in the mood to waste someone's time.

Considering that this Link Is on Joy of Satans Links Page

I'll find it hard to believe anyone here on this forum is going to side with you on this one bro. I'd say seek therapy over this whole worm thing if I were you but.. uh. unfortunately therapists are and work for Jews so. tough luck on that one. Maybe the gods will cure you of your mental ailments in due time.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you.
It's like I can see myself.
Although I am a heterosexual man,but I was always somewhat out of the queue(wherever I went).

As my mother's blood brother used to say(my uncle):I have nothing against problem a homosexual man, as long as he doesn't want my asshole.
I fully agree with this.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

it's like what others have said here, you are experiencing the shame and hangups the enemy has placed on homosexuals. If you are born gay or bi and you are certain this is your true self and not something induced or other there is nothing wrong with this. As long as whatever relationship you have is between consenting, respectful adults there is nothing wrong going on.

Do not absorb or be receptive to the things NPCs say when it comes to enemy-biased teachings. Even "agnostics" and "atheists" are xtian programmed despite not being religious but they still hold on to the same principles and values as far as how to look at the roles of men and women, sexuality, how to treat others and taboo's on negative emotions such as hate and anger, saying things like revenge is wrong, etc. All of these people have this brainwashing to an extent, the entire world does almost, so when it comes to things like this take what they try to push on you with a grain of salt.
If you spend some time on studying these things like using a search engine.

Often hetero have more incident of either anal sex(male penetrates female) or pegging, when a women wears a strapon and pegs her man, role reversal, powerplay. With pegging it's supposed to be a gentle activity and not a rough BDSM destroy activity. And on top of that pegging is pleasurable to the women and men have reported their wife/girlfriend rapidly hump to get themselves off as modern strapons contain a material like a felt and or silicon bumps which pleasure the female at hand. I think more expensive or professional strapons even contain not a simple clit stimulator but penetrate and stimulate inside the vagina in other words a more detailed and engrossing stimulation structure for the female.

Sheer fact is a number of homosexual men do not engage in anal. They have but not at the number people believe often oral, frotting, or hands is preferred. Some homosexual men do not engage in very much anal sex for the same reasons as above cleanliness factor perhaps if there is some pornographic style anal cleansing like a enema not unlike pornstars use for anal scenes.

So Sodomy is normal in essence if it's a hole the virile member goes in it. Any normal person or sexually astute person would agree it's just another form of amorous expression, they won't view it as negative.

I think this whole xtian attitude towards sex is just rotting of the human and their nature. Contempt for sex or any form of expression is considered sinful or dirty or shameful. Again just stupid shit from judeo-bolsheviks. Our side made temples that if they do not depict sexual scenes they are considered blasphemous.

Funny our side thinks sex is the holy of holies. The enemy views it as terrible. Comes to show you how much of humanities normalcies and expressions of love are hated by the abrahamics.

I think O.P. and some people who read this thread need to be deprogrammed or be more open to certain things. Or better yet study sexuality. After all even sex is another avenue of intellectual learning hence sexologists or therapists, it's just another branch of science, research & development, as well as people wanting to explore or improve themselves.

The thing O.P. put would have probably made 30-100+ replies on reddit explaining various things on this subject.
Academic Scholar said:
Wtf. You’re posting on the forum of Joyofsatan.org (JoS). JoS literally follows homosexual Pagan Gods and this is what the founder of JoS said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
All consenting sex in Satanism is free- straight, gay, bi-sexual, group sex, etc. Your sex life is your own personal business. This also includes those who choose to remain sexually inactive, or who are a-sexual. Your sex life, however you choose to live it is your own business!

If you’re against homosexuality then you can leave this forum, no one’s forcing you to be here.

It's cute that you wrongly assumed I was against homosexuality when I stated the fact that most, not all, homosexuals are infected with parasites like toxoplasma. This includes animals, by the way. There's nothing wrong or taboo about this either. It's not meant to "offend" but make you aware of reality so you may DO something about it. You have kikes in your body, get rid of them, INCLUDING everyone else that doesn't have homosexual tendencies. Certain parasites can cause it while others do not. Please read my reply and do not kneejerk assume and yes, I am aware of Maxine and her writings, and her saying all of that? It obviously means Satan and the Gods literally do not care about who you fuck, they just want you to train properly to the best of your abilities. (((Sexuality))) is completely arbitrary and shallow when you are on the path (unless you want to "Duel Cultivate" then finding the right partner is of great concern). It is just a tool to gather more energy (Jing) from your 2nd chakra. But other than that, people need to be made OKAY with who they are first and foremost! My answer may not be what people want to hear because it now means they have to Work through it instead of "hand-wave" it away. It is an uncomfortable "truth", apparently.

