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Antagonistic muh-innocentz jew went deliberately near pro-Palestinian march


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This video includes bits from ITV Good Morning Britain and also what I think is the full clip from Sky News. I have added it twice, the second time with altered audio in an attempt to try and help hear what is being said and quieten background noise. There is also a last bit at the end of the video.



This may be too long. You can search for the tl;dr at the bottom. At least see the pictures in context, though. There are also links to threads, a link to a Bitchute video, and an imbedded Youtube video in there, as well. For those who are not skipping to the tl;dr, the tl;dr has extra things in it, as well.

"Sunak had been appalled by the way that Gideon Falter had been spoken to"
That's how the police speak to everyone all the time. If you're going to go to your enemy's march then the police will say the reasons why you shouldn't. The policeman was just doing his job to keep the peace, but obviously the jew doesn't want peace.

"senior jewish community leaders have expressed their concern and said that have no confidence now in the Met police"
Because the policeman said to be safe and not go near a your-enemy march? Such clever retardation.

"He risked antagonising the situation and was threatened with arrest"
Exactly. That's how police are. That's what they do. The jew doesn't get special or preferential treatment; it gets the same.

"You're quite openly jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march. I'm not accusing you of anything but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence."
So now Sunak and Kahn are both concnered because of that, and now the jew wants that policeman to resign because of that? Maybe the policeman should have said, "OK. Your'e a jew, do go near your enemy's march with your skull cap on and your Star of Vishnu that you stole from ancient religion, and be attacked, lol". Then the jew would be happy with how it was treated. Then that policeman would be in trouble.

"Some jewish leaders, as I say, have expressed their concern saying that they've lost confidence in the Met and its handling of these kind of marches"
So yes, what I auggested the policeman should say would make the jew happy, then.

"I don't blame the front line officers, obviously I disagree with his actions,
...because I'm a jew and any actions I decide are offensive are offensive for no reason whatsoever other than that I am a jew

"but these front-line officers are being put in an impossible situation"
...because I dislike being told to keep my distance from my enemy's march with my sklull cap and stolen star of Vishnu on, so someone has to resign.

"apologise and discuss what more the Met can do to ensure jewish Londoners feel safe"
Why? For trying to make sure an attack doesn't happen against the jew? Yes, the police are put in an impossible situation indeed; the jew is making it impossible for the police to keep the jew safe. The jew is antagonising.

Police: Don't go near them. It's unsafe.

"We're not allowed and able to deport terrorists... paedophiles and foreign drug-dealers because of the European Court of Human Rights"
We're not able to protect the jew from its enemies.

"[so] we're not subject to a foreign court"
...such as that of "israel".

"which is totally undermining this government's ability to control migration"
Says a non-White in White UK, in this supposedly-White-area "govern"ment.

"because of the apparent lack of the right for jewish people to walk where they want to walk, when they want to go there, in London."
"I'm a jew. I hate Humans - namely Palestinians. I stole their Land. I come to London. I see they are demonstrating against me. It is my right to walk among them wearing my jewish skull cap and the Star of Vishnu I stole and perverted and renamed to 'star of david'."

"my complaint, let me be clear, is not againt those individual officers on the ground"
Waiting for instruction from the jew who said it's not the front-line police; it's those at the top, then repeating that instruction. When would a politician ever say anything opposing what the jew has said? (Other than One Politician in particular, of course...)

"This is about orders that they are being given, this is about the leadership."
Police Commissioner: Dearest police on the ground. Thou hast to keep the Palestinians safe while they are marching in protest against "israel". What you cannot and must not do, however, is keep a holier-than-thou jew safe by instructing it to not go near its enemy's march; instead, let it go near its enemy's march with its jew skull cap and stolen, perverted "star of david", and let it be attacked. Thou shalt not keep the jew safe and protected.

"As I said, there is a crisis of confidence in the Met because this has been going on for 6 months. They failed to stop extremism, islamism, antisemitism and hatred on our streets of Britain. These have beocme a weekly occurrence, and every time these marches happen, London becomes a no-go zone for jewish people."

Marching is fine. What is not fine is your enemy going near your march with its statements and symbols of opposition. Love or hate the police, the police officer was doing the right thing. People don't like being arrested, but what is going to happen? Allow the jew to walk among the Pro-Palestinian march demonstrators with someone or more than one recognising the jew skull cap and stolen, perverted "star of david", or say "go away or you'll be taken away", to keep things safe and peaceful? The jew had a choice to go away and refused. The police officer responded as police officers always respond, to everyone, all the time. The jew is no exception.

"the police are fearful of antisemitic attacks"
I can't see any attacks against Arabs. This police officer was trying to prevent that, yet wasn't "allowed" to and the jew cried. I presume the jew was trying to make an auntiesemmitik attack occur to try and cancel the march and other marches in the future.

"valuable police resources are being diverted to police and manage these marches so we can't get a police officer to turn up if there's a burglary, a knife crime incident, this is not a sustainable situation"
"the way they've chosen to deal with that threat is to say to the innocent jewish person, 'You must not cross the road, you must give-up your rights, and we're gunna arrest you if you don't listen to us'"

Police always say that type of thing... and its not giving up one's rights, its trying to make sure you are not putting yourself in a situation where attacks are very likely to happen which would mean more police will have to be diverted towards that march and away from burglary, knife crime incidentd, etc.; and just go a different way home instead. Stop thinking you are entitled and important.

