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  1. newbie40

    Three Days For Father Satan 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2023

    Viva Satan, Viva nuestro glorioso padre
  2. newbie40

    Celebrating 2 Years of Expansion and Progress (List Updated)

    Sure I will join the SS War Room. I will find a time to do so often. Hail Satan
  3. newbie40

    Celebrating 2 Years of Expansion and Progress (List Updated)

    by saying this "their work will be rewarded with extremely precious spiritual and philosophical Satanic knowledge and wisdom." that means you are keeping knowledge for your ppl. like romans do. Awesome!
  4. newbie40

    In Regards To Lies About JoS Or "Me"

    We will never trust a fucking stinky jew
  5. newbie40

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    How many wives does Satan have and who are they?
  6. newbie40

    I need advice

    does anyone know if that actually works? the ozone thing and the Hydrogine Peroxide thing?
  7. newbie40

    I need advice

    Since I am not in contact with this person I guess I can call this person in the astral in the temple I created for satan, and I don't know if in that I can heal that person being there 🤷‍♂️
  8. newbie40

    I need advice

  9. newbie40

    I need advice

    I have a family member who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and I would like to know some meditation or something I can do to help this person since they don't live with me. this person is not a satinist. Thank you for your attention
  10. newbie40


    Cursed are those who bless Israel. Blessed are those who curse Israel. Hail Satan Heil Hitler
  11. newbie40

    I want family & kids :( help

    Adopt a child tht'd work I guess
  12. newbie40

    Void meditation

    I fall sleep easily laying down
  13. newbie40

    Enemy voices scare me out of opening clairaudience chakras

    Why to be scare, we are satanist I'd rather chase those voices until to find out where it coming from so we can cast a curse spell on them.
  14. newbie40

    About The Planets And Your Astrology: Fixing Your "Karma"

    Hail Satan.! Someone can teach me how to read my astral chart?
  15. newbie40

    Can gods die

  16. newbie40

    Family member with most likely schizophrenia. Advice?

    My mother has the same issue, every day, every minute, every second she is like that 😭😭😭😭
  17. newbie40

    The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself....

    I am in. Hoping to see father Satan one day in my whole existence
  18. newbie40

    Will there be a day we all meet

    Don't worry smart ppl talks a lot
  19. newbie40

    Will there be a day we all meet

    I think you live with stress, that someome will nuke. wow thts crazy
  20. newbie40

    Will there be a day we all meet

    We can meet each other in the metaverse
  21. newbie40

    Something revealing about ectoplasm

    Very good
  22. newbie40

    The power of Ancient Greek language

    Interesting!. Do you have a documentary that I can refer to and verify what you say about the twins?
  23. newbie40

    Is it worth having a child with a vaccinated woman?

    Yes because you are making sure your unvaxxed gene will survive😊
  24. newbie40

    Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

    In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time. Didn't find the `multiorgasmic men' by Mantak Chia. Do u have it?
  25. newbie40

    Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

    In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time. Was not a joke my friend, I am real my gf is ninfo. Thanks for the info.
  26. newbie40

    Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

    Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch? Im all ears.
  27. newbie40

    Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

    Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch. Im all ears.
  28. newbie40

    Being builled, scapegoated, ostracisized, and abused my whole life is turning me into a sociopath

    I am sociopath so I don't care your blah blah blah and feelings, can you show us a picture to see if it's true you're pretty or not. Danke
  29. newbie40

    I just killed my dog out of too much discipline

    I hope you get what you deserve and Anubis and Lilith punish you very hard.
  30. newbie40

    Well its 2022

    Be careful what you foretell, we don't want disgrace in this earth, use your energy in positive thoughts and desires, don't be like the angels of jews fortelling disgrace.
  31. newbie40

    I do not think Black Sabbath are Satanic

    Ozzy mix xtinishit and wicca... so Yes, their songs aren't Satanic at all, I like the song 'dreamer', 'war pigs' etc, but he referes to jewsuscries, I hate it. 😔
  32. newbie40

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    Master can you explain that symbol? why satan's name is inside a circle?
  33. newbie40

