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Briefly about "thermometers!" (This is for those of you who may not have noticed!)

Fire Kobra

Jul 20, 2020
What about the meters that "detect" the Coronavirus?

Brain damage machine disguised as a thermometer!

It attacks the entire central nervous system! But mostly the upper part of the brain from the frontal lobe to the occipital lobe.


For those who are affected, obviously spiritual practices can fix it. Especially with the practice of empty meditation!
It heals, develops the brain in that area. Nothing to worry about!

That's all I wanted to say!

Hail Satan!

Do you have any evidence, reference for that claim? A thermometer is not a tool to detect coronavirus. It's just a tool to measure body temperature.

Also, I doubt a simple thermometer damages the brain. Maybe the electronic ones emit something which is bad for you but the mercury and glass ones seem harmless in every way (unless they break in your mouth and you get glass inside you or get mercury poisoning which can be fatal). So I don't see how they're harmful to the brain or harmful to anything for that matter.

By disguised you mean the thermometer is actually not a thermometer???
Fire Kobra said:
What about the meters that "detect" the Coronavirus?

Brain damage machine disguised as a thermometer!

It attacks the entire central nervous system! But mostly the upper part of the brain from the frontal lobe to the occipital lobe.


For those who are affected, obviously spiritual practices can fix it. Especially with the practice of empty meditation!
It heals, develops the brain in that area. Nothing to worry about!

That's all I wanted to say!

Hail Satan!

Based on what? Incoherent nonsense with a jewgle link to a picture search that comes up with 0 results?

Look if you want to sound legit, don't make empty claims. Explain which device we are looking at. What it does how it is used and what part of the device is damaging.

With the legit website attached. Not some random faulty google search..
No need to google it, because you can't really find info on it.
But maybe I'm the only one who can't find it!

But I can tell you that a lot of people don't know it.
I see you don't know it either, but that's ok, that's why I wrote it down.
I deliberately put it next to the title to say that it is for those who don't know.
I can tell you this obvious truth from experience and careful observation.

It would be good to reflect a little on how the Jewish race is a lying monster.
The way they have made the world believe that these mind programs are religions.
The same can be said of the "coronavirus thermometers" which are in fact brain-damaging machines.
What is not to understand?

I'm not talking about the traditional thermometer, but this advanced negative technology.
What is being used against humanity.

I repeat: these are brain-damaging machines disguised as thermometers.No matter what type they are, don't be fooled.They are the tools of the enemy, and the enemy is a fucking mangy monster.
So why should you doubt what I say?
They will measure your fever, but they will shoot you in the face and attack your mind immediately.
Did you know that they are also used to kill animals in slaughterhouses?
It's the same here!
I have had time to experience this shit, so you better pay attention to what I write.
Since I help people, I know what to do!
And if you don't understand now, you will later.
Oh, and one more thing, did you know that they kill with the respirator too, not just the vaccine?

The Jews targeted the mind from the beginning. Never forget that!
Stormblood said:
One should also consider that these 'new' thermometers are also not always used on your forehead. Many use them on your wrists.

A kéz összefüggésbe van az elmével!
Stormblood said:
One should also consider that these 'new' thermometers are also not always used on your forehead. Many use them on your wrists.

The hand is connected to the mind!
Those thermometers work with Infrared radiation, they do not emit any IR-Light, but they measure the amount of IR-Light that hits a detector (like a photo-diode), which turns the energy of the light to voltage. The generated voltage, correlates to the IR-Radiation and the IR-Radiation correlates to the actual temperature. This is how you measure the temperature from people with this device.
NinRick said:
Those thermometers work with Infrared radiation, they do not emit any IR-Light, but they measure the amount of IR-Light that hits a detector (like a photo-diode), which turns the energy of the light to voltage. The generated voltage, correlates to the IR-Radiation and the IR-Radiation correlates to the actual temperature. This is how you measure the temperature from people with this device.

It's fine so far, and you're right but in between you get shit added to it.
Yes! The enemy does his dirty work with trickery
But it's the enemy's tools,and what is the enemy? A parasite!
And I haven't told you a very important thing, and that is that rashes have come out from this harmful radius shit, just like vaccines do, in some people, because not everyone is affected by it.
And why is that?
Because it's foreign!
And I would add to that, think about the fact that hostile alien beings have advanced negative technology, and obviously give the Jews some tools to do so.
The Jews, and the enemy alien beings, have taken deadly chemicals, rays, biological viruses against the entire world.
Fire Kobra said:
NinRick said:
Those thermometers work with Infrared radiation, they do not emit any IR-Light, but they measure the amount of IR-Light that hits a detector (like a photo-diode), which turns the energy of the light to voltage. The generated voltage, correlates to the IR-Radiation and the IR-Radiation correlates to the actual temperature. This is how you measure the temperature from people with this device.

It's fine so far, and you're right but in between you get shit added to it.
Yes! The enemy does his dirty work with trickery
But it's the enemy's tools,and what is the enemy? A parasite!
And I haven't told you a very important thing, and that is that rashes have come out from this harmful radius shit, just like vaccines do, in some people, because not everyone is affected by it.
And why is that?
Because it's foreign!
And I would add to that, think about the fact that hostile alien beings have advanced negative technology, and obviously give the Jews some tools to do so.
The Jews, and the enemy alien beings, have taken deadly chemicals, rays, biological viruses against the entire world.

