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Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

Syd Silver

Sep 22, 2017
4th Reich

Berlin (AP) -- Thousands protested Germany's coronavirus restrictions Saturday in a Berlin demonstration marking what organizers called “the end of the pandemic” — a declaration that comes just as authorities are voicing increasing concerns about an uptick in new infections.

With few masks in sight, a dense crowd marched through downtown Berlin from the Brandenburg Gate.

Protesters who came from across the country held up homemade signs with slogans like
“Corona, false alarm,” “We are being forced to wear a muzzle,” “Natural defense instead of vaccination" and “We are the second wave.”

They chanted, “We’re here and we’re loud, because we are being robbed of our freedom!”

Police used bullhorns to chide participants to adhere to social distancing rules and to wear masks, apparently with little success. They tweeted that they drew up a criminal complaint against the rally's organizer for failing to enforce hygiene rules, then said shortly afterward that the organizer had ended the march.

Police estimated about 17,000 people turned out. The demonstrators were kept apart from counterprotesters, some of whom chanted “Nazis out!”

Protesters continued to a subsequent rally on a boulevard running through the city's Tiergarten park, which police estimated drew 20,000 people. Police declared that event over as organizers again failed to get demonstrators to wear masks or keep their distance.

People are not as retarded as the jew thought. The jew reckons it can enforce retardations a lot, and think and hope that the Goyim would be as retarded as they were in the Middle Ages when jewsus caused witches to exist, so if they sank and drowned they were innocent, if they swam and flew away on their broomstick they were guilty and murdered. Fucking retarded - oh, and so is the jew.

On the other hand, this might just be the jew's plan. It is releasing a patheticovirus to make people rebel. Then it will release a deadly plague upon Egypt (the World) and people will not believe it, and die; and those who survive will repent, pay protection money to jewsus, and suck the jew's arsehole once again.
Syd Silver said:

Berlin (AP) -- Thousands protested Germany's coronavirus restrictions Saturday in a Berlin demonstration marking what organizers called “the end of the pandemic” — a declaration that comes just as authorities are voicing increasing concerns about an uptick in new infections.

With few masks in sight, a dense crowd marched through downtown Berlin from the Brandenburg Gate.

Protesters who came from across the country held up homemade signs with slogans like
“Corona, false alarm,” “We are being forced to wear a muzzle,” “Natural defense instead of vaccination" and “We are the second wave.”

They chanted, “We’re here and we’re loud, because we are being robbed of our freedom!”

Police used bullhorns to chide participants to adhere to social distancing rules and to wear masks, apparently with little success. They tweeted that they drew up a criminal complaint against the rally's organizer for failing to enforce hygiene rules, then said shortly afterward that the organizer had ended the march.

Police estimated about 17,000 people turned out. The demonstrators were kept apart from counterprotesters, some of whom chanted “Nazis out!”

Protesters continued to a subsequent rally on a boulevard running through the city's Tiergarten park, which police estimated drew 20,000 people. Police declared that event over as organizers again failed to get demonstrators to wear masks or keep their distance.


The Media lied, there were around 1.3Million people who protested. Not 20k-ish people.

How do I upload pictures here? xD
Those counter-protesters who shouted "Nazis out" are members of Jewish NGOs, the same brainless dummies were 4 years ago waving "Welcome Rapefugees" banners ...

But in a way they are right ... I mean if you demand respect for people's rights and freedoms you must be a Nazi becouse only a Nazi could ask such things.
Syd Silver said:

drew 20,000 people. Police declared that event over as organizers again failed to get demonstrators to wear masks or keep their distance.


Bloomberg / Judenpresse

are these just 20.000 people?


Protesters say there were 1,3 million people. probably less, but nice number.
anyone want to bet that now some damn jew in their government is going to make sure a shit ton of tests come back positive to try and force a lockdown. maybe even get the hospitals flooded so they can make sure plenty of people die to try and silence these protests?
the backlash from all of this covid stuff is getting high. i wonder when the snapping point will be hit?
Either way this is going to be interesting- thanks for the article!