"I think that's a total inversion of right and wrong."
Well, the jew's bibles do say woe unto those who put good for bad and bad for good... so woe unto the jew for antagonising those protestors and thinking it is in the right.

"What the police should be doing is saying, 'We think there is a threat of antisemitic attack here'."
Errr... it sounded like he did...

"You're quite openly jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march. I'm not accusing you of anything but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence."

"we're going to confront that threat, we're going to confront those people who we think may attack you"
Those protestors who are marching/demonstrating and it being OK? It can't be illegal because it is ongoing; if it was illegal, tasers, pepper spray, shields and maybe arms and possibly even the Army might be brought-in if it went so far, but apparently that's not happening, so the protest must be legal - and when the enemy goes near, those legally-demonstrating individuals have to be put away so that the holier-than-thou jew can walk among them, like parting the Red Sea? No-one attacked the jew; the police officer was saying - and was concerned - that something would happen, and because the hoilier-than-thou jew thinks it can part the Red Sea and walk through the sea of protestors without incident, i.e. ignoring the policeman saying to not go near the enemy's march, then the police officer threatened it with arrest.

Dear jew. Take some advice from this Black Woman -

Don't BLM? re: "Boy, 17, who killed 'defenceless' 14-year-old in attack named for first time"


You're not excepted, excluded, excused. You're not executive. You're extant among us, unfortunately, so you have no choice but to be treated the same way. You should be happy about that - you assimilated. You came and you infiltrated, and now you're being treated like One of Us. You should be happy to be treated the same way - "don't go there because there might be an incident", but instead you continue to be the bitchkike that you are, and you can't stop being that, being so full of yourself and deliberately-stupid when the policeman tells you he wants to try and make sure an incident doesn't happen against you.

"because you're jewish"
...or... because it's an enemy walking among another enemy's march who is there legally with police supervision, and who, the enemy, is antagonising them. They were protesting and it has not been a secret; it has been known for 6 months that they were protesting, yet they have to be arrested and broken-up because a jew walks among them and antagonises them?! 1, 10, 100, 1000 protestors versus 1 jew, and the jew wins?

If we take anti-islam or christian catholic v christian protestant in Ireland - the same applies. If we take Black on Black, the same applies. If we take A versus B, the same applies. It's not because you're jewish. A lot of Humans don't know about the jew. All they think they know is what they only might see in the media - if they pay the tiniest bit of attention to it. It is not because you're jewish. It's because of the behaviour and the actions and the continued, repetitive ways in which things continue to happen.

rabbi: We have not changed.

It doesn't. It won't. It can't.

"we're going to warn them that if they attack you, they'll be arrested"
So the cat is permitted to walk among the pigeons and the pigeons are at fault. As Richard said that the (presumably jew) watchers of the programme said, that what Gideon Falkner was doing is good - it is good. Thank you for... demonstrating that you think you are holier-than-thou and important and can walk among your enemy, in their march, and be protected... yet when the protector attempts to protect you, you bitch about it... Again, I refer to this -

Maybe that should be edited with Carlyle's face as falkner's face, and the others' faces as pro-Palestinian protestors' faces...

"That's what the police should be doing..."
"For that they need more bodies on the beat..."
So the jew has right of way, and those who oppose the jew should be arrrested for being antagonised without mercy?

Then there is that video (which I can't find) of a jew saying anyone who is antisemitic should lose their car, their job and be made homeless.

"They need more bodies on the beat, don't they? Because it was quite obvious in the confrontation that took place 2 Saturdays ago, that the police felt that they would be outnumbered if a confrontation developed with the demonstrators"
"If that's the case, then the police should be banning the march"
So... people's rights are being taken away from them just so a jew can walk wherever it wants among protestors, creating a situation, antagonising, instead of avaoiding a situation?

"If they feel that they don't-- i-- i- the answer to this problem cannot be..."
explained rationally, so instead we have to resort to emotional responses which support the jew while knowing fully that what we;re saying is complete bullshit. Marching/demonstrating/protesting is fine. Using your brain to avoid a situation is fine. Ignoring the protestors and creating a situation is not fine. Listening to the police and going a differeny way is fine. Actually, let me be sarcastic -

According to you, Suella,

  • marching/demonstrating/protesting is not fine because people's rights should be curtailed when the object of that protest comes among them deliberately,
  • using your brain to avioid a situation, which would happen by going among that march, is not fine because you should be able to go among an enemy protest and antagonise them,
  • those protestors should be arrested for not going among the enemy who came among them,
  • the enemy who came among the protestors should not be arrested but those protestors that the enemy came among should be,
  • ignoring the protestors being there and going among them deliberately with identifying marks - the jew skull cap and the stolen and perverted "star of david" - is fine

and when the police try to make sure a situation doesn't happen by saying that you showing your identifying marks while you walk among a protest in which you might be attacked, and that you should go a different way, and because you protest against the police's concern you then be threatened with arrest because you are trying to antagonise... that's not fine.