    The enemy keeps harassing me

    I also had a moment where it felt like someone put their dick up my ass and kept it there over a year ago and another 2 times recently where it felt like someone was moving their dick in and out of my ass for a few seconds. Is this the base chakra too? How do you know about that feeling? Have...
  34. newbie40

    How to go to a higher level of existence

    Continue doing meditation ery day
  35. newbie40

    I need your sugestion

    Thank you.
  36. newbie40

    I need your sugestion

    No, I didn't know. I am doing the 6 month Hell's army program
  37. newbie40

    Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind

    What I understand is that if you don't know the alphabet you won't be able to read and write. if you dont know that basic you wont be able to even learn another language. When I went to gym it didn't take a month to growth my muscle but years. That is the reason I still doing breathing...
  38. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Danke stormblood. I will not waste my time on the Enokian keys anymore.
  39. newbie40

    I need your sugestion

    thank you!
  40. newbie40

    I need your sugestion

    I am not open in anyways, I am being working on void meditations, and breathing. I am want to go the next step and that is why I am asking for help. There are two ways to open the chakras one is 'opening the soul' and the 2nd way is 'Necronomicon meditation' so IDK which one to use.
  41. newbie40

    Comet Leonard: Meet the “Christmas Comet”!

    Comet Leonard, discovered at the beginning of 2021, will get closest to the Earth this December – hence the nickname “Christmas comet”. Read on to find out when and how to see the brightest comet of the year in the sky. What is Comet Leonard? On January 3, 2021, American astronomer Gregory J...
  42. newbie40


    Leraje sounds like very nice Demon to summon to work with her obviously, I love sarcasm too. 😊
  43. newbie40

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    The only fluid from you to use in magick spells is 'blood' for the runes and for a commtmnt with Satan (once on both cases). IDK from where u got the idea of using seminal fluids. ppl u should read JoS every day and plz be aware that the website was updated this year, it has a search bar...
  44. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    This is creating a confusion bc if what you are saying is true why would hpm will keep that on the webJoS and also she stated that she was assisted by Satan. What is going on here? What HPM has to say about it? I heard Sanskrit it's another dead language but according to HPM Enochian is the...
  45. newbie40

    Astral food. Feeding on orbs of light

    Seen it, gon, kilua, kurapica, izoka and biscuit (like Roshi from Athena no sainto hiding his true power or form like a girl form). Anime similar to that one will be KenIchi and Tenjo Tenge, etc cuz dont remember all animes.
  46. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Read the information shared by HPMxin at the button: Enochian The reason for the revision of the Keys is because Anton LaVey, who included them in the Satanic Bible, did not translate the keys in Enochian. Left as is, they are extremely blasphemous to Satan. These Keys have been completely...
  47. newbie40

    Need help to get a relationship to Satan

    It is important for you (Since I can tell your new here) to start with your mind, educate yourself that satanism is your spiritual enlightment, and everything you've been told has been brain washed lies from the jews/xtian since u were a kid. Satan has been the bringer of light and our only...
  48. newbie40

    Astral food. Feeding on orbs of light

    This is one of the reasons I've been posting and suggesting to do void meditation so you can still the mind. I think bunny is a troll, I don't see any use thinking that whatever you see in anime or devil may cry will work. But indeed I liked anime and video games like Zelda, GofWar...
  49. newbie40


    Oh i will quit porno.
  50. newbie40

    Help PLEASE!!

    The time you use to go to school is a good time to do meditation. or when you are in bed. Legal issues has to be handled through your country laws and rights.
  51. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Got it! Enochian keys. I got confused bc h used diferent term
  52. newbie40

    Joy of Satan GERMANY is NOW LIVE!

    Sehr gut. Es lebe Satan.
  53. newbie40

    Brighter day for Venus in Conuction with the moon.

    I am not very good at Astrology, I mean I know nothing about astrology but you guys do, so I think Dic 7th is a good day for love spell. See details below: 'December 7: Moon-Venus conjunction On December 7, at 00:49 GMT (December 6, 7:49 p.m. EST), the thin crescent of the Moon will meet Venus...
  54. newbie40

    What’s our stance on adultery?

