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Leaving And Returning To Spiritual Satanism - A Reply

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Wiz Kid said:
I'm back after some time away from here, now I better understand my beliefs, my mind, and my emotional side, it was tedious and agonizing to read the nonsense I commented here a year and a half ago. I recognize how stupid I was being in every sense of that word, but after I got over my ignorance, I needed to get back here and do something different.

First of all, welcome back. I read your whole reply and could tell it's of value but also that your understanding has grown considerably.

The fact that you read the things you wrote before and saw mistakes, arrogance, foolishness, or anything of the sort, means you are maturing and growing. That is a transformative process, we all go through this again and again.

It's also very good that you are focused on doing something different such as this comment to actually help others evade the same mistakes one might have done.

Wiz Kid said:
It's interesting to return and see a post like this one because it was precisely in this sense that I had arrived here for the first time. I understood absolutely nothing and thought I could define everything based on my superficial and artificial concept of things at that time, which was just ridiculous, my mind was quite shallow at that time.

That state of consciousness you describe here is the state of ignorance which if not broken by external means, life as a designed construct by the Gods to help people elevate, will tear down forcefully of said construct. That is always unpleasant.

All the time I relate things to JoS and my fellows is because of understanding of the above and to help people circumvent this ignorance which can be dark, deadly and cause much grief.

The above state can be evaded by a little acceptance and allowing yourself to leave back the delusion of knowing when one things they "know".

Unfortunately, the above is not always the case. For example, one reads things and translates these from the standpoint of ignorance that wants to prove itself to be knowledge, ultimately doing major damage to themselves and delaying their journey.

Wiz Kid said:
When I left Joy of Satan, I went through really hard times, a few months of personal and psychological terror that made me see the whole truth of this world clearly, and from what I see here, not many like me return to tell stories, despite from being horrible times, they made me evolve spiritually and as an individual.

Many people do that mistake that they think that by "leaving the Joy of Satan" they will make some sort of self affirmation of their individuality or whatever. This is false, as your individuality is not limited here really.

I was not exempt from this in the beginning either and had many recoils and many things I did not want to accept or whatever. All these false approaches do arise out of lack of understanding, lack of study, or lack of spiritual advancement.

Spiritual Satanism is strongly ethical, but it's not forced dogma. It does not tell you to "accept or burn". It gives blocks to advancement.

The path is 50/50 towards the personal and the collective, not 100% collective in which case you have to become a slave of dogma.

So recoiling here is foolish as recoiling is same as doing a major recoiling reaction over many other similar things in life; ie, pointless. The above has to do with the psychology of the initiate and student rather than the reality in itself.

It's not uncommon that one defends a wrong decision to the end of it, ie, most people who just have an argument or something or disagree with 1 in 100,000 things, they do not understand this as normal or as a pathway to their development, but rather develop a self defence mechanism that is ignorance based and denies further internal input.

Generally, when disaster or negative things arise that come at odds and the bill for delusion comes, one might wish that they have listened or at least saw certain guiding information. This information exists in the JoS, but one has to apply it, and acceptance is needed for this process of healing and uplifting to occur.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself a lot through all this, but that aside, it seems this strongly matured you.

Wiz Kid said:
After the outbreak, and a long recovery period that exceeded a year, and after everything I've seen during that time, it's easy to come to the conclusion that the gods have always been here for me, to lift my spirit, my mind, and my heart. my body when I fall, that's something the fraudsters can't avoid, nor stop it from being done, for them I would be completely destroyed by now.

It's very comforting to know that the Gods are here for someone, and to also know however the reality that the Gods are here to see us develop and help ourselves and others as much as we can.

Wiz Kid said:
During this time of darkness and darkness but which also brought me more knowledge, I also went through many spiritual and mental experiences that I had never seen before, I believe that many long-hidden hidden secrets were revealed directly to me by our true gods.

That's how it goes, then one is being tested on the courage to go back and fix, or admit these errors. If one does not show this, they are choosing the wrong path.

Wiz Kid said:
As for the topic of the post, when I got here I was younger, and I assume I tried to appear and I was exhibitionist at times, I tried to pass the image of a spiritually advanced guy, and I disrespected the natural hierarchy that exists within Satanism several times , I ended up being punished here precisely because of this and I agree with the verbal attacks I received.

