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About laziness,progressing


Feb 3, 2020
I just want to be honest. I came here several years ago, but I wasn’t diligent enough. As a result, I am still at a level of a beginner which is so ashamed.
I seriously regret about the time that I lost and hate the laziness. This is really something that hangs around my heart and I couldn’t let go.

I’ve just finished 40days program for beginners. I feel frustrated that I did not feel as described when opening chakras. Results are not clear. I don’t know who is my guardian demon though I tried several ways to figure out.I wished for a demon lover and am not sure if I have as i did perform the ritual. I just want to know the answer.

And for some reason, I cannot out too much meditating, will thirty minutes a day work also?

I hope I can get some advice.
homeraee said:
I just want to be honest. I came here several years ago, but I wasn’t diligent enough. As a result, I am still at a level of a beginner which is so ashamed.
I seriously regret about the time that I lost and hate the laziness. This is really something that hangs around my heart and I couldn’t let go.

I understand you, I've lost almost a full year of meditations and RTRs just because I was being a lazy fuck. But guess what ? The Gods didn't have abandonned me, they often tried to cheer me up, even though I didn't deserved it. So think of it this way, you started several years ago, and just ended the 40 days meditation program, you could've just given up, but you're here right ? This already proves that you have potencial, you just need to focus this time (The Gods are watching you, trust them).

homeraee said:
I’ve just finished 40days program for beginners. I feel frustrated that I did not feel as described when opening chakras. Results are not clear. I don’t know who is my guardian demon though I tried several ways to figure out.I wished for a demon lover and am not sure if I have as i did perform the ritual. I just want to know the answer.

And for some reason, I cannot out too much meditating, will thirty minutes a day work also?

I was able to see and hear things since I was quite young, but I took A LOT of effort and time to be able to see and hear what I wanted, The 40 day program its just the start, you'll need to meditate and empower you chakras daily, also Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga helps a lot, with just 30 minutes I recommend these exercises, but I'm preety sure other members will give you better advice, I just didn't want to see this post unanswered :

This megalink have many information, but, go to important > Kundalini and Hatha yoga, I think the basic Hatha Yoga there will be very good for the amount of time you have available:

Complete Chakra Meditation:

Chakra Spinning:

Aura of protection, and Aura Cleaning are mandatory, since you don't want to be attacked by the enemy, trust me they will do everything they can to make you lazy and even worse, protect yourself. And if you could do some RTRs it would be amazing too.
Here is the schedule - Noverber 16/December 5, you will find all the links for the RTRs there, some of them take just a few minutes, don't try to find any excuses to not do them (this mindset will help a lot) and help us in the fight.

Also, about the demon lover ritual, you did the ritual, if you're worthy of him/her, and open your psychic centers enough, you'll get to know him/her, be patient and follow the excercise from the Incubbi/Succubi page from the JOS main website, just don't give up, and stay focused.

Thadea said:
homeraee said:
I just want to be honest. I came here several years ago, but I wasn’t diligent enough. As a result, I am still at a level of a beginner which is so ashamed.
I seriously regret about the time that I lost and hate the laziness. This is really something that hangs around my heart and I couldn’t let go.

I understand you, I've lost almost a full year of meditations and RTRs just because I was being a lazy fuck. But guess what ? The Gods didn't have abandonned me, they often tried to cheer me up, even though I didn't deserved it. So think of it this way, you started several years ago, and just ended the 40 days meditation program, you could've just given up, but you're here right ? This already proves that you have potencial, you just need to focus this time (The Gods are watching you, trust them).

homeraee said:
I’ve just finished 40days program for beginners. I feel frustrated that I did not feel as described when opening chakras. Results are not clear. I don’t know who is my guardian demon though I tried several ways to figure out.I wished for a demon lover and am not sure if I have as i did perform the ritual. I just want to know the answer.

And for some reason, I cannot out too much meditating, will thirty minutes a day work also?

I was able to see and hear things since I was quite young, but I took A LOT of effort and time to be able to see and hear what I wanted, The 40 day program its just the start, you'll need to meditate and empower you chakras daily, also Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga helps a lot, with just 30 minutes I recommend these exercises, but I'm preety sure other members will give you better advice, I just didn't want to see this post unanswered :

This megalink have many information, but, go to important > Kundalini and Hatha yoga, I think the basic Hatha Yoga there will be very good for the amount of time you have available:

Complete Chakra Meditation:

Chakra Spinning:

Aura of protection, and Aura Cleaning are mandatory, since you don't want to be attacked by the enemy, trust me they will do everything they can to make you lazy and even worse, protect yourself. And if you could do some RTRs it would be amazing too.
Here is the schedule - Noverber 16/December 5, you will find all the links for the RTRs there, some of them take just a few minutes, don't try to find any excuses to not do them (this mindset will help a lot) and help us in the fight.

Also, about the demon lover ritual, you did the ritual, if you're worthy of him/her, and open your psychic centers enough, you'll get to know him/her, be patient and follow the excercise from the Incubbi/Succubi page from the JOS main website, just don't give up, and stay focused.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. It was full of confusing and regretful. I feel motivated by ‘ gods are watching and trust them.’ It actually make me feel calm. I want to make my guardian deamon proud of me. There is no excuse ever for me to not keep on!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
