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Being builled, scapegoated, ostracisized, and abused my whole life is turning me into a sociopath


New member
Dec 3, 2021
I've healed a lot from trauma but I've turned jaded and into a misanthropist. I look at humans and only see degenerates and wish they would hurry up and die for the jab. All i've ever wanted was to be loved, respected, valued, and shown that I matter but instead people just kick me when I'm already down and completely dehumanized me.

I dont understand either because Im extremely beautiful and contrary to popular believe I am a sweetheart and have a big heart, even old bulllies have admitted it. One girl said she bullied me because im very beautiful and shes jealous that I get a lot of attention for men and that im intelligent.

Men only see me as a trophy to parade around, and girls dont want to be my friends because I look better than them and theyre scared I'll take their boyfriend away that I dont want in the first place. I'm tired of woman competiting with me.

Tired of people disrupting my inner peace.

I just really am bitter at this point and find myself daydreaming about becoming an advanced satanist and killing a bunch of people with black magic.

I sincerely apologize for these dark thoughts but I hate this world, hate how shallow and vapid people are, I hate how the average IQ is very low, I hate this crab in a barrel dog eat dog squid games mentality everyone has, the lack of basic empathy and compassion, and how in order to feel power and valuable people have to bully and dominate others. People who are in groups are even worse. groups are dangerous

Just a whole list of it.

i have learned finally that being kind, genuine, authentic, caring about real world issues like the exploitation of children by corporations, and wanting to make the world a better place only brings extreme suffering. Even if I got lip injection and did what my peers do theyd still be fake friends who are there for clout but not when I'm down and talk badly behind my back.

I just really want them all to go. I hate my christian parents , I hate my peers, I hate this society, and I hate being sensitive and being an empath and caring so much. I just want to be a sociopath now and only focus on making money and destroy everyone who has ever hurt me and the people making earth degenerate.
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.
Make a death list. Put anyone that has wronged you on it. Write down their names, where they live and details of their transgressions. By doing that it will allow you to free up short term memory, which is extremely important in order to focus on other things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-term_memory
I know it hurts, and the bitterness of having to harden your heart when all you want to do is be kind and friendly towards people. I know. I had to learn to be very, very selective with my empathy in order to protect myself and get my own needs met. Some people don't deserve your empathy, and you just have to save all that compassion and love inside yourself for people who do deserve it. Find people to attract into your life who are worth caring for.

Just remember that not every person should be treated the same. Different person, different approach. You'll find plenty of kindhearted people like yourself if you look for them.

One other thing:
I just want to be a sociopath now and only focus on making money and destroy everyone who has ever hurt me and the people making earth degenerate.
This does not make you a sociopath :lol:
That's actually healthy. Start with some revenge rituals. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Fighting_Back.html
So start destroying rotten people. Drain their souls, curse them, manipulate others into turning against them.

Your anger and bitterness is an internal call for justice to be made. And there is no justice in the world unless YOU make it.

How dare you speak on friendly terms to someone who wronged you, this is such a betrayal to yourself. Start cursing this bitch immediately and don't you dare stop until her soul is atrophied and decaying beyond any hope of salvation.

You need justice in your life just as much as you need food or water. Without justice you become mentally and spiritually atrophied. Start destroying everybody who wronged you in your life, and don't stop until all these debts are paid.
Your hateful thoughts shows that you still have a lot of trauma. The Gods see much more than you and still not hate humanity, they don’t want us to just go and die. Have you ever wondered why?

Why do you think that you’re SO good but others not even deserve anything better than death?

I wish you the best for your emotional healing. You still have a long way to go but you will get there just don’t give up.
True sociopaths aren't conscious, proud or striving to be sociopaths.

The world has done you wrong, only you know or think you know the reasons why. Now that you do, you have a choice.

Stay on that vibrational level or elevate yourself above and become better. Every day, do small things in a great way and eventually your day will be filled with greatness. Satan gives us the tools to become great, if thoughts of revenge are clouding your mind and preventing you from progressing we are given those tools as well.

Best of luck to you!
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO
Dahaarkan said:
So start destroying rotten people. Drain their souls, curse them, manipulate others into turning against them.

Your anger and bitterness is an internal call for justice to be made. And there is no justice in the world unless YOU make it.

How dare you speak on friendly terms to someone who wronged you, this is such a betrayal to yourself. Start cursing this bitch immediately and don't you dare stop until her soul is atrophied and decaying beyond any hope of salvation.

You need justice in your life just as much as you need food or water. Without justice you become mentally and spiritually atrophied. Start destroying everybody who wronged you in your life, and don't stop until all these debts are paid.

oh trust me, I have :) my life has gotten a lot better. I just made a new post, hope you guys will read it.
Powerofjustice said:
True sociopaths aren't conscious, proud or striving to be sociopaths.

The world has done you wrong, only you know or think you know the reasons why. Now that you do, you have a choice.

Stay on that vibrational level or elevate yourself above and become better. Every day, do small things in a great way and eventually your day will be filled with greatness. Satan gives us the tools to become great, if thoughts of revenge are clouding your mind and preventing you from progressing we are given those tools as well.

Best of luck to you!

This post is just be venting, trust me 'I've been working very hard and due to the meditations on JOS my life has gotten a lot better. all my enemies are in the trenches now and it'll only get worse for them. I went from living in the hood, to living in a luxury condo within a few months.

