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wow just wow

Crystallized Mushroom

Active member
Jan 16, 2020
Crystal Planet
i found where that rat magestein and the other ratess zola went maybe azorm and others went there too its a fucking pathetic forum trying to convince people that they're the "truth" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gave me a good laugh
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?
The thing is we never confirmed of Mageson is a jew or is some sort of mamzer(mixed jew) or whatever. All we know is he became a shabbos.

Sheer fact is I keep seeing people state Magestein or Magjew or something. And no where not even HP.Cobra said such things nor anyone responding to the thread in which the last straw was put.

Basically to simplify it, Mageson666(former High Priest) came around sometime 2007-2008 or so at least with HP.Cobra he popped in 2004-2005 and was HP in a short period of time by 2006 he was HP. Or maybe he was around longer more towards 2002-2003, even HP.Cobra's history is a bit hazy. But anyways returning to the point Mageson came in stayed around and then sometime around the 2017-2018 time period certain issues were raised.

For example HP.Cobra mentioned Maxine and him received warning signs that for example Mageson at the time would state something like the F-RTR doesn't do much or anything at all. And or he stated the RTRs don't do anything much if at all. In simplest terms I guess what HP.Cobra was trying to state is Mageson believed that rituals don't do anything and that it's us merely wasting our time in this organization for a lack of a better explanation.

But like HP.Cobra said just because he said it doesn't mean it deserves punishment. Rather the Gods punish for the action rather than the word. Mageson could have trolled the enemy if the enemy was trying to troll us i.e. counter-trolling or counter-trolling with our own trolling. And Mageson could have had a fun time messing with the enemy. The sheer fact is Mageson said that isn't punishment but eventually after certain discussions among Maxine and HP.Cobra the actions Mageson began doing in particular to the last few months of his stay as High Priest caused them to punish based on the action.

Another thing Mageson was promoting was certain communistic properties. In reality I can't say if they are communistic or not, not to deny they AREN'T communistic. But as a National Socialist just because a certain capitalist property exists or certain communist property exist if it works in an economic principle and can be slough off the negativity of it's former political enclave. Then I can see it added into the NS system as a force multiplier of economics. I personally believe Hitler's National Socialism allows external economic properties so long as they meet the criteria of being reasonable to Racial-Nation folk. It's akin to Dr. Thomas Dalton's Mein Kampf that Hitler states we used the word Folkish and pushed it eventually every party even the communist party begrudgingly added Folkish to their demographic because the NS party pushed this unto the face of everyone and everything. The very Folkishness of other parties was just piggybacking on NS principle from day one even IF Hitler stated that folk can have a positive and negative side in certain situations. NS is folkish but in certain areas it can mean very little and can produce negatives strangely enough.

In other words much like a member stated recently in an economic talk. They went the act of hoarding and sitting on wealth is jewish. To which I replied that's like saying if jews do it it's jewish. Just because you want to sit on your wealth i.e. soft capital and not invest in hard capital or just sit on your money for the sake of money. ISN'T a reason for it to be jewish in fact for many people a person of lower class sitting on their money in an uninflated i.e. inflation banned economic system. The person can live comfortably knowing they can work and still have enough for any expenditures. People SHOULD be allowed to sit on money and not invest into their nation. Or if investing to their nation it's akin to MEFO bills or MEFO Bonds or Feder Money. You put down 15,000 dollars for the government to borrow and you gain 4-5% return upon reclaiming your 15,000 dollars not anything different from the LYB, MYB, and HYB bonds marker(Low, Medium, and High Yield Bonds).

The sheer fact is Mageson basically created the ultimate troll or to be more specific the legacy of Mageson left behind a troll of people who trolled for misinformation and disinformation. Without defending Mageson JoS pretty much created a pink elephant in the story so to speak on Mageson. As a matter of fact it didn't get so bad with Zolaluckystar(Zola Novak), she came in spent a few weeks/months doing whatever and then we found out eventually and funny enough some people were like "Ugh goddamit etc.etc" but most people were like "Oh No, Anyways"(Top Gear meme).

Even Azorm and Shael didn't even generate such statements from members and we had members who personally such as myself unfortunately had email contact with them and I say unfortunately cause I feel like I created a misuse of a Venus square and Sun Square especially considering I could have improved and simplified the affirmations of both and the repetitions of the squares. For example a better Venus square love affirmation + 18 reps and the Sun square a better Money affirmation and + 10 affimations as 10 is much more appropriate for financial situations.

Anyways in the end it doesn't matter the sheer fact is Mageson wasn't fanatical. It reminds me of a person who mentioned recently as of the last few days. They know a person who is into magick and esoteric stuff, they put up JoS stuff, guy was interested read it asked questions etc.etc. and then eventually two things were discovered the guy was furiously into getting fucked in the ass by jesus christ, he just loves the christ fagotry and two besides being a big jesus christ cock sucker he was trying to twist up the JoS and stuff and lies and try and get our member into being a xtian.

Apparently like George Lincoln Rockwell states "We National Socialists are idealogical, idealist, and fanatical. Ironically enough the communist are fanatical". You must counter their fanaticism with a counter-fanatical force or else you will be destroyed, you are being destroyed".

So in the end Mageson =/= fanatical neither Spiritual Fanatical i.e. a Spiritual Zealot nor Politically Fanatical i.e. National Socialist.

The sheer fact is the reason why people drop out is because there isn't a baseline of NS and SS principle in the World. Hp.Cobra said it best in the next 10 years barring any situation with our website or forums. He wants 1 billion people to at least peruse Joy of Satan and know about it. 1 billion especially spread throughout the World isn't that many people. If anything it's a pathetic amount even a random person out in the boonies in a considered so-called 3rd World knows what Facebook is.

But at least make JoS into common knowledge.

Sheer fact is NS/SS isn't the path of easy or path of quickest resistance. It's the path of most resistance and funny enough like Hitler states a concentrated small group that is like the NS is more damaging to the enemy than a mass party that gets everyone and everything. For example his 46 men SturmAbietlung destroyed a force of several hundred communists in Hitler's psychological mistake in attack back verbally a communist heckler. Even if it was negative it was still a learning experience for him a scientific event that took 25 minutes to calm down.

Sheer fact is Mageson isn't fanatical, isn't NS, nor is SS. He may have had a situation whereby he was more NS/SS in the beginning or more fanatical early on and was led astray. Either through reading stuff and not having a filter or someone a 3rd party exploited some weakness. Sheer fact is this is why I don't consider myself the best NS/SS personnel maybe not the worst but certainly I view NS/SS as a lifelong passion. Life is a leaning experience thus I learn.

The sheer fact is NS/SS/JoS/Affiliates are not going away if anything people WILL and ARE expanding. There are people that don't want kike/jewish nonsense they just need the political and spiritual zealotry to understand they are enemies. If jews hate christ and promote that fagot on a stick all the time. Then they are xtian-jews end of discussion. If jews all of a sudden state Gentiles are ebil, debil, pagan, Satanic people funny enough many fagots will run to christ in droves. Funny your enemy has a magickal pull on your people. This is why JoS exist like Billy Christurd said "Oy vey that Szatanism is ebil, debil shit lolled the meek, weak, effeminate piece of shit". To which we reply with our website obviously shattering the illusion.

The sheer fact is people lack fanaticism, zealotry, and thirst for knowledge. Like the Gab offensive of last week we spread Satanic/Nazi information to Pro-Pagan, NS groups and for xtian groups we infiltrate and water the seeds of Amalek in essence creating a short-circuit and recruiting more NS/SS personnel or more specifically awakening people to the original essence of Hu-Man kind.

The sheer fact is let those people do what they want. They are our useful idiots Mageson had ample opportunities. He is now a useful idiot. Oy vey JoS and NS be bad and ebil, debil shit. To which the words should come forth AS "as to why do you say such non-sense if it's not true".

The JoS will always remain in the background and always remain pushing through day by day. It's not gonna end even if this website was in Russia were they put a gun to your head to take it down, it's hydra-mode.

Anyways let the losers of society play their game in the end NS/SS will always prevail and they'll be our useful idiots moving the masses to our aims. Like HP.Cobra said we must get the xtians and jews to fight each other to which the xtian biomass will exterminate the jews and while busy fighting for our cause we infiltrate their intelligentsia and change them into NS/SS personnel and when the xtians turn around fighting they collapse unto us and their leadership class to become NS/SS personnel.

