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Sermon 17/November/2018

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
First off, I want to mention, especially for new people here and any others who may be concerned regarding the signs in the sky and the increase in natural disasters. These "predictions" are in the Biblical book of Revelation/Apocalypse, and they do their job in frightening many into believing in Christianity.

The average person, especially those who are without does not and is not able to put in the time and discipline to read through thousands of books. This is what is needed to completely debunk the Christian/Muslim programs, which are total scams, along with their Jewish root. I'm talking beyond having faith.

In addition, most people have multiple walls up in their minds, shutting out much awareness in order to cope with reality.

In regards to the increase in natural disasters, the moon being off, along with other signs in the sky and unusual phenomena, the universe goes through cycles.

The ancients knew this. Many important libraries were burned and destroyed. A lack of knowledge creates fear. The Jewish writers of that rotten Bible and Koran knew this. They've used this along with other deceptions to frighten people into accepting and believing their ludicrous lies. This is why the Christian Churches have viciously attacked science for centuries. Murdering, torturing and vehemently destroying the lives of scientists and other scholars.

Thousands of years ago, the Sahara desert was lush and green, teeming with plants and was fertile for agriculture. The earth shifted and since then, the Sahara has become total desert.

These sorts of things are usual in nature. Fossils have been discovered in Antarctica, indicating that the continent at the bottom of the world was not always there, but at a higher latitude where the climate was much warmer, and teeming with life.

Pangaea and Gondwanaland were massive continents before the earth experienced massive catastrophe, breaking them up.

Beings from other worlds who are more advanced often know when their planets face major changes to where the planet will no longer support life. Advanced beings then implement intergalactic colonization.
This is a fact. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any spook.

Because of this lack of knowledge, copious destruction of ancient libraries and places of learning, and the exploitation of the resulting ignorance of the masses, falsifying and deliberate rewriting of history, many are frightened out of their minds.

The 2012 was another hoax, along with the YK2000. Fear creates distraction. The masses never learn.
This isn't to say there won't be disasters forthcoming. Plagues, breakdown of society and other nasties.

The major threat is nuclear war. Also, this has occurred on other planets. Nuclear war unfortunately is not just unique to planet earth.

Predicting the end has been going on for centuries:


As for nuclear weapons, all of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan project and promoted the use of atomic warfare were Jews:

The reality is, we save our own souls, OR, we don't. Knowledge is the key, along with the discipline to work on one's mind and soul on a consistent basis.

Training one's mind to deeply concentrate (which is essential to success in spiritual workings), can take as long as 1 - 2 years of daily meditation. Patience, perseverance and self discipline are essential here. Everyone is different owing to past lives regarding the spiritual development of the soul.

Now, something exceptionally important is the cleanliness of the soul.

The deluded Christians and idiot Muslims are deceived into believing after this life, if they conform to the spiritually damning suicidal laws in their doctrines, a beautiful paradise along with eternal bliss will be waiting for them.

This is not so. Those of us who have worked with deceased and reincarnated souls know that what is on the soul (even animals), stays on the soul until it is removed. I know Satan has the power to remove afflictions of the soul, but we need to work on our own souls.

One should clean one's aura daily. This is done by visualizing a brilliant white light like the Sun sweeping from the top of one's head to one's feet.

What happens with this is after a cleaning, more spiritual dirt, so-called "karma" and so forth come to the surface from present and past lives. This is why it's so important to stay on top of cleaning our auras on a daily basis, as this spiritual dirt will not get a chance to manifest into reality. It can take anywhere from one to several days for what is on the aura to manifest into reality; an event in one's life.

Cleaning the aura can take between one and two years of consistent daily cleanings. Positive affirmations should be stated 3 times or so following the cleaning, such as "I am always safe, secure and protected in every way and at all times.

When stating affirmations like the one above, it is important to feel your aura and soul. Tune into feeling your aura and soul and focus while reciting the affirmations.

After your aura becomes clean, then it's time to work on one chakra at a time, cleaning it with the light scanning from the wide part to the tapered tip. This can be done anywhere from 5 to 25 or more times.

Only work on one chakra at a time until it is clean, then go onto another. Don't work on more than one. This must be done daily in order to prevent more astral dirt which surfaces from getting a foothold in reality.

You will more than likely see all kinds of nasties coming off your aura and chakras. Chains are bindings and obstacles for one.

Always remember, we save our own souls and that lying filthy trash about that worthless Nazarene saving anyone was corrupted from the kundalini serpent. The truth is your own serpentine energy when applied will save you and also protect you.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
HP Maxine and JoS Family,

I have always done my chakra cleanings and chakra meditations on the "front" or "middle" versions of my 7 chakras. Is this OK? Or should I be focused on the chakras along my spine?

