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Canada bans assault weapons


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
Canada bans assault-style weapons after its worst ever mass murder
By Paula Newton, CNN
Updated May 1, 2020

(CNN) - Assault-style weapons are banned in Canada effective immediately, the country's prime minister said Friday.
The move comes less than two weeks after Canada's deadliest rampage in modern history, when a gunman in Nova Scotia killed 22 people after a 12-hour reign of terror.

"You don't need an AR-15 to bring down a deer," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a news conference in Ottawa. "So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country."
Police said the gunman had several semi-automatic handguns and at least two semi-automatic rifles, one of which was described by witnesses as a military-style assault weapon.

"These weapons were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada," Trudeau said.

The ban is effective immediately but disposal of the weapons will be subject to a two-year amnesty period. Trudeau said some form of compensation would also be put in place but the firearms can also be exported and sold after a proper export license is obtained.

Trudeau said that "thoughts and prayers" for mass shooting victims were no longer enough and that's why his government acted.

The Nova Scotia shooter used a replica police car and an RCMP uniform to impersonate a police officer as he killed both people he knew and strangers, police said. He was fatally shot by officers.

Of the 22 people killed, 13 were shot and nine died in house fires, Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Tuesday.
RCMP said the gunman, Gabriel Wortman, 51, also killed or wounded animals and pets that he found at the homes.
Police believe Wortman acted alone in the shootings and arsons.

The gunman did not have a firearms license and that only one weapon was traced back to Canada, police said.
Last week, RCMP announced its officers had expanded their investigation into the US but would not elaborate on the nature of their leads. Police say they believe the gunman acquired at least some of his weapons in the US.

Legislation had been in the works for months after Trudeau promised during his reelection campaign in late 2019 to beef up gun control, especially for cities hard hit by gang violence.

Trudeau failed to make good on a 2015 election promise to restrict sales of assault weapons in Canada.
There’s goes another country. I haven’t dug into this shooting but it’s probably a hoax like all the other ones, the perpetrator doesn’t exist and their name can’t be found on government databases, crisis actors, ghost victims, hilarious fake crying and totally staged photos like sandy hook. Justin Trudeau is so weak I doubt he will actually have full on confiscations.
Horrible. I have decided to become a gun owner soon, and these news really annoy me.

“Military-grade assault rifle”, what an ambiguous term, created to introduce confusion in order to make a ridiculous excuse to disarm citizens.
Aldrick said:
Trudeau said that "thoughts and prayers" for mass shooting victims were no longer enough and that's why his government acted.

Yea that seems about right... "thoughts and prayers" to channel more power into the Jew World Order.

I didn't look into this shooting any, with all of the slopfest of the Coronacircus that happening right now. Do you think it was another staged jew attack on peoples rights, and was the gunman a jew himself? They are really trying their hardest to fuck with our freedom with all of this shit that's going on with cohen-42,, I mean covid-19, my bad...

I wonder if all of these jewish terrorists that carried out all of the recent attacks and mass shootings in a past few years are actually dead or in prison, or are they free to roam the streets again for doing such a good job at being a violent puppet for their masters to help enslave the world and take away our freedoms.

This shit that the jews are doing these days are really getting on my nerves, and I can tell that more and more people are getting woke to the truth of whats actually happening to the world. Sooner or later this is going to hit a breaking point and there will be world wide protests and we'll eventually force these parasites out of their position of authority over the world and its governments, and especially be free from all the financial crimes and corruption they have plagued the world with.
Most mass shootings throughout history have been done by Joos.

And then they take the guns away from the gentiles for what the Joos have done.

