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The burning of Grenfell Tower and the deaths of more than 70 people horrified Britain and put renewed scrutiny on building codes and safety measures.
Flames and smoke coming from the Grenfell Tower apartment block after a fire broke out in west London. (Natalie Oxford/AFP/Getty Images)
LONDON — All of the deaths in London’s horrific 2017 Grenfell Tower fire were avoidable, and there were “many failings” by institutions, entities and individuals that contributed to an astonishingly high death toll, a damning final report said Wednesday.
The long-awaited investigation into the fire at Grenfell Tower, a blaze that killed 72 people, highlighted failures among government officials, builders, subcontractors, incompetent regulators, emergency responders and others.
“All contributed to it in one way or another, in most cases through incompetence, but in some cases, through dishonesty and greed,” said Martin Moore-Bick, a retired judge who chaired the long-running inquiry.
“The simple truth is the deaths were all avoidable and those who lived in the tower were badly failed,” he said in a statement broadcast on YouTube.
Over the last six years, the independent commission held more than 300 pubic hearings and reviewed about 1,600 witness statements.
Natasha Elcock, center, a Grenfell Tower fire survivor and chair of the Grenfell United campaign group, speaks to reporters outside the building where the Grenfell Tower inquiry took place, on Wednesday in London. (Carl Court/Getty Images)
The 2017 inferno was the deadliest fire on British soil since World War II. The “cladding,” or outer layer used to refurbish the facade of Grenfell Tower, a 24-story public housing building, was made from highly combustible material. It meant that a small fire in a fourth-floor apartment kitchen spread astonishingly quickly. The tower lit up like a torch and was quickly engulfed by flames.
The inquiry was scathing in its criticism of companies involved in supplying the cladding panels for the refurbishment. They were “engaged in deliberate and sustained strategies to manipulate the testing processes, misrepresent test data and mislead the market,” the report said.
The London Fire Brigade also received criticism for failing to learn lessons from a previous fire in 2009, which should have alerted the brigade to “shortcomings in its ability to fight fires in high-rise buildings.”
During the Grenfell Tower fire, firefighters initially urged people to “stay put” in their apartments rather than flee the building.
The tragedy shocked a nation and shined a spotlight on inequality in Britain. Those killed in the blaze were immigrants, children, the elderly and the poor. Many of those who died were trapped by flames and smoke on the upper floors. Grenfell Tower itself is located in one of the wealthiest boroughs in London.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in a written statement that the government must ensure that “such a tragedy cannot occur again.” Police said they will investigate the possibility of criminal charges.
A photograph taken Tuesday shows a makeshift memorial created on the wall surrounding Grenfell Tower in west London. (Henry Nicholls/AFP/Getty Images)
The tower still stands in west London, where it dominates the skyline. Its empty shell is covered in protective white wrapping. At the top are a green heart and the words “Grenfell forever in our hearts.”
The first picture here has "paY" in the URL. It's a coincidence - those 72 people, and their families and friends, didn't pay a big enough bribe to make sure that they will not perish and instead pay with their lives, despite paying rent repeatedly. (For those who don't realise or understand - the jew reckons it is god, and "shall not perish but have eternal life", i.e. not dying and burning forever in christian hell, by bribing "god" with protection money every Sunday, repeatedly.)
Damning final report into Grenfell Tower fire
Theresa May, then-PM, ignored the survivors.
"I don't need to do things for you, but now that you are pissed off with me, I have to rush quickly to my vehicle with guards, to keep myself safe.
later, back at work, safe
Fuck you, bitches! We make laws, and you follow what we tell you to do! Fuck you!"
When You're Elected and Loved by Your People and When You're Not
How many more times can I say it is deliberate, it is done on purpose, it is orchestrated? Most of the people in that fire were not White, in North Kensington, West London. My guess is for the plausible deniability "See?We're not just against Whites; we hate all Goyim! It's not just Whites who have bad things happen against them, in White Countries!"
Rishi Sunak: The state let you down, and it must never do so again.
"Lessons must be learnt." How many times? When will they be? Keep using rhetoric.
No-one is likely to be in court until 2027, a decade after the fire. The jew's perfect number is 10.
On 14 June 2017, a high-rise fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington, West London, at 00:54 BST and burned for 60 hours. 70 people died at the scene, and 2 people died later in hospital, with more than 70 injured and 223 escaping. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha oil-platform disaster and the worst UK residential fire since the Blitz of World War II. Archived 1 month ago Archived by me
72 = 9
00:54 BST = 9
60 hours = 6
70 people died at the scene, and 2 people died later in hospital = 9
18 Children = 9
54 Adults = 9
180 officers working on the case = 9
ITV is a channel with advert breaks. ITV News went on a break. During the break were adverts. Adverts try to sell things to you, to get more money. You don't see adverts about making your life better, truly. Adverts about poverty and water aid and starvation and Animals, where the money doesn't help those; charities have existed for decades, and things are still not better; Children in Need raised £1bn in 40 years, and fatdonald's seems to be making billions per year, so £1bn in 40 years is nothing. Charities don't help. You see all of these adverts for charities, and other things, but not about decent housing. Advertising you windows, kitchens, bathrooms... but not about safe housing. It is very selective, what they show you. This news bit about the burning alive of people and the adverts among the news programme are separate. It's as if things are disjointed...
"Grenfell remains a monument to a system designed to fail."
I'm glad someone finally agrees with me. I've been saying that for years, about the "system". It is orchestrated. It is deliberate. It is done very much on purpose. It is planned. It is intended. It is attempted. It is done. It is created. It is caused...
"The system isn't broken; it was built this way."
Most certainly.
We've had a system that has allowed corporations, politicians to use it for their advantage while ultimately we pay the price, so what are you gunna do about it now? It's all there for you in black-and-white. This has gotta now be a moment, a line-in-the-sand moment for Britain."
Only now? Not previously, with other things? There have been many, countless things in the past, not just recently, but many times... yet the jew is relentless, and we've been distracted so that we can be subdued.
"The Grenfell Inquiry came up with this tangled web of blame."