I think a more important question that needs to be asked is how do we support more NS/SS activities that are seen by people akin to the original group who created such a ruckus in Munich that EVERYONE payed attention friendly, enemy, or otherwise.
NinRick said:
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?
i don't think Azorm is bad i just read comments against Azorm i don't know what Azorm did or didn't do anyways i just wanted to search up what happened to mageson and zolaluckystar and i found them on a very tiny forum and mageson was busy promoting Satan as jeshit craps.

no i don't think Azorm is a bad person and no i wouldn't want people to do that to me. people have lied about me many times before even when i clearly remembered the crap they did to me.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
NinRick said:
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?
i don't think Azorm is bad i just read comments against Azorm i don't know what Azorm did or didn't do anyways i just wanted to search up what happened to mageson and zolaluckystar and i found them on a very tiny forum and mageson was busy promoting Satan as jeshit craps.

no i don't think Azorm is a bad person and no i wouldn't want people to do that to me. people have lied about me many times before even when i clearly remembered the crap they did to me.
NinRick said:
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?

Azorms Aura is like a literal black cloud with strange purple and green energies. She no longer is with the JOS. Now admittingly I know she is not a Jew I saw her picture before I also know she at one time was with the Gods I am not completely sure anymore. I do not talk to her or know what she is doing now. Even with many of the trauma events she spoke of the fact she was not getting better after hours of meditation (all sorts of weird stuff not on the JOS) each day for years is telling. She was constantly attacked by entities. And complained that the Gods didn't fix her. She really didn't listen much to what I told her anyways. She thought the tetragramaton ritual was weak and wouldn't do much and she is very much against Cobra.

I know she was around on our side as someone in the past and is an older soul. I very much recognized her energy before it started to really conflict with me. So it's up to the Gods what goes on with her. If they want her back they will try if not she is a traitor and lost.
Gear88 said:
The thing is
Magekike has never been part of us, he has always been an infiltrator from the start, and his mission as he revealed to the ex HP Jake Carlson was to prove that Satan is jesus. After he was removed he went complete kike on zola's trash platform and says that all the Goetic demons are enemies and that Satan is an enemy, while insulting HPS Maxine of course.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
i found where that rat magestein and the other ratess zola went maybe azorm and others went there too its a fucking pathetic forum trying to convince people that they're the "truth" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gave me a good laugh

I did too, just today. There is nothing of value there. It’s fun to see how Magestein is ridiculed even there though, and that tells a lot.
NinRick said:
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?

You can´t give negative advise, especially harmfull ones, even out of delusion or missunderstandings.
If anything she should be happy, people did complain about it, so her advise doesn´t harm other people.
One can make a error, but you have to learn from it.
Gear88 said:
Basically to simplify it, Mageson666(former High Priest) came around sometime 2007-2008 or so at least with HP.Cobra he popped in 2004-2005 and was HP in a short period of time by 2006 he was HP. Or maybe he was around longer more towards 2002-2003, even HP.Cobra's history is a bit hazy. But anyways returning to the point Mageson came in stayed around and then sometime around the 2017-2018 time period certain issues were raised.

Lol. No, these dates are totally wrong. If you want to find out who were the HPs at any point in time, copy/paste the JoS clergy page URL into the Wayback Machine and go back to the date you want. For example this snapshot of the Clergy page from Oct. 30 2013 mentions Majewson's name but not HP Hoodedcobra's. On the next snapshot from Feb 9 2014 Hoodedcobra's name is there. Majewson's name as a HP first appears on this Apr 30 2011 snapshot while in the previous Apr 2 2011 he is listed as "Reverend Mageson" because he wasn't an official JoS HP, but a clergy member of Jake Carlson's GLBT Thule Society group.

So this means Majewson became a JoS HP 3 years before Hoodedcobra.

From what I remember, Majewson was a member for much longer, back to 2005 when his yahoo handle was "satanicyoda" and 1 year later he changed it to "mageson666". He was always into the gnosticism thing, and he was even one of the "HP's" of another gnostic luciferian "Aryan" group with another account.
Personally I don't think Shael and Azorm were bad people or trolls or something to that nature. But they got taken in for lack of fanatacism and zealotry.

For example Shael helped me out albeit I regret asking advice. He kinda threatened me with "If you don't ask for help through email I won't reply to you anymore". To which I should have ignored him and not have him reply to my posts. So he kinda guilted me into emailing him.

In reality except in as much as misusing the Venus square and Sun Square i.e. better affirmation, high repetitions of affirmations(10 and 18). I never viewed Azorm or Shael as issues perhaps misguided or lacking in fanaticism but certainly not evil people who are akin to Zola or the people behind Mageson's sudden misguided attempt at sailing a vessel against ours.

slyscorpion said:
I do not talk to her or know what she is doing now. Even with many of the trauma events she spoke of the fact she was not getting better after hours of meditation (all sorts of weird stuff not on the JOS) each day for years is telling.

Not really "telling" in reality, as a matter of fact posthumously to the postings of Azorm I gotta agree with her. For example meditation doesn't work if it did work everyone and their mother would be meditating as a scientific fact. Even if enemy is occupying the planet. For example I got a friend of mines who dedicated like me but never meditated, while he doesn't have the privacy to meditate, I on the other hand do and it has not done anything to do me. Not even cleaning my aura and chakras does anything. He(my friend) exercises as a matter of fact as of this post(November 12th) is his final day exercising after an 8-week schedule to rest for 1-week(9 days). I funny enough sent him an email asking him if he did it to be grounded or has it balanced his life out. And he said he did it not to ground but to overground, he was already grounded he is an externalizing person(to the point he doesn't internalize nor gains answers from his own feelings but rather a general consensus if a bunch of articles state the same thing he takes that as the most logical answer) but he pushed it into grounding further along.

Not to create issues but meditation has never worked for me nor done anything for me. Even doing Squares even spamming the Jupiter square(which I performed 4-5 squares, funny enough most people who reply on squares state doing 1-2 maybe 3 squares is considered spamming the squares are significantly powerful to the point even a single square does tremendous you might only need 1 or 2 sun squares for example to bypass negative hardships by blocking out hardship transits) has not done anything for me.

I found the JoS at 12 years old 2003, dedicated, did meditations for about a few days. And that is it, it's funny looking at other people. What made them advance? Is it inborn? Is it astrological chart? Is it that they are more hardcore and more fanatical and zealatrous than I am?

All I know is I don't want to state a Saxtanist(Xtian-Satanist or Satanist-Xtian). As I don't blend or mix xtianity with Satanism, like Marilyn Manson states "I don't hate a one true God but the God of the people I hate"(not that I'm a big M.M. fan just a few of his songs are alright). But it seems to me like I'm just a Theoretical Satanist.

For example I've been wanting to Astral Project for decades now. Going to sleep I just want to sleep and the day in some cases less so than my school years when I had to waste time going to retarded school. The day would fall on me so a combination of day falling on me and wanting to just sleep and get rested. Made me go "Why the hell should I even practice Astral Projection?!"; I've done it all the string, falling down, rolling around, even dream projections whereby I'm dreaming and perform a blind projection. Like literally like many of my dreams that are just darkness or the sleep state is falling on me and my eyes closing and opening create windows of dream blindness and dream visibility with heavy almost drugged out transitions of dreams.

Never been able to Astral Project but funny enough much like I gather information. Some have astral projected or made up the fact of astral projected(never know if some members are lying) and funny enough I just added information to my data banks on Astral Projection.

IF Astral Projection is how my spiritual life it's just a mental curiosity and just theoretical in other words. I hate to state "It was real because it was in my mind" because certainly I want to experience the real World especially considering my astrological chart states I'm an extreme internalizing person who is tripping balls while trying to walk with one leg in the air. Then funny enough the only reason I read or study astral projection from the JoS members is just to gain their perspective. For example I think it was Stormblood who mentioned it can take a decade of AP to develop basic characteristics and it isn't till Kundalini risen when you arrive at the ultimate speed which is instantaneous transmission with no transmission time in between. And even then it'll probably take a few more years to understand Kundalini risen Astral Projection capacity due to being another new World opened up.

In simplest terms I'm just a theoretical Satanist. My best guess is Azorm is also theoretical meditation didn't work, JoS didn't work for her, perhaps she/he loves the NS part but without an NS Axis front. In other words the path of the NS/SS is the broken-heart way. The allies destroyed NS and created copious lies to which some people like George Lincoln Rockwell or the 2009 British WW2 Veterans group meeting occurred both of these two groups and others realize "Holy shit we committed a great sin in destroying the Axis saviors they were our saving grace". Same for Satanism like the old statement if the Judeo-bolshevik christians knew burning down Rome and all the great civilizations is the cause of their glorious enslavement they may have thought twice and may have realize we need to destroy christianity and the jews as they want to enslave the World.

In the end Azorm is simply much like me a Theoretical Satanist. They merely want to fit in the Satanic/Nazi side much akin to a person who grows up hating certain politics only to study said politics and go "Hey this isn't as bad as I thought if anything it makes sense". For example understanding that despite liberal degeneracy, certain liberal policies are propagatative towards individual liberties. With that said not all individual liberties should be promoted and there is also the NS main principle of "Common good vs individual situation".

