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I’m done with groups. I’m going it alone.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

And you go along with that because of his longevity here??
You do an injustice to yourself, and more importantly, your position of trust delegated by the Gods.
You were "dressed" down by the the Gods because of your arbitrary, over self indulgence - remember- no one is indispensable!
It's a mi
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Meteor said:

Aldrick said:


What you try has been tried about many times in the past, to the detriment of everyone involved.

And it will no longer be retried.

Helping him or what? He clearly cannot be helped by anybody here. And I don't even want to start talking on the Gods behalf, as that would be unnecessary, given what's already in front of us.
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:

What you try has been tried about many times in the past, to the detriment of everyone involved.

And it will no longer be retried.

Helping him or what? He clearly cannot be helped by anybody here. And I don't even want to start talking on the Gods behalf, as that would be unnecessary, given what's already in front of us.

To give some backstory, this back and forth causing of damage, has happened many times over again. With people advising, doing what's best, giving benefit of doubt, copious mercy, and so on. We are talking about many times, past the reasonable manner which ought be considered.

Eventually we decided this would be over with, but considered it a non issue since lately this disease hasn't affected more people. We are really busy to have to look at these situations. This lasted for about a year or so.

Clearly, any forgiveness and so on, was merely abused, and the psycho stuff only kept increasing, as it would be the classic perception of a severe egomaniac. And it just kept repeating.

After the latest incident with Jrvan and Tabby, and how this keeps happening, it was decided to wait a bit until the situation was clear, because people who don't know the backstory [compared to people who do and will understand completely] was evident. Some people here being new members can't understand.

As for the sob talk, it has been done about more than 20 times now. This is not reflective of any desire to change. As a matter of fact, even if someone "Changed" for real this 20th time, it doesn't matter, because of damage caused. It is therefore too late.

Now that it's evident, a ban has been issued. The Gods forgive, but the forgiveness implies correction. Sitting on one's fat ass and getting only worse, while repeating the same shit, is not something one can forgive, it's a toxicity that requires distancing for reasons of safety for SS. And this is not debatable obviously.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now that it's evident, a ban has been issued. The Gods forgive, but the forgiveness implies correction. Sitting on one's fat ass and getting only worse, while repeating the same shit, is not something one can forgive, it's a toxicity that requires distancing for reasons of safety for SS. And this is not debatable obviously.

Glad this was resolved for the forums sanity and other SS wellbeing.
Good we got rid of Aldrick, he is literal cancer and a parasite.

Thank you for the ban, you helped our people of the future.

It is a shame, that this pathetic being was able to drive so many people away from the JOY of SATAN!
And possibly even from Satan and the Gods themselves.

People need to speak their mind up, and not tolerate this ass kissing all the time.

I bet each and everyone of those people who were driven away by Aldrick, were better Satanists than he ever will be. Sad thing, we will never find out now.
DarkSwan said:
...Able to drive so many people away from the JOY of SATAN!

This was in private on which we have not much capacity to protect anyone. It was not that many, but over the years, there has been considerable confusion on top of this.

People should protect themselves, and do what is best for their advancement themselves.

People need to be self critical of personal assosciations and if these help them or not. We recommend not doing much of this as it tends to almost always cause confusion, but then, everyone is freely making their choices.

I highly doubt these people have left for good or anything, they must have only been confused and/or delayed, as is always the case with these incidents.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
...Able to drive so many people away from the JOY of SATAN!

This was in private on which we have not much capacity to protect anyone. It was not that many, but over the years, there has been considerable confusion on top of this.

People should protect themselves, and do what is best for their advancement themselves.

People need to be self critical of personal assosciations and if these help them or not. We recommend not doing much of this as it tends to almost always cause confusion, but then, everyone is freely making their choices.

I highly doubt these people have left for good or anything, they must have only been confused and/or delayed, as is always the case with these incidents.

In any case, good he if he is gone for good.

No Satanist should ever influence other Satanists in a bad way. Especially newer ones.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.

Talking about the FancyMancy Baptism, Is she the sole reason why the forums new overlay got cancelled? If so i have to thank Fancy for that :lol:

Aldrick said:
Again if you are nice they taunt you, but if you are mean they scream racist, xenophobe! Here it is simply jew. Mind you I'm guilty of it too. Because our enemies surround us everywhere! I dunno who is a genuinely a friend and who is just buying trust. Who has a question and who is planting seeds to deceive.

They have obviously targeted me again. I will deal with this shit.

Seriously dude, You are the one that attack half of the SS on this forum, You are the one that call other SS jews 90% of the time, And every time you are called out for it you are suddenly a victim.

You've been unpleasant from the moment you joined this forums, Attacking other SS, And now you even state that you want 95% of the world population to die... Why? Because they don't agree with you so everyone deserves it now?

In my eyes you are just digging your own grave, With every word you utter you just dig your grave deeper, I would be amazed if there was anyone left on this forum that has even a sliver of respect left for you.
DarkSwan said:
Good we got rid of Aldrick, he is literal cancer and a parasite.

Thank you for the ban, you helped our people of the future.

It is a shame, that this pathetic being was able to drive so many people away from the JOY of SATAN!
And possibly even from Satan and the Gods themselves.

People need to speak their mind up, and not tolerate this ass kissing all the time.

I bet each and everyone of those people who were driven away by Aldrick, were better Satanists than he ever will be. Sad thing, we will never find out now.

