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  1. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    Split in half is better...
  2. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    I would probably stop at 36 over the course of a 24 hour period.
  3. C

    I'm panicking I'm so scared

    If the dry cough routinely follows the dryness of autumn, then this either dryness invasion caused by external pathogen or a dryness/yin deficiency of the lungs. Generally the yin deficiency is a more chronic long lasting problem and the two are differentiated by the superficiality of the...
  4. C

    How to fully get rid of anemia?

    Ok.. So what suggests that eating iron rich foods will not help or cure this in the long term?
  5. C

    How to fully get rid of anemia?

    Is this iron deficient anemia? Pernicious anemia? Or some other form?
  6. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    So long as there are no negative side effects, a dose around 6 per day is the minimum I would recommend to anyone in the absence of a severe sensitivity or negative reaction.
  7. C

    Affirmation for Jupiter Square?

    Jupiter rules the pancreas.. And is benevolent in any working. So a Jupiter square definitely makes sense.. But the sun rules all vitality and Yang, therefore the reasoning for doing either or even both is very strong.
  8. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    Is it helping to control any of your symptoms? 1 pill a day isn't very much..
  9. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    Assuming that it was tea pills.. If I remember correctly it was larger pills than that?
  10. C

    Been trying to get in touch, Central

    I havent had any emails from you there at my other email which is still in service, nor is there anything in my junk.. Is this the Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?
  11. C

    How to masturbate normally?

    Have you tried using energy and affirmations to make some progress on this? If not, then I cannot make comment as to how long it will last. Also, I was referring to him being on top, not you although *makes me feel like I want to get away* maybindicate some underlying issues which need to...
  12. C

    How to masturbate normally?

    Perhaps the feeling of him being on top of you, and in you will provide the same feeling of security therefore the need to cross your legs in that situation will be null.
  13. C

    How to masturbate normally?

    I would venture to say that your legs being crossed simulates the feeling of security that you probably need to feel in order to enjoy or even engage in sex. There is nothing wrong with this as sex is an act of expression so whatever feels most comfortable for you is just fine. You do not...
  14. C

    Question about supplements

    Vitamin E has actually been shown to have a positive effect on blood iron levels when the two are supplemented together: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4994979/
  15. C

    Well Water

    I have heard this also but I don't have any concrete evidence of this being the case. It does however seem highly likely as salt is salt, and requires large evaporation pans to be produced in any real quantity, something which would be difficult due to the terrain of the himalayas. It...
  16. C

    Fixing a toenail, now

    If the nail is not that bad, you can pick at it to create a split part way down the nail on the ingrown side and then pull up and away from the direction it is grown in - this is less drastic but still effective if the nail has only just started recurring.
  17. C

    Fixing a toenail, now

    I used to get recurring ingrown toenails on both my big toes.. All of the doctors who looked at it, for some reason kept refusing to do a resection and told me to *come back tomorrow*. After this happened four or five times at various doctor's surgeries, I did a resection myself which...
  18. C

    Will it be safe for me to heal others?

    Any drain on your energy can and will create issues. So... In order to heal others you have to ensure you are overflowing with energy at all times.. Breathing it in and balancing it, programming it for your benefit are three things you should work into a regular schedule of meditation...
  19. C

    liver pain while swallowing food

    Have you been eating a lot of food lately? As in indulging? Any emotional strain? Fatty liver disease will display considerably more symptoms than just a mild liver ache...
  20. C

    Weight loss

    Unfortunately the appeal of a gastric band is high because it means that you don't have to alter your attitudes, nor step outside your comfort zone to change your life. It is highly likely that your weight concerns have arisen over time because of your lifestyle choices with regards to diet...
  21. C

    gua sha and cupping

    Definitely dry cupping. Wet cupping is used to draw out strong heat toxins from the body as well as strong blood stasis. But it is also very messy and doing it on yourself might prove quite difficult.
  22. C

    gua sha and cupping

    Gua Sha is a very strong reducing technique which can clear pathogens from the layer of the muscles. It is traditionally used to clear wind out from external pathogen invasion but can be used to invigorate blood circulation in the channels also. Cupping has many uses and many forms, most...
  23. C

    i wanna learn

    And I want to learn kung-fu but I don't want to go to class. Or do anything. I just want to sit around and have everything handed to me cos I deserve it. Life doesn't work like that.
  24. C

    Strange ailment.

    I have sent you an email, let me know if you received it or not.
  25. C

    Strange ailment.

    So yes phlegm is difficult to move but not impossible. It just takes time and a special list of ingredients plus things to avoid. I'd be more than happy to look at your chart particularly to see your elemental make up as this determines constitutional health. From that we can...
  26. C

    Strange ailment.

    Have you ever had a feel around on the side of your neck for small (or large) bumps? Phlegm nodules have a habit of accumulating in the neck and can wreak havoc in all kinds of ways. Long term damp, which is very difficult to get rid of can and often will eventually turn to phlegm which...
  27. C

    Strange ailment.