Azorm, Shael, and Mageson are simply people that are not fanatical, zealous, or willing to work. In other words lets say JoS is fake and trolls just to push our movement. In other words as one person put it that I talked to. Basically they said you combine spirituality with politics to push NS and SS unto people for what reasons should people not have freedom to choose. Because the choice of people should not be available to make sure that NS/SS is the only thing around as in the past. In the past there were various schools of Paganism with differences in certain things but just limited and with the Gods around these differences were merely racial-national teachings ORION and Supremacy of specific racial-nesting grounds.

In the end I'm sure people reading this will assume "Oh Gear88 is disillusion and crazy". Maybe so but at least I stay with this system. I've been NS since 1997 when I was 7 years old so in 2022 my 25th Anniversary being NS and in 2023 I'll celebrate my 20th Anniversary being SS. Funny enough non of it has worked and non of it has helped my life. But that is what I am NS/SS, life sucks, live is a worthless piece of shit that doesn't work. But it's my choice to be NS and SS and be fanatical and zealous.

Again NS/SS has not saved my life nor done anything for my life. But I think that is the simple situation with Mageson, Azorm, and Shael. They never realized you can be NS/SS and not do anything. In other words much like some people state they are christian and when asked further they are actually atheist. So they state they are atheist xtians. Funny they could have easily kept their mouth shut and just gone along with NS/SS and just be NS/SS in theoretical. And when I mean NS/SS in theory not like xtian-atheist no more like just invent NS/SS stuff for our consumption.

I guess some people will state Gear88 your quite the mental masturbator aren't you. Maybe so but I figure just knowing for the sake of knowing like my astrological aspect shows is better than not knowing. For example if it weren't for the Army of Mankind website I would have never known Hitler actually APPROVED of the Sturmgewher and actually called it so and was highly impressed by his people's use of said weapon literally admitting it perhaps saved their lives and lives of others and it's combat effectiveness is revolutionary like the Me-262. In the History channel back around 2001-2002 the History channel stated Hitler hated the STG44 and was repulsed by it in an Americana way stating it would reduce marksmanship which is funny because the same thing happened with the stupid U.S. military neglecting an assault rifle and trying to stop Armalite from selling XM16s to the U.S. military much out of fear and financial issues and other insignificant stupidity found among the retarded U.S. military cabal not wanting an Assault Rifle.

Anyways I learned a lot but perhaps Mageson, Shael, and Azorm didn't have the spirit of learning. I mean I'm ignorant as fuck when I state I've been NS nearly 25 years and SS nearly 20 years and done nothing it sounds bad. But spirituality has never worked for me. Hell if I wasn't so stupid I'd probably think spirituality = mental illness in people who are not normal. But if even normal people hell even Yoga performing people experience spiritual phenomenas which are perfectly normal people hell above normal abnormal to a good way because of exercise and spiritual propagation helping the person. Then obviously it's another world to explore.

Of course exploring said world is easier said than done and like I said above I'm merely theoretical. For example I've never Astral Projected but I study it just for the hell of studying it and spend hours of my time contemplating and thinking it over. Much like my life it's a worthless piece of shit that serves no purpose so since I do nothing and nothing happens. I just contemplate things and think about doing things out of boredom and passing the time. I figure if nothing is happening, nothing has happened, and nothing will happen. Then "Oh well better luck next life". Maybe in the next Pluto in Scorpio when I reincarnate in 2120s-2150s or so when the next Pluto in Scorpio occur that I reincarnate with better astrological chart.

Either way Azorm, Shael, and Mageson were not fanatical nor zealous like me and the other people. Whether spirituality works or doesn't work. You still believe in it even if it doesn't work for you. It can work for others and you can be a purveyor of information. Maybe your information helps a person spiritually or alternatively or by another way. Same for NS, even if NS doesn't work and never worked lets assume like many dupes state that capitalism conquered all even the communists. You still believe in NS.

You believe in NS/SS whether you like it or not. There are no options, you picked this path it's time to theory craft the hell out of it. Azorm, Shael, and Mageson dedicated but kept their humanity; when being NS/SS you gotta think the 300IQ situation. It's not how do I do this at a low level or just barely no it's what is above this.

I guess in the end like I iterated a number of times they(A, S, M) were not fanatical nor zealous.
Rational Satanist said:
Gear88 said:
Basically to simplify it, Mageson666(former High Priest) came around sometime 2007-2008 or so at least with HP.Cobra he popped in 2004-2005 and was HP in a short period of time by 2006 he was HP. Or maybe he was around longer more towards 2002-2003, even HP.Cobra's history is a bit hazy. But anyways returning to the point Mageson came in stayed around and then sometime around the 2017-2018 time period certain issues were raised.

Lol. No, these dates are totally wrong. If you want to find out who were the HPs at any point in time, copy/paste the JoS clergy page URL into the Wayback Machine and go back to the date you want. For example this snapshot of the Clergy page from Oct. 30 2013 mentions Majewson's name but not HP Hoodedcobra's. On the next snapshot from Feb 9 2014 Hoodedcobra's name is there. Majewson's name as a HP first appears on this Apr 30 2011 snapshot while in the previous Apr 2 2011 he is listed as "Reverend Mageson" because he wasn't an official JoS HP, but a clergy member of Jake Carlson's GLBT Thule Society group.

So this means Majewson became a JoS HP 3 years before Hoodedcobra.

From what I remember, Majewson was a member for much longer, back to 2005 when his yahoo handle was "satanicyoda" and 1 year later he changed it to "mageson666". He was always into the gnosticism thing, and he was even one of the "HP's" of another gnostic luciferian "Aryan" group with another account.

So then why is Cobra's name mentioned in the PDF file for 2006 explaining the MerKaBa meditation? Is or was Cobra some advanced member wrote some things and then became HP later on?

Honestly I don't really care if mageson was an infiltrator or not. What was he trying to do? Stop us? Seriously it reminds me of some other forums for non-religious-political things with people trying to bring them down or shut them down or telling them stop spreading dis/mis information.

Funny what was Mageson gonna do? Seriously did he have any mass or pull to do anything? Besides tricking some members whoopty fucking do. Was he a hacker did he have hacker friends who would hack or tell some random hacking organization to hack us even if nothing was done to them?

Like seriously what was Mageson's goal? And what is everyone here going all rabid on said situation. We exposed the situation we removed mageson for infiltration or whatever, we removed carlson for laziness and maybe being another infiltrator per say. And that is that. End of the story.

This is similar to Whitecloud meme on the forums. He makes like 60 accounts. You never know if Mageson still reads here or still has accounts on the side.

Sheer fact is if people don't want to be here that is fine. Let Mageson spread his bullshit, he's just coming up with stuff. and even if he is correct or people follow him for being correct or whatever or simply follow him for the sake of following. Has he done anything. Is his group popular? Are they Saxtanists(Xtian-Satanist with Gnosticism) or Occult-Xtians maybe Esoteric-Atheists. Exactly what has Mageson accomplished? What has zola accomplished? What has any of these people accomplished?

We moved on, seems like they fade away. I really don't know why people bother with these people except in as much as keeping tabs on them and reconnaissance and reconnoiter their place on the internet. If they wish to lead people astray and do their own thing whatever some people stupid for said notion. Eventually if they check us out they just become one of us or continue with the Ugh Satanism scary ebil, debil words that socially marxsize me. I guess these people broke off to form another one of those communist spiritualist communities.

Their loss, moving on.
NinRick said:
I have no clue why people are hating Azorm this much.

Idk what she posted, but it had to do with grey energy apparently. Probably invocation of grey?
It is common knowledge that nobody should invoke grey energy, everyone knows that.

She also admitted that she was wrong and made a mistake, many people pointed it out as well. So no harm was made, as it was not intentional.

When I saw my first Demon, who is Lord Abraxas, I saw him in a blue aura, however, his Aura appeared to me to be also silver, but I interpreted it as „colourless“, because I thought I am not perceiving it fully, or off, etc.
Another SS who is really close to Lord Abraxas made it clear to me that it was indeed silver and not „colourless“. Now do you see? It had to do with colour and I made a mistake as well.

Imagine she experienced something similar, and confused it for whatever reason with grey?

Does this make her a bad person already?

If I shared my own delusions, which I don’t do with ill will, would this make a bad person as well?
Would people of Satan, compare me another soul of Satan, to kikes and the enemy of Satan?
Is that fair? How would you feel if people did that to you?

Hus page must be updated soon but his real spelling of his name is Abrasax :3.

