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Mar 18, 2021
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?
Many threads about it, use the search function.
I can attest it screws you up. It's for Incels.

I was addicted but don't look anymore. It's like a drug and you start advancing to the more extreme stuff.

It's like you're impotent on the more passive stuff and need heavier stuff to get hard.

This is so embarrassing to say. But yes if it makes you want more depraved stuff of course it's bad for your soul because you no longer desire what is healthy.

Porn addiction can make you sick and sexually dysfunctional.
Personal Growth said:
I can attest it screws you up. It's for Incels.

I was addicted but don't look anymore. It's like a drug and you start advancing to the more extreme stuff.

It's like you're impotent on the more passive stuff and need heavier stuff to get hard.

This is so embarrassing to say. But yes if it makes you want more depraved stuff of course it's bad for your soul because you no longer desire what is healthy.

Porn addiction can make you sick and sexually dysfunctional.

Nothing embarrassing about it! We are all different people compared to who we were a year ago, shoot even a month or day ago. You're a better person, you grew and became better. It takes a lot to stop an addiction and most incels and losers can't do that, but you did and you should be proud of yourself!
yumais said:
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?
Porn (both videos and images) is definitely addictive and tends to create arousal-addiction. It also sometimes to lead to an addiction of consuming sexual services (escorts) especially for men since women generally speaking can get sex for free at any time and men generally can not.

The No-fap movement is not about celibacy or forbidding masturbation for life, even if some of them are christian people who do promote this also (which is sick). It's really about "reprogramming" the brain from porn addiction. This is done by banning masturbation and porn for 90 days. There is research behind how porn affects the brain in a negative way.
I personally think porn is artificial and not very natural since it creates arousal by watching pixels on a screen whitch also creates the illusion of having multiple sexual encounters. Masturbation and sex however is off course natural and healthy though, and celibacy not.
Someone.something_ said:
Personal Growth said:
I can attest it screws you up. It's for Incels.

I was addicted but don't look anymore. It's like a drug and you start advancing to the more extreme stuff.

It's like you're impotent on the more passive stuff and need heavier stuff to get hard.

This is so embarrassing to say. But yes if it makes you want more depraved stuff of course it's bad for your soul because you no longer desire what is healthy.

Porn addiction can make you sick and sexually dysfunctional.

Nothing embarrassing about it! We are all different people compared to who we were a year ago, shoot even a month or day ago. You're a better person, you grew and became better. It takes a lot to stop an addiction and most incels and losers can't do that, but you did and you should be proud of yourself!

Thank you and yes it was when my wife left me and I was going through a divorce and experienced a depression.

I do look at it differently now like it's all fake and acting. Especially when you think you're jacking off to your computer. An IT device.

Yes people change. We learn and grow.
yumais said:
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?

I think there is nothing wrong with porn. It is just a fucking film/video/picture about sex what you can for fap/masturbate. For the spiritual evolution you need sexuality too and masturbating is a great way if you can't get an optional partner. This "addiction" is actually like then "food addiction" where there are "hardly addicted" people whos "can't stop eating" (and actually for tha same food there are people whos are don't get any addiction so the addiction theory is a fucking big bullshit). So if you have enough "self-strickt" or "will-power" than you can watch as many as porn you want without "get addicted". If your body is strong enough than you can forget erectional "problems". I say it as a person who has a "hardcore" sexual life and there were days when I had orgasm 8-9 times without any problem. (and I have this "hardcore" sexual life for years) And the secret is "how strong are your legs".
My ex-boyfriend from about 18 years ago would tell me things how he and his friends no longer got aroused on watching soft porn, and would keep graduating to harder and harder stuff.


Like how some women would get creamed all over their face, wearing baby doll makeup with pigtails and while having very rough sex, would be forced to call their parents and tell them how well they were doing.
Lots of extremely rough sex with bleeding, choking, punching etc.
It's no longer about having an erection from watching people having sex, it's from shock value and one becomes immune to that VERY fast.
And seek harder things to look at, veering into territory like snuff, necrophilia (bodies in various state of decay in an isolated area of the forest is a popular one, where hikers and dogs don't come around) and even my ex would get messages from random dudes, who would offer to show him these things, or simply send them around. Along with hardcore pedophilia with children under 10. I didn't see any of these but he watched what he got out of curiosity and would describe them to me.
At the time they were horrifying to hear to someone who is completely ignorant of an underground economy like that.