    How have you gone with regard to moving the damp accumulation we spoke about some time earlier?
  28. C

    Pain in heart

    I was of the impression that this was an ongoing thing.. I wouldn't recommend you take herbal medicine for something which only occurred once..
  29. C

    Pain in heart

    Fullness below the heart often is a gastric symptom, although it often signifies that the stomach disharmony is also starting to affect the heart which lays superior to it. This symptom pattern is resolved with the herbal formula Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang or Drain the Epigastrium Decoction for...
  30. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    Thanks... On your friend's period.. How long is her cycle? Are there any other surrounding symptoms at or during the period? How long does she bleed for and what colour is the flow? Are there any clots in the flow and is it heavy continuously or does it lighten? Is there any...
  31. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    Many people don't understand that these questions are an attempt to guage to the current state of the organs - information about which the body readily shares with us if one knows where to look. Does your friend have a history of mental health issues or childhood learning difficulties? I...
  32. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    Does she experience dizziness, night sweating, heart palpitations, fatigue, hair shedding (even minor), any pain, unusual thermal sensations (feeling hot or cold innapropriately), headaches or anything else not already mentioned? Any constipation or diarrhea (long term)? Is there any...
  33. C

    is it worth it to quit all sugar intake?

    Glucose is broken down for energy in the body through glycolysis which produces energy and Pyruvate.. These and other products of the process such as Acetyl CoA enter the citric acid cycle to form more energy. Fat also produces Acetyl CoA to enter the citric acid cycle and glucogenic amino...
  34. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    Yes she can continue meditation. Meditation rectifies and helps neurological issues, when done properly. Raising energy too quickly may be a problem so moderation is definitely in order but not abstinence. Can I ask what the symptoms of the epilepsy are? Are there any other things...
  35. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    One only needs to look at the side effects of a ketogenic diet to know what it does to the body... Excessive urination is the result of the body trying to remove ketone bodies. Unlike glucose, which is not excreted in the urine except in the presence of kidney disease, ketone bodies are...
  36. C

    Epilepsy and meditation - Please advice :)

    What, other than the panic attacks are the symptoms of your friends epilepsy?
  37. C

    HV Power Transmission Lines

    Electromagnetism's effects on the body are wide and varied, depending on the state of your aura as well as environmental factors. We are exposed to electromagnetic fields every day, power lines and WiFi networks aside, radio frequencies from television and radio broadcasts as well as the...
  38. C

    Solar Plexus and heart chakras

    Do you have any of the following? Lower back pain Fatigue Excessive urination Feelings of cold
  39. C

    Shit Memory - What's the point of reading?!

    Excessive use of the eyes can contribute to blood deficiency, as can doing so in the early menstrual years when blood is being lost once a month (something which does not occur prior to menarche). If accompanied by any of the following symptoms.. Dizziness, heart palpitations, poor...
  40. C

    This stuff makes me miserable.

    Being a Satanist in the world we live in currently is not easy.. We are pioneers of true spirituality in a world that is overrun by materialism and people who operate at a very low level. Many of these people do all that they can to bring down those around them, particularly those at a higher...
  41. C

    This stuff makes me miserable.

    I am watching and reading every message on this group jxk2080.. I have noted your predicament and will make contact with you seen regarding this. I apologise to anyones questions I have not answered as this has been a difficult few months for me but I am coming out of it now. Feel...
  42. C

    How to help someone with disordered eating?

    Mental issues are not resolved with supplements. Mental issues need to be explored by the person who has them to find out the root cause and eliminate it. Sometimes just knowing the root cause is enough to eliminate or mitigate its effects on someone's life. Cognitive behavioural...
  43. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Arnica is a qi mover but to the extent of its poisonous nature, I would recommend bitter orange or immature mandarin peel over arnica.
  44. C

    Polyphasic Sleep

    Polyphasic sleep is at best, not enough sleep. At worst it will give you personality changes and other unwanted side effects that can cause alot of grief. Sleep is the yin time for your body, to balance the Yang of daily activity and without adequate rest you will start to burn up the yin...
  45. C

    dizzyness and more

    Do you get the dizziness when you stand up? Or does it just come randomly?
  46. C

    dizzyness and more

    You have underlying unresolved burnout issues?
  47. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Qi stagnation is, as HP Shannon stated, poor circulation of the intangible energetic substance that drives the body. Most frequently this is due to blockage by a disturbance of the mind. By this I mean emotional upset, worry or stress/anger which has a direct effect on the function of the...
  48. C

    Ovarian pain?

    What you are experiencing is long term qi stagnation turning into blood stasis. Do you exercise much? It is recommended that you find something you enjoy doing and go out and do it. At present your energy is stuck and needs to be freed, either by movement or by relaxation of the emotional...
  49. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Stuck as in anything, but that is sufficient information. What part of your back gets sore?
  50. C


    Sodium is necessary for cells to maintain correct osmotic pressure. Failure of the body to regulate sodium in the blood can cause edema or severe dehydration as water tends to follow salt. Potassium is the functional opposite of salt but their relationship with muscle contraction is far...
  51. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    Blood deficiency primarily affects the liver, as the liver is responsible for storing blood. It may be that this was already present underlying your prior issues and with their resolution it has become more apparent, or it is a progression of this issues as I mentioned before. Either way...
  52. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Do you ever feel stuck in any way? Emotionally, mentally or physically? Do you experience any other pain?
  53. C

    Ovarian pain?

