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Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.
This is very important. I am still a teenager, but I have seen many guys my age who had deeply rooted religious trauma, and, when finally made it to escape, turned to drugs. They were dependent from their false god precepts and their parents approval related to religion, slave of the feelings of guilt the idea of xian sin brings, and victim of the evil and psychological/existential damage all of this brings. And when these illusions were shattered, many didn't see any other way, except the way of pursuing a feeling of false power and control that drugs bring, when they are, in reality, unconsciously needing to be the slave of something else. Is a vicious cycle... and I mourn these friends even now, because they didn't know another way to escape this. That's why I hope that the path of Spiritual Satanism becomes more popular and known. So it can help people who are victims of the religions of slavery to save themselves and truly free themselves from the chains that binded them since childhood.
Many people, especially young ones, do drugs in order to feel accepted by their so-called friends. Loneliness is a factor that lead them down this dark loophole, but the truth is that, spirituality aside, there are tons of people who are ready to accept you without the use of these poisons.
Laziness of not breaking the habit or change place, company and fears. People like a lot talking about extreme situations where people are somehow "forced", but if we are meant to be real here it's all a matter of laziness, because change requires work, inside and outside.
this is a great article that is touching something that is crippling our society.
Drugs leads one to nowhere but root the cause of this is always their living conditions whether they are in a stressful environment or poverty or it was done for so called fun .all of this can ve avoided totally when we as a society have empowered ours and not let Jewish mafia force this on youngsters and those who are struggling. I have thought about this topic many years ago when there was RTRs .may thoughts on this was how long will it take to treat and cure before this symptoms of the jewtrix is over because all this is as we all know is just symptoms of the jewtrix. if the rtrs are attacking the root cause of the problem how long will it take rid the world of the symptoms and how long will the effects of the symptoms of the jewtrix still have hold on society after root cause has been destroyed
Speaking from experience with substance abuse, you will sink until you take responsibility for yourself. The longer you wait, the deeper you sink, and the harder it is to swim upwards.

In fact, I would go as far to say that only SS ( or very strong individuals) can rise out of such darkness and not relapse throughout their life.
Nothing is more peculiar than looking at a strange creature in the mirror.

I wish for anyone struggling to see the Truth.

When it comes to recovering from substance abuse (IMO), Yoga is #1 (on spiritual solutions).
I've been smoking since I was 13. Despite it's only tabacco, it's complicate to treat that.

You start something to unconsciously compensate for a kind of mistreatment when you are not suffiently aware of what it's like.
To stop you, people around reactivate the "mistreatment" and strengthening the tendancy to hide to themselves they are weaker than you on some domains.

Of course, this dependance hide a feeling of insecurity, impatience, stress...
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself".
Many addicts have been brought up to hate themselves or feel guilty about imaginary accusations made by them unbalanced parents.
A wise child knowing he must not fight back against his parents, what can he destroy to compensate ?
my issues with drugs were simply from warning to stay thin after having been obese and then losing a massive amount of weight. I shed all the weight, and was petrified of the idea of becoming so fat again, and so for a time I abused really hardcore stimulants.

Thankfully though, with the help of the Gods and good old fashioned will power and effort I was able to kick them, cold Turkey.

I do thank the Gods for this and for the very fact that I yet live. I do my meditations every day and I’m sure the Gods do what they can to fix up my body, brain, mind, and soul. I know I surely always try my best.
What is to be done in other cases somewhat unrelated to addiction, as in like someone has borderline personality disorder and this has proven far too much for someone to overcome or treat? I have a loved one who is also a satanist who has struggled with this immensely, and it's proven far too difficult from them to overcome themselves.
I am glad that I stopped smoking with relative ease and that I did for only a few years of my teen life.

I also smoked weed, but once, I got a "bad high" that caused me a panic attack, and for some reason it stuck within me, and from that day I've been suffering from all kinds of anxiety and phobias. Even as I stopped smoking weed and eventually also cigarettes.

I'm talking of 6 years of psychological issues.
I'm the only person I know that has had these issues brought out by weed, but I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world.

I guess in some way I should be glad that I developed those evident issues, because by touching the bottom I could rise and eventually find back the JoS.
If I never hit rock bottom like this, maybe I'd still be hooked in that useless, stoner, wannabe gangsta, life.
As of now I am much better than 2-3 years ago, I don't struggle as much with hypochondria, tanathophobia, panic attacks, etc.
I'm not fully healed yet, I still have huge issues to iron out. Like airplane phobia.