I won't say "porn is bad" because I actually watch it once or twice a week or two, but then again, I am female, in a happy relationship with my Incubus and I watch some porn to get ideas and be more creative on the astral. I know that doesn't apply to everyone. I don't want to be a hypocrite so I say these things, from my point of view and experience.
Giszmon666 said:
yumais said:
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?

I think there is nothing wrong with porn. It is just a fucking film/video/picture about sex what you can for fap/masturbate. For the spiritual evolution you need sexuality too and masturbating is a great way if you can't get an optional partner. This "addiction" is actually like then "food addiction" where there are "hardly addicted" people whos "can't stop eating" (and actually for tha same food there are people whos are don't get any addiction so the addiction theory is a fucking big bullshit). So if you have enough "self-strickt" or "will-power" than you can watch as many as porn you want without "get addicted". If your body is strong enough than you can forget erectional "problems". I say it as a person who has a "hardcore" sexual life and there were days when I had orgasm 8-9 times without any problem. (and I have this "hardcore" sexual life for years) And the secret is "how strong are your legs".
Yeah, nine times a day. But do you do anything else during that day then?

Like exercising and work..?

Does not seem plausible to me.

And what does it tell about a person who needs to use porn to get off..?
Personal Growth said:
I can attest it screws you up. It's for Incels.

I was addicted but don't look anymore. It's like a drug and you start advancing to the more extreme stuff.

It's like you're impotent on the more passive stuff and need heavier stuff to get hard.

This is so embarrassing to say. But yes if it makes you want more depraved stuff of course it's bad for your soul because you no longer desire what is healthy.

Porn addiction can make you sick and sexually dysfunctional.
I agree with you completely, it's very fucked up, but it does do this, I quit myself and haven't been happier with my decision
Henu the Great said:
Giszmon666 said:
yumais said:
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?

I think there is nothing wrong with porn. It is just a fucking film/video/picture about sex what you can for fap/masturbate. For the spiritual evolution you need sexuality too and masturbating is a great way if you can't get an optional partner. This "addiction" is actually like then "food addiction" where there are "hardly addicted" people whos "can't stop eating" (and actually for tha same food there are people whos are don't get any addiction so the addiction theory is a fucking big bullshit). So if you have enough "self-strickt" or "will-power" than you can watch as many as porn you want without "get addicted". If your body is strong enough than you can forget erectional "problems". I say it as a person who has a "hardcore" sexual life and there were days when I had orgasm 8-9 times without any problem. (and I have this "hardcore" sexual life for years) And the secret is "how strong are your legs".
Yeah, nine times a day. But do you do anything else during that day then?

Like exercising and work..?

Does not seem plausible to me.

And what does it tell about a person who needs to use porn to get off..?

It is not for everyday. I have had made this rude comment because I see that this forum is a little bit getting xianlike. But is not a problem to me to getting orgasm after a complete weigth lifting training what was actually 1 hour long and I haven't had get any probleme. This forum should to stop to be xianlike like this. I hope this forum won't go there to that point where it says "Just the celibacy is the good". Whos venus is in the scorpio like I have, we have a very strong sexual appetite. (and stamina)
Giszmon666 said:
yumais said:
How bad is p0rn for you, and for the spiritual life? Does it affect you in many ways?

I think there is nothing wrong with porn. It is just a fucking film/video/picture about sex what you can for fap/masturbate. For the spiritual evolution you need sexuality too and masturbating is a great way if you can't get an optional partner. This "addiction" is actually like then "food addiction" where there are "hardly addicted" people whos "can't stop eating" (and actually for tha same food there are people whos are don't get any addiction so the addiction theory is a fucking big bullshit). So if you have enough "self-strickt" or "will-power" than you can watch as many as porn you want without "get addicted". If your body is strong enough than you can forget erectional "problems". I say it as a person who has a "hardcore" sexual life and there were days when I had orgasm 8-9 times without any problem. (and I have this "hardcore" sexual life for years) And the secret is "how strong are your legs".
You think, but you do not know. 15 yo teenagers literally can't have boners because of porn, people lose their self esteem and can't speak to women because of it. orgasming 9 times a day... lol
Giszmon666 said:
It is not for everyday. I have had made this rude comment because I see that this forum is a little bit getting xianlike. But is not a problem to me to getting orgasm after a complete weigth lifting training what was actually 1 hour long and I haven't had get any probleme. This forum should to stop to be xianlike like this. I hope this forum won't go there to that point where it says "Just the celibacy is the good". Whos venus is in the scorpio like I have, we have a very strong sexual appetite. (and stamina)
Yes, because using artificial arousal for 9 times a day for ejaculation is so healthy... Do you see your fallacy here?

