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Ursa Minor

May 25, 2022
Reversing the cursing
This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase? If it's the latter I kinda get it, but I would personally call it the “Jewish Factor” rather than a “question”. Mainly because anytime a kike gets involved with the works of Gentiles, our work gets “Jewed” up, and loses some if not all of it's original intent. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case here on JoS, but I know (((those bastards))) still try to get in the way as we've all seen.

Another question, about the FRTR, I typically feel tired but relaxed after finishing one. Does doing the FRTR expend much spiritual or mental energy (I do have to focus intensely to minimize mistakes), which in turn could make me feel tired? It feels like I've been using more energy lately than I have when I first started. Sometimes, I'm also interrupted by the feeling of something being pushed or pulled out of me (I can feel energy but not see it yet). When that happens, I briefly loose focus and I feel like I can't speak, I do continue with the ritual though after I recover. Any idea what that might be?

Last question, does anyone else have Lucifuge Rofocale as their GD? I'm still trying to find out who my GD is and I think I'm getting close. There are a few things I don't fully understand how it relates spiritually, like the plant, the candle color, and zodiac position. My guess about the zodiac position is that it has something to do with my chart ruler. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.
Ursa Minor said:
This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase? If it's the latter I kinda get it, but I would personally call it the “Jewish Factor” rather than a “question”. Mainly because anytime a kike gets involved with the works of Gentiles, our work gets “Jewed” up, and loses some if not all of it's original intent. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case here on JoS, but I know (((those bastards))) still try to get in the way as we've all seen.

Another question, about the FRTR, I typically feel tired but relaxed after finishing one. Does doing the FRTR expend much spiritual or mental energy (I do have to focus intensely to minimize mistakes), which in turn could make me feel tired? It feels like I've been using more energy lately than I have when I first started. Sometimes, I'm also interrupted by the feeling of something being pushed or pulled out of me (I can feel energy but not see it yet). When that happens, I briefly loose focus and I feel like I can't speak, I do continue with the ritual though after I recover. Any idea what that might be?

Last question, does anyone else have Lucifuge Rofocale as their GD? I'm still trying to find out who my GD is and I think I'm getting close. There are a few things I don't fully understand how it relates spiritually, like the plant, the candle color, and zodiac position. My guess about the zodiac position is that it has something to do with my chart ruler. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

The Jewish question is still a world problem. There is simply no history of the genetic waste called this race, no way of knowing where it really came from. They are actually aliens, they have only taken 'human' form. What they get their hands on (constitutions, laws) they destroy, and for their own destructive mentality, they turn it into something that has almost nothing to do with the common good, but is merely constructive to themselves.

FRTR is the most powerful Ritual, both as a person and as a collective force. It contains a lot of vibration and can wear you out by the end. However, the pleasant, euphoric feeling that follows is very uplifting and liberating. Because RTRs have a healthy effect on ourselves and help us to get rid of destructive, hostile energies and curses.

Lucifuge Rofocale is a wonderful, helpful, understanding and kind. Who one's Guardian Demon is will manifest itself in time.
Ursa Minor said:
This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase? If it's the latter I kinda get it, but I would personally call it the “Jewish Factor”
Take some advice from the resident Grammar Nazi - stop. :p