Honestly it has been a long time coming, I'm almost amazed that he could influence other SS in this manner for so long.

I just wanted to let you know that i am one of the people that have had some ''Heated arguments'' with Aldrich before, This of course was not on this account but on my original account. The only reason i'm using another account is because of safety concerns.

I personally don't think anyone has left Satanism because of some arguments with this fool, It would be weak of people to leave SS because of one rotten apple. Besides this everyone knows that there are no mediators in SS, If anyone truly is an SS they would consult the gods not just straight up leave for good. And yes i to have consulted with father Satan and Astarte (My Guardian) about Aldrich, He really hurt me in the past so i had to talk to them about it, I imagine other SS has done the same.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
DarkSwan said:
Good we got rid of Aldrick, he is literal cancer and a parasite.

Thank you for the ban, you helped our people of the future.

It is a shame, that this pathetic being was able to drive so many people away from the JOY of SATAN!
And possibly even from Satan and the Gods themselves.

People need to speak their mind up, and not tolerate this ass kissing all the time.

I bet each and everyone of those people who were driven away by Aldrick, were better Satanists than he ever will be. Sad thing, we will never find out now.

Honestly it has been a long time coming, I'm almost amazed that he could influence other SS in this manner for so long.

I just wanted to let you know that i am one of the people that have had some ''Heated arguments'' with Aldrich before, This of course was not on this account but on my original account. The only reason i'm using another account is because of safety concerns.

I personally don't think anyone has left Satanism because of some arguments with this fool, It would be weak of people to leave SS because of one rotten apple. Besides this everyone knows that there are no mediators in SS, If anyone truly is an SS they would consult the gods not just straight up leave for good. And yes i to have consulted with father Satan and Astarte (My Guardian) about Aldrich, He really hurt me in the past so i had to talk to them about it, I imagine other SS has done the same.

He and I had a spat before when he wrote his book brotherhood of blood on the forums. He had taken some words I said and thought I was tearing down his whole story. Actually I was writing like he was because I’m a writer and I like to be inspired and motivated. Now… I just have goals set and I won’t be distracted by anything else that doesn’t serve that goal.

Oh well. Time to help potential SS.
Meteor said:

I won't blame you for picking up on the negative feelings of others, since I often had the same problem. However, getting angry at others just for thinking or feeling something isn't the way to go. That's why last year, I decided that my mind is my own personal garden and that I will guard it better. When there is an unwelcome visitor, I let them know what I think of them and show them the way out. Perhaps you should do the same, instead of getting so bothered that you feel the need to falsely accuse someone of trying to curse you, just because you noticed he was rather upset for a moment about something you wrote.

Do you understand how you come across? It's like accusing a man of being a molestor for having a lewd thought about a woman.
In fact, I've heard a story of a woman accusing a man of sexually assaulting her because she had sex with him in a dream. Is that what you want to look like? I think you should consider more carefully whether you really want to make these kinds of allegations.

"I know everything", you say while Aldrick openly writes about his psychotic thoughts in his posts anyway. Don't we all know at this point about the mentally unstable manner in which he thinks of others? And yet instead of criticising him for his toxic behaviour and things he publically wrote, or for even having such violent feelings towards good people in the first place, you claim he cursed you?

You don't have to misrepresent things just to strengthen your case against him when there's already so much clear evidence anyway; real evidence that isn't just "I noticed he had a mean thought about me" or "I bet he's cursing people because I know everything".
Please take a moment to think about how you come across before you write things like that.

I have no issue with you speaking out against his behaviour. I just don't want to you to stoop down to the level of certain idiots.
I hope you understand that I don't mean any offense, and that I am merely a bit flabbergasted by your behaviour.

Just saw this. I accused none of false things. The fact that you need proof or something to sustain my affirmation for you to believe it is of no importance to me. Are you spiritually open enough to receive "my" "proof" or a confirmation of a simple situation? I don't need people to believe something like this. My post was directed strictly for him. In 13 years of experience I can know things that are relating to my energies around me, Ill intentions, the well being of my family and so on with a name attached. Him going ape shit with his weak character and anger to a strong SS isn't a mystery to be revealed, neither to be debated. The fact is also, his hobby is cursing everyone he meets and having teenager thoughts of mass destruction and suicide.

Lashing out at none responses from the Gods in his private time, while on the forum typing daily how he talks with Satan, knowledge from the self help corner book store, doesn't add up as well.

He also is in a close connection with some jews I do curse. Big reveal wow, what a coincidence to know what one, in connection to this, does. My record of knowing things in private and on the forum are also with almost no errors, spiritually.

Closing off this absurd topic and " false accusations" that don't stand a logical debate but rather spiritual awareness, I'll stay silent. Things also got an official conclusion so time here is wasted.
NakedPluto said:
Meteor said:

I won't blame you for picking up on the negative feelings of others, since I often had the same problem. However, getting angry at others just for thinking or feeling something isn't the way to go. That's why last year, I decided that my mind is my own personal garden and that I will guard it better. When there is an unwelcome visitor, I let them know what I think of them and show them the way out. Perhaps you should do the same, instead of getting so bothered that you feel the need to falsely accuse someone of trying to curse you, just because you noticed he was rather upset for a moment about something you wrote.

Do you understand how you come across? It's like accusing a man of being a molestor for having a lewd thought about a woman.
In fact, I've heard a story of a woman accusing a man of sexually assaulting her because she had sex with him in a dream. Is that what you want to look like? I think you should consider more carefully whether you really want to make these kinds of allegations.