No one advocated for celibacy. The forum consensus is actually against celibacy. You, on the other hand did advocate for the other extreme. That is not balanced!

It is quite telling about you when you attribute strong sexual desires to watching lot of porn. Imagine what you could achieve when that energy is properly directed. Now it mostly goes to waste.

Ps. It's not a massive feat to ejaculate 9 times a day with porn. But with another person it could be.
Pps. Stamina, sexual or otherwise and desires is not merely what sign your Venus is in.
Giszmon666 said:
It is not for everyday. I have had made this rude comment because I see that this forum is a little bit getting xianlike. But is not a problem to me to getting orgasm after a complete weigth lifting training what was actually 1 hour long and I haven't had get any probleme. This forum should to stop to be xianlike like this. I hope this forum won't go there to that point where it says "Just the celibacy is the good". Whos venus is in the scorpio like I have, we have a very strong sexual appetite. (and stamina)

You know you can masturbate without brain-destroying porn, right? Nobody forbids masturbating here. How do you think people did it for thousands of years when video porn wasn't invented yet?
Porn is one of the main parts of the distraction industry, and has been created especially by the enemy to be consumed by 'slaves', in order to fuck up their lives and to reduce fertility rates. Enough said... It's good to see some of the more frequent members here acknowledging it is unhealthy to watch it. Hopefully, more and more people become aware.
Porn makes woman a sexual object. If you watch a lot, you can see womans like just soulless pile of meats and this can make you a horny rapist.
I would like to briefly clarify what the porn shit is all about!

Gizmosz666 says this forum is slowly becoming Christian because we preach against porn!

Let's talk ut about sex first!

Sex is a normal natural thing,something to live with!It is part of our life! And there is much more to sex than that!

It always has been and it always will be!

What is porn about?

Porn is nothing more than an overtly physical and sexual industry presented in pictures, movies, etc.

The Jews throughout history have cut off humanity from sex with their manipulative agenda of Christianity and Islam. Through sexual repression humanity has become sick and degeneracy has developed as a result.
They could not completely and for a long time suppress sex from the gentiles, so the enemy used further tactics to suppress sex.
The Jewish gang not only called it a sin, but also a disease, and the like. (e.g. by Psychiatry)

A powerful manipulative weapon of the Jews is porn!
Porn was created by the Jews,to exploit the sexuality of the gentiles and to attack sex life,to kill sexuality completely, and to cause further brain problems in people.

How to?

- With negative cameras, and cameras assembled for a specifically Jewish purp.
- To impose Jewish "sexuality" on people, which is a disgusting, immoral, and criminal activity ( What you see in the porn industry is sex is the sexuality of Jews!)

Today it is openly going on!

So we are not fighting against sexuality, but against fake porn which is anti-sexual, illegal, and anti-life.
Rational Satanist said:
Giszmon666 said:
It is not for everyday. I have had made this rude comment because I see that this forum is a little bit getting xianlike. But is not a problem to me to getting orgasm after a complete weigth lifting training what was actually 1 hour long and I haven't had get any probleme. This forum should to stop to be xianlike like this. I hope this forum won't go there to that point where it says "Just the celibacy is the good". Whos venus is in the scorpio like I have, we have a very strong sexual appetite. (and stamina)

You know you can masturbate without brain-destroying porn, right? Nobody forbids masturbating here. How do you think people did it for thousands of years when video porn wasn't invented yet?

Imagining sex? :roll: ;)
Pornography is poison. Positively filthy. It should be considered a narcotic and sternly regulated.

The porn business itself is unregulated, televised prostitution. The "actors/actresses" are not treated very well and standards for health & safety here are quite low.

What is disturbing is sometimes these women are groomed into porn out of high school. They may come from dysfunctional homes or suffer from mental/emotional disorders and addictions that make them susceptible to manipulation. Kikes thrive in this business. Watch Hannah Hays interview with JF Gariepy if you want an example. Or the role of porn in the Weimar.