    My apologies for taking so long to get back to you.. What you have described, this ache that comes and goes and mainly is associated with sexual activity.. I would like to know, is the pain in a fixed location or does it move and present in other places? Do you suffer fatigue or heart...
  54. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    Is your digestion strong? Last time we spoke your Appétite was diminished somewhat.
  55. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    Long term yin deficiency can lead to poor blood production over time. Do you still have any of the symptoms we discussed earlier? Sorry I haven't replied to the email you sent me, I have had some issues managing my time of late.
  56. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    This is all evidence of Blood Deficiency.. You need to work on: Getting more sleep, particularly going to be before 11pm. Using and straining your eyes less, particularly at night. Eating blood building foods like red meat and keeping hydrated. Giving yourself time to rest.
  57. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    What is your short term memory like? Do you get dizziness or heart palpitations?
  58. C

    I need a diagnosis:)

    Is the liver pain burning? Or something else?
  59. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Is the pain worse at night? Does it last for a long time once it has come?
  60. C

    Ovarian pain?

    Is the pain a dull ache? Or would you describe it another way?
  61. C

    Third sex and hormone levels

    The heart palpitations confirm the diagnosis as blood deficiency. Finding a good blood tonic herbal remedy may also be useful to you. Si Wu Wan is one such tonic. If you have major fatigue accompanying your symptoms, you can add ginseng to this formula to boost qi.
  62. C

    Third sex and hormone levels

    This indicates that you have a mild blood deficiency, which is causing the insomnia and mood swings. Blood nourishing foods include fruit and vegetables which are red in colour, iron supplements and red meats such as beef, and chicken. Warming broths and soups are also beneficial to...
  63. C

    Third sex and hormone levels

    Is there any associated dizziness, heart palpitations or short term memory loss? Or any episodes of night sweating and afternoon fever?
  64. C

    Third sex and hormone levels

    My advice would be.. Take this slowly. Trying to rush a transition of this magnitude will only create problems. Maintain your health as you would normally, this will ease the strain on your body during this time. If you have major health problems, let us know what they are and we...
  65. C

    Unbelievable anger.

    This post describes the cure... It is a continuous meditation dependent upon the presence of anger... https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SSH ... topics/698
  66. C

    Fixing gut flora after fucking antibiotics

    The reason the doctor tells you to keep taking the antibiotics is not because she thinks you are still ill. It is to prevent the bacteria from developing resistance to it.. Ensuring that every last one is destroyed so that there is no chance for protection and adaptation mutations to occur...
  67. C

    Wait what?

    There should be no reasons to not eat pork as pork is one of the most directly beneficial meats to the human body. Its almost medicinal in its ability to nourish human flesh.. Even if it were true, once a pig has eaten and digested the supposed cannabis it was fed, there would be no...
  68. C

    Hair Loss and Balding - Causes

    Once the person has ascertained the cause of the baldness, from the list above.. Essence or blood deficiency, Yin deficiency or stagnation then the remedy is applied accordingly. Essence and blood deficiency have very similar treatment, and this will depend on the severity of the disease...
  69. C

    Throat problem :(

    You assume no amount of herbs could deal with this... You assume incorrectly. I have resolved many many ailments with herbal medicine including conditions which western medical drugs could not touch or that doctors were at a loss to diagnose and treat. Lemon on its own should be...
  70. C

    Contraceptive with cancer.

    High estrogen has always had a causative link to breast cancer. In my opinion, any long term use of sex hormones including testosterone carries a cancer risk as these hormones promote growth and cancer is uncontrolled growth.
  71. C

    About Scoliosis

    For the record, asking questions is neither dumb nor frowned upon. Any reasonable contributing member of this health group needs to recognise that talking about one's health is a sensitive issue and respond accordingly, with a little consideration.
  72. C

    Throat problem :(

    Try adding fresh ginger to your tea... Lemon is astringent and thus holds pathogens inside but is also useful for helping to prevent fluid loss in am infection.. Ginger fights the infection directly. Mint is also a great antiseptic with throat calming properties but will make you sweat...
  73. C

    Can't seem to be able to get wet....?

    Lack of lubrication is a sign of dryness, and this can stem from either yin or blood deficiency, or a stagnation which obstructs fluids from being distributed correctly. Yin deficiency symptoms include tidal afternoon fever, insomnia, sweating at night, feeling of heat in the palms, soles and...
  74. C

    A good book on Delayed fermentation for making bread

    Wheat and wheat bran is among the most available, easily digested forms of food available. Wheat contains significant amounts of protein (when whole) as well as sugars all of which contribute to the formation of blood components and energy stores. The nutrients both macro and micro are...
  75. C

    Physical activities to promote spiritual health?

    Someone who doesn't care about peoples health nor understand it.. Hot yoga is very damaging to the body's fluids.. Great for overweight people who want to lose weight but at the risk of creating a lot of internal heat due to the consumption of yin.
  76. C

    Physical activities to promote spiritual health?

    Are you referring to hot yoga? How frequently do you do this? How long have you felt the taste that your lungs are bleeding?
  77. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    Apples can be stewed by simply peeling them, cutting them and adding them to boiling water with a pinch of sugar or honey and cinnamon. Simmer until the apple is tender. I don't have alot of experience cooking anything other than apples so maybe someone else has more to add here but as I...
  78. C

    Mouth roof itching?