This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase? If it's the latter I kinda get it, but I would personally call it the “Jewish Factor” rather than a “question”. Mainly because anytime a kike gets involved with the works of Gentiles, our work gets “Jewed” up, and loses some if not all of it's original intent. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case here on JoS, but I know (((those bastards))) still try to get in the way as we've all seen.
I think it's just another coined phrase, and it has to fit a certain rhyme. "The Human condition", "the jewish question", etc. (Sorry for Star Trek again but) I noticed 2 phrases in 2 separate programmes, episodes and alien species saying something in Star Trek. Forgive my exolinguistics misspellings, but one was "jolan true" (jo-lan true), the other was "peldor joy" (pell-door joy). Each has 2 words - the first, alien; the second, English; the first, 2 syllables; the 2nd, one syllable. It's just psychological, and also to attempt to brainwash us with obsessiveness. Obviously, "condition" has 3 syllables and "question" has 2, but it also reminds me of Conspiracy Theory, where I think murderers always have 3 names in the media, like Tom Harry Dickson, whereas others, robbers or whomever, always have only 2 names in the media, i.e. Tom Dickson... I don't know if that is true in real-life or not, but it might explain some things from it being in the film.
Ursa Minor said:
This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase?
I think you mean "the jewish problem" which is a very known phrase used on large scale among the people who know the truth about jews for tens of years. I don't know where this originated though, but if you type in "the jewish problem" on the internet there are probably tens of articles mentionning this phrase alone.

Ursa Minor said:
Another question, about the FRTR, I typically feel tired but relaxed after finishing one. Does doing the FRTR expend much spiritual or mental energy (I do have to focus intensely to minimize mistakes), which in turn could make me feel tired? It feels like I've been using more energy lately than I have when I first started.
Maybe you get easily depleted of energy. Power meditations like Raum or Satanas should increase your energy levels in the soul on longterm, therefore getting tired from just one RTR shouldn't be an issue anymore after a while as your soul will be a lot stronger and able to deal with higher demands of energy. Also having a stronger soul also neccesitates yoga to ensure that energy flows smoothly and doesn't get stuck into blockages, causing inbalances and disturbance in the soul. However these meditations are to be done gradually and on long term, there is no way to tell how much exactly you have to meditate and do yoga in order to not feel tired anymore after an RTR.
BrightSpace666 said:
The Jewish question is still a world problem. There is simply no history of the genetic waste called this race, no way of knowing where it really came from. They are actually aliens, they have only taken 'human' form. What they get their hands on (constitutions, laws) they destroy, and for their own destructive mentality, they turn it into something that has almost nothing to do with the common good, but is merely constructive to themselves.
Lucifuge Rofocale is a wonderful, helpful, understanding and kind. Who one's Guardian Demon is will manifest itself in time.
I understand that ultimately (((they))) want to enslave us, and sacrifice us in the name of Jewhovah unhindered. I was mostly confused as to why this was called a "question" and not a problem. Also, as odd as it sounds to say we're defending ourselves from malevolent space aliens, that seems to be the case.

Lucifuge Rofocale definitely is, I spoke with him over telepathy before. Many other Gods helped me too. I guess finding my GD is not something to be rushed, as much as I would like to find out who he or she is.

FancyMancy said:
Take some advice from the resident Grammar Nazi - stop.
I agree, very likely I'm over thinking this.

The Alchemist7 said:
I think you mean "the jewish problem" which is a very known phrase...

Maybe you get easily depleted of energy. Power meditations like Raum or Satanas should increase your energy levels in the soul on longterm, ... Also having a stronger soul also neccesitates yoga to ensure that energy flows smoothly and doesn't get stuck into blockages...
I see, I guess somewhere down the line that phrase got twisted into "question" rather than "problem". Calling it a problem makes perfect sense to me.

I found the Raum meditation but where is the Satanas one? The blockage, if that's what my issue is, seems to be near my throat chakra. I feel the energy travel up and then it gets "stuck" somewhere around there.
Ursa Minor said:
This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What exactly is the Jewish Question? Is it actually a question or just a colloquial phrase? If it's the latter I kinda get it, but I would personally call it the “Jewish Factor” rather than a “question”. Mainly because anytime a kike gets involved with the works of Gentiles, our work gets “Jewed” up, and loses some if not all of it's original intent. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case here on JoS, but I know (((those bastards))) still try to get in the way as we've all seen.