Rarely if ever will you find a gentile "pornographer" let alone one that does not peddle jewish perversions and mistreat its "cast".

If prostitution was a sanctioned and regulated business, and the two sexes and the dynamics between them were in good order, there would be no need for porn, we could sidestep the issue entirely. Why watch it when you can have the real thing?

Maybe one day when society is sufficiently elevated, porn could theoretically serve a niche, but it appears to be little more than a jewish perversion and tool of control. If you must consume it then stick to amateur where the subjects may at least have a connection with each other.
I firmly believe there is a middle ground here.

This complete hatred and rejection against pornography in any form, I definitely 100% disagree with.

I also disagree there is something inherently wrong with porn as a form of sexual outlet for people.

The problematic things about porn are the degeneracy that exists, the jew influence, and what it can do to the brain when someone watches it long term, unregulated and lacks real physical human contact and sex at the same time, becoming dependent on the pornography to get off and developing warped ideas and fantasies about sex because of it.

One thing regarding porn which makes it quite harmful to society is the escalation that happens. First one can watch a video of a pretty woman rubbing her breasts, and this stimulation alone is enough to completely satisfy someone who hasn't had a lot of contact with sexuality in life.

10 years later of regular consumption, if it doesn't include some hardcore whatever fetish and there's no copious amounts of unrealistic camera angles involved that show all the gritty details, the brain simply doesn't feel anything anymore.

This is a known problem, and a serious one.

Deescalating this, or reprogramming the brain to relearn how to enjoy more "vanilla" and more normal/realistic/natural stimulation is completely possible and can circumvent this issue, however most people who escalate that far cannot manage this, which is why it currently is a serious problem.

Another problem is how someone is inclined to masturbate with increasing quantity over time as they watch porn, increasing their consumption and masturbation exponentially over time, especially if they discover it during their early puberty years where hormones are at a maximum.

This develops terrible habits, warps the minds ideas about sex and sexuality and depletes the body's sexual energy over time (if one does it regularly for more than 3 times a day and never takes any moment to let the body recover, as a man that is, for woman it's a little different, but the risk of developing poor sexual habits and dependency on unrealistic sexual stimuli does still apply).

One may not notice anything wrong with themselves, until a few years, or a decade later where suddenly the body's sexual desire and sexual power seems to collapse on the spot. (Yoga and power meditation does counteract this as a side note).

Those are some of the main problems with pornography.

That said, there is nothing wrong intrinsically with it existing in my opinion. Had it not existed, especially during these times where people have had barely any ability to meet and develop relationships to experience real sex, many more people would have fallen into serious mental disarray, depression and perhaps extreme sexual deprivation where sex crimes would begin to rise due to people losing it over not having any accessible sexual outlet.

There is plenty of very normal and decent porn out there, which does not warp the mind when watched or cause one to develop strange ideas about sexuality to the extremes.

The keys to watching pornography responsibly are for One; never connect with the porn or the people in the video that you watch,
Two; never watch any jew degenerate nonsense and avoid most professional pornography altogether,
Three; understand how your body works physiologically and understand your healthy natural limits to masturbation so one does not deplete their sexual energy over time when masturbating,
Four; at the moment of orgasm, take your mind of whatever you are watching or turn the video of, and use your visualization to direct the sexual energy towards something meaningful, affirm something meaningful, so none of it is wasted and your mind does not develop an attachment to the porn you are watching,
Five; do not exclusively rely on it, but retain your ability to orgasm with your imagination, or retrain the mind to be able to do so if you've lost that ability due to dependency on porn.

Those are some of the main things to keep in mind when you watch it. If one follows that sort of "etiquette" there's not really any harm in watching it, as the mind is kept clean from any degeneracy, and the body is not depleted while dependency is avoided.

Stay detached from it, and separate unrealistic or harmful interests from reality altogether so one does not become influenced by them, if one has any. Try to deprogram from these by re-learning to get off from more "normal" sexual stimuli, and maintain ones ability to orgasm with their imagination and visualization.

Besides that, one is free to watch things and should not feel bad about watching porn as a whole, and intrinsically there isn't really anything wrong with pornography as it is in many ways the same as watching a person in person (masturbating together with a woman, no penetration or physical contact).