"I know everything", you say while Aldrick openly writes about his psychotic thoughts in his posts anyway. Don't we all know at this point about the mentally unstable manner in which he thinks of others? And yet instead of criticising him for his toxic behaviour and things he publically wrote, or for even having such violent feelings towards good people in the first place, you claim he cursed you?

You don't have to misrepresent things just to strengthen your case against him when there's already so much clear evidence anyway; real evidence that isn't just "I noticed he had a mean thought about me" or "I bet he's cursing people because I know everything".
Please take a moment to think about how you come across before you write things like that.

I have no issue with you speaking out against his behaviour. I just don't want to you to stoop down to the level of certain idiots.
I hope you understand that I don't mean any offense, and that I am merely a bit flabbergasted by your behaviour.

Just saw this. I accused none of false things. The fact that you need proof or something to sustain my affirmation for you to believe it is of no importance to me. Are you spiritually open enough to receive "my" "proof" or a confirmation of a simple situation? I don't need people to believe something like this. My post was directed strictly for him. In 13 years of experience I can know things that are relating to my energies around me, Ill intentions, the well being of my family and so on with a name attached. Him going ape shit with his weak character and anger to a strong SS isn't a mystery to be revealed, neither to be debated. The fact is also, his hobby is cursing everyone he meets and having teenager thoughts of mass destruction and suicide.

Lashing out at none responses from the Gods in his private time, while on the forum typing daily how he talks with Satan, knowledge from the self help corner book store, doesn't add up as well.

He also is in a close connection with some jews I do curse. Big reveal wow, what a coincidence to know what one, in connection to this, does. My record of knowing things in private and on the forum are also with almost no errors, spiritually.

Closing off this absurd topic and " false accusations" that don't stand a logical debate but rather spiritual awareness, I'll stay silent. Things also got an official conclusion so time here is wasted.

I don't doubt you. Your spiritual insights are very fascinating and make sense to me, and you've contributed a lot to the forums. In fact, I just recommended your solar chakra working to someone the other day.

Would be intrigued to find out your impressions of me some day. From my own viewpoint, I see myself as a little crazy but I do my best.
It's a real shame in my opinion. I'd rather not talk about it to be honest, but I'll share my feelings anyway because this is obviously a big deal.

I feel extremely disappointed with this outcome even though I know Aldrick is directly responsible for his own actions. It's so frustrating to me when I see the potential people have and the good they could do if they only changed their mindset. Obviously I don't know Aldrick that well, but I believed he was a good guy with a lot of capacity to do good. I really thought well of him ever since I got here. Now he's probably raging and blaming me and others for his downfall, basically everyone but himself for the results of his actions. I feel let down by him. I also hate it when I give praise to people only to have to later retract it when they prove me wrong. Like when I defended him, and said he's a fine Satanist. He's causing me to question my own judgement of character which I honestly thought I was pretty good at.

Very disappointing.
Aldrick said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

Nein. You have not proven yourself worthy of my Baptismal rights!

As quirkie as you are, you have always been fair. I would be mad if you were some how one. Whether it seems like it or not, there are names here such as yours that mean something to me. I do care, I just get psychotic sometimes.
Dawww. You big softie.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.
So I... I... I can be a Grammar Nazi? insert cute Japanese-style cute-big-eyed cute face thing here :p

On a serious, or genuine, note - I, and others surely, still see some things that you type which makes us itch and want to scream "RED ALERT! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!", but I (I don't know about others) just carry on on my merry way, lol.

jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.

There's going to be a day where I don't say grammar soviets*

But that day is not today.
Gramma...communists? Hmmm... Might as well say grammar j00z... Dat duzn't sownd gud. Oops, sorry - my keibpard got some sighko energies from Aldric!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Next step is creating a story where he portrays you like a dolt, so he can get out his aggression instincts in a subtler, more elaborate way.
Satanswill said:
jrvan said:
It's a real shame in my opinion. I'd rather not talk about it to be honest, but I'll share my feelings anyway because this is obviously a big deal.

I feel extremely disappointed with this outcome even though I know Aldrick is directly responsible for his own actions. It's so frustrating to me when I see the potential people have and the good they could do if they only changed their mindset. Obviously I don't know Aldrick that well, but I believed he was a good guy with a lot of capacity to do good. I really thought well of him ever since I got here. Now he's probably raging and blaming me and others for his downfall, basically everyone but himself for the results of his actions. I feel let down by him. I also hate it when I give praise to people only to have to later retract it when they prove me wrong. Like when I defended him, and said he's a fine Satanist. He's causing me to question my own judgement of character which I honestly thought I was pretty good at.

Very disappointing.

I'm not here for any trouble. I just wanted to say this one thing. I am actually not angry. I have been very sad and disgusted with myself. I absolutely agree with Cobras decision to ban me. I realize I have hurt alot of our people and it sickens me. He is right I sat on my fat lazy ass.

The shit that came out was straight jewish sounding garbage. I reasonably could not expect a person to not think I was a jew after that. I should have just been a man, and said guys, I am having some serious issues. I need to leave the forums for at least 2 years, get consistency and advance myself.

Which is what I'm doing now. I just wanted to apologize to everyone I've ever hurt or let down. I am sorry my friend. I hope you and your wife are doing well. Maybe years down the road I could be accepted back in. I wish you all well.