Another question, about the FRTR, I typically feel tired but relaxed after finishing one. Does doing the FRTR expend much spiritual or mental energy (I do have to focus intensely to minimize mistakes), which in turn could make me feel tired? It feels like I've been using more energy lately than I have when I first started. Sometimes, I'm also interrupted by the feeling of something being pushed or pulled out of me (I can feel energy but not see it yet). When that happens, I briefly loose focus and I feel like I can't speak, I do continue with the ritual though after I recover. Any idea what that might be?

Last question, does anyone else have Lucifuge Rofocale as their GD? I'm still trying to find out who my GD is and I think I'm getting close. There are a few things I don't fully understand how it relates spiritually, like the plant, the candle color, and zodiac position. My guess about the zodiac position is that it has something to do with my chart ruler. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

I think the expression "The X Question" is a colloquialism, because it's used in other contexts too and it doesn't often mean an actual, literal question. I am glad to see another Grammar Nazi on board though. You should use your nitpickiness in service to Father. Go scour through the JoS, HP Cobra is looking for people like us.

Also, in all likelihood, the feeling of something getting pushed or pulled out of you is the feeling of jewish curses, negative energies, thoughtforms, bindings, etc. being dislodged and banished from your soul. The F-RTR is not only service to the Gods and humanity but also highly empowering, liberating and beneficial to oneself as well. This is why one should incorporate it into their daily routine strongly.

At the same time, however, I see your issue. You seemingly don't know what the "SATANAS meditation" is, which in all likelihood also means you simply don't raise energies prior to a working as you should, especially considering one so intensive, important and "long" (at least, if we assume you joined Satanism around the time you joined the forums - then a regular RTR session is likely a bit on the longer side of magickal workings for you still).

Brother(?), raising energies prior to any magickal working whatsoever is vital. By doing so, you are not only not spending from your own energy reserves (and as thus, massively mitigating exhaustion) but also are able to pour more power into your working, thus increasing its effectiveness. Also, I am sure you noticed it but tanking your own energy reserves also makes it really hard to focus, and focus is absolutely one of the most important things in working magick. So, make sure to always, always raise your energies before any session of magick, even more so RTRs. In fact, during schedules in which we do multiple rituals per day (such as the recent few ones), you may even feel that your raised energies have run out after a particular ritual but there is still more to do. Then you can take a short break and raise more energies. Besides, it used to be recommended to take a short break inbetween different workings (say, 10-20 minutes at most) so as not to mix energies anyway - I don't know if this is still valid advice but it is intuitively sound, so I see it fit to suggest it to you. Still, run it through your own filter.

Anywho, how do you raise energies you ask? Well, HPS Maxine says that "Using Runes and vibration is one of the quickest and most powerful ways of raising energy. Other ways are using the foundation meditation or through just visualization. You raise the energy and should feel it strongly, throughout your entire body. Other ways include Hatha yoga, Tai Chi and/or breathing exercises of your choice." Though I think most people, especially at first and older people, use 666 Meditation and SATANAS Meditation to raise their energies prior to a bout of rituals. It used to be part of the instructions for performing RTRs. Just do 666 Meditation once and a few rounds of SATANAS (as many as you are comfortable - though beware; as simple as this meditation may seem, it can raise a lot of energy, don't overwhelm yourself!) and you're good to go.

I have heard of some more advanced people using MerKaBa to raise energies, but you can figure that out as you go a little further on your path. There are quite a few alternatives as I mentioned anyway.

Oh and, I almost forgot to mention. A large part of the reason you may be feeling off is that you are probably not cleansing sufficiently (if at all) following an RTR session. The jews have surrounded their pig excrement thoughtform yahweh with protective spells, curses, etc. So when we are dissolving jehovah in a vat of Satanic-blue acid as we do with our RTRs, their protective curses can end up latching onto us. Don't worry, it's very easy to get rid of such basic negative energy if you just do what you need to after rituals. Always, and I do mean always make sure to cleanse thoroughly following a good RTR session. If you are doing multiple rituals as part of your daily spiritual warfare, as is the case when we are doing schedules or when it's your personal choice; just cleanse when you are completely done. It's strongly recommended to do intensive, deep cleaning too, not superficial stuff. The RTRs dislodge curses from deep within you, so it's important to scrub yourself really thoroughly. Do Returning Curses, and Part 2 as an extra Aura of Protection after you are done with Part 1. This not only ensures that you are squeaky clean after RTRs, but it also means you get to purge, cleanse and return back to the jews even their own protection curses since you are directing the ball of negative energy back to the "senders"; which in this case would be the jews or jehovah.