But unlike a few years ago, I have hope now, because I've seen some of the rewards this Path can offer.
So it has become credible that much more can be achieved.
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My cousin couldn't face that darkness and died from taking his life by life because of the use of drugs . I felt this talk in my soul I agree with you on everything you said
This is so true and really brings to awareness what must be done.
Yes for two days or more, I prayed to Eos about self love and addiction and she brought my mind to Astarte ethics of entropy, and brought to my understanding that one must actively participate in good habits, not avoidance. And that butress the points I kept in my note that Asmodeus showed me about self discipline being the path of self love.
So putting all these together with the power of awareness of the sermons, I see now that self discipline is strictly following up with good habits relating to your struggle and that's just a butress on "entropy". Idly not doing anything about it and avoiding it mentally is a fall.
Yet, So I'm just going to re read the sermon for better understanding though.
Lastly I was thinking about the Gods and how blessed we are. I remembered some wishful prayer when I was Xian, one night I looked at the stars, I was fed up of powerlessness, I felt it that there was no glory in xianity, so I prayed and said that I would like to know the Queen of heaven and all the Gods. Today on my way back home I remembered this and I smiled and grateful because the Gods makes things happen for us ,yet the beautiful thing is how they teach and how I know now we are to actively follow up in time.

When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Greetings, most noble High Priest HoodedCobra! First of all I wanted to sincerely thank you for this:
Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.
I truly appreciate the effort you put into your research to always be able to help everyone. I appreciate it because it is something that I agree with a lot, for example even when I respond to the topics of some users it can really take me several hours for a single question to search on the site and on the forum for all the information about it. I know what it means and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the way you take care of us your beloved Satanists!

Regarding your beautiful sermon: I personally have only one vice: sugary snacks (or croissants at the bar, but always sweet things). This side of me really bothers me. I don't even want to call it "side OF ME", I would like it to be something that doesn't concern me.

I say this because I have no other vices. I hate smoking, alcohol disgusts me, drugs (soft or hard) of all kinds scare me and don't attract me even in the slightest, etc. having this habit of eating sweets I find it really degrading for me and for what I want to achieve, so I agree with the whole part where you explain how these things don't lead anywhere positive.

I'm actively healing from it and I'm at a point where if I don't have these things on hand, I don't go looking for them on the way out to the bar like I used to. But sometimes there is a sort of abstinence that makes me ask for these things and it's very humiliating because I feel at the same level as a heroin addict who occasionally asks for heroin because he misses his weekly dose.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you?

Now that I ask myself the question, I think the answer is that I do these things not so much because I can't resist, or because I "love to indulge in sweets" (I don't even feel the pleasure of the taste of food or drinks, I don't find that food that I define as good is in any way more pleasant than normal food, and cooking "tastier" things doesn't make me any additional happy).

The reason why I do it, honestly, is that if I stopped doing it, I would certainly be very healthy, I would progress physically, etc. and I know that these things are done mainly for oneself, but knowing that we live in a society where your progress is never recognized, and you can have top IQ scores (like me) or be a retard with very obvious cognitive deficits and all of this is on the same level for others, as if genius were the same as stupid, really annoys me and it's as if throwing myself on sweet food was somehow a "protest" to this attitude of society that doesn't consider me for my values anyway.

Another example is how even though I am good at fighting because I do martial arts and I have a birth chart that really favors me, for my friends I am on the same level (or sometimes even lower) than those who do not have this martial ability, and instead of knowing how to face dangerous situations they would remain a frightened victim... I could go on forever with examples of this kind that concern me...

Any help from you is truly appreciated...
This thing about "we are all equal in the eyes [of the society degenerated by the Jews, of some crazy Messianic Jew, of some Jewish communist leader, etc.] which is a lie really destroys me...