  • it's not fine to protest against a thing
  • it is fine to use identifying marks while walking among those protestors knowing that it will antagonise them
  • it is not fine to be told by law enforcement to keep yourself and the protestors and the police safe because of concerns with those identifying marks antagonising those protestors, to avoid the situation
  • it is fine to ignore the police trying to tell you this, and to try to continue on regardless
  • it is not fine to be threatened with arrest to avoid the situation because you refused to avoid the situation and you refused to accept the police's advice and thank him
  • it is fine that you chose to antagonise the protestors with your identifying marks and ignore the police's concerns to avoid the situation so that you therefore had the casus belli of demanding police be reformed and lose their job
  • it is not fine for protestors to demonstrate, so it should be banned

"The answer to this problem cannot be that the only way to stop anti-semitic violence or anti-semitic attacks is to arrest the innocent jewish civilian."
Aren't the protestors are innocent civilians? They were there, then the jew came among them, antagonised them by flying its flag of skull cap and stolen and perverted "star of david", and antagonised and ignored police and his concerns and advice... and only then was threatened with arrest. The police do give chances. Stop ignoring what happened, you dirty politician.

"If the answer is we don't have the resource, then the Met commissioner has the power to apply to the Home Secretary to ban the march."
Yeah, and then see what marches would happen as a result.

"It cannot be right that the Met commissioner says, 'We are going to allow and protect the rights of the anti-semitic "thugs", for want of a better word, it'snoteverybodyonthemarch,butthosepeopletheyfearwillcarryouttheseattacks - we're going to protect their rights to intimidate and harrass, and everybody else - jewish or non-jewish - but innocent and nottakingpartinthemarch - they've got to go away, they've got to give-up their rights'."
While the UK has been giving guns to "israel" to kill Palestinians, Suella Braverman says those who oppose that must not be "allowed" to oppose it so that those who are killing Palestinians, and those who associate with those who are killing Palestinians, can continue walking down a street where those who oppose it are opposing it. What intimidation and harrassment? They were there, and then the jew went up to them. They didn't intimidate nor harrass; the jew came to them after the jew knew it had been happening for 6 months, flying its flag of skull cap and stolen and perverted "star of david" and then ignoring police concern and advice to then cry like a dirty, little bitch that the police's boss should be sacked.

"Do you defend the right of the peaceful protestors to protest?"
"I do believe in the right to peaceful protest. I think it's the foudnation of our democracy, but the point is that these marches cannot be peaceful if they've reached the point where the police fear anti-semitic attacks that they can't handle, and they're telling jewish people to stay away from."
I don't know what policies and rules and laws there are in other parts of the World where Health and Safety is a requirement; however, in my experience here, I know that "Health and Safety is everyone's responsibility". That means the jew has the responsibility to avoid situations, and not create situations, where any alleged anti-semitic attacks would occur - but that doesn't matter, because it wasn't an anti-semitic attack; the jew went up to them after knowing it had been happening for 6 months already.

"That suggests that these marches has reached a threshold, whereby they are unmanageable and that they are hateful to a large degree"
I'm sorry, reader. The record is stuck. I'm going to repeat myself... again. It is not a threshold. It is not unmanageable. It is not necessarily hateful. "Some of my best friends are jewish." Probably, not but they might know a jew or more than one who they might interact with. Just like with 11/Sept/2001 and 7/Jul/2005, people still knew muslims and didn't shun them. It's that the jew went up to the protest which it knew was happening already and decided to antagonise because it wanted to go there. It's not those who were there already who were away from the jew who did anything; they were away from the jew; the jew went up to them and caused the problem.

It is not a threshold. It is not unmanageable. Saying that it is is psychological. Sayign that is an attempt to put it into people's Minds and Mentalities and Psychologies, and to try to cause things to happen. Suella Braverman, I am inclined to (((start calling))), has planted a seed there; or more-accurately, gideon falter has planted a seed and (((bravereman - bravermann?))) is nurturing that seed...

Forgive my attempt at a bad joke but it is gideon's falter that this happened. Pun definitely intended. It is not the protestors' who were there already, and had been for 6 months - and the media and politicians are backing the jew and defending the jew and giving "israel" weapons to kill Humans.

"You are quite-openly jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march. I'm not accusing you of anything, but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence."
"Because I'm jewish I can't cross the road today?"
"Because of the march!"
"Yes, because I'm jewish."
"...That is part of-- unfortunately, part of the factor."
The jew tried getting the police officer to say what the jew needed so as to control things [click here]. The jew is trained in doing this. If you, once upon a time in Ireland, were catholic and you went to a protestant area, or vice-versa, then you'd be stupid. "Because I'm jewish", "Is it 'cos I is Black?" eyeroll If you hid being a jew and didn't fly the flag of skull cap and stolen and perverted "star of david", and didn't make a fuss about you being a jew, then you might have got through without anyone noticing, but then you might have been stopped regardless anyway - but knowing that either,

  1. the protest had been happening for 6 months which was against you, or that
  2. any protest was happening there which was not in your interests

with large crowds of people who are emotional and upset, then you very probably wouldn't have gone there anyway. You made the choice to be antagonistic while showing-off you being a jew amongst pro-Palestinian protestors. You ignored the police officer's concerns and just cried "muh aunti semitizums!". Grow up.

As we can see in the video - the jew said the police officer will have to arrest it, and the police officer said he would rather not do that. So (((bravermann))) saying "the way they've chosen to deal with that threat is to say to the innocent jewish person you must not cross the road, you must give up your rights , and were gunna arrest you if you don't listen to us" is a blatant lie. The jew, gideon falter, was being antagonistic in asking the police officer "How do you want me to get to the other side of the road?" and while the police officer was trying to answer, saying, "I will quite happily walk you over there", the jew kept on bitching-on instead of letting the police officer answer, going back to saying it is not disingenuous, instead of waiting for and accepting an answer from the police officer, and accepting the offer of being escorted by the police officer.