I just made a new post, when it's approved I hope you take the time to read it
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO
So did you deserve to die when you weren't a dedicated SS? Genuine question
You're obviously hurt, and everything you're saying is dictated by it. Mankind has turned on its Father for something like 2000-3000 years, do you think Satan thinks that we all deserve to die? That's a rethorical question, of course not, or else we wouldn't be here anymore, Satan loves mankind and we are freeing it with his help. Your statements are incompatible with Satan's objective on earth.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Now you're just trolling. Focus on yourself, and don't interfere with the JoS. Also remember that once upon a time many of those souls were living as Pagans, and everyone has the potential to become spiritual beings in the future. Direct your anger to those who wronged you and stop thinking so much in the macro perspective of things. Focusing on the micro of your personal life is what you need right now, don't worry about the macro, the big scale of things. We're all taking care of the macro together.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Gentiles are per nature Satanic, Satan is the ancestral Father of Humans.

So no, they do not deserve to be obliterated.

An advanced Satanist would never say something like this.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

I don't agree with Obliteration. More like with some complete isolation and separating out segments of society based on level of understanding or advancement as well as races.
This could probably in my home country at least be completly done without anyone other than the Jews and actual criminals illegals having to leave and people be happy to be honest.

This solves all the issues without killing people and gets rid of a lot of anger. There won't be any reason to feel this way when around people more of your level of understanding.
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

I don't agree with Obliteration. More like with some complete isolation and separating out segments of society based on level of understanding or advancement as well as races.
This could probably in my home country at least be completly done without anyone other than the Jews and actual criminals illegals having to leave and people be happy to be honest.

This solves all the issues without killing people and gets rid of a lot of anger. There won't be any reason to feel this way when around people more of your level of understanding.

The fuck, this is also a no go.

It is Satan‘s will that Humanity as a whole advances.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Good thing that belief doesn't create power neither truth and only knowledge does that. You can certainly try your belief, so you are not limited in that sense.

While you are at it, do detach from your limited view on things, regardless of their truthful foundation or not, and invest in yourself, not in the others. The others are not important, but you are so at least give yourself the importance you already given to the others.

I understand what are you saying and the circumstances, this is a good phase of understanding a part of your own self, but this is not the end or place that you can draw conclusions yet.

So do not say that none satanic souls must die, as that's ignorant of life. The gentile peasant has a right to live, and he has the right to not be a SS and I will happily help him to live a peasant life and enjoy his presence in the Universe. If your view is that satanic souls are that of the gentiles and try to play semantics on this, it still doesn't hold to say such things.

Maturing is a condition of life that is to be deserved, however do not fend it until it becomes a suffering lesson, yet welcome it in the positive terms.

Satanic souls welcome and cherish all forms of beneficial life, life that is not parasitic in nature. We honor this life and we aim it to make it eternal, maximum and expand it, such as Satan expanded life unto our existence and created our existence in this Universe.

No one has authority over the life force without being above it, and being above it means you are the embodiment of the overflowing perfected life force, and that is the most beautiful vector of creation.

Life is sacred. Creation is sacrilege and destruction is rightful the same.

While you fix the problems of collective people, please fix the problems of the self first, don't overextend the lazy nature of the mind. I believe if you meditate you'll understand more in time.
NakedPluto said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Good thing that belief doesn't create power neither truth and only knowledge does that. You can certainly try your belief, so you are not limited in that sense.

While you are at it, do detach from your limited view on things, regardless of their truthful foundation or not, and invest in yourself, not in the others. The others are not important, but you are so at least give yourself the importance you already given to the others.

I understand what are you saying and the circumstances, this is a good phase of understanding a part of your own self, but this is not the end or place that you can draw conclusions yet.

So do not say that none satanic souls must die, as that's ignorant of life. The gentile peasant has a right to live, and he has the right to not be a SS and I will happily help him to live a peasant life and enjoy his presence in the Universe. If your view is that satanic souls are that of the gentiles and try to play semantics on this, it still doesn't hold to say such things.

Maturing is a condition of life that is to be deserved, however do not fend it until it becomes a suffering lesson, yet welcome it in the positive terms.

Satanic souls welcome and cherish all forms of beneficial life, life that is not parasitic in nature. We honor this life and we aim it to make it eternal, maximum and expand it, such as Satan expanded life unto our existence and created our existence in this Universe.

No one has authority over the life force without being above it, and being above it means you are the embodiment of the overflowing perfected life force, and that is the most beautiful vector of creation.

Life is sacred. Creation is sacrilege and destruction is rightful the same.

While you fix the problems of collective people, please fix the problems of the self first, don't overextend the lazy nature of the mind. I believe if you meditate you'll understand more in time.

I'm just ranting to release pent up rage and anger don't take me seriously.
NakedPluto said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am already half way there. For similar reasons even though not anywhere near as bad as you.

I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Good thing that belief doesn't create power neither truth and only knowledge does that. You can certainly try your belief, so you are not limited in that sense.

While you are at it, do detach from your limited view on things, regardless of their truthful foundation or not, and invest in yourself, not in the others. The others are not important, but you are so at least give yourself the importance you already given to the others.

I understand what are you saying and the circumstances, this is a good phase of understanding a part of your own self, but this is not the end or place that you can draw conclusions yet.

So do not say that none satanic souls must die, as that's ignorant of life. The gentile peasant has a right to live, and he has the right to not be a SS and I will happily help him to live a peasant life and enjoy his presence in the Universe. If your view is that satanic souls are that of the gentiles and try to play semantics on this, it still doesn't hold to say such things.