    Correct. And this change can be climate related, or internal emotions, or a change of lifestyle ie more to less active or vice versa, and/or the most obvious change in diet.
  79. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    No.. Unless you cook the smoothie, all you are doing is the chewing part by pureeing the ingredients.
  80. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    What you need to do is not completely cut these things out but reduce them. The foods I mentioned will give your digestion a break so that it has time to recover and begin transporting fluids properly again instead of just dumping all the improperly processed fluid in the lung which is the...
  81. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    Cooked vegetables and slow cooked meats, foods which are moderately spiced, dry foods such as grains (but not fermented as in breads). Avoiding dairy and alcohol and raw foods overall, foods with heavy oil content especially raw oils (as in legumes) as these are more difficult to digest as...
  82. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    Raw fruit and nuts are very heavy, and difficult to digest, as is dairy. You need to allow your digestion some easier to digest foods and breaks from heavy, difficult food. No amount of raw food is healthy as far as I am concerned, except where one has a very robust and excessive...
  83. C

    Clogged nose and mucus in the throat

    What you have described is cold damp. This probably arises from digestive energy insufficiency being unable to properly transform foods. Is your diet full of heavy foods such as raw and unprepared foods or dairy and other high fat content things?
  84. C

    arousal, throwing up

    The feeling of needing to vomit and/or nausea is a product of reverting stomach qi. This can be caused by excitement as excitement tends to make energy float which has an upward buoyant effect on energy. Furthermore, serpentine energy may be aggravating blockages or disharmony in the...
  85. C

    Mouth roof itching?

    Metabolic disturbances are wide and varied but all stem from the spleen and stomach. In Chinese Medicine, the spleen is actually the pancreas but since the spleen and pancreas share a blood supply, disharmony of the pancreas can reflect in the spleen area. Overwork, poor diet, lack of...
  86. C

    Mouth roof itching?

    White, fluid discharge indicates cold and damp. These things often arise from a metabolic disturbance/insufficiency and are exacerbated by cold and damp conditions externally. From what I know of your case, which has in the past presented as damp and heat, now may be predominantly damp and...
  87. C

    Hair Loss and Balding - Causes

    The hair on the scalp arises from the Kidney Jing or Essence and is a reflection of the healthful exuberance thereof.  Rich, dark and thick hair indicates free flowing and abundant Kidney Essence which relates closely to the genetic blueprint but not entirely - it is also the expression of genes...
  88. C

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    PCOS is a syndrome which consists of more than just menstrual cramping.. It is accompanied by hirsutism or blackened body hair and other high testosterone problems. Young adults with PCOS are also prone to putting on alot of weight and often have major digestive disharmony. Fatigue...
  89. C

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    It should be taken daily for a few weeks or until the symptoms disappear. Was that medically diagnosed PCOS? Or your own self assessment?
  90. C

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    In that case.. A blood moving formula such as Xu fu zhu Yu Tang or Ge Xia Jiu Yu Wan would be useful to dispel the physical portion of the trauma. This may help to release some stuck emotion OR at least relieve the burden of the physical discomfort meaning the mental and emotional things can...
  91. C

    Asthenia disorder

    Do you experience phlegm congestion in the sinuses or have a long term productive phlegmy cough? Do you get diarrhea or loose stools often?
  92. C

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    I am assuming that the symptoms I have described are what you are experiencing?
  93. C

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    PTSD is more of a stagnation than it is a deficiency which is what would drain the chakras. This is more about the energy being too stuck to fill and nourish them. If this stems from uterine problems, with such symptoms as stabbing menstrual pain, severe clotting and/or extreme emotional...
  94. C

    Asthenia disorder

    Do you get dizzy? Do you ever feel your heart beat uncomfortably in your chest or 'palpitate'?
  95. C


    What is your appetite like?
  96. C

    The Sun, Sunburn and Some Remedies

    It is something to do with the attraction of CFC type substances to that area, when they were used as aerosol propellants prior to the realisation that they destroy O3 association bonds... We learn about it in early schooling here as skin cancer rates in New Zealand and Australia are quite high.
  97. C

    Eating salad everyday

    Cooked vegetables are always more easily broken down than raw. A person who has a very big appetite however may benefit from eating raw foods as they may help to cool the stomach when the fire there becomes excessive. If one notices they are tired, sluggish and have diarrhea then raw...
  98. C

    Itchy skin on legs, maybe increased bio-electricity?

    Just be clear.. The type of dryness and heat I am referring to is internal dryness and internal heat. Not the condition of the skin. No amount of external ointments can change the internal organ function and thus only mask the true condition of the body by temporarily fixing the skin...
  99. C


    How does your reflux present? Is it with burning pain? Or is it more of a stabbing pain? Do you get a sour taste in your mouth from it?
  100. C

    Itchy skin on legs, maybe increased bio-electricity?

    Antihistamines are a band aid if anything. Do you take any medications for gastro esophageal reflux?
  101. C

    Itchy skin on legs, maybe increased bio-electricity?

    Itchiness is due to wind.. Wind can be generated by heat, or dryness. Increased bioelectricity which has become stagnant or blocked may generate heat, but dryness is a different matter altogether.
  102. C

    Martial Art is Life!

    References to Nei Gong and Qi Gong as martial art practices date back to 2500 BCE in the Huang di Nei Jing. There are few intact references to martial arts systems older than this, but this is not the original record either..
  103. C


    When you say a mass in your stomach, does it feel as though you have a mass by palpation of your stomach, or is it present when you eat? Or, did you notice this feeling some other way?
  104. C

    The Sun, Sunburn and Some Remedies

    With regard to the northern and southern hemispheres.. The main problem with the southern hemisphere, particularly over Australia and New Zealand is not that the summers are hotter per se, but that the ozone layer above these two countries is severely degraded. Since ozone is responsible for...
  105. C

    Chinese Medical Qi Gong Therapy (Anyone?)

