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  1. O

    What can i do about my "religious" family?

    Do FRTR on them
  2. O

    Question #4218: Sign of Fall Workings

    After freeing from the negative energy, you would want to empower the planet. For square affirmations, check this out. https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/%F0%9F%AA%90-list-of-affirmations-for-planetary-squares-%F0%9F%AA%90.59048/
  3. O

    Question #4224: I find it hard to keep going

    Because for centuries, the brain is not used to meditation. Maybe you should find your motivation. Some people want to help others. Some want to make father Satan and GD proud. But you should keep it going anyway.
  4. O

    How can I get out of depression?/I need a help

    Do cleaning and protection. Do lots of Hatha Yoga. Breathe from the Sun
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    Question #4156: I need advice, I don't know what to do

    Gods do not give up on you. Only you can give yourself up. I think you can try some rune to find you suitable friends. If you feel too heavy for your all the confusions, do a standard ritual to vent. But after all, you have to work on yourself. No one can meditate for you. You probably are not...
  6. O

    Question #4152: Temple of Solomon

    Read this: https://web.archive.org/web/20170720181257/http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksun/Temple_of_Solomon.html
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    Question #4133: How to love

    Why would Christians pray for you? Are you from a religious family? Talk to your Guardian Demon about it and do returning curses. Clean your soul and build a strong aura of protection. For love, check your chart to see the problem and do a freeing soul work. Also, you can use Gebo and Kenaz to...
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    HPS Maxine's sermons from the old forum

    I am not sure if anyone has done it before but since I did not see them in the website, I made it into pdf. So below are HPS Maxine’s sermons from the old forum, captured by July 2017. Unfortunately, some posts were not archived so no access. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich’s March 2015 - July...
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    Question #3715: Could I know the name of my succubus? Please help

    Just be SURE that you have Succubus not deal with someenemy entities. They can pretend. You don't need to share her name there. Most of Demons are very private.
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    Question #3743: Can satanists be gay ?

    Thank you. I've never known about that. But why?
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    Question #3744: About "saint water"

    Visualized satanic blue fire around it and make your affirmations. In the long term, you should persuade your parents not to buy them anymore. Are your parents Christian? You might wanna do FRTR on them and also bind them.
  12. O

    Question #3734: can i do blood\death sacrifice when iam not having mutch exprience but allot of knowlege

    You shouldn't. There is no such thing as blood\death sacrifice in Satanism. But if you want to practice black magic, first you need to gain experiences from white magic.
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    Question #3740: How to heal from a polyamory??

    No, it is not disease. Some are monogamous and some are polygamous.
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    Question #3743: Can satanists be gay ?

    Sure. And there is a site dedicated to it. You might wanna check it out. https://web.archive.org/web/20151016052911/http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
  15. O

    Muscle Imbalanc, energy blockage

    When I do lift training, the right part of the body is much weaker than the left. Even during daily life, It feels like the right part has blockages and energy not able to flow. What should I do about it?
  16. O

    Question #3680: Happiness and Love

    You can perform Love Spell on him. And there will be a good day to start a love working this month, check the calendar
  17. O


    I just found out all my bookmarks are gone now.
  18. O

    ⚡💖 Welcome to my Tarot World! 💖⚡

    Hi, I have several questions. 1) What are the messages that my GD want to tell me? 2) What kind of career path should I choose? Am I on the right path? 3) Should I pursue this man? Thank you.
  19. O

    Can soul dissipate, die?

    I used to think that human body dies but their soul won’t. But I was reading a thread on the forum. Can soul die too? I couldn’t imagine a soul not existing anymore.
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    Question #1537: About Demon Lovers

    But how? Since he worked for Satan, he was protected unless he betrayed.
  21. O

    ⚡💖 Welcome to my Tarot World! 💖⚡

    Thank you. :)
  22. O

    ⚡💖 Welcome to my Tarot World! 💖⚡

    Wow, I love that! My question: I was attracted by a man. I wonder why am I so attracted to him. Was he someone from previous lifetimes?
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    Does this mars square still work?