Sorry for bursting your bubble but I answered OP's question: "Is it natural"? It is not, as human beings have no business getting up into someone else's business like that, especially of the same sex as he so accurately concluded. You could say the same thing for bestiality, too. Now, if you are in a relationship, a single partner relationship, there is nothing wrong with exploring. PERIOD. Be with same sex or opposite, the key is to be with ONE person (if you are unprotected), of which, the homosexual (((community))) isn't exactly known for. I didn't know OP's situation and I gave a blanket statement. This is the same statement that I would give anyone experiencing any form of Shen disturbance caused by the body. Be that anxiety, depression or unnatural sexual urges. There is nothing wrong with wanting to de-parasite yourself to become as healthy as you can, and if that gets rid of homosexuality, then that's just a side effect. Is that a good thing? Only OP can say, I am in no position to make a judgment for anyone's life other than trying to help him understand why he is confused.

Since OP amended his previous posts, stating he has been a homo forever, this leads me to believe that his case is irreversible and THAT'S OKAY. He just has to live with it and BE OKAY with it. (There's nothing worse than Shen disturbance because that leads to Qi disturbance which leads to Jing, of which will fuck with the whole of the person.) Just de-worm to take care of any bullshit he has going on somewhere else in the body (like everyone should) and stick to only ONE partner (if he wants to go "bareback", for everything else, condom always) if he so chooses. This is the most healthy advice I could give him and wish him nothing more than for his happiness and health.

Why are parasites bad? It fucks with your energy centers including your meridians. How is that possible? Because if you have microorganisms living in the body, they produce their own kind of electro-magnetic field around themselves (like all animals). And if those microorganisms are elsewhere in the body they shouldn't Be in, like your brain, heart, lungs, liver, testicles, ovaries, prostate, intestines, muscle fibers, the fascia, your mouth and teeth etc. (and no, I am not talking about gut bacteria) Wouldn't it be of sound logic to then conclude these organisms, if in high enough quantity for long periods of time, to fuck with YOUR bio-electrical system? Need to get rid of them, then. It's proper hygiene that apparently the world has forgotten about in the past 50-100 years since kike-medicine became popular.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ive always felt shame about my sexuality or even about the more feminine side of me..... i always end up in tears about this subject whenever it comes up..
I cant talk about stuff like this for more than 10 minutes with anyone or I'll just leave the place right away.
Its weird...its like it hurts. I guess being constantly bullied for not being like the other monkeys at school and literally almost everywhere since childhood can have its toll on you. Many times i wanted to end it all... ive never been in any relationship. And everytime i tried to get into one it always went south.

Now i think that maybe being gay IS unnatural.... because the penis is meant for the vagina not for the same hole where we poop from.... or maybe gays can never have fulfilling relationships because only a man and a woman can truly spiritually fulfill each other...but ive never liked girls..ever.

I dont know what to do. Please dont tell me what runes to use or whatever im currently not in the headspace for that i just wanna know the truth..i actually havent moved an inch since waking up.. i feel like there's this huge weight on my head.

OP, I do not give you cookie-cutter replies, this is all from the heart and gut that I share this information. I will also inform you about your personality archetype and what it means to be an INFJ. I have had many friends of our types in the past and I can tell you that we are a very "lewd" type. We are not naturally overcome with the pursuit of pleasure, it means very little to us but to some types, like the ISTJ/ISFJ/ESTP, it is literally everything to them. INFJ as a "creator" archetype, we are more prone to be "lewd" and what is more "lewd" in this world than sex, what is more of an act of "creation" than sex? The act of watching it, writing about it, drawing it etc. It's natural and uncorrupted because we are not "bound" to it. It does not control us, we control it. I have no worry that you will be okay being homosexual, although your "turbulent" attribute does cause me some concern... As for the "femininity" side, that is also INFJ as it is a more "female" archetype. INFJ encompasses ultimate balance, black and white, male and female, water, air, fire and earth. It is natural for YOUR archetype to be more Yin than Yang. You are healthy in this regard and you should feel no shame in that fact.