Pretty clever.
Aldrick said:
Police said the gunman had several semi-automatic handgun and at least two semi-automatic rifles, one of which was described by witnesses as a military-style assault weapon.
Aren't 99% of handguns in Canada semi-automatic? Isn't that redundant to specify the handguns were semi-auto? Most would assume the gun was already semi-auto since Canada is not known for their full-auto handguns...
Single shot hand guns? But why? https://youtu.be/F7291bGZEXY?t=152
So now Canada must confiscate the semi-auto handguns, which ultimately means all handguns. That probably won't happen but restrictions are the idea here.
He had several handguns? Exactly how many did he have? 3 or more? For what purpose? You can just swap mags... An extra magazine cost $20 or so. A whole nother gun cost hundreds. Now, Canada must prevent law abiding Canadians from owning multiple handguns of course... No need for anyone to own multiple handguns...
At least 2 semi-automatic rifles? How many did he have exactly? 2 or 3 or 4? Of course Canada will restrict rifle ownership to not more than 1 rifle now because of this. You're an evil person who wants to KILL if you have 2 or more fully semi-automatic assault style machine guns...
Military-style assault weapon? What does that mean exactly? It means it wasn't a hunting rifle.......
Nice number 22. They do use certain numbers don't they.

And since the guns can be exported they can go to support some other group they want to promote with weapons.

I'm always suspect of any news on the main global news outlets.

Maybe staged just as they do to have an excuse to forcibly take away our rights.

As was mentioned in the Digital Gulag post. The goyim are not allowed to protect themselves.

Weapons are only for the State and their criminals. Criminals don't operate under the law so anti gun laws are for the law abiding only.

Atrocious and so many of our rights are just being taken away at the moment.
This pisses me off. Trudeau is such a goof and an obvious puppet to the mudslims and bankers can’t wait till Canada collectively wants to lynch him :evil:
Man, a normie can easily fall for the bullshit lies the enemy try to pull on society.. As a Spiritual Satanist we are spiritually open enough too see beyond the veil. I knew since the beginning that the novia scotia shooting was another cover up to enforce gun laws.
The shooter was another victim of mk ultra used to commit these murders its fukin obvious.
You even have queen elizabeth giving her fake ass grieving speech about this whole situation. But if you look at this youtube video of a man or should i say worst actor ever, talking about his wife who was a victim of the shootings you can clearly hear his handler telling him what to say on 9:00-9:10..
Yet people with shit for brains still fall for this crap!
Aldrick said:
...AR-15 and deer hunting...

Despite the fact that AR-15s are commonly used as one-type of weapon system to hunt deer is because it's fairly accurate at the ranges fired upon. Sure a bolt-action battle rifle round(full-sized) is better but a 5.56x45, 6.5x39 Grendel(Excellent military round against human combat ranges 200-800 meters), 6.8(Another excellent round that is in competition with the 6.5x39 grendel, the 6.8x41 Remington SPC is another fighter in the ring), .300 AAC, .300 Blackout is great they are nifty bullets that do a number on a deer and CAN bring one down with a well-placed shot.

The reason why it's important to have a AR-15 is in case you shoot a deer or other large game and not only does it not bring it down. But pisses it off and charges you and you need to fire again or multiple times to bring it down. Mr. Trudeau have you ever been hunting some animals get pist off and survive. Another one is safety of other wild-game that is dangerous like a bear that won't leave you alone. If a 10mmx25mm SIG pistol cartridge can pop a bear in the head and kill it in one shot. Then lets imagine a charging bear who isn't scared and won't disengage against a variety of ammunition from the AR-15.

Aldrick said:
...military-style assault weapon...

Last time I checked all weapons have the capacity to be MILITARY-STYLE. WOW there is literally no difference. I mean you can buy third-party stocks to a bolt-action rifle and make it a military-style rifle with a pistol grip. It's like the Barret M.R.A.D. sniper rifle that U.S. S.O.COM. recently purchased. It looks military sure but any weapon can be used by the military.

Aldrick said:

Another LULZ right here.

Last time I recall my select-fire weapons. A semi-automatic assault rifle is MORE deadly than a burst and or full-auto fire.