    On day 3, I did it during hour of the sun. I was sure I did it on the right time. But today I found out it was not time of mars.
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    Why would incubus/succubus choose human as partner

    Ever since I’ve knew this, I do not give promises any more like we will stay forever, or I love forever.
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    Why would incubus/succubus choose human as partner

    I mean human are spiritually degenerative, but they are still willing to choose them as partners. And what kind of people can have incubus/succubus? Must they be advanced enough, then they may have chances?
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    Question #1296: About suicide

    It depends. I read that some can reincarnate with months. But that is very few cases. Also if you are thinking of suicide, don't. You can't run away from your problems. You're still gonna deal with it next lifetime. And I remember that it is said suicide is never an option unless extreme...
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    Meaning of reproduction/pregnancy

    So is it a Jewish thinking that such pain is karma and punishment to the mother because they choose to be pregnant?
  28. O

    Meaning of reproduction/pregnancy

    I know it continues life and genes. I am confused about some opinions. Because it does bring about pain and suffer during the process of pregnancy and childbirth, there are views that it is something of karma and punishment to the mother. I don't agree upon that. I remember Lydia said pregnancy...
  29. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Is this sort of attack? I've always believed in Satanism from heart since the first day. But sometimes you just get this weird feeling that nothing spiritual here is real.
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    Question #306: Praying for my parents

    You can do frtr on them, clean their aura by breathing energy into them and help them clean the dross. You can also use runes to raise their awareness of Satanism.
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    Question #174: Join the US Army

    No. Army nowadays is not what it used to be. I saw a sermon in the old forum by HPS Maxine. She said you should really think about it before doing so.
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    I Feel shameful

    I joined JOS years ago but I was never consistent enough. I made nearly none progress. I know this is my human flaws. I was anxious all the time. I buried myself in the past, of what I lost. I'm so afraid that I let father Satan and my GD down. Maybe I did. I am afraid that it is late for me to...
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    dream of Ganesha

    I was led by someone to a room. The picture of Ganesha was there. There was a person kneeling down and praying. When it was my turn, I know I was kind of afraid. I can’t leave so I just sat in front of picture and visualized Satan’s sigil. What does it mean?
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    Question about soulmate: how many?

    If one does have a soulmate, does he have only one soulmate, or through different stages of life, he has different soulmates?
  35. O

    north node conjunct south node synastry

    I couldn't find much information about it. Maybe both parties need to learn from the other?
  36. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Frequently seeing number 22 everywhere, my initial thought is that I should strength aop since it's an enemy number. Could it be any good sign?
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    🎀 My Tarot thread 🎀

    These questions are to the point. I was trying to avoid any pain in this relationship before I make a move, which is not realistic. I held much expectations and I guess I know what to do now. Thank you!
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    🎀 My Tarot thread 🎀

    You described him perfectly. I know he is very immature now and this is the primary thing I'm concerned about him. But he gives me a very special feeling. Do you think there is any special connections here? And is it good to establish relationship with him when he becomes mature?
  39. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Can one's GD out of the JOS list?
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I started using pendulum. But it doesn't move when I ask questions. Why?
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    Promoting JOS With Permanent Marker / Sticker

    Is it possible to just bluntly advertise JOS on other websites?
  42. O

    women's pubic hair and armpit hair

    I'm curious about it. Industry pushes advertisement and women feel pressure not to shave. I'm wondering is it natural to shave them? Does pubic hair carry hidden messages, symbolic? I was searching and found this article: 8 Myths About Pubic Hair People Actually Believed Myth #1: Pubic hair can...
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    Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun

    Thank you!
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    Name of our Father's 5 Wives ?

    You should respect their privacy since it is not publicly known. Control your excessive curiosity.
  45. O

    Sigil of Mother Lilith & Astro sign ?

    She's very private. I remember there is one page on the web about her. She is not summoned. She shows up to who she chooses.
  46. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Im still trying to feel my chakras. So I don't know
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    Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun

    They have both good and bad aspects. So what is the key aspect here? Eva's south node is in conjunction with Hitler's asc. How do one know if the synastry is compatible? I've read the Synastry Tips but still have no idea.
  48. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Does a weak Jupiter mean a weak crown chakra? Can I strength the natal Jupiter by empowering crown chakra? I want to try square but I am not sure if I can do it.
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    Best book for Tarot?

  50. O

    Best book for Tarot?

    HPS Maxine recommended "Tarot plain and simple".
  51. O

    Do not change your user name , a request !