Regular people operate those things, and any radiation emitted by them could be easily detected.
I do not think that those things are dangerous, the enemy is a master in lying, they spread false information so people like you, who know that something is off, spread this things, which are not true, so they lose any and all credibility. So once they spread the actual agenda of jews, nobody will listen to them.

Somethings that are against the enemy, are simply not true and out there by the enemy on purpose.
NinRick said:
Fire Kobra said:
NinRick said:
Those thermometers work with Infrared radiation, they do not emit any IR-Light, but they measure the amount of IR-Light that hits a detector (like a photo-diode), which turns the energy of the light to voltage. The generated voltage, correlates to the IR-Radiation and the IR-Radiation correlates to the actual temperature. This is how you measure the temperature from people with this device.

It's fine so far, and you're right but in between you get shit added to it.
Yes! The enemy does his dirty work with trickery
But it's the enemy's tools,and what is the enemy? A parasite!
And I haven't told you a very important thing, and that is that rashes have come out from this harmful radius shit, just like vaccines do, in some people, because not everyone is affected by it.
And why is that?
Because it's foreign!
And I would add to that, think about the fact that hostile alien beings have advanced negative technology, and obviously give the Jews some tools to do so.
The Jews, and the enemy alien beings, have taken deadly chemicals, rays, biological viruses against the entire world.

Regular people operate those things, and any radiation emitted by them could be easily detected.
I do not think that those things are dangerous, the enemy is a master in lying, they spread false information so people like you, who know that something is off, spread this things, which are not true, so they lose any and all credibility. So once they spread the actual agenda of jews, nobody will listen to them.

Somethings that are against the enemy, are simply not true and out there by the enemy on purpose.

Infrared is also a kind of light emitted by the sun, and it is percieved as heat.

Saying that Infrared thermometers are damaging, is basicly saying that the sun is evil.

People don't buy "muh-special-coronavirus-thermometer" en masse.
They use their own thermometers. Unless you end up in the hospital of course.
NinRick said:
Fire Kobra said:
NinRick said:
Those thermometers work with Infrared radiation, they do not emit any IR-Light, but they measure the amount of IR-Light that hits a detector (like a photo-diode), which turns the energy of the light to voltage. The generated voltage, correlates to the IR-Radiation and the IR-Radiation correlates to the actual temperature. This is how you measure the temperature from people with this device.

It's fine so far, and you're right but in between you get shit added to it.
Yes! The enemy does his dirty work with trickery
But it's the enemy's tools,and what is the enemy? A parasite!
And I haven't told you a very important thing, and that is that rashes have come out from this harmful radius shit, just like vaccines do, in some people, because not everyone is affected by it.
And why is that?
Because it's foreign!
And I would add to that, think about the fact that hostile alien beings have advanced negative technology, and obviously give the Jews some tools to do so.
The Jews, and the enemy alien beings, have taken deadly chemicals, rays, biological viruses against the entire world.

Regular people operate those things, and any radiation emitted by them could be easily detected.
I do not think that those things are dangerous, the enemy is a master in lying, they spread false information so people like you, who know that something is off, spread this things, which are not true, so they lose any and all credibility. So once they spread the actual agenda of jews, nobody will listen to them.

Somethings that are against the enemy, are simply not true and out there by the enemy on purpose.

Same thing I think about many claims with 5g that people make and the stuff about vaccines having microchips that can control the mind.

This stuff is meant to make anything people say against the agenda of the jews sound far out or dumb and discredit legit stuff.

Provide legit evidence with this kind of claim or it's probably not happening.
We need to talk about this!

So! As I said! Not only humans, but even Satanists between are not aware of this.
No problem! I knew that, that's why I wrote it down.

Slyscorpion's writing is what got me thinking!

Yes! The enemy,use such information to further their agenda.

But let's consider things and ask the questions:

- If they are just harmless thermometers, then why are they attacking the mind, and deteriorating it day by day.
I have been shot more than once in the head and arm! Every time I was shot full on, I was able to fix myself by putting my tongue on the roof of my mouth and increasing my bioelectricity so that I would get better and not damage my mind.
And meditation fixed me right up.
So BlackOnyx8 many doctors say what you say.Exactly the same way you put it!
And just because you don't perceive or see something, doesn't mean it's not there or that it's not like that.
Plus, you are doing spiritual practice, so it doesn't affect you.And you should be happy about it!

Let's keep looking at things!
- If the measuring machine is harmless, and it is just a simple measurement that shoots out a normal infrared beam, why is this being forced on people
Because it's Covid! "Covid"
Of course!

- If vaccines are not so life threatening, why is it that they are fanatically pushed, almost mandated?
And by setting traps for people that they can't do anything about because they are ignorant.

- If 5G is not harmful, and is just scare propaganda, why is it promoted by the Jewish media? Why is it so important to Jewry that people buy this crap and bring it into their homes?

- If 5G is harmless,and just "sick" preaching from people,then why are animals dying from it?

- If 5G is harmless, why are people suffering harm from it?

- And one more thing! If microchipping through vaccination is just insanity,then what up with this?


Viruses have no magnets!
Since the enemy know that, no longer works the skin implantation method.
They are ,which they can do undetected. Microchip implantation by vaccination! Why is that unbelievable?

You know very well that the enemy alien beings have negative advanced technology that dwarfs our own. Then why is what people say insane?

In short, that's it! Everybody to reflect on the extent to which the Jewish race what it does!

They do their criminal activities with trickery for sure.
Where do you think they tell society listen up we are here because we want to destroy you and the whole world.

