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About The Binding Of The Demons [Updated With FAQ]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.

About The Binding Of The Demons - Part 1

HPS Maxine has always been a talent, the situation yet remains things need to be explained properly. She has done more than she has articulated in a manner that can be understood. The interpretation of what was happening however and exactly what was the case, has been missing.

Therefore these subjects are poorly understood. Poor understanding leads to other issues. In anyway, HPS Maxine has always been extremely advanced, yet because of a lack of consensus based knowledge, she might not even have evaluated her own abilities, in a way. I have to expand upon the subject to clear things out.

She was able to tap into the sphere adjacent to this one that we live in and has been a natural chaneller and medium. Won't even get into the Astrology skills and other things.

Personally I have no questions in that she could easily have been a Pythia in Deplhi in a previous lifetime. For those who might know, that was the a highest post of prophetic ability and spiritual capacity of the Deplhic Oracle in the past, sort of like top High Priestess in previous lifetimes.

She wouldn't even care anyway to get anything out of this, but I write this to illustrate the level of ability and where this falls in an objective measuring of developed powers.

Regardless, coming into this life, we have to "re-start" again, yet many of these skills do carry on with us and eventually also unfold with meditation. Having known her for too many years and worked closely with her.

In regards to the effects of this, we saw this worldwide since. The deterioration of the enemy is obviously happening and there is no questioning that. In the 2000's, it was a mega structure that had ultimate power in the public sphere. Now closely nobody but minorities do really care about any of this. The enemy conditioning has been breaking down.

We worked on many things together as well, too many.

Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else in the full way.

Only a part of them has been affected, which is only one aspect of their soul. Regardless, this part affected majorly our life on earth and our communications with them. We have dealt with this a long time ago.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example. One will then might see the number but not recognize it. In a sense, that's what the jews have done to humanity, programming them to hate, detest, or ignore their own Gods.

The above is a very simplified view of the subject, which is more complex. In the same way one cannot bind the Sun or other major forces, the Gods cannot have anything like this done to them.

Yet, psychic warfare is still a situation. The enemy's aliens and our Gods do indeed "fight it out" and this involves a series of psychic warfare. Certain actions that humanity does [as in participating or not participating] can have a minor effect in all this.

In a sense, what the enemy did, was lock human beings into doing psychic warfare against their own Gods, and against our culture and our progenitor entities, since they lied to them these were "evil".

In the metaphysical writings of the jews and the "grimoires", these are written in this manner with bindings and other procedures. Long story short these don't affect the universe, but they did have an effect on the sphere of existence where human beings did exist under, which is a very low dimension.

The above is, in a way, like how the mind of a hypnotized person, would be unable to see the number 1, but others would. The number 1 also has not disappeared. If the hypnosis also starts wearing off, they might start seeing the number 1 but not remember what it is.

A similar situation to this occurred later on in the Middle Ages, where the people of Europe started digging out the statues of their own Gods, or reading the Ancient Writings that were never available before but to the Church and other thieves.

Eventually, as the hypnosis wears out, one will see these things. In the Middle Ages, there was absolutely no literacy for 90+% of the population, let alone spiritual knowledge for the masses.

For this reason, any gifted people, resorted in more natural forms of magick or could not explain their own experiences, they had no clue what was going on, and they were easy to find, labelled insane, or exterminated directly if they opened their mouth to the wrong person.

People that could see ghosts, communicate with the dead, had premonitions etc, all that have been discovered were attempted to be killed. These events mirror events in the history of mankind with the situation of the enemy's emerging power trying to shut us all down as a species, and keep us back.

Even now, we are still coming out of this ignorance, and this situation is ongoing. What's for sure, is that the Gods will reclaim their positions.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

About The Binding Of The Demons - Part 2

As the other post and replies did a summary of the situation in the external world, there is some additional knowledge that will answer more of the subject at this time.

The first part concerned the external history of the world, or the Gods, who were here in the previous ages to guide humanity. Part of this was a physical past in which the Gods visited our earth to create our species.

The Gods have left a part of themselves in this world. Externally thinking, one might ask, where is this part? What is it? A spacecraft? A tablet? A building?

No, that is human beings. We were actually seeded here a very long time ago as every SS here knows. That period was very much in the past, and the recent departure of the Gods signalled the end of the Golden Age.

Inside human beings however [not everyone now, it will only come out after real work for those who practice spiritually] there is latent potential that is for all intents, seeded by the Gods. The cultivation of this seed brings out this power, and in effect, also puts someone in the path of the Godhead.