There is no point really to try to "pass by as an advanced guy" besides likely satisfying a defunct ego. This is a curse and a disaster on others as lack of actual proficiency is going to harm them and harm you too.

It's better to take it steady and stay on line and please the Gods in your self awareness, and move forward with piousness, rather than bullshitting others.

Disrespecting the natural hierarchy is foolish, and those who do this pay a dear price. The same goes for those who disrespect the Gods, who oftentimes can give one many warnings, but these are denied.

As Homer says in Odyssey, the Gods do send Hermes [wise thought] to help people. If we do not accept that input, we pay the price down the road.

Now that you understand why others might have disliked it, it's a good time to start getting actually advanced and becoming an actually aware and mature person that can help other people and get helped by them too. That's what has meaning not the bullshit of trying to pretend someone is something or whatever.

Wiz Kid said:
I think this happens in most cases because of immaturity or spiritual fascination, the individual knows one of the countless pleasures of Satanism and with that he already feels unbeatable and superior to everyone else, it's a natural attitude of novices and beginners. Something that clearly needs guidance from the most advanced and superior minds here.

The above state is described by many Ancient Philosophers and it's a state related to arrogance when one thinks they know too much or they are a spiritual master or something that is backed by nothing at all.

As you too yourself have learned, the "elders" must help the seniors in this momentum, as increased momentum in foolishness can cause ultimate destruction.

Certain people take 1, 10 or can take 100 years in the above state of rushed deception. The longer you are in this state of ignorance, the harder will be the fall.

Certain people have fallen from that high that nothing remains from them. If one takes it too far, then it can be unforgiving.

Life brings something at some point when their delusions of grandeur shatter in front of them, and then one has to correct this delusion, or shatter further and further.

As we are all collectively into a battle against delusion, we must try to guard ourselves and others from it, yet in the end of the day that is a personal battle all of us have to take on an individual level.

Lastly, leaving JoS and coming back is not uncommon. Maybe one needs a few years of actually coming in terms or growing, or disasters, or pleasures, in order to understand the value of the given material and it's application.

It's a brave step to return and to know what to do, far braver than just getting in love with ignorance and crushing under it. It is also in accordance to the Gods for us to share our mistakes, fuckups, failures, as these have major value like success does too.

Often-times a lot of my material and understanding has come from certain adversities or challenges in life, existence, or spirituality, not because of fake perceived success like that of a gangster trapper video clip.

Now it would be a good idea to also share maybe more details that in regards to what you learned, maybe saving the lives of a few others who might encounter the same issues.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wiz Kid, Welcome back.
This is good news.

I pray that your Satanic journey be a successful one with many advancements and improvements.

Hail Shaytaan.
I can relate to this as, because of a moronic fake SS kike that pretended to be on my side, I've left the JoS in the period between 2020-2021. Now I'm still struggling to ride the "bike", but I'm still doing my best to create a balance. Unfortunately, I can't escape my return of Saturn, so I'll do my best to survive it.