Where is it being said in the media that the Covid virus is a lie and is being used to carry out their plan?
Where do they talk about how the measuring machine you take and shoot people full of holes in is actually a mind-molesting machine?
Where is it said that wearing a mask is a symbol of slavery and submission? That they put a dog basket on people's faces! And when did you hear that they were rendered faceless by this shit?
When do you hear the media say that keeping your distance is a way of breaking up the community?
When has the Jewish media run itself by turning people's homes into prisons, so that quarantine serves the purpose of incarceration?
When do you hear from the Jew mainstrem that the mask is also killing childrens in a row because the brain can't breathe.
Where does the Jew media tell you that vaccinations are not for saving lives but for the extermination of humanity!
Where did the Jewish media tell us before Covid that the state doctors are not doing medical work but are going and kill people and it is all for profit.

Obviously they don't talk about it

I think the problem is much bigger than you think! That is why the Jews must be destroyed! This is why we need to do FRTR-RTRs + spread the information to the people to end this madness.

You knows very well what a Jew is! Then why don't you believe what people say!
And why is what I say unbelievable?

Now humanity has really gotten to the point where they are really starting to perceive and see things.
The time is ripe for humanity to really start becoming human.
Don't just look at the dung heap! Look at the whole. The whole of humanity!
And the whole situation that is going on, on planet Earth!
Don't look down on people just because they are ignorant!
This is the age of awakening that has been has emerged. 2012.

The 2012 doomsday propaganda was obviously fiction!
The Mayan calendar was already finite if you take it into account.
The word Maja in Sanskrit means illusion. So it was not the end of the world, but the is about exposing of lies!
People really started waking up from 2012

We Satanists accelerated the events with RTRs and later with FRTRs.
And this must continue!

All I ask of all SS is to have faith in the people.
Humanity must be saved because they are in the shit!

Only we can help humanity and planet earth!

As my mother Lilith told us earlier, what High Priestess Maxine shared with us in 2015

We are the light!

Thank you so much for reading my writing! I wish you a pleasant time
Fire Kobra said:
We need to talk about this!

So! As I said! Not only humans, but even Satanists between are not aware of this.
No problem! I knew that, that's why I wrote it down.

Slyscorpion's writing is what got me thinking!

Yes! The enemy,use such information to further their agenda.

But let's consider things and ask the questions:

- If they are just harmless thermometers, then why are they attacking the mind, and deteriorating it day by day.
I have been shot more than once in the head and arm! Every time I was shot full on, I was able to fix myself by putting my tongue on the roof of my mouth and increasing my bioelectricity so that I would get better and not damage my mind.
And meditation fixed me right up.
So BlackOnyx8 many doctors say what you say.Exactly the same way you put it!
And just because you don't perceive or see something, doesn't mean it's not there or that it's not like that.
Plus, you are doing spiritual practice, so it doesn't affect you.And you should be happy about it!

Let's keep looking at things!
- If the measuring machine is harmless, and it is just a simple measurement that shoots out a normal infrared beam, why is this being forced on people
Because it's Covid! "Covid"
Of course!

- If vaccines are not so life threatening, why is it that they are fanatically pushed, almost mandated?
And by setting traps for people that they can't do anything about because they are ignorant.

- If 5G is not harmful, and is just scare propaganda, why is it promoted by the Jewish media? Why is it so important to Jewry that people buy this crap and bring it into their homes?

- If 5G is harmless,and just "sick" preaching from people,then why are animals dying from it?

- If 5G is harmless, why are people suffering harm from it?

- And one more thing! If microchipping through vaccination is just insanity,then what up with this?


Viruses have no magnets!
Since the enemy know that, no longer works the skin implantation method.
They are ,which they can do undetected. Microchip implantation by vaccination! Why is that unbelievable?

You know very well that the enemy alien beings have negative advanced technology that dwarfs our own. Then why is what people say insane?

In short, that's it! Everybody to reflect on the extent to which the Jewish race what it does!

They do their criminal activities with trickery for sure.
Where do you think they tell society listen up we are here because we want to destroy you and the whole world.

Where is it being said in the media that the Covid virus is a lie and is being used to carry out their plan?
Where do they talk about how the measuring machine you take and shoot people full of holes in is actually a mind-molesting machine?
Where is it said that wearing a mask is a symbol of slavery and submission? That they put a dog basket on people's faces! And when did you hear that they were rendered faceless by this shit?
When do you hear the media say that keeping your distance is a way of breaking up the community?
When has the Jewish media run itself by turning people's homes into prisons, so that quarantine serves the purpose of incarceration?
When do you hear from the Jew mainstrem that the mask is also killing childrens in a row because the brain can't breathe.
Where does the Jew media tell you that vaccinations are not for saving lives but for the extermination of humanity!
Where did the Jewish media tell us before Covid that the state doctors are not doing medical work but are going and kill people and it is all for profit.

Obviously they don't talk about it

I think the problem is much bigger than you think! That is why the Jews must be destroyed! This is why we need to do FRTR-RTRs + spread the information to the people to end this madness.

You knows very well what a Jew is! Then why don't you believe what people say!
And why is what I say unbelievable?

Now humanity has really gotten to the point where they are really starting to perceive and see things.
The time is ripe for humanity to really start becoming human.
Don't just look at the dung heap! Look at the whole. The whole of humanity!
And the whole situation that is going on, on planet Earth!
Don't look down on people just because they are ignorant!
This is the age of awakening that has been has emerged. 2012.