In any case I promise you that I will not allow you to have wasted your time writing this sermon: I will seriously commit to addressing the problem better also out of respect for you and what you do. I will show you that the time you spent, you spent actually getting results from us Satanists. Hail Satanas! :D
Avoidance is not the way. It may be one of your shorter articles but this article has so much power and truth behind it. It will save lives from foolish damnation. This is one of my favorites. Thank you for always taking your time to help us.
Thank you for a great article. As you mentioned, great master, about drugs, many of us have tried it and regret our actions. But we can also understand drugs through other factors, such as all addictions, alcohol, pornography, destructive surroundings, people, food and many others. Each of us has been in the grips of many of the problems mentioned. Sometimes you have to be a slave to something to understand how it really destroyed us. If everyone were free, they would never have ended up here. I myself had a problem that there was a lot of alcohol in my life, after reading many scientific studies on what elements appeared in the compositions and what new problems they generate, I put an end to it with one hand. I was lucky that I have never smoked or taken drugs in my life. I do not want to lecture anyone, but if you do not fall, you will not learn anything. Brothers and sisters, I wish you to overcome your problems and love yourself as much as our enemies hate us. With love for ourselves, we will overcome even the worst enemy. Glory to the spiritual family and our Gods.
Thank you for addressing this, HP.

If I'm being frank, the drug epidemic is far larger than what many are assuming, and it's not just a third world plague either. Even in the West, whole towns are being lost to epidemic level drug use, and it's not just an urban ghetto issue either. Rural country towns are often hit just as hard.

In many cases, the abuse cycle begins very early. When people think of drugs, they often think of meth being sold on a shady street corner. Oftentimes, it's not the case. For many, drug addictions start with legal substances. Many, many Americans have become addicted to otherwise legal prescription painkillers. There's become an extremely problematic culture, birthing from an out of control pharmaceutical industry where doctors have become far too keen to prescribe pills for just about everything. Worse, many patients aren't satisfied if they're walking home from the doctor's office empty handed. A lot of people will beg for a quick fix for all their problems, and won't be happy unless they're exiting with a pill bottle in hand.

People will stretch the amount of time they're on this prescriptions as long as they can. And when that eventually dries up, that's when they'll begin turning to more dubious sources to fuel the addiction. It should surprise nobody, but, a lot of the drugs sold by dealers aren't being made in a lab somewhere. They're leaking in through loopholes in the industry. All it takes is one corrupt pharmacist, or one lazy doctor. If you've seen interviews with people in the homeless encampments on the streets of San Francisco, a great many of them are addicted to pain killing opioids like Fentanyl (which is now at crisis levels). If you're someone who suffers from chronic pain, taking drugs is the "cheaper" option when you cannot afford proper medical care, which is often the case in America. This is where a seemingly unbreakable cycle begins for many.

If you're a child, and you've grown up in an emotionally unstable household where a lot of money is being spent on fuelling a parent's pill-popping habits, it becomes far more likely that someone grows up to develop these habits as well, as they've been normalized. To them, it provides a temporary "escape" from reality. As has been noted in this thread already, the Christian Church is often to blame too. Everyone has heard of "Catholic Guilt." For some, this perpetual shame rots away at them internally to the point that drugs provide a coping mechanism, and then builds into yet more shame. Make no mistake, there's both a very real physical and occult link between Christianity and drug use many people do not understand.

Everything with drugs is very cyclical. Even the process of going clean. There are people who have almost died going completely clean on a snap decision. As admirable as it is, there's a reason why rehabilitation clinics exist. If your body is chemically addicted to a particular substance, the sudden shock of going without can easily hospitalize someone. It's the withdrawal symptoms which often brings people right back to the drugs they've tried to quit.

The point to all of this is thus: it's not easy to quit. If it was, hundreds of millions of people around the world wouldn't be shuffling around like zombies looking for their next hit. A video appeared on my feed recently, of someone recording their drive through Philadelphia. In a single 7 minute video, you can eyeball dozens of people who are obviously all on something. This is the true extent of the problem, and it can be quite shocking.