For people who don't understand despite the fact that burst is usually relegated to military, there's a few rarities in civilian market for burst fire i.e. 2-round, 3-round burst. Most burst fire is done by full-auto in other words a controlled fire of the weapon firing usually 3-5 bullets at a time.

Full-auto encourages a lazier aim and lazier fire. Think of lazy not in an apathetic factor or a disregard for accuracy or gunplay. For you gamers out there think of it like low-sensitivity the person usually has a lazier aim and control of the mouse due to pre-planning and using all benefits from sound to visual to win over their targets over players who have a faster sensitivity. It's not that they are playing or are bad no, no, no. Any gamer should know low-sensitivity = ownage but that the way the person moves around is a bit of a lazier fashion a more laidback approach.

The same can be said for full-auto. If you can aim your weapon and discharge a 3-5 round burst per pull of the trigger your don't have to put 100% of your effort trying to drop your target. In fact this makes you probably a better killer in a lazier approach as you can scan around and target others or move around and pie the doorways or pie the sides with more confidence.

A semi-automatic mode only weapon encourages the person to be more paranoid, more reserved, and more intent on KILLING with the least amount of bullets. It encourages a targeted killing more accuracy of specific vital areas and like I said a better killer.

A semi only rifle FORCES you to be careful and causes much more viciousness in the fact your firing. Another thing is most assault magazines are banned. It's VERY rare for a person to posses a 20- or 30- round full STANAG magazine. Most likely a 10-round magazine with a +1 load for 11.

The fact of the matter is this person made sure every shot counted, made sure every shot killed in the fewest repetition of fire.

Semi-automatic only = more dangerous and more expert shooter who tries and performs to the fullest with a strong sense of attachment to his gun and limited firing rate and limited ammunition for firing.

Aldrick said:
...Assault-Weapon ban...

Welp Canada say goodbye to your freedoms. The fact of the matter is the U.S. seems like the last bastion of bearing arms and it seems to be eroding and corroding due to democrats and other pinko-red spectrum political opposition.

This is probably gonna encourage political action against guns here in the U.S.
So because a jew goes on a mass murdering rampage....

The wiser choice would be to ban jews, not guns.

Wortman is jewish name, and he has a jewish personality, exploiting and stealing land from his relative, and the typical jewish occupation. Yes some Gentiles are successful dentists and business owners, but it is a jewish trend.

Also, going on a rampage and killing random people and their pets simply because his wife left him, is hardly what Gentiles do.
They banned more than 1,200 different kinds of rifles. I think they banned every semi-automatic and also every one that is
.223/5.56 caliber. And where did this guy get his guns from anyway, that all of this is based on? He did not have a gun license, only one of his guns was originally from Canada, and he got every single one of them in an illegal way.

So one jewish (((Ratman))) criminal gets things in a completely illegal way and uses them in a crime, and the answer is to turn all the gentiles into criminals by not allowing them to legally have things that they already legally have? Is this entire situation not absolute proof that strict gun laws do not prevent things like this because the criminals just find a way to get them illegally?

Interesting statistic from America: The places with the least gun control also have the least violence, the least rape, the least gun crime, and the least robberies and burglaries. And the places with the strictest gun control also have the most violence, the most rape, the most gun crime, and the most robberies and burglaries. Because the entire thing about a criminal is they don't care what the law is and they find an illegal way to get it anyway.

Where most citizens legally have a gun with them, all kinds of violence goes down almost to zero, because no one is going to start a physical fight or rape with someone who probably has a gun with them. Robberies and burglaries go way down almost to zero because no one is going to break into someone's house when they probably have a gun and they might be inside ready to use it.

Places with the strictest gun control in the country are places like Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City. And these 3 places all have some of the highest violent crimes, the highest gun crimes, the highest robberies and burglaries, the most rapes, and all kinds of crimes like those. Because the criminals don't care if it's illegal to have something because they are already criminals, so they find a way to get them anyway. All it is doing is removing the ability of regular, good, responsible people from being able to defend themselves.