I see that you are hurting badly, OP. Maybe one of the mods will be of more comfort for you than I but I *understand* and I can *feel* the pain you experience. I so desperately want to make sure that you are okay, because I honestly have a bias towards INFJs kek. Just know that you Can be okay, you just need a little faith so... maybe reading other's advice or words will be better suited for you than my cold-hard reality check if that is what you really need right now...

You need to work out within you who you want to be and you need to be OKAY with it. I already told you an ultimate truth no one is allowed to know or question, least ye be scorned by others. Turbulent Qi is not a healthy place to experience and I pray to the Gods they help guide you to the right course of action for You. Choose your course for only yourself, the Gods will not care whether you're gay or straight (neither will I or anyone that actually matters), they just want you to powerlevel to the fullest of your potential.
Anal, and same sex intercourse/attraction occurs in nature, it is totally natural and OK, as long as both parties are consenting. I suggest staying safe and wearing protection just as you would with straight intercourse.
Putting pedophilia an homosexuals in the same category, is like saying cats are dogs, it's mostly christards who say that to cover for their pedo priests,though I would avoid the parades though,the useful idiot npcs are trying to normalize pedophilia.

but anyway if you wanna have sex with consenting adults, go right ahead, just make sure you are the same race though,
CaspianTheDreamer said:
A question in my mind for a long time.... are gays unnatural because the penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the rectum? ...... i debated this with an acquaintance. And actually brought up this specific thing in my mind....
Not just that but they also did mention that basically semen amd feces isnt exactly the cleanest thing, and that gay men have trouble pooping because of anal sex and many other claims... but my mind keeps logically admitting that sodomy is unnatural, maybe its been an underlying belief in my subconscious this whole time.

They also said most homosexuals are very perverted or even pedophiles..tbh thats not too far from true either... maybe im wrong. Idk.

Please dont leave one word replies i really want to know what this is all about and whether or not me liking men is natural. Thank you🖤

One aspect of sex and love is about union and creation. It is possible then for certain individuals to be better completed or fulfilled by gay or lesbian interactions (or many other things). As with everything, there is a healthy and unhealthy way to do this. Hetero couples can still have many problems, despite being more common.

Although commonality is one way to prove natural laws, exceptions are also a part of nature as well. Although a woman's gender is rooted around feminity, that does not mean we cannot have masculine women, for example.

So sure, perhaps homosexuality experiences different issues because it is not as common. At the same time, you are not interacting with Satanic sources, and therefore you are getting confusing and retarded answers. I believe that is where you went wrong.

Did you ask the Gods how homosexual demons can exist, in the mental concepts you are trying to understand? Did you consult tantric sources to see how gay men can best have sexual interactions, in an energetically meaningful way? Despite the good intentions of your friend, they are simply not suited to answer your concerns. Because they are not Satanic and not connected to the idea of advancement, they are more "unnatural" than you are.

Although you mention that you do not want to hear about energetic solutions, do not forget to address this later on through such workings, because it is clear you are feeling a lot of emotions around this topic, which will need to be cleared up for your own health.
Some people due to xtianized society have hang ups on these things. However as long as it's consenting adults of the same race it's not a problem in Satanism. Sexuality is supposed to be about love and union of two individuals in my mind. This can be homo or hetero or any other thing. Much of what people have today is superficial due to lack of openness to the spiritual the connection isn't there. In ancient times and with true pagan souls there isn't a bunch of hang ups about the body. Things were more natural and we didn't have the disgust factor some have today over these things and many others some have hang ups about today. The major focus was love and connection I believe.

It is obvious that creating these types of connections with bad people and not knowing we are doing it is bad though. This has been something that messed up quite a few people. This is why I don't think that highly of sex work at this point in time even though some on here think it's fine.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Sunny said:
What are you; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero male or female? Either way, do what you feel and what you want.

Homosexual man. And i just realized that i was actually under enemy attack.... this is the shit that goes down when i neglect my AoP and RTR i make posts like this and easily manipulated by the enemy.

Dang....so THATS what an enemy attack feels like. If you remember i said like a weight on my head. Holy shit lol. Also i can usually see an attack coming whenever i see 9:11 or 11:11 on the clock sonce these are powerful enemy numerology for attacking us.

Your christian friend has also confused you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