Raise enough energies and cleanse well enough and trust me, in no time at all, you will be feeling downright enraptured after a good RTR session. It's a healthy high!
Ursa Minor said:
I found the Raum meditation but where is the Satanas one? The blockage, if that's what my issue is, seems to be near my throat chakra. I feel the energy travel up and then it gets "stuck" somewhere around there.
This is the Satanas meditation (I couldn't find it on the website but it is somewhere), it doesn't say there but as far as I remember that meditation is vibrated in the chakras, one letter per chakra starting from the crown chakra down. Or probably this one here is being vibrated in the soul to raise your energy


Also you might have karmic emotional issues if there is a blockage on the throat chakra.
The Alchemist7 said:
This is the Satanas meditation (I couldn't find it on the website but it is somewhere), it doesn't say there but as far as I remember that meditation is vibrated in the chakras, one letter per chakra starting from the crown chakra down. Or probably this one here is being vibrated in the soul to raise your energy


Also you might have karmic emotional issues if there is a blockage on the throat chakra.

This is it? That's what I found in one of the RTR links. I didn't know you're supposed to "aim" the vibrations at the chakras, but I felt immediate results upon vibrating Satanas.

My past lives do suggest I may have karmic emotional issues, I'll have to find the roots before I can fix them. Thanks for the advice.

OuroborphicMystery said:
I think the expression "The X Question" is a colloquialism, because it's used in other contexts too and it doesn't often mean an actual, literal question. I am glad to see another Grammar Nazi on board though. You should use your nitpickiness in service to Father. Go scour through the JoS, HP Cobra is looking for people like us.

Also, in all likelihood, the feeling of something getting pushed or pulled out of you is the feeling of jewish curses, negative energies, thoughtforms, bindings, etc. being dislodged and banished from your soul. The F-RTR is not only service to the Gods and humanity but also highly empowering, liberating and beneficial to oneself as well. This is why one should incorporate it into their daily routine strongly.

... You seemingly don't know what the "SATANAS meditation" is, which in all likelihood also means you simply don't raise energies prior to a working as you should, ...

Brother(?), raising energies prior to any magickal working whatsoever is vital. ...

Oh and, I almost forgot to mention. A large part of the reason you may be feeling off is that you are probably not cleansing sufficiently (if at all) following an RTR session. ...

Raise enough energies and cleanse well enough and trust me, in no time at all, you will be feeling downright enraptured after a good RTR session. It's a healthy high!

Yes, I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi sometimes. I know sometimes humor requires "improper" speech or writing in order to convey proper intent, so I can overlook it if it's funny. I also know translation to and from any language can be a bitch, which is why most automated translators are shit. If it's at least in "broken" English, I can clean it up, but I have to know the author's original intent, which I can usually guess thanks to my 3rd eye being open and some experience talking to non-native English speakers. I would love to help out with proofreading, do I contact through the cobra army email?

Yes, one of my guesses are that (((something))) is being removed. I felt it "bounce around" inside me sometimes when I try to aim the vibrations at it, like it was trying to run away, very freaky. (I probably watched too many Alien movies.)

You're right I don't, I did a few times before by gathering red energy through a simple breathing exercise before starting the RTR, but the meditations you all have shown me, I tried them out and they work much better and calm me down so I can focus better. I'll make it a habit to "charge-up" before any rituals or workings, and yes I'm a guy.