Of course. It's not going to be simple, isn't it?
"Seven years on we said 'Never again' yet again and again and again we have spoken to tenants across the country in tower blocks, in social housing, whose councils and housing associations are ignoring them when they're living in dangerous, unsafe housing, and tonight hundreds of thousands of people will go to bed in dangerous, unsafe housing."
ITV News: Do you live in a in social housing, with a housing association?
Person: Yes.
ITV News: Is your building safe?
Person: ... I don't know... I hope so...
Does that describe you or anyone you know? You don't know if your own home is safe? You have to rely on others, yes? No?
We have to rely on others, and other things. Birds know how to build their own homes. They don't have to buy them or pay rent, which is buying them but not actually having, owning, keeping them. Birds can build nests freely and free, anywhere they see fit. No-one else builds their homes out of dangerous things, or anything which may or may not be dangerous, that they themselves don't know about nor understand. They build their nests themselves. The more I consider these things, the more I realise renting is disgusting. I wonder who, and how many, will disagree with me, and what arguments they will bring. Homes should be free, and proper - not just merely decent, but done properly. Maybe I could build my own nest, but then I'd need shekels to do that. I'd need to purchase Nature - land - to be able to build it... still not how I want; I'd need "permission". Giving shekels to strangers, getting permission off strangers. It's as if I own nothing and am pretending to be happy; it's as if I am a slave.
Someone who is interested in investing money in stocks/shares said that he learnt that we should first invest in stocks/shares, then in companies/businesses, then in accommodation. That way, that method, is the best avenue to earn a lot of money. People need to live in homes, and that is a major exploitation, a major rape against us. The jew came to this Planet and has been occupying it and claiming it as its own, and then pretending that it owns Our Planet and pretending that we, indigenous people of this Planet, need its permission to enjoy Our Own Planet. Let me come to your home, take over, claim your home as my own and make you think that you need my permission to do things inmy own your own home. No? I wonder why not...
If you want anything doing right, do it yourself.
Notice that the gallery is behind the Prime Minister, and the "govern"ment who is in the seat, so that the "govern"ment and the PM don't have to look at them; instead, have their backs to them; so the people - the families and bereaved - don't see the PM and the "govern"ment in the face, but instead see only their backs. That is deliberate. I know I keep saying "deliberate" and "on purpose" and "orchestrated" a lot, but it is, and I don't know how else to say it.
How many inquiries are there into things? Yet nothing improves. Things still continue to get worse and worse, regardless. The inquiries are merely for our satisfaction - yet they aren't satisfying, clearly. It's to pretend to have authourities doing something on our side, for us, and sometimes results might happen eventually, but things still happen again and again. If we don't want to be christians and slaughtering innocent victims and Peoples to death because they disagree with our faerie tale story book character imaginaryfriend fiend, then we have to suffer with things happening against us. Either way, Souls suffer and might be destroyed... The jew doesn't care; as long as it has a steady stream of Souls to abuse and torture, it doesn't care if its its slaves or another jew's slaves, as long as suffering and death and destruction occur.
I also need to mention again that (((TPTB))) make things go slowly on purpose. We have to wait, and things take a long time to pretend to get anywhere. The jew makes things go slowly deliberately. It has structured things so well. I don't know what, where, when, by whom, how and maybe why, but I can guarantee yet another thing will happen sooner or later. It won't not.
It's like, in the tapestry of life, threads are going along, which is life advancing, and along this thread are knots. These knots are massive, major, big events, which spur-up a lot of hate and anger and upset energy, that the jew and its egregore can use. Presumably, because the egregore is being diminished, and christian, muslim, communist, etc., and obviously and of course jew energies are not working as much, more and more planned and created and [other word for orchestrated] acts happen, because the jew needs them to happen. There may be a pattern. I had wondered for quite a while if, during jew holidays, Children went missing around the same times, for its evil events. Then someone posted about that exact, very thing. Along the thread, as life moves on, we will, undoubtedly and guaranteed, encounter more knots.
PM Kier Starmer "wanting" to apologise to the families and the victims, saying, "I am deeply sorry". If it weren't Starmer in the seat, someone else would "want to" apologise and b say they are "deeply sorry". That's merely a formality, not any actual proper nor meaningful, heartfelt apology. How can Starmer apologise "on behalf of the British State" when the State, the People dislikes and hates the "govern"ments and has been doing so for decades? How can Starmer apologise when it was someone else in the seat; rather, some ones else, beforehand? If Starmer was not in the seat and someone else was, Starmer wouldn't be bothering with that; instead, he'd be doing other things. It's an act, and there is a board game, The Game of Life. (((They))) try to turn real-life into playthings.
I also want to question the reactions of the MPs in there. When a person is speaking (not 'the Speaker'), usually the MPs all be like football hooligans, going, "Yeeaaaahhhh!" and similar; this time, they're quite solemn-sounding and quiet, whispering quiet yeahs. I am having trouble believing them.
"Accountiblility was key, from a government so enthralled to deregulation, questions around safety of life were ignored; to systematically-dishonest companies who knew how dangerous their products were, but sold them anyway; a local authourity which having failed to keep its residents safe couldn't even treat survivors with basic Human decency."
I am reminded of bad building practices in places I think like China and India, if I remember correctly, where they built dangerous building walls which included plastic bottles within them. Whatever safety regulations that might not exist in LEDCs, regardless of what do exist here we still have a different tier of problems. There may be Health and Safety here, but it is merely a level, a tier, a degree. When one knows enough about a subject and can surpass and bypass the local area's regulations with enough knowledge, they can exploit it and cause problems...
When I said "lessons will be learnt", I said that before I heard it being said on the news. It is just so obvious that it would be said. It has been suggested, by people on here and in offline life, I may be autistic. Consider this - the autistic response "lessons will be learnt". It's as if we watch enough TV that we can expect, and know, what is going to be said in a situation. In the next tragedy, "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT", and all of the other repeated - repeated ignorantly, I might add - buzzwords and buzz phrases. "nEvEr AgAiN", again and again and again. "hElD aCcOuNtAbLe" again and again and again, "bEtTeR mEaSuReS" again and again and again, etc., etc., etc. So... like... get on with it, then. Don't just say those things. Stop the rhetoric and the hyperbole. Get on with it - oh, and there's another one; people getting pissed off, so "get on with it" again and again and again; not in sArCaStIc typing; the People want the "govern"ment to actually get on with it, but we have to repeat this after the "govern"ment repeats its empty words.