Barak Obama was a big public promoter of gun control. Do you remember Operation Fast And Furious? Please do an internet search about this and learn more about it. Operation Fast And Furious is when Barak Obama gave millions of guns directly to the cartels in Mexico, for free even. He said it was so that we can watch them and see where they end up going, that was his official excuse for doing this. And only a month later, a cartel member killed an American Border Patrol agent with one of the guns that Obama gave the cartels. Why would somebody give millions of guns directly to one of the most violent criminal organizations in the world, but at the same time work to disarm their own citizens? Obama also sent millions of guns to the middle east, along with sending 1.08 billion dollars, most of it in cash straight to Iran. Multiple giant military cargo planes filled entirely with pallets of cash. This is equal to $3,500 from every American, including all the babies, children, and old people. And in the few months following Obama giving millions of guns and more than a billion dollars into the middle east, Isil was started at that time. Obama doing this is how they were funded, and that is where they got their weapons from. After Isil was defeated in all these different places, they always collected the guns they were using and tracked the serial numbers to see where they came from, and they found that a little more than 98% of all the guns Isil ever used came from military storage warehouses in America and Israel. So why did Barack Obama always do so much to promote his own citizens losing their rights to responsibly own a gun, and at the same time was funding and supplying millions of guns to the most evil criminal organizations all over the world? Reminds me of that old joke saying, "Thanks Obama... :roll: :roll: :roll: "
Lydia said:
Also, going on a rampage and killing random people and their pets simply because his wife left him, is hardly what Gentiles do.
Even if it was a gentile, it would have been another false flag like in New Zeeland. With so many false flags happening only in countries where guns are legal, it matters less if the criminal is gentile or jew because he is anyway an agent of the jewish elites, and the bigger problem is that they want to cut people from their right of having guns.

the psychological operation of ‘White Terrorism’ and the Jewish Cabal

audio: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rgTBWKMoHxKk/

pdf: http://hyperborean.info/TERROR_PSYOP.pdf
Lydia said:
So because a jew goes on a mass murdering rampage....

The wiser choice would be to ban jews, not guns.

Wortman is jewish name, and he has a jewish personality, exploiting and stealing land from his relative, and the typical jewish occupation. Yes some Gentiles are successful dentists and business owners, but it is a jewish trend.

Also, going on a rampage and killing random people and their pets simply because his wife left him, is hardly what Gentiles do.

With 22 victims.
Note the number 22 and this happened right around Jewish Passover. The Prime Minister of Canada was put into power by the Jewish Bronfman family who are right up next to the Rothschilds in power. The Times of Israel was bragging about this. The guy is a shill for the Jews like his father was. His father was put into power by the Jewish elites of Bilderberger of which he was a member. He handed Canada's national bank over to the Rothschilds who created a Fed style banking scam and has ran Canada's economy into the ground. Following the commands of the Jewish Torah.

Take a look at Macron he has run France into the toilet and was put in by the Rothschilds. The Jews only put traitors into leadership of Gentile nations.
Remember the Jew who went on the shooting rampage in Vegas around the Jewish occult holiday of Yom Kippur. The numbers on that were all Kabbala witchcraft and the major cover up around this incident. The Jews are always behind the mass killings. Even the Columbine shooters were nothing but a pair of Jews.
Also don't forget the same Bronfman family runs the World Zionist Congress and was also put on trial in New York for running that sex slave cult out of Jewish Hollywood, NXIVM.
Larissa666 said:
Horrible. I have decided to become a gun owner soon, and these news really annoy me.