Yeah, I keep forgetting that part about cleaning my aura. I think I should take a break from the RTR and do multiple deep cleanings back to back. Try to get it squeaky clean before I start pummeling (((them))) again, then remember to keep my aura clean. I have to work around a roommate, and I only do vibrations at times when I'm alone and no one can see or hear me. I can do some workings mentally without physical vibrations, but it takes longer to get the same results.
The Alchemist7 said:
This is the Satanas meditation (I couldn't find it on the website but it is somewhere), it doesn't say there but as far as I remember that meditation is vibrated in the chakras, one letter per chakra starting from the crown chakra down. Or probably this one here is being vibrated in the soul to raise your energy

Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Ursa Minor said:
BrightSpace666 said:
The Jewish question is still a world problem. There is simply no history of the genetic waste called this race, no way of knowing where it really came from. They are actually aliens, they have only taken 'human' form. What they get their hands on (constitutions, laws) they destroy, and for their own destructive mentality, they turn it into something that has almost nothing to do with the common good, but is merely constructive to themselves.
Lucifuge Rofocale is a wonderful, helpful, understanding and kind. Who one's Guardian Demon is will manifest itself in time.
I understand that ultimately (((they))) want to enslave us, and sacrifice us in the name of Jewhovah unhindered. I was mostly confused as to why this was called a "question" and not a problem. Also, as odd as it sounds to say we're defending ourselves from malevolent space aliens, that seems to be the case.

Lucifuge Rofocale definitely is, I spoke with him over telepathy before. Many other Gods helped me too. I guess finding my GD is not something to be rushed, as much as I would like to find out who he or she is.

FancyMancy said:
Take some advice from the resident Grammar Nazi - stop.
I agree, very likely I'm over thinking this.

The Alchemist7 said:
I think you mean "the jewish problem" which is a very known phrase...

Maybe you get easily depleted of energy. Power meditations like Raum or Satanas should increase your energy levels in the soul on longterm, ... Also having a stronger soul also neccesitates yoga to ensure that energy flows smoothly and doesn't get stuck into blockages...
I see, I guess somewhere down the line that phrase got twisted into "question" rather than "problem". Calling it a problem makes perfect sense to me.

I found the Raum meditation but where is the Satanas one? The blockage, if that's what my issue is, seems to be near my throat chakra. I feel the energy travel up and then it gets "stuck" somewhere around there.

Look for signs that could point to your Guardian Demon. These might be the name of a Demon that has been in your head for a long time, numbers, signs, seals that belong to a particular Demon. Awareness is a huge key.
That part about taking a break, scratch that. Soon after I posted that I got a "hint" in my phone notifications.
Random thought: Smartphones are like electronic knock-offs of black mirrors, at least to me they seem to be.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381867 time=1660734651 user_id=57]
Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Does that only apply only to the Satanas meditation or generally to any meditation on the chakras? I always thought on chakra meditations the vibrations start from the crown down. Either I read this somehwere and I don't remember where, either I had this sensation due to the fact that on the 6 months spiritual program the chakras had to be opened from the crown down. I think the only difference was the sixth chakra which was opened last, after the base chakra.
The Alchemist7 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381867 time=1660734651 user_id=57]
Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Does that only apply only to the Satanas meditation or generally to any meditation on the chakras? I always thought on chakra meditations the vibrations start from the crown down. Either I read this somehwere and I don't remember where, either I had this sensation due to the fact that on the 6 months spiritual program the chakras had to be opened from the crown down. I think the only difference was the sixth chakra which was opened last, after the base chakra.

You are correct. It was written in JoS, but this has been corrected (I think). After the initial opening of the Chakras, you should work on the chakras starting on the Base, and all the way up to the Crown.

I made a post a while ago, that you can use SATANAS, letter by letter in the chakras, where you vibrate S in the Base, A in the sacral, and all the way up to the Crown. I also mentioned this could be vibrated down again, from the Crown to the Base.