Hail Satan!
I am glad to see our SS are returning. I promised myself not to leave Satanism, EVER. I don't think I'd make it more than a few days without SS. 99% of life would be pointless. Welcome back, Brother! :D
Ideally one needs to work directly under a Satguru (Self Realised Adept) because such can see directly into your soul ,your state of consciousness and so on. But Dharma is at its lowest point on this planet,they are very few Satgurus. This is where I , personally appreciate JOS,it taught me how to train ,be aware of the Gods. Definitely the best training system online. Out of which you can then make personal adjustments as you advance. But it gives you a very good starting point,outside certain Hindu ashrams,JOS gives a very good ,safe way into the occult.
Now in Hinduism before one can even start Kundalini yoga,the ego first has to be softened , that's the intellectual mind. By it's nature it's combative , arrogant and condescending. It can give an exaggerated sense of self importance and so on. Ego it is and has a strong entanglement on ones Awareness. The intellectual mind and the ego it forms stands between the physical body consciousness and the Atma Consciousness of your soul body,your true individual self. So it can be a difficult ,and probably is the most difficult obstacle to Self Realisation.
So in Hinduism before one is given advanced practices ,you are first taught ethics and selfless religious service for the Gods this is karma yoga and temple worship to develop love , devotion for the Gods ,Kriya yoga. They are chakras below the root chakra in the legs,with the sleeping Kundalini ,this is where we start from. These chakras are of the animal , instinctive nature of the physical body. What selfless religious service and devotion to the Gods does, it raises your Awareness out of these lower animal consciousness to the muladhara root chakra.
When a Satguru ,sees this in you,then one can start serious Kundalini yoga. The Kundalini can be stimulated prematurely and if stimulated while in those lower consciousness chakras, serious problems arise. Madness can even ensue. Asuric entities of those lower conscious states ,attack you as they are attracted by the Kundalini stimulation and the energy of it. People often then get haunted ,by these,have mental issues. In medical terms they often term this as schizophrenia. Sure ,if you want to call it that,but an occultist knows better. The Awareness needs to be raised to the Chakras of light in the spine,then serious Kundalini practice can start.
Devotion to higher Beings ,the Gods teaches one humility and softens the ego as you realize they are higher Beings than you. The Gods are in total Siva Loka or God Conscious states,so invoking their power automatically raises ones awareness out of the "hellish" animal instinctive Chakras to the Chakras of light in the spine. They give you protection and guidance from Asuric entities also.
So in Hinduism before one even begins serious Kundalini yoga,they strongly encourage love and devotion for the Gods. To soften the ego,for humility , protection , guidance,raising of awareness and so on. Selfless religious service to the Gods with ethical training is encouraged.
We are starting from these "hellish" animal instinctive Chakras in the legs , working ourselves up to the crown chakra. It's alot of work, definitely requiring the Gods help. It's either you go up or down the Chakras. The instinctive physical body consciousness of the chakras in the legs are unpleasant to say the least. Most of humanity is operating in these chakras without knowing how to come out , thinking limited physical consciousness is the only Consciousness they can experience and have. They are stuck in these states of consciousness ,no wonder the mental health issues. As for one who has some Dharma Awareness ,of course you will eventually come back if you,"fall off". When you know, you know. Seeking relief out those states of consciousness. It's either up or down,either you embrace the animal nature of the physical body or the Atma (Sat) God nature of your soul body.
Working our way to the crown chakra ,is not easy,it requires lots of training ,patience and working with the Gods every step of the way. Eventually it's said the lower Chakras of the legs can be permanently sealed and you just remain in the chakras of light in the spine. It's alot of work.
Have a meditation program (something which JOS taught me very well,I appreciate) and stick to it. Stubborn consistency in power meditation is what is required. Don't stop,no matter you short comings,we all have them. As long as you circumstances allow, train.
And do dedication ritual to Murugan/Satan worshipped as the first Satguru among created beings by Saivites.
Welcome Back WizKid 🖤
Nice yeah sometimes you need to focus on other things hitting the pause button is not always the worst thing to do coming back fresh is good quite a lot of cultures would send their young out into the world on their own for a few days so they could learn about the world for themselves and learn much of their people.

It does get hard to be educated and you observe all those around you have no real sense of self awareness i think its comparable to Chantek which was an orangutan which was essentially raised as a human and was taught sign language which many scientists whom studied/ raised him agreed he should be given human rights as he had considerable communication skills and understood work for food concepts he understood how money works and knew how to make his own jokes and even create his own sign language words to give people names that describe them example if you had one eye he would call you one eye anyway later on in his life he was removed from the experiment and pumped full of drugs and treated terribly due to him getting slightly aggressive towards a female student (he was at college btw) at the end of it all he was placed in a zoo with the other orangutans which he basically referred to them as orange dogs.

his mother would often go see him at the zoo until he died of old age where he would still ask his mum for food and tell her that he loved her through sign language while this story is very sad in my opinion i think this is comparable to our situation we are Chantek among the masses who at times treat us worse then what even other animals would treat us and the gods are like Chantek's mother whom raise and teach us it can be difficult to know so much and try to apply it in our lives only to have a constant system of stupidty try to force its way down our necks.

Inspiring story there! I too, had a similar path. I did something very shameful in my life, I read JoS long, long ago, and was on the verge of implementing its teachings - got fooled by Christian conspiracy groups. Thank Satan I wasn't dedicated at the time, I'm sure he would have been very, very disappointed if I had done the dedication ritual and then left to go join jewhovah's pathetic deranged army of morons, gentile traitors.