The 2012 doomsday propaganda was obviously fiction!
The Mayan calendar was already finite if you take it into account.
The word Maja in Sanskrit means illusion. So it was not the end of the world, but the is about exposing of lies!
People really started waking up from 2012

We Satanists accelerated the events with RTRs and later with FRTRs.
And this must continue!

All I ask of all SS is to have faith in the people.
Humanity must be saved because they are in the shit!

Only we can help humanity and planet earth!

As my mother Lilith told us earlier, what High Priestess Maxine shared with us in 2015

We are the light!

Thank you so much for reading my writing! I wish you a pleasant time

Okay, I do believe I need to explain some things to you.

Those Thermometers are not emitting anything at all.
They are just receivers, which measure the IR Radiation which is coming out of you. This is natural radiation, which correlates to the temperature of said body.

Plus, if those things were to cause you any harm, like your body, or soul, simple meditations were not able to fix you right up.
If I damage your nerves in the brain or other parts for that sense, you will not be able to heal from that, as this needs high level advancement. I am pretty sure, that maybe only 1 person would be able to do this, who was on the forums. You would need surgery.
So, no. Your spiritual abilities didn’t heal you, as there was no harm to begin with.

5G radiation doesn’t hurt your body at all. The frequency is around 40GHz, while your microwave oven operates at around 2.45GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher you are able to heat water with a single photon. So in that sense, if you had a microwave oven, operating at the 5G frequency, you would heat up things up much faster.
However, in your oven you have in a very narrow space 750W to 1kW. So you have a very high energy density there. Everything would die there.

With those antennas, you have much room, so the energy density is much much lower. So low in fact that nothing happens.
The only thing that can heat you up is your phone.
Your phone receives weak signals from the main Station, however, for a communication, your phone also needs to send 5G signals to the Station back, and as a result, it has to output much more power than what you receive, as the wave has to travel through space.
So, the worst thing about 5G is not the antenna, but your phone. And only when you using it and it has data traffic.

When you can too close to the sending antenna, your body will get warmer and warmer, but you will notice this immediately and back off.... but for that to happening you literally need to climb that tower up, and hug the antenna...
And even then you won’t die.

The wavelength of this radiation is around 1-2cm. Which is not bad for us at all.

Radiation becomes dangerous once the wavelength is around the size of our bodies, as then, the waves get trapped inside out bodies and get amplified, which boils them.

So maybe, very small animals die from the 5G, if they are really close to the sending tower. Except of that, there is no harm of those towers. At least not from my knowledge.

The problem would arise if the jew were able to turn up the power for like 1000000 times of what is being putout right now, and also if the wavelength would be around 1.7m, this could end up as a device to kill en masses. But not how it operates now.
What I have written is true!What I have experienced and what I have taken into account is absolutely the truth.
What you write is OK!
But you don't think about the fact that it's not about quantity, it's about quality. And that's a total pity! You don't understand that it's all for the Jews.
It's not like it was in the 20th century! Back then they had normal appliances, but as soon as the Jew touched it, it was ruined.

But what is the guarantee that it is not as I claim.

My senses are fine, because I don't just do empty meditation.
Certain meditation practices can cure serious mental illnesses.

Max you just don't get any effect with plain meditation unless you do the practice,I'm not talking about movements.

You're only talking about the radius of the thermometer,and I've said almost everything that matters.
And you refute that?

Look, there's the porn! That speaks for itself! There too, they use negative technical devices.
There too, it instantly numbs your mind and causes further problems.I did the observations and the experiments.

There's chemotherapy! And that increases the disease, and that's why people die.
Do you really not understand what I'm talking about?
I can tell you for a fact that if I hadn't written this, you wouldn't be behaving like this.

The Jews have ray guns!

When we talk about Gene-manipulated food, you don't die or get seriously ill right away, but you slowly deteriorate.
Haven't you heard about that? Gradual deterioration, which happens little by little if you keep eating it.

It also applies to rays!
and all other harmful things

In any case, all I'm saying is that if you don't believe it, then do your research. / Pagan saying /
NinRick said:
Fire Kobra said:
We need to talk about this!

So! As I said! Not only humans, but even Satanists between are not aware of this.
No problem! I knew that, that's why I wrote it down.

Slyscorpion's writing is what got me thinking!

Yes! The enemy,use such information to further their agenda.

But let's consider things and ask the questions:

- If they are just harmless thermometers, then why are they attacking the mind, and deteriorating it day by day.
I have been shot more than once in the head and arm! Every time I was shot full on, I was able to fix myself by putting my tongue on the roof of my mouth and increasing my bioelectricity so that I would get better and not damage my mind.
And meditation fixed me right up.
So BlackOnyx8 many doctors say what you say.Exactly the same way you put it!
And just because you don't perceive or see something, doesn't mean it's not there or that it's not like that.
Plus, you are doing spiritual practice, so it doesn't affect you.And you should be happy about it!

Let's keep looking at things!
- If the measuring machine is harmless, and it is just a simple measurement that shoots out a normal infrared beam, why is this being forced on people
Because it's Covid! "Covid"
Of course!

- If vaccines are not so life threatening, why is it that they are fanatically pushed, almost mandated?
And by setting traps for people that they can't do anything about because they are ignorant.

- If 5G is not harmful, and is just scare propaganda, why is it promoted by the Jewish media? Why is it so important to Jewry that people buy this crap and bring it into their homes?

- If 5G is harmless,and just "sick" preaching from people,then why are animals dying from it?

- If 5G is harmless, why are people suffering harm from it?