From an internal standpoint, the attacks the enemy has done against our Gods, the removal of this culture, and the brainwashing of humans to remain eternally stuck into the mortal frame of existence, is an assault against the Gods, or rather a part of them.

Bindings, curses, and other issues such as this do indirectly affect the Gods, in the same way someone trying to grow a garden experiences it getting burned. Or a parent having their children locked somewhere and unable to communicate.

These bindings against the "Gods", in their dimension that concerns us humans, are reflections of what the Jews have done in a form of ritualistic slaughter against humanity also. In a sense, every curse uttered against the Gods, is also affecting human beings.

When the wise people of humanity were desecrated [many of which as stated in the JoS are ascended beings from the Golden Age and further], the shutting down of communication lines, does inadvertently affect humans. On a lower dimension, this was coupled with persecution, removal of knowledge, and perpetuation of spiritual oblivion.

As I have stated also in previous topics on the subject, years ago [you can find this in my writings], this is analogous to severing a telephone line.

In a very plain analogy, what one does through a Summoning or when attempting Communication, is attempting to communicate with the Gods in a psychic telephone. That analogy is elementary, oversimplified, yet serves as an easy way to understand the matter.

However, the telephone here, is nothing else but the human being itself. The enemy has done all of the following:

1. Attempt To Destroy the Telephone itself [human beings severed off spiritually]
2. Attempt To Destroy the Telephone lines [external attacks against the Gods, involving ET's and so on]
3. Destroy the very memory of that the telephone even existed [Spiritual Culture, lower enemy]
4. Seal the earth of any external "telephone" communication [the jewish Rabbis call this a "Curfew"], to retain humanity locked in and unable to interact with the external universe, and of course, the Gods.

All of the above, constitutes the greater work of "Binding the Demons". What the lower enemy has done is elementary and does not concern much, as lots of the above was actually the work of the higher enemy anyway, not these idiots they have here.

As one can understand, this situation runs deeper. Yet I believe through this post and the other one, most questions will permanently be rectified until the subject is retouched upon in the future.

As one can understand now, the "Telephone" of the Gods was still intact as it was back then, today. Yet, lines remain jumbled, and like after a nuclear war where one can find a radio, it can become increasingly difficult to attain communication. We are lucky enough however as this is definitely NOT impossible, which was the initial plan of the enemy for this to be.

In the enemy's "Kabbalah", that is celebrated as the "Destruction of the Idols". To demystify the jewish nonsense, this involves putting very big bindings on the souls of people [which is why we do the RTR as it does of all of this], shutting down the soul and parts of the mind in human beings.

In very linear terms, when the Gods are attacked, defamed, driven away, and so on, humanity simply loses access and knowledge that can elevate it. The end point of this is closure of the mind, and therefore, it's a matter of time until a human being is turned into a full scale animal.

This, is an attack on the Gods [ie, also, among other meanings, the Chakras] and constitutes merely what we refer to as psychic warfare. We know what this involves.

In a simplified form, from the above, we have the eclipse and removal of the influence and existence of the Gods in this planet, merely by limiting and destroying the elements of humanity that could keep this influence going, and therefore, us on this very path. We call this "Humanity's fall" and that is a very famous theme in Ancient literature.

Except of the natural fall having a natural aspect to it [when we incarnate], this other "Fall" concerns the curses and attacks against humanity, and how this forcibly severed human beings from the higher ways of evolving and spiritual growth.

The Gods have never left. They certainly did NOT abandon humanity. They departed this place during a time where they had left and founded behind a very big culture, in aeons past, that reassured that we would remain connected both with them but also with our inner self.

They can get anywhere they can, and those who are on the level of advancement, can truly communicate with them. It took a very long time to erode and destroy this, and this was done due to both decaying forces and enemy influence.

Regardless of beliefs and hearsay or nonsense, this communication is rare. Even in the times where the enemy wasn't really set here, this was still quite rare, but it remains a very possible reality for those specific souls and beings that really want to advance.

All of the culture they founded and the knowledge they did their best to safeguard and pass down through the centuries [through their invisible influence] still remains today as valid as it was tens of thousands of years ago. Humanity can still walk this path.

For those who are or were spiritually aware, they are under their influence, and they can grow beneath their support, as if they never left. The problem still remains however that the fallen state of humanity and states of a lot of astral dross, is not cleared yet [produced like sewage], and this can impede people seriously. Others can't escape this as it requires diligence.

