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Roommate problems


Feb 3, 2020
I read another post about roommates' problems, which sounds a similar case.

There is one roommate(I had conflicts with it, but the feeling was just dislike), after I am more devoted to meditations, that whenever I focus on this person, for no reason I feel it is so disgusting and gross even worse than another xian roommate(I wasn't able to recognize this person). It does not have the jew feature. I suppose both of the two are gentiles.

Currently my own thought and solutions inspired from the post is to detach the two persons one at a time, do a banishing ritual as waning moon is coming, do more void meditation to completely ignore them, do more FRTR, engulf the room in blue satanic fire.

It should be enough to deal with this case, I think. What are your opinions?
homeraee said:
I read another post about roommates' problems, which sounds a similar case.

There is one roommate(I had conflicts with it, but the feeling was just dislike), after I am more devoted to meditations, that whenever I focus on this person, for no reason I feel it is so disgusting and gross even worse than another xian roommate(I wasn't able to recognize this person). It does not have the jew feature. I suppose both of the two are gentiles.

Currently my own thought and solutions inspired from the post is to detach the two persons one at a time, do a banishing ritual as waning moon is coming, do more void meditation to completely ignore them, do more FRTR, engulf the room in blue satanic fire.

It should be enough to deal with this case, I think. What are your opinions?

If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!
BrightSpace666 said:
If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!

A roommate is a person you live in the same house with. Called "flatmate" in Europe if you're confused by the wording. So it is a big deal that needs to be handled as they are sharing an apartment or house together.

This is why every SS needs to work on advancing their lives and material wealth, to get their own place to live. People should only live with family or spouse, or really close friend if they want (or live alone if preferred), not with random people. It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).
homeraee said:
It should be enough to deal with this case, I think. What are your opinions?
Lydia said:
It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).

To extend Lydia's point: sometimes it's much easier and quicker to find a physical resolution to things like this. I.E. consider moving out by materials means, rather than waiting for a spiritual manifestation.

You've been given a physical body, a brain, a set of hands - all of which allow you interact with the physical world in real-time - make use of them where you can (within reason)!

Of course, if the situation is currently too complicated to resolve physically, then the spiritual endeavors within your post seem to be a suitable way forward. Perhaps as time goes on, an opportunity to leave the situation will present itself.

In the meantime, if these people aren't physically or spiritually threatening to you, perhaps there is something which can be learnt from the situation. Try some self-analysis techniques and get to the root of your conflicts, dislike and disgust. This will help pass the time, if anything - and will give you something to work on.
BrightSpace666 said:
homeraee said:
I read another post about roommates' problems, which sounds a similar case.

There is one roommate(I had conflicts with it, but the feeling was just dislike), after I am more devoted to meditations, that whenever I focus on this person, for no reason I feel it is so disgusting and gross even worse than another xian roommate(I wasn't able to recognize this person). It does not have the jew feature. I suppose both of the two are gentiles.

Currently my own thought and solutions inspired from the post is to detach the two persons one at a time, do a banishing ritual as waning moon is coming, do more void meditation to completely ignore them, do more FRTR, engulf the room in blue satanic fire.

It should be enough to deal with this case, I think. What are your opinions?

If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!
Thank you! I try my best to ignore them, keeping it on my mind:Energy goes where I focus
Lydia said:
BrightSpace666 said:
If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!

A roommate is a person you live in the same house with. Called "flatmate" in Europe if you're confused by the wording. So it is a big deal that needs to be handled as they are sharing an apartment or house together.

This is why every SS needs to work on advancing their lives and material wealth, to get their own place to live. People should only live with family or spouse, or really close friend if they want (or live alone if preferred), not with random people. It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).
Now I see, it’s really not good to live with random people.
gnome said:
homeraee said:
It should be enough to deal with this case, I think. What are your opinions?
Lydia said:
It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).
To extend Lydia's point: sometimes it's much easier and quicker to find a physical resolution to things like this. I.E. consider moving out by materials means, rather than waiting for a spiritual manifestation.

You've been given a physical body, a brain, a set of hands - all of which allow you interact with the physical world in real-time - make use of them where you can (within reason)!

Of course, if the situation is currently too complicated to resolve physically, then the spiritual endeavors within your post seem to be a suitable way forward. Perhaps as time goes on, an opportunity to leave the situation will present itself.

In the meantime, if these people aren't physically or spiritually threatening to you, perhaps there is something which can be learnt from the situation. Try some self-analysis techniques and get to the root of your conflicts, dislike and disgust. This will help pass the time, if anything - and will give you something to work on.
Conflict usually comes from a different lifestyle. I’ve finished the spiritual part. It does good. But ignoring them(void meditation) is the best. I kind of neglecting material means. I’m going to work on material wealth to avoid such condition of happening again.
Lydia said:
BrightSpace666 said:
If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!