I don't even know what to tell you. Any advice I could possibly give is stuff you have probably heard before from everyone here over the years. An apology is only good if you change the pattern and don't do it again. That's something a schoolteacher/coach taught me one time when I was a young kid, and I'm grateful for it. He told me that saying sorry means I'm not going to do it again. He was right. If it happens again then how am I sorry, how can I possibly be regretting the action if I did the same thing again after saying I regretted it? Clearly the action is not too regrettable if I repeat it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Now I feel left out when you mention it. All I've ever gotten from Aldric is a bad incest joke.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Next step is creating a story where he portrays you like a dolt, so he can get out his aggression instincts in a subtler, more elaborate way.

Stormblood!!! Where’ve you’ve been brother. You were silent and all for awhile!!!
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick is never going to change. His type can't.

I wouldn't say that. I just don't think corrective actions were taken. These sorts of problems show up in the chart, so all one has to do is either add the opposing energies to balance, or otherwise transmute their astrology. In addition, removing negative karma works well for this as well.

Of course, if one only empowers at turbo retard speed, then they will also empower their negative elements as well.

So there is no mystery here, and there is no lack of solution either.
Blitzkreig said:
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick is never going to change. His type can't.

I wouldn't say that. I just don't think corrective actions were taken. These sorts of problems show up in the chart, so all one has to do is either add the opposing energies to balance, or otherwise transmute their astrology. In addition, removing negative karma works well for this as well.

Of course, if one only empowers at turbo retard speed, then they will also empower their negative elements as well.

So there is no mystery here, and there is no lack of solution either.

Huh? This actually helped me, thank you.
Blitzkreig said:
slyscorpion said:
Aldrick is never going to change. His type can't.

I wouldn't say that. I just don't think corrective actions were taken. These sorts of problems show up in the chart, so all one has to do is either add the opposing energies to balance, or otherwise transmute their astrology. In addition, removing negative karma works well for this as well.

Of course, if one only empowers at turbo retard speed, then they will also empower their negative elements as well.

So there is no mystery here, and there is no lack of solution either.

Cool if you can provide an example on how you would change your chart.
DarkSwan said:
Cool if you can provide an example on how you would change your chart.

The chart reflects negative karma to varying degrees, so removing negative karma will help destroy negative elements. This also helps for bad behaviors/karma created after one's birth.

Pay attention to which planets are weakened, such as in weak signs, or aspects that are clashing or otherwise opposed. Also, look at Azazel's Astrology for bad degrees. You want to look at all your elements, and by extension all your zodiac symbols, and see where you may be weaker. Each house has a default sign as well, so looking at which houses have no planets or bad signs is another good start.

Maybe someone can make the case that an aspect with clashing energies can also be good, and perhaps this is true. However, these are more likely to be problem areas.

In addition, sometimes a planet may be "diluted" by a harmonious aspect. For example, Mars aspecting with Neptune energy may make their drive have less of a firey characteristic, and more intuitive or watery. In this case, one should keep the positive elements gained by Neptune, whilst bolstering the characteristics of Mars that might have been "diluted".

In the above example, a Mars square would suffice. In a general sense, Sun energy can be used to positively transmute aspects. In addition, any 40-day work you do on yourself, in general, like boosting intelligence, does improve your chart, since your chart is really just you.

One can also do a general working, if they are unable to decide on specifics. One would use sun energy and affirm it transmuting all aspects of one's personality to the highest expression. In a similar sense with negative karma, it is good that something is done, but if one has a major glaring issue, focused attention is better.

Moving on, one should read through the runes and look at qualities they may be missing. Each of the runes is based on an element or planet to some degree (or multiple), therefore there should be a rune for everything. Combine that rune with sowilo to boost it, then program it to positively change you.


Lastly, don't forget general or "daily" balancing that takes the form of yoga, alternate nostril breathing, and working with ether. I view astrology as separate from one's current elemental balance. While it does set the stage for one's default elemental state, one can also balance their elements without a major working.

Astrology reflects almost the "skills" you developed from each of the elements, whereas the current elemental balance is just how you operate on a daily basis. Balancing oneself with ether will not make one lose their astrological traits, but it will set a better stage for them to develop the skills they are missing.

Someone with lots of fire would do well to make sure they have sufficient water in them. Someone with lots of air would need earth to help them develop better earth-like behaviors. That is where using ether daily can come into play, such as taking in 5 breaths and programming it to balance oneself.


I rambled on longer than necessary. The actual premise and execution of this is much simpler than it sounds. The key thing is to be aware is that correction is actually necessary to do, especially with outright destructive aspects, awful karma, or lots of dirt/blockages. Continual empowering will just make it worse.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Next step is creating a story where he portrays you like a dolt, so he can get out his aggression instincts in a subtler, more elaborate way.

Yeah, I have seen very inventive stories before. It will also be concluded that everything happened never happened, and that I merely was responsible for this.
Blitzkreig said:
DarkSwan said:
Cool if you can provide an example on how you would change your chart.

The chart reflects negative karma to varying degrees, so removing negative karma will help destroy negative elements. This also helps for bad behaviors/karma created after one's birth.

Pay attention to which planets are weakened, such as in weak signs, or aspects that are clashing or otherwise opposed. Also, look at Azazel's Astrology for bad degrees. You want to look at all your elements, and by extension all your zodiac symbols, and see where you may be weaker. Each house has a default sign as well, so looking at which houses have no planets or bad signs is another good start.