It is in other words, a capable state of being achieved provided one meditates. It is achievable today as it were in the past. Since we have the knowledge, it will always be. Esoterically speaking, the "Gods Are Free", when one does open their own mind and soul up, which are given gifts from the Gods. The "Gods are Bound", when one's soul is closed and shut down.

Externally speaking again, numerous Demons on real interactions with human beings, have mentioned that they want to be "remembered". This "remembrance" is part of the upholding of this culture, extending it, and passing it down, so that human beings can have this opportunity to reconnect to get in touch with their divine origins.

It's worth the effort, and in fact, there is nothing else that is more worthwhile than this task.

By remembering them, we allow reconnection. Through the reconnection, we can start opening our minds again, and through application of spiritual knowledge, "We Free The Gods", and we "Become As The Gods".

Through this, we can walk once again the path to the Godhead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Gear88 said:
I think it's simpler what you said that it affects lower entities and acts more of a distraction or difficulty except higher up, lower entities that cannot be bound are just noised up.

From what I know the "binding" of the Gods is a silly thing. Except in as much entities of lower areas the higher ups probably just keep blasting and eventually things happen.


Demons have ranks. The higher ones, when the enemy tried even "Something" against them, they put their top kikes on this, and all of them died or went insane. And of course it bore no effect. This was in the Middle Ages and before when they had "Total power" or so they thought. It simply never worked.

Jews, falsely "inspired" by stories that never happened, got exterminated in the process a great deal. That's because all of this was actually lies and more psychopathy of the jews, sort of how they write this bogus shit about how "JHVH" rules the "Earth" and other nonsense.

But if all of humanity in an enslaved state, is guided by them to let's say, curse some lower Demon, this definitely invites negative energy on them [as it would to a human being or others]. An example here is Asmodeus who told them after they tried to "conjure" him that their season will be short because that vermin only lives for a while, but the Demons do forever.

This is to be understood as literally causing a flu to an elephant. The elephant won't die from the flu. But it may cause considerable harassment.

Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Despite all this, why did some demons join the enemy side?

This never really occurred and is just some nonsense that came from people who mistranslated some Sumerian texts that were allegorical as literal events. The Demons do not "Go to the enemy side". This nonsense was started after gross American mistranslations of Ancient texts, namely the Sumerian, which were out of Stichin's nonsense.

They are too advanced for this. Also, if any so called "Demon" were to do this, the Gods would know beforehand among other things. Along these lies we also have other nonsense that Anu betrayed Enlil and Enki, and other nonsense. These are gross mistranslations of spiritual allegories, and don't reflect the ET reality.

These things do not happen between the Gods. There is also no real "Other side", they have no choice, as the enemy hates lifeforms like the Gods. They are what parasites is vowed upon to fight a productive being.

Darksage666 said:
So the stories of the Jews making our gods do their will because they were bound((the pagan gods)) are all completely false?

I thought the theory was that some of the gods chakras were sealed up hence their auras were dark and they wished to return to the light or the power of the soul when bright. And she basically did sex magick to direct energy and unblock their chakras.

I thought she explained this on her YouTube video?

What she’s saying this, is invalid? Respectfully asking.

This is separated in two parts. Yes, that is unfortunate. Some lower ranking Demons were actually abused and cursed viciously. While this doesn't really affect a Demon permanently, it can be damaging.

Regardless, the stories of jews are exaggerated, yet the cursing and damning really did take place. Not all have the same amount of power. This was not only a doing of the enemy, but a reality of occult warfare between the enemy aliens and our Gods. But they are OK since they reside under more powerful Gods.

The "part" of the Demons that was bound was one "part" of them. The soul has many parts, and that is one of it.

This also indirectly ties into the aspects in humans themselves that were attacked, and the whole thing has dimensions and layers to it.

The kikes couldn't do half of what they "Claimed", yet they did a lot of negativity and damage. Much of this was also done through the Gentiles stupidly channeling all these curses towards the Gods [used as parasites and cannon fodder by the jews]. Jews on their own couldn't achieve not even 5% of this.

promitheusS88 said:
It had been strange to me that some people believed that the gods had literally binded ! Nobody can bind so powerfull beings. It was we (humanity) who were cut off from them, trapped in lower levels of existence, unable to hear them and unable to reach them. Thanks to Hps Maxine this has changed and now we are blessed

HPS Maxine and me too have done copious work on this, from years ago. I followed her through. She has done way more than this, but kept silent.

Refer also to other answered questions.

Yes, from a higher perspective, nothing can stop the Gods. These puny beings like the enemy mean nothing to them, yet, they can harass us and also indirectly be a nuisance [since they used humanity as a brainwashed army for this harassment].