    Follow your heart. The enslavement contract of merriage was idea only for business purposes. What I meant is because of need to make sure that our child/children will inherit our goods (Roman idea) but before that 'monogamy', 'marriage', 'love to death' that bullshit didn't exist.... of course...
  55. newbie40

    A lesson from the Gods. Please read!

    Void meditation is very good to still de mind.
  56. newbie40

    What Is The Perfect Way To Rule Nations?

    In some States (LATAM) in our constitution you have Emergency plans, which allow certain rights and not all of them to be suspended for the good of the nation and to protect legal rights. I hope one day we can become satanic leaders of our countries.
  57. newbie40

    How to kick out a invoked spirit ?

    It is very important that request assistance of your demon guardian and Satan if you have troubles.
  58. newbie40

    A Vampire Entity or something else ?

    Nope, maybe you were still dreaming.
  59. newbie40

    Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

    I'll be doing void meditation.
  60. newbie40


    Sounds good but it is better if we do it one by one on our own pace, like drops of water hitting the rock until it creats a hole in it. that is my view point. I'll be doing FRTR later on Sunday because I have to visit my son.
  61. newbie40

    Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

    I felt like Satan used you as a channel in order to give me that message because my psychic power are closed, and me doing poor performance.
  62. newbie40

    I deeply apologize

    I don't know what u did. But welcome back and behave.
  63. newbie40

    Briefly about "thermometers!" (This is for those of you who may not have noticed!)

    Well if you see that a thermometer is emitting ray or something like that you should report that issue with the authorities. But if not just measuring your temp. that is okay... Brain Damage cant be cure/fixed just like that. thnk you for your concern tho. I'll be checking if they are shooting...
  64. newbie40

    REVERSE TORAH RITUAL SCHEDULE [Jew Hanukkah]: 26 NOV To 7 DEC - Concluded

    Those who curse Israel are blessed. Those who bless Israeal are cursed. Heil Satan.
  65. newbie40

    REVERSE TORAH RITUAL SCHEDULE [Jew Hanukkah]: 26 NOV To 7 DEC - Concluded

    I hope you feel better soon comrade. I hope every day you are invoking satan, cleaning your soul and aura, and request the assistance of your guardian demons, this is in order to prevent any backfire and your demon help you to remove any negative energy and throw it back to the jews, your soul...
  66. newbie40

    Job Working?

  67. newbie40

    Job Working?

    I agree with ya. The thing is that person sounded lazy saying 'probably have to accept a job that I’ll probably hate' that is communism too. 😂
  68. newbie40

    Being mixed, feeling unattractive?

    Um, I was like that when I was junger but it is not big deal, you better watch for your health, well being, good shape, eating healthy, achieving goals, that is what is really important. If you are looking for a relationship, believe me it is not worthy to waste time with another person, you...
  69. newbie40

    Job Working?

    Don't work if you don't like to work keep it simple. No need to do 'fehu working' everything is in the mind.
  70. newbie40

    Forums Back Up Again - Are You Sad Lizards?

    Let's go to our Astral Temple and continue doing FRTR with demons together. The Jews are getting weaker and that is why they reacting. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being. You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be destroyed by...
  71. newbie40

    Question about attraction to fellow forum member.

    Stop making this a big deal, and just express your emotions keep it simple and follow your heart.
  72. newbie40

    Please delete my account

    So your goal is an incubus however, you can't get one because you haven't advance yet, it is important you empower your soul if not you will continue in the cycle an reborn again until you advance. What I am understanding is that you don't love yourself and need help.
  73. newbie40


    You missed one oportunity, maybe another day you will get lucky again.
  74. newbie40

    We all have the ability to have these powers.

    I don't know what that is but thank you for the info.
  75. newbie40

    square for retrograde planets and outer planets?

    How Can I create a topic?
  76. newbie40


    I hope I could speak with Demons too
  77. newbie40

    We all have the ability to have these powers.