It lacks the direct connection with a real person, but visually it is a normal stimuli without anything really wrong with it, so long the jewish garbage and other degeneracy are avoided.

Hail Satan!
Oh i will quit porno.

Pornography is poison. Positively filthy. It should be considered a narcotic and sternly regulated.
Ahh fuck it, I'm going to open this can of worms.
I am undecided as to whether light use of it every now and then (I'm talking a few times a month) is detrimental. However the following assumes one becomes addicted.

Honestly, from experience, yes. It is detrimental to both sexes, and worse in ways that are not obvious straight away. It can become addictive so easily so quickly, no matter who you are. Sound familiar? Do you see people using heroin advocating for heroin to be regulated? No. Because they don't want the high taken away from them. And because they know they have to face reality if they don't have it.
It is making people so detached from reality their bodies are dysfunctional. It can cause literal nerve damage. Viagra use has gone up dramatically to the point where there are dealers. The guilt and shame realizing you just gasm'd to someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about you and never will. The loneliness. It can cause fantasies that will never happen IRL. It can make you depressed or disillusioned because real sex is nothing like pornography. It can cause apathy towards feelings. It can cause detrimental kinks. It can cause dissatisfaction in faithful partners. It can cause financial ruin. It is by definition, voyeurism. How many people would willingly call themselves a Voyeur? You may not even know you are addicted to it. Dear reader, we both know this is the truth. There are so many more things wrong with this stuff but.....

Ah fucking hell. Who reads the opinion of someone who doesn't like porn these days anyway, lol. So much effort for nothing. I'm pissing in the wind again.

The porn business itself is unregulated, televised prostitution. The "actors/actresses" are not treated very well and standards for health & safety here are quite low.
There are porn actresses who are horrified at what they see in the industry and they've been working in it their whole lives. What does that say about the consumer?
The absolute worst thing about the sex industry in general is the amount of sex trafficking and it's crime rate is rising. This has a lot to do with porn. It has become one of the biggest crimes in the world. Some of the most searched categories or porn in the world are borderline incestuous in nature and it makes me sick to my stomach. How do you know if the woman in the video you're watching has been trafficked or not? How do you know a pimp hasn't taken her money, keeping her destitute? No, you don't know. That is so dangerous. There is so much degeneracy in this industry that has remained unaddressed for so long.

If prostitution was a sanctioned and regulated business, and the two sexes and the dynamics between them were in good order, there would be no need for porn, we could sidestep the issue entirely. Why watch it when you can have the real thing?
Yes.... I 100% agree prostitution should be legalised and regulated. NZ has done it and there are no issues, they are thriving there. However prostitution may open doorways to distrust in monogamous relationships. I would not have a problem if my partner saw a prostitute in the past if he made sure she was tested, got himself tested and used protection and was HONEST about it. But how the fuck will I ever know that? I think the fact that it's illegal tends to deter the public from bothering most of the time. I know people can cheat with randos but it just adds another notch on the "uh oh I better be careful with this person" stick. Truly, how much does their libido affect what they do? I don't even know if destigmatising prostitution will take this away.
As for "gender dynamics" being fixed... I'm going to be honest with you. I don't see that happening within my lifetime. I don't really have much to comment on it, as I have very little hope this is going to happen. All we can do is try to be individually understanding of each other... and that's it.
VoiceofEnki said:
I firmly believe there is a middle ground here.

This complete hatred and rejection against pornography in any form, I definitely 100% disagree with.

I also disagree there is something inherently wrong with porn as a form of sexual outlet for people.

The problematic things about porn are the degeneracy that exists, the jew influence, and what it can do to the brain when someone watches it long term, unregulated and lacks real physical human contact and sex at the same time, becoming dependent on the pornography to get off and developing warped ideas and fantasies about sex because of it.

One thing regarding porn which makes it quite harmful to society is the escalation that happens. First one can watch a video of a pretty woman rubbing her breasts, and this stimulation alone is enough to completely satisfy someone who hasn't had a lot of contact with sexuality in life.

10 years later of regular consumption, if it doesn't include some hardcore whatever fetish and there's no copious amounts of unrealistic camera angles involved that show all the gritty details, the brain simply doesn't feel anything anymore.

This is a known problem, and a serious one.

Deescalating this, or reprogramming the brain to relearn how to enjoy more "vanilla" and more normal/realistic/natural stimulation is completely possible and can circumvent this issue, however most people who escalate that far cannot manage this, which is why it currently is a serious problem.