The enemy and the ignorance they promote however, can be highly damaging to humans or even fatal. The enemy therefore is focused rather on abusing human beings, with the Gods being attacked in a form of scapegoating ritual [since they know humans are their progeny].

As Asmodeus has said, "Their rule is but for a season". The Gods see this whole thing as a temporary flu, on the greater perspective of things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does the RTR demonic authority serve to eliminate all the work of the enemy in the mass mind against the gods?
If so, can it still be used, or is it no longer necessary?
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does the RTR demonic authority serve to eliminate all the work of the enemy in the mass mind against the gods?
If so, can it still be used, or is it no longer necessary?

It will have a role to play, but in the short future. We will do it again eventually to reaffirm it.
One question I have is why would the Gods show up to Jewish rituals I never understood this. It was said the Gods were bound and abused. Ehy couldn't they just not show up to such rituals I mean the Jews they are weaker than reptilians and the Gods could crush one of them with mere thought (even some humans can fight these that are more advanced) I thought it was simply something about them being in the earth astral plane and they were only somehow subjected to this if they were here. But I really don't know. I was confused by this. I always thought it was related to the Gods being bound.

To add to my comment since we are talking about like in the late 90s early 2000s on this sermon (not quite sure exactly when it was done) I will add that I remember what the astral plane was like in the early 90s as a kid I lost those abilities as I grew up though before we did any work. A lot of fear energy every where was my first comment. Especially at fast food places. Everyone wondered why I was scared to go in there and screaming and crying and stuff 🤣 when they tried to take me to one most kids liked this. Big crowds the energy was too much. I remember some of it. I know I talked to people at least 3 or 4 humans mainly and a couple time the Gods. I am not sure of who everyone was. I couldn't tell you but I kind of knew something was wrong. I could sense the bad energy off xtianity and xtians but sadly I didn't connect that it was the religion. I thought I would just be more cool than them or something.

Anyways the reason I state this is world is very different now from even 3 years ago let alone that. It's nowhere near as bad now. I was like only about 11 or 12 when the Gods were unbound though that was about 4 or 5 years before I came here. I didn't sense energy at all or anything then.

Yeah keep up the good work I think we actually won in the astral but it may take awhile to go down to the physical we need to make sure the Jews can't turn this around somehow or put some of that back up so let's keep doing this till they are gone.

I actually struggled with the changes on earth by the enemy more than a lot of people it is like a culture shock type thing but its the planet you live on. That sucks. I have someone to talk to about it though who kind of understands so I am OK though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the information, Mr!
Like reading a book again after some time, the same book, but seems different, you see and understand things differently even if they are the same as before, to different levels , some may even think they read another book , this is how blind society is.

Enemy did enough crimes, all we need is humanity to be able to see them better and better.
It is as if I have just realized the depth of the tragedy.
I did not intend to summon the gods and just keep talking and asking questions to Satan and my GD, but reading your posts I feel that these works will be revealed and destroyed over time,And to help facilitate it, one should try to communicate with the gods in any way to reveal such obstacles.
And these not seens are about more detailed cases in this way as well

HP, could you give me any advice to make this easier to detect?
So, without getting into unnecessary details, this ritual was sort of like a prototype RTR? Which laid the foundation for humanity in a small way begin to recognise their Gods again.

Was it based on Hebrew lettering or energy work?

Thank you for taking the time to write this
It's amazing to think about what was in front of me my whole life and how JOS helped me reveal the beauty of the Gods in a way I could never imagine experiencing. My eyes well up with joy and heart throbs with love for High Priestess Maxine and all she has blessed us with. Hail Satan and the Glory that is JOS!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Does the RTR demonic authority serve to eliminate all the work of the enemy in the mass mind against the gods?
If so, can it still be used, or is it no longer necessary?

It will have a role to play, but in the short future. We will do it again eventually to reaffirm it.
Looking forward
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does the RTR demonic authority serve to eliminate all the work of the enemy in the mass mind against the gods?
If so, can it still be used, or is it no longer necessary?

It will have a role to play, but in the short future. We will do it again eventually to reaffirm it.
One question, this RTR and others that directly affect the mind of the gentiles, can they be done outside of a schedule with a specific goal ? For example, use the RTR of ending confusion, and the one of demonic authority, directing the energy to a specific Gentile to try to make him awaken to the spiritual world ?