We've been led to a point where "govern"ment says "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and "nEvEr AgAiN" (although, I can't remember the "govern"ment saying this one; only the People seem to say it... funny that...) and "bEtTeR mEaSuReS"; and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT"... and nothing gets done. "The families want radical change", yet (((TPTB))) keep spinning us around in circles, with nothing getting done.
It keeps on being said that all of the entities, from the companies/corporations, to the fire brigage, to the tenant management organisation, to the council and up to the "govern"ment all failed to act. I say they didn't fail. I say they made a choice, a conscious and aware decision not to act.
What will the outcome be? The ((("govern"ment, TPTB, the cabal, the establishment...))) are planning...what? What will the change be? We are not "allowed" to protest; we are not "allowed" to have groups because they will be cancelled and de-funded. Factions form because of the "govern"ment and the regime, yet they are not "allowed"? What are we, in this "dEmOcRaCy"? Slaves?
"We have finally seen in black-and-white ... the lack of regard for Human life..."
Consider how life was just used and thrown away so easily in history, by war and "holy war", by (((TPTB))). One reason why the World has become so overpopulated is so that (((TPTB))) have an endless supply of Bodies and Souls to just use and throw away uncaringly. Back when Earth was much less-populated, Human life was more... not quire revered but scarce so (((TPTB))) has less toys to play with; now there are many billions, (((TPTB))) can just use Human life so carelessly without thinking.
"What needs to happen now?"
Stop talking, and getting on with it...
"These corporations - they focussed purely on profit, and they need to feel the pain that they have caused to all of us bereaved and survivors."
It doesn't have a soul to feel. It is impossible for it to feel the pain it causes us.
"They will never understand the trauma that now is in our lives for the rest of our lives."
Correct. It is impossible for it to understand.
"For those responsible, they need to be held accountable in a criminal court and face severe sentences, and the sentences need to reflect the magnitude of their actions or inactions."
There is no current Earthly punishment that can punish it for what it has done - and not just in this "accident", but even just in this incident, that can't be done.
"How optimistic are you that you will get justice?"
"For me, I have to hope, and I live in hope that there will be change, because if I lose that hope... what then?"
Yeah, there's always hope... Hoping does nothing. Actions do things - yet actions are suppressed and cancelled and de-funded, in this "dEmOcRaCy". It's a democracy by name tag - not even name, just name tag - only. With each of these "accidents", tragedies, incidents, it steps more and more into dictatorship - and we think we're living in a "fReE aNd DeMoCrAtIc" society. When was the last civil war in the Western World? What has happened since that last civil war to subdue us now? Chemicals in the water? Media? "Education"?...
I have to mention that - as I keep saying it is orchestrated deliberately and very-much on purpose - while Whites are being replaced and forced out of their own homes to make way for "refugees", Blacks and Asians are gathered in an accommodation building with deliberately-dangerous building materials - and for decades it has been known by many groups, not least of which are successive governments, which ignored it - and these people were basically burnt alive. Whites are hated in White Countries, and Blacks and Asians have different tragedies in White Countries, and more love and support and upset for Blacks and Asians... but what about Whites? We see Daniel Shaver who was murdered out-right by a copper - everyone ignored that, no-one cared. We see George Floyd who was high and said "I can't breath" before the police knelt on him, and BLM movement happened - except that BL don't M in Africa. Herp. Derp. Enjoy BLs living in shit and drinking shit water in Africa, but say BL do M in White Countries. Herp. Fucking. Derp. Retarded bastards. We have the post office sub-postmasters and sub-postmisstresses scandal, most of which were White, from all over the country, some died without seeing justice and some committed suicide. Now we see Grenfell Tower, which the tenant management organisation, local authourities, etc., all placed mostly-non-White people together in, and decided to make the building so very deliberately unsafe, on fucking purpose (I can't emphasise it more)... so that 18 Children and 54 Adults, a total of 72 people, all died, most non-White, to gain lots of emotional, upset and sympathetic energies for non-Whites in White London. Whites have a bad thing, with the post office scandal, which also began in the '90s, but it's much worse for Blacks and Asians! Stop crying, Whites! Blacks and Asians have it worse than you in your own White Countries! "Never again", "better measures", "held accountable", "brought to justice", "lessons will be learnt". "Will" is not defined. When is "will"?
"My most-standout memory of Dennis was how much he loved. He didn't have financial wealth, but he was so rich in the Human Nature that was selfless, caring, loving, and you can't buy that."
Yep. The jew tries selling Souls for money. Profit before People. We can gain some small lessons from Star Trek in this. Consider the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition... The Ferengi sell their deceased... In real-life, selling Souls for money; profits before People. #ProfitBeforePeople #ProfitsBeforePeople
The jew doesn't have a Human Soul. It is jewish. That's it.
Eric Pickles is now "lord" Pickles. What did it do to earn "lord"? Oh. Silly me. It defended and supported enthusiastically the deregulation of safe housing, so that people could be murdered by being burnt to death? Of course! Woe unto those for putting good for bad and bad for good, for calling "good" evil and "evil" good.
"By 2016, the department was well-aware of the risks of cladding, but failed to act."
It didn't fail. It chose deliberately not to. "We know about the dangers of that cladding, but we need to make sure non-Whites are burnt alive in this White Country so that non-Whites, in this White Country, get lots of love and support and defence, while Whites, in this White Country, don't and are being replaced. We're not going to do anything about this dangerous building and the materials. Instead, we demand that you hurry up and put as many non-Whites in there as possible. Then we just have to wait..." Now people are pissed off with that attitude. I wonder if, and how much, people realise the example attitude I just gave, but in real-life terms of the "govern"ment and its hatred - pure, outright, unadulterated hatred - of us.