"Gideon, was it your intention to force the issue?"
"Well, this is the thing - I was just being jewish."
Yes. We - at least those of us here in the Joy of Satan Ministries, and some others outside of the JoSM - know. You also didn't answer "did you intend to?" directly. Inferences and implications are preferred, instead of direct words and actual answers. The policeman gave direct words, saying what he said, the jew avoids things in what it said.

"There aren't very many ways to cross a road - you just cross the road!"
Yes, and there aren't very many ways to avoid a pro-Palestinian protest when you're a jew, either... eyeroll

"The entire idea that I was trying to... provoke something - how? What was I trying to provoke? I wasn't wearing a badge, I didn't have a sign, I wasn't waving a flag, I wasn't shouting a slogan"
No, the skull cap and "star of david" - which is stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted from the Star of Vishnu - is what you were having and showing and wearing.

"I was just walking around with my kippah - my skull cap - on after synagogue; I had a small bag which you put your prayer shawl in which has a small "star of david" on it, and that's what I was walking around with; there was nothing else to mark me
So those are not metaphoric flags? Those are not signs?

"It's not, for me, about these front-line officers. It's about the decisions that have been made for 6 months now"
So the jew knew that it was happening for 6 months, and decided to go there anyway.

"by Sir Mark Roley, who has failed abjectly to stand-up for jewish Londoners, and he seems to have thrown our rights, he's curtailed our right and our ability to walk around the street"
What about those protestors' rights? They were there, you knew they were there, you knew for 6 months they were there and you went there anyway and you decide that your right to walk where you know they've been for 6 months overrides their right to protest.

"in favour of letting these huge protestors do what they want."
It sounded like you said that you would do what you want, you wanted to walk there so you will. So it's OK for you to say and do and be like that, but not others?

The reason there is a police prescence is to make sure that they don't do what they want. It's to supervise and make sure things don't get out of control. You decided to go there and be there while knowing that they had been there for ages already. If two opposing sides have rights, then why do you think you can deny your enemy's side's rights in favour of yours, so that you can do what you want?

"Do you think that the protestors have a right to be there? They clearly do not have a right to abuse or intimidate or threaten, but do you think they have a right to protest what's happening?"
"I think that we obviously have a right to protest in this country, but every right that we have is balanced by obligations and duties and considerations for other people, and in the UK the right to protest isn't absolute, and the Met commissioner can either limit these protests in size and scope, say 'you can't have more than this many people, this is going to be your route, you can't do it every week', or he can ban them outright"
OK, so do you think that the protestors have a right to be there? Do you think they have a right to protest what's happening? Against jewish things and for Palestinian things?

A learned tactic of the jew is explained in the jew book I linked to above. It involves pretending to answer the question, giving the appearance of answering the question presented to you, while in actual fact redirecting the topic away from the interviewer's topic/question, to your own agenda.

To repeat -
"Gideon, was it your intention to force the issue?"
"Well, this is the thing - I was just being jewish."

"Do you think that the protestors have a right to be there? Do you think they have a right to protest what's happening?"
"we obviously have a right to protest in this country"
Twice, the jew didn't answer the questions. "This is the thing" is one of the tactics the jew uses to avoid answering, while giving the illusion that it is answering, and redirect the topic to its own agenda. "That's not the point; the point is...", "I think the question to ask is...", etc.

"the Met commissioner can either limit these protests in size and scope, say 'you can't have more than this many people, this is going to be your route, you can't do it every week', or he can ban them outright"
So then the point of protesting would be... what, then? Protestors protest to force change for the better. If one cannot protest, then what potential problems would be as a result? Escalation to civil war, in which the Army would be introduced and - presumably being (((brainwashed))) - murder innocent Human civilians for disagreeing with (((TPTB and its agenda)))? What's the point in protesting if it is empty and pointless and meaningless? Protesting is not done for the protestees' reasons; protesting is done for the protestors' reasons, yet the jew reckons all happens for its reasons.

"Which would you want him to do?"
"I would want him-- at this point, it's been 6 months now..."
A third time not answering the question.

"Well, you are very much the man in the eye of the storm at the moment. You're all over the media. Are you planning to knowingly force the issue next Saturday? Are you going to go back?"
"Yeah. I have decided that..."
So finally, an answer to a question when it's in the jew's interests.

"So you're going to intercept the marches...?"
"We're going to walk along the routes"
So the police officer was right, then. You did go towards those pro-Palestinian protestors - or as the policeman said, walked against them. Now you are going to do it yourself. That, in this video, was to check, testing the reaction.

"and we're going to essentially force the police"
Antagonistic and manipulative much?