I know gentiles who are very liberal and like the spiritual, but who have ended up getting caught up in the enemy's programs because of curses and Jewish programming, I wanted to help them and thought of these rituals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

I remember reading that when the binding of the demons were undone, there were demons basically begging to be moved in front of the line.

If it is true that the gods/demons were bound in our perception only, why is it that there were demons so desperate to try and cut in front of the line even if this was against Satan's will.

I'm just trying to get some clarity, for i am a little bit confused by this.
This explains the topic of "bound" Demons a lot better. I had always wondered about how such a thing was even possible. Your hypnosis analogy makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
In all these years HP Maxine has been the only person who has never contradicted himself from the beginning to the end. Everything she said has always to match from the beginning to the end.

Lei e' stata la mia vera insegnante di magia, e la mia vera Madre Spirituale.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does the RTR demonic authority serve to eliminate all the work of the enemy in the mass mind against the gods?
If so, can it still be used, or is it no longer necessary?

It will have a role to play, but in the short future. We will do it again eventually to reaffirm it.

I was wondering because I have been doing the Demonic Authority Ritual, the Serpent is Free, Serpent Ascending, Serpent empowerment for Gentile RTRs, and I wonder if they have long-term effects
Satanic_truth88 said:
So, without getting into unnecessary details, this ritual was sort of like a prototype RTR? Which laid the foundation for humanity in a small way begin to recognise their Gods again.

Was it based on Hebrew lettering or energy work?

Thank you for taking the time to write this

There was no ritual. There was energy work, without a ritual in the strict sense.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

I remember reading that when the binding of the demons were undone, there were demons basically begging to be moved in front of the line.

If it is true that the gods/demons were bound in our perception only, why is it that there were demons so desperate to try and cut in front of the line even if this was against Satan's will.

I'm just trying to get some clarity, for i am a little bit confused by this.

Before I make the matter even more mind boggling, I slightly edited the post.

There are quite a few levels of existence as it is. The level upon which any of these activities took place, is broadly a lower level of the astral. And on there, all of this can actually happen.

Without a proper explanation of these levels, this will only create more confusion.

Especially the Higher Ranking Gods cannot even be touched or "bound" in anyway, these methods would only work on lower beings, and only temporarily [which temporarily in our timeline could mean 500 years or so] and this is a work of the enemy, not something jews did "achieve". That is also regional and involves our domain or level here.

At the same time, humanity also went an elaborate blinding process here below, which was the systematic removal of knowledge.
slyscorpion said:
I couldn't tell you but I kind of knew something was wrong. I could sense the bad energy off xtianity and xtians but sadly I didn't connect that it was the religion. I thought I would just be more cool than them or something.

Anyways the reason I state this is world is very different now from even 3 years ago let alone that. It's nowhere near as bad now. I was like only about 11 or 12 when the Gods were unbound though that was about 4 or 5 years before I came here. I didn't sense energy at all or anything then.

Yeah keep up the good work I think we actually won in the astral but it may take awhile to go down to the physical we need to make sure the Jews can't turn this around somehow or put some of that back up so let's keep doing this till they are gone.

I actually struggled with the changes on earth by the enemy more than a lot of people it is like a culture shock type thing but its the planet you live on. That sucks. I have someone to talk to about it though who kind of understands so I am OK though.

Well, yes. I have talked about this along the lines.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before I make the matter even more mind boggling, I slightly edited the post.

There are quite a few levels of existence as it is. The level upon which any of these activities took place, is broadly a lower level of the astral. And on there, all of this can actually happen.

Without a proper explanation of these levels, this will only create more confusion.

Especially the Higher Ranking Gods cannot even be touched or "bound" in anyway, these methods would only work on lower beings, and only temporarily [which temporarily in our timeline could mean 500 years or so] and this is a work of the enemy, not something jews did "achieve". That is also regional and involves our domain or level here.

At the same time, humanity also went an elaborate blinding process here below, which was the systematic removal of knowledge.

So the demons were (temporarily) bound on the lower lvls of existence in the domain where we reside, I think understand that. But how about the demons that were so urged to get rid of this binding that some of them were willing to against Satan's order of selection.

There are a couple of thing that don't click with me completely, Like how is it that some sex workings were able to unbind the gods. If this is something that can be done by people here, how is it that the gods weren't able to do this? Maybe i missed something, perhaps this is already spoken about in a sermon?

This is something that never made to much sense to me, mostly because there are so many questions left unanswered . I never really gave it any peace of mind, but since this topic has been touched about in this sermon, i kinda got me curious.