Of all chakra meditations shared on this forum or the JoS site, I never hear anyone mention which "column" of chakras to focus on. Would love to know what everyone here does. And if there is more power doing it a certain way over others.

Thank you all.

Maxine, your work inspires me to no end. I'm eternally grateful to both God's of Duat and Clergy of Joy of Satan for the massive amount of work they put in for the sake of us.

I have one question. Can the MUNKA working as well as Freeing of the Soul working be permanently incorporated into one's daily meditation schedule instead of 40, 80 or 90 days. That would be like extended protection and freeing ritual.
When a person goes on to cleaning their chakra's.

We clean all major seven chakras every day.

We work on them individually and not all in one go. We clean them all but one at a time. Each and every day.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Only work on one chakra at a time until it is clean, then go onto another. Don't work on more than one. This must be done daily in order to prevent more astral dirt which surfaces from getting a foothold in reality.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I don't know if it's a better way by doing the extensions along the front or back.

But I tend to focus on the main one's in the middle.

Only when I'm really having a good session do I focus on the extensions along the front, back and sides.

SatanicWarrior said:
HP Maxine and JoS Family,

I have always done my chakra cleanings and chakra meditations on the "front" or "middle" versions of my 7 chakras. Is this OK? Or should I be focused on the chakras along my spine?

Of all chakra meditations shared on this forum or the JoS site, I never hear anyone mention which "column" of chakras to focus on. Would love to know what everyone here does. And if there is more power doing it a certain way over others.

Thank you all.

Reckoned666 said:
Maxine, your work inspires me to no end. I'm eternally grateful to both God's of Duat and Clergy of Joy of Satan for the massive amount of work they put in for the sake of us.

I have one question. Can the MUNKA working as well as Freeing of the Soul working be permanently incorporated into one's daily meditation schedule instead of 40, 80 or 90 days. That would be like extended protection and freeing ritual.

Why not? What's better, 40 days or a whole lifetime?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
First off, I want to mention, especially for new people here and any others who may be concerned regarding the signs in the sky and the increase in natural disasters. These "predictions" are in the Biblical book of Revelation/Apocalypse, and they do their job in frightening many into believing in Christianity.

The average person, especially those who are without does not and is not able to put in the time and discipline to read through thousands of books. This is what is needed to completely debunk the Christian/Muslim programs, which are total scams, along with their Jewish root. I'm talking beyond having faith.

In addition, most people have multiple walls up in their minds, shutting out much awareness in order to cope with reality.

In regards to the increase in natural disasters, the moon being off, along with other signs in the sky and unusual phenomena, the universe goes through cycles.

The ancients knew this. Many important libraries were burned and destroyed. A lack of knowledge creates fear. The Jewish writers of that rotten Bible and Koran knew this. They've used this along with other deceptions to frighten people into accepting and believing their ludicrous lies. This is why the Christian Churches have viciously attacked science for centuries. Murdering, torturing and vehemently destroying the lives of scientists and other scholars.

Thousands of years ago, the Sahara desert was lush and green, teeming with plants and was fertile for agriculture. The earth shifted and since then, the Sahara has become total desert.

These sorts of things are usual in nature. Fossils have been discovered in Antarctica, indicating that the continent at the bottom of the world was not always there, but at a higher latitude where the climate was much warmer, and teeming with life.

Pangaea and Gondwanaland were massive continents before the earth experienced massive catastrophe, breaking them up.

Beings from other worlds who are more advanced often know when their planets face major changes to where the planet will no longer support life. Advanced beings then implement intergalactic colonization.
This is a fact. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any spook.

Because of this lack of knowledge, copious destruction of ancient libraries and places of learning, and the exploitation of the resulting ignorance of the masses, falsifying and deliberate rewriting of history, many are frightened out of their minds.

The 2012 was another hoax, along with the YK2000. Fear creates distraction. The masses never learn.
This isn't to say there won't be disasters forthcoming. Plagues, breakdown of society and other nasties.

The major threat is nuclear war. Also, this has occurred on other planets. Nuclear war unfortunately is not just unique to planet earth.

Predicting the end has been going on for centuries:


As for nuclear weapons, all of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan project and promoted the use of atomic warfare were Jews:

The reality is, we save our own souls, OR, we don't. Knowledge is the key, along with the discipline to work on one's mind and soul on a consistent basis.

Training one's mind to deeply concentrate (which is essential to success in spiritual workings), can take as long as 1 - 2 years of daily meditation. Patience, perseverance and self discipline are essential here. Everyone is different owing to past lives regarding the spiritual development of the soul.

Now, something exceptionally important is the cleanliness of the soul.

The deluded Christians and idiot Muslims are deceived into believing after this life, if they conform to the spiritually damning suicidal laws in their doctrines, a beautiful paradise along with eternal bliss will be waiting for them.