- And one more thing! If microchipping through vaccination is just insanity,then what up with this?


Viruses have no magnets!
Since the enemy know that, no longer works the skin implantation method.
They are ,which they can do undetected. Microchip implantation by vaccination! Why is that unbelievable?

You know very well that the enemy alien beings have negative advanced technology that dwarfs our own. Then why is what people say insane?

In short, that's it! Everybody to reflect on the extent to which the Jewish race what it does!

They do their criminal activities with trickery for sure.
Where do you think they tell society listen up we are here because we want to destroy you and the whole world.

Where is it being said in the media that the Covid virus is a lie and is being used to carry out their plan?
Where do they talk about how the measuring machine you take and shoot people full of holes in is actually a mind-molesting machine?
Where is it said that wearing a mask is a symbol of slavery and submission? That they put a dog basket on people's faces! And when did you hear that they were rendered faceless by this shit?
When do you hear the media say that keeping your distance is a way of breaking up the community?
When has the Jewish media run itself by turning people's homes into prisons, so that quarantine serves the purpose of incarceration?
When do you hear from the Jew mainstrem that the mask is also killing childrens in a row because the brain can't breathe.
Where does the Jew media tell you that vaccinations are not for saving lives but for the extermination of humanity!
Where did the Jewish media tell us before Covid that the state doctors are not doing medical work but are going and kill people and it is all for profit.

Obviously they don't talk about it

I think the problem is much bigger than you think! That is why the Jews must be destroyed! This is why we need to do FRTR-RTRs + spread the information to the people to end this madness.

You knows very well what a Jew is! Then why don't you believe what people say!
And why is what I say unbelievable?

Now humanity has really gotten to the point where they are really starting to perceive and see things.
The time is ripe for humanity to really start becoming human.
Don't just look at the dung heap! Look at the whole. The whole of humanity!
And the whole situation that is going on, on planet Earth!
Don't look down on people just because they are ignorant!
This is the age of awakening that has been has emerged. 2012.

The 2012 doomsday propaganda was obviously fiction!
The Mayan calendar was already finite if you take it into account.
The word Maja in Sanskrit means illusion. So it was not the end of the world, but the is about exposing of lies!
People really started waking up from 2012

We Satanists accelerated the events with RTRs and later with FRTRs.
And this must continue!

All I ask of all SS is to have faith in the people.
Humanity must be saved because they are in the shit!

Only we can help humanity and planet earth!

As my mother Lilith told us earlier, what High Priestess Maxine shared with us in 2015

We are the light!

Thank you so much for reading my writing! I wish you a pleasant time

Okay, I do believe I need to explain some things to you.

Those Thermometers are not emitting anything at all.
They are just receivers, which measure the IR Radiation which is coming out of you. This is natural radiation, which correlates to the temperature of said body.

Plus, if those things were to cause you any harm, like your body, or soul, simple meditations were not able to fix you right up.
If I damage your nerves in the brain or other parts for that sense, you will not be able to heal from that, as this needs high level advancement. I am pretty sure, that maybe only 1 person would be able to do this, who was on the forums. You would need surgery.
So, no. Your spiritual abilities didn’t heal you, as there was no harm to begin with.

5G radiation doesn’t hurt your body at all. The frequency is around 40GHz, while your microwave oven operates at around 2.45GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher you are able to heat water with a single photon. So in that sense, if you had a microwave oven, operating at the 5G frequency, you would heat up things up much faster.
However, in your oven you have in a very narrow space 750W to 1kW. So you have a very high energy density there. Everything would die there.

With those antennas, you have much room, so the energy density is much much lower. So low in fact that nothing happens.
The only thing that can heat you up is your phone.
Your phone receives weak signals from the main Station, however, for a communication, your phone also needs to send 5G signals to the Station back, and as a result, it has to output much more power than what you receive, as the wave has to travel through space.
So, the worst thing about 5G is not the antenna, but your phone. And only when you using it and it has data traffic.

When you can too close to the sending antenna, your body will get warmer and warmer, but you will notice this immediately and back off.... but for that to happening you literally need to climb that tower up, and hug the antenna...
And even then you won’t die.

The wavelength of this radiation is around 1-2cm. Which is not bad for us at all.

Radiation becomes dangerous once the wavelength is around the size of our bodies, as then, the waves get trapped inside out bodies and get amplified, which boils them.

So maybe, very small animals die from the 5G, if they are really close to the sending tower. Except of that, there is no harm of those towers. At least not from my knowledge.

The problem would arise if the jew were able to turn up the power for like 1000000 times of what is being putout right now, and also if the wavelength would be around 1.7m, this could end up as a device to kill en masses. But not how it operates now.

Ninrick people have reported feeling more fatigued when living near these antennas also the rate of cancer is much higher in those living near one than in those that don't live near one.

I don't think being subjected to the waves short term is harmful, but exposing hours and hours on end to an electrical charge of some sort is going to mess up yourself. No amount of meditation and raising bioelectricity is going to fix that.
This effort is better spend on advancing yourself rather than protecting yourself from everything thats harmful around you that you still indulge in.
NinRick said:
Those Thermometers are not emitting anything at all.
They are just receivers, which measure the IR Radiation which is coming out of you. This is natural radiation, which correlates to the temperature of said body.

Exactly. I always laugh when people ask me to check the temperature on the wrist so it doesn't damage their brains lol
Fire Kobra said:

By the way, it's not like these devices were invented for COVID... if you ever bought any food whatsoever, chances are temperature has been checked with such a thermometer. It's required in markers to guarantee quality of fish, meat, vegetables etc.