    Now we can change the username?
  52. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    In this way, should Satanists be cautious about using such square to attract the certain person? Wouldn't that connection also bring about negative energy of the affirmed one? Since they are outsiders, they have much dross.
  53. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What is the essence of love spell/sex magick? How does it work? If I perform a love spell on someone, with the spell helping, he gradually finds me attractive and understands my beauty or he immediately falls in love with me? And does this magick create connections between the two soul?
  54. O

    I'm not getting a job, I'm feeling kind of shitty

    Check your chart, I remember one SS said that a weak Saturn or unbalanced soul could cause poor finance. Destroy the obstacles. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Overcoming_Obstacles.html You can do money meditation or program your aura to attract money...
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    Suicide is not an option. People who committed suicide think that there could be ending of sufferings after death. But since you're a Satanist, you know the truth. One have to keep reincarnating until finishing the final goal. This is a solid and brutal fact. If you give up here, you still have...
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    Do Gods have a chart?

    Men, animals, countries, they all have a chart. So do Gods have a chart too?
  57. O


    From my experience, it may be caused by lack of earth and low vitality. It is helpful to have a goal. And I'm also doing Blitzkreig's working. I feel pretty good about it.
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    For HP HoodedCobra666 (Adolf Hitler Natal Chart)

    What about Eva Braun? Her birth time given online is wrong. Her moon is supposed to be in the 8th house according to what I read on Azazel's astrology, representing Hitler.
  59. O

    dream, name

    I assumed that someone tried to approach and identify me. I don't know if it was of enemy. He didn't get angry. When I woke up, I felt weird why someone wouldn't let me leave just for my name. Just before this dream, another dream: someone else picked up my key on the street and wanted to get...
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    dream, name

    I made a couple of dreams last night. There was one dream: Someone wanted to know my name. I wouldn't tell. He kept saying I shall write down my name before I left. And I couldn't leave there. I argued with him and finally he agreed. The moment he agreed, the moment I woke up from my dreams.
  61. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Does energy work in this situation: You want to do a working on a person. You don't know the person's name or face, but you do know such a person exist.
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    Love atrraction

    love spell, using sex magic https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Love_Spell.html
  63. O

    Love between Two

    What does "endings" refer to? Love that is out of control and guided wrong way?
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    How exactly can you determine compatibility?

    Does it apply to family members? I just found out that my father's Saturn is in hard aspect to my chart ruler. Do I need to stay away from him?
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    Covid ''quarantine camps'' in China

    The so called quarantine camps look like literally concentration camps. It is horrible. Communism must be destroyed.
  66. O

    Demon Summoning

    She might be referring to succubus or incubus. You should search on the forum and study jos web, "Demon" section. She needs to be dedicated first and meditate regularly. Open astral senses to be able to see and hear them.
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    mistake on binding spell, ISA

    I don't remember. It was long ago.
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    mistake on binding spell, ISA

    Will a working to remove negative people from my life be good?
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    mistake on binding spell, ISA

    I once did the binding with ISA. I seemed to make a mistake. I vibrated it around myself. When I affirmed, I visualized the person being bound. Was it ok? I don't want myself to be bound. I noticed that I am sometimes afraid of this person, cautious about what I should do when this person is...
  70. O

    Repost: Regarding Affirmations

  71. O

    🎀 My Tarot thread 🎀

    Is it positive for me to make the man my boyfriend?
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    Why aren't some people still realizing the truth?

    HPS Maxine wrote about it. There are spiritual wall up in their mind. That's why even you throw the truth to their face and they can still be blind to it.
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    birth time rectification

    I am not sure of my exact birth time. So I followed tips of Lydia. I go through all the info on Azazel's astrology. I cast some new charts. There are always one or two planets contradicting myself. There are not really big events for me to do the transit.
  74. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Is returning curses done daily or done through every new moon to a full moon
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    Are wealthy people/families all Jews?

    Got it. But is there still wealthy gentile family that are not polluted by jews' gene? Since they want to take control of everything. I used to think there isn't any
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    Sermon 17/November/2018

    Here says work on one chakra at a time. But on joyofSatan "How to clean aura" says "visualize the light even brighter and more intensified on each of your chakras", So which one should I do?
  77. O

    Are wealthy people/families all Jews?