"to make sure these things are safe for jewish people. We've been gaslit, essentially, for months now by the Met
Oh. Speaking of gaslighting -

It's OK for the jew to gaslight Humans, but when - as the jew claims - it is gaslit, then that's a problem!

because the Met keeps saying these things are safe, nothing to worry about, they're brilliantly policed, and the reality is that's not true, and it's so badly policed that if you are a jew on the sideline of this thing, they have to threaten you with arrest to get rid of you."
You weren't on the sidelines. You went to them, knowing it was happening and had been for 6 months, and you were told of a concern and advised to not be stupid and ignorant (but not in those exact words...), yet you ignored the police and said that you will walk, ignoring the police, and you said to the policeman that he'll have to arrest you to which he said he would rather not. The arrest would not be to get rid of you, it's to make sure that the 100-1 protestors-to-police situation wouldn't get out of control while you were going among them deliberiately while wearing jewish skull cap and "star of david", so you should choose to not antagonise and choose to not ignore; yet apparently you want the situation to get out of control. So now we have (((bravermann))) and this jew falter - or for those with OCD, (((falter))) - bullshitting blatantly.

"How many of you will go on this counter-march next Saturday?"
"I think so far it's looking like over 1000 people."
"What if there's a major incident?"
"This is what the police have to-- if the police are saying that jewish people cannot safely be in the presence of these things, then the police-- the legal threshold for banning these marches is if it 'causes serious disruption to the life of the community'. If crossing the road means that you have to be threatened with arrest, and told to get out of the area, I'd say that's serious disruption to the life of the community."
So "what if there's a major incident?"Well-learned in pretending to answer questions when it doesn't concern it in its interests. "I got told to not be antagonistic, so 1000+ j00z are going to not-march and cause problems, threatening the life of the community", then, is it? Instead of actually answering the question "what if there's a major incident?", the jew sounded like it was saying it will cause a major incident, because the Goy police won't protect it while it is being hubristic in the face of its enemy, so life-threatening behaviour might ensue.

"How much worse can it get before Mark Roley uses his powers?"
What's that? "If you don't use your police powers to protect me while I'm walking against anti-semitic, so I claim, protestors who are pro-Palestine, then we will cause problems for you by having a large crowd."

"When you say that you were threatened with arrest, you said to the police officer 'you're going to have to arrest me' and the police officer said, 'I'd rather not do that'."
"This is after he'd already threatened me with arrest. I was threatened with arrest pretty much at the beginning."
As I said, police do give chances. Surely you don't have to be a retarded jew to realise that in a pro-Palestinian protest, which appears to be anti-jew, that being a jew and going there is a stupidly retarded idea, so being arrested would be for your safety. Those who are drunk and arrested, if they don't go too far, might be let-off to go home, or they are given a night in the cells to sober-up, and from what I can tell probably would be released the next day if they didn't do anything to be charged with anything. The police officer telling you, that while you're "quite openly jewish" with your jew skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" on your bag, going towards a pro-Palestinian - which you think was anti-jew - demonstration... to not go there, and that the police officer is concerned for your being there... and that he'd happily walk you away from it... is not a bad thing. If you resist and demand and continue on, then obviously he'd say you'd be arrested. Of course he would. The jew is so full of woe and misery and doesn't understand how and why it is muh pursecyootid. Even its own holey-with-an-E books admit it does shit against Earth and Her Inhabitants and then is confused-as-fuck about why everyone hates it so much.

If anyone has read this far, then please reply to me with an answer to this question -
what are the parallels, if you can see any, between what this dirty jew falter did, showing-off its skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" (which is actually the Star of Vishnu), by going to the pro-Palestinian protestors and as the policeman said going against them, and the "Hey, rabbi. Whatcha' doin'?" meme/picture? What are the parallels?!

"...there was another inspector who came along and said, 'If you stay here, you will be committing a breach of the king's peace and we will remove you, we will arrest you.'."
So you had a choice. Firstly, to not go to the protestors at all, which you chose to deliberately, while flying the flag of the skull cap and the stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david"; and secondly, to not ignore the police who were concerned and after they advised you to not be there, but since you are holier-than-thou and a jew, you don't have to do what the Goyim say, and even though the police are the police, you think you are above the law, so you will ignore the concern and advice and instead cry that the commissioner should resign; and you will also not-march next Saturday in defiance. You could have been mature and humble and thank the police for their concern and advice and go home a different way since you knew the protest had been happening for 6 months, but nope, instead you chose to do what you said - "I was just being jewish".

"There were also other things like on that Sky footage a little bit later on, I actually say to the officer, 'What if I take off my skull cap and turn this prayer shawl bag around so you can't see the 'star of david' on it, then would you let me cross the road?', and his response - I'd actually forgotten until I saw the Sky footage - he said, 'I don't have any confidence in you not to put it back on so I'm not letting you cross the road'."
Then he would be in serious trouble if an incident happened by letting you go. You ignored him because you reckon that you're important and all of those Goyim aren't. If an incident happened... then an incident would have happened, which is the most-important and serious; and secondly, he'd be in trouble. He couldn't take that chance. Since you went to the pro-Palestinian protestors in the first place and flying your flag, it is extremely obvious that that's why the police officer didn't have the confidence in you. The police come from the top-down, from the worst incidents down to what is happening in the situation. He's there to make sure shit doesn't happen, so he can't be lazy and apathetic and be like, "Meh. Whatever. Do what you want." when there is tension there and emotions are flaring, and presumably he either has direct experience or - as everyone knows - knows what crowds and protests are like...which you also know what they are like.