Maturing is a condition of life that is to be deserved, however do not fend it until it becomes a suffering lesson, yet welcome it in the positive terms.

Satanic souls welcome and cherish all forms of beneficial life, life that is not parasitic in nature. We honor this life and we aim it to make it eternal, maximum and expand it, such as Satan expanded life unto our existence and created our existence in this Universe.

No one has authority over the life force without being above it, and being above it means you are the embodiment of the overflowing perfected life force, and that is the most beautiful vector of creation.

Life is sacred. Creation is sacrilege and destruction is rightful the same.

While you fix the problems of collective people, please fix the problems of the self first, don't overextend the lazy nature of the mind. I believe if you meditate you'll understand more in time.

When I read this, I can clearly see the difference between advanced Satanists and people who are not.

Words show who you want to be, actions show who you are.

Thank you for stepping up here.

Life is sacred, just as you said.
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

I don't agree with Obliteration. More like with some complete isolation and separating out segments of society based on level of understanding or advancement as well as races.
This could probably in my home country at least be completly done without anyone other than the Jews and actual criminals illegals having to leave and people be happy to be honest.

This solves all the issues without killing people and gets rid of a lot of anger. There won't be any reason to feel this way when around people more of your level of understanding.

The fuck, this is also a no go.

It is Satan‘s will that Humanity as a whole advances.

This is not a no go at all. It was done in the ancient times at least with the Hindus and greeks. They had a segment of society that was kind of untouchables then they had the average people and then the ruling class (I know there may have been more classes than this but I don't feel like looking this up right now) also Hitler believed people should be segregated based upon race to their own areas mostly with some exceptions due to the situation the world was in of course but in the future this will be more so enforced I believe.

I believe this kind of idea solves societies problem.

The only I personally would add to it is I believe some people are a literal plague and biological hazard to the population. These people should be segregated from the population in things like the concentration camps. I would add maybe treated terribly to this as well but probably not going to be allowed. It is unfair humanity has to deal with these types.
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
I don't agree with Obliteration. More like with some complete isolation and separating out segments of society based on level of understanding or advancement as well as races.
This could probably in my home country at least be completly done without anyone other than the Jews and actual criminals illegals having to leave and people be happy to be honest.

This solves all the issues without killing people and gets rid of a lot of anger. There won't be any reason to feel this way when around people more of your level of understanding.

The fuck, this is also a no go.

It is Satan‘s will that Humanity as a whole advances.

This is not a no go at all. It was done in the ancient times at least with the Hindus and greeks. They had a segment of society that was kind of untouchables then they had the average people and then the ruling class (I know there may have been more classes than this but I don't feel like looking this up right now) also Hitler believed people should be segregated based upon race to their own areas mostly with some exceptions due to the situation the world was in of course but in the future this will be more so enforced I believe.

I believe this kind of idea solves societies problem.

The only I personally would add to it is I believe some people are a literal plague and biological hazard to the population. These people should be segregated from the population in things like the concentration camps. I would add maybe treated terribly to this as well but probably not going to be allowed. It is unfair humanity has to deal with these types.

Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
The fuck, this is also a no go.

It is Satan‘s will that Humanity as a whole advances.

This is not a no go at all. It was done in the ancient times at least with the Hindus and greeks. They had a segment of society that was kind of untouchables then they had the average people and then the ruling class (I know there may have been more classes than this but I don't feel like looking this up right now) also Hitler believed people should be segregated based upon race to their own areas mostly with some exceptions due to the situation the world was in of course but in the future this will be more so enforced I believe.

I believe this kind of idea solves societies problem.

The only I personally would add to it is I believe some people are a literal plague and biological hazard to the population. These people should be segregated from the population in things like the concentration camps. I would add maybe treated terribly to this as well but probably not going to be allowed. It is unfair humanity has to deal with these types.

Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.

Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
This is not a no go at all. It was done in the ancient times at least with the Hindus and greeks. They had a segment of society that was kind of untouchables then they had the average people and then the ruling class (I know there may have been more classes than this but I don't feel like looking this up right now) also Hitler believed people should be segregated based upon race to their own areas mostly with some exceptions due to the situation the world was in of course but in the future this will be more so enforced I believe.

I believe this kind of idea solves societies problem.

The only I personally would add to it is I believe some people are a literal plague and biological hazard to the population. These people should be segregated from the population in things like the concentration camps. I would add maybe treated terribly to this as well but probably not going to be allowed. It is unfair humanity has to deal with these types.

Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.

Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.

I also don't have any faith at all that if left on their own humanity would choose a right and good way of living and doing things look at the way the world is now for that reason. I believe if something is not done about the problems in society then we can't advance or evolve. I think most of humanity is needing to be lead to a better way of doing things and the enemy has to be shut up no matter what the cost.

Also if you think for a second that a fundy xtian or Marxist or something would just be allowed to be there and spread poison all over society under the system Hitler set up at the end of the war you are very wrong. This is about the protection safety and security of the nation and race. Nothing else

The understanding i am getting at is this:

A person with Binary thinking that has become like a computer software program cannot be reasoned with they are not going to understand it if you tell them assimilating society and spreading your poison is bad so stop. The program has to either be shut down or contained.
Actually the whole Satanic system wouldn't make sense without something like this. I believe it's done on other planets too.