“Military-grade assault rifle”, what an ambiguous term, created to introduce confusion in order to make a ridiculous excuse to disarm citizens.
Evidently, the enemy wants to disarm us both spiritually and physically. They use different excuses, like you could kill someone etc., like you couldn't kill someone with a knife or a hammer or a stone. Putting the enemy aside, I think humanity is not ready to be armed. People are too unconscious and degenerate, they would do a lot of nonsense and chaos. Imagine the mulsims armed, not that the xians are better anyway you know what I mean.
Gear88 said:
Despite the fact that AR-15s are commonly used as one-type of weapon system to hunt deer is because it's fairly accurate at the ranges fired upon. Sure a bolt-action battle rifle round(full-sized) is better but a 5.56x45, 6.5x39 Grendel(Excellent military round against human combat ranges 200-800 meters), 6.8(Another excellent round that is in competition with the 6.5x39 grendel, the 6.8x41 Remington SPC is another fighter in the ring), .300 AAC, .300 Blackout is great they are nifty bullets that do a number on a deer and CAN bring one down with a well-placed shot.
By the way, over here, in our little ex-soviet commie country, it is against "teh law" to shoot big game with anything less than 6.5 mm. Big game means deer, moose, bear, wolf, hog, bobcat. So I'd choose AR-10. Another reason to choose the .308 (basically equal to 7.62 Nato) is the availability of ammo in a SHTF scenario.

Gear88 said:
Last time I checked all weapons have the capacity to be MILITARY-STYLE.
"Military-style" and "semi-automatic" are jooish buzzwords, just like "white racist nazi supremacist". These are obv. meant to send shivers down the spine on all the cucked pyjama people.
Where I live, the buzzword was "tactical".
For teh jewses, anything over a 2-yard-long front-loading musket can be defined as "military style". Hell, even a simple bolt-action could be "miliary style", check out M40 rifle.
All this fuss about definitions is just a distraction. The real purpose is to enslave mankind and the staged mass shootings are the necessary pretext.
In reality, "gun control" means using two hands :cool: .

Gear88 said:
A semi-automatic assault rifle is MORE deadly than a burst and or full-auto fire.
Agreed. IMO, full-auto in real life is for special applications (and for just having some general fun at the range). Semi-auto offers you actually more control and precision, given that you apply the right technique. Semi-auto can actually be frighteningly efficient. Check out Jerry Miculek, I just love what this guy can do and the level he has built himself up to.
So they get a shooting done, get the energies from the murders to fuel their filthy magics then outlaw a way for people to defend themselves so when they have the grand opening of their gulags nobody can do anything but to take it up where the sun doesn't shine. Classic kike shenanigans right there.
everyone hates this guy, during this years election there were reports that at the voting office people were told they already voted so they couldnt vote (i wonder what the vote was for) and you did not even need to register, all u had to do was show your ID and u could vote. Which all of his immigrants who weren't canadian citizens could vote him in. Total fraud to Canada on every level.

during this covid19 pandemic Trudeu tried passing a bill that would allow them to spend indefinitely for 2 years but it got shut down. However if you are in Canada, you most likely have lost track of the amount of fuckery that asshat has done in the last 5 years.
HP Mageson666 said:

With the way the World has gone topsy-turvy with the CoVid-19 situation. Do you expect more or less shootings to occur?

I mean if your out in the streets in some places the police/military is gonna knock on your back and go "What the hell are you doing outside in the streets" "Nuthing officer/military dude wuz just gonna shoot up some people".

Do you expect in the coming months of Summer and nearing the jewish holidays of fall to have more kabalistic incidents?
HP Mageson666 said:
Note the number 22 and this happened right around Jewish Passover. The Prime Minister of Canada was put into power by the Jewish Bronfman family who are right up next to the Rothschilds in power. The Times of Israel was bragging about this. The guy is a shill for the Jews like his father was. His father was put into power by the Jewish elites of Bilderberger of which he was a member. He handed Canada's national bank over to the Rothschilds who created a Fed style banking scam and has ran Canada's economy into the ground. Following the commands of the Jewish Torah.