Hail Father Satan
NinRick said:
How do I upload pictures here? xD

You can´t, you can link one from a other website online, find the image online rightclick it -> show grafic -> copy link and put it between
NinRick said:
How do I upload pictures here? xD
I have no idea how you upload pictures here, but I use a picture host, such as imgur - and I use the link of the picture, not the link of the page where the picture is on.
NinRick said:
The Media lied, there were around 1.3Million people who protested. Not 20k-ish people.

How do I upload pictures here? xD
Img button at the top (next to URL button) -[img] copy and paste image address between

[quote="GG Allin"]

Bloomberg / Judenpresse [/quote]
All central-media is Judenpresse
[quote="GG Allin"]are these just 20.000 people?

Protesters say there were 1,3 million people. probably less, but nice number.[/quote]
I know but the update came too late and was not confirmed by the police/authorities, not even today ...
According to officials, up to 20,000 people took part in demonstrations against the government’s coronavirus restrictions at different locations across Berlin on Saturday, amalgamating for a joint rally later in the day.

Organisers said up to 1.3 million people took part, a figure that police denied.


During attempts to break up the gathering, which organisers called End of the Pandemic – Day of Freedom, some protesters turned violent. Police said 133 demonstrators were arrested and 45 officers were injured, with some needing to be hospitalised. Several journalists reported being verbally or physically attacked.

The demonstrations drew criticism from almost all political parties, except the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), who defended the participants’ right to protest.

Saskia Esken, the head of the Social Democrats (SPD), criticised the police for intervening too late. “They could have broken up the demonstration far earlier than they did,” she told German television.

Esken herself drew criticism for referring to the protesters on Twitter as “thousands of Covidioten” – a play on Covid and idiots. She defended her remarks, stating that the participants were “enemies of democracy”.

The demonstrators spanned a wide range of interest groups, from left to rightwing extremists, including members of the neo-Nazi NPD party and Reichsbürger or Citizens of the Reich – who reject the legitimacy of the German state – as well as followers of QAnon, the rightwing conspiracy theory group , members of the Querdenken or Lateral Thinkers movement, followers of the anti-Islam protest group Pegida, anti-vaxxers and self-declared esotericists. Some individuals said they were not affiliated to any group.

Tino Chrupalla, a co-chair of AfD, said the demonstrators were being falsely accused. “I cannot recognise any wrongdoing,” he told the German broadcaster ARD. “I followed the demonstration, which was peaceful. The people went on to the streets to defend their basic rights and their civil liberties, and that’s something one can only welcome.”

Syd Silver said:
During attempts to break up the gathering, which organisers called End of the Pandemic – Day of Freedom, some protesters turned violent. Police said 133 demonstrators were arrested and 45 officers were injured, with some needing to be hospitalised. Several journalists reported being verbally or physically attacked.

Next Judenpresse shill, the police did clear a occupied house (left wing people/antifa) the same time the protests did took place . That´s were they got injuried, now they blame the protesters.
GG Allin said:
Syd Silver said:
During attempts to break up the gathering, which organisers called End of the Pandemic – Day of Freedom, some protesters turned violent. Police said 133 demonstrators were arrested and 45 officers were injured, with some needing to be hospitalised. Several journalists reported being verbally or physically attacked.

Next Judenpresse shill, the police did clear a occupied house (left wing people/antifa) the same time the protests did took place . That´s were they got injuried, now they blame the protesters.
Exactly Judenpresse always the same ... but they can't hide the truth forever

Tino Chrupalla, a co-chair of AfD, said the demonstrators were being falsely accused. “I cannot recognise any wrongdoing,” he told the German broadcaster ARD. “I followed the demonstration, which was peaceful. The people went on to the streets to defend their basic rights and their civil liberties, and that’s something one can only welcome.”
FancyMancy said:
People are not as retarded as the jew thought. The jew reckons it can enforce retardations a lot, and think and hope that the Goyim would be as retarded as they were in the Middle Ages when jewsus caused witches to exist, so if they sank and drowned they were innocent, if they swam and flew away on their broomstick they were guilty and murdered. Fucking retarded - oh, and so is the jew.