    Jews control the world and possess huge wealth. They also marry into wealthy Gentile family to take control. Ivanka Trump married to a Jew. Nicky Hilton married to a a Jew. Medici was once wealthy Gentile family. My question is that, nowadays, are there still any wealthy Gentile people or...
  78. O

    What is the sign of people in past lives coming back to this life

    There was a person I felt strong connections. So I wonder if I knew this person from past lives. SR Neptune in the 7th house, square SR nodes. LR Venus in the 7th house, square LR Pluto. Could it be an indication?
  79. O

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule: March 12th to March 23rd 2022 [Astarte's Ritual Added]

    What about Satan's Ritual and Curse Israel Ritual? Can I do FRTR + curse ritual together and find another time to do Satan's Ritual
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    Spiritual Warfare Schedule: March 12th to March 23rd 2022 [Astarte's Ritual Added]

    Do I need to follow the sequence, doing all three rituals at one time Can I do them separately
  81. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I want to keep unwanted individuals away. I found this "My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times." But I don't understand this part "[inspire fear/dread] in _______". What should I say? in "fear" ? Can I do it immediately just...
  82. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Is it normal to feel tired after meditation? I can feel tried after meditation especially after warfare training, the visualization part and FRTR. And I hold breath unintentionally, thinking of pushing harder and concentrating more. It feel like brain’s nerves very intense.
  83. O

    Lydia: notable peoples' chart readings

    From YahooGroup Marie Curie Marie Curie – November 7th, 1867. Warsaw, Poland Birth time is noted as 12 noon, and looking at her chart for this time, it fits. 10th house stellium (prominent career) and Uranus on 7th house cusp (marriage to an intellectual, possibly genius), her husband was also...
  84. O

    Do angles and nodes count in aspect patterns?

    or only planets count
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    This one is not on the pdf Subject: Message from Satan... Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn." He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every...
  86. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    The pain is completely healed. I might want to keep EA meditation as I need more balancing.
  87. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thank you so much! sorry for replying late.I healed with white gold energy and did the EA meditation. It was painful at first but gradually getting well. It was also probably caused from a physical problem.
  88. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It’s a tension like pressure and painful. I feel it in my right head and right nostril. It’s from internal. It only started like a couple of days ago and continued each time. I do feel a bit nervous to do meditation but I don’t think it is the cause of the pressure. I recently pay more...
  89. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Recently, during my meditation and spiritual workings, I feel a lot pressure on my right brain and right nostril. Why is that? I try to be as relaxed as possible but the pressure is strong.
  90. O

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Breath_of_Fire.html video link does not work
  91. O

    Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan" [UPDATED 19 DECEMBER]

    A new variant has been “discovered”, which seems to concerning. Some countries have banned entry of foreigners. If crowds are panic, they might want to get another shot to “ensure” their safety and countries can use it as an excuse to force people to get vaccinated. It is named as omicron. I...
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    So faster?

  93. O

    So faster?

    Do I have to hold the breath for a while and then vibrate, or I can just vibrate after breathing in? I basically just vibrate without holding. But in the opening chakras, it is required to hold breath after breathing in. What is the purpose of holding breath?
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    Mass protests against lockdowns and vaccines in Prague, Rome, Amsterdam

    Thousands of protesters gathered in Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced a nationwide lockdown to contain the quickly rising coronavirus infections in the country. The far-right opposition Freedom Party was among those who have called for the protest and vowed to combat...
  95. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.
  96. O

    About puppets and their so called "music"

    :o I listened to their songs before, having no idea at that time. Very useful information for me.
  97. O

    Roommate problems

    I just did the test, they are not jewish. How to create an aura of repulsion? And what does it mean they would become hostile by picking up on what? I thought banishing only works on ghosts and spirits.
  98. O

    Roommate problems

    Conflict usually comes from a different lifestyle. I’ve finished the spiritual part. It does good. But ignoring them(void meditation) is the best. I kind of neglecting material means. I’m going to work on material wealth to avoid such condition of happening again.
  99. O