Take a look at Macron he has run France into the toilet and was put in by the Rothschilds. The Jews only put traitors into leadership of Gentile nations.
I don't think Macron is a gentile, he literally had councils with rabbis and Putin and other jews, if he is a gentile then wow how fucking disgusting.
The word assault weapon means nothing. A gun from 200 years ago can be considered an assault weapon. A frying pan to that is used to hit someone with is an assault weapon. So many uneducated NPCs not only call the AR-15 an assault weapon but ignorantly call it a military style weapon when no one in the military or at least in America and I doubt Canada either have soldiers that use AR-15s. Also in America fully auto guns have been banned for decades now. The gun in topic is always semi-auto. Every time they mislabel the gun is to 90% of the time to put fear in the populous who have no knowledge about guns. I wish Canada the best.
Local news is reporting that they are still trying to justify the ban so all this is doing is being even more of a wake up call for the people of Canada.
Sun said:
Aldrick said:
Trudeau said that "thoughts and prayers" for mass shooting victims were no longer enough and that's why his government acted.

Yea that seems about right... "thoughts and prayers" to channel more power into the Jew World Order.

I didn't look into this shooting any, with all of the slopfest of the Coronacircus that happening right now. Do you think it was another staged jew attack on peoples rights, and was the gunman a jew himself? They are really trying their hardest to fuck with our freedom with all of this shit that's going on with cohen-42,, I mean covid-19, my bad...

I wonder if all of these jewish terrorists that carried out all of the recent attacks and mass shootings in a past few years are actually dead or in prison, or are they free to roam the streets again for doing such a good job at being a violent puppet for their masters to help enslave the world and take away our freedoms.

This shit that the jews are doing these days are really getting on my nerves, and I can tell that more and more people are getting woke to the truth of whats actually happening to the world. Sooner or later this is going to hit a breaking point and there will be world wide protests and we'll eventually force these parasites out of their position of authority over the world and its governments, and especially be free from all the financial crimes and corruption they have plagued the world with.

People are waking up as I have stated because the shills are still trying to justify the ban.

I wonder how the people of Canada are going to react when they all learn that what the shills have done have been totally against the law as the Bill of Rights that we inherited from England (and what the USA based theirs on) clearly state that we have the right to bear arms.
Master said:
Larissa666 said:
Horrible. I have decided to become a gun owner soon, and these news really annoy me.

“Military-grade assault rifle”, what an ambiguous term, created to introduce confusion in order to make a ridiculous excuse to disarm citizens.
Evidently, the enemy wants to disarm us both spiritually and physically. They use different excuses, like you could kill someone etc., like you couldn't kill someone with a knife or a hammer or a stone. Putting the enemy aside, I think humanity is not ready to be armed. People are too unconscious and degenerate, they would do a lot of nonsense and chaos. Imagine the mulsims armed, not that the xians are better anyway you know what I mean.

You would be correct if there was good people in power right now not influenced fully by the Jews. Here lies the problem though. The reason they want to take away everyones guns is because they want to be able to eventually impose communism on the population. I think the government with their plans of this is not able to do that on an armed population very easily or at all. This is why they are doing all this.

I think this is a far greater problem than a few xtians or Muslims going insane sometimes and killing someone or even a mass shooting. It would happen sometimes even without the Jews I think everyone here knows this. Far greater numbers of people will die and far more freedoms will be lost without guns though.

That said I don’t personally have one at this moment but am thinking about it because I want to be able to protect myself should anything happen. That’s the point. If no one has the physical ability to protect themselves criminals will just run rampant. Also the governments run by the Jews will easily be able to impose communism when they feel the time is right with no meaningful resistance.

So yes some or maybe even a lot of people shouldn’t have them this is for sure but it’s far more of a risk to take away the right to own them.

It is too bad we can’t restrict ownership to certain groups such as the Severely mentally ill the Jews and some of the more fundy xtians and Muslims to be honest and keep the majority of the population able to have Guns.

Then again in our liberal cultural Marxist NPC society that would be like so politically incorrect man oy vey we must take them away from anyone other than the criminals and the military
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
Larissa666 said:
Horrible. I have decided to become a gun owner soon, and these news really annoy me.