- Of course i have some theories of why and how, Like the most likely possibility of why the gods were not able to undo the bindings, is because they were not close enough to this domain to undo those bindings, its only since recently that the gods are in our airspace.

- Or about the reason why there were demons so desperate to get rid of the bindings. This might be because some lower ranking demons did get negatively influenced by this, Or maybe there are certain things that they wanted to do on earth that became hard or impossible to do.

Anyways i was just curious about this, thank you for your time to reply to me HPHC.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before I make the matter even more mind boggling, I slightly edited the post.

There are quite a few levels of existence as it is. The level upon which any of these activities took place, is broadly a lower level of the astral. And on there, all of this can actually happen.

Without a proper explanation of these levels, this will only create more confusion.

Especially the Higher Ranking Gods cannot even be touched or "bound" in anyway, these methods would only work on lower beings, and only temporarily [which temporarily in our timeline could mean 500 years or so] and this is a work of the enemy, not something jews did "achieve". That is also regional and involves our domain or level here.

At the same time, humanity also went an elaborate blinding process here below, which was the systematic removal of knowledge.

- Or about the reason why there were demons so desperate to get rid of the bindings. This might be because some lower ranking demons did get negatively influenced by this, Or maybe there are certain things that they wanted to do on earth that became hard or impossible to do.

They cannot go "against" Satan's order despite of what anyone would want. The choice of words would be better, the sense of rushing has been really prevalent in other workings we have done too.

Regardless, the situation is explaining here a sense of rushing. The same notion of rushing, has been explained in other work. Even now, our side has rushed in to stop a lot of things, that if they were left untreated, we would be in a very bad position.

People here can do some things only because they are on this physical dimension. Now, the Gods are not directly on earth, and therefore affecting earth can take too much energy. These can't be done by "all" people anyway either.

A similar way to understand this is that I can easily move a desk or a mouse to write this, but the energy needed for a God to "write" this to you, would be too overwhelming and too much of a waste of time to even happen.
Satanic_truth88 said:

Was it based on Hebrew lettering or energy work?

Thank you for taking the time to write this

The part that affected the minds of people and was related to the spells, yes, it has been heavily based on the Hebrew.

The RTR, alongside removing many other things, is undoing a lot of things that would be too many to list. One of these was all their gimmick that affected the soul and minds of Gentiles from disallowing interactions and influence between us and the Demons.

I think this comment is good to put here.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Once upon a time, the Waters above (Universe) were connected to the Waters below (Earth) and there was no atmosphere (Air) in between.
Earth was open to recieve and give, there was no lockdown, everything was Free.
The symbolism of what you are saying is that there actually has been a barrier placed between the Earth and the universe, and this barrier is made of an energy created from many curses. These curses are sometimes called the bindings against the gods, or the Tetragrammaton, or the binding of the human soul. All of these curses have been a real horrible barrier in between Earth and the Universe, and between Humanity and the Gods.

This barrier is removed by doing the RTR, especially the 3 parts of the Final RTR. The first Final RTR destroys the parts that all of the curses are created from, like removing a molecule by erasing each atom. Then the 2nd part of the Final RTR, the Erasing the Tetragrammaton, this is directly all about erasing and removing this barrier. The name of this barrier is the Tetragrammaton. The 3rd part of the Final RTR removes whatever was left of the pieces of the barrier, after the first 2 parts remove most of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

I remember reading that when the binding of the demons were undone, there were demons basically begging to be moved in front of the line.

If it is true that the gods/demons were bound in our perception only, why is it that there were demons so desperate to try and cut in front of the line even if this was against Satan's will.

I'm just trying to get some clarity, for i am a little bit confused by this.

Before I make the matter even more mind boggling, I slightly edited the post.

There are quite a few levels of existence as it is. The level upon which any of these activities took place, is broadly a lower level of the astral. And on there, all of this can actually happen.

Without a proper explanation of these levels, this will only create more confusion.

Especially the Higher Ranking Gods cannot even be touched or "bound" in anyway, these methods would only work on lower beings, and only temporarily [which temporarily in our timeline could mean 500 years or so] and this is a work of the enemy, not something jews did "achieve". That is also regional and involves our domain or level here.