This is not so. Those of us who have worked with deceased and reincarnated souls know that what is on the soul (even animals), stays on the soul until it is removed. I know Satan has the power to remove afflictions of the soul, but we need to work on our own souls.

One should clean one's aura daily. This is done by visualizing a brilliant white light like the Sun sweeping from the top of one's head to one's feet.

What happens with this is after a cleaning, more spiritual dirt, so-called "karma" and so forth come to the surface from present and past lives. This is why it's so important to stay on top of cleaning our auras on a daily basis, as this spiritual dirt will not get a chance to manifest into reality. It can take anywhere from one to several days for what is on the aura to manifest into reality; an event in one's life.

Cleaning the aura can take between one and two years of consistent daily cleanings. Positive affirmations should be stated 3 times or so following the cleaning, such as "I am always safe, secure and protected in every way and at all times.

When stating affirmations like the one above, it is important to feel your aura and soul. Tune into feeling your aura and soul and focus while reciting the affirmations.

After your aura becomes clean, then it's time to work on one chakra at a time, cleaning it with the light scanning from the wide part to the tapered tip. This can be done anywhere from 5 to 25 or more times.

Only work on one chakra at a time until it is clean, then go onto another. Don't work on more than one. This must be done daily in order to prevent more astral dirt which surfaces from getting a foothold in reality.

You will more than likely see all kinds of nasties coming off your aura and chakras. Chains are bindings and obstacles for one.

Always remember, we save our own souls and that lying filthy trash about that worthless Nazarene saving anyone was corrupted from the kundalini serpent. The truth is your own serpentine energy when applied will save you and also protect you.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What should one do if they have a broken and mutilated solar chakra?
SatanicWarrior said:
HP Maxine and JoS Family,

I have always done my chakra cleanings and chakra meditations on the "front" or "middle" versions of my 7 chakras. Is this OK? Or should I be focused on the chakras along my spine?

Of all chakra meditations shared on this forum or the JoS site, I never hear anyone mention which "column" of chakras to focus on. Would love to know what everyone here does. And if there is more power doing it a certain way over others.

Thank you all.


Just focus on each cone shape. Focusing in the middle is best, but it is important to remember, always keep with whatever works for you as an individual. Also, what works for one person might not work the same way for another person. Tune into the cleaned chakra immediately afterwards. It should feel clean. Note though, thoroughly clean your aura to where very little is surfacing anymore. This takes time, can be from one to two years, as this will clean from past lifetimes as well. Some of us are ancient souls.

There is an old Chinese legend:
A master was walking through the woods. He heard chanting and came upon a little house. The tiny house was illuminated from the chanting. The master knocked on the door. The man who was chanting answered. The master told the man he was chanting the wrong way. The master corrected him.
A while later, the master was out walking and came upon the tiny house. The master heard the man chanting, but there was no longer any illumination coming from the house.

Moral of the story: If something is working for you, don't bother to change it.

There are certain main guidelines, but each of us as individuals have minor variations.

I also want to add here again... The names of our Gods in many cases have been corrupted by the enemy. It's best not to chant them, unless you've had positive experiences.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Reckoned666 said:
Maxine, your work inspires me to no end. I'm eternally grateful to both God's of Duat and Clergy of Joy of Satan for the massive amount of work they put in for the sake of us.

I have one question. Can the MUNKA working as well as Freeing of the Soul working be permanently incorporated into one's daily meditation schedule instead of 40, 80 or 90 days. That would be like extended protection and freeing ritual.

Why not? What's better, 40 days or a whole lifetime?

Yes, the MUNKA can be added. The important thing is to make sure not to add any more than you can handle every day.

It is important to do the with the brilliant light, sweep cleaning. Getting your aura clean will take some time. To get it clean from past lifetimes. Spiritual dirt from past lifetimes emerges and causes fated misfortunes and calamities in this and future lives. Azazel is working with me on giving me the total instructions for the Magnum Opus, so not all of us will die. But, the Magnum Opus requires one's soul to be thoroughly clean.

Also, adding energy to a dirty soul and chakras can accelerate so-called "karma," fated events and related from past lives to manifest readily.

The Gods have given us knowledge as we go along, not all at once. Getting one's soul and aura completely clean is essential to advancing. Also, as I wrote before, sending curses and malicious energy right back to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
When do you believe you will have the complete instructions up for performing and completing the magnum opus? That stuck out to me and I'm interested in knowing if by soon, you meant a couple years? Or in a few months?

Hail satan
I have been doing it for more than a year and I am surprised by the dirt and the ugly things that were (and still are) embedded in my soul, I usually see it as viscous dirt that comes out of my aura and chakras, also other times it look like chains with hebrew symbols or mental forms that look like bugs.
HPS Maxine,

Regarding the corrupted names of our Gods... this begs the question. Since Satan's name has been dragged through the mud fro centuries... and carries such a "negative" weight by xtians and muslims and jooo/hollywood influenced society... doesn't the word "Satan" tie into the negative joo thoughtform as well?