    It may be best to tick "public" in the permissions option of the drive content as when I tried to access this link it said I did not have permission. I have had the same issue when trying to share items via Google drive and fixed it in the way stated above.
  106. C

    Chinese Medical Qi Gong Therapy (Anyone?)

    Can I suggest creating a Google drive link? Then you may post the link in the group. You can do this with Gmail.
  107. C

    Cod Liver Oil

    Take it according to the manufacturer instructions.. Normally a best before or use by would be listed on the bottle but my instinct is to say that it cannot go rancid whilst contained within a sealed gel capsule as their is no air to react with. Rancidity is often a result of oxidation...
  108. C


    Baby parts, sheep testes and rat body conspiracies aside, the manner in which KFC chicken is cooked means that the result is extremely damp and hot. This combination impairs the stomach and the spleen, produces heat which agitates and disturbs the spirit and the liver and generally interferes...
  109. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    That's my fault.. I wrote the wrong number. It should be number 6. However from the information you have just added it seems that you have dampness (without heat) and also a Gall Bladder disharmony. This can arise of course with the presence of damp as the gall bladder is responsible...
  110. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    That link refers to overall body constitution. I don't know enough about you to recommend either as body constitution and present disharmony do not always match. It is likely that with treatment you would revert to one of these states and that is the constitution. The problems damp and...
  111. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    Spicy food can create heat, as can emotional frustration. Damp can cause heat on its own too, particularly years of poor dietary habits combined with inactivity.
  112. C


    Then perhaps it is because you are sitting still for long periods of time... Electronic devices emit but a tiny fraction of the radiation that our sun beams down upon us every day. And the sun's radiation is far more harmful than a phone or a PC. Being afraid of electronics draining...
  113. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    So basically damp.. And heat are your main problems...
  114. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    Is your tongue swollen? Are there teeth marks on the edges of it?
  115. C


    You feel tired when on the phone because of the talking.. Not the phone. Talking uses qi and it is said that people who are deficient in qi talk less to save the qi. This is a body balance thing, not related to electronic devices whatsoever.
  116. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    That is generalized heat... Is your tongue coating Yellow and thick/greasy looking or is there no coating on the surface? Is your tongue red?
  117. C

    I want to rant for a moment

    The reason you got this search result.. Which proves nothing by the way, is because people do not generally use text discriminators for "white" women. If I was to do a search for white women, the only women whom I am naturally attracted to, I would write sexy women. So.. When one saves the...
  118. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    If the eye was divided into quarters, with the first one being upper left and numbered 1 through 4 in a clockwise direction, where would the vessels be visible?
  119. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    Ok.. Is it a large portion of the eye, or confined to a particular area? If it is confined, what is the best description you can provide of the affected portion?
  120. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    I mean is the whole sclera (the white part of your eye) red or is it only a portion..
  121. C

    Eye vessels that are seen?

    In which part of the eye are they visible? Just the sides or all over the white area?
  122. C

    Anything new? Thx

    The book is here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SSH ... sages/2539
  123. C


    Is your condition the one known as muscular dystrophy?
  124. C

    Anything new? Thx

    The peel of Bitter Oranges, not normal oranges is spicy and warm, disperses damp and moves stagnation. This is referred to as zhi ke but again this is the peel of bitter oranges, or citrus aurantii, not a standard 'sweet' orange.
  125. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    If you deal with the damp, it will improve blood circulation. Blood supply and circulation to local tissues is required for the proper nourishment and lubrication of the sinews. Once the damp is removed, there may be underlying blood deficiency which needs to be addressed however...
  126. C

    Sodium bicarbonate is it good?

    Bicarbonate is a product of metabolic processes in blood, along with CO2. Taking it orally is unnecessary and simply forces your body to produce more acid to counter the alkalinity. Your body exists within a very narrow range of pH, 7.35 to 7.45. Too acidic (below 7.35) and you take a...
  127. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    Kidney Essence flows up to nourish the teeth. This process requires an uninhibited flow of energy in the body. Damp accumulation blocks the flow of the vital substances and thus the teeth are not nourished. If the damp accumulation is removed, the oral health should improve.
  128. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    Ejaculation, like any physiological function, uses yang qi to some degree. It also moves fluid and essence out of the lower burner, which is good to remove damp and stagnation. Excessive practice without complementary cultivation, like any other excessive bodily function uses Yang qi and...
  129. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    Coffee is a diuretic and thus can help remove excess fluid from the body. This doesn't mean however that you should drink 5 cups per day. 1 cup of fresh filtered black coffee on an empty stomach is sufficient. As for qi Gong, the Ba Duan Jin is a set of eight exercises which regulates all...
  130. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    Oatmeal is always a good option. It is used for sensitive skin as a wash and in creams etc If it is good for the skin, so too it can benefit the flesh of the stomach. Almost everything else mentioned, including salads are all contributing to damp accumulation in a big way. Some major...
  131. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    Ultimately your problem is damp accumulation, and this is evident in your lifestyle choices (a gallon of water a day is too much) and your body weight. Salt is yin and encourages yin accumulation and this is damp. Damp has the potential to turn to phlegm and the complications of phlegm are...
  132. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    How much water do you drink, on average in a day and for how long have you been doing this?
  133. C

    Some health concerns. (long read)

    I would be interested to see what you have to guess Taol, it is unlikely we will clash if you are wrong, ideally I would like to just gently point you in the right direction, to aid your self study. The symptom picture is all but complete in what has been described and I would like to ask some...
  134. C

    What kind of effects can vaccinations have on the body?