    Roommate problems

    Now I see, it’s really not good to live with random people.
  100. O

    Roommate problems

    Thank you! I try my best to ignore them, keeping it on my mind:Energy goes where I focus
  101. O

    slight pain in my left arm after kundalini

    Can it be other indication for heat except resistance? I do read it on JOS saying heat can mean resistance. Couple months ago, I feel heat in my feet sometimes, I thought it meant something was blocked and asked here. Some replied that it is a sign of energy circulation. These days I feel heat...
  102. O

    French bishops kneel in penance over Catholic church’s role in child abuse

    Senior members of France’s Roman Catholic hierarchy knelt in a show of penance at the shrine of Lourdes on Saturday, a day after bishops accepted the church’s responsibility for decades of child abuse. But some of the survivors of the abuse – and lay members supporting them – said they were...
  103. O

    Is there any physical activity can help one balance element water

    Breath exercises and yogas help one grounded. I think they relates more to earth? What about water? Is there any physical activity can help one balance element water? I know one can invoke water but that is on advanced meditation.
  104. O

    If he did not wear what he did could you tell if he is a jew

    What about the case of Natalie Portman? I cannot tell the jewish features on her though she is clearly jewish.
  105. O

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    What about James and Oliver Phelps? They are not listed as jewish actors. But they have chunky eyelid and 'Sad Sack' eyes .
  106. O

    Vampire destroying my life. How can I fix it ?

    Bind him and detach him. "my mind is attacked by images of my father, feeling he is sad, a poor good old man... " This way indicates he does not want to let go and you must be strong. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html
  107. O


    Thank you!
  108. O

    Astrology Books?

    http://www.astroamerica.com/topten.html I found it on group.
  109. O


    I'm reviewing JOS ASTROLOGY DIGEST, thinking about posting HPS Maxine's replies here. A way for quick looking and for anyone who may find it useful. I will continue updating.
  110. O

    Astrology Books?

    https://astrolibrary.org/ebooks/ This comes Yahoo group. Lydia said she was lead by Demon to this web.
  111. O

    The "Metaverse" - Enter The Jewtrix

    Step by step, first pandemic, now Metaverse, when future inflation makes people even more breakdown, here comes the solution:Metaverse(updated version of social media). What can be imagined is when people are so deep into it that they can’t even tell it’s virtual (Matrix), completely losing...
  112. O

    Leaked Chinese Communist Party Vaccine Plan

    It is clear that why CCP pushes vaccine so hard, providing free vaccine to its own people and to other countries.
  113. O

    SR, How to find the ideal location?

    Thank you. So the way to read SR is still the same as to read natal chart, right? Like Mercury in the 4th house, the interpretation in natal chart is also applied in SR, one just need to blend everything into consideration.
  114. O

    Transiting Saturn in conjunction with south node

    If transiting Saturn in conjunction with natal south node, will it be very alarming?As south node is fated. Is Extra cleaning and protection needed
  115. O

    Leaving a succubus/incubus

    I don't think she has one if what she asked for was a monogamous relationship, depending on the situation.
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    Health, Healing Working

    Bump, since moon is in Virgo on Halloween day, I think it is good time to do this working.
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    SR, How to find the ideal location?

    I read "Solar Returns, Locations" by Lydia How to find out where is the ideal location?
  118. O

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    Halloween is coming!
  119. O

    Roommate problems

    I read another post about roommates' problems, which sounds a similar case. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41109&p=164483&hilit=rid+of+roommate#p164483 There is one roommate(I had conflicts with it, but the feeling was just dislike), after I am more devoted to meditations...
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    If enough FRTR is done, can this inflation be prevented from happening?
  121. O

    What will it be like if all the Gentiles wake up and do the FRTR?

    It is pissed off after seeing ''GLOBAL ARTIFICIAL FOOD SHORTAGES & INFLATION''. If all the Gentiles wake up tomorrow, the world will be totally changed.
  122. O

    Dealing with enemy attacks.

    bump,This is very helpful
  123. O

    Where are the ley lines

    I tried to search the map, but I didn't find anything detailed, maybe they have been removed. I will use pendulum for a try.
  124. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    If I breathe energy from the sun/do cleaning outdoor, do I need to choose a place where no else is there? I see that it is not wise to train skills among crowd cause there may be sensitive people who can recognize you. Does this apply to every meditation?
  125. O