At the same time, humanity also went an elaborate blinding process here below, which was the systematic removal of knowledge.
What you say makes sense. I thought about it before and there is no way the enemy could bound the God's, if they could then we would have not have a chance to win against them. I don't even think the ritual she did was to unbound them for everyone but more to unbound her from the curses of the jews that made the comunication with the Gods way more difficult. Now we are really erasing the curse from everyone. At the time it was not possible to do it for everyone.
I liked HPHC's analogy of the "bindings" being like having a bad phone line. The sigils and images of the Gods are like a phone number but the jew causes interference when we try to communicate. Or they just tried to destroy their number all together. The Gods are still there but accepting this reality to the jew conditioned mind used to be almost impossible.
That's why we need to channel Satanic consciousness and energy on this Earth by JoS portal and our own selves. Pillars of manifestation and mirror of Heavenly affairs. We already have a primary mission, yet in the future, this will expand unto a lot of individuals platforms of existence and slowly seed everything up for another Golden Age. But we need to advance at unheard in history rates, also due to circumstances in my opinion.

Think that if you don't optimize and be efficient about your advancement, you'll lose opportunities for big expansions for our whole people, as the self and soul is the primary factor of these collective advancements. SS souls are extremely valuable and critical to our species of beings in spiritual matters.
A question: How enemy could attack our Solar System? I think there is a blank period (I mean, in knowledge about what really happened) between Golden Age and Ancient Ages. We have been under the Gods' care and our ancestors were well aware of spiritual things.
Thank you Master.
It had been strange to me that some people believed that the gods had literally binded ! Nobody can bind so powerfull beings. It was we (humanity) who were cut off from them, trapped in lower levels of existence, unable to hear them and unable to reach them. Thanks to Hps Maxine this has changed and now we are blessed
I loved this explanation a great deal! I always had a feeling it was meant with some other means of "binding" as far as cutting off humans from the Gods somehow. The enemies disgusting filth will never overpower our great Gods. Now with the grid being destroyed along with everything hebrew i hope those astral net lines start working at max power very soon! I feel that alot of us have felt glimpses of this already in a sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before I make the matter even more mind boggling, I slightly edited the post.

There are quite a few levels of existence as it is. The level upon which any of these activities took place, is broadly a lower level of the astral. And on there, all of this can actually happen.

Without a proper explanation of these levels, this will only create more confusion.

Especially the Higher Ranking Gods cannot even be touched or "bound" in anyway, these methods would only work on lower beings, and only temporarily [which temporarily in our timeline could mean 500 years or so] and this is a work of the enemy, not something jews did "achieve". That is also regional and involves our domain or level here.

At the same time, humanity also went an elaborate blinding process here below, which was the systematic removal of knowledge.

- Or about the reason why there were demons so desperate to get rid of the bindings. This might be because some lower ranking demons did get negatively influenced by this, Or maybe there are certain things that they wanted to do on earth that became hard or impossible to do.

They cannot go "against" Satan's order despite of what anyone would want. The choice of words would be better, the sense of rushing has been really prevalent in other workings we have done too.

Regardless, the situation is explaining here a sense of rushing. The same notion of rushing, has been explained in other work. Even now, our side has rushed in to stop a lot of things, that if they were left untreated, we would be in a very bad position.

People here can do some things only because they are on this physical dimension. Now, the Gods are not directly on earth, and therefore affecting earth can take too much energy. These can't be done by "all" people anyway either.

A similar way to understand this is that I can easily move a desk or a mouse to write this, but the energy needed for a God to "write" this to you, would be too overwhelming and too much of a waste of time to even happen.
Why did some demons go to the enemy side?
This explains why i am seeing a Seed and a Tree a lot while meditating.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Externally speaking again, numerous Demons on real interactions with human beings, have mentioned that they want to be "remembered". This "remembrance" is part of the upholding of this culture, extending it, and passing it down, so that human beings can have this opportunity to reconnect to get in touch with their divine origins.

Yes, I actually had personal experience with this.
A few years ago I was working on a story that would be dedicated to my Guardian Demoness and while trying to think of what the story was going to be about, I asked her what she would like the message of my story to be about. And I heard an answer "that the Gods are still here" and I felt a very intense sense of melancholy in my chest.

Don't forget guys, there are also other ways to help people remember the Gods, except for the RTR. The RTR IS A PRIORITY as it helps way beyond the physical realm - but you can also use your creativity to spread the message. Create stories, comics, books, songs that feature our Gods. In a "fantasy" setting, you can create anything you can think of, and it will NOT be censored! (so, you can literally make a "fantasy" story of "Gods coming from Orion that created humanity, but were forgotten as time went on" and how "there's a spiritual war going on on Earth" etc etc etc... Under the category of "fantasy" you can really say the truth!)