I copied the Raum meditation when Maxine gave us the SATANAS, as I immediately noticed the 7 letters, each for one chakra.
The Alchemist7 said:

It is written in the JoS that you can vibrate on your Chakras starting on the Crown and down to your Base, if they are closed/blocked:


The post I made a while ago, maybe you saw it:
To anyone who wants to use SATANAS in the Chakras

S in the Base Chakra.
A in the Sacral Chakra.
T in the Solar Chakra.
A in the Hearth Chakra.
N in the Throat Chakra.
A in the Sixth Chakra.
S in the Crown Chakra.

This generates a lot of energy, and stimulates the Kundalini. I have also used all of the letters in the Third Eye, Pineal Gland and Sixth Chakra, as well as all of the other Chakras. It works well.
Darkpagan666 said:
It is written in the JoS that you can vibrate on your Chakras starting on the Crown and down to your Base, if they are closed/blocked:
Meditating from crown to base definitely has effect nonetheless but probably meditating from base to crown is the more correct and powerful way of doing it, also since it requires the chakras to be already open.

Darkpagan666 said:
The post I made a while ago, maybe you saw it:
Did you copy the link correctly? It says the topic does not exist.
The Alchemist7 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
It is written in the JoS that you can vibrate on your Chakras starting on the Crown and down to your Base, if they are closed/blocked:
Meditating from crown to base definitely has effect nonetheless but probably meditating from base to crown is the more correct and powerful way of doing it, also since it requires the chakras to be already open.

Darkpagan666 said:
The post I made a while ago, maybe you saw it:
Did you copy the link correctly? It says the topic does not exist.

I meditated from the Crown down to the Base for a few weeks a couple of years ago, before I changed it to the Base and up to the Crown. It had positive effects. But now I am focusing solely from the Base and up to the Crown, unless I do the Raum meditation, or any other meditation that strictly tells me to do otherwise.

Sorry, my phone didn't copy the entire link :roll: Here you go:
The Alchemist7 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381867 time=1660734651 user_id=57]
Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Does that only apply only to the Satanas meditation or generally to any meditation on the chakras? I always thought on chakra meditations the vibrations start from the crown down. Either I read this somehwere and I don't remember where, either I had this sensation due to the fact that on the 6 months spiritual program the chakras had to be opened from the crown down. I think the only difference was the sixth chakra which was opened last, after the base chakra.

Base up, unless chakras are closed. HPS Maxine has written on the JoS after your chakras are opened you can go from base up. I have tried from crown down, and it was not as effective for me, but some other long-term members have written that it works best for them. Try it either way and see how it goes for you.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382248 time=1660916130 user_id=57]
The Alchemist7 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381867 time=1660734651 user_id=57]
Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Does that only apply only to the Satanas meditation or generally to any meditation on the chakras? I always thought on chakra meditations the vibrations start from the crown down. Either I read this somehwere and I don't remember where, either I had this sensation due to the fact that on the 6 months spiritual program the chakras had to be opened from the crown down. I think the only difference was the sixth chakra which was opened last, after the base chakra.

Base up, unless chakras are closed. HPS Maxine has written on the JoS after your chakras are opened you can go from base up. I have tried from crown down, and it was not as effective for me, but some other long-term members have written that it works best for them. Try it either way and see how it goes for you.

Hey Lydia, I noticed that when I do the deep cleaning you gave us with the ball of light extracting dirt from each chakra, it for some reason feels easier to do this from the back...I am not sure why. Would this mean anything in particular?
Shadowcat said:
Hey Lydia, I noticed that when I do the deep cleaning you gave us with the ball of light extracting dirt from each chakra, it for some reason feels easier to do this from the back...I am not sure why. Would this mean anything in particular?

Perhaps your back extension chakras are more unblocked than your front extensions. That's only a theory though, I honestly don't know.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382879 time=1661163565 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Hey Lydia, I noticed that when I do the deep cleaning you gave us with the ball of light extracting dirt from each chakra, it for some reason feels easier to do this from the back...I am not sure why. Would this mean anything in particular?