Silver is his metal his aura is blue ^^
Crystallized Mushroom said:
i found where that rat magestein and the other ratess zola went maybe azorm and others went there too its a fucking pathetic forum trying to convince people that they're the "truth" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gave me a good laugh

The latest crap in that rat deb is pathetic. He's on the train of trying to prove Satan and all of the Gods of hell are Jewish inventions. It's ridiculous. Ignore the ravings of a mad man.
Gear88 said:
The thing is we never confirmed of Mageson is a jew or is some sort of mamzer(mixed jew) or whatever. All we know is he became a shabbos.

Sheer fact is I keep seeing people state Magestein or Magjew or something. And no where not even HP.Cobra said such things nor anyone responding to the thread in which the last straw was put.

Many (or maybe most of the people) who call Mageson as “Magestein” don’t actually believe he’s a kike. It’s more of a joke name.

Really meaningless thing to be triggered about.
Gear88 said:
Personally I don't think Shael and Azorm were bad people or trolls or something to that nature. But they got taken in for lack of fanatacism and zealotry.

For example Shael helped me out albeit I regret asking advice. He kinda threatened me with "If you don't ask for help through email I won't reply to you anymore". To which I should have ignored him and not have him reply to my posts. So he kinda guilted me into emailing him.

In reality except in as much as misusing the Venus square and Sun Square i.e. better affirmation, high repetitions of affirmations(10 and 18). I never viewed Azorm or Shael as issues perhaps misguided or lacking in fanaticism but certainly not evil people who are akin to Zola or the people behind Mageson's sudden misguided attempt at sailing a vessel against ours.

slyscorpion said:
I do not talk to her or know what she is doing now. Even with many of the trauma events she spoke of the fact she was not getting better after hours of meditation (all sorts of weird stuff not on the JOS) each day for years is telling.

Not really "telling" in reality, as a matter of fact posthumously to the postings of Azorm I gotta agree with her. For example meditation doesn't work if it did work everyone and their mother would be meditating as a scientific fact. Even if enemy is occupying the planet. For example I got a friend of mines who dedicated like me but never meditated, while he doesn't have the privacy to meditate, I on the other hand do and it has not done anything to do me. Not even cleaning my aura and chakras does anything. He(my friend) exercises as a matter of fact as of this post(November 12th) is his final day exercising after an 8-week schedule to rest for 1-week(9 days). I funny enough sent him an email asking him if he did it to be grounded or has it balanced his life out. And he said he did it not to ground but to overground, he was already grounded he is an externalizing person(to the point he doesn't internalize nor gains answers from his own feelings but rather a general consensus if a bunch of articles state the same thing he takes that as the most logical answer) but he pushed it into grounding further along.

Not to create issues but meditation has never worked for me nor done anything for me. Even doing Squares even spamming the Jupiter square(which I performed 4-5 squares, funny enough most people who reply on squares state doing 1-2 maybe 3 squares is considered spamming the squares are significantly powerful to the point even a single square does tremendous you might only need 1 or 2 sun squares for example to bypass negative hardships by blocking out hardship transits) has not done anything for me.

I found the JoS at 12 years old 2003, dedicated, did meditations for about a few days. And that is it, it's funny looking at other people. What made them advance? Is it inborn? Is it astrological chart? Is it that they are more hardcore and more fanatical and zealatrous than I am?

All I know is I don't want to state a Saxtanist(Xtian-Satanist or Satanist-Xtian). As I don't blend or mix xtianity with Satanism, like Marilyn Manson states "I don't hate a one true God but the God of the people I hate"(not that I'm a big M.M. fan just a few of his songs are alright). But it seems to me like I'm just a Theoretical Satanist.

For example I've been wanting to Astral Project for decades now. Going to sleep I just want to sleep and the day in some cases less so than my school years when I had to waste time going to retarded school. The day would fall on me so a combination of day falling on me and wanting to just sleep and get rested. Made me go "Why the hell should I even practice Astral Projection?!"; I've done it all the string, falling down, rolling around, even dream projections whereby I'm dreaming and perform a blind projection. Like literally like many of my dreams that are just darkness or the sleep state is falling on me and my eyes closing and opening create windows of dream blindness and dream visibility with heavy almost drugged out transitions of dreams.

Never been able to Astral Project but funny enough much like I gather information. Some have astral projected or made up the fact of astral projected(never know if some members are lying) and funny enough I just added information to my data banks on Astral Projection.

IF Astral Projection is how my spiritual life it's just a mental curiosity and just theoretical in other words. I hate to state "It was real because it was in my mind" because certainly I want to experience the real World especially considering my astrological chart states I'm an extreme internalizing person who is tripping balls while trying to walk with one leg in the air. Then funny enough the only reason I read or study astral projection from the JoS members is just to gain their perspective. For example I think it was Stormblood who mentioned it can take a decade of AP to develop basic characteristics and it isn't till Kundalini risen when you arrive at the ultimate speed which is instantaneous transmission with no transmission time in between. And even then it'll probably take a few more years to understand Kundalini risen Astral Projection capacity due to being another new World opened up.

In simplest terms I'm just a theoretical Satanist. My best guess is Azorm is also theoretical meditation didn't work, JoS didn't work for her, perhaps she/he loves the NS part but without an NS Axis front. In other words the path of the NS/SS is the broken-heart way. The allies destroyed NS and created copious lies to which some people like George Lincoln Rockwell or the 2009 British WW2 Veterans group meeting occurred both of these two groups and others realize "Holy shit we committed a great sin in destroying the Axis saviors they were our saving grace". Same for Satanism like the old statement if the Judeo-bolshevik christians knew burning down Rome and all the great civilizations is the cause of their glorious enslavement they may have thought twice and may have realize we need to destroy christianity and the jews as they want to enslave the World.

In the end Azorm is simply much like me a Theoretical Satanist. They merely want to fit in the Satanic/Nazi side much akin to a person who grows up hating certain politics only to study said politics and go "Hey this isn't as bad as I thought if anything it makes sense". For example understanding that despite liberal degeneracy, certain liberal policies are propagatative towards individual liberties. With that said not all individual liberties should be promoted and there is also the NS main principle of "Common good vs individual situation".

Azorm, Shael, and Mageson are simply people that are not fanatical, zealous, or willing to work. In other words lets say JoS is fake and trolls just to push our movement. In other words as one person put it that I talked to. Basically they said you combine spirituality with politics to push NS and SS unto people for what reasons should people not have freedom to choose. Because the choice of people should not be available to make sure that NS/SS is the only thing around as in the past. In the past there were various schools of Paganism with differences in certain things but just limited and with the Gods around these differences were merely racial-national teachings ORION and Supremacy of specific racial-nesting grounds.

In the end I'm sure people reading this will assume "Oh Gear88 is disillusion and crazy". Maybe so but at least I stay with this system. I've been NS since 1997 when I was 7 years old so in 2022 my 25th Anniversary being NS and in 2023 I'll celebrate my 20th Anniversary being SS. Funny enough non of it has worked and non of it has helped my life. But that is what I am NS/SS, life sucks, live is a worthless piece of shit that doesn't work. But it's my choice to be NS and SS and be fanatical and zealous.

Again NS/SS has not saved my life nor done anything for my life. But I think that is the simple situation with Mageson, Azorm, and Shael. They never realized you can be NS/SS and not do anything. In other words much like some people state they are christian and when asked further they are actually atheist. So they state they are atheist xtians. Funny they could have easily kept their mouth shut and just gone along with NS/SS and just be NS/SS in theoretical. And when I mean NS/SS in theory not like xtian-atheist no more like just invent NS/SS stuff for our consumption.

I guess some people will state Gear88 your quite the mental masturbator aren't you. Maybe so but I figure just knowing for the sake of knowing like my astrological aspect shows is better than not knowing. For example if it weren't for the Army of Mankind website I would have never known Hitler actually APPROVED of the Sturmgewher and actually called it so and was highly impressed by his people's use of said weapon literally admitting it perhaps saved their lives and lives of others and it's combat effectiveness is revolutionary like the Me-262. In the History channel back around 2001-2002 the History channel stated Hitler hated the STG44 and was repulsed by it in an Americana way stating it would reduce marksmanship which is funny because the same thing happened with the stupid U.S. military neglecting an assault rifle and trying to stop Armalite from selling XM16s to the U.S. military much out of fear and financial issues and other insignificant stupidity found among the retarded U.S. military cabal not wanting an Assault Rifle.

Anyways I learned a lot but perhaps Mageson, Shael, and Azorm didn't have the spirit of learning. I mean I'm ignorant as fuck when I state I've been NS nearly 25 years and SS nearly 20 years and done nothing it sounds bad. But spirituality has never worked for me. Hell if I wasn't so stupid I'd probably think spirituality = mental illness in people who are not normal. But if even normal people hell even Yoga performing people experience spiritual phenomenas which are perfectly normal people hell above normal abnormal to a good way because of exercise and spiritual propagation helping the person. Then obviously it's another world to explore.