    That would be awesome. I am 33yr old and I'd to have the power to heal my self my eyesight I don't like to wear glasses. I think it is possible with the Magnus Opus but It cant be achieve overnight🤷‍♀️😭
  78. newbie40

    Predictive Programming & Movies

    Ok how many children are here?
  79. newbie40

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    Indeed I did it yestarday 'cuz I couldn' t sleep, then I did meditation after I finished. btw: there is one method that can be used when I cannot sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  80. newbie40

    REVERSE TORAH RITUAL SCHEDULE [Jew Hanukkah]: 26 NOV To 7 DEC - Concluded

    I am so excite for this counteract, let's give it all comrades, remember that were hell's army. Do not be afraid to create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being. You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be destroyed by...
  81. newbie40

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    They go by timezones and languages. There is no need for a different one for every country, just use the one in your timezone :) Lidya is there a way I can get a calendar for my country? Is it okay to use panama's calendar?
  82. newbie40

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    This already looks like a seedy neighborhood fight. It is time to step back and meditate for unity and enlightenment.
  83. newbie40

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ignorance is bold.
  84. newbie40

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I made a huge mistake I entered my personal information, I think the dob and time is enough.
  85. newbie40

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    You will have to enter the city where you live and then click on go or search if I am not mistaken and automatically will find your Country Location.
  86. newbie40

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Hello comrades, I was reading the astro page and I realized that I know nothing about astrology I am iliterate on that but I can tell is very useful for magik working I downloaded the calendar for 2022 and 2021. It is a shame that there is no map for my country so O downloaded the nearest...
  87. newbie40

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    My sincere respects to the high ranks demons and in special Azazel crowned prince of hell. And thanks for your support JoS. Light insideout.
  88. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Thank god there is no juce in my kantry, only brain washed xtian, katholyks and protestants.
  89. newbie40

    Relationship working tonight?

    Ok, cool
  90. newbie40

    Ajna Chakra Ritual 666 (music)

    Sisasaah just do it and shut up, and don't make us laugh at you, for your own sake.
  91. newbie40

    Ajna Chakra Ritual 666 (music)

    Va a la verga / good bye most advanced bs.
  92. newbie40

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    What's up? Who approve the commentes here?
  93. newbie40

    Ajna Chakra Ritual 666 (music)

    User666 veni mamala vos y el otro hijo de puta cochon.
  94. newbie40

    Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan" [UPDATED 19 DECEMBER]

    Hello comrades, I don't vaccinate because it doesn't make sense because even though If I were vaxxed I will have to keep wearing a fucking mask, and I possibly trasnmitting the viruse to someone else regardless I am vaxxed or not, and because at the end I won't be immune to that fucking virus...
  95. newbie40

    were kikes created on Earth or on a kike homeworld

    I think that thoes reptilan looks like us, when I wasn't satanist (I was like 10yrs) I dreamt that I was in the backyard and all of the sudden many airships covered the skies son I had to hide and not only airships but big planets getting closer to earth with yellowish color and a ring like...
  96. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    1. Can someone tell me the meaning of the Baphomet? I am asking because most-likely google will give me wrong information. 2. I heard or read that the egyptians used to do tattoes and it was only people that had a higher rank in their culture. 3. is it a good idea to get tattooed satanic symbols?
  97. newbie40

    Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

    IDK Y U were talking about anime, but I think that xxxholic and mushishi are very good anime. 👌😐
  98. newbie40

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Hello comrades. I remember if I am not mistaken that the 1st time I saw you was on FB acct. and I thought it was something about sacrifices, orgies, and negative thing that we were thaught from xnity, I read few lines and then I didn't see it anymore. I used to belong to a sect named...
  99. newbie40

    is this world gonna end soon?