A roommate is a person you live in the same house with. Called "flatmate" in Europe if you're confused by the wording. So it is a big deal that needs to be handled as they are sharing an apartment or house together.

This is why every SS needs to work on advancing their lives and material wealth, to get their own place to live. People should only live with family or spouse, or really close friend if they want (or live alone if preferred), not with random people. It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).

That is preferable yes but not really always possible in today's world. Not even advancing in the material in a way that allows that is easy or even possible at all for everyone either.

That is where Magick and sitting down to think deeply about the situation remaining calm and figuring out what to do. The key is if Magick is needed playing nice and keeping your cool till it manifests and an opportunity opens for you. That is the hard part.
slyscorpion said:
Lydia said:
BrightSpace666 said:
If you do these things, they can still stay there. But it can still work, they are particularly irritated by this kind of energy.

Remember, you know the truth, don't worry about them so much, it's not worth wasting energy when you can use it for other, better purposes.

I don't know what classroom you are in, or if you are in school, perhaps you could ask to be moved to another classroom. But if that option doesn't work, then simply ignore them as if they're not there.

Instead focus on what is valuable to you, improve yourself, empty meditation is very helpful, so good luck brother!

A roommate is a person you live in the same house with. Called "flatmate" in Europe if you're confused by the wording. So it is a big deal that needs to be handled as they are sharing an apartment or house together.

This is why every SS needs to work on advancing their lives and material wealth, to get their own place to live. People should only live with family or spouse, or really close friend if they want (or live alone if preferred), not with random people. It is not healthy in any way to share a home with people who are not family or extended family (spouse, or close friends who are like family).

That is preferable yes but not really always possible in today's world. Not even advancing in the material in a way that allows that is easy or even possible at all for everyone either.

That is where Magick and sitting down to think deeply about the situation remaining calm and figuring out what to do. The key is if Magick is needed playing nice and keeping your cool till it manifests and an opportunity opens for you. That is the hard part.

I totally failed at that myself before btw keeping my cool plenty of times lol. If you can do it cool that means your strong.
homeraee said:

Detaching can only do some much since they still live there. It will just make them lose any feelings for you. Banishing or repulsion may help to remove them from the residence, though, but it may take time. You don't want them to become hostile though, if they pick up on this.

If they are Jewish, then test out the shattering or blue fire on them and see how they respond. You can also bind them if they are doing anything bad towards you. Another option, similar to the banishing, is to create an aura of repulsion around them relative to the residence or even the other roommate, which will make them want to leave.
homeraee said:
Conflict usually comes from a different lifestyle. I’ve finished the spiritual part. It does good. But ignoring them(void meditation) is the best. I kind of neglecting material means. I’m going to work on material wealth to avoid such condition of happening again.

I'd just like to offer an additional piece of advice on this. Be careful to not suppress your emotions over the long term. It can be quite pleasant to ignore things, but if there are real emotions it may be that they are not being expressed properly - after some time this might even cause physical / mental issues. That's why it's probably a good idea to get out of the situation sooner rather than later.

I've had similar issues with neighbours, where I'd try to ignore their awful behaviour and undeserving disrespect just to try and keep the piece. I really tried hard, but then one day, there was a straw that broke the camel's back - I impulsively put myself in a dangerous physical situation as a result. It felt good - but was clearly the affect of pent up emotions erupting.

I worked by spiritual means to get them to move out, and it worked quickly, but there were other non-spiritual factors that helped this to manifest. Luckily, my new neighbours were much more pleasant and truthfully, I did not want to be in this situation to begin with.

I hope that you are able to find space for yourself soon
Blitzkreig said:
homeraee said:

Detaching can only do some much since they still live there. It will just make them lose any feelings for you. Banishing or repulsion may help to remove them from the residence, though, but it may take time. You don't want them to become hostile though, if they pick up on this.

If they are Jewish, then test out the shattering or blue fire on them and see how they respond. You can also bind them if they are doing anything bad towards you. Another option, similar to the banishing, is to create an aura of repulsion around them relative to the residence or even the other roommate, which will make them want to leave.
I just did the test, they are not jewish. How to create an aura of repulsion? And what does it mean they would become hostile by picking up on what? I thought banishing only works on ghosts and spirits.
homeraee said:
Blitzkreig said:
homeraee said:

Detaching can only do some much since they still live there. It will just make them lose any feelings for you. Banishing or repulsion may help to remove them from the residence, though, but it may take time. You don't want them to become hostile though, if they pick up on this.

If they are Jewish, then test out the shattering or blue fire on them and see how they respond. You can also bind them if they are doing anything bad towards you. Another option, similar to the banishing, is to create an aura of repulsion around them relative to the residence or even the other roommate, which will make them want to leave.
I just did the test, they are not jewish. How to create an aura of repulsion? And what does it mean they would become hostile by picking up on what? I thought banishing only works on ghosts and spirits.