If you're in this position, and you're seeking change, don't try and go through it alone. Seek what help you can, and seek it early, as the initial stages will be the hardest. A lot of rehabilitation clinics often have a one strike and you're out policy for a good reason, because if you only have so many beds to give, you're only going to allow the people who are truly taking it seriously to stay. But if you're here, you have a crucial advantage that others do not, and that's an awareness of the Gods. Don't presume yourself unworthy of their attention just because of where you're at currently. Reach out. Think instead of what you could be, and keep that in your heart as you move forward to a better tomorrow.
This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Thank you HPHC 666 for this great article especially in this times where the "Stimulant Culture" is so prevalent in our societies
Just wanted to share my own personal experience with addiction issues and how I got out:
So, as a teenager, I began my drug use at the very young age of 12 (sad, I know). My life at the time was very turbulent. My mother had just been diagnosed with breast cancer (she beat it and is fine now, thank the Gods), and my grandfather had just passed away from dementia. Not to mention the fact my parents had just split up as well, as the cherry on top of the shit cake. Anyways, as my mom had breast cancer, she was prescribed pain pills, Oxy to be exact. For years, my pill addiction continued, until around 20 years old. At 20, I tried H for the first time. The feeling was indescribable, and from that moment, I was stuck. From that moment, for the next four years, I would continue to grow more and more reckless in my addiction. What started as sniffing pills at 12 had now become a full blown heroin addiction at the age of 20. Within a year, I was mainlining. When I tell you that the Gods were watching over me, I'm not kidding. I cannot tell you guys the amount of times I did shots that were so big, I would be nodded out before I could get the needle out of my arm... I look back on this time of my life and shake my head at my pure recklessness. I was so lost, so alone. I remember one day, I drove hours away to buy drugs because my dealer had been arrested in a FBI sting, I stopped in a gas station to do a shot. I passed out in the gas station bathroom for an unknown amount of time. I still to this day marvel at the fact I 1) never overdosed, and 2) was never arrested for anything. During my addiction, I struggled with my own free will. I felt as though I was a slave to the drug, or whoever had the drug. In HPHC post above, he says that HP Maxine stated a while back that "drugs make you a slave". This is the truth. You will lose yourself in addiction. You will not recognize yourself in the mirror. After I FINALLY got sober in October 2020, five months later, my lifelong bestfriend died from a drug overdose. This solidified my sobriety. Some say, even in the worst situations, there is a silver lining or a lesson if you look hard enough. It took me months to realize this, but my bestfriend saved my life. Her losing her life solidified my choice to never touch heroin or any other hard drug again. After coming out of a stent of depression due to my bestfriends death, I began my spiritual journey. I began to heal the wounded parts of my soul; it's been almost 4 years and I'm still not completely healed. I am eternally grateful the Gods and Father Lucifer watched over me, and that I was able to come out of the other side of addiction, even stronger than I had been before. What HPHC says is as true as it gets; unless you heal the wounds in your soul, you'll never be safe from yourself. Those wounded parts of yourself can impact your lives more than you think. That's why healing the soul is SO important.

AMAZING post, HPHC. Ave Father Lucifer!
I have never suffered from drug addiction and have never used drugs, but my lack of self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence prevented me from doing many things when I was younger and I always remained stagnant.
Thank you very much for your Sermons on these topics and all the research you put into it, High Priest HPHC 🙏

Back when I just found the forums I came across this Sermon of yours:

About Weed and Smoking

This helped me so much in reconsidering my habits. Even if it doesn't seem to affect one too much negatively, it does leave traces on ones Psyche behind. Paranoia can also manifest as unwarranted, general mistrust against other people. Couple that with excessive lazyness/lack of motivation and willinglessness to spend freetime with "non smokers" and you loose many friends over the years. And your smoking "friends" might get you into who-knows-what over time. Thankfully I never went further than this but I know some people that totally lost themselves (even just with weed).

Reflecting on this, it was all just an "easy" way to get into social groups and interaction. Same as with cigarettes and alcohol, started it all at a young age to "be accepted" and to be with the "cool kids". Lost these "friends" over the years but the addictions stuck with me.
I am still not the most social person (shyness) but it's a world in difference compared to years ago. The interactions I share with other people also feel so much more genuine, even if its a short talk.

Alcohol is also just something that is handled very evil in current societies. Two close relatives of mine totally lost their mind and wrecked their bodies over it, one of them fatally in the end. The other one stopped completely at one point of which I am VERY thankful. But the damage that has been done is still visible, mentally and physically.
Sadly, alcohol is treated like a "must have" when people get together, at least where I'm from. It's almost treated like a "rite of passage" to drink your first beer or glass of wine. Which would probably be fine if it was in moderation, but once the alcohol starts flowing...

And cigarettes, well, restricting the places where people are able to smoke has notably helped in combatting it. Unfortunately the use of nicotine patches is rising instead, especially around young children, as they are able do hide it better, as there's no bad smell.

Also, I feel as if nicotine is rewiring the brain in a really agressive way, it was the addiction that took me the longest to beat and I still experience "cravings" sometimes (though only seldom nowadays). Thankfully just the smell makes me nauseous now.