“Military-grade assault rifle”, what an ambiguous term, created to introduce confusion in order to make a ridiculous excuse to disarm citizens.
Evidently, the enemy wants to disarm us both spiritually and physically. They use different excuses, like you could kill someone etc., like you couldn't kill someone with a knife or a hammer or a stone. Putting the enemy aside, I think humanity is not ready to be armed. People are too unconscious and degenerate, they would do a lot of nonsense and chaos. Imagine the mulsims armed, not that the xians are better anyway you know what I mean.

You would be correct if there was good people in power right now not influenced fully by the Jews. Here lies the problem though. The reason they want to take away everyones guns is because they want to be able to eventually impose communism on the population. I think the government with their plans of this is not able to do that on an armed population very easily or at all. This is why they are doing all this.

I think this is a far greater problem than a few xtians or Muslims going insane sometimes and killing someone or even a mass shooting. It would happen sometimes even without the Jews I think everyone here knows this. Far greater numbers of people will die and far more freedoms will be lost without guns though.

That said I don’t personally have one at this moment but am thinking about it because I want to be able to protect myself should anything happen. That’s the point. If no one has the physical ability to protect themselves criminals will just run rampant. Also the governments run by the Jews will easily be able to impose communism when they feel the time is right with no meaningful resistance.

So yes some or maybe even a lot of people shouldn’t have them this is for sure but it’s far more of a risk to take away the right to own them.

It is too bad we can’t restrict ownership to certain groups such as the Severely mentally ill the Jews and some of the more fundy xtians and Muslims to be honest and keep the majority of the population able to have Guns.

Then again in our liberal cultural Marxist NPC society that would be like so politically incorrect man oy vey we must take them away from anyone other than the criminals and the military

i seen this video where an armed man tried robbing a store and all 3 of the other customers shot the man ending the robbery. it makes me think that if everyone had a gun, then all criminals would think twice about doing anything stupid. everyone would be alot safer other than the fact perhaps someone mentally ill can get a gun more easily.
they try saying guns are the problem but we all know its mentally ill people / juus.
eternal666light said:
they try saying guns are the problem but we all know its mentally ill people / juus.

It is always a jew, every single time. But then the other jews who run the news media try to say it's a white person who did it. White people don't do things like that, every one of these examples is jewish. Columbine was also done by 2 jews.

The other thing to talk about is that every single time, they are also taking all these pills that do serious permanent damage to the brain. They are always taking these "anti-psychotic" drugs that really just make them more psychotic. These pills work by shutting off and destroying certain parts of the brain, the excuse is that they need to shut down the receptors that make them feel depressed so they won't be depressed anymore. Shut down the receptors that make them angry and they won't be angry anymore. These pills don't only affect the specific receptor they are meant to affect, they also shut down many other receptors all over the brain. These pills cause permanent physical damage inside the brain, does not remove the causes of bad emotions but instead makes them emotionally dead so they can't feel anything, also kills the front part of the brain which controls reasoning, morals, and self-control.

Obviously a regular normal jew doesn't do things like this, and there are a lot of people who take those pills who don't do anything bad. But when 100% every single time that this ever happens, it is always jewish and is always taking pills like those. Every single time. When the statistic is 100% always has these same 2 factors, that means there is a good reason to look what those 2 causes are.

Then they use the whole event as an excuse to take away the right for gentiles to be able to defend their families. So they can be further harmed and taken advantage of by any criminal who comes along.
eternal666light said:
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
Evidently, the enemy wants to disarm us both spiritually and physically. They use different excuses, like you could kill someone etc., like you couldn't kill someone with a knife or a hammer or a stone. Putting the enemy aside, I think humanity is not ready to be armed. People are too unconscious and degenerate, they would do a lot of nonsense and chaos. Imagine the mulsims armed, not that the xians are better anyway you know what I mean.