Of course exploring said world is easier said than done and like I said above I'm merely theoretical. For example I've never Astral Projected but I study it just for the hell of studying it and spend hours of my time contemplating and thinking it over. Much like my life it's a worthless piece of shit that serves no purpose so since I do nothing and nothing happens. I just contemplate things and think about doing things out of boredom and passing the time. I figure if nothing is happening, nothing has happened, and nothing will happen. Then "Oh well better luck next life". Maybe in the next Pluto in Scorpio when I reincarnate in 2120s-2150s or so when the next Pluto in Scorpio occur that I reincarnate with better astrological chart.

Either way Azorm, Shael, and Mageson were not fanatical nor zealous like me and the other people. Whether spirituality works or doesn't work. You still believe in it even if it doesn't work for you. It can work for others and you can be a purveyor of information. Maybe your information helps a person spiritually or alternatively or by another way. Same for NS, even if NS doesn't work and never worked lets assume like many dupes state that capitalism conquered all even the communists. You still believe in NS.

You believe in NS/SS whether you like it or not. There are no options, you picked this path it's time to theory craft the hell out of it. Azorm, Shael, and Mageson dedicated but kept their humanity; when being NS/SS you gotta think the 300IQ situation. It's not how do I do this at a low level or just barely no it's what is above this.

I guess in the end like I iterated a number of times they(A, S, M) were not fanatical nor zealous.

Meditation does work the issue is something your not working on and if you don't then it's not going to work ever probably same with Azorm and anyone else having this problem. I had a similar issue I dedicated when I was about 15 and have been one of the early members. I did do a lot of meditations. Not much I mean I became aware of energy somewhat that was about it. This was for at least 10 years. I also suffered all kinds of symptoms from Meditation etc.

The problem was I grew up in a very strong xtian household had those energies very strongly in my soul and 2. I was taking various medications that shut down any experience from the astral at the time.

So no I never would have made progress if I didn't fix this I could have been doing it for 20 years more. But anyways I did working to fix this got off those medications. Got a lot of this energy out of my soul. Now I am actually making a lot of progress and experiencing things.

So the goal will be to find what it is that is blocking you. It could be a binding too. Work to fix it. There are probably a few things that can cause this I am just giving example with my case.

Once you remove this you should advance much quicker than when you started. Removing this will release your real power level. I don't think all your meditations were a waste of time.
And btw I will go to admit that Shael and Azorm and her boyfriend all were Satanic souls probably not totally bad people but it was not good for me to be talking too or interacting with them and they are not totally on our side as of now in a convincing way.

So yes this is different than Magestein thing. I knew even in 2011 something was suspect about him btw I even closed and completely deleted a personal non related group I had created back then cause he joined it he was HP I was scared to ban him he was on there constantly talking about how I am dumb autistic or pathological etc.
Is Mageson a HP or what?
Is the who used to post polítical topics?
Gear88 said:
Like seriously what was Mageson's goal? And what is everyone here going all rabid on said situation. We exposed the situation we removed mageson for infiltration or whatever, we removed carlson for laziness and maybe being another infiltrator per say. And that is that. End of the story.

Magestein tried to completely destroy the Joy of Satan from within. He tried to take it over as jews have taken over all other gentile occult organizations, same as what happened with freemasonry.

He pretended at first to be knowledgeable on the occult, and worked like a good lapdog to the benefit of the JoS, but this was all pretentious as he simply did this to obtain an HP position back in the day when there was very limited choice of people to do certain official work for the JoS.

Then he tried to do everything he could to gain cloud and support from our membership by keeping up appearances and presenting information he was given by HPs Maxine and HP HoodedCobra as his own to the forum, building an image of himself as a wise and knowledgeable person.

After he felt he had build enough of an image for himself, and also HPs Maxine and HP HoodedCobra stopping telling him things since they noticed what stein was doing, stein tried to use his image and influence in our community to subvert Satanism into a botched marxist, xian version of it through slowly pushing a new age, xian and marxist narrative in his posts.

On top of that, he tried to take over the domeins of our websites from inside to shut everything down. Had he succeeded, the Joy of Satan that we have now would not have existed, and perhaps would be entirely non existent online at this time.

Magestein was basically a long term infiltrator that bid his time for over a decade, observing what we were doing, then as the RTR's came out, stein and his associates started to panic and push harder to subvert Spiritual Satanism while doing things behind the scenes to try and shut us down.

A few years back when our domeins had been offline for a while, all our websites had to be moved to different hosts, as stein was attempting to have it all shut down and removed from the internet.

The house keys had to be changed so to speak to prevent that piece of dogshit from having any access in any way and trying to ruin us.

It really wasn't such a simple thing as you make it out to be. The damage he attempted to do would have been devastating to Satan's agenda and the Joy of Satan. It didn't succeed, thanks to the hard work of HP HoodedCobra and the advices of the Gods.

HP HoodedCobra had already written on this before in a few sermons when this first came to light.

Hail Satan!
We should destroy him in the Astral for being a disgusting parasite in this forum.

It seems to me that some of you know each other or meet together?

I hope I wont be removed from since I am way toooo lazy.
Gear88 said:
So then why is Cobra's name mentioned in the PDF file for 2006 explaining the MerKaBa meditation? Is or was Cobra some advanced member wrote some things and then became HP later on?

Which PDF do you mean? I've never heard of a PDF about Merkaba. The Merkaba meditation is in the JoS site and that JoS page doesn't mention Cobra at all:


I've also searched the Satan's Library website and found no such PDF you mention.

There weren't any PDF's explaining JoS things back in 2006, other than the Spiritual Warfare Training Program PDF. I'm quite positive about that. Nor did the Satan's library website exist. The first JoS-related PDF other than the Spiritual Warfare Training program, if I remember correctly, was from a member in 2009 who compiled most JoS pages into a single PDF.

I'm also positive that Cobra didn't join JoS as a regular member until 2009-2010.
Rational Satanist said:
I'm also positive that Cobra didn't join JoS as a regular member until 2009-2010.

HP HoodedCobra has been with the JoS for a long time. He even helped HPs Maxine with spiritual work back in the early days of the JoS in the early 2000's. I myself do not know the exact timeline here since I joined much later.

He's been with the JoS for far longer than most people here. When I was a newbie roughly 7 years ago, he was already an HP for many years and I learned a lot from him myself.
Gear88 said:
But that is what I am NS/SS, life sucks, live is a worthless piece of shit that doesn't work. But it's my choice to be NS and SS and be fanatical and zealous.

Again NS/SS has not saved my life nor done anything for my life. But I think that is the simple situation with Mageson, Azorm, and Shael. They never realized you can be NS/SS and not do anything.

NO! We all have to do everyday our rituals, or we will live a miserable or no life in the future.

If you don´t want to work/meditate consistent to change your life your life will stay the same.

I like your ability to summarize information and your good memory.

If you could cut out the Self-pity statements, your posts would gain way more reading value.

Considering your overthinking mind, I would advise a ISA Rune working to still/freeze your mind while you meditate.

If this does not work, nothing will.


ISA x 88 (Powernumber) reps

In a positive and healthy way for me, the energy of ISA is helping me to fokus, while meditating solely on my meditations, afterwards I will compleatly forget about it, until the next day, now, continuosly and forever. x 18 reps

40 days in a row, look for a good starting point ss calendar.

Good luck! Gear88
Yes there are some BS written by Magemarx in JoS enciclopedia back in the 2000s.
I will attach sshots

How Can I upload a screen shot?
There is a JoS Encypedia (16737) Page and there are a lot of sermons from MagenMarx.
newbie40 said:
Yes there are some BS written by Magemarx in JoS enciclopedia back in the 2000s.
I will attach sshots

How Can I upload a screen shot?

How to Share Pictures on the Forum
I have a few things to say in case new or confused people happen to come across this topic...
I am an old member of the JoS community. Though I have been absent for some years, so I had no idea who these people were. I did know Mageson/Don Danko and I actually enjoyed his old writings even though he was sometimes arrogant and childish on the forums. I luckily never got to read any of those things people claim he put there. I think. So I was actually surprised to see he was gone when I returned back to the Satanic lifestyle and the JoS forums. I never fully understood what happened but I trust there's a reason for which he was banned and life goes on. I didn't care.

However I am a curious person and I like to investigate things. So, reading what I read here on this topic I went and looked these people online and found the ((("Satanic Forum"))), or the lizards nest where they are operating from, whatever you want to call it. I normally don't engage in drama, but I've got to say a few things here. As I do see some seeds being planted here in this forum sometimes... the reason Mageson was banned and stripped of his Title, also becomes obvious.