At this point, I can't help but remember "god" and its hatred of us. Consider all the "love" that "god" "has for us", yet it hates its "creation".
"...accepting that the Country let the families of Grenfell down."
I didn't. The "govern"ment doesn't represent me. I have no say in making sure any accommodation is safe. I can't be responsible, because... I can't be responsible...
"In Opposition, you've know what the problem is ... Why don't you have a plan to be put into progress right now?"
"Well, there's lots of work that needs to take place to pull that strategy together, if I'm honest, and we have discovered things on taking office just over 8 weeks ago that we weren't even clear about; for example, we don't know precisely the number of buildings that might have combustible cladding on them ..."
"Even though this is the problem you have been looking at in Opposition?"
So it has been 7 years and they've supposedly been looking at it while they weren't in the chair, and they don't know about it. Maybe they missed that day in Scouts - Always be prepared. Maybe they missed that lesson in school - Prevention is cheaper/better than the cure. These are the... people... who are "running" our Country. Oh - and they put up wastes of money, such as statues around town[] which are not needed when actually-important things, such as homeless and starving... oh and unsafe housing... need to be fixed properly and actually.
...because "we don't have access to all the data you do in Government..."
So that was done deliberately, as well, then, to make matters worse. It's a game to them, a football, rugby, tennis or other sport match. This is (supposed to be) about governing this Country, yet the team who is not in the seat, but who has still taken a real or fake interest in important things, are not "allowed" to have knowledge to give them a boost if they get in the seat of power. Wow. Such jewish biblical shit, that is... Not to mention we have been made to be pawns, chess pieces that move around for the (((players))) to play with and when they take over a piece, knock it over...
"The Prime Minister talked today about banning any companies who've been condemned by the Grenfell Inquiry from getting new contracts."
That doesn't sound like it will stop the individuals from creating new companies... and then getting new contracts.
"Ordinary people, neighbours, out on the streets doing anything they could to help while Kensington and Chelsea Council floundered, council unable to relate to its own tenants, according to the inquiry, leaving them feeling abandoned and utterly helpless."
It's us versus them, the People versus (((the "authourities", the "govern"ment, the establishment, TPTB, the cabal...))). It has long been that, and people might be beginning to realise it now.
One would think that since the jew knows its demise is drawing closer and closer, it might do... what for it would be evil but what for us would be good deeds, to give us... despite suspicion and confusion... good things and pretending to be decent and nice and good and helpful, so the People might be stupid enough to be brainwashed into thinking "they're good!"... but instead, the jew just goes on regardless. I can't fathom that. The jew is master of deceit, yet it goes on further, more, quicker, deeper, longer anyway. How does that make sense?
"Housing is a Human right, not a privilege."
To me, "right" sounds like permission. "Rights" are written in "law" - and what makes "law"?
Perhaps more accurately, we have Inherent rights or Natural rights, that we have simply because we exist, not because of any "law" or "authourity" or "permission" by any group, body, being or entity. Because "right" still sounds like "permission" given to us by (((TPTB))), words such as
I want to coin a phrase. Similar to "ennui", I want to coin Anieui, sounding similar to "ennui". Each letter, ANIEUI, comes from the words I just used -
not in any arrogant and cocky manner, but in genuine, real living and proper manner. There are certain things that are our Anieui. An-eeuu-aye or An-you-aye. I might start using this. Call me silly, but why not?!
" the report, as essentially decieving people about the fire risks that were implicit in the products that they were putting on buildings including Grenfell, and then you've got those local authourity officials and elected councillors who... regarded the tenants of Grenfell as just an annoyance; they didn't listen to the safety concerns, they didn't adequately house them or help them after the disaster, the survivors. This is really appalling... but I think what makes me so worried is just the number of times I've sat here and talked to you over the last couple of years about how so many of the institutions that we rely on to keep us safe have actively harmed us whether it was the Post Office believing a computer and putting postmasters wrongly in prison, whether it was doctors infecting vulnerable people with infected blood, the list goes on and on about the way the State has failed us..."
As I say, we have been made to rely on something else, instead of having pride, self-worth, self-esteem, standing up for ourselves, standing on our own two feet... and if we did, I doubt "sex changes" also would be happening and it wouldn be being "nOrMaLiSeD", and of course Race-mixing wouldn't be, either. We seem to have been made to be so insecure, lacking self-worth, lacking self-esteem, lacking pride, and these things mentiond here, and so much more not mentioned, are all just parts of it.
"We've not just lost furniture and the clothes; we've lost loved ones."
"The longer it goes on, the longer our pain goes on."
"There's a long fight for that justice, and we're just starting.
That's not an accident.
All of those people who lost family, and friends who also might be non-related family. The jew loves to destroy lives and destroy families. Making things go slowly, taking time, to draw-out as much pain and agony and suffering as possible. Going to relatives' homes and being with them, together... then ending up burning to death...
I have never seen this film, but throughout this, I kept on remembering the name The Towering Inferno repeatedly. It can't be made to be too obvious, so it was a bit different, in an office building. If that was from 1974, then surely Grenfell Tower could have been installed with sprinklers, couldn't it? That was not done.
Is that a cohencidence, or am I just clutching at straws or drawing a long bow here?
How will the Souls of those who were burnt alive in that block of flats, Grenfell Tower, be in the future? For the Children who were burnt alive, if they were alone with others unable to be there with them... "Why won't anyone help me?!", burning to death... It's a too-important question why money-making buildings, which need to be protected - i.e. corporate buildings, industry buildings, "govern"ment buildings - must have fire-supression water sprinklers in them, but homes for Human Beings don't. Not only was the cladding dangerous and nowhere near regulations, but it was known by all levels and bodies, and ignored and used anyway, and sprinklers were not installed in the building... all on purpose. It most-certainly was all done deliberately, by conscious and aware choice, decided to be that way, intentionally...
I also wonder if this was orchestrated so timely, so well-done, for Russia/Ukraine and "israel"/Palestine, to be at this time. Like the knots in the string of the tapestry of life, things come together, with another aid convoy having been targetted recently.

