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AlexElPM said:
How can I overcome laziness? I have laziness doing every thing that I do.

There's one thing that will help a lot (at least it does so for me), Its something that seems easy but can be quite hard to do.

Dont think about the things you have to do, When you do think about something just obliterate that tought, Maybe wait a little bit and just do it later without thinking about it.

It seems something so easy and everybody knows about it but barely anyone tries it out.
Stormblood said:
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:
By working on building good habits. Once built, which can be very difficult for lazy people, habits maintain themselves. Meanwhile also break bad habits so they stop maintaining themselves.

It is easier said than done. The problem with that advice is that, while it is good behavior, it also requires previous self-discipline. It is like saying improve your self-discipline by being self-disciplined. Better advice, for normies, involves cardio exercise, void meditation, and getting enough sleep, as these all promote for growthy and healthy maintenance of the prefrontal lobe, which is responsible for regulating your emotions and allowing you to do work. For SS, we have the advantage of using workings. Something like the Nauthiz rune, or what worked well for me: Aum Yamaya Nama/Svahah, can be quickly used to dispel any laziness or emotional block to doing work by restructuring the brain/psych/spirit whatever to become self-disciplined and productive.

Yes, but workings support what you. If he isn't willing to change his mindset, he can do 20 workings to change it. It will not. The working will nudge (softly or hardly) in the right direction, but you have to then build yourself so that you can maintain yourself forever, long after you're done with the working and that is done the way I told him. A book that another SS shared that helps with the mental and physical part is "Atomic Habits".

Just finished this book on audible bro :D
Cro666 said:
AlexElPM said:
How can I overcome laziness? I have laziness doing every thing that I do.

There's one thing that will help a lot (at least it does so for me), Its something that seems easy but can be quite hard to do.

Dont think about the things you have to do, When you do think about something just obliterate that tought, Maybe wait a little bit and just do it later without thinking about it.

It seems something so easy and everybody knows about it but barely anyone tries it out.

Yeah, that's works for me too.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=133702pnosis.]

AUM YAMAYA SVAHA for 27x. I then affirm 9x: In a safe, healthy, and positive way for me, I am masterfully self-disciplined and productive, enabling me to be fully motivated for, and complete all my meditations and spiritual work all day long, permanently. I also now permanently derive joy from my spiritual work and permanently and actively pursue completion of all my meditations, spiritual workings, and yoga, in a manner that is safe, healthy, and positive for me.

I know the topic is old, but I want to comment something.

Should I say the affirmations mentally? Or verbally like the mantras?
AlexElPM said:
I know the topic is old, but I want to comment something.

Should I say the affirmations mentally? Or verbally like the mantras?

I say them mentally because I feel like I can focus better, as well as "say it" faster than speaking.

Just so you know, the above affirmation you quoted is crap and way too specific. Beyond that, Sowilo and Nauthiz are better for laziness than pluto energy is. Which one you specifically need depends on your chart.

Low earth/weak Saturn/feel like you would rather do something else = Nauthiz
Low fire/weak Sun or Mars/feel apathetic, tired, not optimistic or energized = Sowilo
From my experience, it may be caused by lack of earth and low vitality. It is helpful to have a goal. And I'm also doing Blitzkreig's working. I feel pretty good about it.

Don't be scared, just take proper precautions. If you have issues consistently or easily meditating, I highly advise starting a working with Nauthiz.

For example, Nauthiz x100, 


"The energies of Nauthiz have now and permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and warfare work, in all ways and times, in a positive and harmonious manner for me."

Example visualizations to do after:
-Visualize yourself doing a full routine without any trouble, despite any obstacles "hitting you". For example, you are sitting in your chair and time is passing, and you are easily finishing lots of activities.

-Visualize a calendar, with each day that you have done your full routine glowing. Then see the whole calendar glowing, then perhaps an infinity symbol, proving that you now and always do your full spiritual routine.

-Visualize a graph with your spiritual success taking off like a rocket with your newfound productivity.

September 14th is a waxing moon in Capricorn and therefore is a good time for this. The above is just an example for people who may not know what to do. The reps of Nauthiz can of course be changed to something lower or higher. One can also add in runes like Sowilo to boost the working.

If you are a noob and worry that you have little power: Yoga and pranayama will be your best friend since they require much less mental power to complete. Also, deep cleaning, such as with Visuddhi, will greatly amplify one's power as well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