On the other hand some people here do underestimate our enemy. They are incredibly smart. And are masters at weakness exploitation. They go to great extents. And they can wait patiently for results to manifest. I didn't read all of the (((forum))), nor will I, obviously, as I have better things to do, but I did read some of their claims, which happen to be old lies, I have myself back in 2014 fell temporarily for the very same lies, but it seems that these kind of things have taken major proportions now. Much of these claims had already been debunked by High Priestess Maxine herself many years ago. Such as plagiarism for one. Among other things.
She even published a full list of
all of the books
that she had studied and filtered out the good information from and used it build the JoS back then. Which is basically the point of what Spiritual Satanism is all about, uncovering hidden useful spiritual knowledge and figuring out what works. But since these pages are no longer available in the sites, (((they))) try to create confusion in the heads of new people.

Now, besides that, it is quite obvious what these (((people))) are trying to accomplish here. For one, the usual Jewish modus operandi of taking what does not belong to them and twisting it, besides whatever knowledge of history or spirituality that they are more than likely twisting, I didn't care to read, their forum looks much like ours, the colors of the HP names, the symbol they use, that the JoS has always used, the Pentagram with the Lightning, but painted black, which also has an occult meaning, which is to create confusion and chaos.

Another thing I noticed is that they have taken infiltration to a whole new level. They didn't just infiltrate the JoS, they infiltrated all of the "Satanic" sects, as to mix everything together, against us, trying to make a joke out of the JoS, and also of the RTR, while at the very same time showing the other side of the coin, that they don't have anything against us. Typical Jewish behavior. On top of that they promote that people who join them, should publish their photos like its OK, to prove they are not Jewish, because the ((("High Priests"))) post them as well, and nothing happens to them. Everyone knows why, because they are actual racial JEWS, possibly ADL agents or whatever, as one can see by their photos, there's nothing Gentile about them. While of course claiming they aren't and showing "evidence" such as fake DNA tests. This creates confusion in the heads of people with a weak mind who may think then, that the Jewish facial features are not Jewish. But they certainly are.

Another thing I noticed, is they go to the extent of faking an ex JoS member, who was ((("awakened"))) by these fools and their fairy tales. To add insult to injury they claim other nonsense ideas such as that most people here are trained into suicidal when opposed, when it's quite the contrary, when suicide is talked about here, is by people who in some way are programmed by the enemy.

All these fools combined would never accomplish 1% of what High Priestess Maxine Dietrich have, and they know this as well, so they create major lies and confusion instead. They are certainly not worth all the attention people give them here.

On a last note I would like to comment on the fact that Meditation does work, unless one is not knowledgeable enough about it, or is not engaging it with the required seriousness, despite mental illusions that would make one think otherwise. Not even mentioning historical records and evidence that it does work. There are literally thousands of people that are living proof of that. Thanks to the tireless work of High Priestess Maxine and our Clergy we now have access to spiritual practices from all over the world, so there's really no excuses as the information is all there. Unless one is again, purposefully ignoring the sacredness of what we do here and trying to make a mockery out of it, and further plant their seeds of confusion. Taking advantage of those with weak minds. However because meditation DOES work, this is all pointless as it will open one to greater understanding. And thus will see through the lies.

We all must keep fighting and pushing harder and harder, no matter what, with the RTRs and spreading the message, educating as many people as we possibly can, as it's the only way to end these things for good. And for any people having doubts remember that these are fought with knowledge, study hard and apply what you learn, consistently.
Mageson's backing

Okay then now I'm getting a better picture of mageson. Okay he is a long-term infiltrator with some financial and or internet pull and pulls his weight on us.

I see so basically mageson if the JoS was a bigger organization than we are could order an organization to hunt down mageson and associates and sue them to oblivion for performing internet illegalities.

All Fuchs said is basically "I, mageson am performing operations against JoS and I'm opening up myself to not just civil but also criminal charges and I'll do it".

So in essence mageson has gotten to 'criminal/civil' levels of illegalities or liabilities. Especially considering that freedom of religion and expression and other actions are basically a U.S. thing. I can understand some of the members of other JoS nations being concerned but it's been said those sites are hosted in proper places.

So in essence, basically the JoS stands correct. Even though we have had some members state don't bother with anonymous cause they are a kinda communist or communist-like group and many people have stated despite 4Chan being kinda trolly and negative with some xtian people in it. Except in as much as some people coming in and even in recent times some success with 4Chan/pol. And just as of the recent times the Gab well not offensive but Gab scout probing we never really DEEP penetrated Gab. We stand correct yet again, a few groups and Andrew Torba banned us and then realized "Oh shit these guys don't mean bad are nor glownigger fed bombers b17ing carpet bombing the place, and on top of that we the admin and admins and people of this platform are in essence violating our own rules".

Basically JoS has leverage against Torba and company and they realized they better unban us and learn from us because they the very people who either own or operate Gab are in essence violating not just their own principles but also constitutional principles and on top of that any other organization, group, or television or podcast could use the JoS is banned but not others as an excuse to openly attack Gab and ask them why they violate their own rules on an organization that after careful research does non of the stereotypical stuff either an NS or Satanic group or both would do.

In essence the very act of banning us from Gab would be propaganda for our side and double-up our correctness.

So in essence except in as much a rogue hacker group that is like "okay shekels it is" and in essence as much as mageson and associates created this scenario. JoS basically stands corrected, WE are not the bad guys, yet it's he jews and their lackeys.

Funny ever since being NS since 7 years old even with stereotypical kosher NS from (((History Channel))) but always acclimating more towards internet research and later at 12 with SS JoS. I've never seen one bit of information as to why the Axis powers nor JoS nor Satan are bad, evil, or some enemy. If anything even if all of this is fake which more and more is not then who cares. Lets say religion and politics are just life long preoccupations for people to be good. Well seems like mageson and company aren't being good people. If religion and politics is to make you good, why do bad?

My issues...

For the people who have responded to my issues I appreciate it but I've pretty much given up on the Spiritual side of things. Even if real or fake or whatever I'm still NS/SS with JoS. Sheer fact is I don't bother with spiritual stuff it's never helped me out. Perhaps it's fake or maybe it's not for me. Doing things EVERYDAY is just gonna blow my brains out. I'm probably making myself out to be an infiltrator I would not be surprised if someone thinks said stuff.

But what can I say I'm a thinker, contemplater, user of my brain. In all the years I've been SS nothing has occurred if anything I've suffered from mental illness as I've mentioned my issue I had back earlier in the previous decade with schizophrenia and psychosis or more specifically psychosis inducing schizophrenia. I still to this day don't know what schizophrenia is I think Stormblood or was it another prominent member mentioned it's basically uncontrolled almost-hallucination like auditory effects.

Anyways I appreciate the concern but spirituality has done nothing for me. It's just mental curiosity, it's just thinking material for me. I guess if you want to call it mental masturbation fine. In reality I'm just a theoretical Satanist, I guess I come up with problems just to solve even if I don't suffer a problem or have a problem but it's very simple. Or listen to a person and add my own personal answers.

Like a friend of mines I email. He deeply admires my deep internalization and how I find answers inside of myself and come up or as I told him several times pull out of my ass answers. Except in as much study certain answers or questions or statements or components to something. I merely feel my answer out and give an answer even if I'm wrong. Even if wrong it's still correct is what I learned. For example I post XYZ and someone replies NO! ABC and I'm still correct and even other people correct the person and state he(me) is still correct. In essence it's the 300IQ answer I try to give with my own personal touch.

If finding answers from oneself is wrong or improper then maybe my friend who if more social and were on the internet in social groups. If he had the privacy and the advancement of spirituality or even just delving into the topics as mental constructs i.e. theoreticals like I am. Then he would provide very good answers or understand to provide very rational answers in an externalizing factor. In fact like some members who've posted information on advanced mathematical or computer or digital or occult merging with the empirical sciences. He would probably spend 30-40-60-70-80 minutes coming up with a response to members a multiple extreme externalizing response.

Like he told me a short while ago. Both of us are extreme I'm extreme internalizing to a detriment and he is extreme externalizing to a detriment(unless multiple studies and people conclude the same or similar argument he doesn't add it to his data banks he peruses it but if a consensus isn't reached he ignores it and merely adds it for effect as a plausibility, probability, or possibility basically the 3-Ps). The sheer fact is my friend said a good example. I'm so into the minutia of detail that I see the pixels or individual colors and I'm like WTF is this? and he is so far back he sees the entire picture but loses the details and is like WTF is this?.

We certainly aren't in the middle nor balance like the Gods want. Whereby they want nay demand balance even to good things like sex like Stormblood said lacking in sex is an imbalance and being hypersexual is an imbalance.