Flames and smoke coming from the Grenfell Tower apartment block after a fire broke out in west London. (Natalie Oxford/AFP/Getty Images)
LONDON — All of the deaths in London’s horrific 2017 Grenfell Tower fire were avoidable, and there were “many failings” by institutions, entities and individuals that contributed to an astonishingly high death toll, a damning final report said Wednesday.
The long-awaited investigation into the fire at Grenfell Tower, a blaze that killed 72 people, highlighted failures among government officials, builders, subcontractors, incompetent regulators, emergency responders and others.
“All contributed to it in one way or another, in most cases through incompetence, but in some cases, through dishonesty and greed,” said Martin Moore-Bick, a retired judge who chaired the long-running inquiry.
“The simple truth is the deaths were all avoidable and those who lived in the tower were badly failed,” he said in a statement broadcast on YouTube.
Over the last six years, the independent commission held more than 300 pubic hearings and reviewed about 1,600 witness statements.

Natasha Elcock, center, a Grenfell Tower fire survivor and chair of the Grenfell United campaign group, speaks to reporters outside the building where the Grenfell Tower inquiry took place, on Wednesday in London. (Carl Court/Getty Images)
The 2017 inferno was the deadliest fire on British soil since World War II. The “cladding,” or outer layer used to refurbish the facade of Grenfell Tower, a 24-story public housing building, was made from highly combustible material. It meant that a small fire in a fourth-floor apartment kitchen spread astonishingly quickly. The tower lit up like a torch and was quickly engulfed by flames.
The inquiry was scathing in its criticism of companies involved in supplying the cladding panels for the refurbishment. They were “engaged in deliberate and sustained strategies to manipulate the testing processes, misrepresent test data and mislead the market,” the report said.
The London Fire Brigade also received criticism for failing to learn lessons from a previous fire in 2009, which should have alerted the brigade to “shortcomings in its ability to fight fires in high-rise buildings.”
During the Grenfell Tower fire, firefighters initially urged people to “stay put” in their apartments rather than flee the building.
The tragedy shocked a nation and shined a spotlight on inequality in Britain. Those killed in the blaze were immigrants, children, the elderly and the poor. Many of those who died were trapped by flames and smoke on the upper floors. Grenfell Tower itself is located in one of the wealthiest boroughs in London.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in a written statement that the government must ensure that “such a tragedy cannot occur again.” Police said they will investigate the possibility of criminal charges.

A photograph taken Tuesday shows a makeshift memorial created on the wall surrounding Grenfell Tower in west London. (Henry Nicholls/AFP/Getty Images)
The tower still stands in west London, where it dominates the skyline. Its empty shell is covered in protective white wrapping. At the top are a green heart and the words “Grenfell forever in our hearts.”
The first picture here has "paY" in the URL. It's a coincidence - those 72 people, and their families and friends, didn't pay a big enough bribe to make sure that they will not perish and instead pay with their lives, despite paying rent repeatedly. (For those who don't realise or understand - the jew reckons it is god, and "shall not perish but have eternal life", i.e. not dying and burning forever in christian hell, by bribing "god" with protection money every Sunday, repeatedly.)
Damning final report into Grenfell Tower fire

Theresa May, then-PM, ignored the survivors.
"I don't need to do things for you, but now that you are pissed off with me, I have to rush quickly to my vehicle with guards, to keep myself safe.
later, back at work, safe
Fuck you, bitches! We make laws, and you follow what we tell you to do! Fuck you!"
When You're Elected and Loved by Your People and When You're Not
When You're Elected and Loved by Your People and When You're Not
UK General Election 2024 Trump Assassination Attempt (remove the "old." from the link if you want to use the new version) Biden talked about unity as a country. So does that mean the intention of not having any opposing governments or parties...

How many more times can I say it is deliberate, it is done on purpose, it is orchestrated? Most of the people in that fire were not White, in North Kensington, West London. My guess is for the plausible deniability "See?
Rishi Sunak: The state let you down, and it must never do so again.
"Lessons must be learnt." How many times? When will they be? Keep using rhetoric.
No-one is likely to be in court until 2027, a decade after the fire. The jew's perfect number is 10.
On 14 June 2017, a high-rise fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North Kensington, West London, at 00:54 BST and burned for 60 hours. 70 people died at the scene, and 2 people died later in hospital, with more than 70 injured and 223 escaping. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha oil-platform disaster and the worst UK residential fire since the Blitz of World War II. Archived 1 month ago Archived by me
72 = 9
00:54 BST = 9
60 hours = 6
70 people died at the scene, and 2 people died later in hospital = 9
18 Children = 9
54 Adults = 9
180 officers working on the case = 9
ITV is a channel with advert breaks. ITV News went on a break. During the break were adverts. Adverts try to sell things to you, to get more money. You don't see adverts about making your life better, truly. Adverts about poverty and water aid and starvation and Animals, where the money doesn't help those; charities have existed for decades, and things are still not better; Children in Need raised £1bn in 40 years, and fatdonald's seems to be making billions per year, so £1bn in 40 years is nothing. Charities don't help. You see all of these adverts for charities, and other things, but not about decent housing. Advertising you windows, kitchens, bathrooms... but not about safe housing. It is very selective, what they show you. This news bit about the burning alive of people and the adverts among the news programme are separate. It's as if things are disjointed...
"Grenfell remains a monument to a system designed to fail."
I'm glad someone finally agrees with me. I've been saying that for years, about the "system". It is orchestrated. It is deliberate. It is done very much on purpose. It is planned. It is intended. It is attempted. It is done. It is created. It is caused...
"The system isn't broken; it was built this way."
Most certainly.
We've had a system that has allowed corporations, politicians to use it for their advantage while ultimately we pay the price, so what are you gunna do about it now? It's all there for you in black-and-white. This has gotta now be a moment, a line-in-the-sand moment for Britain."
Only now? Not previously, with other things? There have been many, countless things in the past, not just recently, but many times... yet the jew is relentless, and we've been distracted so that we can be subdued.
"The Grenfell Inquiry came up with this tangled web of blame."