It is through the brutal and vicious experience of being a Christian, the full-on mental retardation, slavish worship of jews, and the pathetic culture of being a "living blood sacrifice", and abandoning all ties with good people made me come back to JoS, so I can re-read and fully understand everything that the HPs has said.

Deprogramming from Christianity is like cutting out an addiction and dealing with withdrawal syndromes.

May the Gods guide your path!

Hail Satan!
Welkame back
High Priest, Hooded Cobra, if possible I would like to share my experience too and ask yourself what you think. I now constantly meditate and improve my life with spells that work, but I haven't always been this way. In fact before I was very, very stupid. The fact is that during my Christian period (which is something I am so ashamed to have had) I was often the victim of psychological and physical bullying and violence both at school and at home. All things that when I joined to the Joy of Satan through the dedication ritual ceased thanks to our loving Gods. But they were part of my past and they marked me to the point that when I entered Satanism, I believed that I would never be able to do anything. I was literally a Satanist failure: I was constantly asking for favors from the Demons and always complaining about how my life sucked. I literally did nothing to advance and didn't know who to blame when the fault was mine. I spent years looking at the ceiling crying while if I meditated for the same period ten minutes a day I would now be much more advanced. My Gods were always here for me. I used to do the Ouija board with a Satanist friend of mine, and the Gods were always extremely patient, kind and helpful even though I was acting like an idiot. Amid my constant questions at the Ouija board, one day I asked Azazel (who is my friend's Guardian) if Satan had a message for me. The answer was yes and the message was: "believe in yourself" (I'm Italian and so he told me in Italian). At the time I didn't pay much attention to this, they just seemed like nice words and I was happy.
But then, as the months went by, while I was desperate because the mounths passed and I got nothing because I said to myself: "I'm a failure, what's the point of trying to meditate and do spells? I would only fail again", I thought about what he had meant Satan when he said that I should have believed in me. I replied to myself: "but what's the point of believing in me that I suck at everything so much?", But then I thought better: "but if a supreme being like Satan is the first to believe in me even though no one else does, who am I, an infinitely inferior being, for daring to say that Satan is wrong to believe in me? If Satan believes that I can do it, it is necessarily true" So I started meditating. Very little in the beginning. But then I went on and on, increasing the time. I also did some spells and found that they worked. So I completely changed my life and started being a good Satanist as I am now. But I am very sorry because in the past: 1) I did not believe Anubis (my beloved Guardian who also promised me that I would be able to reach the Magnum Opus in this life) who told me that if I did a spell it would work (but I kept saying to myself: "but how could it works for someone like me?") although Anubis was ALWAYS sincere to the maximum with me (some time ago I asked him if I would get engaged to a girl I cared about and he who could tell me to make me happy : "yes", he'd rather be honest and not deceive myself and saying: "I don't know"). 2) I have never been able to understand that all the problems I had came exclusively from me and not from others. 3) I felt constantly abandoned by the Gods as if I were an ungrateful (although the Gods were always here for me. At Ouija they almost always answered me apart from when they were busy, who in any case told me that they would be there later or there was always some other Demon); they ALWAYS assisted me (I have already told that the violence towards me ceased when I became part of the satanic family, or I remember that after a year that I had spent in complete solitude, I prayed one afternoon to Father Satan asking him to help me find friends and that same evening, THE VERY EVENING, I met all my friends who since the end of school I had abandoned for years and who were the only group I really enjoyed going out with. Now with this group I spend every weekend. Satan has always been there for me).
This is my experience. Now I am a totally different person thanks to Satan, but I would like to make up for my mistakes. However I have ALWAYS been very loyal to Satan and I have always worked for him even in spite of my paranoia. Even though I can't explain it scientifically, I feel like I can never abandon Satan. My soul is as if it feels a desire to serve, love and be loyal to Satan in any case. *if you would then explain to me why this thing happens technically, I would be immensely grateful because I have been wondering about it for a long time.
Thank you, dear HP! Sorry for my bad english!
I identify myself in major part with this case. Like having superiority complex, speaking nonsense, shame, arrogance, spiritual fascination...

I have a long uncouscious bad habit maybe from past lives to ignore my feelings and think too much. It feels even escapist. It is not as I dont feel, but I repress it very quick and dont let it blossom.