It's like we are both two people who should have been born as one in a body knowing the extreme of externalizing and extreme of internalizing and being merged together to find the grounded middle. Not overinternalizing, not overexternalizing i.e. extremes nor being in the middle while being over grounded. Which isn't a bad thing overground > overcharged. Basically being Ambiternalized if such a word can be used sit in the middle and not go too extreme just nearly extreme but combine both and merge both into a perfect view the Artwork is fantastic in detail and the grand scheme of things.

So again I appreciate the helpful community but for me spirituality is just merely to know this stuff for the sake of knowing it. Much like my astrological chart my Neptune-Mercury(I think this an aspect I have it's some neptune aspect) that makes my intelligence gather information for the sake or learn for the sake of learning. For example I seemingly know all these tidbits and whatnot. It's akin to the show "Better call Saul" I saw an episode or two of it but didn't find it all that interesting even with the great Bob Odinkirk who is a wonderful person. And he speaks like I think, he says some random tidbit of information or knows something or speaks in a very convoluted message only he understands. I guess is his own mania and having the right actor Odinkirk set up for a perfect storm of my mentality in his confidence to speak outloud as a lawyer.

Anyways I appreciate it but don't think spirituality is for me. I'm kinda like Gottfried Feder, Hitler admired his economics, learned from him, Feder spent a few years in the NS then around '37 left it for a teaching career at the University and may have still been an advisor.

I provide advisory role against the fight against the enemy. A do as I say not as I do situation. I'm charmed by the responses people give on astral projection or telekinesis or their own magickal escapades. But for me it's just mental theoretical augmentation simply to learn for the sake of learning I'm not gonna apply it to life as it's just for me a mental understanding. Kinda like SWG(Southern White Gentile) he is JoS spent a while with spirituality found it no purpose and continues on in our organization as a physical backer not a spiritual backer even if Spirituality > Physical when the Spiritual backs the Physical. I bid him the best but he much like me found Spirituality not to be personally encroaching to our development.

Anyways thanks Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of the JoS for the responses but it's like Thanks, but no Thanks.
VoiceofEnki said:
Rational Satanist said:
I'm also positive that Cobra didn't join JoS as a regular member until 2009-2010.

HP HoodedCobra has been with the JoS for a long time. He even helped HPs Maxine with spiritual work back in the early days of the JoS in the early 2000's. I myself do not know the exact timeline here since I joined much later.

He's been with the JoS for far longer than most people here. When I was a newbie roughly 7 years ago, he was already an HP for many years and I learned a lot from him myself.

HP Cobra joined JoS in 2010 or 2009 as his first yahoo account which he got banned because a misunderstanding with HP Maxine (she accused him of promoting misinformation like saying "the jews have no kundalini"). So his hoodedcobra666 handle was the second one he created after he solved the misunderstanding with HP Maxine. I was there, I remember that. Also HP Cobra is young (less than 30 years old) so in the early 2000s you mention he would be like 5 years old. A 5 year old can't help HP Maxine with anythiing. Ask HP Maxine or any other person who knows him, she will confirm what I'm saying is true.
Rational Satanist said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Rational Satanist said:
I'm also positive that Cobra didn't join JoS as a regular member until 2009-2010.

HP HoodedCobra has been with the JoS for a long time. He even helped HPs Maxine with spiritual work back in the early days of the JoS in the early 2000's. I myself do not know the exact timeline here since I joined much later.

He's been with the JoS for far longer than most people here. When I was a newbie roughly 7 years ago, he was already an HP for many years and I learned a lot from him myself.

HP Cobra joined JoS in 2010 or 2009 as his first yahoo account which he got banned because a misunderstanding with HP Maxine (she accused him of promoting misinformation like saying "the jews have no kundalini"). So his hoodedcobra666 handle was the second one he created after he solved the misunderstanding with HP Maxine. I was there, I remember that. Also HP Cobra is young (less than 30 years old) so in the early 2000s you mention he would be like 5 years old. A 5 year old can't help HP Maxine with anythiing. Ask HP Maxine or any other person who knows him, she will confirm what I'm saying is true.

Well alright guess I was wrong the date in question was 2012 not 2006 albeit I don't know why I was confusing it with 2006.

Anyways your right.
I am not sure as to whether to even call SWG a real Satanist instead of somebody who tries to convince himself about satanism

He once disputed the power of meditations as in they do not protect you from harm caused by brute force or something to that vein
idiocy smasher said:
I am not sure as to whether to even call SWG a real Satanist instead of somebody who tries to convince himself about satanism

He once disputed the power of meditations as in they do not protect you from harm caused by brute force or something to that vein
Well of course power meditations when done by tiny soul with tiny power will not make one crush bullets midair. That is God-Level type of power.
idiocy smasher said:
I am not sure as to whether to even call SWG a real Satanist instead of somebody who tries to convince himself about satanism

He once disputed the power of meditations as in they do not protect you from harm caused by brute force or something to that vein

And in his ignorance he is absolutely correct.

Just because you perform something does not mean you can Rambo around and be nigh invincible.

The answer is simple. Each day builds on the previous "Law of Compounding" despite the fact this law is more applicable at higher advanced levels for all levels it applies.

IF you choose to not do something or choose to commit a negative act. There is a steel wall against you and on top of that Nature herself will compound the damage. For example you commit a crime, there is a legal-justice system and on top of that your harming your civilization now people, money, time, and resources need to be spent to find you or fix the damage of breaking and entering and stealing.

So in essence one person or a group activity constitutes a mass call. In Nature despite herself being very destructive even if we get spared from a GRB(Gamma-Ray Burst) the outlying radiation can still hurt our digital infrastructure. We might be spared the main brunt but the damage has been done. Coincidentally negativity compounds at a worse rate than positivity. So you do some B, E, & S; and you encounter more things to steal or more actions to do negativity.

Nature prefers constructors even if she destroys them or slows them down i.e. weather for example. At least a constructor is in harmony and balance with Nature. She is a destroyer(path of least resistance) but the path of most resistance offers a safer prospect.

In SWG mind he is right in stating spirituality isn't as effective or doesn't affect me much. My guess is he is just like me he is a Theoretical Satanist. In other words he is simply a Satanist to have the religious part down and counter-assault xtianity.

In other words a xtian has a religion or so-called religion just for the sake of it. It's the same thing here the difference is he is able to speak a better religion or to be more specific THE religion of mankind. I think one of the issues you may encounter is when people ask about spiritual stuff and you've never proven it cause your just a Theoretician. The sheer fact is it waters the seeds of Amalek.

Like a friend of mines years ago growing up as a teenager. I don't recall when or what but I talked a lot about chakra and astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc.etc. and funny enough one of my friend's went through a really crazy time growing up but kept that in mind and he is well unfortunately not a JoS member but an occultist xtian. He studies everything believes in christ and this god crap but at least it made him more aware of a World a xtian ignores hence why they can be called goyim. Inasmuch he might be a xtian occultist but made an interesting argument against evangelicals. Apparently he states the biggest issue with xtianity is Evangelicals.

I've been blunt to his face and said jews and etc.etc. and he is like I understand where your coming from but I don't view it that way.

But at least in ignorance he isn't being willfully ignorant rather due to his brainwashing as a child growing up and the religious non-sense. I at least kinda kicked his door in and made him go "Look there is another World around".

But to return to the topic.

If energy is compounding over time. Then you need to understand the only thing your doing with meditation and protection is manipulating reality intra- and extra- cosmically as within, as without, as above, as below. Basically your creating your reality.

For example you want protection. You do something are you protected. Nope not at all if I take a pistol and shoot you, your sure as hell not protected. But the protection from negative energies or negative realities is reduced. Unfortunately Humanity is so negative and we live so negative that, that out weighs positive.

For example you do a money spell for most people nothing occurs maybe an imprint of financial or maybe some money but not the big bucks. Well obviously that's a hotly contested resource.

Again some of you guys make spirituality be like the end all be all of life.

Like I said before above I pretty much gave up on spirituality. It has done nothing for me nor does anything. IF anything it's just something I did to pretty much pass the time.

I think you should be happy SWG isn't spiritual. The fact he accepts the religion as a part of the political is very good. He might just be Theoretical like me but at least he is willing to move people to our sphere of influence.

Certainly many will state "IF you posses no spiritual property nor has anything spiritual occurred and you simply are a Satanist for the sake of it. How will people believe you?".

Well funny enough quite well actually if people are explained thoroughly and scientifically they will believe it.

I guess in my argument SWG is merely a Satanist for the sake of it. He likes the NS but the spiritual has done nothing. That is fine nothing wrong with that. Again people will state but how do you even capture people to be in our organization if you yourself contradict everyone. Well what can I say sometimes you gotta have blind faith. At least he like I learn stuff and apply mental and scientific properties to it.