Perhaps your back extension chakras are more unblocked than your front extensions. That's only a theory though, I honestly don't know.

Thank you. This is a theory I had as well. I will focus more on the frpntt
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382925 time=1661179400 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Thank you. This is a theory I had as well. I will focus more on the frpntt

When someone writes normal sentences with correct spelling and grammar, and then ends with a mess :lol:

Im so sorry LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: I was on my phone and was half awake I didn't realize it.

*will focus more on the front :p
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382248 time=1660916130 user_id=57]
The Alchemist7 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381867 time=1660734651 user_id=57]
Base up, not crown down. I've been doing this near-daily ever since it was first posted. Our energy is from the kundalini, from the lower chakras and powers up the higher chakras.
Does that only apply only to the Satanas meditation or generally to any meditation on the chakras? I always thought on chakra meditations the vibrations start from the crown down. Either I read this somehwere and I don't remember where, either I had this sensation due to the fact that on the 6 months spiritual program the chakras had to be opened from the crown down. I think the only difference was the sixth chakra which was opened last, after the base chakra.

Base up, unless chakras are closed. HPS Maxine has written on the JoS after your chakras are opened you can go from base up. I have tried from crown down, and it was not as effective for me, but some other long-term members have written that it works best for them. Try it either way and see how it goes for you.

Could you link the page where she said this, Guardian Sister? I also vaguely remember such a statement but can't place my finger on where.

Also, most of the "advanced" cleaning instructions, for example, are top-down. So I am going to assume you advocate for the bottom-up approach only regarding chakra meditation, and after the initial openings are done.

Shadowcat said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382925 time=1661179400 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Thank you. This is a theory I had as well. I will focus more on the frpntt

When someone writes normal sentences with correct spelling and grammar, and then ends with a mess :lol:

Im so sorry LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: I was on my phone and was half awake I didn't realize it.

*will focus more on the front :p

I laughed at this way more than I should have. :lol: Bless your soul, Sister.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382248 time=1660916130 user_id=57]
Base up, unless chakras are closed. HPS Maxine has written on the JoS after your chakras are opened you can go from base up. I have tried from crown down, and it was not as effective for me, but some other long-term members have written that it works best for them. Try it either way and see how it goes for you.

Could you link the page where she said this, Guardian Sister? I also vaguely remember such a statement but can't place my finger on where.

Also, most of the "advanced" cleaning instructions, for example, are top-down. So I am going to assume you advocate for the bottom-up approach only regarding chakra meditation, and after the initial openings are done.

I don't remember where it was, but this was often discussed int the yahoo groups back then as well.

I've done cleaning from bottom-up as well, either way works for me.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=392670 time=1665226084 user_id=57]
OuroborphicMystery said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382248 time=1660916130 user_id=57]
Base up, unless chakras are closed. HPS Maxine has written on the JoS after your chakras are opened you can go from base up. I have tried from crown down, and it was not as effective for me, but some other long-term members have written that it works best for them. Try it either way and see how it goes for you.

Could you link the page where she said this, Guardian Sister? I also vaguely remember such a statement but can't place my finger on where.

Also, most of the "advanced" cleaning instructions, for example, are top-down. So I am going to assume you advocate for the bottom-up approach only regarding chakra meditation, and after the initial openings are done.

I don't remember where it was, but this was often discussed int the yahoo groups back then as well.

I've done cleaning from bottom-up as well, either way works for me.

Intuitively, I see it as more appropriate to clean from the top-down as even though we use our feet to draw energy up; regarding dirt, it kind of feels like it should be the other way around. For some reason, the thought of moving all the dirt to my Crown even just to expel it through there doesn't sit right with me. I'm always open to experiment new things safely though, especially on input of much more advanced members. That and, it's not really unsafe to clean one way or the other, the worst that could happen is less efficiency, I imagine.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=392670 time=1665226084 user_id=57]
OuroborphicMystery said:
Could you link the page where she said this, Guardian Sister? I also vaguely remember such a statement but can't place my finger on where.