    The importance of taking action

    It just suddenly becomes clear to me. This is something that I wasn't aware. Yeah, besides removing spiritual knowledge and all the things, this has been unconscious. People keep telling you to act as others, be the same, integrate into society, why do you have to the different one blah...
  126. O

    The importance of taking action

    Thank you for sharing this!
  127. O

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Is John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie Jew?
  128. O

    Where are the ley lines

    I saw the other thread talking about ley lines. Besides these ways, how can one tell and find ley lines?
  129. O

    Catholic church in France abusing up to 330,000 children since 1950's

    NOT new to them, broken gene, disgusting pedophilia
  130. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What about this one?
  131. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    what blue is blue Satanic energy/fire? Can anyone share a pic of it
  132. O

    having trouble in orgasm(female)

    THANKS FOR THE ADVICE!! I will update the effects of them.
  133. O

    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    from Foster, B.R. 2005. Before the Muses: an Anthology of Akkadian Literature (a) SPOKEN BY A PERSON IN AUTHORITY [He who has ga]thered to himself all, king of heaven and netherworld, swift god,* Wise one who knows the people’s portents. Who surveys (all) qua[rters]. Noble sovereign...
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    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    I read an article about Enlil. It mentioned Enlil is lord of air, corresponding to what says on the jos web. "My point is Beelzebub is "Prince of the Air." I find it sickening how the enemy has denigrated our Gods and claimed Beelzebub is "Lord of the Flies." Many Jewish written grimoires have...
  135. O

    How to Judge Prominent Planets

    Thank you for sharing this!! But I am still thinking the connection between the house's ruler and planets in the house. SO for 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, one should look at the ruler of the house first?
  136. O

    Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness

    This is what I did when I was a child. I went through the whole day before sleeping. At that time, it brings benefits of good grades easily and calm mind. Life was a meaning of success. Later, things changed when I stopped. The problem was the use of phone. Increasing time spent on the phone...
  137. O

    Ask a god for help.

    You can perform the ritual. On the joy of Satan, it tells you how to summon demon
  138. O

    WTF??? Chinese naming the jew on twitter???

    I thought he’s jew. Since the whole country was built upon communism, why would they choose a gentile to be president. From the pic, some hate communism. Some just hate US, laughing at its own trouble(controlled by Jew). Under effect of communism, China is like North Korea, but just a better...
  139. O

    Reaching out to your Guardian

    Thank you for this thread! This kind of thought used to keep me from talking to my GD. Now I know what to do.
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    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    when I do frtr, I felt my body vibrating too. Is it a good sign?
  141. O

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    for 27-30:should we do FRTR, Curse Israel, Reversing Jewish Blood Sacrifices ?
  142. O

    About Succubus

    My question is : without enough ability to feel them, but one needs to fantasy at the night. So during this process, how do one make sure the other is really their demon lovers instead of enemies who can steal energy or just illusion ? Is daily cleaning and protection enough for that?
  143. O

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    ONE QUESTION:after this schedule is over, should one do this version of final rtr(final rtr + tetra + shattering) daily or just another(final rtr and tetra)?
  144. O

    having trouble in orgasm(female)

    So this problem has happened for several years: having trouble in reaching orgasm during masturbating. The ‘orgasm' was short, not content and very unsatisfying, which can lead to frustrated feelings. As orgasm is necessary in amplifying the life force, this problem is so bothering. But I do...
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    having trouble in orgasm(female)

    So this problem has happened for several years:having trouble in reaching orgasm when masturbating. The 'orgasm' was short, not content and unsatisfying, which sometimes can lead to very frustrating feelings. But I do remember the first time to masturbate and get the true orgasm(totally...
  146. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Due to some reasons, I want to use to Nauthiz to banish negative feelings. Can I do right now or I have to wait till waning moon?And must it be repeated for 40 days?
  147. O

    about marriage ruler in the 8th house

    Now I see.thank you! I was seeing this pic :https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Braun,_Eva why all the other web says she was born at 12:30a.m, but the web you gave is 5:30a.m
  148. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    so My plan is working on one chakra each day on its specific day, open it and then full meditation. But in full chakra meditation, it says if you only work on one chakra, you need to balance the others. What can I do to balance them?
  149. O

    about marriage ruler in the 8th house

    I was seeing this line Pluto is in her 8th house, but her 7th house is Taurus, which makes Venus be the ruler of seventh house. where did i get it wrong? how should I understand it?
  150. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I had this itch feeling in my body especially around heart and had no way to scratch it when I did cleaning or protection. Any reason for that?
  151. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    its a new experience. I felt my feet warm after kundalini yoga, lying on my back. Does it mean anything?
  152. O