"It's the accusation that you're deliberately acting as a provocation, whereas you maintain you're simply guilty of being jewish, which is an outrageous accusation."
Bingo! That's the jew. It wasn't 'doing wrong'. It was merely being jewish. Is a bacterium bad and wrong for giving people illness, or killing people, or is it simply being a bacterium? Is the jew doing wrong and is the jew bad for what it does... or is it simply being jewish?!

This explains... so. fucking. much. The jew is as the jew does, and when it gets caught, it's like, "WtF did I do wrong?!". Is a star/the Sun bad and wrong for giving people skin cancer while it also gives them warmth and life, or is it merely being a star? Is a supernova bad and wrong for destroying all life within the Goldilocks Bay Bear Zone, or is it merely being a supernova? Is a black hole wrong and bad for devouring a star and other debris close-enough to it, or is it merely being a black hole? Is a bullet bad and wrong for killing someone, or is it merely being a bullet? The star, the supernova, the black hole, the bullet don't have any choice nor opinion; likewise, the jew is merely a robot with a programme, and it cannot go outside of its programming. It is merely being jewish.

"What if next Saturday 1000 of you, say, or maybe more rock up at the pro-Palestinian demonstration and the senior policeman or Woman in charge says, 'I think there will be an incident if these two marches meet; therefore, I am halting you, I am not letting you go any further until this march is gone past - what would you say to that?"
"I'm going to-- what I-- we're being very deliberate about this. We're not organising a march or a protest or something like that. I've said I'm going to go for a walk and we're encouraging other people to walk in the area, as well."
"Well, that's a march, isn't it?"
"No, it's not."
No, just like lexicon doesn't mean dictionary but does mean word book, stupid jew. All three mean the same thing. The jew dissimilates.

"It's not, because a march would be that I say, 'OK. We're all going to meet at this spot and we're going to walk to that spot, and we've got a route, and all of that'."
The jew loves dissimilation. For those who don't know, "dissimilation" means to change things. Words, meanings, changing. "Satan", for example, doesn't mean "devil" or "evil", and the jew knows that it doesn't... The jew dissimilates and the jew loves dissimilation, and because it is the jew, it reckons that it can decide what things mean. "It's not a march because we're not saying it's a march!" "'god' not spoak it; thus, it not be dat!"

"Instead, I'm just saying, look - no banners, no flags. No placards."
No? No skull cap and no stolen, twisted, perverted, corrupted "star of david". Really? So antagonistic and disingenuous...

"I'm going to go for a walk, again - looking like a jew, because I'm jewish, and other people shouid feel free to do the same thing, including non-jewish people who want to stand with us"
I was wondering if it might be to see how many Goyim want to stand with the "cause".

"and they should just feel free to be able to walk in the vicinity with their friends."
Oh, but the pro-Palestinian protestors there are not "allowed", because you're a jew and you decided that you could have your banner, flag, placard in the form of your jew skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted, and corrupted "star of david" on your bag to and not only go to them but also as the policeman said "deliberately leave the pavement and walk against this march" to antagonise them and ignore the police and then cry about being protected and cry about keeping the peace?! You're not disruptive at all, jew! The jew thrives on pain and misery and negativity and conflict...

"If these things are being properly policed, then that will be a safe thing to do."
Herp-derp. The jew takes what is already, twists it, and then re-presents it as pretending that it is its own... "thing". The police officer said that. He was trying to police it properly, but you're crying like the little dirty bitch that you are because you can't get your own way because it was too dangerous. You try to put your hand in a fire and then you cry that you can't keep it in there because you want to keep it there. Not only does the jew thrive on pain and misery and negativity and conflict... it is so fucking schizophrenic, as well...

"Are you confident?"
"I'm... not confident."
Just repeating the instruction given by your higher-ups. Yeah, nor was the policeman confident about you being there because of your deliberate antagonism, but it's OK for you to not be confident, though. The policeman was not confident that you'd be a good little jew, and now you're not confident and your fellow j00z are not confident in the police... Please - if anyone has read this far, please explain this to me...

"It does seem like the Met is asking you for advice - how can they avoid this happening again, how can they avoid confrontation. how can they allow a protest - we live in a country where there is a right to protest - how can they allow that to happen without telling individual people, 'You can't go there because you're the provocation."
So the police who are the police and are trained and understand things that the desk workers don't need to ask the jew for advice on something that the police are trained in and do as a part of their job? puke So the police should just let the jew go among the pro-Palestinian protestors while wearing its jew skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" and not do anything, then. Sort of like prison officers turning a blind eye to certain things happening against certain inmates... Maybe that's an idea! eyeroll puke

"We've got to have a balance of rights here. You have an absolute right to be safe."
The policeman was trying to keep the jew safe, FFS. The policeman could have just ignored the jew and let it go in the group, but didn't. Either these people are so beyond retarded or they have been told by their bosses behind the cameras to pander to the jew's poowr feewings and schizophrenia.

It's obvious that (((TPTB))) have made it such that the police, AKA the laws and controls and things, are for - rather, against - the Goyim, and not for - rather, not against - the jew. The jew lives under other laws, but it gets caught-up in Human-living, as well.

"Thank you, and how crazy it is that we're having a conversation in which that does need to be said. It's crazy."
Yeah, just like those post submasters and submisstresses who were ignored for decades who had not been compensated properly for decades, or those who were given contaminated blood and had died from it, and countless other Human things. Poowr jewww!! Waaaaahhhh! You couldn't cross a street in a location which you knew was not safe for you to go to, because you might have been attacked or killed. Poowr yoooww, jooooww!!