Restaurants also use this on a daily basis. And it's not like we are eating radioactive food or something.
Fire Kobra, you lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit. There are whole teams of idf who are out on the web promoting stuff like:"covid vax has microchips!!","thermometers bad, they kill your mind!!". This is normie tier bullshit that makes people who oppose these look like conspiracy nuts.

You claim that you perceive the effects of the thermometer, but when you start believing this kind of shit and you are easily suscectible then you will start to feel these just because you believe in it, and not because the thermometer is actually doing something. Placebo effect.

For instance, I do believe that 5g is harmful, and so is the vax.
NinRick said:
5G radiation doesn’t hurt your body at all. The frequency is around 40GHz, while your microwave oven operates at around 2.45GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher you are able to heat water with a single photon. So in that sense, if you had a microwave oven, operating at the 5G frequency, you would heat up things up much faster.
However, in your oven you have in a very narrow space 750W to 1kW. So you have a very high energy density there. Everything would die there.

With those antennas, you have much room, so the energy density is much much lower. So low in fact that nothing happens.
The only thing that can heat you up is your phone.
Your phone receives weak signals from the main Station, however, for a communication, your phone also needs to send 5G signals to the Station back, and as a result, it has to output much more power than what you receive, as the wave has to travel through space.
So, the worst thing about 5G is not the antenna, but your phone. And only when you using it and it has data traffic.

When you can too close to the sending antenna, your body will get warmer and warmer, but you will notice this immediately and back off.... but for that to happening you literally need to climb that tower up, and hug the antenna...
And even then you won’t die.

The wavelength of this radiation is around 1-2cm. Which is not bad for us at all.

Radiation becomes dangerous once the wavelength is around the size of our bodies, as then, the waves get trapped inside out bodies and get amplified, which boils them.

So maybe, very small animals die from the 5G, if they are really close to the sending tower. Except of that, there is no harm of those towers. At least not from my knowledge.

The problem would arise if the jew were able to turn up the power for like 1000000 times of what is being putout right now, and also if the wavelength would be around 1.7m, this could end up as a device to kill en masses. But not how it operates now.

You don't put yourself or any part of your body inside of a microwave oven, which is a contained environment, not an open one. Comparisons with a microwave oven are inappropriate in this case. If you want to say 5G doesn't do any harm, then you need to find an appropriate example.
Stormblood said:
NinRick said:
5G radiation doesn’t hurt your body at all. The frequency is around 40GHz, while your microwave oven operates at around 2.45GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher you are able to heat water with a single photon. So in that sense, if you had a microwave oven, operating at the 5G frequency, you would heat up things up much faster.
However, in your oven you have in a very narrow space 750W to 1kW. So you have a very high energy density there. Everything would die there.

With those antennas, you have much room, so the energy density is much much lower. So low in fact that nothing happens.
The only thing that can heat you up is your phone.
Your phone receives weak signals from the main Station, however, for a communication, your phone also needs to send 5G signals to the Station back, and as a result, it has to output much more power than what you receive, as the wave has to travel through space.
So, the worst thing about 5G is not the antenna, but your phone. And only when you using it and it has data traffic.

When you can too close to the sending antenna, your body will get warmer and warmer, but you will notice this immediately and back off.... but for that to happening you literally need to climb that tower up, and hug the antenna...
And even then you won’t die.

The wavelength of this radiation is around 1-2cm. Which is not bad for us at all.

Radiation becomes dangerous once the wavelength is around the size of our bodies, as then, the waves get trapped inside out bodies and get amplified, which boils them.

So maybe, very small animals die from the 5G, if they are really close to the sending tower. Except of that, there is no harm of those towers. At least not from my knowledge.

The problem would arise if the jew were able to turn up the power for like 1000000 times of what is being putout right now, and also if the wavelength would be around 1.7m, this could end up as a device to kill en masses. But not how it operates now.

You don't put yourself or any part of your body inside of a microwave oven, which is a contained environment, not an open one. Comparisons with a microwave oven are inappropriate in this case. If you want to say 5G doesn't do any harm, then you need to find an appropriate example.

I said that the microwave oven is way worse. You have a way higher energy density and also, within this farradey cage, you concentrate the waves, as they reflect on the metal walls, and you get standing waves.

However, if you get too close to the antenna, the same thing happens - your body heats up, as your fluids start to vibrate. Just way less.

Nice side effect, those antennas don't freeze during winter as long as they operate lol.
NinRick said:
Stormblood said:
NinRick said:
5G radiation doesn’t hurt your body at all. The frequency is around 40GHz, while your microwave oven operates at around 2.45GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher you are able to heat water with a single photon. So in that sense, if you had a microwave oven, operating at the 5G frequency, you would heat up things up much faster.
However, in your oven you have in a very narrow space 750W to 1kW. So you have a very high energy density there. Everything would die there.

With those antennas, you have much room, so the energy density is much much lower. So low in fact that nothing happens.
The only thing that can heat you up is your phone.
Your phone receives weak signals from the main Station, however, for a communication, your phone also needs to send 5G signals to the Station back, and as a result, it has to output much more power than what you receive, as the wave has to travel through space.
So, the worst thing about 5G is not the antenna, but your phone. And only when you using it and it has data traffic.

When you can too close to the sending antenna, your body will get warmer and warmer, but you will notice this immediately and back off.... but for that to happening you literally need to climb that tower up, and hug the antenna...
And even then you won’t die.