    The Divine Purpose & Spiritual Warfare Schedule - April 17 to May 1st

    for racing awakening ritual, is it done by that race people or all of us should do it?
  153. O

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    China is pushing free vaccine, trying to force everyone get vaccinated though they claim it is willingly. One expert even claim people who don’t want to get vaccinated are inhumane because they do not trust government’s kindness of providing free vaccine. Pressure is on. The amount of people...
  154. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Basically nothing changed in the physical world and my meditation routine, but recently I feel quite hot that sometimes I find it hard to sleep and become lethargy, I can sleep up to 9 hours. Is there any reason for that?
  155. O

    China blackout on H&M for 'forced labour' issue in xinjiang

    China blackout on HM for their comment on xinjiang cotton. Nike, Uniqlo, Adidas Too Face Backlash over Xinjiang Cotton Ban. It raises serious protest against these brands among Chinese, online shopping platforms pulling its products and Chinese celebrities canceling endorsement deals. According...
  156. O

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    for serpent rituals, do they all performed as vibrating every word from the first word to the last, counting as one time? I can only vibrate mentally as currently I do not have privacy, is it ok?
  157. O

    about 'Why National Socialism is Not Racist'

    I am reading this pdf 'Why National Socialism is Not Racist'. I feel confused about some sentences, the respect towards groups such as muslims, even 'friendly links between NS Germany, the SS, and various Jewish organizations'. I dont get the point. Is it irony? "In the pre-war years, NS...
  158. O

    Feeling energy strongly but also shaking/swinging while meditating

    swinging is fine. It is because of the kundalini serpent. I also swing when I meditate sometimes.
  159. O

    Heart Meditation

    :o I just read in jos that he raised serpent under 2 years and searched him on the forum, turning out he is just delusional
  160. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Im using Surya to do fully aura cleaning, is an affirmation needed after vibration?
  161. O

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    It is necessary. "Staying Pure On Spiritual Warfare" is important. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=52605&sid=d728e2f200b496738a0f94b45410626b
  162. O

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    You’d better do cleaning immediately after finishing your warfare. It is stated in the FRTR that ‘ It is strongly recommended that you clean your aura afterward.‘
  163. O

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    Was it just wrong with my net as sometimes it said host error from the forum?
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    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    I had the feeling of goosebumps? when I was very angry at the enemy during the warfare.
  165. O

    Is Elon Musk a jew?

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qrimtKnbNWA In this video, he said "If there are super-intelligence out there, they are properly already observing us and we just aren't smart enough to realize it." "Any advanced aliens' civilization that was at all interested in populating the galaxy." It...
  166. O

    Spot the signs of child sexual exploitation

    I totally agree. I find out quite a number of children, especially girl were molested, mostly by their relatives. But when few of have the courage to seek help from their parents. They just say it could not happen and the child is overreacting.
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  168. O

    Very Disturbing : German nuns ‘rented’ orphaned boys to businessmen for ‘gang bangs & orgies’ – suppressed report seen

    It is so disgusting. There are more than thousands of news talking about pastors molesting young boys. What else evidence do they need to prove that their so-called religion is evil? It is just so damn blatant. They are deeply brainwashed and cannot see the truth themselves. And what caused...
  169. O

    Clairaudience Points

    but in pdf version of spiritual warfare training(I dont know how to add pics here), they are the same points. points on the left are 5th, 3rd, 5th.
  170. O

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    I do hatha and kundalini yoga but neglecting breath exercises. I restarted my exercising thinking it would be helpful.
  171. O

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    I visualized satan’s signal to seek help. I planned to do reverse curse but since it says best work on waxing moon. I just wait till next time. I’ll do more void meditation.
  172. O

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    These days I became serious about meditations, started warfare training, did group ritual.I messed up with sleep. Suddenly pressure and anxiety went up. Irrational fear showed up, being murdered, being raped etc quite some negative thoughts. I know negative thoughts is not good . I read “Don’t...
  173. O

    How to Deal with Fear ?