Of course. It's not going to be simple, isn't it?
"Seven years on we said 'Never again' yet again and again and again we have spoken to tenants across the country in tower blocks, in social housing, whose councils and housing associations are ignoring them when they're living in dangerous, unsafe housing, and tonight hundreds of thousands of people will go to bed in dangerous, unsafe housing."
ITV News: Do you live in a in social housing, with a housing association?
Person: Yes.
ITV News: Is your building safe?
Person: ... I don't know... I hope so...
Does that describe you or anyone you know? You don't know if your own home is safe? You have to rely on others, yes? No?
We have to rely on others, and other things. Birds know how to build their own homes. They don't have to buy them or pay rent, which is buying them but not actually having, owning, keeping them. Birds can build nests freely and free, anywhere they see fit. No-one else builds their homes out of dangerous things, or anything which may or may not be dangerous, that they themselves don't know about nor understand. They build their nests themselves. The more I consider these things, the more I realise renting is disgusting. I wonder who, and how many, will disagree with me, and what arguments they will bring. Homes should be free, and proper - not just merely decent, but done properly. Maybe I could build my own nest, but then I'd need shekels to do that. I'd need to purchase Nature - land - to be able to build it... still not how I want; I'd need "permission". Giving shekels to strangers, getting permission off strangers. It's as if I own nothing and am pretending to be happy; it's as if I am a slave.
Someone who is interested in investing money in stocks/shares said that he learnt that we should first invest in stocks/shares, then in companies/businesses, then in accommodation. That way, that method, is the best avenue to earn a lot of money. People need to live in homes, and that is a major exploitation, a major rape against us. The jew came to this Planet and has been occupying it and claiming it as its own, and then pretending that it owns Our Planet and pretending that we, indigenous people of this Planet, need its permission to enjoy Our Own Planet. Let me come to your home, take over, claim your home as my own and make you think that you need my permission to do things in
If you want anything doing right, do it yourself.
Notice that the gallery is behind the Prime Minister, and the "govern"ment who is in the seat, so that the "govern"ment and the PM don't have to look at them; instead, have their backs to them; so the people - the families and bereaved - don't see the PM and the "govern"ment in the face, but instead see only their backs. That is deliberate. I know I keep saying "deliberate" and "on purpose" and "orchestrated" a lot, but it is, and I don't know how else to say it.
How many inquiries are there into things? Yet nothing improves. Things still continue to get worse and worse, regardless. The inquiries are merely for our satisfaction - yet they aren't satisfying, clearly. It's to pretend to have authourities doing something on our side, for us, and sometimes results might happen eventually, but things still happen again and again. If we don't want to be christians and slaughtering innocent victims and Peoples to death because they disagree with our faerie tale story book character imaginary
I also need to mention again that (((TPTB))) make things go slowly on purpose. We have to wait, and things take a long time to pretend to get anywhere. The jew makes things go slowly deliberately. It has structured things so well. I don't know what, where, when, by whom, how and maybe why, but I can guarantee yet another thing will happen sooner or later. It won't not.
It's like, in the tapestry of life, threads are going along, which is life advancing, and along this thread are knots. These knots are massive, major, big events, which spur-up a lot of hate and anger and upset energy, that the jew and its egregore can use. Presumably, because the egregore is being diminished, and christian, muslim, communist, etc., and obviously and of course jew energies are not working as much, more and more planned and created and [other word for orchestrated] acts happen, because the jew needs them to happen. There may be a pattern. I had wondered for quite a while if, during jew holidays, Children went missing around the same times, for its evil events. Then someone posted about that exact, very thing. Along the thread, as life moves on, we will, undoubtedly and guaranteed, encounter more knots.
PM Kier Starmer "wanting" to apologise to the families and the victims, saying, "I am deeply sorry". If it weren't Starmer in the seat, someone else would "want to" apologise and b say they are "deeply sorry". That's merely a formality, not any actual proper nor meaningful, heartfelt apology. How can Starmer apologise "on behalf of the British State" when the State, the People dislikes and hates the "govern"ments and has been doing so for decades? How can Starmer apologise when it was someone else in the seat; rather, some ones else, beforehand? If Starmer was not in the seat and someone else was, Starmer wouldn't be bothering with that; instead, he'd be doing other things. It's an act, and there is a board game, The Game of Life. (((They))) try to turn real-life into playthings.
I also want to question the reactions of the MPs in there. When a person is speaking (not 'the Speaker'), usually the MPs all be like football hooligans, going, "Yeeaaaahhhh!" and similar; this time, they're quite solemn-sounding and quiet, whispering quiet yeahs. I am having trouble believing them.
"Accountiblility was key, from a government so enthralled to deregulation, questions around safety of life were ignored; to systematically-dishonest companies who knew how dangerous their products were, but sold them anyway; a local authourity which having failed to keep its residents safe couldn't even treat survivors with basic Human decency."
I am reminded of bad building practices in places I think like China and India, if I remember correctly, where they built dangerous building walls which included plastic bottles within them. Whatever safety regulations that might not exist in LEDCs, regardless of what do exist here we still have a different tier of problems. There may be Health and Safety here, but it is merely a level, a tier, a degree. When one knows enough about a subject and can surpass and bypass the local area's regulations with enough knowledge, they can exploit it and cause problems...
When I said "lessons will be learnt", I said that before I heard it being said on the news. It is just so obvious that it would be said. It has been suggested, by people on here and in offline life, I may be autistic. Consider this - the autistic response "lessons will be learnt". It's as if we watch enough TV that we can expect, and know, what is going to be said in a situation. In the next tragedy, "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT", and all of the other repeated - repeated ignorantly, I might add - buzzwords and buzz phrases. "nEvEr AgAiN", again and again and again. "hElD aCcOuNtAbLe" again and again and again, "bEtTeR mEaSuReS" again and again and again, etc., etc., etc. So... like... get on with it, then. Don't just say those things. Stop the rhetoric and the hyperbole. Get on with it - oh, and there's another one; people getting pissed off, so "get on with it" again and again and again; not in sArCaStIc typing; the People want the "govern"ment to actually get on with it, but we have to repeat this after the "govern"ment repeats its empty words.