Certainly there is some that will state so your just an intellectual-theoretical Satanist i.e. a mental masturbator. And it's like pretty much. You criticize SWG and maybe all this criticizem and funny enough it probably hurts us more than helps. There are people who just want blind faith they want to be brainwashed and like that stuff. Might as well amplify our forces.

He's NS and is SS for intellectual-theoretical aspect. For example the Apollo sermon or the Transhumanist sermon. Very interesting stuff Cobra shared. But spiritually I've never interacted with any entity nor anything spiritual occur whereby that information comes to my mind from said entities. The sheer fact is I read it, keep it in mind, and apply it to my World.

I'm assuming when SWG was around he did the same. Ex: So okay Astral projection is this, this, and that; but there is other aspects sub-aspects of this, this, and that.

Pretty much religion to me is simply the scientific, intellectual, and occult backing for my politics which is National Socialism.

Like I said you should be happy that SWG is in our NS organization and not some xtian or jewish or kosher version of NS.

Both the SS and NS compliment each other and compound as well.

Maybe SWG needs the Gods around to be spiritual or maybe another life time or maybe he's like I'll believe it when I see it but for now just blindly believe for the sake of saving NS and saving our World.

Not everyone wants to be spiritual nor immortal nor anything of that nature. Sometimes just having the know how that your civilization has others in the NS/SS religion is tantamount to being "Good at least everything is going well and even my own financial-physical material life is going swimmingly".

Anyways gonna end it here. For all intents and purposes I'm not SWG nor did SWG say these things. But judging from the way you posted and some of his posts I can use myself as a guide light to express that this person SWG like I can probably be sure this is how he is simply: A Intellectual-Theoretical-Political Satanist of the Spiritual Satanic variety. At least he is NS and is willing to springboard his NS to higher levels with SS.

It's like a person a long time ago talked about the JoS and NS and the person they said it to was very surprised and amused how interesting when you apply Satanism to National Socialism all of a sudden it makes perfect sense.

Maybe that is SWG and my own prerogative it compounds and coincides together so well. That it isn't a question of Why not? the question should be "Why the hell not?". And many have had senses brought down to Earth and realize NS and SS are a match made in heaven.
Gear88 said:
For example you want protection. You do something are you protected. Nope not at all if I take a pistol and shoot you, your sure as hell not protected. But the protection from negative energies or negative realities is reduced. Unfortunately Humanity is so negative and we live so negative that, that out weighs positive.
The gun could misfire, break, jam, or the shooter could simply mishandle the gun so the target could have the opportunity to physically confront or to get out of the situation. That is how it works.

As for the other ramblings. The spiritual side of things is not working out for you guys, because you are doing it wrong.

It comes down to your very personal thinking patterns that are holding you back. I think it stems from there, creating host of other issues that are part of the issue.

You would need a personal tutor to guide you by hand. I know there are GDs for us, but persons like you would need another Human, it seems.
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
For example you want protection. You do something are you protected. Nope not at all if I take a pistol and shoot you, your sure as hell not protected. But the protection from negative energies or negative realities is reduced. Unfortunately Humanity is so negative and we live so negative that, that out weighs positive.
The gun could misfire, break, jam, or the shooter could simply mishandle the gun so the target could have the opportunity to physically confront or to get out of the situation. That is how it works.

As for the other ramblings. The spiritual side of things is not working out for you guys, because you are doing it wrong.

It comes down to your very personal thinking patterns that are holding you back. I think it stems from there, creating host of other issues that are part of the issue.

You would need a personal tutor to guide you by hand. I know there are GDs for us, but persons like you would need another Human, it seems.

Most likely. Maybe individualized meditation i.e. solo is not my thing. I know it's the opposite for other people. Yoga for example I'd rather yoga alone then do it in group.

Okay but there are people who don't like that and want to do in a group or maybe even do a mass ritual in a group rather than a mass individual ritual.

Perhaps your right I need a spiritually advanced or simply a person who IS advanced in certain things to do it.

Personally I've never meditated correctly nor care to do so. The fact I can't void, trance, nor do it correctly doesn't bother me. Fact of the matter is spirituality doesn't work me. I understand it's important not gonna deny it. But it's not for me. I think after being around for nearly 20 years in 2023. It's like whatever moving on maybe I should move on.

Maybe my life is supposed to be the Saturnian suffering and struggling just do anything basic. If meditation worked for me I'd probably not even bother with the forums.

But I gotta listen to the music and realize spirituality is not my thing. It's probably the reason why I quit or keep working on it on and off. But in the end it's not my thing. Who knows maybe when the Gods come I'll do it under their teachings.

And yes if your wondering I do overly-complicate things and take things to a high level. Like I said I'm just a intellectual-theoretical Satanist who delves into Spirituality.
Gear88 said:
Maybe my life is supposed to be the Saturnian suffering and struggling just do anything basic.
That is the lower, unrefined aspect of Saturn.

Saturn also gives endurance, structure, disclipine. One key component in good leadership and overall with success. Nothing bad with Saturn. Enemy has twisted this to be bad. There are myriads of more into this, but I wanted to touch this subject.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
i found where that rat magestein and the other ratess zola went maybe azorm and others went there too its a fucking pathetic forum trying to convince people that they're the "truth" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gave me a good laugh

I checked it out because I was curious. It's basically a pathetic platform for jews who call themselves Satanists to gossip and talk shit about us here and the Joy of Satan. I wouldn't be surprised if "Aldrick Strickland" was on there since he actually had a relationship with zola.
The reason the Joy of Satan forum is better is because we actually talk about real issues here and do work to save our planet. Those (((people))) as I've mentioned only try to sow division and pump up their fragile egos.
Guys. Don still comes on this forum to spy. He is currently at kike forums. I got sick of this crap especially when he went off claiming Satan is Jewish Samael etc and it just started to feel wrong in being there and definitely I got nauseous and just left permanently. So I finally decided to stand up and speak against Don and mentioned that with him promoting that crap sounds like manipulation a Jew pretending to hate Jews while promoting Jew age shit. Friends.... This is no different than someone deflecting negative behaviors onto somebody else. Root of this cause is of course mental instability and he definitely shows that in his posts especially his obsession with JoS.

I on't have an account to be there at those other forums I mentioned but occasionally I will go as anonymous to see what's up but I do not engage in conversations with them. I only go to places just in case I need to give a heads up to members or clergy.
Nazidruid83 said:
Guys. Don still comes on this forum to spy. He is currently at kike forums. I got sick of this crap especially when he went off claiming Satan is Jewish Samael etc and it just started to feel wrong in being there and definitely I got nauseous and just left permanently. So I finally decided to stand up and speak against Don and mentioned that with him promoting that crap sounds like manipulation a Jew pretending to hate Jews while promoting Jew age shit. Friends.... This is no different than someone deflecting negative behaviors onto somebody else. Root of this cause is of course mental instability and he definitely shows that in his posts especially his obsession with JoS.

I on't have an account to be there at those other forums I mentioned but occasionally I will go as anonymous to see what's up but I do not engage in conversations with them. I only go to places just in case I need to give a heads up to members or clergy.

As we have explained and proven this person is nothing but a servant of the jews for a long time now. Additional proof has been given. Regardless any proof fell in vain especially after they revealed themselves on their own so there was nothing else to reveal further.

If you still lose your time with kikes at places where kikes dwell, you will be kiked and waste your time. If they go as far as to deter 2 people from this path, they will be very happy.

No need to waste your time with anything like this. Just do your best to advance properly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nazidruid83 said:
Guys. Don still comes on this forum to spy. He is currently at kike forums. I got sick of this crap especially when he went off claiming Satan is Jewish Samael etc and it just started to feel wrong in being there and definitely I got nauseous and just left permanently. So I finally decided to stand up and speak against Don and mentioned that with him promoting that crap sounds like manipulation a Jew pretending to hate Jews while promoting Jew age shit. Friends.... This is no different than someone deflecting negative behaviors onto somebody else. Root of this cause is of course mental instability and he definitely shows that in his posts especially his obsession with JoS.

I on't have an account to be there at those other forums I mentioned but occasionally I will go as anonymous to see what's up but I do not engage in conversations with them. I only go to places just in case I need to give a heads up to members or clergy.

As we have explained and proven this person is nothing but a servant of the jews for a long time now. Additional proof has been given. Regardless any proof fell in vain especially after they revealed themselves on their own so there was nothing else to reveal further.

If you still lose your time with kikes at places where kikes dwell, you will be kiked and waste your time. If they go as far as to deter 2 people from this path, they will be very happy.

No need to waste your time with anything like this. Just do your best to advance properly.

That's true. thanks for reminding me of that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
