It isnt healthy to eat those oils.
Through heating an oil loses its. Beneficial properties. That always happens when oil is heated. But, those so called cooking oils are WAY down in quality compared to cold pressed extra vierge oils. .
Often manufacturers of those so called cooking oils, get the leftover peels, in example from the olives which they then treat with butane (I think it was butane it started with a b) or hexane or whatever to get the absolute last out there. Which is then often even completely cut to make non smelling refined oil.
Practices like heating, or making refined oil, causes transfats to appear. Your body cant use transfats at all. People whom have been on a diet of Becel or margarine, have basicly been on a diet of transfats, plant based. Their braincells are STARVING for fats they can actually use. This starving can result in slowness of thought, and unability to do quite a few things properly. Or in another way.
Is why we have spoken about grass fed butter in the past. Butter is a product made from something in animals milk. Its diary, not plant in nature.
Also, if you like eating fries, frikandel, hamburgers, that food is often heated in a batch of oil. And the oil is repeatedly used. This oil is not beneficial to you at all. If you want to have the best quality of oil, you would have to change it every time after heating. Which is expensive.
Every time oil heats, the worse its quality becomes.