I am endlessly grateful to have found the JOS and the Forums. The (applied) teachings have truly changed/saved my live. Almost three years now and I'm free of any drugs.

Much love and strength for every SS who battles their addiction and is every day one step closer to overcoming their bad habits. 🌻

Much love and power for everyone who overcame their addictions and who stays strong. 💪

And much love, strength and power for everyone with loved ones that fight this battle and everyone who keeps being a positive inspiration for others ❤️
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for this sermon
Drugs are misleading
And dangerous anymore
I used to use meth but I've
Quite since 2015 just
Quite cold turkey
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I've. Enjoyed this sermon
I used to do meth
When one does negative things to one's self, you are not truly "loving yourself". Over the last days I have been doing a lot of further research on addictions, drugs and related problems, since I want to be able to solve these problems for others.

At the case where people do this, we can see strongly there is a lack of self-esteem, confidence and self love. I don't mean narcissistic self love and other deceptive forms of love, I mean actual self-love that is based on self respect. Trauma and other underlying problems, which can be healed by the love of the Gods if you let them, can be the sources of these problems. One has to go back and see on the root causes; self knowledge is very important here.

One must ask: Why am I doing this? Then the answer might be fairly evident: "I need confidence". "I suffer with my life because ___", "I need to have a good time" (that is a masked response). Yet you could have a good time without drug abuse, maybe with some alcohol. Or even without it. So what is keeping you? One must keep asking; eventually the facts will reveal themselves. Oftentimes the facts are hidden from your immediate understanding. "I find my life not that interesting" is another response; it all depends on the individual.

The less one has of the negative issues within, the more the soul can blossom unimpeded, the more one goes into the wrong direction, one sets themselves up for abuse by others, drugs, practice escapism and other negative things. One does not want to be who they are, they are not there yet. One is avoiding and coping with avoidance.

What is one avoiding? That is something important that must be faced. When that is faced, the rewards are standing within reach. The more you try to cheat through and bypass these things, the far further away you are from what you truly need inside.

To mention more explicit dangers, HPS Maxine has also stated many years ago in a very direct manner, "Drugs make you someone's slave (Bitch)". Her statements reflect wisdom of more than 5 decades in this life, she has seen it all in life and I know that personally. Many also here have seen where these paths end; only in darkness, deception and nothing of what one initially wanted. So one is fooled, enslaved and controlled.

Clearly that's not a good state to be, nor to be found over-dosed one night because the "Plug" decided it was time to finish your life. A lot of great people have been lost for literally no reason over these topics. People around this block have something to do with their existence during that lifetime, so dying randomly from these things is never a good idea.

We have endless cases of SS and I am truly proud of all of them, who actually built formiddable selves that are beyond these. And these people are still only developing; the path is long and the power you seek will be attained. Yet one must give this to themselves. The way to do this is to actually get there and not on the opposite direction.

This path over time will teach you slowly, and through overcoming with trials for your improvement, actual self love.

Impressions absorbed in your early life that you "need to be this or that" or other forms of self hate, can lead people to all sorts of negative actions in life committed against yourselves. These can manifest in addictions, drugs, trying to gain confidence and self love from the backdoor or through other engagements.

In all cases, none of this is going to truly help you. Everytime you do these things to yourself, you are only developing a sense of self-failure and self hate within. Because deep down everyone knows when they do these things, eventually all they do is wear themselves down.

Of major importance here is for one to understand that by ripping down your sanity, health, existence, wallet and everything else, only to get temporary false validation, is not going to lead you nowhere, but in more darkness than the starting point. One must make a choice to go the opposite direction.

That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

As that is a very large topic, I will end this post here; but if one refers above and re-reads they will understand what is meant and how they can trace the issues and actually tackle them. That's the only way. Avoidance is not the way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for this sermon I've use to
Use meth I broke away from it
And one day decided to quit
I quit everything cold turkey
I haven't used anything since
October 2015
great sermon HP,
it is the most impactful thing i struggled with this for many years where i was severely addicted to cannabis that i use to "self medicate" in tiny amounts with the thought that i was better than those who did what i considerd an unreasonable amount of cannabis.
It was only Later on as i advanced in my meditations I noticed that the tiney amount i consumed of cannabis was doing a massive amount of damage in my life and keeping me away from my potential with the idea of false enlightenment, I now find no difference between the amount when noticing the damage is the same!!