In other words... what if WE Spiritual Satanists mean well... by focusing on our creator, Satan... but inadvertently tie into a joo-created thought form that THEY call "Satan."

This can go for Azazel and other gods as well. (eg., "Azazel the scapegoat.)

I hope this makes sense. I want to be sure we are properly honoring Satan and our Gods. And not accidentally blaspheming our Gods out of ignorance.... by tying into jooish thoughform curses and filth.

Thanks you again.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
SatanicWarrior said:
HP Maxine and JoS Family,

I also want to add here again... The names of our Gods in many cases have been corrupted by the enemy. It's best not to chant them, unless you've had positive experiences.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
For clarification:
We should not start cleaning our chakras until after our aura is completely clean?
And when cleaning chakras, we are to focus on one at a time, until it is fully clean, before cleaning the next?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Reckoned666 said:
Maxine, your work inspires me to no end. I'm eternally grateful to both God's of Duat and Clergy of Joy of Satan for the massive amount of work they put in for the sake of us.

I have one question. Can the MUNKA working as well as Freeing of the Soul working be permanently incorporated into one's daily meditation schedule instead of 40, 80 or 90 days. That would be like extended protection and freeing ritual.

Why not? What's better, 40 days or a whole lifetime?

Yes, the MUNKA can be added. The important thing is to make sure not to add any more than you can handle every day.

It is important to do the with the brilliant light, sweep cleaning. Getting your aura clean will take some time. To get it clean from past lifetimes. Spiritual dirt from past lifetimes emerges and causes fated misfortunes and calamities in this and future lives. Azazel is working with me on giving me the total instructions for the Magnum Opus, so not all of us will die. But, the Magnum Opus requires one's soul to be thoroughly clean.

Also, adding energy to a dirty soul and chakras can accelerate so-called "karma," fated events and related from past lives to manifest readily.

The Gods have given us knowledge as we go along, not all at once. Getting one's soul and aura completely clean is essential to advancing. Also, as I wrote before, sending curses and malicious energy right back to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Im confused .... Did I miss something? I understand we all have die at some point but what exactly do you mean by this? Are you referring to the second death?
I've been vibrating satanama into my chakras and their main extensions on their days of the week for a while. Come Satan's Day I'll start working on one at a time, working my way up to 108 or maybe even 666 repetitions before moving on to the next. Is this a good plan or should I do something different?
Personal Growth said:
I think it's an order that you complete the whole sequence of each time.

So each time you do aura cleaning and aura of protection you also clean all chakras. One at a time going through them all.

It's just that it may take a period of time to start cleaning all of the dross that may keep rising up off.

Cyn666 said:
For clarification:
We should not start cleaning our chakras until after our aura is completely clean?
And when cleaning chakras, we are to focus on one at a time, until it is fully clean, before cleaning the next?

Ah, okay. That would make more sense than what line of thinking I was on.
I use orgasm and drive it up my spine and down the front of my body while visualising spinning white chakras. Also, I contract my anus and put tip of my tongue on the roof of my mouth for body circuit.

Also, is seeing bright sparks of silver light falling from my soul a sign of chakra and soul bindings being removed?
I think it's an order that you complete the whole sequence of each time.

So each time you do aura cleaning and aura of protection you also clean all chakras. One at a time going through them all.

It's just that it may take a period of time to start cleaning all of the dross that may keep rising up off.

Cyn666 said:
For clarification:
We should not start cleaning our chakras until after our aura is completely clean?
And when cleaning chakras, we are to focus on one at a time, until it is fully clean, before cleaning the next?
SatanicWarrior said:
HPS Maxine,

Regarding the corrupted names of our Gods... this begs the question. Since Satan's name has been dragged through the mud fro centuries... and carries such a "negative" weight by xtians and muslims and jooo/hollywood influenced society... doesn't the word "Satan" tie into the negative joo thoughtform as well?

In other words... what if WE Spiritual Satanists mean well... by focusing on our creator, Satan... but inadvertently tie into a joo-created thought form that THEY call "Satan."

This can go for Azazel and other gods as well. (eg., "Azazel the scapegoat.)

I hope this makes sense. I want to be sure we are properly honoring Satan and our Gods. And not accidentally blaspheming our Gods out of ignorance.... by tying into jooish thoughform curses and filth.