When we have important things to do sometimes we have to cut from feelings to not procrastinate like to do our spiritual routine and general obligations but I was taking this to extreme levels and even on leisure time I was totally cut off. This with time backlash on myself and others as I get emotionally blind and unsensible. It is as I am walking blind towards people bumping everyone disrespectfully and breaking anything nearby until I receive a painful and deserved slap in the face that wake me up. This pain make me reconnect with my feelings and realise the shit I am doing or at least I try to understand. This situation happened several times like a vicious cycle. I had a calling recently. Each time it happen I am more aware of what I am wronging as it is a pattern.

I have to feel more, think less and relax. Stop trying to be in control and create expectations over everything and everyone as if it is a mathematical equation. Be less neurotic and more empathetic. Be more connected with the moment and context. Be open and let stuff happen. Look inside. It feels weird and uncomfortable though but I am working out. It is like doing therapy to recover a atrophied body limb. I have to stop and ask myself what am I feeling. Sad, happy, bored, guilty, ashamed, unconfortable, desire, hate, love, positive, negative, cold, hot . Feel it and meditate.

The reason that I spoke or did unnecessary and unsensible bullshit on the forums or daily life was due to being disconnected from my feelings and empathy. Many times after the act I realised that nobody cared to what I did or spoke not even myself :lol: :oops: . It was just a neurotic rant.

I observe that being rational and emotionless is kind of romantised by people in anime and tv shows characters like peaky blinders. "Cold and calculist".

Just making a observation that came to my mind. I never tried to imitate them. I dont see any glamour on being emotionless. In my case it is a karmic personal issue. Actually logic and emotion should walk together or else it can be cringe, annoying and autistic. Nothing admirable. Personal experience :lol: .

It does not mean that one should be smiling all the time or else it is emotionless. The person can feel something cold like feeling serious, contemplative....

When I am connected with my emotions it seems like they influence my enviroment somehow. I experience unexpected "coincidences" that i would not if I was cut off.

To give a simple recent example. I was sit in my workplace in the 1st floor in a normal day when I went to the bathroom. On the way there is a stair that is perpendicular to the way I was going and right on time I was passing there a new employee that I never met was climbing. She called my atention and at the same time I felt high like adrenaline then I said "Hi" effortlessly. Im very centered and focused so this type of thing is not common. She smiled trying to hide her emotion but failed and said "Hi, good morning". She was kind of 4 meters distant and I have a soft voice as if I am speaking inside myself I dont know how she listened. It seems she heard telepatically in her heart. Then we followed our way. This all happened in seconds and in a natural and light way. No tension or stress. On this same day and on the next we unexpectedly met in unplanned time and place "coincidentally". Potential lover? :mrgreen: Maybe Ill try something lets see how it goes.

I know it may seem sily and normal for many but for someone who was an unanimate rock that did only what was planned to do, stuck on routine, boredoom and monotony, this is new like discovering america. Being emotionally connected seems to turn on manifestation. When I was cut off everything seemed to be superficial. Nothing emotionally engaging.

I think that finally I will enjoy more life from now on which was something that i struggled a lot to do even having oportunities.

Nimrod33 said:
I can relate to this as, because of a moronic fake SS kike that pretended to be on my side, I've left the JoS in the period between 2020-2021. Now I'm still struggling to ride the "bike", but I'm still doing my best to create a balance. Unfortunately, I can't escape my return of Saturn, so I'll do my best to survive it.

Hail Satan!

Saturn returns are usually tough, but there is an extreme amount of wisdom and growth that can spring from this event.

It is a time of great maturing and growth.

My Saturn return flipped my life upside down in all the right ways. It sucked at the time but it's exactly what I needed. To Saturn I am grateful.

There is so much fear and paranoia out there about Saturn, but I feel it is undeserved. He is an excellent teacher, showing us our mistakes and successes, forcing us to pay the consequences of our own actions for good or bad. In the end, nobody can blame Saturn for anything because Saturn is our karma, our very own actions! There is no need beating oneself up, either. The most we can make of it is to learn. Yes, it is disciplinary energy, but it's for our benefit rather we want it or not.

