This is my Holy Altar. What do you guys think about it? That's a picture of my dead Father. I've been trying to communicate with him with no success. Except for one time when he showed himself to me in a dream. He was like 7 feet tall (2+ Meters) (he was about 5'8(173cm) in real life) and wearing white robes with golden trim. I believe that maybe he turned into an angel? All he told me was basically that I was a good son and that he loved me. He didn't leave me ANY knowledge, which kind of frustrates me. I drawed this pentagram with his name sigilized inside it and spilled blood on it while chanting his name trying to summon him, but nothing happened. I've been asking him to move that pencil.
That little angel is a thought-form I've been trying to create. The idea was to have the thought-form attached to that little statue. I've been asking him to move this pencil, with no success. Maybe that's too much to expect from a thought-form? What do you guys think about it? I wanted him to bring me my ex-girlfriend back. I named him "Charming Cupid"
That's my rosary. It was a catholic rosary but I removed the little Mary symbol and replaced the cross with a swastika. I'm chanting mostly the Ahunavar (Zoroaster's holy chant).
Now, I know that you guys don't like Zoroastrism and I'm willing to stop chanting the Ahunavar if that is what it takes for me to be accepted into satanism.
How can I speak to Satan? Do I just draw the sigil and chant the incantations and he will come? Is it better to use the pentagram sigil? or that sigil with an upside down triangle? My views of Satan is that he is a good God trying to fight the jews. I believe that the jewish god, the god of the bible is the source of all evil.
I really want to learn about the Magnum Opus. I heard that the last step you can only get from Satan himself. Is this true?
I am race mixed. I have black hair with exception of a few ginger hairs in my beard. I wish I was blond. Do you guys know any Magical way to turn blond? I thought maybe using afirmations? I've been trying these biokinesis youtube videos that claim to change your eye color and hair color. No success.
This is my Holy Altar. What do you guys think about it? That's a picture of my dead Father. I've been trying to communicate with him with no success. Except for one time when he showed himself to me in a dream. He was like 7 feet tall (2+ Meters) (he was about 5'8(173cm) in real life) and wearing white robes with golden trim. I believe that maybe he turned into an angel? All he told me was basically that I was a good son and that he loved me. He didn't leave me ANY knowledge, which kind of frustrates me. I drawed this pentagram with his name sigilized inside it and spilled blood on it while chanting his name trying to summon him, but nothing happened. I've been asking him to move that pencil.
That little angel is a thought-form I've been trying to create. The idea was to have the thought-form attached to that little statue. I've been asking him to move this pencil, with no success. Maybe that's too much to expect from a thought-form? What do you guys think about it? I wanted him to bring me my ex-girlfriend back. I named him "Charming Cupid"
That's my rosary. It was a catholic rosary but I removed the little Mary symbol and replaced the cross with a swastika. I'm chanting mostly the Ahunavar (Zoroaster's holy chant).
Now, I know that you guys don't like Zoroastrism and I'm willing to stop chanting the Ahunavar if that is what it takes for me to be accepted into satanism.
How can I speak to Satan? Do I just draw the sigil and chant the incantations and he will come? Is it better to use the pentagram sigil? or that sigil with an upside down triangle? My views of Satan is that he is a good God trying to fight the jews. I believe that the jewish god, the god of the bible is the source of all evil.
I really want to learn about the Magnum Opus. I heard that the last step you can only get from Satan himself. Is this true?
I am race mixed. I have black hair with exception of a few ginger hairs in my beard. I wish I was blond. Do you guys know any Magical way to turn blond? I thought maybe using afirmations? I've been trying these biokinesis youtube videos that claim to change your eye color and hair color. No success.