Thanks you again.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
SatanicWarrior said:
HP Maxine and JoS Family,

I also want to add here again... The names of our Gods in many cases have been corrupted by the enemy. It's best not to chant them, unless you've had positive experiences.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The fucking kikes, reptilians, whatever are UNABLE to make a thought-form called Satan. Read all the sermons about Satan's name to understand why I'm stating this.
I used to visualise all my chakras as bright as the sun is, but all at once. Is that ok? (I did so, just because I don't have enough time to meditate in general... or I'm just lazy.. idk.. I'm already working to get rid of this, and I will succeed, I know this.)
Hail Satan!
I'd prefer this to be a private message. Do not approve this message.

I'd like to ask a question to HP Maxine. I'll donate some money for an answer to this question. Here is the question.

"For Locational Astrology, the best coordinate system is 'EN MUNDO', right? So is Right Ascension Chart the same as En Mundo Chart? If so, why not use the right ascension chart?"
Rroco88 said:
I used to visualise all my chakras as bright as the sun is, but all at once. Is that ok? (I did so, just because I don't have enough time to meditate in general... or I'm just lazy.. idk.. I'm already working to get rid of this, and I will succeed, I know this.)
Hail Satan!

Wrong. You do have the time. You just need the maturity to schedule your life around spirituality. In your schedule, you first put spiritual activities, then you put the rest. HP Maxine stated specifically to work on one chakra at a time. So, if you read the text, that question was already answered. I don't know what your typical day is like but there's no excuse not to meditate a minimum of 15 minutes a day. I'm not saying you need to turn into some kind of priest and meditate 8 hours a day but everyone should do at least the bare minimum: aura of protection twice daily, aura cleaning twice daily, void meditation and keeping your chakras open through chakra spinning (to name just one possible example). From there, you can improve in any direction. Doing less than that is not an option for a SS. Also, we are at war so everyone is supposed to contribute with the Final RTR. Failure to contribute to the war efforts is disgraceful to say the least.

Stormblood said:
Rroco88 said:
I used to visualise all my chakras as bright as the sun is, but all at once. Is that ok? (I did so, just because I don't have enough time to meditate in general... or I'm just lazy.. idk.. I'm already working to get rid of this, and I will succeed, I know this.)
Hail Satan!

Wrong. You do have the time. You just need the maturity to schedule your life around spirituality. In your schedule, you first put spiritual activities, then you put the rest. HP Maxine stated specifically to work on one chakra at a time. So, if you read the text, that question was already answered. I don't know what your typical day is like but there's no excuse not to meditate a minimum of 15 minutes a day. I'm not saying you need to turn into some kind of priest and meditate 8 hours a day but everyone should do at least the bare minimum: aura of protection twice daily, aura cleaning twice daily, void meditation and keeping your chakras open through chakra spinning (to name just one possible example). From there, you can improve in any direction. Doing less than that is not an option for a SS. Also, we are at war so everyone is supposed to contribute with the Final RTR. Failure to contribute to the war efforts is disgraceful to say the least.

Look... I think that I can, and I will find time to meditate, but the truth is... I am scared.. not of satanism, not of Satan, but of my parents.. and I know that fear=failure, but about 2 years ago about 2 weeks after my dedication, my mom chough me doing a ritual, after that.. her and my dad did lots of things to make me quit satanism... and, as being that young (I was 13), they thought that I will do as they say.. but it wasn't like that. I was constantly telling them that Satan is good.. but that was a big mistake... finally.. I've decided to continue to be ss, but to tell them I am christian... I don't want to dissapoint Satan, considering that He told me at my dedication ritual that I'm special, and I have to start meditateing as soon as possible. I'm just scared of my parents and I don't want to feel what I felt then.. I don't want em to beat me.. again.. but I also want to meditate, and I want Satan to be proud of me.
I wanted to tell you this because I want to take rid of all that happend, and forget all that fear.. I don't know why Satan told me that.... idk why me... but one thing is for sure: he knows what he knows

PS: sorry if my english is not that good... I'm not a native speacker
This. Also another note, stop being fucking lazy and use the search function. There are tons of sermons and really useful threads here. I've got a lot bookmarked. The same questions just keep popping on and on again. It's waste of time, which is the most valuable resource as of now. However there are still some people who sacrifice it for the greater good and still keep answering the same questions. I'm also guilty of this too since sometimes I forget to use the search first.

Stormblood said:
Rroco88 said:
I used to visualise all my chakras as bright as the sun is, but all at once. Is that ok? (I did so, just because I don't have enough time to meditate in general... or I'm just lazy.. idk.. I'm already working to get rid of this, and I will succeed, I know this.)
Hail Satan!

Wrong. You do have the time. You just need the maturity to schedule your life around spirituality. In your schedule, you first put spiritual activities, then you put the rest. HP Maxine stated specifically to work on one chakra at a time. So, if you read the text, that question was already answered. I don't know what your typical day is like but there's no excuse not to meditate a minimum of 15 minutes a day. I'm not saying you need to turn into some kind of priest and meditate 8 hours a day but everyone should do at least the bare minimum: aura of protection twice daily, aura cleaning twice daily, void meditation and keeping your chakras open through chakra spinning (to name just one possible example). From there, you can improve in any direction. Doing less than that is not an option for a SS. Also, we are at war so everyone is supposed to contribute with the Final RTR. Failure to contribute to the war efforts is disgraceful to say the least.