If there is any advice I could give to someone about to go through or is currently going through their Saturn natal return, it would be this: discover what Saturn is trying to teach you and surrender to it. If you try to fight it, it is a losing battle. Do you think you can beat Saturn? Many have made that bet and just as many have lost that bet. :lol:

“””””That state of consciousness you describe here is the state of ignorance which if not broken by external means, life as a designed construct by the Gods to help people elevate, will tear down forcefully of said construct. That is always unpleasant.””””

I’m Not sure what you mean here. ^^^

Can you expand more on what you mean by life is a designed construct by the gods?

If The gods have designed the construct? Whatever that is. Are the Jews infiltrators or part of the construct? And then Would we humans evolve if it wasn’t for the challenge of the Jews?

Many thanks
Hail Satan 😈

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wiz Kid said:
I'm back after some time away from here, now I better understand my beliefs, my mind, and my emotional side, it was tedious and agonizing to read the nonsense I commented here a year and a half ago. I recognize how stupid I was being in every sense of that word, but after I got over my ignorance, I needed to get back here and do something different.

First of all, welcome back. I read your whole reply and could tell it's of value but also that your understanding has grown considerably.

The fact that you read the things you wrote before and saw mistakes, arrogance, foolishness, or anything of the sort, means you are maturing and growing. That is a transformative process, we all go through this again and again.

It's also very good that you are focused on doing something different such as this comment to actually help others evade the same mistakes one might have done.

Wiz Kid said:
It's interesting to return and see a post like this one because it was precisely in this sense that I had arrived here for the first time. I understood absolutely nothing and thought I could define everything based on my superficial and artificial concept of things at that time, which was just ridiculous, my mind was quite shallow at that time.

That state of consciousness you describe here is the state of ignorance which if not broken by external means, life as a designed construct by the Gods to help people elevate, will tear down forcefully of said construct. That is always unpleasant.

All the time I relate things to JoS and my fellows is because of understanding of the above and to help people circumvent this ignorance which can be dark, deadly and cause much grief.

The above state can be evaded by a little acceptance and allowing yourself to leave back the delusion of knowing when one things they "know".

Unfortunately, the above is not always the case. For example, one reads things and translates these from the standpoint of ignorance that wants to prove itself to be knowledge, ultimately doing major damage to themselves and delaying their journey.

Wiz Kid said:
When I left Joy of Satan, I went through really hard times, a few months of personal and psychological terror that made me see the whole truth of this world clearly, and from what I see here, not many like me return to tell stories, despite from being horrible times, they made me evolve spiritually and as an individual.

Many people do that mistake that they think that by "leaving the Joy of Satan" they will make some sort of self affirmation of their individuality or whatever. This is false, as your individuality is not limited here really.

I was not exempt from this in the beginning either and had many recoils and many things I did not want to accept or whatever. All these false approaches do arise out of lack of understanding, lack of study, or lack of spiritual advancement.

Spiritual Satanism is strongly ethical, but it's not forced dogma. It does not tell you to "accept or burn". It gives blocks to advancement.

The path is 50/50 towards the personal and the collective, not 100% collective in which case you have to become a slave of dogma.

So recoiling here is foolish as recoiling is same as doing a major recoiling reaction over many other similar things in life; ie, pointless. The above has to do with the psychology of the initiate and student rather than the reality in itself.

It's not uncommon that one defends a wrong decision to the end of it, ie, most people who just have an argument or something or disagree with 1 in 100,000 things, they do not understand this as normal or as a pathway to their development, but rather develop a self defence mechanism that is ignorance based and denies further internal input.

Generally, when disaster or negative things arise that come at odds and the bill for delusion comes, one might wish that they have listened or at least saw certain guiding information. This information exists in the JoS, but one has to apply it, and acceptance is needed for this process of healing and uplifting to occur.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself a lot through all this, but that aside, it seems this strongly matured you.

Wiz Kid said:
After the outbreak, and a long recovery period that exceeded a year, and after everything I've seen during that time, it's easy to come to the conclusion that the gods have always been here for me, to lift my spirit, my mind, and my heart. my body when I fall, that's something the fraudsters can't avoid, nor stop it from being done, for them I would be completely destroyed by now.

It's very comforting to know that the Gods are here for someone, and to also know however the reality that the Gods are here to see us develop and help ourselves and others as much as we can.

Wiz Kid said:
During this time of darkness and darkness but which also brought me more knowledge, I also went through many spiritual and mental experiences that I had never seen before, I believe that many long-hidden hidden secrets were revealed directly to me by our true gods.