"These marches need to be brought under control"
The police were doing that. You were trying to defy the police and antagonise the pro-Palestinian protestors.

"and the Met police need to-- they still just don't get it."
Actually, they do, but I suspect you might be referring to what the rabbi said about asking the Goyim if we get it, that the jew is "god" and we have to worship its faeces every second of every day.

In the video, I deliberately added a bit at the end of a discussion about Human "rights" (perhaps rather I should say "Human" rights by which it is actually jew rights and not Humans' rights). Suella is arguing that we need to get rid of EU law so we can make our own "Human rights" laws in England... then in the very next bit about the jew crying that it was wearing identifiable marks while walking towards a Pro-Palestinian protest and in which the police advised it that it might be in trouble for being there, it is not about "Human rights" at all because the preotestors are in the wrong, the head of the Met is in the wrong so should lost his job, and the antagonistic jew is in the right. Herp-derp.

From earlier in the video, expanding on what I said above,
"I don't blame the front line officers ... these front-line officers are being put in an impossible situation. The change that we need isn't going to come from front-line officers; it's got to come from the top of the Met."
"Assistant Commissionar Matt Twist has written to gideon to offer that private meeting to both apologise personally and discuss what more the Met can do to ensure jewish Londoners feel safe."
What? So that the officers on the beat are told to break-up a Pro-Palestinian march so that a jew can part the Red Sea and walk through unscathed, instead of avoiding the area and going a different way home - and being escorted and offered to be escorted by a police officer?! Also again - the trained police who do this as a part of their job as and when need to ask how to do their job?...

"The Met has also invited senior jewish leaders and members of the communities to what it describes as an operational planning exercise, really to offer reassurance that they do want to learn from mistakes."
What mistakes? Helping someone not be in a situation that could escalate? So the jew is going to stick its nose into People's affairs to make sure the jew gets its own way, and when People go on marches like this in which the jew decides to go among them, those People will be classed as antisemitic and be arrested because the jew went among them? So much for being "allowed" to protest.

"I think the incident involving gideon shone a light on what's been happening for the last 6 months..."
So gideon knew it was happening for 6 months and chose, very deliberately, to wave its flag of jewish skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" among them, and more so by not going away from them when advised to by police. Instead, it created a situation by going there and ignoring police concern and advice, to which the police threatened it with arrest, which is what police do if people cause problems or have the potential to cause problems. They do give fair warnings and chances, and gideon had warnings and chances, and it decided to ignore the police concerns and advice and be antagonistic against the demonstrators and against the police, on purpose. The jew's head it so far up its arse that it has no idea that this is how the police are - actually are. Either that, or the jew does know... and simply was being a holier-than-thou, self-entitled piece of shit so as to antagonise things further to cause more problems so that the jew can "fix", on its terms, the problem it created.

Just shut the fuck up and go a different way home. Stop making a scene, causing problems, creating situations. The jew is so antagonistic. Problem, Reaction. Solution. The jew antagonises to make things happen. If the protestors are not coming up to you from a distance, then you can avoid them when you see them. Granted, you might not have seen them immediately, but you go to synagogue and they've been protesting for 6 months so you can't have missed them; but once you did see them you could then go away; the police advising you to go away because he is concerned should help you, but you chose to ignore that help and advice. Now the police commissioner is at fault because you chose to ignore the police and chose to antagonise the protestors and the police instead.

If you go towards them with your identifying marks, then you're at fault, not the protestors, not the police officers on the beat, not the police commissioner. You think you're entitled. You think you have right of way. Your attitude is that you will walk among protestors who disagree with your "religion"; rather, race, hurting a People of a Country - which sounds like a blatant and direct and deliberate violation of international law; the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - and expect that you can be given power over them because they are protesting when you "left the synagogue and came across this march" - when you went among them. You could have avoided them. You were advised to avoid, yet you chose, deliberately, to make a situation. You chose to antagonise.

"The police are fearful of an antisemitic attack - or antisemitic attacks generally"
Yes. That police officer said he is not accusing the semite, the jew, of anything but he is concerned. Fearful, concerned. So why should he be ignored and why should the police commissioner resign, just because the jew decided, while knowing it has been happening for 6 months, that it would antagonise the protestors and antagonise the police by ignoring his concerns and advice so as to attempt to be threatend with arrest? Clearly the jew manipulated the situation, then cried and whinged like a dirty, little, dirty jewbitch.

"attacks on someone because they're jewish."
...or because they were demonstrating and that jew knew they had been demonstrating and the demonstrations had been happening for 6 months... and that jew went there among them deliberately flying the jew flag of skull cap and stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" on purpose, ignoring police concern and advice, antagonising and manipulating the protestors and the police. It's not an attack because it's a jew; it's because an enemy went among an enemy's protest and in its arrogance conceit hubris, it thought it would win... and now with this news bit, and the subsequent 1000 jew not-march, and the police commissioner being called to resign... maybe the jew did win. The jew is so arrogant conceited hubristic. It thinks it can walk all over everyone just because it has a dirty kikesoul. It is so manipulative. It is so antagonistic, and when Humans react, we are the ones in the wrong, and get punished for it. Notice the same behaviours in the jew and in "god" with the mistreatment of Humans, treating us like shit.