Another problem is how someone is inclined to masturbate with increasing quantity over time as they watch porn, increasing their consumption and masturbation exponentially over time, especially if they discover it during their early puberty years where hormones are at a maximum.

This develops terrible habits, warps the minds ideas about sex and sexuality and depletes the body's sexual energy over time (if one does it regularly for more than 3 times a day and never takes any moment to let the body recover, as a man that is, for woman it's a little different, but the risk of developing poor sexual habits and dependency on unrealistic sexual stimuli does still apply).

One may not notice anything wrong with themselves, until a few years, or a decade later where suddenly the body's sexual desire and sexual power seems to collapse on the spot. (Yoga and power meditation does counteract this as a side note).

Those are some of the main problems with pornography.

That said, there is nothing wrong intrinsically with it existing in my opinion. Had it not existed, especially during these times where people have had barely any ability to meet and develop relationships to experience real sex, many more people would have fallen into serious mental disarray, depression and perhaps extreme sexual deprivation where sex crimes would begin to rise due to people losing it over not having any accessible sexual outlet.

There is plenty of very normal and decent porn out there, which does not warp the mind when watched or cause one to develop strange ideas about sexuality to the extremes.

The keys to watching pornography responsibly are for One; never connect with the porn or the people in the video that you watch,
Two; never watch any jew degenerate nonsense and avoid most professional pornography altogether,
Three; understand how your body works physiologically and understand your healthy natural limits to masturbation so one does not deplete their sexual energy over time when masturbating,
Four; at the moment of orgasm, take your mind of whatever you are watching or turn the video of, and use your visualization to direct the sexual energy towards something meaningful, affirm something meaningful, so none of it is wasted and your mind does not develop an attachment to the porn you are watching,
Five; do not exclusively rely on it, but retain your ability to orgasm with your imagination, or retrain the mind to be able to do so if you've lost that ability due to dependency on porn.

Those are some of the main things to keep in mind when you watch it. If one follows that sort of "etiquette" there's not really any harm in watching it, as the mind is kept clean from any degeneracy, and the body is not depleted while dependency is avoided.

Stay detached from it, and separate unrealistic or harmful interests from reality altogether so one does not become influenced by them, if one has any. Try to deprogram from these by re-learning to get off from more "normal" sexual stimuli, and maintain ones ability to orgasm with their imagination and visualization.

Besides that, one is free to watch things and should not feel bad about watching porn as a whole, and intrinsically there isn't really anything wrong with pornography as it is in many ways the same as watching a person in person (masturbating together with a woman, no penetration or physical contact).

It lacks the direct connection with a real person, but visually it is a normal stimuli without anything really wrong with it, so long the jewish garbage and other degeneracy are avoided.

Hail Satan!

Thank you, that's exactly how I wanted to explain it but I didn't know how to do it in detail.
I remember watching porn once. The actor had two hebrew tattoos on his arm and back. A quick search into the porn stars was enough to prove to me that most of them are jews. So, when we watch porn we might be sending our sexual force to the kikes
Soul Wings said:

Pornography is poison. Positively filthy. It should be considered a narcotic and sternly regulated.
Ahh fuck it, I'm going to open this can of worms.
I am undecided as to whether light use of it every now and then (I'm talking a few times a month) is detrimental. However the following assumes one becomes addicted.

Honestly, from experience, yes. It is detrimental to both sexes, and worse in ways that are not obvious straight away. It can become addictive so easily so quickly, no matter who you are. Sound familiar? Do you see people using heroin advocating for heroin to be regulated? No. Because they don't want the high taken away from them. And because they know they have to face reality if they don't have it.
It is making people so detached from reality their bodies are dysfunctional. It can cause literal nerve damage. Viagra use has gone up dramatically to the point where there are dealers. The guilt and shame realizing you just gasm'd to someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about you and never will. The loneliness. It can cause fantasies that will never happen IRL. It can make you depressed or disillusioned because real sex is nothing like pornography. It can cause apathy towards feelings. It can cause detrimental kinks. It can cause dissatisfaction in faithful partners. It can cause financial ruin. It is by definition, voyeurism. How many people would willingly call themselves a Voyeur? You may not even know you are addicted to it. Dear reader, we both know this is the truth. There are so many more things wrong with this stuff but.....