That's how it goes, then one is being tested on the courage to go back and fix, or admit these errors. If one does not show this, they are choosing the wrong path.

Wiz Kid said:
As for the topic of the post, when I got here I was younger, and I assume I tried to appear and I was exhibitionist at times, I tried to pass the image of a spiritually advanced guy, and I disrespected the natural hierarchy that exists within Satanism several times , I ended up being punished here precisely because of this and I agree with the verbal attacks I received.

There is no point really to try to "pass by as an advanced guy" besides likely satisfying a defunct ego. This is a curse and a disaster on others as lack of actual proficiency is going to harm them and harm you too.

It's better to take it steady and stay on line and please the Gods in your self awareness, and move forward with piousness, rather than bullshitting others.

Disrespecting the natural hierarchy is foolish, and those who do this pay a dear price. The same goes for those who disrespect the Gods, who oftentimes can give one many warnings, but these are denied.

As Homer says in Odyssey, the Gods do send Hermes [wise thought] to help people. If we do not accept that input, we pay the price down the road.

Now that you understand why others might have disliked it, it's a good time to start getting actually advanced and becoming an actually aware and mature person that can help other people and get helped by them too. That's what has meaning not the bullshit of trying to pretend someone is something or whatever.

Wiz Kid said:
I think this happens in most cases because of immaturity or spiritual fascination, the individual knows one of the countless pleasures of Satanism and with that he already feels unbeatable and superior to everyone else, it's a natural attitude of novices and beginners. Something that clearly needs guidance from the most advanced and superior minds here.

The above state is described by many Ancient Philosophers and it's a state related to arrogance when one thinks they know too much or they are a spiritual master or something that is backed by nothing at all.

As you too yourself have learned, the "elders" must help the seniors in this momentum, as increased momentum in foolishness can cause ultimate destruction.

Certain people take 1, 10 or can take 100 years in the above state of rushed deception. The longer you are in this state of ignorance, the harder will be the fall.

Certain people have fallen from that high that nothing remains from them. If one takes it too far, then it can be unforgiving.

Life brings something at some point when their delusions of grandeur shatter in front of them, and then one has to correct this delusion, or shatter further and further.

As we are all collectively into a battle against delusion, we must try to guard ourselves and others from it, yet in the end of the day that is a personal battle all of us have to take on an individual level.

Lastly, leaving JoS and coming back is not uncommon. Maybe one needs a few years of actually coming in terms or growing, or disasters, or pleasures, in order to understand the value of the given material and it's application.

It's a brave step to return and to know what to do, far braver than just getting in love with ignorance and crushing under it. It is also in accordance to the Gods for us to share our mistakes, fuckups, failures, as these have major value like success does too.

Often-times a lot of my material and understanding has come from certain adversities or challenges in life, existence, or spirituality, not because of fake perceived success like that of a gangster trapper video clip.

Now it would be a good idea to also share maybe more details that in regards to what you learned, maybe saving the lives of a few others who might encounter the same issues.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
muriceias said:
Actually logic and emotion should walk together or else it can be cringe, annoying and autistic. Nothing admirable. Personal experience :lol: .

Haha, this made me laugh, Muriceias. I think I used to be like this too. When I first came here I think I came across a bit arrogant or autistic, haha. Hooded Cobra gave me the gentle nudge one day to work on communicating better and, hey, the rest is history I guess. I loosened up a little.

Glad to hear your story, man.

Hail Satan.
Norse 88 said:

It is nice to receive these nudges externally that can come in various ways. We can be blind or temporarilly blind for whatever reason and act inappropriately. It is important that we react accordinly and dont take it that personal. The main point is not to be right or wrong but to evolve. It is common to see people hitting their heads on the same wall their entire life due to being too attached on being right. On Spiritual Satanism we consider both.
muriceias said:
Norse 88 said:

It is nice to receive these nudges externally that can come in various ways. We can be blind or temporarilly blind for whatever reason and act inappropriately. It is important that we react accordinly and dont take it that personal. The main point is not to be right or wrong but to evolve. It is common to see people hitting their heads on the same wall their entire life due to being too attached on being right. On Spiritual Satanism we consider both.

Yeah, good point. Well said. I do believe I was a little attached back in those days. Thanks for your advice. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