One still has to be careful though (especially if you put your name out there). If anyone questions your story, do say it's fantasy and such.
Thank you for the additional information on this subject, it really did clear things up for me :)
So the stories of the Jews making our gods do their will because they were bound((the pagan gods)) are all completely false?

I thought the theory was that some of the gods chakras were sealed up hence their auras were dark and they wished to return to the light or the power of the soul when bright. And she basically did sex magick to direct energy and unblock their chakras.

I thought she explained this on her YouTube video?

What she’s saying this, is invalid? Respectfully asking.
I think it's simpler what you said that it affects lower entities and acts more of a distraction or difficulty except higher up, lower entities that cannot be bound are just noised up.

From what I know the "binding" of the Gods is a silly thing. Except in as much entities of lower areas the higher ups probably just keep blasting and eventually things happen. But like a recent sermon whereby Stormblood and VoE(Voice of Enki) they replied to a person going how the hell do the Gods do things with billions of people around?

To which SB and VoE replied, besides a massive conscious effecting reality like bi-location they also have access to subordinates and thoughtforms which do work for them, legions of them really. I think in the end these subordinates, thoughtforms, or legions of entities which help the Gods as the rank goes up. IS the problem to which the Gods get annoyed at.

It's one thing for Satan to affect reality and troll the enemy see Odin-Hitler painting 1877(12 years before Hitler and really decades before the iconic mustache and man went to rise up as the Man of the Century) and later on with WW2. But it's another the LITTLE things that count.

For example I watch Starcraft Brood War/SC2 from time to time. Tasteless, commentator, mentioned this more often than Artosis. He, Tasteless, states Starcraft is a game of little victories. The more things you do the more things compound as a lead for your defeat of your opponent. For example having a small military group attack a location 10-15 seconds earlier than usual and taking out 2-3 workers maybe a few enemy units along with later harassment and taking out another 5-6 workers. And so forth eventually yes big battles and big fights happen. But what happens when you've forced your opponent to slow down their entire drive towards ending the game and your winning on merit of points and limiting your opponents chances of winning.

I think the Gods want to affect more little things and create so-called "Butteryfly effects". For example someone mentioned Kyle Rittenhouse, funny for a young teenager getting his ass saved for what he did. Rittenhouse is kinda dupish he states "I support BLM and Anti-Fa". A member of ours mentioned an unbiased Italian documentary on Rittenhouse and funny enough he said the 2A(Second Amendment) not only gives rights to bearing arms but also allows the formation and regulation of militias which can work with police in case situations happen. In other words militias are like pseudo-police force. Which makes sense as policing didn't come to America till sometime in the 1800s.

Despite bombardment from fools and retards what DeSantis is doing with his own person Militia is well within the constitutional properties.

I think the Gods want more victories and more freedoms on the micro-scale rather than the Macro-scale. If the Gods are so visual towards the future and they realize reality/ies can be set up or manipulated for our side. As it's been said the Gods deal with the aliens of our enemies their Gods and we deal with the hannukahs down here.

I think in the end these micro- Universal victories are what the Gods want. For example imagine a church burning down people cry and kvetch the poor bebe God his church got burned down. Well funny enough what if it sparks in a person or persons mind this is God the almighty this is how people behave and so it plants the seeds of Amalek in their mind. Another thing could be seeing or experiencing an event where even hardcore people come to shock as doubting their faith.

I think this is what the "binding" of the Gods did. It eliminated the micro-control rather than the Macro-control. It's one thing for the jews to kvetch that nature is against them on bigger scales "oy vey ebil, debil Demon's harassing us use hidden books the goys don't know about and fire torah ritual". It's another on the small scale.

It's similar to our RTR/RNTR/Rituals we are affecting the micro-scale and causing a domino effect. I see this in description of the Gods many are ethical or War Gods who provide support to soldiers and military. What if a being of higher power saves a person with a subordinate or thoughtform or magickally provides this kabalistic surge through the person and the person winds up being an important person in fighting the enemy.

Is it fair to state it's the micro-verse rather than the macro-verse that the Gods want more attention?

For example what if a person refuses the vaccine and sues a place for almost overpowering the person and causing them to be forcibly injected by physical force and threat. They win it and it sets a precedence of don't violate people's legal/constitutional rights.

Is it fair this is the type of thing the Gods want to manipulate more often? Micro- rather than Macro-, they have the forces set up for Macro-, but they want to affect more everyday stuff down on the ground level.

It's kinda like what HP.Cobra said the Gods aren't on Earth so doing things requires effort. If the Gods were around I think we'd all know eventually the enemy will collapse.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