Ah fucking hell. Who reads the opinion of someone who doesn't like porn these days anyway, lol. So much effort for nothing. I'm pissing in the wind again.

The porn business itself is unregulated, televised prostitution. The "actors/actresses" are not treated very well and standards for health & safety here are quite low.
There are porn actresses who are horrified at what they see in the industry and they've been working in it their whole lives. What does that say about the consumer?
The absolute worst thing about the sex industry in general is the amount of sex trafficking and it's crime rate is rising. This has a lot to do with porn. It has become one of the biggest crimes in the world. Some of the most searched categories or porn in the world are borderline incestuous in nature and it makes me sick to my stomach. How do you know if the woman in the video you're watching has been trafficked or not? How do you know a pimp hasn't taken her money, keeping her destitute? No, you don't know. That is so dangerous. There is so much degeneracy in this industry that has remained unaddressed for so long.

If prostitution was a sanctioned and regulated business, and the two sexes and the dynamics between them were in good order, there would be no need for porn, we could sidestep the issue entirely. Why watch it when you can have the real thing?
Yes.... I 100% agree prostitution should be legalised and regulated. NZ has done it and there are no issues, they are thriving there. However prostitution may open doorways to distrust in monogamous relationships. I would not have a problem if my partner saw a prostitute in the past if he made sure she was tested, got himself tested and used protection and was HONEST about it. But how the fuck will I ever know that? I think the fact that it's illegal tends to deter the public from bothering most of the time. I know people can cheat with randos but it just adds another notch on the "uh oh I better be careful with this person" stick. Truly, how much does their libido affect what they do? I don't even know if destigmatising prostitution will take this away.
As for "gender dynamics" being fixed... I'm going to be honest with you. I don't see that happening within my lifetime. I don't really have much to comment on it, as I have very little hope this is going to happen. All we can do is try to be individually understanding of each other... and that's it.

Ez csak is kizárólag a zsidó pornó! És igazad van!

Vedd figyelembe az írásom!
Osiris Silvio said:
I remember watching porn once. The actor had two hebrew tattoos on his arm and back. A quick search into the porn stars was enough to prove to me that most of them are jews. So, when we watch porn we might be sending our sexual force to the kikes
It is just another way of connecting to the hive and being drained.
Then I ask myself, what is the need to use porn, for me the only acceptable thing are erotic stories, but we can discard these too if we want.

This kind of porn alienates all the positive meanings of sexuality, and a jew is the perfect representative of this.
Do you go to church or do you go on pornhub?
There is no difference, you will be deceived and drained.
Along with Financial (banks, money control ,corporations corruption etc) and Ideological Slavery (liberalism,critical race theory, Gender theory,Communism etc) , porn is the greatest threat to humanity to have ever been created.

If you watch porn everyday you have been inducted in a mental prison created by the jews. Porn isn't even free speech. It can't pass the Obsenity test. The third reich burned and banned all pornography books because pornography is a depraved jewish fantasy that reduces humans as animals (Goyim). It is universally created and distributed by jews. Instead Naturalism ,Paganism and perfection of the human body and eugenics was encouraged. We must marvel and strive towards perfect bodies and create perfect children.

Remember this , a Revolution is nothing but a group of pissed off men standing together and saying NO to the establishment. If tomorrow every man had all of his placation taken away - drugs, drinking , smoking, vaping , video games, TV series , Anime , Porn , they would look around and see a dystopian hellscape that has been created by the people in charge. They will then get pissed off together,and take over the government. Regardless of Religious beliefs the Right wing has always been against pornography throughout the ages because it stands for freedom and autonomy. Porn is the absolute antithesis of freedom and autonomy. Its is a medication given to grown men to placate them into submission. It is disgusting and yet again like everything wrong with this world it was created by jews.
Jack said:
Along with Financial (banks, money control ,corporations corruption etc) and Ideological Slavery (liberalism,critical race theory, Gender theory,Communism etc) , porn is the greatest threat to humanity to have ever been created.

If you watch porn everyday you have been inducted in a mental prison created by the jews. Porn isn't even free speech. It can't pass the Obsenity test. The third reich burned and banned all pornography books because pornography is a depraved jewish fantasy that reduces humans as animals (Goyim). It is universally created and distributed by jews. Instead Naturalism ,Paganism and perfection of the human body and eugenics was encouraged. We must marvel and strive towards perfect bodies and create perfect children.