I would say it’s no different than craving sugar sweets imo, which is ironically much more destructive and unnoticeable than what most people can understand, it’s only my relationship with the power meditations, rituals that really helped tbh, most places don’t even criticize these things showing just how unaware they seem to be about what’s going on.
I am battling sugar cravings and all and i noticed a bigger picture here one that seems to look way different and way uglier than what can be mentioned and it is totally a silent war

Hail Satanas
Thank you.

I think the main problem is that people don't know what is right and what is wrong.
Many people around me think that doing drugs is a good thing.
On alcoholism, smoking, that it is part of life like food, water and air.

To make big changes, you need to rebuild from the ground up.
The right information helps a lot.
There is a lot of information on the internet, but much of it is manipulation for its own sake or outright lies. It takes a lot of time to find the truth.

Another difficult part of quitting is personalising it. You need to tailor your quitting so that it is feasible. One small mistake can put the whole thing at risk. Until quitting the addiction is solidified.
This is a big decision that will change people's lives. We must therefore be prepared and open to this change.
Great Sermon, for me I used cannabis to escape the reality that I wasn't getting healthier, it represented an escape for me so that I wouldn't feel the pain anymore of being unable to cure myself of feeling weak and powerless trapped by a condition that limited me so severely, but that was the issue I remained weak and powerless I just didn't care anymore. Quitting and being forced to face my limitations was the only way forward, everything else is stagnation and decay, forcing myself off the drug and forcing myself to evolve has been necessary to the current step I am on which admittedly has not been easy.

I think of drugs now as a means of ignoring Saturn, and so I don't blame anyone for using them especially non-SS but at best it provides a temporary emotional relief but its a lie like dreaming but like any dream you have to wake up a dream you don't wake up from is death.

All true power stems from inner opposition to external resistance, nothing great is given, nothing lasting is free, everything worthwhile is earned, we are defined by our limitations and how we face them.
Thanks for this sermon
Drugs are misleading
And dangerous anymore
I used to use meth but I've
Quite since 2015 just
Quite cold turkey

I've. Enjoyed this sermon
I used to do meth

Thanks for this sermon I've use to
Use meth I broke away from it
And one day decided to quit
I quit everything cold turkey
I haven't used anything since
October 2015
Congrats man, I’ve been there. I finally quite cold Turkey after using on and off for nearly 9 years.
And when these illusions were shattered, many didn't see any other way, except the way of pursuing a feeling of false power and control that drugs bring, when they are, in reality, unconsciously needing to be the slave of something else. Is a vicious cycle... and I mourn these friends even now, because they didn't know another way to escape this. That's why I hope that the path of Spiritual Satanism becomes more popular and known. So it can help people who are victims of the religions of slavery to save themselves and truly free themselves from the chains that binded them since childhood.

Bravo for YOU! Although you are very young (compared to my over 60yrs) you are endowed with a great maturity and Wisdom, already! Keep on the Path. I expect great things from you as you bypass some of us as you go.
That's not the powerful Darkness of Lucifer either, it's more like the darkness of the foolish and the enslaved; the real darkness is approached in other ways. Real darkness is to master within, is to dive within.

Dear High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, The above were some of the most potent and powerful words I have ever heard. You are a true Master of Rhetoric. I will engrave these words within my soul and I will remember them when I get weak. Thank you brother, I love you too.

Hail Satan!!!!
I am glad that I stopped smoking with relative ease and that I did for only a few years of my teen life.

I also smoked weed, but once, I got a "bad high" that caused me a panic attack, and for some reason it stuck within me, and from that day I've been suffering from all kinds of anxiety and phobias. Even as I stopped smoking weed and eventually also cigarettes.

I'm talking of 6 years of psychological issues.
I'm the only person I know that has had these issues brought out by weed, but I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world.

I guess in some way I should be glad that I developed those evident issues, because by touching the bottom I could rise and eventually find back the JoS.
If I never hit rock bottom like this, maybe I'd still be hooked in that useless, stoner, wannabe gangsta, life.
As of now I am much better than 2-3 years ago, I don't struggle as much with hypochondria, tanathophobia, panic attacks, etc.
I'm not fully healed yet, I still have huge issues to iron out. Like airplane phobia.

But unlike a few years ago, I have hope now, because I've seen some of the rewards this Path can offer.
So it has become credible that much more can be achieved.
I know someone who also had a bad high and developed psychological disorders, diagnosed with some form of schizophrenia. The doctors explained that smoking weed can cause tiny holes in the brain, which causes the mental disorders.