Not that everyone didn't have a freedom to travel if they are able too just about anywhere or even stay for a bit some places everyone should have that right this world has a lot of beautiful things.

I just think that for the most part people should stay amoung their own kind. This is the traditional way of doing things. It worked well for thousands of years till our Modern nightmare came around.
fairy666 said:

If you trace the root of this back to the source, you find yourself staring at the enemy, so why are you taking it out on other Gentiles? That does not mean you cannot stick up for yourself, but you should not be outright attacking (especially to the point of death!!!) those around you. You would basically be stomping on people who are already living a miserable existence.

Yes, it was not right for you to be bullied, but you have to be responsible and take steps to craft a positive environment around you. Exploding into murderous anger is not a constructive use of your time, nor is it "justice" by any means.

Firstly, make sure there are no major karmic reasons why so many people may have an issue with you. Perhaps the Gods can help you hear. Second, detach yourself from those who are bad for you. For those who you are forced to be around, you can still detach any negative links from them.

Third, if you really need to, you can do working to attract positive friends into your life, similar to how one can attract a compatible romantic partner. Fill your life with good people and not retards.


These sorts of people, especially those with severe mental issues, need specialized help and other attention that will be provided in our Satanic future. It is not right that you are exposed to them, but you should not do anything that would absolutely ruin their soul and leave them no way to heal themselves.

Directing your raw hatred at someone is ok, and should be used as a means to vent. Going out of your way to curse them to death would be totally overkill and irresponsible.

This is the equivalent of getting heated and shouting at someone, versus pulling the trigger of the gun. You can simply put the gun down, yet you should still be able to get your anger out successfully. There is no need to escalate this situation to that of a grave and heart-wrenching situation.
The source of all misanthropy is unfulfilled revenge. When you do not punish people who have wronged you, this injustice will fester in your psyche like a cancer.

The annihilation of one's enemies is not just a convenience or personal pleasure but a requirement for mental and spiritual peace. When you do not punish those who have wronged you, inevitably you will begin to see everybody as opposition. A frustration for the injustices you endured will build up and if you do not address your need for justice you will begin to hate all of humanity eventually.

When you create justice in your life, your entire world view changes in a positive way. And your mental health increases dramatically. Many people neglect this and try to forget past transgressions, and misanthropic thoughts are a symptom.

Start cursing people who have wronged you. You are given the tools to do this for a reason. This is as important for your health as meditation.
fairy666 said:
I've healed a lot from trauma but I've turned jaded and into a misanthropist. I look at humans and only see degenerates and wish they would hurry up and die for the jab. All i've ever wanted was to be loved, respected, valued, and shown that I matter but instead people just kick me when I'm already down and completely dehumanized me.

I dont understand either because Im extremely beautiful and contrary to popular believe I am a sweetheart and have a big heart, even old bulllies have admitted it. One girl said she bullied me because im very beautiful and shes jealous that I get a lot of attention for men and that im intelligent.

Men only see me as a trophy to parade around, and girls dont want to be my friends because I look better than them and theyre scared I'll take their boyfriend away that I dont want in the first place. I'm tired of woman competiting with me.

Tired of people disrupting my inner peace.

I just really am bitter at this point and find myself daydreaming about becoming an advanced satanist and killing a bunch of people with black magic.

I sincerely apologize for these dark thoughts but I hate this world, hate how shallow and vapid people are, I hate how the average IQ is very low, I hate this crab in a barrel dog eat dog squid games mentality everyone has, the lack of basic empathy and compassion, and how in order to feel power and valuable people have to bully and dominate others. People who are in groups are even worse. groups are dangerous

Just a whole list of it.

i have learned finally that being kind, genuine, authentic, caring about real world issues like the exploitation of children by corporations, and wanting to make the world a better place only brings extreme suffering. Even if I got lip injection and did what my peers do theyd still be fake friends who are there for clout but not when I'm down and talk badly behind my back.

I just really want them all to go. I hate my christian parents , I hate my peers, I hate this society, and I hate being sensitive and being an empath and caring so much. I just want to be a sociopath now and only focus on making money and destroy everyone who has ever hurt me and the people making earth degenerate.

I am sociopath so I don't care your blah blah blah and feelings, can you show us a picture to see if it's true you're pretty or not.

slyscorpion said:
Actually the whole Satanic system wouldn't make sense without something like this. I believe it's done on other planets too.

Not that everyone didn't have a freedom to travel if they are able too just about anywhere or even stay for a bit some places everyone should have that right this world has a lot of beautiful things.

I just think that for the most part people should stay amoung their own kind. This is the traditional way of doing things. It worked well for thousands of years till our Modern nightmare came around.
and how would separation and segregation work now alot of people think its "evil" and "racist" to do so
slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.

Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.

I also don't have any faith at all that if left on their own humanity would choose a right and good way of living and doing things look at the way the world is now for that reason. I believe if something is not done about the problems in society then we can't advance or evolve. I think most of humanity is needing to be lead to a better way of doing things and the enemy has to be shut up no matter what the cost.

Also if you think for a second that a fundy xtian or Marxist or something would just be allowed to be there and spread poison all over society under the system Hitler set up at the end of the war you are very wrong. This is about the protection safety and security of the nation and race. Nothing else

The understanding i am getting at is this:

A person with Binary thinking that has become like a computer software program cannot be reasoned with they are not going to understand it if you tell them assimilating society and spreading your poison is bad so stop. The program has to either be shut down or contained.