We've been led to a point where "govern"ment says "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and "nEvEr AgAiN" (although, I can't remember the "govern"ment saying this one; only the People seem to say it... funny that...) and "bEtTeR mEaSuReS"; and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT" and the People are saying, "Get on with it, then, FFS"; and the "govern"ment repeats its bullshit "LeSsOnS wIlL bE lEaRnT"... and nothing gets done. "The families want radical change", yet (((TPTB))) keep spinning us around in circles, with nothing getting done.
It keeps on being said that all of the entities, from the companies/corporations, to the fire brigage, to the tenant management organisation, to the council and up to the "govern"ment all failed to act. I say they didn't fail. I say they made a choice, a conscious and aware decision not to act.
What will the outcome be? The ((("govern"ment, TPTB, the cabal, the establishment...))) are planning...what? What will the change be? We are not "allowed" to protest; we are not "allowed" to have groups because they will be cancelled and de-funded. Factions form because of the "govern"ment and the regime, yet they are not "allowed"? What are we, in this "dEmOcRaCy"? Slaves?
"We have finally seen in black-and-white ... the lack of regard for Human life..."
Consider how life was just used and thrown away so easily in history, by war and "holy war", by (((TPTB))). One reason why the World has become so overpopulated is so that (((TPTB))) have an endless supply of Bodies and Souls to just use and throw away uncaringly. Back when Earth was much less-populated, Human life was more... not quire revered but scarce so (((TPTB))) has less toys to play with; now there are many billions, (((TPTB))) can just use Human life so carelessly without thinking.
"What needs to happen now?"
Stop talking, and getting on with it...
"These corporations - they focussed purely on profit, and they need to feel the pain that they have caused to all of us bereaved and survivors."
It doesn't have a soul to feel. It is impossible for it to feel the pain it causes us.
"They will never understand the trauma that now is in our lives for the rest of our lives."
Correct. It is impossible for it to understand.
"For those responsible, they need to be held accountable in a criminal court and face severe sentences, and the sentences need to reflect the magnitude of their actions or inactions."
There is no current Earthly punishment that can punish it for what it has done - and not just in this "accident", but even just in this incident, that can't be done.
"How optimistic are you that you will get justice?"
"For me, I have to hope, and I live in hope that there will be change, because if I lose that hope... what then?"
Yeah, there's always hope... Hoping does nothing. Actions do things - yet actions are suppressed and cancelled and de-funded, in this "dEmOcRaCy". It's a democracy by name tag - not even name, just name tag - only. With each of these "accidents", tragedies, incidents, it steps more and more into dictatorship - and we think we're living in a "fReE aNd DeMoCrAtIc" society. When was the last civil war in the Western World? What has happened since that last civil war to subdue us now? Chemicals in the water? Media? "Education"?...
I have to mention that - as I keep saying it is orchestrated deliberately and very-much on purpose - while Whites are being replaced and forced out of their own homes to make way for "refugees", Blacks and Asians are gathered in an accommodation building with deliberately-dangerous building materials - and for decades it has been known by many groups, not least of which are successive governments, which ignored it - and these people were basically burnt alive. Whites are hated in White Countries, and Blacks and Asians have different tragedies in White Countries, and more love and support and upset for Blacks and Asians... but what about Whites? We see Daniel Shaver who was murdered out-right by a copper - everyone ignored that, no-one cared. We see George Floyd who was high and said "I can't breath" before the police knelt on him, and BLM movement happened - except that BL don't M in Africa. Herp. Derp. Enjoy BLs living in shit and drinking shit water in Africa, but say BL do M in White Countries. Herp. Fucking. Derp. Retarded bastards. We have the post office sub-postmasters and sub-postmisstresses scandal, most of which were White, from all over the country, some died without seeing justice and some committed suicide. Now we see Grenfell Tower, which the tenant management organisation, local authourities, etc., all placed mostly-non-White people together in, and decided to make the building so very deliberately unsafe, on fucking purpose (I can't emphasise it more)... so that 18 Children and 54 Adults, a total of 72 people, all died, most non-White, to gain lots of emotional, upset and sympathetic energies for non-Whites in White London. Whites have a bad thing, with the post office scandal, which also began in the '90s, but it's much worse for Blacks and Asians! Stop crying, Whites! Blacks and Asians have it worse than you in your own White Countries! "Never again", "better measures", "held accountable", "brought to justice", "lessons will be learnt". "Will" is not defined. When is "will"?
"My most-standout memory of Dennis was how much he loved. He didn't have financial wealth, but he was so rich in the Human Nature that was selfless, caring, loving, and you can't buy that."
Yep. The jew tries selling Souls for money. Profit before People. We can gain some small lessons from Star Trek in this. Consider the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition... The Ferengi sell their deceased... In real-life, selling Souls for money; profits before People. #ProfitBeforePeople #ProfitsBeforePeople
The jew doesn't have a Human Soul. It is jewish. That's it.
Eric Pickles is now "lord" Pickles. What did it do to earn "lord"? Oh. Silly me. It defended and supported enthusiastically the deregulation of safe housing, so that people could be murdered by being burnt to death? Of course! Woe unto those for putting good for bad and bad for good, for calling "good" evil and "evil" good.
"By 2016, the department was well-aware of the risks of cladding, but failed to act."
It didn't fail. It chose deliberately not to. "We know about the dangers of that cladding, but we need to make sure non-Whites are burnt alive in this White Country so that non-Whites, in this White Country, get lots of love and support and defence, while Whites, in this White Country, don't and are being replaced. We're not going to do anything about this dangerous building and the materials. Instead, we demand that you hurry up and put as many non-Whites in there as possible. Then we just have to wait..." Now people are pissed off with that attitude. I wonder if, and how much, people realise the example attitude I just gave, but in real-life terms of the "govern"ment and its hatred - pure, outright, unadulterated hatred - of us.
At this point, I can't help but remember "god" and its hatred of us. Consider all the "love" that "god" "has for us", yet it hates its "creation".