Maybe someone can make the case that an aspect with clashing energies can also be good, and perhaps this is true. However, these are more likely to be problem areas.

In addition, sometimes a planet may be "diluted" by a harmonious aspect. For example, Mars aspecting with Neptune energy may make their drive have less of a firey characteristic, and more intuitive or watery. In this case, one should keep the positive elements gained by Neptune, whilst bolstering the characteristics of Mars that might have been "diluted".

In the above example, a Mars square would suffice. In a general sense, Sun energy can be used to positively transmute aspects. In addition, any 40-day work you do on yourself, in general, like boosting intelligence, does improve your chart, since your chart is really just you.

One can also do a general working, if they are unable to decide on specifics. One would use sun energy and affirm it transmuting all aspects of one's personality to the highest expression. In a similar sense with negative karma, it is good that something is done, but if one has a major glaring issue, focused attention is better.

Moving on, one should read through the runes and look at qualities they may be missing. Each of the runes is based on an element or planet to some degree (or multiple), therefore there should be a rune for everything. Combine that rune with sowilo to boost it, then program it to positively change you.


Lastly, don't forget general or "daily" balancing that takes the form of yoga, alternate nostril breathing, and working with ether. I view astrology as separate from one's current elemental balance. While it does set the stage for one's default elemental state, one can also balance their elements without a major working.

Astrology reflects almost the "skills" you developed from each of the elements, whereas the current elemental balance is just how you operate on a daily basis. Balancing oneself with ether will not make one lose their astrological traits, but it will set a better stage for them to develop the skills they are missing.

Someone with lots of fire would do well to make sure they have sufficient water in them. Someone with lots of air would need earth to help them develop better earth-like behaviors. That is where using ether daily can come into play, such as taking in 5 breaths and programming it to balance oneself.


I rambled on longer than necessary. The actual premise and execution of this is much simpler than it sounds. The key thing is to be aware is that correction is actually necessary to do, especially with outright destructive aspects, awful karma, or lots of dirt/blockages. Continual empowering will just make it worse.

Thanks a lot! This is just the thing i was looking for in these past few weeks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Next step is creating a story where he portrays you like a dolt, so he can get out his aggression instincts in a subtler, more elaborate way.

Yeah, I have seen very inventive stories before. It will also be concluded that everything happened never happened, and that I merely was responsible for this.

You are always responsible, aren't you? Someone shits the bad and somehow "it's HP Cobra's fault".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you try has been tried about many times in the past, to the detriment of everyone involved.

And it will no longer be retried.

Helping him or what? He clearly cannot be helped by anybody here. And I don't even want to start talking on the Gods behalf, as that would be unnecessary, given what's already in front of us.

To give some backstory, this back and forth causing of damage, has happened many times over again. With people advising, doing what's best, giving benefit of doubt, copious mercy, and so on. We are talking about many times, past the reasonable manner which ought be considered.

Eventually we decided this would be over with, but considered it a non issue since lately this disease hasn't affected more people. We are really busy to have to look at these situations. This lasted for about a year or so.

Clearly, any forgiveness and so on, was merely abused, and the psycho stuff only kept increasing, as it would be the classic perception of a severe egomaniac. And it just kept repeating.

After the latest incident with Jrvan and Tabby, and how this keeps happening, it was decided to wait a bit until the situation was clear, because people who don't know the backstory [compared to people who do and will understand completely] was evident. Some people here being new members can't understand.

As for the sob talk, it has been done about more than 20 times now. This is not reflective of any desire to change. As a matter of fact, even if someone "Changed" for real this 20th time, it doesn't matter, because of damage caused. It is therefore too late.

Now that it's evident, a ban has been issued. The Gods forgive, but the forgiveness implies correction. Sitting on one's fat ass and getting only worse, while repeating the same shit, is not something one can forgive, it's a toxicity that requires distancing for reasons of safety for SS. And this is not debatable obviously.
This is quite sad. Aldrick could have been one of our elite members. I hope he turns his boat around someday.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Next step is creating a story where he portrays you like a dolt, so he can get out his aggression instincts in a subtler, more elaborate way.

Yeah, I have seen very inventive stories before. It will also be concluded that everything happened never happened, and that I merely was responsible for this.

You are always responsible, aren't you? Someone shits the bad and somehow "it's HP Cobra's fault".

It's just how some people behave, they always throw their own responsibilities to other people and they never look at themselves. This is very common solipsism based behavior.

For example, Aldric here, conveniently denies all his behavior and how this reflected on the community and the Gods as well, but says it was "my decision" to ban him, ie, my own decision. As if I just woke up one day and decided it was time to ban him due to personal choice or something.

The opposite was the case, in fact, it was a community thing, and a necessity for solving this reckless toxicity.

As I rectified to him in e-mail, this is for the above that he has to change [which he has not because it was other's peoples fault again for not understanding], not because of mine or anyone's opinion. That's because of toxicity on his behalf and how this affects the community.

Aldric has abused my "personal decision" before, where I forgotten and overlooked like a huge number of offenses, so that he would eventually get better. This was freeloaded upon. Now that the freeloading is over, it's Cobra's fault, personal, etc etc.
Satanswill said:
jrvan said:
Satanswill said:

You are 100% Right. That's why I made an oath to Satan. Which to even make one, I do not take lightly. That I would never attack an SS on the forums again. So those days are done. I've wrote it down, I remind myself everyday. I tell others so they know.