You can simply visualize the grey energy around them, or you can even absorb their aura and their energy and then visualize their aura as grey, but be careful with that, because that takes experience, and it's something to play with as a last resort.

Or simply Returning Curses 1-2, and as I said, empty meditation.

Just simply visualise the aura around them rather than engaging in a series of serious actions, and yes, playing with emotions, supressing them will not pay off in the long run, in the short run sure, but in the long run there may be problems from this, so watch out for that too!
BrightSpace666 said:
homeraee said:
Blitzkreig said:
Detaching can only do some much since they still live there. It will just make them lose any feelings for you. Banishing or repulsion may help to remove them from the residence, though, but it may take time. You don't want them to become hostile though, if they pick up on this.

If they are Jewish, then test out the shattering or blue fire on them and see how they respond. You can also bind them if they are doing anything bad towards you. Another option, similar to the banishing, is to create an aura of repulsion around them relative to the residence or even the other roommate, which will make them want to leave.
I just did the test, they are not jewish. How to create an aura of repulsion? And what does it mean they would become hostile by picking up on what? I thought banishing only works on ghosts and spirits.

You can simply visualize the grey energy around them, or you can even absorb their aura and their energy and then visualize their aura as grey, but be careful with that, because that takes experience, and it's something to play with as a last resort.

Or simply Returning Curses 1-2, and as I said, empty meditation.

Just simply visualise the aura around them rather than engaging in a series of serious actions, and yes, playing with emotions, supressing them will not pay off in the long run, in the short run sure, but in the long run there may be problems from this, so watch out for that too!

That is getting into territory of something that is dangerous to do. Sure it won't harm anyone if they don't connect to the energies but this method can easisly cause a connection.

Why does anyone need to absorb energy off people when they can visualize this around them. All you have to do is know their vibe/energy and think of it when doing this this shouldn't get the energy on you.
Especially adding curses or gray energy this method may connect the person to that too.
slyscorpion said:
BrightSpace666 said:
homeraee said:
I just did the test, they are not jewish. How to create an aura of repulsion? And what does it mean they would become hostile by picking up on what? I thought banishing only works on ghosts and spirits.

You can simply visualize the grey energy around them, or you can even absorb their aura and their energy and then visualize their aura as grey, but be careful with that, because that takes experience, and it's something to play with as a last resort.

Or simply Returning Curses 1-2, and as I said, empty meditation.

Just simply visualise the aura around them rather than engaging in a series of serious actions, and yes, playing with emotions, supressing them will not pay off in the long run, in the short run sure, but in the long run there may be problems from this, so watch out for that too!

That is getting into territory of something that is dangerous to do. Sure it won't harm anyone if they don't connect to the energies but this method can easisly cause a connection.

Why does anyone need to absorb energy off people when they can visualize this around them. All you have to do is know their vibe/energy and think of it when doing this this shouldn't get the energy on you.
Especially adding curses or gray energy this method may connect the person to that too.

Hi, slyscorpion!

Yes, I also wrote that you need experience. It's really not good to get attached to such energies, but if you visualize it dissolving into nothingness, you can't get attached to it that way.

Let me end by saying how much I respdct you! You write very good things, very good things! I have read many of your posts and they are wonderful! Fantastic! :D
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
BrightSpace666 said:
You can simply visualize the grey energy around them, or you can even absorb their aura and their energy and then visualize their aura as grey, but be careful with that, because that takes experience, and it's something to play with as a last resort.

Or simply Returning Curses 1-2, and as I said, empty meditation.

Just simply visualise the aura around them rather than engaging in a series of serious actions, and yes, playing with emotions, supressing them will not pay off in the long run, in the short run sure, but in the long run there may be problems from this, so watch out for that too!

That is getting into territory of something that is dangerous to do. Sure it won't harm anyone if they don't connect to the energies but this method can easisly cause a connection.

Why does anyone need to absorb energy off people when they can visualize this around them. All you have to do is know their vibe/energy and think of it when doing this this shouldn't get the energy on you.
Especially adding curses or gray energy this method may connect the person to that too.

Hi, slyscorpion!

Yes, I also wrote that you need experience. It's really not good to get attached to such energies, but if you visualize it dissolving into nothingness, you can't get attached to it that way.

Let me end by saying how much I respdct you! You write very good things, very good things! I have read many of your posts and they are wonderful! Fantastic! :D

I am glad you think my posts are great with that said there isn't really a need to absorb energies like this or have it on you. I am not understanding fully the purpose of this 😕 it doesn't really fit doing this kind of stuff.
homeraee said:
Now I see, it’s really not good to live with random people.

Yes. This does not mean we need to fear others that are most often weak individuals, but the enemy (or the curses by the enemy) may target or influence random people around you and use them against you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