OKAY that's enough guys stop.

Ninrick I see you pulled back, but I want to explain something anyway.

Lookat the topic. see how it was a loaded gun from the start? this is a sensitive topic but you guys are dividing against each other!

what's our job as SS? Too correct behavior, to shine light where others see dark. Not correlation between things, when you guys say stuff like "like the jews" or "obviously you don't understand" your drawing connections too things that are unnecessary. and all it does is make you more annoyed, and sour at one another. again "Correction not Correlation"

Sly I want to say, I was a lot like this recently. In fact I struggled with feeling empathy for any gentile really only the Gods I could feel sorry for. Why? " its their own fault anyway they didn't advance." I thought but at the very same time these could've been the people who fought for there countries time and time again each time they lose they have to witness the most horrifying things imaginable, again and again. Can you really blame someone for conceding, I sure can't. and I'm fairly sure Ninrick isn't talking about the stupidest of the stupid okay, I think he just meant the Christian who literally had it beat into him by the mother and father. now he grew of course that's all he knew. should he be punished because he got beat into it or should he be given a Chance this doesn't mean carelessly allow them access to our scriptures NO that's retarded. they would be given copies, and be under some sort condition. if they refuse no Stuff for them, if they break the rules Then it's time for exaction do it again. then I have no pity what happens next. this feeling of over segregation of classes should stop because once you have something that another doesn't and you say "Can't have it" all it does is breed animosity. like if you became a God and our creators said " okay now you stay on earth and Only the HP come to Valhalla" you be like wtf. Doesn't mean the HP don't get more for their work. but I think you get it.

try and figure out why you feel this way and come up with counter points. You will feel so much better. wanting most of humanity doesn't give you strength. Fighting for those who can still change does.

watch this it might help.

slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
slyscorpion said:
This is not a no go at all. It was done in the ancient times at least with the Hindus and greeks. They had a segment of society that was kind of untouchables then they had the average people and then the ruling class (I know there may have been more classes than this but I don't feel like looking this up right now) also Hitler believed people should be segregated based upon race to their own areas mostly with some exceptions due to the situation the world was in of course but in the future this will be more so enforced I believe.

I believe this kind of idea solves societies problem.

The only I personally would add to it is I believe some people are a literal plague and biological hazard to the population. These people should be segregated from the population in things like the concentration camps. I would add maybe treated terribly to this as well but probably not going to be allowed. It is unfair humanity has to deal with these types.

Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.

Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.
how true a certain segment of people are too lost like you said though i wonder how will places like the Middle East of Africa especially the Middle East be free of the plague of islam and bitchrael/terrorael etc? are places like Saudi Arabia or Yemen or Oman even possible to set free they seem pretty hell bent on controlling peoples personal lives for the most dimwitted reasons possible. also will the vaccinated people survive cause there should be a reverse vaccine for that right?

also how is bitchrael doing with vaccines is it crazy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317166 time=1642553153 user_id=21286]
fairy666 said:

If you trace the root of this back to the source, you find yourself staring at the enemy, so why are you taking it out on other Gentiles? That does not mean you cannot stick up for yourself, but you should not be outright attacking (especially to the point of death!!!) those around you. You would basically be stomping on people who are already living a miserable existence.

Yes, it was not right for you to be bullied, but you have to be responsible and take steps to craft a positive environment around you. Exploding into murderous anger is not a constructive use of your time, nor is it "justice" by any means.

Firstly, make sure there are no major karmic reasons why so many people may have an issue with you. Perhaps the Gods can help you hear. Second, detach yourself from those who are bad for you. For those who you are forced to be around, you can still detach any negative links from them.

Third, if you really need to, you can do working to attract positive friends into your life, similar to how one can attract a compatible romantic partner. Fill your life with good people and not retards.


These sorts of people, especially those with severe mental issues, need specialized help and other attention that will be provided in our Satanic future. It is not right that you are exposed to them, but you should not do anything that would absolutely ruin their soul and leave them no way to heal themselves.

Directing your raw hatred at someone is ok, and should be used as a means to vent. Going out of your way to curse them to death would be totally overkill and irresponsible.

This is the equivalent of getting heated and shouting at someone, versus pulling the trigger of the gun. You can simply put the gun down, yet you should still be able to get your anger out successfully. There is no need to escalate this situation to that of a grave and heart-wrenching situation.

I partially disagree, Blitzkreig. I see no issue with a death curse depending on the severity of the crimes against the self, and how much revenge the soul needs. The only problem with what they said is that they want to wipe out 99% of humanity. That's not a healthy mindset, and they need to come back down from obsessing over the big picture of things and focus on their personal life instead. Obviously they can't wipe out 99% of humanity so whatever, they're just talking through their pain.
I get your position and I know a lot of girls who feel this way, including my mother and I can’t say I haven’t seen this person in myself. The thing that set me apart from being this person is recognizing the fact that I have I do in fact truly care and that I should not let anyone else damage the innocent parts of me, and that people are not all bad, and that in time things change with experiencing something different. This is black and white thinking. If you’re young, it gets better. Look to one person who’s influence you admire as well. Keep your eyes on what matters to you, and do your best not to become what’s hurt you. Meditate, grow, and be open to something that’ll show you differently when you’re ready would be my advice. Your perception can change and you do in fact have control over this. Do not see yourself as a victim and learn to set yourself apart. Find things to channel your hatred. You are not a bad person for feeling this way. I found people that appreciated my mind and talent, and it took a long time for me to believe that there were people who would see my individual worth and not the mold I was so pressured to be. You’re a Satanist, you’re smart, likely beautiful, take as long as you need to. Protect your heart. You’ll discover a lot if you’re on this path. Not everyone is a sociopath and you’re not for feeling this way. Now if you’re hurting animals for fun, you might in fact be a sociopath. Otherwise do and be whatever you need, but if you’re unhappy and want things to change there is definitely a place for you but you’d have to believe it first. Also, Don’t be afraid to show the right people something different. If you’re open enough and can feel Satan, know that the Gods are different. They’re the first ones that helped me to feel truly accepted and loved for all of the right reasons. Sometimes even that was difficult. When it came time to feeling an even higher love from them I occasionally rejected the truth of this until I developed more self worth.