The wavelength of this radiation is around 1-2cm. Which is not bad for us at all.

Radiation becomes dangerous once the wavelength is around the size of our bodies, as then, the waves get trapped inside out bodies and get amplified, which boils them.

So maybe, very small animals die from the 5G, if they are really close to the sending tower. Except of that, there is no harm of those towers. At least not from my knowledge.

The problem would arise if the jew were able to turn up the power for like 1000000 times of what is being putout right now, and also if the wavelength would be around 1.7m, this could end up as a device to kill en masses. But not how it operates now.

You don't put yourself or any part of your body inside of a microwave oven, which is a contained environment, not an open one. Comparisons with a microwave oven are inappropriate in this case. If you want to say 5G doesn't do any harm, then you need to find an appropriate example.

I said that the microwave oven is way worse. You have a way higher energy density and also, within this farradey cage, you concentrate the waves, as they reflect on the metal walls, and you get standing waves.

However, if you get too close to the antenna, the same thing happens - your body heats up, as your fluids start to vibrate. Just way less.

Nice side effect, those antennas don't freeze during winter as long as they operate lol.
I know what you said but it doesn't apply because you don't put yourself inside the microwave. Otherwise, like you said, you would die. You never get exposed with these microwaves in any way, shape or form. However, you do get exposed to the 5G emitted by the antennas.

That's the difference I am trying to highlight: exposure vs lack of exposure.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Fire Kobra said:

By the way, it's not like these devices were invented for COVID... if you ever bought any food whatsoever, chances are temperature has been checked with such a thermometer. It's required in markers to guarantee quality of fish, meat, vegetables etc.

Restaurants also use this on a daily basis. And it's not like we are eating radioactive food or something.

I understand, but you know very well what Jews are like, and you should take that into account.
They will touch anything to destroy us all.
Well if you see that a thermometer is emitting ray or something like that you should report that issue with the authorities.
But if not just measuring your temp. that is okay...
Brain Damage cant be cure/fixed just like that.

thnk you for your concern tho. I'll be checking if they are shooting rays to me.
I think you are still suffering from a lack of observation until then, I think you should not form an opinion about any SS, because sentences like the one you just wrote, you may be saying that to an advanced SS.
Intellectual deficiency? To say such a thing to a Satanist
Satanists are not mentally deficient, almost no one is! Neither am I!

I can't tell the difference?
If you even knew what I went through with Satan, you'd shut your mouth! And you'd be proud of me!

But you can take me into account! Here I am! There are plenty of ways!
oooh! I don't have time for this! Oh, I didn't waste energy on this!
What an excuse!

Never mind! I'm not going to explain to anyone!

Watch,next time, to what you say! Okay Aquarius!

I don't want to to argue with you! I'm not happy about this kind of thing happening.

What I have to say, and then we'll close the subject!

The language translator cannot translate sentences into plural.

Just saying!

You can see how you look down on people and underestimate them because they're stupid.
Or just ignorant! But you don't think about who or what people are. And that blinds you! You almost ignore what they say!

People are bringing things up because they're beginning to see what's going on.
I'm just talking about the Covid issue!
It's too bad that this thermometer thing hasn't been exposed.
But I really hope that it does.

The other thing is that I think you are afraid to face the horror of what the enemy is doing!
But it is not something to be frightened of, but to understand and to fight against.
I think you have not yet deeply understood what monsters the Jews are.
And what kind of acting, lying, and manipulation they produce.
And what fanatics they are! And these things are now beginning to manifest themselves.
The Egyptians knew, and they warn us to be on our guard when it comes to the Jews.

Rather think carefully about what I have said!

For those who understood what I was talking about, thank you very much!

Jews still influence society globally.
But their influence is crumbling by the day! Because the Frtr-rtr-k works! That's why!

Thanks for this little argument!

Have a nice time!
Fire Kobra said:
I think you are still suffering from a lack of observation until then, I think you should not form an opinion about any SS, because sentences like the one you just wrote, you may be saying that to an advanced SS.
Intellectual deficiency? To say such a thing to a Satanist
Satanists are not mentally deficient, almost no one is! Neither am I!

I can't tell the difference?
If you even knew what I went through with Satan, you'd shut your mouth! And you'd be proud of me!

But you can take me into account! Here I am! There are plenty of ways!
oooh! I don't have time for this! Oh, I didn't waste energy on this!
What an excuse!

Never mind! I'm not going to explain to anyone!

Watch,next time, to what you say! Okay Aquarius!

I don't want to to argue with you! I'm not happy about this kind of thing happening.

What I have to say, and then we'll close the subject!

The language translator cannot translate sentences into plural.

Just saying!

You can see how you look down on people and underestimate them because they're stupid.
Or just ignorant! But you don't think about who or what people are. And that blinds you! You almost ignore what they say!

People are bringing things up because they're beginning to see what's going on.
I'm just talking about the Covid issue!
It's too bad that this thermometer thing hasn't been exposed.
But I really hope that it does.

The other thing is that I think you are afraid to face the horror of what the enemy is doing!
But it is not something to be frightened of, but to understand and to fight against.
I think you have not yet deeply understood what monsters the Jews are.
And what kind of acting, lying, and manipulation they produce.
And what fanatics they are! And these things are now beginning to manifest themselves.
The Egyptians knew, and they warn us to be on our guard when it comes to the Jews.

Rather think carefully about what I have said!

For those who understood what I was talking about, thank you very much!