Remember this , a Revolution is nothing but a group of pissed off men standing together and saying NO to the establishment. If tomorrow every man had all of his placation taken away - drugs, drinking , smoking, vaping , video games, TV series , Anime , Porn , they would look around and see a dystopian hellscape that has been created by the people in charge. They will then get pissed off together,and take over the government. Regardless of Religious beliefs the Right wing has always been against pornography throughout the ages because it stands for freedom and autonomy. Porn is the absolute antithesis of freedom and autonomy. Its is a medication given to grown men to placate them into submission. It is disgusting and yet again like everything wrong with this world it was created by jews.

Stormblood said:
Jack said:
Along with Financial (banks, money control ,corporations corruption etc) and Ideological Slavery (liberalism,critical race theory, Gender theory,Communism etc) , porn is the greatest threat to humanity to have ever been created.

If you watch porn everyday you have been inducted in a mental prison created by the jews. Porn isn't even free speech. It can't pass the Obsenity test. The third reich burned and banned all pornography books because pornography is a depraved jewish fantasy that reduces humans as animals (Goyim). It is universally created and distributed by jews. Instead Naturalism ,Paganism and perfection of the human body and eugenics was encouraged. We must marvel and strive towards perfect bodies and create perfect children.

Remember this , a Revolution is nothing but a group of pissed off men standing together and saying NO to the establishment. If tomorrow every man had all of his placation taken away - drugs, drinking , smoking, vaping , video games, TV series , Anime , Porn , they would look around and see a dystopian hellscape that has been created by the people in charge. They will then get pissed off together,and take over the government. Regardless of Religious beliefs the Right wing has always been against pornography throughout the ages because it stands for freedom and autonomy. Porn is the absolute antithesis of freedom and autonomy. Its is a medication given to grown men to placate them into submission. It is disgusting and yet again like everything wrong with this world it was created by jews.

Pornography by definition cannot be Gentile or Pagan. The entire point of pornography is to market human sexuality as depraved as possible to make profits and corrupt people. It's not a kamasutra instruction manual..
Jack said:
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
Along with Financial (banks, money control ,corporations corruption etc) and Ideological Slavery (liberalism,critical race theory, Gender theory,Communism etc) , porn is the greatest threat to humanity to have ever been created.

If you watch porn everyday you have been inducted in a mental prison created by the jews. Porn isn't even free speech. It can't pass the Obsenity test. The third reich burned and banned all pornography books because pornography is a depraved jewish fantasy that reduces humans as animals (Goyim). It is universally created and distributed by jews. Instead Naturalism ,Paganism and perfection of the human body and eugenics was encouraged. We must marvel and strive towards perfect bodies and create perfect children.

Remember this , a Revolution is nothing but a group of pissed off men standing together and saying NO to the establishment. If tomorrow every man had all of his placation taken away - drugs, drinking , smoking, vaping , video games, TV series , Anime , Porn , they would look around and see a dystopian hellscape that has been created by the people in charge. They will then get pissed off together,and take over the government. Regardless of Religious beliefs the Right wing has always been against pornography throughout the ages because it stands for freedom and autonomy. Porn is the absolute antithesis of freedom and autonomy. Its is a medication given to grown men to placate them into submission. It is disgusting and yet again like everything wrong with this world it was created by jews.

Pornography by definition cannot be Gentile or Pagan. The entire point of pornography is to market human sexuality as depraved as possible to make profits and corrupt people. It's not a kamasutra instruction manual..

Yeah, I know that. Hence my replies on that topic
existentialcrisis said:
What is disturbing is sometimes these women are groomed into porn out of high school. They may come from dysfunctional homes or suffer from mental/emotional disorders and addictions that make them susceptible to manipulation. Kikes thrive in this business. Watch Hannah Hays interview with JF Gariepy if you want an example. Or the role of porn in the Weimar.

I seldom read the forums so, at risk of repeating something already said, I wish to add that porn is very much oriented to woman suppression, as you noticed by this kind of mental slavery they impose on young girls.
Same as islam and medioeval xianity, restrictions for women equal to fade the female side of the souls and/or the mind, so that only male power prevails. This results in cut-off of anything spiritual, and extreme imbalance.
This is also subliminal and binding, on the long term.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