I said above that those pro-Palestinian protestors, marchers, demonstrators were doing it legally. Things can go wrong in peaceful protests; someone might get wound-up and cause problems, so then (((media))) will exaggerate and say it is not peaceful. Surely, if this Pro-Palestinian march, protest, demonstration was illegal, the police would have shut it down by now.

Why can't a White Girl post some Black rap lyrics online without being arrested?
Why can't a White schoool Boy in primary school visit a Donald Trump website (if I remember correctly; I can't find it now) without a teacher ringing the police?
Why can't a White Man post a picture of his dog doing the Roman (not-Nazi) salute - OK, fine, the Nazi salute - without being arrested?
Why can't pro-Palestinians demonstrate against something they disagree with without fear of being arrested because the enemy jew walks among them with an identifying skull cap and identifying stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted "star of david" on?

Maybe that's what the jew in this story was tasked with. Going in to the enemy's protest and antagonising it in an attempt to make it become shut down. Plan B, since that was thwarted, is to get 1000 j00z not-marching (which has supposed to have been cancelled). Muh definition. The jew disimilates. Oh - also see the book Joys of Yiddish is a dictionary but not a lexicon but is a wordbook... (They all mean the same effing thing!)

jew: Zee Goyim are revolting! Shut it down!

The jew decied that, because it wanted to go there, it would, and ignored the police's concerns that there would be an incident so now it wants the police commissioner to resign and changes be made. It doesn't answer questions regarding the pro-Palestinian protestors, but it does answer questions directly when they're in its own interests. MP Suella Braverman also agreed with the jew, meaning the MP also lied blatantly about the "innocent jew". The jew said it wasn't flying a flag nor holding up any signs but does admit wearing its jew skull cap and "star of david", which is stolen, twisted, perverted and corrupted from the Star of Vishnu, while walking among the pro-Palestinian protestors. It knew the protest had been happening for 6 months, and it decided to go among it anyway, because it wanted to, instead of avoiding it.

"There have been people shouting at me 'baby killer' and all sorts of things."
"Well, not while I've been here."
"Yes, they have, whilst you've been talking to me, and you've not done a single thing about any of them."
"Well, I'm sorry, sir; you've been engaging in conversation."
"I've not engaged you in conversation; you started shoving me. You have witnessed all sorts of behaviour towards me."
"No. I've just been talking to you."

The jew claims the police commissioner has curtailed jew rights in favour of protestors' rights so that the protestors can do what they want, yet the jew said to the police officer that it is going to walk in a certain area because it wants to, and it persisted. So it's OK for the jew to do what it wants, among its enemy's protest and anywhere, but it's not OK for anyone else to do things, in this case those who were there beforehand where the jew wants to go and cause a problem among them. The jew - not just this one, but as a whole - is so antagonistic, manipulative, thinks it is important compared to the rest of us, that it thinks it can do what it wants when it wants but at the same time thinking it can stop non-jews doing what they want when they want...

"This has been happening as part of a pattern of behaviour now."
Yeah, the jew has a pattern of behaviour, as well...

The police were behaving as police do, while doing their job. The jew doesn't get preferential, self-entitled treatment because it wants what it wants, especially while it knows that something is happening and has been happening already.

"Finally it's on film. Finally people are paying attention to it."

The jew reckoned it was going to have 1000+ people joining a counter-march, but that has been cancelled.



The jew, gideon falter, said that the Met police has been gaslighting the jew for ages. Speaking of gaslighting -

It's OK for the jew to gaslight Humans, but when - as the jew claims - itself is gaslit, then that's a problem!


"You are quite-openly jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march. I'm not accusing you of anything, but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence."
"Because I'm jewish I can't cross the road today?"
"Because of the march!"
"Yes, because I'm jewish."
"...That is part of-- unfortunately, part of the factor."
The jew tried getting the police officer to say what the jew needed so as to control things [click here].

...and finally, speaking of gaslighting -

"Imagine it is a Far-Right march and out of the corner of their eye, the police officer spies a Black person walking towards them."
That's nonsense, because




and you know you're bullshitting and gaslighting.

"Would they suddenly grab the Black person, pull them to the pavement"
You never said you were pulled to the pavement, which sound like you're being ambiguous, trying to make us infer your meaning as "forced to the ground", so why exaggerate in hypotheticals?

"and say, 'Listen, you're openly Black"
which is retarded, because it's beyond obvious that a Black person is a Black person... You, on the other hand, can hide being a jew; your "people" have been doing it for many centuries, and now Black people hate Whites because they think Whites did the shit that the jew actually did while the jew pretended to be White.

"you are provocative, you're antagonising people by being here and if you don't get out the area I'm going to arrest you?'"
No, because there isn't any anti-Black protest happening. Are you saying, though, that this pro-Palestine protest is Far Right? Are the pro-Palestinian protesting Goyim being Nazi unknowingly? You can try to be subtle if you want, jew.

Which people, though? Are you trying to say Far-Right activism is Pro-White only? Can't Blacks be Far-Right? Can't Asians be Far-Right?




So there you go.












Hail Satan!
Heil Hitler!
Seig Heil!
Thank you for the images at the end, I downloaded some of them if you don't mind.
They're not mine. I made one, like the soldier saluting the Nazi flag/symbol, and I share the ones I make openly, as well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