Also, most of the "advanced" cleaning instructions, for example, are top-down. So I am going to assume you advocate for the bottom-up approach only regarding chakra meditation, and after the initial openings are done.

I don't remember where it was, but this was often discussed int the yahoo groups back then as well.

I've done cleaning from bottom-up as well, either way works for me.

Intuitively, I see it as more appropriate to clean from the top-down as even though we use our feet to draw energy up; regarding dirt, it kind of feels like it should be the other way around. For some reason, the thought of moving all the dirt to my Crown even just to expel it through there doesn't sit right with me. I'm always open to experiment new things safely though, especially on input of much more advanced members. That and, it's not really unsafe to clean one way or the other, the worst that could happen is less efficiency, I imagine.

The reason it is written that when doing cleaning or soul freeing on the chakras, that it should be done top to bottom, is because if you do it bottom to top you might risk your kundalini prematurely awakening, and the hitting a blocked chakra and then cause problems and issues for you.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=392670 time=1665226084 user_id=57]

I don't remember where it was, but this was often discussed int the yahoo groups back then as well.

I've done cleaning from bottom-up as well, either way works for me.

Intuitively, I see it as more appropriate to clean from the top-down as even though we use our feet to draw energy up; regarding dirt, it kind of feels like it should be the other way around. For some reason, the thought of moving all the dirt to my Crown even just to expel it through there doesn't sit right with me. I'm always open to experiment new things safely though, especially on input of much more advanced members. That and, it's not really unsafe to clean one way or the other, the worst that could happen is less efficiency, I imagine.

The reason it is written that when doing cleaning or soul freeing on the chakras, that it should be done top to bottom, is because if you do it bottom to top you might risk your kundalini prematurely awakening, and the hitting a blocked chakra and then cause problems and issues for you.

I am aware, Brother. I'm mostly curious on which way everybody does their cleaning though.
Darkpagan666 said:
To anyone who wants to use SATANAS in the Chakras

S in the Base Chakra.
A in the Sacral Chakra.
T in the Solar Chakra.
A in the Hearth Chakra.
N in the Throat Chakra.
A in the Sixth Chakra.
S in the Crown Chakra.

This generates a lot of energy, and stimulates the Kundalini. I have also used all of the letters in the Third Eye, Pineal Gland and Sixth Chakra, as well as all of the other Chakras. It works well.

How many reps do you think is adequate for a beginner? I have done some LAUM, VAUM AUM etc. But not for too long.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Darkpagan666 said:
To anyone who wants to use SATANAS in the Chakras

S in the Base Chakra.
A in the Sacral Chakra.
T in the Solar Chakra.
A in the Hearth Chakra.
N in the Throat Chakra.
A in the Sixth Chakra.
S in the Crown Chakra.

This generates a lot of energy, and stimulates the Kundalini. I have also used all of the letters in the Third Eye, Pineal Gland and Sixth Chakra, as well as all of the other Chakras. It works well.

How many reps do you think is adequate for a beginner? I have done some LAUM, VAUM AUM etc. But not for too long.

Apologies for the delayed response; I've been quite occupied recently. If you are new and are not used to high amounts of energy, then I recommend to start low and gradually increase the repetitions as you acclimate and become capable of managing higher energy levels. Initially, aim for 3-5 sessions daily. This method is mainly an additional aid in enhancing your bio-electricity and has other beneficial effects. When this is practiced daily, the meditations will accumulate the energies day by day, increasing the life force.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Bro can I email you? I want to ask some things.

Yes, I've e-mailed you. I'd like to mention that I'm quite occupied preparing for exams these days (I have 4 exams scheduled over the next three weeks). Therefore, there might be some delays in responding to messages.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
