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Question #174: Join the US Army

No No No

US Army is s*hit

I love make rude jokes about this joke organization.


But there is also better wordings for this dumb question, let me help:
1.Why I love israel so much that I am ready to die for that?
2. How many white people I am ready to kill when US become similar shithole to South-Africa and whites rise up?
3. If I am non-white immigrant, why I still live is US when I hate whites?

OH...wait, I am not American, NOT MY PROBLEM?
You will be physically and mentally so worn out along with having no time for personal advancement, save for physical training. All parts of the US military are basically zionist fodder for the jewish agenda and have no value as many are lead to believe with "muh freedoms" and hurr defending the country.

The only authentic war for freedom was in 1776.
If you are advanced or even proficient at magic, and, if you want to practice black magic on people,, you can use your time in the Army to curse the reprobates that join, just so they can make life miserable for others.
angramainyu said:
If you are advanced or even proficient at magic, and, if you want to practice black magic on people,, you can use your time in the Army to curse the reprobates that join, just so they can make life miserable for others.

There are other valid targets for black magic, as opposed to choosing a random person who has done nothing to you. Say what you want about those in the army, but some of those people joined to try to advance themselves and their lives, as they had no better option like we do.
You get say, one in 40 that are trouble makers by nature. The vast majority are there as they can use the combative nature to good use. And other skills, of course. There is almost one bad apple among a dozen or 2. And even then, only when they cause a person trouble. If they cause me no problems, I get along with them just fine. One example, Jerry Peterson, founder of Scars combat, had the fighting skills, and voluntarily enlisted in the military during the Vietnam War. He is reported to have killed four of the enemy with hands and feet and body, as it was too close to use guns. He said that him and his buddies, with hands tied, kicked their way out of captivity. He is one of those that knew where to use his skills for a higher reason. This is just something one can use when they need to. A lot of people ( after boot camp ) can have their own house and do their own thing , after work hours depending on what job one is doing. Other jobs have you constantly around others 24/7, so it can be hard to have any private time. I know someone in the Navy 20 years, they had their own rented house, off base, and after their 8 hour shift, they did as they pleased. Someone else I knew, had a job where they could get only 4 hours sleep. So it all depends on the job, and assignment.
AskSatanOperator said:
Would it be good for me to join the US Army while I am a Satanic?

Mr Aquinno did this just fine now look at him :lol: :lol:
I'm glad to see this has nearly been smashed into a pulp but let me drive it home.


I can't make it any more clear than that.

You will be force-vaxxed, fed dog food, drink flouridated water from BPA-laced containers all day, driven mad by sociopaths and sent to die by jews.

You want to die for jews and jewish causes? Okay, join the army. But first, interview 10 combat veterans at a VA hospital.

You want to be a badass? Dedicate 3 years to a martial art (just pick one you like and dedicate 3 years to it), take professional tactics training from certified instructors and learn primitive outdoor survival skills. Also study human psychology, hypnosis and herbal medicine. Combined with SS exercises we do, you will be WAY more powerful than any green beret could hope to be.

Cowards and cucks join the (((ARMY)))

"Tell me what to do, daddy!" said the recruit
No. Army nowadays is not what it used to be. I saw a sermon in the old forum by HPS Maxine. She said you should really think about it before doing so.
Join the SS Army.

Unless you have specific reasons to why you'd be interested in joining the US army.

I similar had interest in joining the Army as my mom and grandfather had, also my dad was police officer.
Yet i feel like I'm making a bigger difference in life and in the world as part of Hells Army.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