    Homeschooling is a nice ideal, but the ever present force of reality is very different. That would require someone to be home at all times and both me and my partner work full time.. We have to in order to avoid living in absolute poverty. So whilst home schooling might seem like the...
  135. C

    What kind of effects can vaccinations have on the body?

    The damages aside, I was vaccinated as a child and it has had no net perceivable effect on me. This could be because I have a very strong constitution and therefore my body has overridden the pathogen. Or it could be said that all of my health problems to date are all related to this and...
  136. C

    What kind of effects can vaccinations have on the body?

    Vaccines can cause: - Local trauma to the channel (at the injection site) manifesting as Blood Stasis and, - If any systemic effects are to occur, they would be related to pathogenic invasion as it is the direct application of a pathogen into the Blood Level. This could manifest as lightly...
  137. C

    Kidneys and energy?

    The feet are connected with the Kidneys by virtue of their position at the base of the body, as the most Yin position and by their support of the bony structures of the body. Feet are also the point at which the blood circulation of the whole body can be affected, just as the kidneys control...
  138. C


    The smoke is merely a prop upon which to focus the mind.
  139. C

    Recipe Thread

    Gruel Gruel is a type of thin porridge which is very easy on the stomach and great to have as a meal when feeling ill. It also warms the body so great for cold mornings. It's also very cheap. I use oat bran which is less than $2 a bag.. 1 pint of water should be set in a saucepan...
  140. C

    Chinese elements in alchemy and medicine?

    I have looked as far into this as I could... The simple answer is that the Chinese elements do not directly correlate with the western ones... Instead, each Chinese element has a yin part and a yang part and these yin and Yang parts more closely correlate with the western astrology...
  141. C

    Re: Low libido and ED

    Depression which comes and goes and is affected by external stressors (not things which one would normally grieve over but become stressed about) is due to and caused by (causes?) qi stagnation. Do you exercise much? Yoga, or light cardio such as walking or bicycling? These things may...
  142. C

    Chakras and body parts

    Note YIN exuberance not HIM.
  143. C

    Chakras and body parts

    Dampness is a Yin pathogen, caused by Him exuberance yes. Poor circulation is a contributing factor also. All things can be classified according to TCM theory, the predominant patterns are still the same irrespective of the constituent properties of food that has been consumed. The...
  144. C

    Re: Low libido and ED

    Other than your depression, have you had any other major emotional turbulences in recent years, prior to this problem occurring?
  145. C

    Re: Low libido and ED

    Do you have any other coinciding problems? Diabetes? Asthma?
  146. C

    Chakras and body parts

    Connective tissue holds a great deal of value IMO and has a similar function to lymph except that its responsibility is slightly different. Lymph is responsible for the smooth movement and circulation of fluid whilst the connective tissue is responsible for the movement of qi. Both are...
  147. C

    Chakras and body parts

    With respect to your final few questions, and I have been meaning to answer your OP for some time however time has been limited, all bones are related to the base chakra as are the kidneys and external genitalia. Kidney function however is related to the sacral and solar chakras in as much...
  148. C


    At your age, there is no need to do anything. Your kidneys are still in the second phase of maturation (8-16 years old for men) and many things will change in that time. Things will change further still in the third stage (16-24) and after this you will have a better picture of yourself.
  149. C

    Sexuality and the Metaphysical

    "We [white people] are not as masculine as some of the other races out there" Whilst this statement appears to have merit on the surface, have you ever seen a late 50's Scottish man? Or Welsh, Irish man of similar age? Really any European man who is over 30? Plenty of masculinity "in...
  150. C

    Help with depression?

    Depression extends from a deficiency of vital energy, also known as qi or yang. One easy way to rebuild qi is to draw it in, as in energy breathing. Another way is with dietary or herbal therapy. My post on moxibustion is basically a how to on rebuilding qi. Chinese medicine aside...
  151. C

    Foot pain

    Plantar fasciitis is often experienced on the base of the heel of the foot. The location of this pain actually sounds like gout, which is the buildup of urea crystals in the flesh which causes a painful inflammatory response. Some signs of gout might include redness and pain around the...
  152. C

    iron body

    "Master Ho has hands that could land him in a zoo" Perhaps he has been doing Iron Palm training!
  153. C

    iron body

    I am merely returning to you the tone you demonstrate in your posts. If it makes you not want to talk to me anymore, consider how your original tone impacts those who read it. That x-ray picture arrow is a little high.. It is more on the top portion of the metacarpal than on the...
  154. C

    iron body

    Basically yes, the liniment prevents arthritic deformation. Whether you believe it or not makes it no less true. People who try these techniques without the li moment wind up with disfigured hands and loss of range of motion throughout. As for the remainder of you comments cand_crushr...
  155. C

    iron body

    For someone who is not interested in proving the whole concept to be wrong, you sure have put a lot of energy into doing so. Unfortunately, all you are doing is proving one thing - that you have reservations about the ability of a person to do things other than what matches your view or what...
  156. C

    iron body

    My striking regime consists of strikes with all parts of the hands: - The metacarpal surface below the pinky finger, - The first two knuckles from the thumb downwards, - The forefinger in isolation, - All three middle fingers at once, - The back of my hand much like a back-handed slap and, - An...
  157. C