Being manipulative coming from a position like this can absolutely be a healthy superpower too, like if you’re a lawyer. Just use it wisely. I’m personally capable of doing an awful lot of damage and I’m an excellent interrogator and debater. I could absolutely tear someone to pieces physically and mentally. Physical abuse is rough, sometimes words are all you have. I still have these capabilities from having to fight so much, but you can definitely choose differently with wisdom strength and time.

You’re reflecting the thing that you hate and you’ll continue to attract it imo. This might sound like some love and light mumble jumbo but it’s the path I chose to take rather than hate everything. It’s some real advice. Keep hating what you need to to keep it away from you.

Try developing a craft and wait until someone LOVES it. It’s really a game changer. Helping my mom was kind of like beating a dead horse. Her best growth was from making extreme mistakes and getting eventually thrown in jail for not knowing when to quit. She struggled to ever find any real self worth and admits that she’s still extremely insecure. Don’t live a life like this, because this sounds like it almost could’ve been written by her. Her mom was terrible to her, her dad was absent, she never got over it. She finds a lot of passion with animals though. She says they’re the only pure thing in this world and she’s not entirely wrong. There is no changing her though.

Don’t even call yourself an “empath”

There’s a lot of memes going around that say “an empath: the worst person you’ve ever met” not because you’re a terrible person. But because they’re often extremely toxic and damaging to others.

Use better affirmations. Don’t reflect. Project the qualities you’d like to attract.
fairy666 said:
NakedPluto said:
fairy666 said:
I believe all non-satanic souls deserve to be obliterated from this planet with no remorse.

Today marks the day I take everything more seriously and begin to build my dynasty with no remorse.

Please stay tuned as I will be posting advanced meditations that I tinkered from the website that will take your spiritual and psychic protection to the next level, and various spells and hexes to take out anyone that gets in your way.

"love and light" LMMFAAOOO

Good thing that belief doesn't create power neither truth and only knowledge does that. You can certainly try your belief, so you are not limited in that sense.

While you are at it, do detach from your limited view on things, regardless of their truthful foundation or not, and invest in yourself, not in the others. The others are not important, but you are so at least give yourself the importance you already given to the others.

I understand what are you saying and the circumstances, this is a good phase of understanding a part of your own self, but this is not the end or place that you can draw conclusions yet.

So do not say that none satanic souls must die, as that's ignorant of life. The gentile peasant has a right to live, and he has the right to not be a SS and I will happily help him to live a peasant life and enjoy his presence in the Universe. If your view is that satanic souls are that of the gentiles and try to play semantics on this, it still doesn't hold to say such things.

Maturing is a condition of life that is to be deserved, however do not fend it until it becomes a suffering lesson, yet welcome it in the positive terms.

Satanic souls welcome and cherish all forms of beneficial life, life that is not parasitic in nature. We honor this life and we aim it to make it eternal, maximum and expand it, such as Satan expanded life unto our existence and created our existence in this Universe.

No one has authority over the life force without being above it, and being above it means you are the embodiment of the overflowing perfected life force, and that is the most beautiful vector of creation.

Life is sacred. Creation is sacrilege and destruction is rightful the same.

While you fix the problems of collective people, please fix the problems of the self first, don't overextend the lazy nature of the mind. I believe if you meditate you'll understand more in time.

I'm just ranting to release pent up rage and anger don't take me seriously.

It's alright, that's good to do
NakedPluto said:
fairy666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Good thing that belief doesn't create power neither truth and only knowledge does that. You can certainly try your belief, so you are not limited in that sense.

While you are at it, do detach from your limited view on things, regardless of their truthful foundation or not, and invest in yourself, not in the others. The others are not important, but you are so at least give yourself the importance you already given to the others.

I understand what are you saying and the circumstances, this is a good phase of understanding a part of your own self, but this is not the end or place that you can draw conclusions yet.

So do not say that none satanic souls must die, as that's ignorant of life. The gentile peasant has a right to live, and he has the right to not be a SS and I will happily help him to live a peasant life and enjoy his presence in the Universe. If your view is that satanic souls are that of the gentiles and try to play semantics on this, it still doesn't hold to say such things.

Maturing is a condition of life that is to be deserved, however do not fend it until it becomes a suffering lesson, yet welcome it in the positive terms.

Satanic souls welcome and cherish all forms of beneficial life, life that is not parasitic in nature. We honor this life and we aim it to make it eternal, maximum and expand it, such as Satan expanded life unto our existence and created our existence in this Universe.

No one has authority over the life force without being above it, and being above it means you are the embodiment of the overflowing perfected life force, and that is the most beautiful vector of creation.