"...accepting that the Country let the families of Grenfell down."
I didn't. The "govern"ment doesn't represent me. I have no say in making sure any accommodation is safe. I can't be responsible, because... I can't be responsible...
"In Opposition, you've know what the problem is ... Why don't you have a plan to be put into progress right now?"
"Well, there's lots of work that needs to take place to pull that strategy together, if I'm honest, and we have discovered things on taking office just over 8 weeks ago that we weren't even clear about; for example, we don't know precisely the number of buildings that might have combustible cladding on them ..."
"Even though this is the problem you have been looking at in Opposition?"
So it has been 7 years and they've supposedly been looking at it while they weren't in the chair, and they don't know about it. Maybe they missed that day in Scouts - Always be prepared. Maybe they missed that lesson in school - Prevention is cheaper/better than the cure. These are the... people... who are "running" our Country. Oh - and they put up wastes of money, such as statues around town[] which are not needed when actually-important things, such as homeless and starving... oh and unsafe housing... need to be fixed properly and actually.
...because "we don't have access to all the data you do in Government..."
So that was done deliberately, as well, then, to make matters worse. It's a game to them, a football, rugby, tennis or other sport match. This is (supposed to be) about governing this Country, yet the team who is not in the seat, but who has still taken a real or fake interest in important things, are not "allowed" to have knowledge to give them a boost if they get in the seat of power. Wow. Such jewish biblical shit, that is... Not to mention we have been made to be pawns, chess pieces that move around for the (((players))) to play with and when they take over a piece, knock it over...
"The Prime Minister talked today about banning any companies who've been condemned by the Grenfell Inquiry from getting new contracts."
That doesn't sound like it will stop the individuals from creating new companies... and then getting new contracts.
"Ordinary people, neighbours, out on the streets doing anything they could to help while Kensington and Chelsea Council floundered, council unable to relate to its own tenants, according to the inquiry, leaving them feeling abandoned and utterly helpless."
It's us versus them, the People versus (((the "authourities", the "govern"ment, the establishment, TPTB, the cabal...))). It has long been that, and people might be beginning to realise it now.
One would think that since the jew knows its demise is drawing closer and closer, it might do... what for it would be evil but what for us would be good deeds, to give us... despite suspicion and confusion... good things and pretending to be decent and nice and good and helpful, so the People might be stupid enough to be brainwashed into thinking "they're good!"... but instead, the jew just goes on regardless. I can't fathom that. The jew is master of deceit, yet it goes on further, more, quicker, deeper, longer anyway. How does that make sense?
"Housing is a Human right, not a privilege."
To me, "right" sounds like permission. "Rights" are written in "law" - and what makes "law"?
Perhaps more accurately, we have Inherent rights or Natural rights, that we have simply because we exist, not because of any "law" or "authourity" or "permission" by any group, body, being or entity. Because "right" still sounds like "permission" given to us by (((TPTB))), words such as
- Entitlements,
- Privileges,
- Liberties,
- Claims,
- Immunities and
- Freedoms
I want to coin a phrase. Similar to "ennui", I want to coin Anieui, sounding similar to "ennui". Each letter, ANIEUI, comes from the words I just used -
not in any arrogant and cocky manner, but in genuine, real living and proper manner. There are certain things that are our Anieui. An-eeuu-aye or An-you-aye. I might start using this. Call me silly, but why not?!
" the report, as essentially decieving people about the fire risks that were implicit in the products that they were putting on buildings including Grenfell, and then you've got those local authourity officials and elected councillors who... regarded the tenants of Grenfell as just an annoyance; they didn't listen to the safety concerns, they didn't adequately house them or help them after the disaster, the survivors. This is really appalling... but I think what makes me so worried is just the number of times I've sat here and talked to you over the last couple of years about how so many of the institutions that we rely on to keep us safe have actively harmed us whether it was the Post Office believing a computer and putting postmasters wrongly in prison, whether it was doctors infecting vulnerable people with infected blood, the list goes on and on about the way the State has failed us..."
As I say, we have been made to rely on something else, instead of having pride, self-worth, self-esteem, standing up for ourselves, standing on our own two feet... and if we did, I doubt "sex changes" also would be happening and it wouldn be being "nOrMaLiSeD", and of course Race-mixing wouldn't be, either. We seem to have been made to be so insecure, lacking self-worth, lacking self-esteem, lacking pride, and these things mentiond here, and so much more not mentioned, are all just parts of it.
"We've not just lost furniture and the clothes; we've lost loved ones."
"The longer it goes on, the longer our pain goes on."
"There's a long fight for that justice, and we're just starting.
That's not an accident.
All of those people who lost family, and friends who also might be non-related family. The jew loves to destroy lives and destroy families. Making things go slowly, taking time, to draw-out as much pain and agony and suffering as possible. Going to relatives' homes and being with them, together... then ending up burning to death...
I have never seen this film, but throughout this, I kept on remembering the name The Towering Inferno repeatedly. It can't be made to be too obvious, so it was a bit different, in an office building. If that was from 1974, then surely Grenfell Tower could have been installed with sprinklers, couldn't it? That was not done.

Is that a cohencidence, or am I just clutching at straws or drawing a long bow here?
How will the Souls of those who were burnt alive in that block of flats, Grenfell Tower, be in the future? For the Children who were burnt alive, if they were alone with others unable to be there with them... "Why won't anyone help me?!", burning to death... It's a too-important question why money-making buildings, which need to be protected - i.e. corporate buildings, industry buildings, "govern"ment buildings - must have fire-supression water sprinklers in them, but homes for Human Beings don't. Not only was the cladding dangerous and nowhere near regulations, but it was known by all levels and bodies, and ignored and used anyway, and sprinklers were not installed in the building... all on purpose. It most-certainly was all done deliberately, by conscious and aware choice, decided to be that way, intentionally...
I also wonder if this was orchestrated so timely, so well-done, for Russia/Ukraine and "israel"/Palestine, to be at this time. Like the knots in the string of the tapestry of life, things come together, with another aid convoy having been targetted recently.