    Idk wht you'r going through user666, but do that, keep strong, meditate, clean your soul and intisify your aure with golden white color in order to repel kikes. Hail Satan! This world and this earth belongs to Satan, all Demons and gentiles.
  100. newbie40


    AC who is your dealer? that was a good one.
  101. newbie40

    wow just wow

    There is a JoS Encypedia (16737) Page and there are a lot of sermons from MagenMarx.
  102. newbie40

    wow just wow

    Yes there are some BS written by Magemarx in JoS enciclopedia back in the 2000s. I will attach sshots How Can I upload a screen shot?
  103. newbie40

    wow just wow

    We should destroy him in the Astral for being a disgusting parasite in this forum. It seems to me that some of you know each other or meet together? I hope I wont be removed from since I am way toooo lazy. lol
  104. newbie40

    wow just wow

    Is Mageson a HP or what? Is the who used to post polítical topics?
  105. newbie40

    About Incubi/Succubi - Warnings And Advice

    I am worried because I am new here, and I don't know if my soul is broken or blocked that I feel like I am not advancing at all in any way. I don't know if it is because I was sckeptical about the existance of any god or maybe they know me better than me, and I don't deserve to see, meet, hear...
  106. newbie40

    PRELIMINARY RTR SCHEDULE - NOV 4 2021 to NOV 14 2021

    Keep fighting people. Warfare in most other worlds [especially those that are advanced] is spiritual. It is not guns, bombs and other methods used here on planet earth.
  107. newbie40

    PRELIMINARY RTR SCHEDULE - NOV 4 2021 to NOV 14 2021

    I finished doing it. I'll do it better next time. Hail Satan 4ever.
  108. newbie40

    PRELIMINARY RTR SCHEDULE - NOV 4 2021 to NOV 14 2021

    Thank you guys (Serbon and F acct)
  109. newbie40

    PRELIMINARY RTR SCHEDULE - NOV 4 2021 to NOV 14 2021

    Hello Dear all, I got a question I haven't made a blood commitment yet, and I was reading an affirmation saying something about. Does it really matter? Do I have to do that commitment yes or yes? Note: The reason I haven't done that yet it is because I am surrended by many xians believers...
  110. newbie40

    HP hoodedcobra or anyone with personal experience.

    Espero que hayas completado tu 'commitment with satan' and the 'opening your soul' supongo que si completas esos te podrias aproximar a llegar a estar en presencia de el. Yo tambien tengo la esperanza de verlo o en un sueño o astralmente, espero que todo eso suceda una vez que avance en...
  111. newbie40

    The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

    Ive been working on opening the soul/chakras. But I am currently doing 'opening the 3rd eye' I've to do it 4 days in a row.... My question is once I finish that do I have to continue with the next one and so forth repeating this every day or I just only have to focus on 3rd eye meditation? I am...
  112. newbie40

    On Suffering: A Conversation

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge. Nosotros vivimos tuani en el tercerd mundo 😁
  113. newbie40

    How To Deal With Negative Energy From Others / Outside World

    I think this is useful for this topic. https://satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Protecting_Yourself.html https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Closing_Chakras.html...
  114. newbie40

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    Samhains day!! 👌
  115. newbie40

    On Suffering: A Conversation

    It made laugh when I read "Third world country" I mean why ppl. that we are suffering something... I think that sometimes the news and social media exagerate how we live. Not all countries in central america and caribbean are suffering. 🤣
  116. newbie40

    Noteworthy News 19-10-21

    I am going to share that on my FB Account
  117. newbie40

    How to be a man. @Jack

  118. newbie40

    A Collection of Quotes From the Gods

    "The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have know the darkness"
  119. newbie40

    A Collection of Quotes From the Gods

    "The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight! And never slacken, never tire, never lose courage and never despair!" - Adolf Hitler
  120. newbie40

    About New Meditation Section

    Hello HP. I am really excite to try it out. But I haven't make a commitment with satan yet. I don't a demond protector or to work with yet. And I am very lost I don't know from where to start... to meditate and opening chakras etc... Any suggestion will be appreciated. Hail Satan.
  121. newbie40

    Into Satan's Great Upcoming Aeon

    Viva Satan, サタン万歳
  122. newbie40

    Attacks On Forum / Group - And Spiritual Warfare

    I Wonder how can I talk with a God? , I am New here but I haven' talk with one
  123. newbie40

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    Right now is 22:29. this is the 1st time I will participate in this rituals. 6-22. Hail Satan!
  124. newbie40

    18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

    Very informative, thanks for sharing. IDK wht is covid since my wife got covid but I never got any symptom since last 2 month.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