    For Central Force 666 and who knows

    No herb can make your penis grow longer. There are alot of herbs which can increase the blood flow to the penis and increase libido, but none will cause the penis to lengthen or thicken.
  158. C

    General Health Care/Prevention

    I think this depends on the soldering iron you are using. My soldering iron is quite old and thus does not get that hot any more. The heat from a soldering iron is also quite different, as it is not pointed and focused such as a moxibustion stick.
  159. C

    iron body

    I cannot speak for Shael but I started Iron Palm (hands only) about 3 weeks after Shael posted his original discussion, doing strikes on a canvas bag filled with uncooked rice. I have been applying a liniment before and after the striking and whilst I was fairly consistently doing this daily...
  160. C

    Painful stomach ailment, PLEASE HELP

    Are your stomach cramps severe? As in, do they make you double over in pain? Or are they mild and dull, like an ache. There are two possibilities, one is Stomach Cold, which can be warmed using dried ginger boiled in water taken every time you feel the pain. Fresh Ginger may help but it will...
  161. C

    General Health Care/Prevention

    Unfortunately this device is a lighter, not a moxa burner. Mugwort is the herb used in moxibustion and the herb itself has warming properties which aids it's usefulness. I cannot say that using a soldering iron would even get to the same temperature although I have never measured the
  162. C

    General Health Care/Prevention

    Something I forgot to mention.. This technique is especially good for disorders caused by Cold, and is a great preventative for people who live in especially cold environments, or during winter to stave off cold. It is also useful during summer and Warner months, to use this technique in...
  163. C

    General Health Care/Prevention

    This is something everyone can do, irrespective of their age or health conditions, and requires only two items. One is a lighter, preferably a good gas one or the use of a gas stove top burner will do. Otherwise a candle can be used. The second is a smokeless moxibustion stick, which...
  164. C

    Solomons seal (herb)

    I wouldn't give a person alcohol on its own for any reason - but when it is given with herbs such as dried ginger, evodia or aconite (illegal in alot of places) it serves to guide those herbs to further warm the body. I also wouldn't leave an ill person outside... Although I can appreciate...
  165. C

    Solomons seal (herb)

    The main metal which reacts with herbs is iron and metals containing iron. Stainless steel is fairly non reactive although there are many cheaper and less heavy alternatives to having a cupboard full of stainless steel containers. Most herbs can be purchased 'processed' which can range from...
  166. C

    Solomons seal (herb)

    I assume you are asking how they should be preserved? I purchase raw herbs from a trading company in my country who utilise a German Laboratory to test them for heavy metals and pesticides. I keep my herbs in sealed hard plastic containers which are see through as I have had a few cases of...
  167. C

    Hexane used in oil extraction

    There is one oil which is claimed to be unchanged by heat processes and that is coconut oil.
  168. C

    Concussion of the head and meditations

    Yes you can do meditations during treatment.
  169. C

    Hexane used in oil extraction

    The boiling point of hexane is 68 degrees (celcius) so... Provided that the mixture is heated past this point for long enough, and hexane hasn't reacted with any of the components of the oil or fibre to form more dense compounds with higher boiling points, then technically no hexane should...
  170. C

    Brain memory

    Any foods which are phlegm or damp producing will hamper the ability of your mind to operate quickly. These are things such as high fatty or fried foods, excessively sweet foods, cold foods like ice cream and anything else that is generally very heavy if eaten too often and in large amounts...
  171. C

    I need help

    Is this still a problem for you?
  172. C

    i want to be important to Satan

    Regular rituals during which you focus on Satan and listen to what he says is also important. Not only does this improve you astral abilities, it also teaches you discernment, between the many things which might arise in your mind that are not of Satan, that you can truly come to know what is...
  173. C

    ADHD Motor Problems and Excessive Sweating

    This really depends on where you live and what kind of access you have to a Chinese Herbal market. Some of these products would be available online, again depending on where you live. The main side affect of a combination such as the above would be sedation, but it would be mild in...
  174. C

    Eyes health

    Eye health is dependent on good Liver health as the liver cleans and purifies the blood. When the blood is clean and pure, the pure essence is able to nourish the eyes. Broad leafy green vegetables and green natural foods as a whole help the liver to perform this function. Herbs like...
  175. C

    Solomons seal (herb)

    It's hard to judge what he is saying about physical ailments as you haven't listed any of those comments. There are hundreds of not thousands of herb books but few compare to the original classic books written pre 1800's. Treatise on Cold Damage is one ( Shang Han Lun) as is the Divine...
  176. C

    how to have stronger bones?

    Moderate impact can increase bone density which is why some people prefer running etc. Dairy actually has the highest bio availability of calcium of any food, and it is particularly high in cheese and milk. Calcium is not the only consideration however. Proper parathyroid health is...
  177. C

    Solomons seal (herb)

    I think you need to read a new herb book. All of these explanations sound a bit like the author is just making them up or they are irrelevant.
  178. C

    How do you explain to people the difference..

    I agree that jewish infiltration has made alot of these systems inadequate. Even TCM has been cut down to a very formalised and standardised approach by the interference of Mao and and his views. Luckily some of the classic books survived and knowledge outside the corrupted system can be...
  179. C

    How do you explain to people the difference..