To ever see me do it again, would be my disloyalty to Satan. I try not to ever lie, sometimes it's just bad timing or my memory isn't always the best. Neptune influences in my chart. But my word is my bond. If you are not your word, you are nothing. ...

Look dude granted you have said these things before like at least ten times, go finally apply anything. You wrote this garbage to me again before, for example.

Oaths are good when they are upheld and taken seriously, not when posted for advertising purposes and used as leverage to get your shit way again.

We wouldn't all be here if you honored your previous ones, so please, stop acting in a circus showoff mode.
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Helping him or what? He clearly cannot be helped by anybody here. And I don't even want to start talking on the Gods behalf, as that would be unnecessary, given what's already in front of us.

To give some backstory, this back and forth causing of damage, has happened many times over again. With people advising, doing what's best, giving benefit of doubt, copious mercy, and so on. We are talking about many times, past the reasonable manner which ought be considered.

Eventually we decided this would be over with, but considered it a non issue since lately this disease hasn't affected more people. We are really busy to have to look at these situations. This lasted for about a year or so.

Clearly, any forgiveness and so on, was merely abused, and the psycho stuff only kept increasing, as it would be the classic perception of a severe egomaniac. And it just kept repeating.

After the latest incident with Jrvan and Tabby, and how this keeps happening, it was decided to wait a bit until the situation was clear, because people who don't know the backstory [compared to people who do and will understand completely] was evident. Some people here being new members can't understand.

As for the sob talk, it has been done about more than 20 times now. This is not reflective of any desire to change. As a matter of fact, even if someone "Changed" for real this 20th time, it doesn't matter, because of damage caused. It is therefore too late.

Now that it's evident, a ban has been issued. The Gods forgive, but the forgiveness implies correction. Sitting on one's fat ass and getting only worse, while repeating the same shit, is not something one can forgive, it's a toxicity that requires distancing for reasons of safety for SS. And this is not debatable obviously.
This is quite sad. Aldrick could have been one of our elite members. I hope he turns his boat around someday.

Indeed, but he’s made the same error over and over and has blamed others for his poor decisions. That’s not accountability. That’s straight cowardice there brother. Perhaps he’ll learn, but that won’t be our call l. That’s all there is to it. But many SS here that he hurt emotionally, that won’t be forgiven either. They definitely won’t do that.
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Helping him or what? He clearly cannot be helped by anybody here. And I don't even want to start talking on the Gods behalf, as that would be unnecessary, given what's already in front of us.

To give some backstory, this back and forth causing of damage, has happened many times over again. With people advising, doing what's best, giving benefit of doubt, copious mercy, and so on. We are talking about many times, past the reasonable manner which ought be considered.

Eventually we decided this would be over with, but considered it a non issue since lately this disease hasn't affected more people. We are really busy to have to look at these situations. This lasted for about a year or so.

Clearly, any forgiveness and so on, was merely abused, and the psycho stuff only kept increasing, as it would be the classic perception of a severe egomaniac. And it just kept repeating.

After the latest incident with Jrvan and Tabby, and how this keeps happening, it was decided to wait a bit until the situation was clear, because people who don't know the backstory [compared to people who do and will understand completely] was evident. Some people here being new members can't understand.

As for the sob talk, it has been done about more than 20 times now. This is not reflective of any desire to change. As a matter of fact, even if someone "Changed" for real this 20th time, it doesn't matter, because of damage caused. It is therefore too late.

Now that it's evident, a ban has been issued. The Gods forgive, but the forgiveness implies correction. Sitting on one's fat ass and getting only worse, while repeating the same shit, is not something one can forgive, it's a toxicity that requires distancing for reasons of safety for SS. And this is not debatable obviously.
This is quite sad. Aldrick could have been one of our elite members. I hope he turns his boat around someday.

Elite? How, where, why?
Satanswill said:
You are 100% Right. That's why I made an oath to Satan. Which to even make one, I do not take lightly. That I would never attack an SS on the forums again. So those days are done. I've wrote it down, I remind myself everyday. I tell others so they know.

To ever see me do it again, would be my disloyalty to Satan. I try not to ever lie, sometimes it's just bad timing or my memory isn't always the best. Neptune influences in my chart. But my word is my bond. If you are not your word, you are nothing.

So it's done. When I give my word to Satan, it's over. I cannot any longer do this. I have made certain of it. Now others know, so they could call me a piece of shit forever if I did.

Which is why I must leave and get years of consistency and actually change. I cannot risk doing this anymore. I'm only here now because some things need to be said. I want to help those I've affected. I am very grateful for these messages being approved.

I got psycho paranoid that everyone was a hidden enemy. I actually feel very close to my Satanic Family now. Some have reached out in email, I've made amends with a few. I feel really good right now. I care about others and feel excited for the future.

Because I'm not trying to protect and cover up the vulnerable parts with me me me me me. Also this pushes me hard to Advance, which I finally can now. I could not before the curses were taken down. Yesterday I did 18 reps FRTR+Tetra+Shattering twice. I'm scrubbing this shit off my soul. Too Victory!

Be well Brother.

The worthless oath of the worthless person. How many oaths have been made over the years? How many damages were still done regardless?

How many messages and advices ignored, both from the Gods and from SS, given the middle finger by the worthless man that only knows how to use his mouth.