On the other hand, this might just be the jew's plan. It is releasing a patheticovirus to make people rebel. Then it will release a deadly plague upon Egypt (the World) and people will not believe it, and die; and those who survive will repent, pay protection money to jewsus, and suck the jew's arsehole once again.

Exactly my thoughts, it is possible they want people to become careless and rebellious like by openly taking their freedoms and openly acting like dictators to make them think it's all a lie and false flag but later unleash a 'new' virus. This looks like someone is playing psychologically(I don't really know the exact psychological term for it).

Take care everyone, you are not taking precautions for covid-19 but for if a 'new' deadly virus emerges out of nowhere and 'somehow scientists were 2 months late to find about it and is already killing people'. You are an SS, your life is valuable, don't die from folly mistakes and jewish trickery. Also, don't think to much about people dying, just take precautions, don't direct your energy towards this. And if you get thoughts of deaths and disasters convert that thought into Jews dying and israel getting hit with a tsunami, lol. Or else just change it into something happy, divert your mind from it.

Hail to our beloved Satan and his Daemons
Nikois666 said:
FancyMancy said:
People are not as retarded as the jew thought. The jew reckons it can enforce retardations a lot, and think and hope that the Goyim would be as retarded as they were in the Middle Ages when jewsus caused witches to exist, so if they sank and drowned they were innocent, if they swam and flew away on their broomstick they were guilty and murdered. Fucking retarded - oh, and so is the jew.

On the other hand, this might just be the jew's plan. It is releasing a patheticovirus to make people rebel. Then it will release a deadly plague upon Egypt (the World) and people will not believe it, and die; and those who survive will repent, pay protection money to jewsus, and suck the jew's arsehole once again.

Exactly my thoughts, it is possible they want people to become careless and rebellious like by openly taking their freedoms and openly acting like dictators to make them think it's all a lie and false flag but later unleash a 'new' virus. This looks like someone is playing psychologically(I don't really know the exact psychological term for it).

Take care everyone, you are not taking precautions for covid-19 but for if a 'new' deadly virus emerges out of nowhere and 'somehow scientists were 2 months late to find about it and is already killing people'. You are an SS, your life is valuable, don't die from folly mistakes and jewish trickery. Also, don't think to much about people dying, just take precautions, don't direct your energy towards this. And if you get thoughts of deaths and disasters convert that thought into Jews dying and israel getting hit with a tsunami, lol. Or else just change it into something happy, divert your mind from it.

Hail to our beloved Satan and his Daemons
I think you mean manipulation, brainwashing, psyops, pscyhological warfare.
After the protests on August 1st Germany decided to ban all kind of protests against Coronavirus Restrictions ...

Berlin bans protest against coronavirus
The city of Berlin will put thousands of police on the streets at the weekend to enforce a ban on demonstrations opposing measures imposed to stem the coronavirus pandemic

Andreas Geisel, the Berlin interior senator, said the authorities had decided to ban the protest after weighing up the importance of the right to freedom of assembly with the need to protect people against infection.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) said it would call for a rally at the Brandenburg Gate against the ban:

“The Senate is trampling on fundamental rights,” the Berlin wing of the party said in a statement.


Update today
Ban lifted

Berlin police brace for virus protest as court overturns ban

Authorities in the German capital had banned the protests earlier this week, citing demonstrations a few weeks ago during which participants flouted rules on social distancing and mask-wearing.

Protest organizers had appealed the ban and a regional administrative court ruled Friday that the rallies could go ahead, saying there was no immediate threat to public safety.The court ordered organizers to ensure social distancing. It didn’t impose a requirement for participants to wear masks, which aren’t mandatory outdoors in Germany but encouraged when social distancing can’t be maintained.

Angered by the looming ban, several groups had threatened to travel to Berlin regardless. The presence of far-right groups among the protesters had further raised police concerns about the possibility of unrest.

Police in Berlin on Friday requested thousands of reinforcements from other parts of Germany to cope with planned protests over the weekend by people opposed to the country’s coronavirus restrictions.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