Life is sacred. Creation is sacrilege and destruction is rightful the same.

While you fix the problems of collective people, please fix the problems of the self first, don't overextend the lazy nature of the mind. I believe if you meditate you'll understand more in time.

I'm just ranting to release pent up rage and anger don't take me seriously.

Nah girl don’t back out like that. Own this shit. People like this generally take advice from absolutely no one and it’s extremely difficult to care for people like this. That’s probably what you’ll tell the people you hurt in life too.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
slyscorpion said:
Actually the whole Satanic system wouldn't make sense without something like this. I believe it's done on other planets too.

Not that everyone didn't have a freedom to travel if they are able too just about anywhere or even stay for a bit some places everyone should have that right this world has a lot of beautiful things.

I just think that for the most part people should stay amoung their own kind. This is the traditional way of doing things. It worked well for thousands of years till our Modern nightmare came around.
and how would separation and segregation work now alot of people think its "evil" and "racist" to do so

That's exactly the point. The jews have inverted our system.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
slyscorpion said:
NinRick said:
Fuck those narrow minded frames of views. People need to be fully free, smash down every restriction and advance. I don’t care what people used to believe and do, their periods are over, this is the age of Aquarius, what you describe is not part of it at all.

This is a time where we reach highest highs. And Freedoms are very important, whether you like it or not, you would categories people and define freedoms on rules like understanding... like the jews do with the Vaccination status.

The strong can help the weak to grow strong themselves, people need role models, people need to know what they are heading for.

My nature is against everything you said, even if this was the practice in ancient times, we build something greater then.

Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.
how true a certain segment of people are too lost like you said though i wonder how will places like the Middle East of Africa especially the Middle East be free of the plague of islam and bitchrael/terrorael etc? are places like Saudi Arabia or Yemen or Oman even possible to set free they seem pretty hell bent on controlling peoples personal lives for the most dimwitted reasons possible. also will the vaccinated people survive cause there should be a reverse vaccine for that right?

also how is bitchrael doing with vaccines is it crazy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not sure what is going to be done that will be a nightmare to deal with for all the people that have to try to fix it in the future when things are to the point Islam can even be questioned without risking death.

So far as the vaccines I think mostly people will be OK as of now there will be some casualties like everything else. If there is a serious problem with this they will probably develop some thing to erase it in the future or fix the damage maybe having to use similar technology but program it to undo this damage or something who knows.

If there is something bad with this vaccine pissrael is getting a different one than we are or the more safe one or they are faking all of this or all three.

ChaosBringer666 said:
slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
Ok if you really believe everyone is supposed to be saved or advance. Here is a challenge for you:
Go to some church and pick the most sincere xtian you see there. Spend a bunch of time with them try to teach them about spirituality and a higher way of living. You will want the same thing I do after a bit of that and be really disgusted and frustrated. Go try to talk to some college student who is an SJW about the ideas of Hitler and get them into a higher way of thinking (end up dead likely)

I have seen it obviously you haven't yet. Some people really are so lost they will not change or go for a higher way of living.

It's not that all of them are fucked or doomed either many will be reincarnated as Cobra said and start to learn the truth. But their current incarnation is basically hopeless.

Why should not we at the end of the war segregate these people from society. If I was correct that was actually the plan from Hitler and the Gods to deal with some of these people in the future from reading sermons over the years on this.

The thing you need to do is relax these people probably are not even more than 20 percent of the world population likely less.

Most people will be fully free and able to advance. The enemy plague has to be stopped though. If freedoms of bad people have to be taken away to save society then that is a worthy sacrifice.

Also remember that Aquarius also is ruled by Saturn. A more structured system like this would fit Aquarius ideals.

I also don't have any faith at all that if left on their own humanity would choose a right and good way of living and doing things look at the way the world is now for that reason. I believe if something is not done about the problems in society then we can't advance or evolve. I think most of humanity is needing to be lead to a better way of doing things and the enemy has to be shut up no matter what the cost.

Also if you think for a second that a fundy xtian or Marxist or something would just be allowed to be there and spread poison all over society under the system Hitler set up at the end of the war you are very wrong. This is about the protection safety and security of the nation and race. Nothing else

The understanding i am getting at is this:

A person with Binary thinking that has become like a computer software program cannot be reasoned with they are not going to understand it if you tell them assimilating society and spreading your poison is bad so stop. The program has to either be shut down or contained.

OKAY that's enough guys stop.

Ninrick I see you pulled back, but I want to explain something anyway.

Lookat the topic. see how it was a loaded gun from the start? this is a sensitive topic but you guys are dividing against each other!

what's our job as SS? Too correct behavior, to shine light where others see dark. Not correlation between things, when you guys say stuff like "like the jews" or "obviously you don't understand" your drawing connections too things that are unnecessary. and all it does is make you more annoyed, and sour at one another. again "Correction not Correlation"

Sly I want to say, I was a lot like this recently. In fact I struggled with feeling empathy for any gentile really only the Gods I could feel sorry for. Why? " its their own fault anyway they didn't advance." I thought but at the very same time these could've been the people who fought for there countries time and time again each time they lose they have to witness the most horrifying things imaginable, again and again. Can you really blame someone for conceding, I sure can't. and I'm fairly sure Ninrick isn't talking about the stupidest of the stupid okay, I think he just meant the Christian who literally had it beat into him by the mother and father. now he grew of course that's all he knew. should he be punished because he got beat into it or should he be given a Chance this doesn't mean carelessly allow them access to our scriptures NO that's retarded. they would be given copies, and be under some sort condition. if they refuse no Stuff for them, if they break the rules Then it's time for exaction do it again. then I have no pity what happens next. this feeling of over segregation of classes should stop because once you have something that another doesn't and you say "Can't have it" all it does is breed animosity. like if you became a God and our creators said " okay now you stay on earth and Only the HP come to Valhalla" you be like wtf. Doesn't mean the HP don't get more for their work. but I think you get it.

try and figure out why you feel this way and come up with counter points. You will feel so much better. wanting most of humanity doesn't give you strength. Fighting for those who can still change does.

watch this it might help.