Jews still influence society globally.
But their influence is crumbling by the day! Because the Frtr-rtr-k works! That's why!

Thanks for this little argument!

Have a nice time!
Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you. Not all of them are true, and some are literally spread by the goverment to make the people who spread the truth look like lunatics.
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.
Fire Kobra said:
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.

Yes! I have taken into account,and it's disgusting! Or you just really don't notice things!

What was the first thing you said to me: You lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit.

And then you said this:: Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you.

Everyone can see!

You! Aquarius! You'd better think about things a bit, because there's a lot to clean up in there for you.

No mental capacity means: mentally retarded

What it means to be naive: gullible (person) who believes everything easily.
Fire Kobra said:
Fire Kobra said:
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.

Yes! I have taken into account,and it's disgusting! Or you just really don't notice things!

What was the first thing you said to me: You lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit.

And then you said this:: Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you.

Everyone can see!

You! Aquarius! You'd better think about things a bit, because there's a lot to clean up in there for you.

No mental capacity means: mentally retarded

What it means to be naive: gullible (person) who believes everything easily.
Stop playing victim, if I wanted to tell you that you're retarded I would've told you that you're retarded. I told you that you can't discern truth from bullshit, because you believe everything that is thrown at you.
Don't make the discussion longer than it had to be. I won't reply anymore to further useless replies.
Fire Kobra said:
Fire Kobra said:
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.

Yes! I have taken into account,and it's disgusting! Or you just really don't notice things!

What was the first thing you said to me: You lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit.

And then you said this:: Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you.

Everyone can see!

You! Aquarius! You'd better think about things a bit, because there's a lot to clean up in there for you.

No mental capacity means: mentally retarded

What it means to be naive: gullible (person) who believes everything easily.
There are different mental skills. One of them is discerning the truth. If you lack one of them, it doesn't necessary follow that everything else is impaired, like you boldly assumed it was implied. Ask questions/clarifications first, shoot after.
You are right!

You don't see the contradictory behaviour Aquarius did, or is it just that the translator doesn't translate the sentences that way?
That is why it is worth asking the questions!
Aquarius said:
Fire Kobra said:
Fire Kobra said:
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.

Yes! I have taken into account,and it's disgusting! Or you just really don't notice things!

What was the first thing you said to me: You lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit.

And then you said this:: Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you.

Everyone can see!

You! Aquarius! You'd better think about things a bit, because there's a lot to clean up in there for you.

No mental capacity means: mentally retarded

What it means to be naive: gullible (person) who believes everything easily.
Stop playing victim, if I wanted to tell you that you're retarded I would've told you that you're retarded. I told you that you can't discern truth from bullshit, because you believe everything that is thrown at you.
Don't make the discussion longer than it had to be. I won't reply anymore to further useless replies.

There is no victim-shaming involved!
And for me there is no such thing as naive!
I beat that long ago!

Did I make you sad?

Don't try to argue! That's not why we're here!
Fire Kobra said:
Fire Kobra said:
I know this very well!
The conspiracy theory propaganda was invented by the CIA itself.

Yes! I have taken into account,and it's disgusting! Or you just really don't notice things!

What was the first thing you said to me: You lack the mental capacity of discerning truth from bullshit.

And then you said this:: Never said you're intellectual deficient, but I hinted that you're naive and believe all conspiracy theories they throw at you.

Everyone can see!

You! Aquarius! You'd better think about things a bit, because there's a lot to clean up in there for you.

No mental capacity means: mentally retarded

What it means to be naive: gullible (person) who believes everything easily.

I copied this sentence from there, so there is no misunderstanding here. I am not making it up!
You would rather take responsibility than go into denial.
newbie40 said:
Well if you see that a thermometer is emitting ray or something like that you should report that issue with the authorities.
But if not just measuring your temp. that is okay...
Brain Damage cant be cure/fixed just like that.

thnk you for your concern tho. I'll be checking if they are shooting rays to me.

Speak wisely, because you are not talking to the masses.
You don't even bother to do the deep research, you just talk.
The Jews grabbed this thermometer and turned it into a weapon, it emits negative radiation while measuring temperature.
Understandable! Not understandable

Moreover, you have no idea,how the enemy works
I won't research common sense 🤭
Fire Kobra said:
newbie40 said:
Well if you see that a thermometer is emitting ray or something like that you should report that issue with the authorities.
But if not just measuring your temp. that is okay...
Brain Damage cant be cure/fixed just like that.

thnk you for your concern tho. I'll be checking if they are shooting rays to me.

Speak wisely, because you are not talking to the masses.
You don't even bother to do the deep research, you just talk.
The Jews grabbed this thermometer and turned it into a weapon, it emits negative radiation while measuring temperature.
Understandable! Not understandable

Moreover, you have no idea,how the enemy works

What is negative radiation?

What kind of radiation are they shooting into people?
Fire Kobra said:
What about the meters that "detect" the Coronavirus?

Brain damage machine disguised as a thermometer!

It attacks the entire central nervous system! But mostly the upper part of the brain from the frontal lobe to the occipital lobe.


For those who are affected, obviously spiritual practices can fix it. Especially with the practice of empty meditation!
It heals, develops the brain in that area. Nothing to worry about!

That's all I wanted to say!

Hail Satan!

This is the kind of bs that gives people who have legit reasons to be against the vaccinations a bad name.
I am suspicious of these "thermometers" aswell and how they place them where the third eye is located.
The ones i saw, i noticed big barcodes on those devices. Tell them to stick it up their own asses.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