The damages done are more than you can ever compensate for, even in multiple lifetimes. Even when you pass sometime in the future, and if you’re lucky, reincarnate again, forgetting all the transgressions that have been made due to the past life amnesia, they are not forgotten by those you have made them against.

I want you to know, even if you will never understand, the gravity of the damage you have done, and the weight of the karma you carry now as a result of your actions.

Words are worthless when they come from you. Act, not think, act rather than speak. There has been too much speech and never any act indicative of remorse, your only act has been to preserve your worthless self.

No amount of words is ever changing this.

Even in the event you receive some epiphany and begin to listen to the advices given to you over a decade ago, 10 years, 20 years from now, even your whole lifetime is not enough to reach a point where your worth outshines your worthlessness, for the damages done are too heavy for you to ever compensate for.

If you truly reach a point of understanding, you will silently read these words, and shut your worthless mouth, not replying anywhere ever again on the forums to anyone.

You will silently work on yourself for the many years to come, meditating loyally and doing spiritual warfare like a proper Satanist while reflecting on the harm you have caused until you can truly grasp it, and if you feel any regret or remorse, you would understand you could never be forgiven.

You would never ask for anything from the Gods or any SS, because you would understand you have been given more than you ever deserved and squandered it without second thought each and every time, without fail.

If you succeed in this and grasp the weight of your karma, and manage not to flatten and collapse under the heaviness of that burden, carrying it until you reach a point of possible redemption, then you may indeed receive the right to get another chance. Until then, neither the Gods, nor any SS that know how truly deplorable your existence is, would ever give you any heed or attention.

At the rate you go through your life, and with your past record in mind, you are lucky if you manage to reach such a point before your time is up in your present life.

The least you have is time to squander with your worthless words and oaths.

Hail Satan.
Meteor said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Well said.

I thought a while ago about what someone should do when a horrible mistake is made. Apologies don't fix anything, and suicide doesn't fix anything either. Sometimes there's really nothing you can do to fix anything anymore, because it's too late and the damage is already done. But between living your life in regret and wasting it away with apologies and self-hatred, or doing your best to be a better person from now on even if there are others who hate you, the latter is clearly better. Even if you just keep to yourself and do an RTR a day for the rest of your life, that's more beneficial to everyone than if you killed yourself just because others want you to.

It's not about proving anything to anyone, or destroying yourself in order to repent. It's about learning from your mistakes to make sure you never make them again. If you truly grow and empower yourself as a person while continuously working to overcome your flaws, you will have an increasingly positive influence on those around you. You can't take back your mistakes, so whether it outweighs the negative influence in the past only matters in regards to whether or not others will be inclined to forgive you. But looking at it objectively, all that matters is that it's the course of action that results in the best net outcome; even if the negatives can never be erased, you can keep piling on positives forever. In that regard, seeking subjective forgiveness is only a self-serving waste of time.

However, I know there are people who don't change. When I was a teenager, I would try to convine my teachers to quit smoking, and they would agree with my points and tell me that they've decided to stop after hearing me out. Then a few days later, I saw them smoking again. There are people who say they'll change their ways a dozen times regarding the same thing, but never do.

This is a case of someone who has proven himself to be a danger to the well-being of those around him, and has proven that he doesn't change no matter what he says. Resentment or forgiveness are subjective, but keeping people safe by banning him is what's objectively important here. That's another reason why I think these apologies are pointless.

Yes, too many people nowadays think that empty words are going to cut it. If someone wants to forgiveness and to fix the damage they've done (and improve themselves), they need words and actions to match. Without actions, forgiveness is abused and sooner or later people will say "enough" like it happened in this instance.

This can be applied to many situations other than forgiveness and penance. This needs to be hard-wired into all cultures worldwide, because dystopias were everything just exists in words and is not actualised only keep withering.
This sort of thing with GitM aint really that strange to me, this is classic enemy pattern.

Isolate the target then work them down until they break,
Isolating one from the gods is what the enemy does, because this is the biggest threat to them, then it happens to the people around you.
Him thinking that Anubis is working against him and that the gods can't hear him is what the enemy does.

I to have had thoughts that the gods don't love me or that maybe they hate the things i do, reality is, i've found this to be 100% the enemy.
whenever the these thoughts become to much for me i usually do a ritual directly to Satan asking for guidance, and i actually receive such, rather quickly too.
Meteor said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Great reply. What you say is true.

However I’d like to add. If a person with their actions leads even one gentile soul with good potential away from Satanism, basically they have done too much damage than one could realistically make up for.

That one gentile soul led away from spiritual Satanism due to ones actions, can constitute to one potential God be lost forever. If one becomes a God themselves, this does balance out and your potential can outweigh theirs at that point, but only then.

Let alone if more gentiles with good potential are affected. The more people, the more difficult it is to ever break even in terms of potential lost and gained for our race and for the bigger picture our Gods look at.

While the opposite is true for those that help the JoS, members, or people coming here and asking questions, even the “stupid” questions.

The damage one can do by leading others away from Satanism, or causing serious infighting which leads to multiple members targeting and ruining each other over personal problems, can cause these souls to forever stray from the path. It plants seeds of negative potential that can stick with a person for lifetimes and may never be uprooted if the person ends up in a spiral of decay because of it.

These things must be taken seriously. In a way, any gentile that finds the Joy of Satan, opens from that moment on the potential to reach the Godhead. This potential can be permanently ruined because of the idiotic actions of some egomaniac or lunatic, or an Aldric for example, especially if the person is on an early stage and very susceptible to external influence.