I'm glad you healed.
Regarding your beautiful sermon: I personally have only one vice: sugary snacks (or croissants at the bar, but always sweet things). This side of me really bothers me. I don't even want to call it "side OF ME", I would like it to be something that doesn't concern me.
I used to have a sweet tooth. The day I started doing Qigong, was the day I no longer craved sweets.

From a holistic perspective, craving sweets comes from a lack of self-nourishment. The sugary sweets are a way of trying to compensate. Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.
I used to have a sweet tooth. The day I started doing Qigong, was the day I no longer craved sweets.

From a holistic perspective, craving sweets comes from a lack of self-nourishment. The sugary sweets are a way of trying to compensate. Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.
I heard qigong before but am not sure what it is exactly I can't find the pdf on it in the jos website
Will there be exercises to learn to love yourself? Sometimes I talk to myself and we come to the conclusion that 3sub personalities who love each other are good, but not perfect
I used to have a sweet tooth. The day I started doing Qigong, was the day I no longer craved sweets.

From a holistic perspective, craving sweets comes from a lack of self-nourishment. The sugary sweets are a way of trying to compensate. Try qigong, and other methods of increasing your Chi. I eat sweets every now and then, but I generally never crave them unless I've gone too long without taking care of myself, or go months without doing qigong, or rushing too much with a lot of JoS projects and not enough time to just chill.
Thank you, HPS Lydia! These spiritual physical exercises of Qigong combined perhaps with practices of Tai Chi, Five Tibetans, Yoga and Reiki could become a passion of mine in the same way as martial arts if I dedicate myself to them well. I only answered you now because I was looking to see if there were books that talk about these things, and in fact I found some.

Sorry for the delay anyway, but I wanted to give you a complete response to your advice, and my response is that I will apply myself and see if a passion for this kind of thing can also be born. I am very willing to try. Thank you! :D

Some time ago I really liked practicing Yoga and physical things, it was really beautiful, but then some doubts arose like: "what if I can't be consistent due to lack of time?" and I began to experience this type of practice badly, which had always been my favorite before, because I was feeling anxious. I will start doing them again with the right mentality now that I have matured. :)
I heard qigong before but am not sure what it is exactly I can't find the pdf on it in the jos website
You can't really learn it from PDF. Go on youtube, type in "Lee Holden Qigong" and you'll find lots of videos. His 20 minute morning and 20 minute evening routines are what I started with.
Thank you for responding and am grateful 🙏 for the knowledge you have shared with me now
I will look this guy up try his workout
Hi Brothers and Sisters

I want to sare with you all that after few months of neurofeedback, yoga, meditation and healthy food I'm starting to healing from trauma and feeling really good. I highly recommend neurofeedback and reading the book "The body keeps the score".

Now I'm free alcohol one month and going to therapy and my brain is recovering from abuse. This feels really good and it's helping on my relations and giving me more strenght for rituals and meditation.

I also dedicated a week ago.

HPHC your latest sermos have been of great help and I think it's has been for a lot of people here and I want to give thanks.

Hail Satan!
Hail Valefor!
Hi Brothers and Sisters

I want to sare with you all that after few months of neurofeedback, yoga, meditation and healthy food I'm starting to healing from trauma and feeling really good. I highly recommend neurofeedback and reading the book "The body keeps the score".

Now I'm free alcohol one month and going to therapy and my brain is recovering from abuse. This feels really good and it's helping on my relations and giving me more strenght for rituals and meditation.

I also dedicated a week ago.

HPHC your latest sermos have been of great help and I think it's has been for a lot of people here and I want to give thanks.

Hail Satan!
Hail Valefor!
What do you mean by neurofeedback
Have transplanted the chip in your brain
You can't really learn it from PDF. Go on youtube, type in "Lee Holden Qigong" and you'll find lots of videos. His 20 minute morning and 20 minute evening routines are what I started with.
Should it be done before or after Hatha yoga and in the video they talk nothing about resting afterwards Should we still rest on our back for 15 minutes
I know someone who also had a bad high and developed psychological disorders, diagnosed with some form of schizophrenia. The doctors explained that smoking weed can cause tiny holes in the brain, which causes the mental disorders.

I'm glad you healed.
Thank you. That's horrible. I had no idea it was THIS serious.
I've been wondering for a while, how bad is something like alcohol compared to weed?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