    I found this helpful, using ANSUZ and MUNKA https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=42624&p=179086&hilit=fear#p179086
  174. O

    On the principle or "Don't think, Act", and Intuition

    The negative perception,,I came to satanism with depression.despite dedicating the few days after i found the page, I struggled with depression neglecting meditation which i should have begun. Now I am fine and serious with meditation but the thoughts disturbed me when I meditate. I lost a lot...
  175. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    From chakra diagrams, there are seven chakras in the front, center and the back of body. Which ones are the part that i need to focus most when cleaning aura and spinning? I used to focus on the centers, but today when i read <the chakras> it says"There are seven major chakras located "along the...
  176. O

    Succubus, a warning.

    should i avoid void moon to start this routine?
  177. O

    Guardian demon, race

    Are gods all demons or just Nordic gods are demons ?
  178. O

    Why are Incubi and Succubi a thing?

    how do one know if she /he has incubi/succubus? can it be seen from the natal chart?
  179. O

    I'm not able to download jos backup.

    someone put it on google drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zxJ6WNXtjQ8_l_fMcfSL4nwgXBKLuWB1/view?usp=sharing
  180. O

    Paintable Final RTR

    it still works
  181. O

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    can anyone provide final rtr printable version which is accessible? The one that I use cannot not be opened. I missed one day for that. Shit.
  182. O

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    These days,all the webs go down from time to time. final rtr web went down i cant open it.
  183. O

    About laziness,progressing

    Thank you so much for the encouragement. It was full of confusing and regretful. I feel motivated by ‘ gods are watching and trust them.’ It actually make me feel calm. I want to make my guardian deamon proud of me. There is no excuse ever for me to not keep on!
  184. O

    About laziness,progressing

    I just want to be honest. I came here several years ago, but I wasn’t diligent enough. As a result, I am still at a level of a beginner which is so ashamed. I seriously regret about the time that I lost and hate the laziness. This is really something that hangs around my heart and I couldn’t let...
  185. O

    I have a friend who is christian. What should I do?

    I have no problem breaking this friendship. I just dont know how to do it. WE literally live in one room and for now i have no way to change the room. since she and i have meals and go to classes together, I think she would ask i why dont hang out together if i stop doing it.
  186. O

    I have a friend who is christian. What should I do?

    I am not sure if she has a bible around in the living place. she just mentioned she read bible.
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    I have a friend who is christian. What should I do?

    AS far as i know , she reads bible and i didnt ask her too much about it
  188. O

    I have a friend who is christian. What should I do?

    I recently found that my roommate is christian. We spend most of the time together before. She dose not bother me with christian. But it alarmed me and I found it disgusting to have Christian around.i know people we meet affect our aura in some way. I can’t not keep distance as it will be...
  189. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I recently met a very disrespectful person. I use ‘fighting back’ to help me. When it comes to grey energy, I’m very cautious. I’m not sure to use it as I haven’t been skilled at using it. Should I try it ?
  190. O

    Where is the exact location of Kundalini?

    I see thank you! What about chakra spinning?should I also spin front, middle and back ?
  191. O

    Where is the exact location of Kundalini?

    in the diagram when we do aoc, is it on the main/middle chakras? I feel heat when I clean the back chakras through spine. When I clean the middle chakras, not much feeling.
  192. O

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have questions about chakra. From the chakra diagram, there are chakras in the front/middle/back of body. In AOC ,which should one focus on cleaning? Is any of the three fine or the middle is the key?
  193. O

    how to deal with a Harasser?

    He is my mom’s ex boyfriend. And I live with my mom.He came to where we live at night, trying to forcing my mom to see him to stay in relationship with him again.He was drunk and kicked the door, which scared me. We have called the police and that is not enough to stop him. Thank you! Now I...
  194. O

    thank Vapula for helping me to pass the exam!

    I was having my final and not confident about some subjects.And I searched for how to pass the exam.One mentioned that Vapula can help these things. So I visualized her signal and asked her to do me a favor to pass the exams.I felt heat and it was wonderful. She’s very nice i can feel that.Now...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