Rroco88 said:
Stormblood said:
Rroco88 said:
I used to visualise all my chakras as bright as the sun is, but all at once. Is that ok? (I did so, just because I don't have enough time to meditate in general... or I'm just lazy.. idk.. I'm already working to get rid of this, and I will succeed, I know this.)
Hail Satan!

Wrong. You do have the time. You just need the maturity to schedule your life around spirituality. In your schedule, you first put spiritual activities, then you put the rest. HP Maxine stated specifically to work on one chakra at a time. So, if you read the text, that question was already answered. I don't know what your typical day is like but there's no excuse not to meditate a minimum of 15 minutes a day. I'm not saying you need to turn into some kind of priest and meditate 8 hours a day but everyone should do at least the bare minimum: aura of protection twice daily, aura cleaning twice daily, void meditation and keeping your chakras open through chakra spinning (to name just one possible example). From there, you can improve in any direction. Doing less than that is not an option for a SS. Also, we are at war so everyone is supposed to contribute with the Final RTR. Failure to contribute to the war efforts is disgraceful to say the least.

Look... I think that I can, and I will find time to meditate, but the truth is... I am scared.. not of satanism, not of Satan, but of my parents.. and I know that fear=failure, but about 2 years ago about 2 weeks after my dedication, my mom chough me doing a ritual, after that.. her and my dad did lots of things to make me quit satanism... and, as being that young (I was 13), they thought that I will do as they say.. but it wasn't like that. I was constantly telling them that Satan is good.. but that was a big mistake... finally.. I've decided to continue to be ss, but to tell them I am christian... I don't want to dissapoint Satan, considering that He told me at my dedication ritual that I'm special, and I have to start meditateing as soon as possible. I'm just scared of my parents and I don't want to feel what I felt then.. I don't want em to beat me.. again.. but I also want to meditate, and I want Satan to be proud of me.
I wanted to tell you this because I want to take rid of all that happend, and forget all that fear.. I don't know why Satan told me that.... idk why me... but one thing is for sure: he knows what he knows

PS: sorry if my english is not that good... I'm not a native speacker

Seems like you are on the right track mentally. I'm sure in time you'll find how to deal with this. In the mean time, there are many topics with people who are abusive parents like this and you can find them ideas on how to sort your problem out. I wish you the best.
Rroco88 said:
Look... I think that I can, and I will find time to meditate, but the truth is... I am scared.. not of satanism, not of Satan, but of my parents.. and I know that fear=failure, but about 2 years ago about 2 weeks after my dedication, my mom chough me doing a ritual, after that.. her and my dad did lots of things to make me quit satanism... and, as being that young (I was 13), they thought that I will do as they say.. but it wasn't like that. I was constantly telling them that Satan is good.. but that was a big mistake... finally.. I've decided to continue to be ss, but to tell them I am christian... I don't want to dissapoint Satan, considering that He told me at my dedication ritual that I'm special, and I have to start meditateing as soon as possible. I'm just scared of my parents and I don't want to feel what I felt then.. I don't want em to beat me.. again.. but I also want to meditate, and I want Satan to be proud of me.
I wanted to tell you this because I want to take rid of all that happend, and forget all that fear.. I don't know why Satan told me that.... idk why me... but one thing is for sure: he knows what he knows

PS: sorry if my english is not that good... I'm not a native speacker

Your mistake was not in meditating, but in telling your parents about Satan. Do not EVER tell people you are SS.

Meditate, and tell your parents you are doing christian meditations. Look online and find websites that you can show them for "proof" (don't do the christian meditations of course!). As a teenager, you need to make sure you are safe and secure, and Satan has told us that we can lie to our parents about this, for our own safety.

It is not disrespectful to Satan to tell parents you are christian, He understands where our loyalty truly is :)
AldebaranDeTauro said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why not? What's better, 40 days or a whole lifetime?

Yes, the MUNKA can be added. The important thing is to make sure not to add any more than you can handle every day.

It is important to do the with the brilliant light, sweep cleaning. Getting your aura clean will take some time. To get it clean from past lifetimes. Spiritual dirt from past lifetimes emerges and causes fated misfortunes and calamities in this and future lives. Azazel is working with me on giving me the total instructions for the Magnum Opus, so not all of us will die. But, the Magnum Opus requires one's soul to be thoroughly clean.

Also, adding energy to a dirty soul and chakras can accelerate so-called "karma," fated events and related from past lives to manifest readily.