Aldric caused serious setbacks and issues on the spiritual path of multiple promising gentiles, and the cliques that he brought together and enabled ended up roping in a bunch of gentiles that could have been SS of value as well, who might never amount to anything on the spiritual path now due to him.

Since he has a worthless soul, even if the others led astray by him didn’t have particularly amazing potential, the harm he did is more than his own worth will ever amount to, because frankly, I do not expect him to become a God anytime.

Perhaps one day after I have ascended who knows how many years ago already, there will be an Aldric trying to reach a point, but honestly, I don’t expect to see him get anywhere because the Gods really do not appreciate what he has done.

That is why I gave the message I did, for he may still have his chances, but they require him to follow a very specific path from now on and the road ahead is many times more difficult for him as a result of his actions. He does not have so many liberties left on his path, because he already made too many mistakes and took too many liberties.

If he follows my advice, his path can remain open.

The reason I gave him that advice, is because it plants seeds of potential which in the big picture may eventually lead to something good, even if it takes many, many years.
VoiceofEnki said:
Great reply. What you say is true.

However I’d like to add. If a person with their actions leads even one gentile soul with good potential away from Satanism, basically they have done too much damage than one could realistically make up for.

That one gentile soul led away from spiritual Satanism due to ones actions, can constitute to one potential God be lost forever. If one becomes a God themselves, this does balance out and your potential can outweigh theirs at that point, but only then.

People with such weak resolve that can be so easily turned away don't make it far regardless. I doubt anyone who actually took Satanism seriously quit Satanism all-together because of online drama or falling into lies or stupidity of others.

I'm sure there are many old-time members that we don't hear from anymore, who still practice Satanism on a daily basis, but simply have stopped using the boards for one reason or another.

I know many people confuse using the forums with spiritual progress but this is not the case. You have people who have used the forums for years and have made little if any progress and in most cases it shows. And in my opinion, people who get entangled in petty drama, and aren't mature enough to move on after it's settled, were probably never on that path to begin with.
Dahaarkan said:
People with such weak resolve that can be so easily turned away don't make it far regardless. I doubt anyone who actually took Satanism seriously quit Satanism all-together because of online drama or falling into lies or stupidity of others.

I'm sure there are many old-time members that we don't hear from anymore, who still practice Satanism on a daily basis, but simply have stopped using the boards for one reason or another.

I know many people confuse using the forums with spiritual progress but this is not the case. You have people who have used the forums for years and have made little if any progress and in most cases it shows. And in my opinion, people who get entangled in petty drama, and aren't mature enough to move on after it's settled, were probably never on that path to begin with.

This is very true. I've been absent from the forums for months at a time, but I live a Satanic life, never missed a day of meditations in all my years dedicated, always kept up on spiritual warfare and reading sermons by clergy. I just don't like posting much or reading most posts.
Dahaarkan said:
People with such weak resolve that can be so easily turned away don't make it far regardless. I doubt anyone who actually took Satanism seriously quit Satanism all-together because of online drama or falling into lies or stupidity of others.

I'm sure there are many old-time members that we don't hear from anymore, who still practice Satanism on a daily basis, but simply have stopped using the boards for one reason or another.

I know many people confuse using the forums with spiritual progress but this is not the case. You have people who have used the forums for years and have made little if any progress and in most cases it shows. And in my opinion, people who get entangled in petty drama, and aren't mature enough to move on after it's settled, were probably never on that path to begin with.

This is mostly true, the only thing I’d say is, you may be surprised how some people can end up turning away due to strange delusions even though they believe themselves to be loyal to Satan, it started out as a promising person.

One way these kinds of people appear is, they reinforce an egocentric belief that they are loyal to Satan and that everything they do is out of loyalty to him, who then due to delusion and also weakness which they allowed to take root, end up doing stupid things which they justify to themselves based on the false loyalty they cling to and convince themselves they have.

Some ended up making serious mistakes meditating and messing themselves up, going insane as a result. Years later they would still talk about learning from the Gods and having their loyalty with Satan, advancing etc, while shunning the JoS and believing it to be of the enemy or just some larping, etc.

Delusions can overcome even a talented person with decent potential, and really ruin them. Add in the deception and negative influence from certain infiltrators, the confusion this can cause can overwhelm even decent people and turn them alway.

However you are right that a strong person who is truly born a Satanist will never fall into such things, they may face these issues, but never succumb to them. They can still face serious setbacks due to these however, so awareness is very important, especially for newer members.

Old time members with experience with these things, or who have seen many examples of this are valuable to have on the boards because they can help newer people who otherwise have failed to get somewhere if not for some timely advice or intervention by someone who understands.

That is why I am always on about grounding and inner tranquility, silencing unnecessary parts of the ego, etc, since these issues usually crop up due to a lack of those things, and meditating or advancing while these things are lacking or such issues are already present, will only exacerbate them.

It is up to the person if they want to spend time doing that of course. As a Satanist one is not required to participate in the boards, and it can get in the way of advancement. Often times, more advanced members will begin spending less and less time with the boards as they advance.

To any advanced long time members who may have left the boards for such reasons, I will say, it is very motivating and encouraging to all members if one shows up once in a while with a piece of wisdom or a word of encouragement, etc, since it is you who people look up to.

To completely disappear can cause confusion in itself. One doesn’t have to be around all day, but a small gesture every once in a while that one is still around goes a long way for the SS community as a whole.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