I had no intention of causing division I was just having a discussion. I like that video. I will think on these things. I still think the more traditional ways are better though. I am very leery of a totally new system considering how it turned out with the jews but I try to keep an open mind.
slyscorpion said:
i'm Glad :)

I know you weren't trying to cause division. Neither of you was. it wasn't even that bad I just got a little heated myself. :lol:
I just didn't want it to turn into those "bad blood" type scenarios you see on the forums occasionally :roll: sometimes things like correlation make a lot of a difference in how someone views your post. But hey what do I know :lol: maybe you guys didn't even notice. And y'know even some gods might disagree on the subject.

I've seen you post about reading people before so if you do that, and their energy feels "off" too you. Just say "okay look we're not gonna see eye to eye. lets just agree to disagree and stop wasting time." but again maybe that's just me.

have a nice day sly.
Dahaarkan said:
So start destroying rotten people. Drain their souls, curse them, manipulate others into turning against them.

Your anger and bitterness is an internal call for justice to be made. And there is no justice in the world unless YOU make it.

How dare you speak on friendly terms to someone who wronged you, this is such a betrayal to yourself. Start cursing this bitch immediately and don't you dare stop until her soul is atrophied and decaying beyond any hope of salvation.

You need justice in your life just as much as you need food or water. Without justice you become mentally and spiritually atrophied. Start destroying everybody who wronged you in your life, and don't stop until all these debts are paid.

I couldn't agree more. Nothing more needs to be said.
Sundara said:
NakedPluto said:
fairy666 said:
I'm just ranting to release pent up rage and anger don't take me seriously.

Nah girl don’t back out like that. Own this shit. People like this generally take advice from absolutely no one and it’s extremely difficult to care for people like this. That’s probably what you’ll tell the people you hurt in life too.

I’m confused, who have I hurt exactly? People have severely traumatized and hurt me, not the other way around. I was ranting instead of continue to suppress my rage. I hate humanity and lost faith in it completely, that’s just how I feel and I own it. Am I going to try to kill everyone? No? Obviously I’m not capable of it either and that feeling of wanting everyone dead will eventually fade.

Based on the comments on my new post where people on this website once again are choosing to attack me and call me names and accuse me of being a drug addict when I’ve done nothing wrong kinda just cements my hatred for everyone.

I’m not longer affiliated with Joy of Satan.

fairy666 said:
I've healed a lot from trauma but I've turned jaded and into a misanthropist. I look at humans and only see degenerates and wish they would hurry up and die for the jab. All i've ever wanted was to be loved, respected, valued, and shown that I matter but instead people just kick me when I'm already down and completely dehumanized me.

I dont understand either because Im extremely beautiful and contrary to popular believe I am a sweetheart and have a big heart, even old bulllies have admitted it. One girl said she bullied me because im very beautiful and shes jealous that I get a lot of attention for men and that im intelligent.

Men only see me as a trophy to parade around, and girls dont want to be my friends because I look better than them and theyre scared I'll take their boyfriend away that I dont want in the first place. I'm tired of woman competiting with me.

Tired of people disrupting my inner peace.

I just really am bitter at this point and find myself daydreaming about becoming an advanced satanist and killing a bunch of people with black magic.

I sincerely apologize for these dark thoughts but I hate this world, hate how shallow and vapid people are, I hate how the average IQ is very low, I hate this crab in a barrel dog eat dog squid games mentality everyone has, the lack of basic empathy and compassion, and how in order to feel power and valuable people have to bully and dominate others. People who are in groups are even worse. groups are dangerous

Just a whole list of it.

i have learned finally that being kind, genuine, authentic, caring about real world issues like the exploitation of children by corporations, and wanting to make the world a better place only brings extreme suffering. Even if I got lip injection and did what my peers do theyd still be fake friends who are there for clout but not when I'm down and talk badly behind my back.

I just really want them all to go. I hate my christian parents , I hate my peers, I hate this society, and I hate being sensitive and being an empath and caring so much. I just want to be a sociopath now and only focus on making money and destroy everyone who has ever hurt me and the people making earth degenerate.
Abandon these useless inferiors, and use your time to meditate and get closer to the gods.
Write down the names of the hated ones and use them as astral toilettes, when you are more advanced you will be able to curse them.

You must not become insensitive as it is a great quality, you must be insensitive to these people.

You will probably find the love you are looking for in the gods, the condition is that you take spiritual Satanism seriously.
I know it may seem like everyone and everything is against you but if you pay close attention they're only against themselves projected on to you. You're in a lot of pain right now but that is natural and necessary for your future pleasure. Stay focused on your advancement and you'll realize the best "revenge" is the existentiality of being who you truly are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