The Gods have given us knowledge as we go along, not all at once. Getting one's soul and aura completely clean is essential to advancing. Also, as I wrote before, sending curses and malicious energy right back to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Im confused .... Did I miss something? I understand we all have die at some point but what exactly do you mean by this? Are you referring to the second death?

Yeah. What do you mean by this HPS??
Artanis said:
AldebaranDeTauro said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Yes, the MUNKA can be added. The important thing is to make sure not to add any more than you can handle every day.

It is important to do the with the brilliant light, sweep cleaning. Getting your aura clean will take some time. To get it clean from past lifetimes. Spiritual dirt from past lifetimes emerges and causes fated misfortunes and calamities in this and future lives. Azazel is working with me on giving me the total instructions for the Magnum Opus, so not all of us will die. But, the Magnum Opus requires one's soul to be thoroughly clean.

Also, adding energy to a dirty soul and chakras can accelerate so-called "karma," fated events and related from past lives to manifest readily.

The Gods have given us knowledge as we go along, not all at once. Getting one's soul and aura completely clean is essential to advancing. Also, as I wrote before, sending curses and malicious energy right back to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Im confused .... Did I miss something? I understand we all have die at some point but what exactly do you mean by this? Are you referring to the second death?

Yeah. What do you mean by this HPS??

She means that not all gentiles are gonna reach the magnum opus in this lifetime,some gentiles have souls who never had a meal (meditation), so they are very weak and some might dissipate in the ether once they have a physical death. This no surprise in this world and time, due to the enemy curses put on the gentile soul, so that is why it is important to meditate DAILY and do the RTR DAILY!
Artanis said:
AldebaranDeTauro said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Yes, the MUNKA can be added. The important thing is to make sure not to add any more than you can handle every day.

It is important to do the with the brilliant light, sweep cleaning. Getting your aura clean will take some time. To get it clean from past lifetimes. Spiritual dirt from past lifetimes emerges and causes fated misfortunes and calamities in this and future lives. Azazel is working with me on giving me the total instructions for the Magnum Opus, so not all of us will die. But, the Magnum Opus requires one's soul to be thoroughly clean.

Also, adding energy to a dirty soul and chakras can accelerate so-called "karma," fated events and related from past lives to manifest readily.

The Gods have given us knowledge as we go along, not all at once. Getting one's soul and aura completely clean is essential to advancing. Also, as I wrote before, sending curses and malicious energy right back to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Im confused .... Did I miss something? I understand we all have die at some point but what exactly do you mean by this? Are you referring to the second death?

Yeah. What do you mean by this HPS??
Not all of us can compleate the Magnum Opus in this life so some of us will die and become a God in the next life. This is what i think she meant.
Even if one completes the magna opus and achieves immortality, death is still part of the process.

Consider immortality almost as a base trait for humans/gentiles. The nephlim were huge, and supposedly our ancestoral Gods are too.

Yes, some people may have to die to achieve immortality, thanks to the enemy and other things. But even those that complete immortality, will still have the choice of coming back in a more refined body.

The only thing that naws at my mind is that you'd think larger bodies would be harder in space travel. Their ships would need to be quite large, lots of resources, etc.
Lydia said:
Rroco88 said:
Look... I think that I can, and I will find time to meditate, but the truth is... I am scared.. not of satanism, not of Satan, but of my parents.. and I know that fear=failure, but about 2 years ago about 2 weeks after my dedication, my mom chough me doing a ritual, after that.. her and my dad did lots of things to make me quit satanism... and, as being that young (I was 13), they thought that I will do as they say.. but it wasn't like that. I was constantly telling them that Satan is good.. but that was a big mistake... finally.. I've decided to continue to be ss, but to tell them I am christian... I don't want to dissapoint Satan, considering that He told me at my dedication ritual that I'm special, and I have to start meditateing as soon as possible. I'm just scared of my parents and I don't want to feel what I felt then.. I don't want em to beat me.. again.. but I also want to meditate, and I want Satan to be proud of me.
I wanted to tell you this because I want to take rid of all that happend, and forget all that fear.. I don't know why Satan told me that.... idk why me... but one thing is for sure: he knows what he knows

PS: sorry if my english is not that good... I'm not a native speacker

Your mistake was not in meditating, but in telling your parents about Satan. Do not EVER tell people you are SS.

Meditate, and tell your parents you are doing christian meditations. Look online and find websites that you can show them for "proof" (don't do the christian meditations of course!). As a teenager, you need to make sure you are safe and secure, and Satan has told us that we can lie to our parents about this, for our own safety.