    Herbal Medicine responds to body imbalances which are generally not isolated to one chemical pathway. Often these imbalances are described energetically or in relation to their resemblance to natural phenomena. Whilst Western medicine views each drug as applicable to all people with the...
  180. C

    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrit

    Something that has become painfully clear from the above passage is that the enemy nordics are using corrupted magic. This is not the same as using the correct magic, it's like saying that wiccans do magic the same as we do when in fact they do not. This thread is becoming a flaming fest...
  181. C

    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrit

    The fact of the matter is.. Angelic magic IS incomplete, IS binding and slavish in nature and WILL bring nothing but trouble and ruin. It is analogous to the differences between good and poor weight lifting practice - poor posture, form and technique leads to injury, malformed muscles and...
  182. C

    Soy and estrogen

    Soy is also basically useless in providing any dietary iron. The iron in soy is entirely chelated by tannins which block the absorption in the GIT of the iron contained therein entirely.
  183. C

    Candida / Male Yeast Infection

    What I am seeing in your reply is that it is not as bad as before which is a good thing and you have had total resolution of one symptom. Being a long term chronic problem, I would advise running the treatment course of herbs once more, for the same length of time as last time, as sometimes...
  184. C

    Dit Da Jow

    I would suggest that once per week is too little. Perhaps there may be the odd occassion where you would like to skip a day but this also depends on what your training medium is, be it rice, beans or something harder. In the beginning, a canvas bag filled with rice should suffice, and this...
  185. C

    Dit Da Jow

    With respect to the practice of Iron Palm Technique, it is important to ensure that you are not striking your canvas bag too hard, too often. The key to lasting and beneficial bone hardening is moderate injury and accelerated healing. The latter should occur through the use of a strong...
  186. C

    What really prevents/stops cancer? Anyone know?

    Cancer has a complicated pathology that often involves a complex of excess and deficiency. In the case of your father, based on what information you have provided and the terrible, nutrition less diet he is consuming, there is Yin Deficiency (made worse by cigarettes) and phlegm accumulation...
  187. C

    capsules vs pills

    A tablet (pian) may contain fillers such as silicate etc. much like common pharmaceutical tablets do. These should not affect the formula as they are fairly inert. If the herbs are different to the original formula, this could be one of a few things, either: - Some of the herbs in the...
  188. C

    capsules vs pills

    The answer to this question depends on the illness that you are treating and, if you are talking about Chinese Herbs which I assume you are, what the formula is that you are taking. Traditionally, Chinese Herbal Medicines were prepared as a Decoction (like a tea, herbs boiled in water and you...
  189. C

    Re: Health and Beauty Tips for a Model

    I would just like to add that many skin problems are the result if internal organ dysfunction, particularly the lungs as they rule the skin. Poor blood status can also create skin problems as can the accumulation of damp or the production of wind from excessive heat or deficiency. There...
  190. C

    Candida / Male Yeast Infection

    How did you go with the candida infection?
  191. C

    Iiiii think I have a problem :'(

    Being chronically stressed can also deplete Spleen Qi, and this can be explained in very simple physiological terms. When one is stressed, the tone is high in the nervous system branch responsible for managing stress, the sympathetic branch. Increased sympathetic nervous system tone...
  192. C

    i'll need to get 2 ops but its complicated

    There is also a risk of getting hit by a bus when you go for a walk in the street, or chopping your fingers off when cutting vegetables for dinner or failing at doing something like talking to a beautiful woman or trying out at a new job. Does it mean you should allow it to paralyse every...
  193. C

    Natural Toothpaste for Gingivitis

    I did not reference laundry soap. I believe this was someone else. With regard to the recipe, there is no limit on the length of its preservation - I store it in the original jar which the oil came in and keep it until the best before or use by of the original product. Just note you may...
  194. C

    Natural Toothpaste for Gingivitis

    I have come up with a natural toothpaste recipe which is useful for people who have gum bleeding, receding gum lines and bad breath due to Stomach Heat or Stomach Fire. It may not be as useful for gum and tooth disease due to Kidney Deficiency but this is rare in younger people. Recipe: -...
  195. C


    Given your current attitude and inclination towards the medical system, Traditional Chinese Medicine is about the only other option you have. Find a good practitioner and see them for treatment, both herbs and acupuncture, daily until you are better. If it so turns that you do decide to...
  196. C

    help with healing my ear i have a beeeeep sound :(

    Further to the above, considering that this tinnitus was brought about by trauma, I would suggest that it has an element of blood stasis to it. If you can get your hands on some Chinese Herbs, the following may assist in breaking up the stasis in the head and at least reducing the noise you are...
  197. C

    Iiiii think I have a problem :'(

    Loose stools and poor appetite together indicates Spleen Qi Deficiency. This usually comes about as a result of overwork, overload of digestion with greasy or raw or cold folds or as a result of a long term infection. Consuming warm, cooked, soft root vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet...
  198. C

    How do I rid of anxiety?

    Ways to settle hyperactive kidney yang due to him deficiency: - learn to rest - continuous activity may seem important but your body needs down time to recuperate. - consume smaller meals more frequently and include some duck, pork, kidney beans, oysters, whole meal grains, honey...
  199. C

    Foot Detox

     A foot detox will not 'suck out' any essential nutrients. If anything and at the very least, it won't probably do much at all except serve to feel relaxing and encourage increased circulation in the feet which has some good benefits. I am not sure I buy the idea that it draws out systemic...
  200. C


    Excess hunger corresponds to the solar chakra - it indicates both a lack of will power and an over active stomach. It may also correspond to strong will power if the hunger is a result of an intense physical workout program or some other fashion by which you are expending alot of energy. I...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