You would be correct if there was good people in power right now not influenced fully by the Jews. Here lies the problem though. The reason they want to take away everyones guns is because they want to be able to eventually impose communism on the population. I think the government with their plans of this is not able to do that on an armed population very easily or at all. This is why they are doing all this.

I think this is a far greater problem than a few xtians or Muslims going insane sometimes and killing someone or even a mass shooting. It would happen sometimes even without the Jews I think everyone here knows this. Far greater numbers of people will die and far more freedoms will be lost without guns though.

That said I don’t personally have one at this moment but am thinking about it because I want to be able to protect myself should anything happen. That’s the point. If no one has the physical ability to protect themselves criminals will just run rampant. Also the governments run by the Jews will easily be able to impose communism when they feel the time is right with no meaningful resistance.

So yes some or maybe even a lot of people shouldn’t have them this is for sure but it’s far more of a risk to take away the right to own them.

It is too bad we can’t restrict ownership to certain groups such as the Severely mentally ill the Jews and some of the more fundy xtians and Muslims to be honest and keep the majority of the population able to have Guns.

Then again in our liberal cultural Marxist NPC society that would be like so politically incorrect man oy vey we must take them away from anyone other than the criminals and the military

i seen this video where an armed man tried robbing a store and all 3 of the other customers shot the man ending the robbery. it makes me think that if everyone had a gun, then all criminals would think twice about doing anything stupid. everyone would be alot safer other than the fact perhaps someone mentally ill can get a gun more easily.
they try saying guns are the problem but we all know its mentally ill people / juus.
I understand you guys, but it's not that simple. Weapons belong to people by right. Weapons give power and protection. And it's the only way to do justice and protect yourself. Both spiritually and physically. The enemy wants to keep us docile and helpless sheep and therefore to use us as cattle. First humanity must be aware of reality and must stop being cattle and then it will have all the necessary means and freedom.
eternal666light said:
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
Evidently, the enemy wants to disarm us both spiritually and physically. They use different excuses, like you could kill someone etc., like you couldn't kill someone with a knife or a hammer or a stone. Putting the enemy aside, I think humanity is not ready to be armed. People are too unconscious and degenerate, they would do a lot of nonsense and chaos. Imagine the mulsims armed, not that the xians are better anyway you know what I mean.

You would be correct if there was good people in power right now not influenced fully by the Jews. Here lies the problem though. The reason they want to take away everyones guns is because they want to be able to eventually impose communism on the population. I think the government with their plans of this is not able to do that on an armed population very easily or at all. This is why they are doing all this.

I think this is a far greater problem than a few xtians or Muslims going insane sometimes and killing someone or even a mass shooting. It would happen sometimes even without the Jews I think everyone here knows this. Far greater numbers of people will die and far more freedoms will be lost without guns though.

That said I don’t personally have one at this moment but am thinking about it because I want to be able to protect myself should anything happen. That’s the point. If no one has the physical ability to protect themselves criminals will just run rampant. Also the governments run by the Jews will easily be able to impose communism when they feel the time is right with no meaningful resistance.

So yes some or maybe even a lot of people shouldn’t have them this is for sure but it’s far more of a risk to take away the right to own them.

It is too bad we can’t restrict ownership to certain groups such as the Severely mentally ill the Jews and some of the more fundy xtians and Muslims to be honest and keep the majority of the population able to have Guns.

Then again in our liberal cultural Marxist NPC society that would be like so politically incorrect man oy vey we must take them away from anyone other than the criminals and the military

i seen this video where an armed man tried robbing a store and all 3 of the other customers shot the man ending the robbery. it makes me think that if everyone had a gun, then all criminals would think twice about doing anything stupid. everyone would be alot safer other than the fact perhaps someone mentally ill can get a gun more easily.
they try saying guns are the problem but we all know its mentally ill people / juus.

Yeah just try taking over America. The Jews are going to find this is way harder than they thought. Most people here know this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