It is not disrespectful to Satan to tell parents you are christian, He understands where our loyalty truly is :)

Practical candleburning rituals by Raymond Buckland has some christian candle rituals in there. If you need a reference. Not sure if you can find a free pdf of the book online.
Otherwise there is also this: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/
Which has wiccanized spells and rituals and there is also an angelic prayer for protection ... http://everythingunderthemoon.net/spells/angel_spell.htm

Dont do that one ofc. Angels stupid ...
You could also look into angel magic if need be lol.
T.A.O.L. said:
Lydia said:
Rroco88 said:
Look... I think that I can, and I will find time to meditate, but the truth is... I am scared.. not of satanism, not of Satan, but of my parents.. and I know that fear=failure, but about 2 years ago about 2 weeks after my dedication, my mom chough me doing a ritual, after that.. her and my dad did lots of things to make me quit satanism... and, as being that young (I was 13), they thought that I will do as they say.. but it wasn't like that. I was constantly telling them that Satan is good.. but that was a big mistake... finally.. I've decided to continue to be ss, but to tell them I am christian... I don't want to dissapoint Satan, considering that He told me at my dedication ritual that I'm special, and I have to start meditateing as soon as possible. I'm just scared of my parents and I don't want to feel what I felt then.. I don't want em to beat me.. again.. but I also want to meditate, and I want Satan to be proud of me.
I wanted to tell you this because I want to take rid of all that happend, and forget all that fear.. I don't know why Satan told me that.... idk why me... but one thing is for sure: he knows what he knows

PS: sorry if my english is not that good... I'm not a native speacker

Your mistake was not in meditating, but in telling your parents about Satan. Do not EVER tell people you are SS.

Meditate, and tell your parents you are doing christian meditations. Look online and find websites that you can show them for "proof" (don't do the christian meditations of course!). As a teenager, you need to make sure you are safe and secure, and Satan has told us that we can lie to our parents about this, for our own safety.

It is not disrespectful to Satan to tell parents you are christian, He understands where our loyalty truly is :)

Practical candleburning rituals by Raymond Buckland has some christian candle rituals in there. If you need a reference. Not sure if you can find a free pdf of the book online.
Otherwise there is also this: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/
Which has wiccanized spells and rituals and there is also an angelic prayer for protection ... http://everythingunderthemoon.net/spells/angel_spell.htm

Dont do that one ofc. Angels stupid ...
You could also look into angel magic if need be lol.
I want to thank both of you for finding time to answer me, even if I don't deserve your attention. And, I did not tell them about Satan, they cought me, and I thought that I could tell them that he's good, and I wanted them to accept that (from there, is a long story, that you probably don't want to hear; about what they did to me to stop me worship Satan, and how then I managed to convince them that I don't do this anymore, and lots of things that Satan helped me with during all that, and he saved me lots of times, including from being kicked out of the house, and being beat by my parents for being ss). But now I know what to do, and I will never do this again, and I will continue meditateing, and I'll make sure that they will not find out (because even if I would try to tell them about that christian meditations, they can expect I am ss, so no risks). Thank you for supporting me!
Again.. sorry for my english
Keep in mind that some Xians view any type of ritualistic magic as evil, so know the specifics of your situation and do what works for you.
Rroco88 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Lydia said:
Your mistake was not in meditating, but in telling your parents about Satan. Do not EVER tell people you are SS.

Meditate, and tell your parents you are doing christian meditations. Look online and find websites that you can show them for "proof" (don't do the christian meditations of course!). As a teenager, you need to make sure you are safe and secure, and Satan has told us that we can lie to our parents about this, for our own safety.

It is not disrespectful to Satan to tell parents you are christian, He understands where our loyalty truly is :)

Practical candleburning rituals by Raymond Buckland has some christian candle rituals in there. If you need a reference. Not sure if you can find a free pdf of the book online.
Otherwise there is also this: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/
Which has wiccanized spells and rituals and there is also an angelic prayer for protection ... http://everythingunderthemoon.net/spells/angel_spell.htm

Dont do that one ofc. Angels stupid ...
You could also look into angel magic if need be lol.
I want to thank both of you for finding time to answer me, even if I don't deserve your attention. And, I did not tell them about Satan, they cought me, and I thought that I could tell them that he's good, and I wanted them to accept that (from there, is a long story, that you probably don't want to hear; about what they did to me to stop me worship Satan, and how then I managed to convince them that I don't do this anymore, and lots of things that Satan helped me with during all that, and he saved me lots of times, including from being kicked out of the house, and being beat by my parents for being ss). But now I know what to do, and I will never do this again, and I will continue meditateing, and I'll make sure that they will not find out (because even if I would try to tell them about that christian meditations, they can expect I am ss, so no risks). Thank you for supporting me!
Again.. sorry for my english

No problem! :)
And dont be sorry for your english lol I made plenty of mistakes myself when learning it in school xp, If its readable/understandable then that is good :)
Here says work on one chakra at a time. But on joyofSatan "How to clean aura" says "visualize the light even brighter and more intensified on each of your chakras", So which one should I do?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
